1 minute read

membership program


In one organizaAon with 37k+ members, the enAAes started to perceive that the processes in place itself weren't able to manage all the needs coming from membership. The people strategy was uncertain and its sustainability for next years was not clear. The problem in people was clear and the processes were not correlated with the organizaAonal metrics - which started to create a lot of quesAons everywhere about its efficiency.



With the membership experience design the need of changing systems, processes and adapAng plaTorms for our members became very clear. Membership as a Product came, then, not only the porTolio change but also evolve HR in all different levels possible, from the membership value proposiAon unAl the last feature development plaTorm needed. As a result of the program, three features are already being developed with deployment dates for first quarter of 2021 and there's a projects roadmap for the next 5 years to ensure the implementaAon, change management and consistency of the strategy itself.

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