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global leadership day

The Global Leadership Day is a new ini6a6ve by AIESEC that brings together youth worldwide with thought leaders in a 100% virtual conference running for 24h straight and streaming from 4 different 6mezones for 6 hours each, including keynote talks, workshops and panel discussions.


A challenge turned into an opportunity

The event idea was born from the context of AIESEC’s pausing its core opera6ons (cross-cultural youth exchanges) in the light of the restric6ons and risks associated with mobility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The challenge? Help develop youth leadership when physical gatherings and travel is highly restricted worldwide.

The opportunity? Make use of technology as an ally to take it online.

On the 12th-13th of June 2020, AIESEC hosted the first edi6on of Global Leadership Day – a marathonconference on youth leadership, streaming for 24h straight from four 6me zones and an audience of thousands across the globe.

The conference aimed to engage youth around leadership in an online seang that is accessible and free for anyone that can tune in on social media. The result? More than 80,000 virtual par6cipants across all social media plaoorms on which the conference streamed live.

These young people were met by some 50+ speakers and guests, from CEOs of large corpora6ons in the private sector to country ministers from New Zealand and The Arab Republic of Egypt, and from social entrepreneurs to social media influencers talking about youth leadership, the future of work to entrepreneurship, sustainability and diversity and inclusion and more.

GLD 2021, the 2nd ediLon on the horizon

With average par6cipant feedback of 8.6/10 and almost 90% of aEendees answering affirma6vely to the ques6on “Would you par6cipate in another edi6on of the Global Leadership Day?” – the conference would return for its second edi6on on April 16th, 2021.

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