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our global information system
AIESEC’s current digital ecosystem of our Global Informa6on System (GIS) consists of three applica6ons:
YOP youth opportunities portal
Our youth-customer plaoorm enables young people to sign-up and find their life-changing exchange experiences on their own. YOP is hosted on aiesec.org.
POP partners opportunities portal
Our organiza6on-customer plaoorm showcases the talent we provide to our partners and enables them to tailor their job opportuni6es live on the plaoorm. Our partners range from mul6na6onal corpora6ons to nonprofit organiza6ons. POP is hosted on partners.aiesec.org.
EXPA our internal platform
Our membership plaoorm supports the facilita6on of exchange experiences between young people and organiza6ons.
It's complete, but it's never complete...
We've started our journey as a tech & plaoorms team of AIESEC Interna6onal in July 2019 seang our sight at 3 main things to achieve:
1. Make system more stable and simple, so that our users trust it more
2. Op6mize the customer facing plaoorms to facilitate growth for the organiza6on
3. Work on op6mizing and improving the way we u6lize our capacity & resources