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building stable, trustworthy platforms
We've decided to dedicate large part of our resources to improving and stabilizing the plaoorms. Working together with our cloud service provider AWS and development vendor Commutatus, over the past year and half we were able to:
- Improve overall index of the API performance by 50% (November'19- November' 20)
- Reduce the average 6me that system takes to respond to a request by 66% (November'19November' 20)
- Reduce the number of reported bugs per month 38% (November'19- November' 20)
In order to be able to achieve that, some of the key projects and ac6vi6es that have marked our year are:
1. We have completed full QA of all of the features inside of EXPA
2. We have invested significant resources into improving our technological infrastructure
3. We have kept constant focus on performance improvements on both front end and back end of all of the applica6ons
4. We have created complete documenta6on and educa6on materials for the GIS and all it's core parts