1 minute read

supporting organizational strategy and growth

While external circumstances have been challenging us to re-think and re-imagine what this actually means, we have kept our focus on suppor6ng organiza6onal strategy & growth.

We have developed a large number of features with this objec6ve in mind:


1. We have released v4 of the Youth Opportuni6es Portal, including revamped landing pages, home page, opportuni6es and the selec6on flow

2. We have revamped the way search func6ons work inside of Youth Opportuni6es Portal and started building out structure to start implemen6ng Recommenda6on System and Machine learning inside of it

3. We've been able to launch new programs Global Teacher and revamped Global Talent inside of the whole ecosystem

4. We have developed technological infrastructure for pilo6ng partly remote internship program

5. We have build and released following features inside of our membership portal (EXPA) to support decision making and strategy implementa6on: People Analy6cs, Sales CRM, Data Democra6za6on

Maximizing Our Resources And Capacity

In the year which have challenged the whole organiza6on to review the way we are reviewing and maximizing our resources, our key focus was on op6mizing our cloud infrastructure costs and the way we track and manage development vendor.

On that path we have:

1. Revamped the contract structure with the development vendor

2. Established performance management system for evalua6ng the service delivered by the development vendor

3. Empowered the role of Global In House Development team, that have released their fi rst product, mobile version of EXPA (m.expa.aiesec.org)

4. Decreased server costs by 31% while maintaining system performance (*affected also by the traffic decrease due to the opera6ons hault)

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