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our conferences in 19.20
Every year, AIESEC organizes global and regional conferences that aim to develop pracLcal skills and leadership qualiLes in our members.
We provide training based on our unique leadership development model, which includes the leadership quali6es, as explained in the “AIESEC Essence” sec6on.
Moreover, AIESEC’s global conferences are a plaoorm for members to contribute to the global strategy of the organiza6on and to connect with like minded individuals from around the world. We have spaces both with our membership for global decision-making and with our global partners and like-minded organiza6ons to learn from their perspec6ve and exper6se.
Each year, the global and regional conferences are held in different countries and territories, which enriches the interna6onal and mul6cultural experience for all stakeholders.
From September 2019 un6l December 2020, AIESEC had the following conferences: