Waves 1.0

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Introduction China





Timeline 1. Introduction

2. Who are we? ďƒ Project Wavez 1.0 3. Coastal ecosystems in Sri Lanka 4. Coastal Erosion 5. Pollution of coastal ecosystems and related problems 6. What can you do?

7. Quiz

Who are we? ď Ź


offer young people a chance to discover their leadership potential and future success

ď Ź

Classic Travel:

Initiative: promotes research, education and conservation in view of the future availibility of coastal resources

Project Wavez 1.0

School session

What is an ECOSYSTEM? An ecosystem includes all of the living things (plants, animals and organisms) in a given area, interacting with each other, and also with their non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere).


Mangroves 6000-7000 ha in the Sri Lankan coastline.

Over 20 species of mangroves grow in SL

“Nursery� for young fish, plants and birds.

Protection of beaches & coastal communities.

Salt Marshes

Sand Dunes and Beaches

Protect inland areas from wรกter intrusion acting as a barrier to winds and waves.

Mud Flats

Provide feeding and resting place for a variety of birds and fish.

Sea Grass Beds

Increase water clarity and quality

Provides shelter to animals

Reduces wave and storm damage on shores and seafloors

Lagoons and Estuaries Puttalam estuary alone houses 69 species of finfish.

Sustain important fishery industries

Support livlihood of approx. ½ million Sri Lankans

Coral Reefs

Coastal erosion

Beaches in danger!

Beaches in danger! Blows sand away wind



Human interference

Takes sand away during backwarts movement Accelarate climate change

Constructing too close to the coast

What can we do? mangroves

Roots keep the sand in place

Less sand gets taken away by waves

Seawalls and coral reefs

Weakens waves

Less sand gets taken away

Stop climate change

Stops rise of sea water

Erosion slows down

Mangrove examples

Seawall examples

Beach pollution

Beach pollution - Dirty beaches all over Sri Lanka

- Without private interest, no one feels responsible - Harmful for humans, animals and Sri Lanka itself

Mount Lavinia Beach, Colombo

Harmful for humans - Toxic substances from batteries etc. can be spilled - Glass can cut into someone´s foot and get infected

- Bacteria can thrive in organic waste

Harmful for animals - Fish, turtles ďƒ can get caught in plastic bags

- Can mistake plastic for food - 9% of all fish have plastic inside them

Harmful for Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka heavily relies on tourism - Over 50% of GDP ďƒ tourism - Ugly, dirty beaches are bad advertisement

Harmful for Sri Lanka - Trash damages coral reefs and mangroves

- Reduces amount of fish close to coast - Affects tourism and small fisheries

Beach pollution affects tourism in Sri Lanka




The gift of the nature


Real data

geographical location Sri Lanka is a country which surrounded by the sea.There was also an airport and some harbors. So it's convenient for people travel here by air or ship.

In recent years,the number of tourists grows in tandem with the economy.

Real data of how many people come to Sri Lanka for travel in recent years

Most visitors were from the following countries in 2016

From this picture we can see the growth of national economy. Tourism became the backbone of the economy and helped securing the growth.

We can see beautiful beaches everywhere,but there also some ugly parts that we can't ignore The following pictures show the contrast between clean and dirty beaches




Beach Conservation Awareness BRACELETS

Beach Conservation Awareness T- SHIRTS



No plastic bags for shopping → use cotton bags

Reuse your bottle → Use glas bottles

Motivate yourself and others

Spread the word! Speak with your family and your friends.

→ Explain the importance of clean beaches and a clean environment 

Fight for yourself and for future generations for a better and healthier life

Take care of turtles and sea animals

Use the bins at the beach


Come up with your own IDEAS!

UNITE people

for the CAUSE, start a



Be part of the change!

Quiz How can we as humans diminish the effect of erosion on our beaches? Answers: - Mangroves - seawalls

- coral reefs - stop the rising sea level

Quiz Question: Why should you stand up for beaches?

Answer: - Tourism - Marine wildlife - Healthy fish resources

Quiz What can I do to save the beaches?

Answers: - Use less plastic - Always take care of my rubbish - Spread the word (create your own project)

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