Global Leader Recruitment
AIESEC Northwestern... invites you to join our family
AIESEC Northwestern is...
Globally Engaged Supporting Venezuela Winter 2014 Socially Active Regional Conference Winter 2014
Celebrating Tradition Painting the Rock Winter 2014 Striving for Excellence Winter National Conference 2013-2014 Breakthrough Entity Award, AIESEC US
AIESEC Basics AIESEC Northwestern is just one chapter out of hundreds all over the world. We are part of the largest student-run organization in the world, present in over 120 countries and consisting of over 86,000 members. You’ve probably heard of AIESEC as an organization on campus that sends students abroad on internships. Or maybe you know us as the host of Global Village, Northwestern’s largest multicultural event. However, those are just a couple of our many programs and projects. As an AIESEC member, you have the opportunity to do so much more. Here are just some of the experiences you’ll have as an AIESEC member: - Expand your network and make friends from all over the world - Develop professional skills like sales, marketing, public speaking, etc. - Learn valuable, transferable skills - Become a risk-taking, entrepreneurial leader - Gain cultural awareness - Have a supportive group of people to encourage your personal growth And best of all, you will be able to do all of this while making a lasting impact on the world. AIESEC can give you a college experience like no other. That is why we encourage you to hop on board and join us for the ride of your life. -Stacy Kim Vice President of Talent Management
So what are you waiting for? Apply Now Application Deadline: April 18, 2014 at 11:59pm