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Dear AIESEC in UNHAS Members. A very warm welcome to AIESEC in UNHAS members. We value that you have chosen AIESEC as the place for you to develop yourself. It is our pleasure from us, Executive Board 2020 also known as Celebes 2020 to run the organization along with the unexceptional members that are full of talents and commitment. Celebes 2020 will do our utmost to ensure that your overall experience with AIESEC is the most comfortable one yet for the current members and also our customers. Your personal satisfaction with AIESEC in UNHAS is our foremost priority. Let us strive to give more impact to Makassar and its surrounding areas to achieve Indonesia is a home. As the anchor generation of AIESEC 2020, let’s end this year in a good note. Keep up to date with our latest update of AIESEC in UNHAS, we look forward for your engagement with AIESEC in the near future. Kindest Regards, Reinando Adipradana

Handover Phinisi19 to Celebes20

Handover is an event where the current EB transfer its responsibility and all aspects of AIESEC in UNHAS to the elected EB. Current Executive Board give their final report on their achievements and failures during their term, while the elected Executive Board introduce theirselves. Current Executive Board give their last speeches and advices for the elected Executive Board on what they should improve on the next term, meanwhile the elected Executive Board give their hopes and goals for the next term. Handover also becomes the space for members who wants to become alumni to say their last goodbyes. Thought it seems like a sad day, we had a lot of fun by playing games and did roll dance. I would describe the day as bitter and sweet.

Incoming Preparation Seminar IPS adalah kependekan dari Incoming Preparation Seminar yang kegiatannya adalah memberi gambaran besar tentang bagaimana Indonesia kepada EPs termasuk culture, mata uang yang digunakan dan bahasa, dan dilaksanakan sehari sebelum EP menjalankan projectnya. Dalam IPS juga EP diberi materi tentang XPP, BRIM Session dan AIESEC Knowledge. Tema IPS yang dilakukan kemarin adalah Valentine. EP yang hadir ada 2 orang dan masing masing berasal dari Nepal dan Jerman. Dalam IPS kali ini EP diharap bisa mengerti dan semua session yang di paparkan bisa berguna untuk kelancaran project EP.

Info booth is an information desk that you can organize in the university (also other places) and attract people to talk with us through different methods. Information booths are very important channels of offline promotion, because you have the opportunity to talk directly to our potential customers and understand better what they need.


Outgoing Global Volunteer Team (oGV) This department focuses on sending the students throughout the world.

Outgoing Global Talent Team (oGT) This department focuses on sending the students throughout the world. There are several different programmes within their focus, including Global Teach, Global Talent and Global Entrepreneurs.

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

Steve Jobs -

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