AIESEC Uzhhorod this Winter you can more
Social projects in Uzhgorod - Language School Winter - Children Path Winter - World Without Borders| Schools
AIESEC Uzhhorod Language School Winter 2015
What is that? AIESEC Language School - is an annual educational project of AIESEC, aimed to improve the knowledge of foreign languages, cultural youth development and expansion of world. Language School ‘14 is created for young and innovative professionals who want to develop and improve their language skills. For six weeks foreign trainees will not only impart knowledge, but to talk about the culture of their country
Your responsibilities • Communication with youngsters (students) and children to improve their knowledge of English(German, Spanish, Chinese, French, Slovak etc.) • To run the trainings on the cultural sharing, prepare presentations on topics for Discussion Clubs and show their country through presenting national traditions, history, food, national clothes, etc. • To organize extra facilities with other interns with youngsters: games of different kind, competitions, Global Villages, sport activities etc. according to the time-table.
AIESEC Uzhhorod
Children Path Winter
What is that? This project is based on work with orphans at the local Orphanages and foster houses. The goal of the project is to give some love and care to children,bring them joy and happiness and also some material help (cloth,food) donated by local communities. The project is aimed to show children that they are not alone and all the world cares about them.
Your responsibilities • During the project orphans will have a special programme organized by interns: games, concerts, presentations, masterclasses ,basic English classes and excursions. • To organize extra facilities with other interns with youngsters: games of different kind, competitions, Global Villages, sport activities etc. according to the time-table.
AIESEC Uzhhorod World Without Borders| Schools Winter 2015
What is that WWB|Schools is an annual national project of AIESEC in Ukraine. The concept of the project is cultural sharing and professional orientation.The goal of the project is to give Ukrainian high school students understanding of their future and help them to choose the future professional.Project is aimed to show students a long range of possible professions and hold a variety of workshops and trainings to find out their skills and what they are good at. At the end of the project students will have an apportunity to attend an open festival of opportunities where all universities and educational institutions will present their programs and talk about themselves.
Your Responsibility Organize project presentations and trainings due to the program of the project. Moderate discussions. Give feedbacks. Sum up their work during the project. Make relevant conclusion. Use interactive methods of teaching and trainings’ delivery in order to help pupils to improve soft skills, language skills, communication skills to identify their own potential, presentation skills. Be prepared for Global Village Festival (national flag, clothes, music, dances, food, etc.). Take part in school activities, LC activities, integration events, be involved into LC work - facilitation, education, PBoX preparation, recruitment, OGX activities, others. Cooperation and communication: a) with co-trainer (intern), give him/her feedback after each session delivered together; b) with your coach (English teacher), approach her with all the questions.
You will be given
(Language School Winter , Children Path Winter, World Without Borders|Schools) Accommodation or a host family provided; Food 1 time per working day provided; You will have an opportunity to take part in life of our LC. After your internship you will have 2 weeks for travelling around the country or you can visit 4 bordering countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland
AIESEC Uzhhorod is waiting for YOU!