2019 Private Healthcare Awards Packages

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Private Healthcare Awards 2019



Editor’s Choice Package - £3,995 •

Private Healthcare Awards 2018

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Main front cover image and headline on the celebratory magazine 4 Full pages of editorial at the front end of the magazine Article frame - a celebration of your magazine inclusion surrounded by a sophisticated frame in a double layered mounting 2 Crystal trophies 2 Slate troiphies 12-month clickable web banner advert in a prime position on the GHP website Bespoke digital e-brochure – typically 8 pages and ideal for sending to clients 50 printed copies of your brochure Personalised digital logo

Bespoke digital certificate

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• • • •

TubeEvac Best Surgical Drain Product: TubeEvac & Award for Excellence

Fitzwilliam Hospita l





this because I was confused after listening to nurses talk about milking the tubes.

Global Healthy Living

TubeEvac was initially created to support Vance’s late wife, drawing on their personal experiences to create a solution that meets the patient’s needs, as he highlights.

“Today, our clients are the hospitals and surgical centers where these surgeries are performed. The TubeEvac device users start as nurses in the recovery room, floor nurses, emergency department staff and nurse navigators who work directly with patients to teach them the proper ways to care for surgical tubes when they go home. At one major hospital TubeEvac devices are kept in the top drawer of each recovery room. If a patient comes out of surgery with tubes then they are given a TubeEvac device for clearing their surgical tubes. They are first shown how to use it in recovery and they are shown again how to use it when back in their room. The nurse is no longer responsible for milking the patient’s surgical tubes. Patients clear their own tubes and are much happier knowing they can clear them when they go home.”

“Initially, we invented the TubeEvac device for my late wife who underwent breast cancer surgeries, breast reconstruction, and removal of breast implants. Clearing surgical tubes is a common procedure in wound care, and it often comes as second-nature to clinicians. But it can still be time-consuming and complicated. So you can imagine how daunting and difficult it is for friends or family members who have never done such a thing, and are responsible for a loved one’s after-surgery care. Both Linda and I loved helping people and that was why the TubeEvac device was invented. Unfortunately, Linda’squality cancer health care. came back and she died in 2014.

In addition to supporting the patients that use the solution, the TubeEvac also creates an efficient healthcare environment, as Vance explains.

the clot out. They did not have a Tube-Evac device. A survey done in May 2017 pointed out that 78% of nurses say their patients hate tubes and milking them more than anything else related to the surgery. As such, we are keen to help hospitals and care-givers to assist patients with overcoming their fears and give them some control over their treatment.”

“The techniques currently used can cause the tubing to stretch and, in some cases, to double in length. As the tube becomes longer the time required to clear it extends as well. A patient experiencing breast surgery, especially for cancer, can be so overwhelmed with accepting the diagnosis and all of the surgical outcomes and healing, that drain care is an awkward and confusing task for the patient and caregiver try to do correctly. Patients and their caregivers don’t want to hurt the patient, don’t want to pull out the drain from the body, don’t want to leave anything in the tube that can cause infection, etc. They are often times left with a feeling of inadequacy. The TubeEvac device eliminates all that. It puts constant pressure on the tubing so the tube is not stretched but such that most of the fluid is pushed into the collection bulb. You cannot put too much pressure on the tubes or you can rip them – especially the smaller tubes. We have been told of instances where the tubes were torn in two by too much pressure being placed on them while trying to strip the tube.”

“Alongside supporting the patient themselves, the TubeEvac device makes the entire hospital floor operate more efficiently thus saving the hospital dollars. In effect, the TubeEvac device more than pays for itself. We do not know of any instance where “Uniquely, although there are the TubeEvac device did not over 70 patented devices for clear the surgical drain of clots clearing surgical tubes, the and fibrinous tissue. However, TubeEvac device is the only we know of an instance in North device that actually works and is Carolina where the nurses were available for sale. The current unable to clear a surgical drain of method used by healthcare clots and fibronous tissue. One professionals to move the of them went to get a TubeEvac contents in the tubing down device they were testing. The to the collection bulb is by nurses were amazed at how the squeezing the tube between Tube-Evac device pushed the the thumb and forefinger, pen, clots and fibrinous tissue into the scissors, lotion, alcohol swabs, bulb when rolled down the tube. etc. There is no standardized In another instance a patient in method for clearing surgical Tennessee had to go back in tubes. Even in the same hospital for another surgery to replace a different nurses teach patients surgical tube that became clotted different techniques. The patient and the nurses could not get is then very confused. I know countless hours researching how the Affordable Care Act Ultimately, “A Patient’s Guide and educating myself about my provided important protections to Healthcare: 2018 Edition” illness while trying nearly every to patients, such as revoking the was written for chronic disease prescription medication as it ability of insurance companies patients and the people who care became available, in the hopes to cancel coverage (rescission) about them by a team of GHLF of alleviating symptoms and without notice, the guide spells writers with input from members preventing further joint damage.” out how different types of private, of GHLF’s 50-State Network. Ms. Arnsdorff is a Georgia-based public and combination health The 50-State Network is a volunteer patient advocate for insurance options work and how grassroots advocacy component GHLF’s 50-State Network. patients can navigate inevitable of GHLF, comprised of chronic paperwork, claim denials and disease patients who proactively “What I’ve learned is that I’m my appeals. connect with State and Federal best advocate. By necessity, I’ve health policy stakeholders to become adept at understanding “Frustration is the word I share their perspective and my insurance coverage and hear most often used when influence change in all 50 fighting for the treatments people describe navigating states and Puerto Rico. The prescribed by my doctor. But our healthcare system,” said 50-State Network mobilizes beyond that, it’s important for me Mr. Ginsberg. “It’s our belief patients to voice their concerns to speak up about the impact of that insurance companies about access to treatment, RA so that insurance companies deliberately make their protocols quality of care, and the need to and the legislators who write our complex and time consuming prioritize the physician-patient laws understand this invisible in the hopes that patients, relationship by providing public disease.” physicians, and the practice and personalized opportunities to administrators responsible for advocate for the chronic disease “A Patient’s Guide to Healthcare: securing approvals give up. With community. 2018 Edition” commences with this publication, we are providing a declarative Patient Charter, chronic disease patients with the which details the guiding education and tools they need principles underscoring GHLF’s to advocate for themselves and perspective that patients should our community. Every patient be the driver of healthcare deserves to be treated as an decisions that are not limited individual and receive the best by external factors (financial or possible care at an affordable otherwise). Beyond spelling out cost.”

Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Health Insurance Global Healthy Living Foundation has announced the inaugural publication of “A Patient’s Guide to Healthcare: 2018 Edition.” The new publication defines commonly used terminology, explains how to get the most from insurance coverage (across all types of insurance), and empowers patients to advocate for themselves and the chronic disease community.

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“In the United States, affording and accessing healthcare can be challenging, particularly for chronic disease patients who benefit from working with specialists and utilizing complex, often expensive, medications to manage their illness over a 2018 Private Healthcare Awards lifetime,” said Seth Ginsberg, president and co-founder of the Global Healthy Living Foundation and chronic disease patient. Another patient, Cynthia Arnsdorff, said, “I was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 1967 at the age of thirteen. More than fifty years later, I’ve spent

Private Healthcare Awards 2019

6 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

Despite the unique benefits of this innovation, Vance discusses the issues he and his team have encountered having the technology accepted and how they are working to overcome them. “It has become very difficult to have the TubeEvac device accepted by hospitals, who are most often a part of a larger health system. In most cases, the individual hospitals cannot purchase it unless it accepted by the system. Many times, those decisions are made based on a person who feels that a $5 part is too expensive even though it has been shown time and again to save a hospital overall costs. Physician medical groups associated with hospitals are generally required to purchase only the products that the hospitals have approved. Recently, we have found that to be able to add the TubeEvac device to a hospital’s materials inventory, each department that may be able to use it must have an in-service demonstration and an opportunity to test the product in the clinical setting before giving their stamp of approval. A current hospital has been testing the TubeEvac device for 11 months, with no negative feedback.”

“Looking to the future, we look forward to exploring different types of tubing that could be cleared with the TubeEvac device either in its current or modified form. We are also pursuing different kinds of techniques for clearing other types of tubes.

“Overall, the healthcare market is going to get more and more expensive. There are functions which will be eliminated while others will expand. It is going to be difficult to get reasonable treatment in the future as expenses grow and resources diminish, but at TubeEvac we hope to be able to provide patients with the help they need.”

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Moving forward, Vance is excited by what the future has in store for his firm, as he is proud to conclude.

Company Name GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards 5

2019 Private Healthcare Awards

GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards 7

Award Title

Private Healthcare Awards 2019


 Private Healthcare Awards 2019

This is to certify that:

Best Sports Injury Therapy Specialists - North West England

Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic their upper limbs and is led by leading specialist Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeons Chris Peach and Barnes Morgan. We caught up with Chris to find out more. The Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic provides the very highest standards of care and treatment for sports injuries, arthritis and painful bone and joint conditions. Chris tells us more about the clinic and the services it offers.

Have Been Named:

Award Title

“Here at the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, we treat professional sporting athletes ranging from Premier League professional football and rugby players to Olympic athletes

but also treat a vast number of amateur athletes with sporting injuries. The sporting population who are treated at our clinic receive treatment for shoulder and elbow injuries, for example fractures, dislocation and ligament injuries, as well as sporting overuse injuries such as muscle and tendon damage. We also specialise in degenerative conditions affecting the entire upper limb. We are leading specialists in the treatment of arthritic conditions of the upper limb with shoulder or elbow replacements as well as

Barnes Morgan

Chris Peach

providing patients with the cutting edge arthroscopic (keyhole surgery) treatments to enable rapid recovery from surgical treatment and return to normal activities, free of pain.” Overall, the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic is built around the ethos of perpetual developments and building on previous achievements. This is presently reflected in the research projects it is undertaking, but also in examining techniques to incorporate modern materials

to address previously insurmountable surgical challenges, with particular reference to the irreparable rotator cuff tendons. Moving forward, the clinic faces many exciting challenges and developments, as Chris concludes. “Looking to the future, there are a number of upcoming challenges in a rapidly changing market. There are an expanding number of healthcare providers providing care to increasingly educated and informed patients. Our response to this is simple; we will strive to provide the highest quality surgical experience we can. We aim to provide individual patients with care personalised to their unique situation and requirements. We will continue to be as honest and transparent regarding our own practice, results and outcomes as possible. Within this framework, in spite of the changing healthcare market, we will continue to tailor our care specifically to our patients.”

Company: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic Contact: Chris Peach Address: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, Manor Lodge, Mill Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 2NT, UK Phone: 07720 291033 Website: www.shouldersandelbows.co.uk

14 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards


Gold Package - £1,995 •

Supporting front cover headline and headshot on the celebratory magazine

Private Healthcare Awards 2018 TubeEvac Best Surgical Drain Product: TubeEvac & Award for Excellence

2 Full pages of editorial at the front end of the magazine

1 Cystal trophy

1 Slate trophy

6-month clickable web banner advert in a prime position on the GHP website

Personalised digital logo

Bespoke digital certificate

Fitzwilliam Hospita l


Removing Barriers Treatment With Safe in Home Drug and Alcohol Kinkaid Private Care is helping reach more people detox safely from drugs and alcohol in the privacy and comfort of their homes. Kinkaid Private Care is a private healthcare management company that specializes in coordinating safe, at-home medical detox services for individuals with a substance use disorder. Providing in-home detox and withdrawal monitoring, KPC’s highly trained detox team helps manage withdrawal symptoms, providing symptom relief and emotional support in the privacy of the individual’s home. “Kinkaid Private Care provides instant relief for you or your loved one by bringing in a team of highly qualified addiction professionals to treat you privately in the comfort of your home,” states founder Jennifer Bembry, R.N.

medications can minimize the potency of the withdrawal symptoms while reducing drug and alcohol cravings. Holistic therapies provided by the KPC team can further enhance comfort during detox, including IV vitamin therapy, guided meditation, yoga, massage therapy, and acupuncture.

Drawing from both Western and Eastern medicine, the trained detox nurses can manage withdrawal symptoms using various medications. These

KPC coordinates high quality inhome executive detox services in California, Florida, and New York, providing the first important step in recovery to those who

For busy executives desiring a discreet in-home detox, KPC offers the flexibility of being able to engage in work-related activities during the detox process. States Bembry, “Kinkaid Private Care provides immediate relief to business executives suffering with an addiction, allowing them to work from home during treatment with complete discretion.”

are committed to overcoming addiction. Under the supervision of a board-certified physician, a specialist in addiction treatment, the detox nurses are trained to manage detox and withdrawal for a variety of substances, including alcohol, prescription opiates (Oxycodone, Percocet, and Vicodin) heroin, Suboxone, cocaine, benzodiazepines (Ativan, Valium, Xanax), and methamphetamine, ensuring a safe and successful outcome.

Company Name

10 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards 11

2019 Private Healthcare Awards Award Title

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Private Healthcare Awards 2019

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that:

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Silver Package - £995

Private Healthcare Awards 2018 TubeEvac Best Surgical Drain Product: TubeEvac & Award for Excellence

• Front cover logo • 1 Full page of editorial • 1 Crystal trophy • 3-month clickable web banner advert in a prime position on the GHP website • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate

Fitzwilliam Hospita l

r PHA18019

 Best Medical Tourism Facilitator 2018 - Malaysia

George Medical Getaway that is used by individuals, governments, insurances providers, and self-funded employers from to learn more. Established in 2015, GMG connects international health insurances providers, employers, and their members to world-class healthcare in Malaysia. The dedicated and professional team offer award-winning centres of excellence and highly experienced practitioners that provide affordable health

care without sacrificing quality. Benjamin explores the company’s mission and the techniques it employs to achieve this. “Here at GMG, our mission is to be the world’s best global health referral, facilitation, and concierge service that advocates for international medical equality. By combining best of Western

and Eastern practices, GMG has built the foundation of the new global health system.”

Benjamin proudly concludes.

As a family run firm, GMG employs a supportive, family orientated internal culture to ensure that it provides everyone with the very highest standards of support and service.

key strategies at GMG. Firstly, strengthening our International Medical Tourism Program. Secondly, innovating services for medical providers to enhance their reputation with their international patients. Finally, we will be promoting wellness tourism to showcase Malaysia’s health providers globally.

Ultimately, the George family has been serving in healthcare since 1969 providing us unique access to healthcare providers in Malaysia. This allows GMG to provide streamlined, no waiting time health services and has made the firm the largest multidisciplinary, multihospital medical and wellness tourism service provider in Southeast Asia. Moreover, GMG is the only local medical referral, facilitation, and concierge provider in Malaysia and is a Certified Medical Tourism Facilitator by the MTA (USA). Looking ahead, the firm will continue to develop its service offering to ensure continued success for the firm and excellence for clients, as

“Moving forward, in 2018 we will be implementing three

“All of these developments will help drive us towards our long-term goal; being at the forefront of medical tourism as Malaysia’s medical public-private partnerships are fostering the translation of ground-breaking research into innovative medical practices. Currently, we offer access to legal stem cells, IVF/PGD, minimally invasive procedures, alternative medicine, and innovative oncology treatment, and in the future we will aim to build upon this to support our clients and the healthcare industry as a whole.”

Private Healthcare Awards 2019

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Company: George Medical Getaway Contact: Benjamin Philip George Address: 498-1-2 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, 50400, Malaysia Phone: +603-2727-7472 Website: www.georgemedicalgetaway.com Email: b.p.george@georgemedicalgetaway.com

18 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

Your Banner Here

Bronze Package - £595

• 1 Full page of editorial

Company Name

• 1 Crystal trophy • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate

2019 Private Healthcare Awards


Southeast and London Breast Care Limited Southeast and London Breast Care provides a fully comprehensive breast care service, which includes family history, one stop breast clinic, breast cancer genetics, risk reduction surgery and cosmetic surgery, to patients across Kent and London. Quality and speed of service are crucial, and as such the team endeavour to see patients within 24 hours with radiology support and carry out all the investigations in the shortest possible time. Haresh

discusses the range of services that the firm offers in more detail. “Here at Southeast and London Breast Care we offer a wide range of support and surgeries for our clients. For those in need of breast cancer surgery, we take pride in training other surgeons and colleagues in various breast procedures, such as perforator breast flap, extended LD flap and lipomodelling. Whenever possible, we use highly specialised surgical techniques to avoid mastectomy and save

the breast. All of these skills and techniques have become popular, as they not only prevent breast deformity by using volume replacement techniques (i.e. perforator flaps or reduction mammoplasty technique) but also enhance the overall cosmetic appearance after breast cancer surgery, which is our aim. “With regards to cosmetic breast surgery, we specialise in offering breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift routinely. We operate together to reduce

Award Title

the anaesthetic time and take a special pride in revising unsightly painful cosmetic augmentation which have gone harder and improve the cosmetic appearance. We use minimal invasive surgical techniques for patient with gynaecomastia (benign breast swelling in male breasts).” Ultimately, breast cancer management changes every decade because of recent advances in diagnostics (e.g. 3D mammogram also called Tomosynthesis), surgical treatment (perforator breast flap) and adjuvant treatment (advances in chemotherapy). The team at Southeast and London Breast Care aim to deliver this care by a multidisciplinary approach and thus providing a state of art care. This will remain the firm’s ongoing focus as it looks towards an exciting future, and the team will continue to adapt their skills and techniques in both the cosmetic and breast cancer surgery spaces in order to meet the ever evolving needs of their patients.

Company: Southeast and London Breast Care Limited Contact: Haresh Devalia Address: Little Chart, Walden Road, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5DH, UK Phone: 07789 773974 Website: www.breastclinic.com

20 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

Private Healthcare Awards 2019

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that:

Company Name/Logo Have Been Named:

Award Title

Complimentary Package • Inclusion into the online GHP directory • PDF copy of our official press release


Single Elements Crystal Trophies £295 Slate trophy £325

Company Name 2019 Private Healthcare Awards

Personalised wall plaque £295

Award Title

Personalised digital logo £225 Personalised digital certificate £225

Private Healthcare Awards 2019

Full page of editorial £225


Article frame £450 - £750

Company Name/Logo

This is to certify that:

Have Been Named:

Award Title


 Best Sports Injury Therapy Specialists - North West England


Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic their upper limbs and is led by leading specialist Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeons Chris Peach and Barnes Morgan. We caught up with Chris to find out more. The Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic provides the very highest standards of care and treatment for sports injuries, arthritis and painful bone and joint conditions. Chris tells us more about the clinic and the services it offers. “Here at the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, we treat professional sporting athletes ranging from Premier League professional football and rugby players to Olympic athletes

but also treat a vast number of amateur athletes with sporting injuries. The sporting population who are treated at our clinic receive treatment for shoulder and elbow injuries, for example fractures, dislocation and ligament injuries, as well as sporting overuse injuries such as muscle and tendon damage. We also specialise in degenerative conditions affecting the entire upper limb. We are leading specialists in the treatment of arthritic conditions of the upper limb with shoulder or elbow replacements as well as

Barnes Morgan

Chris Peach

providing patients with the cutting edge arthroscopic (keyhole surgery) treatments to enable rapid recovery from surgical treatment and return to normal activities, free of pain.” Overall, the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic is built around the ethos of perpetual developments and building on previous achievements. This is presently reflected in the research projects it is undertaking, but also in examining techniques to incorporate modern materials

to address previously insurmountable surgical challenges, with particular reference to the irreparable rotator cuff tendons. Moving forward, the clinic faces many exciting challenges and developments, as Chris concludes. “Looking to the future, there are a number of upcoming challenges in a rapidly changing market. There are an expanding number of healthcare providers providing care to increasingly educated and informed patients. Our response to this is simple; we will strive to provide the highest quality surgical experience we can. We aim to provide individual patients with care personalised to their unique situation and requirements. We will continue to be as honest and transparent regarding our own practice, results and outcomes as possible. Within this framework, in spite of the changing healthcare market, we will continue to tailor our care specifically to our patients.”

Company: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic Contact: Chris Peach Address: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, Manor Lodge, Mill Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 2NT, UK Phone: 07720 291033 Website: www.shouldersandelbows.co.uk

14 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

Private Healthcare Awards 2019


 Private Healthcare Awards 2019

This is to certify that:

Best Sports Injury Therapy Specialists - North West England

Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic their upper limbs and is led by leading specialist Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeons Chris Peach and Barnes Morgan. We caught up with Chris to find out more. The Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic provides the very highest standards of care and treatment for sports injuries, arthritis and painful bone and joint conditions. Chris tells us more about the clinic and the services it offers.

Have Been Named:

Award Title

“Here at the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, we treat professional sporting athletes ranging from Premier League professional football and rugby players to Olympic athletes

but also treat a vast number of amateur athletes with sporting injuries. The sporting population who are treated at our clinic receive treatment for shoulder and elbow injuries, for example fractures, dislocation and ligament injuries, as well as sporting overuse injuries such as muscle and tendon damage. We also specialise in degenerative conditions affecting the entire upper limb. We are leading specialists in the treatment of arthritic conditions of the upper limb with shoulder or elbow replacements as well as

Barnes Morgan

Chris Peach

providing patients with the cutting edge arthroscopic (keyhole surgery) treatments to enable rapid recovery from surgical treatment and return to normal activities, free of pain.” Overall, the Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic is built around the ethos of perpetual developments and building on previous achievements. This is presently reflected in the research projects it is undertaking, but also in examining techniques to incorporate modern materials

to address previously insurmountable surgical challenges, with particular reference to the irreparable rotator cuff tendons. Moving forward, the clinic faces many exciting challenges and developments, as Chris concludes. “Looking to the future, there are a number of upcoming challenges in a rapidly changing market. There are an expanding number of healthcare providers providing care to increasingly educated and informed patients. Our response to this is simple; we will strive to provide the highest quality surgical experience we can. We aim to provide individual patients with care personalised to their unique situation and requirements. We will continue to be as honest and transparent regarding our own practice, results and outcomes as possible. Within this framework, in spite of the changing healthcare market, we will continue to tailor our care specifically to our patients.”

Company: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic Contact: Chris Peach Address: Cheshire Shoulder and Elbow Clinic, Manor Lodge, Mill Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 2NT, UK Phone: 07720 291033 Website: www.shouldersandelbows.co.uk

14 GHP / 2018 Private Healthcare Awards

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