M&Aawards The CorporateAmerica
Alpha: $9,975
– please note, only one available
ON THE COVER: main image & headline IN THE SUPPLEMENT: 6 pages of content produced from verbal/written interviews. You can allocate some of these pages for display adverts at your discretion PHYSICAL: 5 personalized trophies and 1 wall mounted plaque DIGITAL: personalized winners’ logo and a Corporate America endorsement quote E-ZINE: 8 page personalized digital booklet BRAND REINFORCEMENT: Submit quarterly content for Corporate America and get guaranteed publication for 2016. If we don’t receive anything we’ll publish a display advert
Beta: $5,975 ON THE COVER: support image & headline IN THE SUPPLEMENT: 4 pages of content produced from verbal/written interviews. You can allocate some of these pages for display adverts at your discretion PHYSICAL: 3 personalized trophies and 1 wall mounted plaque DIGITAL: personalized winners’ logo and a Corporate America endorsement quote E-ZINE: 6 page personalized digital booklet BRAND REINFORCEMENT: Submit quarterly content for Corporate America and get guaranteed publication for 2016. If we don’t receive anything we’ll publish a display advert
Gamma: $3,975 ON THE COVER: support headline & corporate logo IN THE SUPPLEMENT: 2 pages of content produced from verbal/written interviews. You can allocate a page for a display advert at your discretion PHYSICAL: 2 personalized trophies and 1 wall mounted plaque DIGITAL: personalized winners’ logo and a Corporate America endorsement quote BRAND REINFORCEMENT: a display advert published in 2 issues of Corporate America in 2016.
Delta: $1,975
ON THE COVER: corporate logo IN THE SUPPLEMENT: 1 page of content produced from a written interview PHYSICAL: 1 personalized trophy and 1 wall mounted plaque DIGITAL: personalized winners’ logo and a Corporate America endorsement quote
Epsilon: $895 IN THE SUPPLEMENT: 1 page of content produced from a written interview PHYSICAL: 1 personalized trophy DIGITAL: personalized winners’ logo
M&Aawards The CorporateAmerica
Single elements: Trophy $395 Wall mounted Plaque $395 Full page of Editorial $395 Personalized winners’ logo $195