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POKER MATH FOR MICRO AND SMALL STAKES Audiobook Free Download Full This book is for any new or seasoned poker player who has failed or forgotten to bring simple poker maths into their poker gameand No-Limit Hold'em (NLHE). The book will teach you the basic poker mathematics you need to learn to strengthen and outplay your opponents, and will focus on basic poker mathematics-those you'll use at the poker table day in and day out; and perhaps those that your opponents ignore. Most players in No Limit Holdem frequently lack poker mathematics–which is easy to understand and execute– leading them to make mathematically incorrect moves. While this may seem somewhat trivial, in the long run, such incorrect movements may cause both good and bad poker players to win substantially less and lose much more money than they would if they actually understood and applied simple poker mathematics. Trust me, to understand and apply important maths in your poker game you don't need a graduate degree in mathematics or statistics. Everything you need is a basic understanding of arithmetic and algebra. I'm excited to have you here to take you on a trip. You'll have a much deeper understanding of poker mathematics by the end of this book, and as a result you'll be a much better poker player. Over the years, the poker game has evolved from a street-smart game, reads and says, to a game deeply rooted in game theory and mathematics. This is apparent on television as well as in popular poker books and training material. Most poker books, however, still pay lip service to the game's more human elements. Poker is a game that people are playing, not machines. People have impulses, drives and feelings which can cause them to behave in unpredictable and illogical ways.
POKER MATH FOR MICRO AND SMALL STAKES Audiobook Free Download Full Written By: Anderson M. Hill. Narrated By: Dms Publisher: November 2020 Date: Duration: 3 hours 1 minutes
POKER MATH FOR MICRO AND SMALL STAKES Audiobook Free Download Full Download Full Version POKER MATH FOR MICRO AND SMALL STAKES Audio OR Listen now