Aile Çocuk Şiddet - Lisa Witter Sunumu

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Strategies for Fighting 
 Violence Against Children"


Communicating about Violence Against Boys and Girls! Importance of Strategy Development! Examples of Effective Policies and Interventions!

Mobilize greater, more sustained, public and political engagement for the prevention of violence in young children’s lives‌

Target Audience: Global (not country-

specific) “elite� opinion leaders, influencers and policymakers

action research process!

developing the narrative!

40+ global influencer interviews

Media analysis


executing the narrative!

Taxonomy development

Media outreach & placement

Film, infographic & website development Fellowship

•  Leveraging new region/country specific research •  Bringing a new angle to ‘violence’ and pegging it to a large news item •  Tracking opinion leaders •  Offering interviews with grantees and practitioners

key findings!

key findings! People knew very little about"

 in the lives 
 of children”! as an issue !

key findings! People had"

strong,! personal! reactions! to the issue !

key findings! Few could name a successful"

 prevention ! Initiative –! –whether child-related or otherwise!

key findings! Nor did they know it could be"

done ! within! 2 years! Most thought it would take 10 years or even a generation.!

key findings! No one doubted that violence in the lives of children is a"

widespread,! global problem!

key findings! Many people remarked that published!

statistics! are likely to ! to be low!

key findings! Nearly universal understanding that"

 happens in 
 families! of all economic status but stressed that it is likely higher in low-income families because of stress.!

key findings! We had to address the moral argument first, but not be patronising! Many people had!

 reactions ! to health, scientific and economic arguments!

key findings! The biggest reason to stop violence (besides moral) was to:!

Break" the" Cycle" And spoke on impact of violence on their lives and societies!

key findings! Keeping things positive, interactive and focused on the children was highly effective.!

put 80% of 
 your focus here!

key findings!

Provide support services to victims

Empower women

Support parents & caregivers

Develop children’s life skills

Reduce harmful use of alcohol

Reduce access to guns, knives & pesticides

Change cultural & social norms

key findings!

giving solutions
 a name" helped enormously.

key findings! Stories and evidence"


in short!

“Be personal, be positive, show proof.”

engaging with media!

key finding! This issue is on the cusp of greater coverage – but more needs to be done to reinforce that violence can be prevented.!

economic argument: 
 most popular reason! All were a variation on the theme that violence leads to a wide range of effects into adulthood! Argument for tackling problem! Dealing with violence now will save money later Dealing with violence now is good for adult health Dealing with violence helps address economic inequality Early prevention is more effective than late cure Physical discipline doesn't work and may harm We must break the cycle of violence 0



success stories were few! Potential preventative solutions were referred to half the time, but only two pieces described solutions with results.!


taxonomy toolkit!

resources for you to use! welfare costs


criminal justice costs

productivity losses

adult medical bills

MICHAEL FEIGELS ON Programme Director Bernard van Leer Foundation

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Support parents & caregivers

Provide support services to victims



If you’re a parent in those tough moments, If you know a parent, or someone take a deep breath who takes care of and give yourself time children, help them to cool down before out. you react.

Encourage organizat governments to adoptions and proven programs and strategies like the ones outlined here



Reduce access to guns, knives & pesticides

Change cultural & social norms

IMAGE (South Africa) prevents violence against women by providing women with microfinance Cure Violence (United and training, giving them the financial States and global) prevents leverage and communit confidence to confront by mobilizing communit y violence their partners. IMAGE has reduced ies to challenge social intimate partner norms violence by 55% violence with respect, that associate in less than two years. ‘interrupters’ to detect and by training events. In Baltimore and stop violent , reduced homicide Cure Violence has s by 56% in less than two years.

Tell friends and family that violence is preventable and real change can happen fast.

Develop children’s life skills

Reduce harmful use of alcohol

Empower women


Taxonomy briefing

Special Represen tative, Violence Against Children, United Nations Secretar y-General

-#%4&& There are solution s and sometimes quic that get results kly...

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A parent support program reduced child physical in Turkey in a four year period. abuse by 73%


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In Brazil’s Diadema municipality, prohibiting sales of alcohol between 11pm and 6am reduced assaults against women by 55% and homicide by 55%. s

If you’re a funder, funder effective programs

Finally, hug the kids in your life. Bonus: you’ll feel good too.


Communicating about Violence Against Boys and Girls!

Importance of Strategy Development!

Examples of Effective Policies and Interventions!

Communicating about Violence Against Boys and Girls!

Importance of Strategy Development!

Examples of Effective Policies and Interventions!

BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Neglect causes a child’s brain to be significantly smaller than average and leads to abnormal development of cortex (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009).

SEXUAL VIOLENCE + HIV The spread of HIV and AIDS is increased by sexual violence against children. In South Africa, a child is raped every 3 minutes (Solidarity, 2009).

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