Hank Kraft Kids... Kraft’s “Dutch Rogues” sent to Azores after 80 years war, with the blessing of the King of Portugal NEW FLANDERS IT WAS LADS... - they were the “Age of Discovery” and they showed Christopher Columbus the way to the New Land, (check out the Crests on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sails) also to Brazil, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, California, Mexico, to China
Kraft Foods Heir
Lunenburg Dutch Reformed • • • • •
Kraft/Croft’s Baptisms in Lunenburg conclusive
2 or more wives was common place ...
Lot 1760 Jacob Kraft Lunenburg dig it...
Kraft, Craft, Croft, Krafft same people... country diff.
Grandma Kraft
Aunt Susie Stauffer said yes... • • •
but... dad just grumbled. married outside of faith? family funding common...
Kraft Foods is the small deal • •
All Kings and Queens in Europe, et al Merovingian Dynasty - Charlemagne - both sides Kraft and Joss...
John Henry Kraft went to England and worked in a saw mill... Kraft Paper?
John Henry Kraft • • •
Civil War Veteran Ohio Vol, Black Jack Logan’s...
• •
Ambassador Bryce was living in England at this time frame...
Went to England after Civil War, wife was Mechling burg lineage... Started at Bechtil Saw Mill with partner in mid Ohio after return from England...
Ambassador Bryce was Trustee of Scotland's Library’s for Andrew Carnegie...
Mona Lisa?
$50 side bet
Leonardo’s moma?
Joss and Kraft go to Braveheart
William I Orange
Crests show the path...
Orange Nassau Luxembourg
Van de Hagen becomes Silveira • • • •
Flemish rogues to Azores New Flanders it was... Tree and Crest Azores to Brazil et al
Azores were Hospitallers • • •
Joao Brazil Acre Brazil Jordao (new Jordan) Brazil
Anjou King Jerusalem
Portuguese from Azores
found Samoans...in Brazil?
Giants of Chile
mother of God Text
Acre Hiway
Teixeira daCunha
De Souza dies in Sua American Samoa in the
370 mi Big Island Hawaii TalkStory Bruddah!
Anjou to New Jordan? Acre, Brazil?
region of the Basques
Text Text Text
Basques in Acre Brazil •
Jose Velasco took us to the Prado Museum Madrid, to see his (our) Grandpapa...
• •
50’ Mural Painting, Krystle, Eric, Vicki, and me.
Madrid, Spain
Don’t try to out drink a Basque... I was OK, but I kissed the beautiful Bartender and she took exception, no no the cheek... they all stood up! Hey I am from California!
Ancient Samoa TalkStory
St George and the Dragon • • • •
Azores same image of the dragon? 13th Century?
Azores were cornerstone of Continents • • • •
The continents split into Europe, Africa, - Pangea? they might have left a dragon... Sao Jorges, Azores
Azores to Macau China Knights of Christ
they may have left... Acre
dad’s people were Dutch...
Azores Eagle
Vikings other side of Kraft
dad matches Matilda’s image... also
Vikings to Charlemagne
Eric the Red • •
Anse Aux Meadows New FoundLand Canada 1013...
Kraft’s settle Nova Scotia to Ontario, Pennsylvania to Ohio
but Aunt Katie said “as I remember your dad’s people were Dutch...”
Jansen of Sylt born here? 1751 in Anse Meadows? on the map...
Basilica of the Holy Blood
Flanders rogues to the Azores after the 80 year war • • • •
Willem Van der Hagen to Azores Become Silveira and settle Brazil, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Peru, Hawaii, Samoa, China wid da Portegee bra... Crusaders shields from Acre to Brazil...
Family Crests were the personalized license plates of • • •
Kraft Crest is on top center row, luck? or Good Joss?
Family Crests were the personalized license plates of • • •
Kraft Crest is on top center row, luck? or Good Joss?
the Eagle flew around the world
Kraft’s Eagle
Silveria Lewis? • • • •
Hawaiian relative? and me da big kahuna from da mainland bra... always like to make with da joke eh Kraft? means Richard and Laura told me they talked to Kahuna on Maui and he said a big white guy with a beard would save Hawaii...
Correlation of Stuff 20 potent
Anjou King France and Jerusalem
up a creek without a paddle?
Here’s that bear I brung ya!
hey Pilgrim...