The Asian Manager, 2001-2002 Second Semester Issue

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Men and Womenof AIM The Renaissance



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W. SyCipGraduateSchoolof Business

Reinvented and to Face Reinvlgorated GtobatCompetition

A BatchLikeNoOther


Yin& Yangin Contemporary Times

54 Books


PhilippineCommercial CourtJudges'Trainingon Business, Governance and Law

return to the courtroom.The objectiveof the program is to devetopjudicial competenceand capabitityin the r e s o t u t i o no f t h e s e c a s e s t h r o u g h t r a i n i n g a n d devetopmentof materiats. The focus of the first module was corDorate THE RVR-AIM CENTER FORCORPORATE Responsibitity, insotvencyand rehabititation,and governanceissues throughthe C.V.starr Chairfor CorporateGoveTnance containedtherein. Lecturesand workshooswere hetd successfutty conctudedthe first and secondmoduteson on both business and tegattopics,inctudingthe theory the PhitippineCommerciatCourt Judges'Trainingon o f t h e f i r m , a c c o u n t i n ga n d a u d i t i n g p r a c t i c e a n d Business, Governance and Lawon NovemberandMarch, principtes,and the issuesfaced by rehabititators.The respectivety. The first modutewas held last November secondmodutegaveemphasison corporategovernance 2001atthe HolidayInn, CtarkEconomicZone,Angetes and securitiesregutation.The corporate governance City and the secondmoduleat CebuCity tast February inctudedlecturesand caseworkshopscoveringdjrector 2 5 t o M a r c h1 . 2 0 0 2 . and boardrotesand responsibilities, sharehotder rights, T o g e t h e rw i t h t h e P h i t i p p i n eJ u d i c i a tA c a d e m y , and creditor rights.The securitiescomponentinctuded USAID-Agite, and the AsianDevelopment Bank,the RVR- a tecture coveringviotation,with the participationof AIM Center for CorporateResponsibitity devetopeda prosecutorsand defensecounsels. trainingprogramcomposed of three modutesthat woutd T h e s e c o n dm o d u t e w a s f a c i t i t a t e d b y A I M p r o v i d ej u d g e s w j t h k n o w l e d g ei n t h e s e a r e a s Professors MetitonSatazarand GraciaUgut with Chief knowtedgethat they could use immediateLy uponthejr JusticeHitarioDavide,Jr. as the speciatguestof honor.

'Responding to Uncertainty LectureSeries REVIVING THE PHITIPPINE ECONOMY AT THESECOND LECTURE of the 3rd JBF LectureSeries,in cooperation with AIMPoticyCenter,on November 19,2001, Prof. Victor S. Limtingan d i s c u s s e dd o ab [ e , e f f e c t i v e a n d immediate PhiLippine pubtic poticy p r e s c r i p t i o n tsh a t w i t t s o f t e n t h e impactof the growinglocal,regionat and gtobatuncertaintieswhite Prof. RomyNeri tackted the benefitsof s e t t i n g u p a n A s s e tM a n a g e m e n t C o m p a n y( A M C )t o h a n d t eb a n k ' s NPLs. Mr. Romeo Bernardo, Presidentof LazaroBernardoTiu & A s s o c i a t e s ,I n c . ; M r . J u t i o D . Climaco,Jr., Vice Presidentof the FROMLEFI:M5.&1ARA ^MNABAI,JBFAsSOCIATE DIRECTORi MR.NESTORA. ESPENILLA, JR.,IANAGTNG BSP;PROF. L a n d B a n ko f t h e P h i t i p p i n e sM; r . DIRECTOR, GMCIA5. UGUI;MS.DULCE CACHOFERNANDEZ; DR.CAYETANO W PADEMNGA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFADB, Francisco G. Dakita,Jr., BankOffjcer JR,,ALTERNATIVE Vl of the BangkoSentralng Pitipinas; t h i r d t e c t u r eo f t h e 3 r d J B FL e c t u r e C a y e t a n o W . P a d e r a n g a , J r . , a n d H o n . J o s eA n t o n i oR . T a n l l l , S e r i e s , P r o f . G r a c e 5 . U g u t Alternative Executive Director of Deputy Treasurer,sharedvatuabte d i s c u s s e d t h e i m p o r t a n t AsianDevetopmentBank(ADB)and in<ioht< r( ra.i.t^rc imptications of the Baset Managjng Director Nestor A. Committee's new c a p i t a I Espenilla,Jr., SupervisoryReports RISKMANAGEMENT ANDMANAGING f r a m e w o r k p r o p o s a t si n t h e and StudiesOffice - Supervision& BANKCAPITAL: THEBASELACCORDdevetopedanddeveLoping countries E x a m i n a t i o nS e c t o r o f B an g k o 2 PROPOSAL capital ftows as wetl as the nature 5 e n t r a t n g P i t i p i n a s( B S P ) ,w e r e O n J a n u a r y2 8 , 2 0 0 2 , a t t h e o f t h e s u p e r v i s o r yr e g i m e s . D r . amongthose present. sECOND SEI|ESTER 200r.2002

tiJ$ft'Jlucig Aquinojoins

AIMGovernors THE AIM Board of Governorsand the Board its of Trustees conctuded a n n u a jIo i n t m e e t i n go n March8 and 9 at the AIM conference Center M a n i l a .T h i s w a s t h e f i r s t m e e t i n ga t t e n d e db y t h e newestmemberof the Boardof G o v e r n o r so f A l M , f o r m e r PhitippinePresidentCorazonC.

A q u j n o .M s .A q u i n o is the first former head of state and the first woman m e m b e ro f the B o a r do f G o v e r n or s to be invited to join the AIM BOG. 5he is expected to c o n t r i b u t et o t h e s h a p i n go f p o t i c i e s t h a t w i t t guidethe invotvemeno t f AIM w i t h c o m p l e x i s s u e sa f f e c t i n g t h e s o c i o - e c o n o m j cp , oliticat,

and cuttural tife of the P h i t i p p i n e sa n d A s i a . C h o s e na s 1 9 8 6W o m a no f t h e Y e a r b y T i m e m a g a z i n ea n d b e s t o w e d , a m o n g o t h e r s , t h e F u t b r i g h tA w a r d f o r I n t er n a t i o n aI U n d e r s t a n d i n gt ,h e P e a r tS . B u c k A w a r d f o r P e a c e , and the Martin Luther King Award, she witt enrich AIM's v i s i o n i n t e a d i n gt h e i n s t i t u t e into the socio-economic t r a n s f o r m a t i o no f A s i aw i t h i n t h e c o n t e x to f n a t i o n a Ia n d r e g i o n a t ^lut.h132@2) agen daS. rc-pi" corrrn Ptusntsvtartd.


AIMtaudedanewin globalstudy in incorporating won theirinitiativeanddegreeof success ONCEAGAIN,THEASIANInstitute of Management gtobalrecognitionfor moldingfuture business sociaIimpact management into their students' in offeringinstitutionatsupportto of the environment and coursework, executives into chamDions and in sponsoring campus deveLop new research, corporateleaders. socialtyresponsibte "Business p u r s u i to f t h i s i n in events Innovation AIMearnedan awardfor Beyond objective. for Sustainability" in thebienniaI Management "We have made a worldwideon studyof MBAschoots GreyPinstripes " !,:':: :' : :, : : :ri . commitmentto integrate October31, 200'1 . ..'l;al'.r receivedthe s u s t a i n a b i l i t ya n d s o c i a l Robertode Ocampo AIMpresident i m p a c t m a n a g e m e n ta s on "Going andsymposium awardduringa breakfast part of our core Graduate Gtobat:Do Tomorrow'sLeadersHaveYesterday's Skitts?",hosted by Citigroupat its NewYork cretP*,strhgl S c h o o t o f Bu s i n e s s M a n a g e m e n tp r o g r a m sJ headquarters on ParkAvenue. namely Master of Business schooLs Pinstripes is the ontystudyof business Management andMasterof that evatuateshow wel[ MBAprogramsintegrate " said Dean Management, topicsinto and sustainabitity sociat,environmental, EduardoMorat6Jr. by the Aspen is jointtyreteased business "The a w ar d through InstituteInitiativefor SociaIInnovation v a l i d a t e st h e w o r k w e Institute,an and the WortdResources Business havebeendoingas a pioneermanagementeducation think-tank. environmentaI According to the2001study,thethirdsince1998, i n A s i a . T h r o u g h o u r d e g r e e a n d c e r t i f i c a t e schoolwhichhasshown p r o g r a m s , w e h a v e i n d e e d p r e p a r e d a d i v e r s e AIMis the ontyAsianbusiness exceptionatdedicationand innovationin offering aggrupationof Asian students to lead in a wortd p r o g r a m ss y nt he sj z j ng where sustainabitityand sociaIstewardshipskittsare deep, wett-batanced issuesinto traditionalmanagement just asimportantastechnical,financiat,or marketing environmentaI c u r r i c u t u ma, c a d e m i cr e s e a r c ha, n d o u t r e a c h s k i t t s". DeanMorat6atsocited the cruciaIinvolvement agenoas. company of two of AIMcommunityof students,facutty,andstaff when It ptacedAIMin the prestigious institutesthat atsobaggedthe A I M b e c a m e " t h e f i r s t m a n a g e m e n te d u c a t i o n a l other management Business institutionwith conferencefacilities to merit an l5O awardthat year,nametyKenan-Ftag(er of Business 1 4 0 0 1s t a t u s". NorthCarotina andSchulich SchooI Schoot, The ISOcertification,which camealmosta year Toronto,Canada. at YorkUniversity, "pubtic Pinstripesbasedits ratingson a 20-question beforethe Pinstripescitation is, to Morat6,a schoots.with 122 d e c l a r a t i o nt h a t e n v i r o n m e n t ast u s t a i n a b i t i t iys a surveysent out to 463 business basedon tivingcommitmentat the AlM." - ByJophieContreras responding, it rankedthe schoots schoots THE A5 AN MANAGER

AIMPolicy Center DISCUSSIONS on gtobalizationhavecreateda g a m u t o f i s sue s t h a t revolve around the movement f rom a m a n u f a c t u r i n g or industry-based economy to knowtedge-based lt hasopened GARYWEAVER economy. n e w m ar k e t s a n d DELIVERING ATTHE increasedcomoetition HISSPEECH 11THGLOBALIZATION a m o n g p a r t ic ip a t ing LECTURE SERIES countries,both deve- FOCUSING ON lopedand developing. MANAGING A In a fast-pacedmarket MULTICULTURAL envi-ronment, onemust WORKFORCE look beyondthe needs for structuralreformsin the economyfor survivalandriseto meetthe chatlenge aswett. participation The much-needed active of the v a r i o u ss e c t o r si n r e s h a p i n gt h e m a r k e t e c o n o m ym a y p r o v e t o b r i n g s i g n i f i c a n t changes to a higherlevet.

p series

F. Gary DaYison Government Ethics Sponsoredby the United States Embassyand coo r g a n i z e dw i t h t h e M a k a t i B u s i n e s sC t u b , t h i s l o t h installment brought to AIM former United States Government Ethics Officiat F. Gary Davis,who spoke on methodsin combatingcorruption in government. Mr. Davis discussedthe possibitity of utitizing expticit ethicat standardsin government and the institutionatization of t h e i m p t e m e n t a t i o no f t h e s e s t a n d a r d sw i t h i n t h e governmentitsetf. (/l,t{ ConferenceCenter, 9l 10lOl)

Surr"{l GaryWeaveron Managinga Multicultural Workforce Sponsoredby the tinited States Embassy,American UniversityProfessorDr. Gary Weaverspokeon the special issuessurroundingthe managementof organizationswith employeesof differing cutturat backgrounds. Dr. weaver providedmeansto distinguishdifferencesin a mutticuttural workforce and ittustrated the need to accept these differences in order to channet them property. He maintainedthat there are no formutasin promotinggreater mutticu(turalunderstandingin a corporationand that each institution must find its own meansof deating with their resgectiye cutturat circumstance. (Asion lnstitute of lAanogement, 10 / 11/ 01)

s"a"ilf ScottThompsonon Terrorism

BrianJenkinson PoliticalViolence Organized with the hetpof the UnitedStatesEmbassy, this9th instattment wasa videoconference with renowned terrorismexpertBrianJenkins,who spokeon the future of potiticattymotivatedviotentgroupsand briefLydea{t with its imptications on the Phitippines.Mr. Jenkins motivesprofessed discussed the shift in the underlying by potitical of viotence from ideotogicat to retigious, theactors a s w e l l a s t h e i n c r e a s i n gr a t e o f o c c u r r e n c ea n d randomness in recentyea$.(Americon of potiticatviotence Business Center.8l 21I 01t


Co-organized with theAsianInstituteof Management AtumniAssociation, the 1zth lecturebroughtProf.Scott Thompson of TuftsUniversityto providean in-depth impactof anatysis on the undertying causeandlong-term 11. Dr.Thompson indicatedthat the eventsof September that advancesin transportationand communication facititatetradeanddevetopment are the sameadvances that facititateterrorism.TheunitedStatesandthe rest of the wortd mustfocuson dealingwith the undertying povertyandmarginatization. rootsof terrorism,especiatly FormerGermanAmbassador Dr.KlausZoelterDrovideda speech.(AliU Europeancounterpointto Dr. Thompson's Center,11/| 3/01) Conference


AIMInaugurates HeatthCareManagement Series T H E F I R S TO F A S E R I EoSf H e a t t h C a r e M a n a g e m e n tP r o gr am s Heatth PoLicy Management Program SettjngEffectivePoticies for Delivery of Health Care Services was successfully conductedfrom March18-20,2002, under the AIM Center for D e v e l o p m e n tM a n a g e m e n t .T h e program team inctuded Prof. EmmanueI Leyco,ProgramDirector; P r o f .E d u a r d o A .M o r a t 6 ,J r . , D e a n of the Institute; and Dr. Jaime GaLvez-Tan, Resource Speaker. T h e c o u r s e c o v e r e d us e f ut frameworks for better understanding o f h e a t t h p ot i c y i s s u e sa n d p r o v i d e d p a r t i c i p a n t s methods for formutatjng and evatuatingeffective strategiesfor better delivery of healthcare s e r v i c e s .A p a n e l d i s c u s s i o nw a s c o n d u c t e do n t h e i m p a c t o f t h e NationatHeatth InsuranceProgram with poticy stakehotdersfrom the P h i t i p p i n eH o s p i t a tA s s o c i a t i o n ,

HealthAction lnformationNetwork ( H A I N ) , P h a r m a c e u t i c a Ia n d H e a t t h c a r eA s s o c i a t i o no f t h e Phitippines,and PhitHeatth. The Program had 31 participants composed of 16 participantsf rom LocatGovernment Un i t s , s e v e n p a r t i c i p a n t sf r o m

hospitats,three participantsfrom NGOS, and five from pharmaceuticats and other private organizations. The Secondof the Program in series- StrategicManagement witt HeatthCare Services be offeredfromMay6-8,2002.

s"riutlJ Harry Bush on Lessonsfrom Privatization: The British ExDerience I n c o o p e r a t i o nw i t h t h e E m b a s s yo f t h e U n i t e d K i n g d o m ,t h e A P C , i n c o o p e r a t i o nw i t h t h e J o s e 8 . FernandezCenter for Bankingand Finance,hostedMr. HarryBush,former Headof Prjvatr'sation of Her Majesty's Treasuryof the UnitedKingdom,to speakon the tessons to be derivedfrom the Britishexperienceon privatization. Mr. Bushtatked about the need to focus on the longerterm gainsfrom privatizatjonrather than just the sate itsetf;to ensurethat the revenuegeneratedby the process contributesto this tong-term end; and to centra(izethe in order that the tessons Drivatization Drocess from each prjvatjzationprocedurecoutd be readilyapptjedto the privatizatjon.Providjng consequent reactionsto Mr.Bush's s p e e c hw e r e U n d e r s e c r e t a rC y y r i t d e t C a t t a ro f t h e D e p a r t m e n to f E n e r g ya n d P r o f . F e t i x b e r t oB u s t o s , ExecutiveDirector of the JBF Center. His Excetlencv Ambassador AtanCoLtins detiveredthe wetcomingremarks for this event. (BancomRoom,All,/t,1/7/2002)

s.".'l{ Dr.AmadorMuriel on the Application of the Theoryof Turbulenceto ForeignCurrencyTrading Wortd-renowned FitipinophysicistDr AmadorMuriet entightenedan audienceof foreigncurrencytradersand theory AIMstudentson the appticationsof hiscontroversr'aI of motecularturbutenceon predictingforeign currency physicstrends.The predjctivepowerof hismathematicat based modet has atlowed Dr. Muriet to make currency trades that have generated enough income to cover his har'rcutsin perpetuity. Dr. Muriet is tooking into the possibitityof apptyingthis novetmodel in predictingthe exchange rate of the Phitippine peso. (AlM Conference Center.2l5l2002)


Wellness in the .



mlost oI cnsrs AIM'STHIRDBATCH of MasterEntreoreneurs graduated on December 9,2001. ln the past 1 8 m o n t h s ,t h e y w e r e i n a n d o u t o f o u r caserooms and in and out of their offices, shopsandfactoriesdoggedty burnishing their e n t r e p r e n e u r i askl i l t s i n s e t f - m a s t e r y , -masteryand enterprisesituation mastery. The goodnewson graduationday is not that they passed,but that they are doing wett jn spite of the crisis. Let us look at 'before and after' statisticsto check: How well is wett? At the end of the MEProgram,we usuattyaskour student-entrepreneurs to rate themselvesjn terms of their performanceduringthe courseperiodretativeto t h e t h r e e P s - P r o f i t a b i l i t y , P r o d u c t i v i t ya n d Professionalism. Sinceprofessionatism is a quatitative judgementthat is more difficutt to ittustratesinceit

invotves systems andprocesses that havebeeninstatted in the company, our primaryfocusjn this columnwitt profitabitityand productivity be on measurab[e indicators. Theirscorecardsspeakfor themselves. A m a s t e re n t r e p r e n e ui nr t h e l a d i e s ' w e a r i n du s t r y reported tremendous improvement:a 57%increasein sates,a 75%increasein the numberof concession outtets, a 27%incteasein the number of o u t r i g h t b u y e r s , a n d a 4 4 " " i n c r e a s ei n overattprofitabitity. Despitea very badyear for the etectronics sector, a master entrepreneurwhose business invotvestradjngraw materiatsand servicingetectronicsand semiconductor fjrms - registeredan 8%increasein sales, expandedhis reachto three branches,and increasedhiscustomerbaseby a whopping 67%.Profitabitityincreasedby 6 percentage points. He was abte to improve detivery time to as short as a day where before it took two-four weeksto detiverorders.



sEc0ND5EMESTER 200r.2002



EijCriff: whosebusiness A masterentreDreneur primarityfocuses on industriatautomation servicesnearty doubledgrossprofit, imorovedreturn on satesand return on assetsby 10 times and, moreimportantty, reducedcottectionperiodby hatf. Anothermasterentreoreneur who ownsa ruralbankwasabteto increase the number of accountsby atmost60%.Hisreturnon pointsand assetsincreased by7 percentage h i s r e t u r n o n e q u i t y i n c r e a s e db y 4 percentage points. A bookpubtishing masterentrepreneur per improvedagents'productivity. Revenues agentroseby 65%.At the sametime, he wasabteto bringdowninventorylevetsfrom eighttimessatesvotumeto 0.6 timesonty. A masterentrepreneurin the fast-food restaurantindustryreducedthe numberof productsin the producttineby morethan hatf: from 66 to 30. In addition,the seat increased from turnoverof the restaurant 1Ztimesto morethan15timesperday.


A n o t h e r m a s t e r e n t r e p r e n e u rw , ho manufactures and settsbrandedready-towear productsincreasedsatesby 25.7%. improvedl(om 22%to Grossprofit margins 25%, andreturnon salesrosefrom 3.8%to 7.8%.Productivity atsoshowedjmpressive gains.Factoryutilizationincreased from50% to 80%,white employee turnoverdectined pointsand the cottection by 8 percentage perioddectined from42 daysto 32 days. whois an engineer A masterentrepreneur andownsa taboratory testing by profession facility for concreteproductsreportedthat enterprise registered anincrease in sales of 57%andan increasein overatIprofitability b y 7 p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t s . R e v e n u e sp e r emptoyeein the companyincreasedby 8% duringthe period

Whyare they doingwell despitethe crisis?

with a firm graspof selfMasterentrepreneurs masterysituation-mastery andenterprise-mastery view crisisasopportunities. Thebiggerthe crisis,the bigger In badtimes,windowsof opportunity the opportunity. are lessguarded.The big boysare too busytrying to andspendtheirtimelooking inwards ratherthan The masterentreDreneur who is into the survive outwards. printingof labetsexperienceda moderate Foreighteenmonthssincetheysignedup for the 4%increase in salesbut, moreimportantty, ME Program in June2000,thesestudent-entrepreneurs reporteda substantiat 50%reductionin the were mentored by their gurusanddritt-masters being rejectionrate. to be the best theycan be and maketheir businesses the besttheycanbe. who distributes A masterentrepreneur their Their.stintat AIMnot only transformed professional hair-careproductsto beauty it alsotransformed themsetves. With a firm partorsexperienced a 150% increase in net business, resolveto continueto be atwaysthe bestthat they can income. everbe, they now haveperfectedthe art of batancing s e r s o n ,t h e h e a r t o f a A masterentrepreneurwhoseprimary t h e m i n d o f a b u s i n e s p manager andthespritof anentrepreneur. business is in the pubtishingof books deveiopment MayaB.Herrera,Danny Atttheirgurus Professors registered a 28.7% increase in satesfroma LuisCruz, 28%increasein votume.Better orofit A. Antonioandmyself,ptustheirdrittmasters from 4.7%to Jr., GutlyGo and Lito Domingo werethe cottective marginswere experienced: Entrepreneur's Hetptine"Live." We provedto att and 5.3%. nowhavewhat sundrythat theseMasterEntrepreneurs as The masterentrepreneurwhosemain it takesto tiveup to their campusbatchtag-names M@vericks andExptorers for a longlongtime. is the distributionof feedingbottles theSpinks, business and other infant accessories registered a increase in sales.Distribution network 12.9% increased byfourbranches andproduct-tine (FromtheEntrepreneur's Helpline column of Prof.Alejondrino increasedby four items. Profitabitityas Ferreria. Reprinted and revised The Philippine Stor, from measured from December10. 2@1) by returnon salesincreased 17%to 25%.

@ /a


't lT ProjectManagement Launchedat EXCELL THEEXECUTIVE EDUCATION andLifetongLearningCenter (EXCELL)offered a five-day program on lT Project Management from March4 to 8, 2002.The programwas the secondin the seriesof lT coursestaunchedby EXCELL this year. As a whote, lT Project Managemenp t rovided participantswith an overviewof e-business and of how technotogycan help increaseits marketshare,improve profitabitity,and enhanceuser satisfaction. T o d i s s e m i n a t et h i s k n o w t e d g ea n d i n f u s e t h e tearningprocess,four distinguishedAIMfaculty members namety,Prof.Armi Cortes,Prof. GastonOrtigas,Jr., Prof. JJ Roces,and Prof.Arup Maityfacititatedthe program. l,ls. Perta Pastranoserved as ProgramAdministrator. Seventeenparticipants from variouscompanies nationwideattended the course. Someof those who p a r t i c i p a t e d w e r e s e n i o r m a n a g e r sf r o m J o a q u i n

New ProgramsDevelopment EducationMngt ProgramLaunching AIM PRESIDENT Robertode Ocampo,AIM Dean Prof. EduardoMorato, and PhitippineAssociationof Private Schoots,Cottegesand Universities(PAPSCU) PresidentMr. AntonioYap,taunchedthe EducationManagement Program on March 7 at the JV det Rosariofunction room, ACCM Buitding,with Departmentof EducationSecretaryRaut Rocoas guest-of-honor. Among those present were Mr. WashingtonSycip, Chairmanof the AIM Board of TrusteesChairman;Mrs. PreciosaSotiven,Presidentof the O.B.MontessoriCentet I n c . ; D r . E r t i n d aP a t a b r i c aP , r e s i d e n to f t h e C a v i t e Associationof Private Schootsand Presidentof the WoodridgeSchoot;Dr. Ed Monzon,PAPSCU Treasurerand Chairmanof Finance,Waysand MeansCommittee; Dr. AbetardoPerez,Presidentof the Universityof Batangas; Dr. LourdesSese,VP at Large of PAPSCU; Fr. Roderick Satazar,Presidentof the CoordinatingCouncitof Private (COCOPEA); EducatorsAssociation and Dr.AugustoSunico, Chairmanof the PAPSCU LegalCommittee. I n p a r t n e r s h i pw i t h P A P S C Ut ,h e E d u c a t i o n |lanagementProgram,which witt offer certificate courses for owners, directors, deans, principats, and administratorsof universities,cotleges,and institutes, envisionsAIMasthe Dremiereducatorof educatorsin the Philippinesand in Asia.The programMl[ grow and evotve untit it can offer futt-ftedged masterat coursesand estabtisha Centerof EducationManasement.

sECOND SEI1E5TER 2@1 2002


Cunanan & Co., UnitedLaboratories, Inc., lnsutar GeneratInsurance Co., Inc.,CattexPhitippines, San MigueICorporation, Systems Technologies & Sotutions, Inc..andABNAMRO Savinss Bank.

1stAIMPresident's Cup

AIM PresidentRobertoF. de OcamDoreceivesthe l o w e s tg r o s ss c o r ea t t h e 1 s tA I M P r e s i d e n t ' C s up o n M a r c h2 2 a t t h e R i v i e r aG o t f C o u r s ei n S i ( a n g , C a v i t e .I n t h e p h o t o a r e ( f r o m t e f t ) R i aV a t t e ,K C H u a n g ,J o s eM a r i L i m , A I M P r e s i d e n tR o b e r t od e O c a m p o ,a n d R a n d yA n g . T h e t o u r n a m e n tw a s o r g a n i z e db y t h e G o t f C t u bu n d e r t h e t e a d e r s h i p o f J P C a s t r i t t o ,M B MC t a s s2 0 0 2 , i n c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h t h e S t u d e n tA s s o c i a t i o n .


4 P'sof Centerfor Management Development A5THE4 P'sof CDM,the Centerfor Devetopment COINED M a n a g e m e n tr e c e n t L yc o m p t e t e d i t s s e r i e s o f deveLopmentexecutive programsfor the Phitippine A r m y , P h i t i p p i n eN a t i o n a lP o t i c e ,a n d t h e P a s t o r a l Workersand Potiticiansfrom the Provinceof llocosSur. A 4-day courseon the strategichuman resource managementfor the PhitippineArmy was conductedin two batches.The coursefor the first batch was hetd f r o m J a n u a r y2 1 I o 2 5 w h i l e t h e s e c o n dw a s f r o m February4 to 8, 2002.The coursewas hightightedwith on severalissuesconfrontingthe Phitippine discussions human Armyand on how to mobitizethe organizationaI andvatuesin the contextof competency-based resource driven human resource management.Moreover.the courseprovidedretevantissuesto considerin tinking organizationstrategy and HR practicesas well as in formutatingthe HR ptan. The secondphaseof the 4 P's,whichwasintended for the seniorofficersof the PhitippineNationatPolice, was conductedfrom January28 to February8, 2002. The courseintroducedthe frameworkof governance on the pubtic's for the peopteand presenteddiscussion perceptionof the PNP.Differentphasesof management f u r t h e r e n h a n c e dt h e d i s c u s s i o nssu c h a s s t r a t e g i c

leadership, humanresouTce management, management, resourcemobilization,social marketing,and conftict management. The developmentmanagement coursefor pastoraI '19 workerswas hetd from February to 25 (Week1) and from February26 to March1, 2002(Week2). The course was designedto exemptifymanagementin the context '1, "Estabtishthe of pastoralservice.Week dubbedas Kingdomof Godon Earth," hightightedthe groundwork for project managementand sustainabilitywhite Week emphasized 2, dubbedas"TheManagerasPeacemaker," t h e r o t e o f t h e p a r t i c i p a n t si n g o i n g a b o u t t h e i r respectjveprojectsin termsof negotjation,competition, and cotlaboration. FinaLLy, the programand project developmentand managementcoursefor the provinceof ltocossur was h e t d f r o m F e b r u a r y4 t o 8 , 2 0 0 2 . T h i s c o u r s e concentratedmoreon the role of the LocalGovernment Units (LGUs)in mobitizingtheir resourcesso they can The course run their programsand projectssuccessfutty. i n t o f i v e m a j o r t o p i c s : d e v etopment was divided perspectives anatysis; andstrategicdjrections;subsector program/projectimptementation;buitdingthe capacity to imptement;and evatuationand impact assessment.


The litBi{ Redesign

he MBM has bcen re-positioned to be the Asian MBA wfrile the MM progrrn hes beenrecastasa gognrn to are cralc leador andstrcgic mr."g"rs. Bofi pr,ogra.urs housod under the'W. SyCip Graduate School ofBusiness (GSB). Friends ofChairmanVashington SyCiphavc generouslypooled finds to reinvigorate the GSB.

Competitive Attack Thc GSB is unde( ffsce compeitive attack amongthe frur schools ofAIM becauseoftlree meior factors. First' the MBA degreeis the most manrre ofAIM's producr lines. Iastyear, an American Magazine ciad a 20 to 25% drop in MBAenrollnent in the US, including thoce oftop businessschools' indicating market caturation. In Asia, most counrries have dwdoped thcir "-" kgt qudity MBfs including countries from NM's traditionelmartesoflndia,Thailm4Indon€sia'Singapore'and Mdaysia- Second, top US and European schools are invading Asia. There are now a lot oftwinning armngements between Wcstem ardAsian echoolq multi-campuo dual and loint dcgrce programsaremushmomingalloverdrcplac. Fadkyandsdrd€ot erch4nge programs have becomecandard frre. Third' there is growing accessto cyber l€ardng thrcugh hjgh qudity distance learning via satellite and other modalities of communication dirwing accessto the education curdcula and matcrials of 6e l6s mr nagementschools. As such, the objcctivesofdreV. SyCip GraduareSchool of Businesrwill be three-ptonged: 1) Gearthe GSB6r gfobal ompaition tbmugh dre offcdng ofrelevetrt and hid quality curricula topnotch faculty a.nd qcellctrt studeot €Nlle€c 2) Irwest in cuning edgelesearchand developmcnt work on Asian busine*s systems' Practics aod lnodels indudingl€adership,strategicmanagemenc frrnctiond and ctoss-firnctional ffelds ofmaaagemeog people skila edics' ardvalues; 3) Repocitioa the MBM and MM programs to cttac thc bcet and the brightest from Asia.

SECOND 5E E5TER 2mr .2002

Vith the globalization' l";.o 1ca6er5aa{ -a'"gers ofthe 2lst ccntury are frced with variouc tensions that ne€ds to be addressedby tfie institute. Such ten$ions illustrat€ thc struggle that Asian leadersand managersare faced with in their pursuit frr discoveryand leandry. > Grxrreusr. Although MBM smdents lcarn to frc,us their skills on speciffc arcasofinterest or ffdd ofstudy' they are also tiught to have an extensive underctanding ofthe other issuesand to bc generalist, crocs-frrnctional, and multid.ill€d m2negers. Hrcn Trcr > HIcn Toucn. The cnhancement oftechnical proffcicocy in frrnctional skills (hi-tech) arrd extreme with rlre New Economy and technologr managemcnt must bc (hi-touch) aompaniedwithequaladeptneswiththcoofterskift such as lcadeship, culture, organizetional derrelopmcnt, and corlrorate oommurication. Loc^r CoNTExru^r-rzttlox > InttultIoNALIzATIoN. UndectandirgandtdtdyingAsian Business$atemsinfrdrloc.l contst should bc balancedwitf, a more international oudook FELD ' Cr^ssRooM. In ordcr to hone the ekilk ncccssary for a surdent to be a staregic m"."ger and leader' there hasto be a bdance betweencaseroomdiccussionsand ffeld cprience so that learnings can bc put into practiceVRTUTL/DFr^NCELE RNNG> F,rc.r-ro-F,rcr' There is a senseof con0ict between Distance Learning or lT-mediatcd ourc6 and F.d-b-Face teaclingbrought about byt duologicd dcvrJopmeats. EcoxoMIEs or Sc,ur > ONS-oN-ONE MENToRING/ Colcrmrc. In line with intemarional trcnds on MBA schoolc, large clasc rizes are prefercd to achiwe economies of scale-' Increasingly, however, one-on-one rnenmring is proving to be vcry cnecCve parecUarly in drawing out leadershipand pcople cldlls. BrJs.EssSrul-s CrrrPErE{cY> Ssr-M,r-srw. Hevingagood grespoftf,e business"t.inr *ould be mirdwith knowiogoneself and leaoring how to managsthe quelities ofthe individual wheo dlpvetcd. Thic Ac,ronnc CmonlmArs > Ac^DEMrcPnrcrmoxrr. of to having a sa In addition pcrteins m faculty qualifrcations. it is equatly or DBA' hc-utty wf,o have obtaincd thcir PhD imporant beving frcl tywith enensive busincssqerieoce and hdustfy knowldge.

\ Goingfor Hlgh GI{AT Going6r Entrepreneurid,StrectSmartand likely to Sucocod.Academic excdleoceis not cnough fur an individud to succeed in the coipor.t€ world. This now has to be bdanccd with having high Emotionel, Advcrsity Spiritud' end Creative Quotients that will enablc the individual to lced and manage nore effectively.







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l{anagershipLeadership Being a managerdoesnot nececsarily meanbeingaleader. A managerwill know the skills and businessfundamentals. but a leader will know how to int€gr.te and apply the learnings efiectively and evoke the best out ofhis or her people. In responseto all the qualifring factors neededto hone the tmnscendent Manager,the FourVinds Framework has beenconceptua.lized. The MA{ Redesign The MM program should have a very dear positioning that differentiates it from most MBA offerings. The MM should present iself as the groomiog ground ftr top managers,SVPsand EVPs, COOs and CEOs. The strongestmodules ofthe MM should be on leadership and strategic management. It should emphasize good corpoftrte governzrnce, multi- and crosr-frrnctional managernent,

sECOND 5Er'^E5TER 2001'2002


Ward C'rote illasbry ard l&ninS is knowing and managing their own strengths and shortcomings, whicb ls a prerequisite for improving their perbrmance asmanagersand leaders,and having the ability to learn quickly on their ovm and asgroups, especially in dealing with un&miliar sinrations and in digning personal and group goals to the shared vision. Accelerating external changesand intense competition have made this learning ability the "last real competitive advanage." IJltirnately, the newMBM and MM must bt onewfio is stcepedin Asian values and culture, knowledgeable about itJ businessqstemr, skilled in the firnctional areasand the tools ofthe New Economn comlrctent and effectiveaqoss sectorsand borden. Above all, he or sheis ahumanis for whom management education is the pladorm for self-development and the development of Asian peoples.



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Leadingfor Results






/ i ' . - | .'1, \.1

INTEGRATION Br€akthraugh Attaining Rei{!e

Self,GroupMastery & Leaming


he (;SB's strategicthrusts ln an attempt to arrivc at the objectives, all thcse should be clealt with bv nreans of implemenring thc fbllowing thrusts: 1 Student Quality Enhancemenl ln order to attracl a pool oferceprionaJ students to be part ofthc MBM and MM courses, rrrorescholarshipsshould bc oflired to prospectivestudents. l'his \\'ill dra$ attcntion ro thosc individuals s'ho choose to enroll in othcr schools in the US and Europe due to more scholarships gr,rntedto them, ls *cll as those *ho do not cnroll due to thc high costsinvolvcd. For the coming school vc,rr, the CSB plans to grant scholirrshipsro 25 studentsfbr the MBM prograrn and 109'oof thc Ml\{ clasr,u ith rhe intention ofsignificantlv incrcasingthe nunrl>er of cligible candidatcs *'ithin the next five vears. Innovative loan plckagcs rvill also be offered to Filipinos to cncouragetherrrto cnroll in spite ofthc current exchangerate. trloreovcr, frcsh graduates lionr the universities x'ill be accepted into the prograrn provided that thel graduated cum laude or higher lionr thc top schools, "honors" classof I he GSll also proposcs the creation ofa-n studcnts Fellows rvith about 25 to carefullv selectcd \\'. Sr"Oip 30 * ith exceptiond lcadcrnic bacligrourrcl. I his will gcneratea pool ofhighh qLralificdapplicantsinto thc progranr.thus enhancing rhc (iSB progranr'svaluc. 2. Agressive Faculty Development- However, attracting nrore qualitv lrudents will have to be couplcd with the developnrcnrof the firculw,

The initid stageoffao tydevdopment is directed:owards encouragirg and advocatingthe needfor cunent faclhy membcrs to obtain their PhD's or DB,{s. .We aim to move the number of profcsots with doctorate degreesto 909o ofthe GSB faculty in the nerrt five years. 3. Srrelcgic ed Trcticd Allienccc. The impetus fur the development of the GSB's thruss will be multiple stategic linkages with foreiga businessschools tafting into account th€ core competenceofeach institute. As€t oflnternational FaqJty should be invited to ioin the AIM GSB or heve them as guest lecturets. ln accordancewith this linkage, the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) should be strengthened through panoerships with other schools. Although our current student erchangeprogram hasbeengood, shifis in the environmeot will have to be taken into account to be competitive. Only when thesethrusa havebeenbrcught m ftuition can we develop prognms that are relevan: to ttre changing global environment





Jlr .Jll t l). \trlitrro

hc lessonsrl crc crtremeh tlillictrlt ancl ptrnishing l he conrpctition anrong stu<lcnts is rerv tough though f i i r n d h . A n d t o s u r v i \ c t h c p r o g r . r n rc n t a i b a l o t o f disciplinc. hard r"ork and sacrillcc, end even sorrrclttck. No rr ondcr. eonrplctingdre Nl Bl\l prograrrris such a srvcetparring. F o r t h i s r c a r . t h e N t B \ { ( . l a s so f l 9 - f i s ; \ l M ' s - } 0 - r e a r honrecoming jubillaritns. and onc that uill rurclr gain considcrableattcnrion orring to t-hcprerenceofnrarrr' personalitics anrl rerognizablenanrcs. I h r s c i n c l u d e I l e n e t od c V i l l a . a k o f i g u r c i n t h e l 9 l i 6 t.l)S,\ ltelolution and uho lrccanrcthe (]hief of Staff of rhc .\rnrcd forccs of thc t'hilippiner (AFI)) shortlr aficr thc Iler olLrtion. l lc also bccarncthe tlclcnse nrin istcr for si" r'ears rerr ing nr o prcsidcnts.He rhtn r:uras l)residcntduring the 199{l nation,rl electionr vvhich *irs *on bv rhc norv deposcdJoseph t.strarlu. l)c Villa is probablr the Altrl dtrnrni to haveachicvcd rhc highestposition in the I'hilippile gorernmcnt having servetl'

rrri: '


No Other A BaftmhL$ke although briefh, as Frecutir c Secretarrof irrctrrrrbent['rcsident (,lolia \lacapagal'Arrot o. Another pronrincnt figrrrc is lirrrncr \rrera l.tii,r ( irngrtssnranllcnato I )iar rr lro s asinstrrrnrenral in thc tr rclirrnr I,ru anrl thc ,\gricrrlrural l-irhelits anti \lorltrnirirtion Act

lr ne ll. And bchind hirrris rrsolid 25 r cus ol nriddle and senior Dranagenrrnr t r p c r i r n t r - e n r o n g* h i c h a r c * i t h S ( ' \ ' a n < l I ) o n A r r c l r e rS o r i a n o r l , r h e n " , '

prcsidcntol rhc prestigiotrrintcrnational i r r r c s r r r r c rhr ,r' r r r cI l . r r r r l ' r .l.r t . r r r ttl 2 r r i ' t I)hilippines.Inc.. anclone of the firundrng n r c n r b c r ro 1 - ( o u p l c sf i r r ( . h r i r t : f n r i l i a


1AFIlAt. tle is nrxr the l)resitlcntial'\ssisrantlirr North l.uzon. IIc is alsorhe talk rhor. host rtfthc Il l'roglarrrInterrction lreing s h o r v ni n ( . h t n n e l 2 | . 'I he (-lass is .rlro plouti to have thc checrlirl Viraliirn<r NanagasI I. s ho alrout a r ear-ago, ligtrrc<lin a controvelst orcr his genLrinccflirrts to modcrni,,c alrcl rcfirrnr thc SSS into an

O l c o u r s e(, - l l s s l 9 - l * o u l d n o t o e .onrplcrervitlroutrnentiorringthe n'rmeol

llraganra. .r long-tinre crctrrtirt ol ttrc l'l'ilit,t'i"(\illircr I'\l , , r r , rl , ' * i n .,'rsrrh.urtr( ,.rl'riclI'.Lrcd.r.. hicl erL.rrtiru

e U l c i c n ti n r t i t u t i o n . H c n o r r h e i r t l st h c l ) o c l o p m e n t B e n l i o f t h c I ) h i l i p p i n c s( t ) l l l ' l * h i c h h a sr r l l n r l r r c < c i r e dh i s r e f i r l n r r and nrirnaqcorcnrideas. r\nd perhrps not t()o nrirn\ ptople linou that .linrnrr Licauto, * cll ltnorr n firr h ir books arrd artitlcs on paranornral phenonrrna and mr rtit isnr. u as ,rrrNI [t\l ( .lls.' l9-2 graclurtt

rhr crrrrentAIN{ I)c:rn hinrscll. [-duartro \lolirtci lr'. I vcn thcn. he rras , r r L r r o u l e < l g e bd r h i r b a t t h n r a t e r r n r t 1 r l o I c , , s o r s : r bs r i l l i i r n t . I t r r i r s h i r r d l r srrrpri:'ingthat he toppecl thc ( -la* antl b c c l n r c t h c l i r s r A l l \ l s t r r d c n tt o h a r c "highesr rcceired thc tlistinctiorr." In the corporate *rrrld. thr (.lass t.rkes pride in rhe aehierernenr of the .tnri,rblcl:drr:rrdo [)arid. chairnran arrd

ollicer ofR(ll)l; and thc alticulatcAh lloo [.i:ru.* lxr rvasone ofthosc * lro ret-up thc | .\ tt.urL..rI ilif irr,r \ l.rl,rrri.ur1'.Ln-rr. rrltil'. I hc (.lassalsopr'xluccd .rn ertellcnt brccJ of cntrcprcncurs rueh .rs lLoger' (icntcno no* cngagedin thc conrtnrtrron businessr l..tluardo [.rrrcro rrho is irrto r r r . u r r r l . r . r r r r li .rur gr r ; ' ls, , r c r p , r ' r : . u r JI r r i r I lcrnancle'zr"hose visiorr :urd skills cnatrrco hinr to engagein nlxrrting I I rerr ices.

Other figureheads ofthe batch include Celso Lobregat' presendy Congressmal of Zamboanga; Retired Major Geneml Rodolfo Estrellado, a forner Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Superintendent and now an active membet of the Rotary Club; and retired Generd Romeo David of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) who also played a signiffcant role in EDSA I.

Enrolledby Chance The Class of 1972 will forever have its place in the annals ofAIM for being the first batch to have completed an AIM course in the Joseph R. McMicking as the present AIM campus in Makati City is called. The previous batch had its first sem€ster of study at the old Ateneo campus at Padre Faura St., Manila before transferring during the second semester at the Makati campus.

sEcoNDSEAESTER 2001-2m2

At that time, Malati Citywas a far cryftom the business disttict everybody knew now. Other than the AIM building there were no other buildings to speak of, with the closest several thousand meters arlay. There were no establishments nearby. The Greenbelt Mdl now fronting the campus just was a pastureland, And becalseit waslocated far from other campuses and universities, AIM students were insulated ftom the almost daily mass prot€st during the pte-nartial yearsand were on a world of their own. This isolarion and lack ofdistracrion probably forced students to devote more time for snrdying. Interestingly, quite a nrmber fton batch 1972 admined that AIM was not exactly dreir ffrst choice, while others enmlled at AIM by accident or chance. F-strellado,for insance r€lat€d that he was driving his car on his way to his ofrce when he sawa fiiendwho wasgoiog to take the AIM entrance exam. He offered him a ride and was convinced to also ake the exam himself. David had a similar story. "I just graduated ftom Ateneo then and was actually plarrrring to go to tle US for my Mastcrt degree. But a collegeftiend who wasabout to take theNM entranceqam told ne and another collegebuddy, David Cheog Huang to tryour luck " The AIM Prcsident at &at time StephenFullg, vras afacr ty from Harvard and so is another faculty, Dr. James Culliton. "So I told myself' hey it must be good. So the tluee

ofus tookthe sams. Huang and I pasxd, ourfriend unfortunateln did nou" It might surprisemany to know that Dean Morato considers his taking the MBM at AIM asa fuke. "It*as a ftiend, the now famous and multi-awarded compocerVillyCnrawho encouragedme to take the sam," Morato eplained. "tVe both took the etam and passed." Cruz. howevet, did not complete the MBM @utse. Licauco was with the SGV as a consultant under the Management Services Division under the late Bobby Ongpin r{ren he took the entrznce sam. But getting another degreewas farthest from his mind. he said. It was his wife who encouragedhim to have an MBA for "I him to becomemore marketable. said ffno but I po.seda challeogeto myself. lll study but ooly on the condition that ifl get a scholanhip. As fate would have it, I evengot two scholarships,one from AIM and another from the serni-govemmentfunded Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE)," Licauco recalled. Paredeswas dead serious about his singing careerand not at all inter€sted in "I had a band any postgraduate study. for eight years and after graduation ftom college my dream then was to go abroad and to focus on my singing career." He simply took the exam as a challenge to prove to a collegebuddywho wasalready enrolled at AIM thar he mo could passthe exam. And even when he did pass the exam his game plan still was to become a professionalsinger, "Also, AIM could not accept me on the basis of my college transcript sinceAIM felt thar I spent a lot ofschool yearswith my combo," Parcdes said, "In fact, even the recommendation letter ftom Ateneo reads something like Gabby is inrclligent but lacks disciplhe. So ac.ept him at your own risk " Paredes recalled. For James Neelalkavil, who was snrck asa managerin the production area of a major American firm for quite sometime, it was his American bosswho sugested to him to ta[e an MBA While he did get admittcd in somegood schools in the US, however,he wasoffered meager

i.? .:\l-.!,b)ItJl

scholarships.Then he heard aboutAlM and is association with Harvard, not to mention the attractive scholarship packageit offered aswell. Ald there were those who were more or less convincedto take MBM at AIM like Diaz who almost missed the entrance exam, and Nariagaswho could not make it outright and waswaidisted ffrst before he got the invitation. That experiencemotivated him to prove his worth, and eventually he did graduate with distinction. Tough Beginnings As expected they all agreedthat the first semester was their toughest. It took Neelankarril sometime to adjust to the case method ald casediscussionsashe was more oriented in the British rote learning system. "This meant, I would go to sleePafter two or three in the morning on most school da1c," he said, There were so many readings, David recalled,somethinglike 80 to 100 pagesper "So its only natural to staylate or elseyou day. won't be able to ffnish everything." Moreover, it was his first tim€ to stay in a dorm that took him some time to ad.iust. De Vlla compared it to the cadet taining at the PMA but "phJsical harassment" There wasalso€xtra pressure without the for him and others like him from the military who enrolled at AIM to make good since they have put the military profession "You have to really make good, otherwise,you'll on the line. embarrassthe whole profession and the institution (the AIP)." Estrellado, a miliary man like de Villa, also had a difficult time adlusting and consideredthe fim three months a nightmare. "alien" to him. "I He admitted that a number ofsubiectswere was a Captain ofthe Air Force at that time and wasn't ready for another round ofschooling," he explained. Licauco, likewise, found the nansition &om Philosophn where he graduated magna cum laude at San Beda College, to MBM very hard becauseofthe technical subiects thus forcing "I wasquite lucky that I have at him to study more than others. leastsornetechnicaleEerience at SGVs4rereI wasworking before I enrolled at AIM and my wife, who is an accountant' taught me the rudiments ofaccounting." Still, he consideredit not enough. What actua.lly putled his grades up were the non-technical subjects. However, after the ffrst semester, things becarne more manageableforweryone. Butwhatc€rtainlywere mosthelpfirl, as €veryone 4grees'were the CAN goupings' The term CAN group was said to be coined by a Harvard professormeaning small group. In CAN groups, one hasthe opportunity to discuss their lessonswithin their respective groupings and learn from others. The beauty ofCAl'{ groups according to Jun Villacorta, who is the ClassPresident, is that it worked asa support system

where a groupmate volunteers to teach or impat kno*'ledge on a certain subiector a particular topic to those*4ro arenot familiar with the said topic. Estrellado compared the slstem with that of the military where you find support fiom your classmatesthus dweloping stronger fr iendship. On hindsight, Villacorta thinks that the quality of the Institution (AIM) also largely dependson the quality of its students. David no lessagrees,citing the richnessofthe leaming "They environment particularly due to his very own batchmates. comeftom different backgroundsand culture, eachwith different viewsand methodsofpersuasion'and you learn ftom them."

HavingFun But not everythingabout AIM wasseriousstudy and no {irn. CAN groups were in fact opporrunities for winding down and activitieswerepoker and sodalizing. Most common slr,ess-relieving bridge. At times theywould go out and go to Makati Supermarket which waslocatedtwo blocla avzy and nearthe presentShangrila Makati. Another classmatewasvery much into Jai Alai and those more adventurouswould tnvel to nearbyprovincesto watch adult movies, which, to the delight of their Filipino classmates,never friled to shockdreir rnoreconservariveforeigndassmates"I-obr€gat recalled that theirs was a close bunch, even widr their foreign classmates.And after graduation they wen maderounds visiting the home.softheir Filipino classmatesbefore retuming to their resp€ctivecountri€s. And many ofthem alsohavedorm storiesto tell. Diaz said it was common for studens ofone floor to play tricks on another floor or one room on another. Na-6agasrernemberedhow one


Actualln ifone looked at the entire factlty picnre David said eachofthefao tywas very imporant becausethey brought certain flair, insight and thinking which was unique to each indivi&El

AIlf{ frr thc Top But how instrumental wasAIM in so far astheir carcerwas concerned? For Estrellado, it was a big push. "Imrnediatcly after I graduat€d I became in demand. In frct, at least three ofmy .Leem+esatAIM who werealso&om the AFP left the govemment after graduation to join the private sector.'You can'tfrllt them sincein the private sectordre salaryis ffve to ten times more." He timetheypulledajoke onMoratri. Theymade a barricadein &ont alsoconsideredraluable 6e network one developawfiile mdying ofhis door by sucking a[ the wooden cigar€ttebios thry had in the at AIM and the qposure to so many people in varying ffeld of dornr, Another time, Na6agasrccalled6at he boughtserrcralpullgis, expertise. 'You get to meet people from prominent families, which were smallhannlesr ffrccrackerstf'ot looked like toothpid<s intelteoralygifud, and peoplewho arelikdyto bome moversin with strings tied at both ends and which produced a loud noise the future." AIM hasalsogiren him the opportunity to "ean on when pulled" He nerrated how he tied these at the doors ofthe the side," such asin cmall busio€ssesliLe putting up offfsh pens sho*rr salls. Then he would listen inside his room vraiting for an and the like. He was also able to improve his leadenhip ability urxuspecting dormmate to fall victim. "But one night I forgot all which is nowusefirl in hdpinghim lunage the Roury Club'bhere about my pulleys and wasstarded when I openedthe bathroom you haveto leada civiliao group who are more or lesssrrccessfrrl in door and the pullq exploded," their rerpective ffelds." But to him the most imporant learning There were also times that even inside the dassrooms, the <perience he acquired&omAIM *as gettingtrained in the art of "straight guys ofAIM" would ffnd ways to goofaround. One listening "I leamedhowto picLup the bestideasandleamed how endearing image for both David and Naiagas r*as during their to identif the bestpeoplewho can do the work" second year. Ahmad Saeed Siddiqui, a Pakistani who was De Villa saw it fft to apply to the AFP the mob he leamed consideredto be dre gendestofpersons and often on the receiving fromAIM to malrc it run more efficiendy. with education from end ofpranks, camepr€Frcd one day and su4rdred ftierlecsrrates AIM, DeVrlasaid it helpedthem brcador their oudook andlearn *hen he drew tso pellet guns tucked under his shirt and started to integrate all factorsin the decision-making and enricled their shoot-outhg Liaw and the othets who were sitting in ftont of capacftyto mrnageunis within the AFP. him *hile the tcacher was hcing the board" In AIM, according to Itbreg4t, thrywere enouraged to be For Estrellado, the most memorable incident *as when outspoken in the mold ofa rrue leader. Paredesagreed with their batch staged a boycott. During theit time, there was no Lobregat'c obsen"ation and sai4 'You develop a certain level of Management ResearchReport (MRR) yet. Instead, theywere conffdenceand engagepeoplein seriousdisorssionsabout business required m submit an indusry study on the first semesterand a soyou definitely havean edge," project study on the second semester. "rVhen the Class found Na6agas' experienceEith AIM helpd him a lot since he out that we have to submit two different studies, one for each entercd direcdyfiom collegeand hardlyhad anyuork eryerience. study, we argued against it. Iyhat we suggestedis to have just It wasAIM who helpedhim prepareand develophis businecsskill.r "The kry thrust one, with the second semesteriust a continuation ofthe ffrst. ofAIM is to give you skills in problem When the faculty turned down our suggestion we decided to solving" Diaz said. Thir alwaysomes in handy.As Diaz qlaind 'Whetheryouworkwithrhe boycott the classfor awhole week Sowhile the facllty membes governmentorwiththeprivaleseor, were having their meeting upstairs to resolve the issue, the what you do exactlyis you try to solveprobleru." students were enjoying themselves at the sunken garden. In Diaz considered today's AIM students luckier since they the end, the Institute accepted our proposal but at the same now have all the gadgets, the computers and the internet to time required us to submit an MRR in certain subjects. We help them. Villacota said, "Of course the problems now agreed but it turned out that our work actually doubled." are a litde complicated. And so much more is demaaded in For the Class, among tfie professors that rnade a lasting today's graduates since the range ofskills is greater, and the irnpression were Quintin Tao who David described asvery pacing faster. But management principles do not really change down to earth; Prof. Peter Garrucho becauseof the level over time. The elements may change but the approach ofinsight and analysis that he put in the discussions; Fr. remains tf,e same." In this sense,the Class of'72 agreesthat Terry Barcelon, and Professors Gaston Ortigas and Vic Lim Dean Moret6 is doing the right thing with his renaissance who all eruded charisma. program. He is bringing back AIM to where it should be.

SECONo 5E1,1ESTER 2001.2002


'72 of MBM Samaritans After decadesofcareer life, a lot from Classof 1972 ate raotr devoting more time to civic duties. Eduardo David explains why this seemsto be so natural, and the ttend as one gets there are that He considers older. threestagesin a person'scareerlift. The first is to learn' ffnding out wh€re will you be good at and eniofng what you'll be. "I found out that I enioy finance and At AIM, he said, investmentg so I ended up working for one." The secondis to encelin your chosencareerpath. Arrd you haveccelled and onceyou haveaddressedthe needs after ofyour family, you begin to look at other things. This is the tbird sag€' giving back to societf. In David's case,he has been activdy involved with the ANCOP Foundation Internarional, a civic arm ofthe Couples for Chriswhere he is amembersince 1982. The Foundation through tie Gawad Kalinga program has been trying to address the needs of the poor through a nationwide comrnunity developmenteffort to transform dums into decent shelter and dean communities and to help its residentslive productive lives. Anodrer Clasr 1972 member who is actively involved in civic activities is tetired Maior General Rodolfo S. Esuellado, now a Disrrict Governor ofRotary Intemational. "Rotary is a very frrlfflling mission in the sensethat you can acnrdly give back to society," Ertrellado said. Among the maoy missions they have done include helping the ethnic Mangirans of Mindoro learn to read and helping the less privileged gut-up livelihood businesse.s.Proof of his outsta.nding civic workr are the numerous recognition he received over the years including the Most Distinguished Caring Presidentand the Most Outctanding Rotadan in f99&

r999. General Renato DeVilln, who considersh.imselfretired from govemment serviceafter his triple heart bypasslast year' is now devoting more tirne to his wife who is being treated for cancer, and to the Help Educate and Rear Organization

'90s (HERO) Foundation *fiich he helped set-up in the early and *'here he is now the Vice Chairman. Through his efforts' he wasableto convince the businesscommunity led byJaime bel de Ayala to raise funds for a good causeby showing their concern for widows ofsoldiers who died in combat and who could not afford to ffnance their chil&en's education. Nowwith 15 member corporations, the IIERO Foundation is taking careofmote than I ,4O0orphans and assistingthem in their education from elementarythrough college, Congressman Celso Lobregat prefers to seehis being electedashis meansofgiving back to society. After years of working with the Elizalde lnternational where he had a very succes$ stint with the Tanduaycompany,he decidedto retire in the'80s and devote much ofhis time to public service. "The satisfactionyou get hereis how you improve the situation in your district sayby building roads,schools,electrification ofthe area,.andhow you are able to improve the quality of life ofas much asmarry people," Others may not call it civic, strictly speaking, but are doing their share in their own little way. Like Gabby Paredes who is involved in EduChild program where one helps couples to become better parents, and Jun Villacotta who, in his own special way, is helping the alumni' his classmatesto keeP in touch and turn their collective energy to do something good such as raising funds for alumni in need or for the AIM, and the like. In fact, he is largely credited for the idea of a scholarship for deserving students but cannot afford the cost oftuition at AIM, Since they raised funds in 1992, the endowment fund has raised Pl million and with an additional P500'000 from int€rest eainings. "Whether you realize it or not, each one of us is doing something for the society," Renato Diaz said. "Just do your job properly and you have done your contribution to society."


The RenaissanceMen & Women of AIM

ServineHumanitv. Serving th-eHumaniti'es ver the courseofAIM's more than thirty years of existence, it has spawned leaders and managerswho have taken key positions in business,socialand governmentorganizations in countries all over the world. While most of AIM's alumni gravitate towards the path of establishinga careerin business,government or non-governmentorganizations,thâ‚Źre are but a few who choosâ‚Źto travel the unbeaten path serving in fields that afe not as financially or as prestigiously rewarding. Theseare the Renaissancemen and women of AIM. They are the chosenfew who have heededanother calling: to servehumanity or the humanities; to pursue human endeavours and humanistic undertakings.

Buildingthe Futurefor the FilipinoChild AIMgraduatesleaddiverseprofessional lives, andfor a handfulof them,the pathsthey chooseare traditionatlylesstraveled,yet more righteous in both mission andvision. By MrcHnrrBENEDICT A. LopEz

sectors in society. lt channeled the funds to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which


The AIM Renaissance

were 6ee to dispose the cash as or Gina I-opez, the path she travels leads to the Filipino child. As managirg director of the ABS-CBN FoundationInc. (AFl), Ms. Lopez managesa dlnamic organization totally committed to promoting and safeguarding the welfare of

"lf yourintentions are pureandyourheart is pure,I thinkevenin youwill be business " successfut.

Filipino children. However, before assuming her leadership role in the Foundation, shelived a life ofcontemplation and soul searching. Her involvement with AFI signaled a new beginningin her life - acalling that has now become her P,nsron. The Path AII was establishedinJuIy 5, 1989 asa non-stock, non-profft organization, It produced television

programs for charitable and educational purposes and generated and disburs€dfrrnds to maryinaliz€d

they pleased.This arrangement was unfavorable for Nls. Lopee With Ms. trpez at the helm, AFI developeda more focused mandate and became more active operationally. "We createdour ovm projecrsand we createdour vision," shestates. "The vision of the ABS-CBN Foundation is a better world for our children, and the conviction here is that the child is our future," shesayswith pride. AII, with ABS-CBN media network ar it3 straregic partner, has developed four major programs to benefft the Filipino children - Bantay Bata 163, Bantay Xalikasan, Educational Television, and Bayan Microffnance. BantayBatar 63 qasinirirlly s€r up in 1997 asa 24-hour hodhe hassincederdoped into aomprehenshe progam for the rescue and rehabilitation of victims as well as for public

education on and prevention of child abuse. Its vision is "to becomeAsia's bestrnedia-based child protection and welfare organization providing a comprehensive and integrated FograrrL'l Bantay Kalikasan is AII's instrument to safeguard the environment. The program addrcsses all dreconoenuaffecting the erwimnmencIn nurruringdre environment, Ms Lopez hasthe well-being ofthe child in mind. 'You cannot havea bener world for chil&en if they are drinking water which is afecting their health. This will afiect how thry will be asadults," sheoplained. The mission of the Educational Television or ETV is "to produce quality educational TV prograrns for Filipino children that will help teechers educate students crcatively." The pmgram'ssrared vision is "to usethe power, the

I lp.a*-&

tt'. + ,4.

I n t h e s e r v i c eo f t h e i r f e l l o w m e n

S e r v i n gt h e a r t s a n d t h e a r t i s t s

s l l e r r i r i r r . u l ( (r r r c r ri t t t r l r * , t t t t t t tl t . t r . r h o s t r r t o r e r . e h t t t r l t n i t r [ r r l r c i r r ga c t i r e l r i i r r o l r e d i n s o c i o - c i r i co r g r t tirz r t ito t t r a i t r t t d . t t

, \ l l \ l ' s l L c n a i s s a n c en l e n a n d r v o m e n h a v c c h o s e n t o s e r v et h e h u m : r n i t i c s : t h e a r t s a n d t l r e


rrnprrlrirrqspccilicsectorsilr rtlcicn the lrtttttelcss. r h c r i c l i . t h e p o o r . a b u s e dc h i l t l r e n . a t r t lc r e l r t h t cn\ tr()nnletlt.

, c s h a l ll o o k t l e e p t r i r r t o l r r t h i s s p e c i a il s s t r ew the livo ol Fr. '\rrton I)ascur ,lloben Kum, Sandv Itrieto. (,ina l.opcz, arr<lRickv f)e (,astro, who in

. r t ' t i s t \\ r ' l r o c r e a t c t h c n t . S e n i n g t h e h r ' r r n i r r r i t i e s r c r ; r r i r e sa s p e c i a lb r e e d o f n r : r n a g c r s o n c l v h t r r r n c l e r s t i r n r tl sh c t r u t n c e so f t h c a r t i s t : r n d h i s c r a l i .rnd balances this *ith the econonrics rtl' r r r s t a i n a b i l i t.r '\rtists in their o*n

right, (,andv Dizon,

l e r r a r d s .l l c v e r t l r e l e s st o o k o n t h e t a s k : r n d u s e d

Quinito I lcnson, I{obbie I'an, and Cccil Manikan har e der otctl tirnc iind ellirn to perfect their craft a n t l a t t h e \ a n r c t i n r c [ ) u r s u r o t h e r b u s i n e s sa n d

t h c i r , \ l N l e d u c i r t i o nf i r r s u c h n o b l e c a u s e s .

s o c i a la c t i r i t i e s .

rrrire ol thc

hard lork

and nrodcst Inarterial

UnconfinedLeadership RobertKuanwasactivelyheadingone of the country's teadingfast food businesses whenAtty. Mltiam H. Cuasia invitedhim in 1989to be a memberof the Boardof Trusteesof St. Luke'sMedicatCenter.In 1996.he was electedas its ChairmanwhenAtty. Cuasia,who servedas Chairmanand CEOfor 21 years,passedaway. Bvlfu. Cmr,reu M. Sulm the idee ofselling Chowking. He told Roberq'Why don'twe



The AIM Renaissance

both sell our businessto Jollibee



FoodsC-orp.,so that Chowting can benefft ftom the ffnalcial rcsourccsofJollibee and frrrther rcligiously att€nd€dcvery boand meeting without any ambition of

someday bccoming Chainnan ofthis hmpital" On the day ofthe elecions, a gloup of board members convinccd him to accept a floor nomiaation. "Theywanted me to share the vision I had for Chowking with St. Lufte's." Although hc knew ther qpcning

"Christian vatues, the cutturethat we havegrownup with, andour education are assetsthat contributeto who andwhatwe are."

hospitals was different ftom opening fasrt6od "L;ns Robert saw opportudties to apply the samc vision to St. Luke's Medical Cater.

Robert leads the hospital by tear-hingScLJ<et proft ssionals to imagine their future and to work towards that future. "Doctors are trained as professional medical doctors, but thry do not haw the luxury

Gom birdr to temlge years" His concerns about the pmple he *ould leare behind addedo his

of attending businessforums," saysRobert When he is invited to hold forums, he doesnot elk

apprehensionoflcting go of6e lFycar-old business.

about medicinq instee4 he telks about ttends in management and leadenhip. "The doctors

But Robett sawthe uncertain economic

and political envitonment in 1999 arrd decided to "secure himselfand serve socicty by taking more active roles in non-profit

lead€Nin drc &st food indusrry. "l continued to open mor€ stores. The organization was alrcady therg and it waemoving eYenwithout me." Tony Tan, who worked with Jollibee and who was also part ownet of Cho**ing iruinuared

service and giving back to *oci6t."

eqrand its businecs?" It took seven months for Robert to linally let go of Chowking "I agoriizedorcr the decisionsinceI qrasemotionally attached to a baby I havegrovrn

Letting Go of Chowking Robet establishedChowking in 1985. From a single-store restaurant, it bccameone ofthe

the indusrry. "This givesme the senseofachierrcmcnt, the sense of cornmunity, the sensc of




Ministry with Strategic Leadership Being Chairman ofSt Luke's wesa pcrsond mission God had called him to. According to Robert, he qas callcd to s€rvein

appreciateit becausethis is ncw to thern." He also challenges people to Pork toward a shrr€d viion. In their decision to put up a hospital in Fort Bonifecio, members of the board were apprehensive how tley would raise P4.5 billion. Robert believed that the most important d€cision was to decide whether or not to build it Once the deci.eionwasmade,

the healing ministry by leading a hospital and continuously

he conditioned everybod/s minds to movc toqrardthat end. Robett believedrrratSt Luke's

chalenging people to b€ 6rst in

cou-ld use its expertise to serve

R o b e r tK u a ni s a l s o a b o a r dm e m b e r of Trinity Collegeandthe BrentInternational School- t'4an'i1a andthe Chair of the Phjlippine B a s k e t b a l Ll e a g u e( P B L ) .

disciplines itselfand setsaside a certain arnount of money every year for research and development.It hired one of the best researchheadsto lead the bio-rcsearch division. Fourth, Robert envisioned a'doc-in-a-box'in the future,

biger and newermarkets. H e obrerved that St. Luhe's was continuously improving on the present hospital but did not have an outward- and forwardJooking mindsetIn 1996, he gathered the board for a straregicplanning sessionto dererminethr

*'hich are srna.llmedial clinics

belie"es that good credibility a-odleavinga

spreadour along the Makati businessdistrict to attend to

good impression

minor medical problems ofall those working in Makati, Each one will be assignedfull-time doctors and will have someofthe minor diagnosticequipment. The more sophisticated equipment will be found in a bigger clinic or a cluster ofthese small clinics, so that people will not haveto

upon people one has "Christian

worked for, are a person's assets.

valuer. the <ulture that we have grown up with, and our education are assets that contribute to 'ho and what we are. If w. know how to use these to influence others to think along the same lines. I doni see why we won't be able to achieve our

In addition, Robert said AIM prepared

future ofSt. Luke's Medical Center. St Luke'senvisionedioelfto reacfiout to new markets and to be one of the best hospitalsnot only in Asia bur also in thr

go all the way to St. Lufte's in Que,'zonCity and ta[e at least halfa day ofjust to have a

him to be a holistic leader aside fiom being


a managet. lt taugfit him how to challenge

wodd. It decidedto land bank - to buy land for the building ofnew St Luhet hospiuls using its surplus resources.St. Luke's would put

How AIM Helped Shape Him '-5 arrd TMP '93 An MBM graduaie.

that he has set for businesr organizations.

Robert considershis AIM education as a toolkit which helped him be where he is

amidst classmates who are all leaders, AIM

u p h o r p i t a l r i n p l a c e sw h e r e f u t u r e development was anticipated. Second,it would link up wirh smaller provincial hospitals.As a non-profft. nonrtock hospita.l,St. Lu-ke'swould sharetheir erpenise, help upgradethe facilities, anc pmfessionalizethe medicaland non-medica staff of smaller hospitals. Third, it broughr in the best medica talenrr by having the most advancec equipment. Over the years, it has invested heavily in researchequipmenr to secure granr which will funher enhanceirs bioresearchdinision. Becauseof thir, rhe hospital hasthe most equipped bio-research division. According to Robert, the board

and ro inspire people ro attain the rision


the <ompetitive environment

taught him to thin-k about ho* to stand out among leaders.

He recalled the BusinessPolicy courseof Prof. Meliton Salazar.which helped him especially during the difficult time of decidingwhetherto sellCho*Ling or nor. "He told usto understandwhat *e haveand do not have, and to know how we .an mobilize resourcesto attarn our objective of how we want to be ff"e to ten years after leavingAlM. I war srruck by what he said arrd until today I still remember it very dâ‚Źarly." "I sit back and really think t4rat my asser arrd my monetary resources are." While most people.according to Roben, regard money as the most important thing, he


The AIM Renaissance


Ponderingthe Future Robert reported the completion ofthe Fon Bonihcio hospitalin four year'stime. Though not involvedin rle acnu.lbuilding ofthe ho.pital.he mahesrure thar all the parties involved in this project work asone ro realizethis dream. Anot-hersir yean after, Robenseesthe beginningofthe building ofa hospital in l-aguna. "Once I completeGose tro hospimls.that is, if I still have the support ofthe board and are blessedwith good health in Lhenext l0 to l5 years,I wou-ldsayI havedone my shareto huma-trity."

the summit would serveas the basis fo. formulating the Msion, Mission, and Goal

The ServantLeader

ofthe SSDM. Caritas asthe lead SSDM in the Archdiocesesharesin rhis Vision and Mission.

A personat senseof missionis what motivatesFr. Antonto engagein socialdevetopment apostolate "the andto serve least,the [ast,andthe tost" amongus.Asa priest,he heededthe catlto servanthood.

He hopesto ertablisha development mindset among the people involved in the Ministry, &on the Caritasworldorc€, to rhe Placement, Cooperatives, and Microdelryand religious,ro tfie layvolunteersin ffnance. Ifpeople are given emplolrnent or

Bv Glonn Reooa-Mm.qsrcrN

the parishes. He would say in his talks during asembliesof volunteers,"Dole-out

capital lbr entrepreneurship, they will have

projecs a-ndacrivitiesare okay. We are a6te to give aid to the poor. like food and medical assistance.But, afier a while the poor are

family, such as food, clothing,

ba.k seeling G€ sane assisranceThat is *,hy we need to have developrnental programs to truly liberate the poor from the bonds of poverty and iniustice." Like the old adage says,"I?hen you give ffsh to a person who development approachesand


Ihe AIM Renaissance

ur beyond his priesdy duties, he got involved in cornmunity development to uplift the living conditions of the poor in his parish.

Since 1991, he was

alreadv active in NGO work and in the cooperative movement as his personal apostolate.

AIM for Self-Development

"Servantleadershio is doinggood, doingwel[, and doingit together."

In the course of his social apostolate, he felt the need to develop competence in social development



social He was

already involved in cooperatives

flom practical experiencesfiom various perspectives.His batch, MDM '97, where he was class president "was the only batch *4rere all 50 gnduated." Under his leadership,the whole class applied the development principlesthey learnedin class and worked together on ntitten analysis ofcases and the MRR. It was an effective "damayan"(mutual help) at work, which is why none of them dropped out. The class dictum nar "all or nothing." Another milestone in his AIM days was receiving the ffrst CDM LeadershipAward from the lnstitute,

for two years when he entered the Institute and enrolled in the Master



Managernent (MDM)


Putting MDM to Work He continu€d to achieve excellencein his work in the



conveniently near his place of

graduated frorn AIM. His management prow€ss was further put io usein the service of the Church when he was



assignmenr (he was chaplain of Greenbelt Chapel), he chose to study at AIM to learn scientiffc

the income to provide for the needr oftheir shelter,

education, and healrh care. and not ro dependon dole-out. Environment

would mean focusing on

programs that would raise awareness on isruerand qould influen!e the institution ofreforms in various sectors ofsociety like the gorernment and the prirarr recror

is hungry.pu fecdhim foraday. But when you give him a fishingrod and teachhim


how to ffsh, vou feed him for life."

service programs like Crisis Assistance,

Deyelopment Focus In his analysisofthe rooa ofpoverty and injustice, he would trace this ro the lack of education.of livelihood, and of economic oppom.rnities. The presenceof urfavonble or unstable environrnent, such as the

and Clinics are to be implemented as well

through Advocacy and lnformarion Campaign Programs.

anc Social

Emergency Relief, and Medical Missions

appointed asGeneral Manager ofRadio Veritas.In 1991, His Eminence Jaime Card;nd L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila and Chairman of the Board of TrusteesofCaritas Manila, Inc, irvited Fr. Anton to ioin Ceritas. Caritas Manila is the social serviceand developmentagenry of the Roman Catholic

Cardinal for choosing him to take the porition ofDepury Direcror ofCaritas. He is being consideredasMsgr. FranciscoG. Tantoco'ssuccessorasExecutiveDirector once the latter retires. A New Vision for Caritas In January 2000, Fr. Arton formally assumedoffice asCaritas Manila's Deputy Director. Harnessingthe energiesof its

occlrrence ofman-made or nanrral disasten, armed con-flicr,urutable polirica.l situarion. and the presence of oppressive social stnrcnrreshinder growr-hand developmenu This is why he would lihe ro focusCaritar' progriunson rhe three E's: Edutarion, Economic and Environment. Education would meanprogramsrhat will

Archdiocese of Manila. Its programsand servicesaregeared to providing social welfare

presentn orkfor.e, he ret out to work with

advancethe knowledge, skills, and attitude

parish dergiesand volunteersin formulating a new vision for the Social Service and

ofpeople. lfpeople, especiallythe yourh, aregiven educationaloppomrnitia through

assistance to the poor in crisis, as well as the integral

DevelopmenrMinisrrl TSSDM)of the Archdiocese of Manila. Following the principle of participatory planning and decision mafting, an Urban Poor Jubilee Summir was held to come up wittr

Skills Training and Scholarhip Assisrance. Gey will be equipped witl tools for gainful

development empowe.ment of marginatized people.

and the

employmenror forentrepreneurship.Their attitude mrxt be developedaswell through spiritual formation alrd grounding on the

Fr. Anton's experiene in social developmenrbackedbv his AIM education must havebeensome

resoluLionson priority issuesconceming tfie urban poor. Representativesfrom the parishes,the NGol and govemment secors

Economic would mean programs that promote and offer opportunities for

ofthefacton consideredbv the

participated in this surnmit The output of

economi<advancementand recuriw like IoL


to aid in time ofcrisis.

Dictum of Servant Leadership Fr. Anton's dictum ofsewanr leadenhip is "doing good.doing well. and doing rt together." For him, it is importart for a servantleaderto maintain hi) integriryaia person by doing good work However, it rs not enough that one doesgoodwork, one musr also do ir well and try to achieve excellence in his work. Doing things together*ould promote rolidariry and would build communities for progress. These are the same principles which he wantedto inculcatein the SSDM workers and volunteen. \Vhich iswhy hepromotes and practicescollaboration and participation i n p l a n n i n g a n d d e c i r i o n - m a k i n gt o establish ownership and responsibility for goals and project outcomes. Ar hecontinuesto perform hir missionat Caritas, he becomesa co-worker in building lives by changing paradigrnsand destroying opprelsive srru(rur€s ao promore a iusr. humanq and peacefirlsociety.


The AIM Renaissanc

Nobilityin Nature "Persquaremeter,the Phitippines hasthe mostnumberof endemic 'Ricky' development de Castro,business species,"saysRoderick managerof the HaribonFoundation.The fact that thesevery servedas one of the numerous speciesare currentlyendangered reasonswhy Rickychoseto live a life with a morenobtehumanistic undertaking. Bv lfunv Guce R. SABLAYA


The AIM Renai55ance

hough his heart hasalwaysbeen withrnore atrip to Mt lsamg a forested area in the Bicol region, started it all. That pleasure trip became an oppomrnity for him to witness

"Everyone is workingfor charity. And I atwaystell my staff to manage with the heart."

one ofthe numerous scientiffc studies of the Haribon Foundation. The foundation was then doing the "Cloud R4t Proiect" which aimed to conseoe and preserveone ofthe Philippines' endemic species,

While taking on his supervisoryresponsibilities*id dre bank outdoor artivities herc

MBM until such time that he thought ofpursuing the Master in Devdopmental Management

also been a part of Ricky's planner. monthly Mountarneering became his

inrt ad While in school, Rickywent home to Cavite everyday. At

pastime and diveision from work- Vith his passion for the sport, he eY€ntually b€ceme president of UCPB's United

that time, his fatler-inlaw served asan OIC mayor ofthe place. He got introduced to

TrdJ<ers. RicLy stayedwith the bank for six yearsuntil he finally decided to \uit *,ork and go back to school. His dream of climbing mountains abroad and going to all different places prompted him to frrrther enhancehimself and to eventually find a more lucrative calcer.

agricultural problems and heving so, Ricky dealt with the farmers and petsonally addressed their concerns. Unlnowingly applying tools of managem€nt he learned &om RicLy was able to industrialize the farms in Alforxo, Cavite. AIM,

Vocation on Call After AIM, he ended up with the same profession, a

the cloud rats, ftom erctinction.

Back to School Ricky applied for the Master

Trekkingthe Corporate World

in Business Management Program. But his interest ,in and nation-building deveJopmentma.nagemenuand

banker. He worked with Rizal Commetcial Banking Corporation and was ofrered a prestigious training to groom him into becoming a

having been deeply inspired by the Devdopmcnt Managernent sessions *ith Prof. Tess del

country manager to Hong Kong. The fourteen-monthlong training did not only

Rosario glve Ricky second thoughts of continuing his

teach hirr all aspects of banking but also gave him

Ricky ioined the United C,oconutPlatrtersBank in 1989. Starting out asa New Accounts derk, he climbed his way up as the companyts overseas representetive to bank in the Middle [ast

Ricky sees to it

of financial rewards and opportunities to tnvel around Asia" Despite the lucrative perfts of his work, Ricky could not get his mind off development management and his experiences in Cavite. l-essons from his lots

developmentmanagementelectivesunder Prof. Tessdel Rosariokept haunting him. Helping nature and helping communities has becomehis passion.In the courseof preparing for his ffnal reralida" he got bumt out and totally lost interest in working for tire banlc He rhen tesignedand ioined lhe group that once amazedhim, Haribon'

that he is on-call 24 hours a day. He makesit a poinr ro ioin all hisgroup's undertaltings, He often does his own research to effecrively represenr his "One has to organizarion at any event. practiceleadershipb1 exampleand believe in a cause," seriously answers Riclry when askedro namesomeprinciplesthat he tries "Everyone ro inculcatein his organization. is working for charity. And I alwayt tell,my staffto managewith the heart," adds Ricky For capacirybuilding aJnongpartners, regional workshops are behg conducted by Birdlife International. It is a non-profft oqganizarionand is consideredasthe world's authoriw in bird conservation,Birdlife is

basedin {Câ‚Źnbridge) United Kingdom a-nd Back to Nature has an Asian regional offi<e in (Bogor) halfyears, Beingin a.nNGO for one and a lndoneria. Haribon loundarion is a Rickv hasbecomea better and well-rounded with member of Birdlife's international manager.He getsto immene himself partnerchip and representsBirdlife here in &fferent commruritiesand meetpeopleftom all walk of life. from the lowly rural ard urban communities o the boardroomsofthe Ayalas and the international communiq' Admittedly, his managâ‚ŹnentcaPabilitieshave improved and both his anall'ricaland

the Philippines. ByJuly ofthis year,the group will have mall tours in Metro Manila aspart oftheir Membership Development Projert- In line with this, they will alsoconduct lecturesand

aesthaic capabilitia havepolished"l am able to do my hobby while serving Ridry. the counay and beingpai4" confesses In line wirh Haribon advocacywork.

presentationsto \ariour schools,companies, and commurritiesaround tie Philippines. Havingbeena marketing managerbefore, Ricky war able to apply tradirional


The AIM Renaissance

marketingroolrin rellingouta rocialidea. a learning he got from AIM. As an NGO, Haribon gets {inancial suppon {iom various secrorsof sociery. Disappointingar it ma' seem.95 oo of "Another frnding come Fom foreign aides. goal ofHaribon is to sourceout 50o/oofits funds Fom rhe top prinatecompanieshere in the Philippines three to four years from now," conffdesRicLy. Since its inception in 1972, Haribon Foundation continues to advocate biodiversiryconservationrhroughout the country. lt is an organization committed to nature conservationdtough community ernpowerment and scientiffc excellence. Ric\ de Casrro, forsaking a moneyspinning world, has blossomed into a renaissanceman. The task ofcaring for the environment may not be ar prestigiousas other humanistic undertakings, but for Ricky and tfie Haribon Foundation. it is a task asnoble, meaningfirl, and rewarding.

Sandywasas one of the TenYoungOutstandingYoung l'4en Arardeefor PubIicServicein Print t'4edia in 2001, andwasawarded by the Filipino-ChineseFederationof BusinessandProfessionaIb,bnen of the PhiliDDinesas BestV'Icrnan Achieverin Businessin 1999.

Renaissance Woman PassiondrivesAlexandra"Sandy" Prieto-Romualdez to bring peopletogetherfrom variousorganizations to aid the needy,and she couplesthat samepassion for sociallyrelevantprojectswith an intensity that is the infectiouskind.

The rime rpent during the program helped her to develop critical thinking and to learn ways in choosing which sets of information were important. She also brought StrategicPlanningto Ge I nquirer, and she hassince beensetting up various

- Sy Snxros Bv Vru RrrHoso

srstemsto suppon her company'sinitiatives. Dealing with the Challenges of Management Sendyis rhe q?e of managerwho, when


The AIM Renaissance

Among the Inquirert projects (borne out ofCorporate Social

a decision needsto be made, alwaystries to worh for{4rena deadline is up.

Responsibility) is the Newsboy Foundation, which gives scholarships to about six hundred students. The paper is

however, and it ir diflicult ro go lor a maioriq decision.rhe makessure that peoplein the minority don't havemaior obiections.

also involved in three major projecrs - Tabang Mindanaw,

She encourageseveryoneto sharetheir views, "l al*.ays tell them that before we

Habitat, and the World Wildlife Fund-

make a decision you can objecr and express yourself. But once we've made a decision, I expect everyone to be a hundred percent behind it. Ofcourse it doesn't happen all

Sandy is personally involved in the AssociateMissionaries of Assumption (AMA), a group er fervor and love for others also propelsher to succeed."I have to be passionateabout the project or program, or I won't be ableto do it," shesays.

"l knowmy weaknesses, but I alsoknowwhat I'm goodat."

the time ro I remind them that they had their chance."

that conducts formation training for volunteers who are sent to communities that need

She also belie'es in rening obiectires. Dean Morato was, in fact, instrumental in helpingthem comeout with their very fint

teachers,or community and./or parish workers. She is also the

In 19& *4ren shewasonly 3l years old, Sandy was narned Prcsidentofthe Philippine D*ily Inquircr, Inc "My brother died the year that I enteredAIM, and someone had to represent the family in the paper. They said tha it *zs something| *as going to be inr€r€st€d in. I think anong our busincs int€rcsts,dre

Commissioner for Media and Arts of the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW). As

volunteers for various community proiects within Metro Manila"

the representative Fom media, she is part ofa team that setsup guidelines for the proper reporting ofstories that involve women and children. She is currently the vice

Her Allvl Experience

paper does have a social dimension to it " Sandyrelates.

that recruits, educates, and coordinates a network of

Workingfor Others

president of Hands On Manila Foundation, an organization

While she was teaching at Assumption C-ollegeand part of AMA, she felt that she needed to learn more about the Development ffeld becauseher undergraduate degree was in Sociologr. "I tlrink as far as experienceand heart, I had a lot of that, but I didn't have the

tools that rvould help me get more involved, or be able to do the work that I very much wanredto do. I'ranted ro beabletokind ofli-keprofesiona.lizelhat loveand passion that I had," sherecalls. Sandy heard about the Masters in Derelopment Management(MDM) program ar AIM. Sheliked rhe ideathar ir *as a development coursein a managemmt school. "lt reafirmed the movebecausreve',

StrategicPlanabout sevenlean ago. Since d'en, G€ company'splannins measureshave evolved, and today, the systemfeatures the managem'objectives. How Does She Do lt? tuked how rhe succerslirlly jugles allof herdutiesand responsibiliries and penonal life, shereplies,"l don't do ir verywell, bur you haveto try and balanceeve']thing.- She credia her husbandPhilip for beingnerv

alsortems Sandybeliwesthat her success Fom herparena'{Alex and Marixi Prieto) open-mindedness. "Becausewhen you ask, where does all tfiis .ome liom. can you irnagine your kid coming home and saying that shewans to joh astudy abncadpmgram and that she'sgoing to do it in KenlC How many motfien and farhen will alloq tlrir kid to do thac" Shehasalsonarrowedthings down to qtrat "Family is number shewants to prioritize, "...and one'" shesa1s, then the paper and my socialcomrnionentsand spors." In a-nhour. shesaJs,shecould be anending to a pmblem ar the paper*4rile aying to Gndout dre rcsrlts ofher son'svisit to the doctor and a concert ofone ofher prograrns,On somedays,she confesres thatsheis jusrglad r-harsheirable "You kind ofnarrow to handle evernhing. it down. That's alsowhy I'm just part ofa few foundations," Sandy adrnia. Vhen Sandytakesan interest,shedevotes herselfentirely to it. But she is quick to dirpel rhis notion. mentioning,among othersthings liheslaringa.nd writing, that rhe cannot cook to saveher life. Ar worl, when rhe know' that she'r not good at something shemakessure that a member of her tearn is. "I know my weaftnesses,but I alro know *,hat l'm goodat." rhepointsouc As the interview ends I am reminded of Jacob Burckhardt, whose paper on the Renaissancein Italv mentions a crowd of farnourwomen".., ofthe mosrraried kind; among them those whose distinction consisted of the fact that their beauty, dirposition. education. vinue and piety, combined to render them harmonious

understood that the people in the dasswere uncomfortable with numbers and

humal beings." On an afiernoonlike this understanding.He understandsher work and living a world asmodern asours, it is a and Getenah responsibitriesrhe handles. plearant ,,urprisero meet one of their But asidefiom balance,shesa1s,one hasto <ouirerpans. hisde6nition, woula


havea good senseofhumor.

if it was a management course, they

be the eoitome ofthe Renaissancewoman.


The AIM Renaissance

AIM'STestamentto the Humanization of Management Education

designing with Dean Eduardo Morato and Prof. Titos Ortigas of New Programs

Bv PlrnrcnC. Annor

The AIM Renaissance

"My legacywoutd be to bringjoy to peopte'slives."

managementeducation in Asia-The courses

impressiveness ofherMRR,

sheteadrescombine Spinmality a.ndthe Aru "Afier rhe AIM studenr in Management.

scholar ofthe corporation on her second year

completes their academic management education,I intend to cap theireducation


is no formal training in

potential that AIM could do for thefuian Arts Industry. She saw the gift that AIM could sharewith its students,in molding

business and industry, in government, and in the arts.

managâ‚Źment. So I found my own niche by throwing awaymy

humanistic leaders,

the beautiful Zen garden in AIM.

Working for Ballet Philippines for 18 years,shehas engagedin

MBA diplorna and going to a {ield where no MBA's would

Humanism in its many

every aspectofthe performing aris industry, From being a

acceptbecausetherâ‚Ź's iust no remuneration in that area."

Philippine Arts alrrdCulture Industry. The former ballerina is alsoone ofthe brainsbehind

The psychic income and spiritual capital of Prof. Manikan has been invested in


ballerina for the company to

Prof Manikan's atrributesher free-spirited personality and

being the Executive Director, she turned the arts industry

inclination towards all things beautifirl and spiritual to her heritageand drildhood" "I drink

around by professionalizingit and making the company

it's genetic I grew up in a family that is quite Arts oriented." She relates,"I remembern'hen I was growing up, at four o'dock p.m., the piano would start playing. It could be any one of us that would play," Raired listening to classical music and in a serene environmeng sherealizedasshe grew older that her happiness would be rooted in the arts and spiritualig.

more sustainable and viable. Prof. Manikan is a firrn believer in the ideal that money and prestige are not what life is all about Hence,shegaveup the corporete world and decided to devote herself to helping the craft and the industry which she loved the most "I gaveup the corporateworld to spend my life servingthe Arts becauseI (new I could make a difference with my professional

management background, especiallyin a 6eld w6ere there

An Artist and a Manager Due to the creativetensions that have riddled the Arts industry, she has made it her missionto steerthe Philippine Arts and Cultue Industry in a direction towards greamess.She hopes to conuibute a hundred fold to the development ofArts and Culture not only in the Philippines, but in Asia. "l believein the Arts asvery crucial in the ceation ofthe moral ffber ofsociety, in its elwating value: that of educating informing, and transforming." Prof. Manikan's saw the

rhem not only into managers,but into

Going FulFcircle in the Academe lfsheexcelled in Ge realmsofbusiness, industry, government, and the arts, has excelled in all these things, why did she return to AIM? "Even before I came back to the Academe, the fact that I went into the Arts was already a sign that this is rny mission,..wecou.ldreally $engthen the Arts by elevatingrhe functional skills ofartisrmanagers,)' It was sheer serendipiry that Prof. Manikan *as invited by her mentor Dean Eduardo Morato to come to AIM and to offer a managementeducation course specially designed for tfie human resource needrofthe Arts and Culture Industry of Asia" The Legacy of Management Education Prof. Manikan has been involved in

she became a

in AIM. Marrying anAIM graduatemadethings

with the Hurnanities. To mahe it mor.

"In the even easier for Prof. Marikan. Caseroom, we were always equals and so

holistic, a-ndto enablethat cu.ltivation ofthe refinementofspirit." The objectiveir for

there was no problem with the adjustments that had to be made in married life. The

them to appreciateand undentand ndat the arts havero offer and to <ontributeto tfiei,

roles that we had to play alwaysoperated on the Famsork that wewereequals.Fifty-

development as persons.The coursewill teachbiger than life valuesthat would make rhem humanists,betterleaders.not jurt

fffty, even in the raising ofour children."


Prof. Manikan raised both her sons to follow their heartsand to becomerv{ratthey want to be. Her son Joao, a 25-year old advertisingexecutiveatJimenezd'Arcy, plap

Life, Love and Living lt Up in AIM! In 1974, Prof. Manikan got her quantum leapin educationin AIM. she joined the rof. Manikan also serves as mentor and coosultant to the


Management Research Report on the

Corporate and Marketing PlaJr ofAVIS Rent Developmentcoursesthat are in line with a Car Company, Because of the I nstitute's humanizing the thrusttowardr

Lastyear, the AIMcommunityopened its armsagainto Prof. CecileManikan, after beingawayfrom AIMfor 25 years. A proud graduateof the AIMMastersin Business in 1976,sheis Management guitaristRaul marriedto classical Manikanand mother to advertising executiveJoao and musicianPepe.


she graduated. She had done

MBM'76, one ofthe most fun and anistic batchesthat AIM has ever had. rn one ofrhosemurit:l roirees.'he me, her husband-to-beplal ing <lassicalguitar in AIM. lt was a whirlwind romanre fo' Cecilia Bourbon and Raul Manikan. Their wedding was, in fact, a classproject with the *4role dass pitching in fiom the pailor to the wedding money to the food. It also took placedree &ys aftergraduation duriirg the gahoon seasonwith the receptionheld in the AIM Dorm Lobby instead of the poolside.Godparenrsto the nedding wer. Prof. Salasand Capt. Bobby L!m. Other professors that the newll.weds had were Dean Eduardo Morato, Father James Donelal. and Prof. Gabbv Mendoira. A Career and a Family Began in AIM In spite ofthe hard times, Prof. Manikan and her husbard graduated from AIM

Prof. Cecile on Parenting

classical guitar like his father and occasionallyperformswith him. Pepe,22, is currently involved in the Music Production unit of the College of St. Benilde-De I-a SalleUniversity. Pepeis also an artist and plays the keyboards for a progressiverock band. Her adviceto her rons ir quire rimple. "Our value is this. We do not force them to becomesomebody that they do not want to beand ffnally ffnd fife empty. There is always that element that whatever you want to become, do your best,we will support you. lfyou happenro be in a field .here thereis no money, then you haveto be aware...ifwe can help and suppon you, we will, if we cannot, then that's the price you pay for following your heart." "My legacywould be to bring ,'oy to people's lives. Acknowledging the gifts of

steadfasdrat they wereboth going to pursue their own careersand have the family that they always dreamed of. "We were trained

people.ln a deepersense,mafting people aware ofthe tremendous spiritual resource that they have to arm themselves with in life. And to alwals airn for somethingnobler, harea biggerrhan life

for rhar.We were managen. I didn t have

attirude, more than the concern to be

any secondthougha about having a career." In fact, Pmf. Manikan wasalready hired by

materially sutcesslir.l..,tobe ooncernedabout miking a difference becauseyou have the courage to follo* your own heart."

Gueverreand SonsC-orporationevenbefore


The AIM Renaissance

flot alwaysa singer, Candyhada vibrant careerwith the Department of AgricuItureas a consultant.In 1987,he put up a m a n a g e m e n t - c o n s u fl ti ri nmg. T h e ni n 1 9 9 2 .h e v e n t u r e d into providinglogistics servicesto SanlliguelCorporation, an is also part of enterprisethat kepthinrbusyto this day.Candy the boardof regentsof the l'lanuelLuis Quezon university.

The Sou[of Spiritof '67 How doessomeonewith an MBAfrom the Asian Instituteof Managementbecomea singer? "Musicis life", Candido"Candy"Dizon,the man who embodiesthe bandSpiritof '67, said.His introductioninto singingstarted at an early ageeven as a kid he would be askedto singin front of relativesand guests.This encouragedhim to becomea memberof the AteneoGleeClubfrom his gradeschoolto highschooldays.

ofthe band, he defined the band's market



a high roncept we are relling memorie.,

become challenging when you are in your

youth, nostalgia. Lower concept level, we -0's, which are selling muric of the 60's and

50s. With

we know best. That's our competitive edg. " over the others. "Now, what other product?


The AIM Renaissance

I "lt's our commitment to the Drofessional musicians in the bandto makethem not onty survivebut make as muchmoneythey have evermade.Andthat witl makethemsee their kidsto schoot."

for your audience to think

that we are just like them, and we are theirc,


n high school, the rage of schoolmatesforming bandsor "combos" further fuelled his pa.ssionfor singing. Hejoined agroup ofclassmatesa.ndstaned plrying for classpanies in his school and especiallyin girls' schools.Back then, the ideaof

getting paid to perform seemed like a far offconcept. The best things they got in return for their performance were cigarettes,dinner, and the undying gratitude ofthe girls,

he added.

band has undergone sorne changes over the years, their

their position in the market through the "r,JVe discipline of SWO I anall sir, looked

while the run shines.

brand ofmusic hasrernaineddre

AB market classbut with more focrx on th. A. Spirir of 6- urgets peopleofthe same agebrachet and economic class.These are

ar our strength, weaknes. opportunities and

swung the other way. When

threats. We loohed at romperition. People

comes, you have to break that mode of

Admittedly, Candy said that he neverthought he would be

the people who can afford to spend,who are largely unaffeced by the ups and downs ofthe economy,and who like panie' and

are sraning to imirare us wh ich is rhe bert


form ofcompliment.


classmatespointed out that his batch had the most number of people *4ro played in bands, so they decidedto put up a band composedof the best players avdilablein their high school batch.

businessschool h AtM, his goal was to become a professional manager. Through all his

eight fonner classmatesand the son ofone ofthe band members. All we re Ateneans. They

endeavors,Candy found a way to incorporate the learning he gained from businessschool in

practicedfor six months to put

his music He brought a level of

out as a sirnple hobby for a

got suspicious. His parents

where he is now. When he took

The founding nine members ofthe band were comprisedof

*as forced to give up his stint.

but by dre drird night his parents

Spirit of'6- has been far ed with another challenge - the tendency to be shoruighted "ln in rheerearive businesr. ourearlydays,

rnusic to a niche market He callsit a tighdy defined target market segment,Efiich is the

evenoally found out, and Candy

got the part and started singing

physical limitations to what

Shangri-I-a Hotel and at Dish at the Rockqell C-enter.rJ7hilerhe

them so well that they were encouragedto perform in other specialoccasionsfor the rhool. 'fen years later, the band continued to perform hits &om the 60's alil70's. What staned

for a lounge act. He

most of us in the sarne age

bracker. we all have to work wirh the facr

hosted the celebration of the silverjubileeofhis high school Alma Mater. One of his

of their maiden performance, the homecoming crowd received


of perforrning

our "Spirir of6-" a big ruccess."Cand.1 w e h a r e t h e s a m e p e r s o n a l i t l , r a m e explained. articulatenerr. Being comfortable with " people of Geir ovm lerel is very importanr. He seeshis band asdelivering a brand of

He took the idea of being a at the age of 17, he


group cornposed of former classmates turned into regular gigs at Conway's bar at the

mgethera number ofgood songs in their routine. On the big day


The physical

His dream of becoming a professional singer would have to wait until 1992r'hen his dass

which provided the real motivation for singing. professional singer so seriously

are doing SWOT a[ tle tirne," Cardy " fhe band evaluates itl weaknq:.

arrd ensured thatthe four P's are all ther., "On product, price, promorion, and place.


By l,uerorR, Clluer-


professionalisrn and discipline gained fiom his experience in the corporatâ‚Ź world and through the managâ‚Źmenr conceptsleamed fiom businers school. "The businessschool training helped us to focrx more on *4rar our target market w-as,and what our product wasgoing to be. I guessthat helpeda lot in making

going out. "Barically.we deffneGe producuWe *ll memories,nostalgia," he explained. "We are trying to inject youth into our audrence because*Aen you bring them bach to tho.c days when they were teenagers, they are

our view was limited

to the next gig. Now,

we takea longervien. The analyris ofwhat the band's core strenghs were vir-a-n is our target market has paid off."

Candy and his band continually


Before we used to be

the onll ganre in rosn and nobodl took

Today, the band's aaitude is to make hay "When we starteu

to be really successful, the pendulum success

and focus on how to maintain

level of

success. For


professionals they are more used to

notice ofus. Now people can see our formula

makinggood money when they are hot,

" and the ingrediens that make us successfirl. "So, He turthered, as a band, we are

and tfiey move on to another band when

continually evaluati ng our position versus comperirion. !0/hy? Because it's our

things start to turn." "ln t h e c a s eo f S p i r i r o f ' 6 - , w e c a n n o t work with such short-term thinking because

young agan." "ln our gigs,40150/60 year olds danceon


in the band to make them not onlysurvive

professionalr in our group that they're not

tablesand chairsrhe whole night. Ia lik< we inied a doseofadrenaline in them every night that they are there. Becausewebring rhem back, we give them rery good

but make as much money they have ever

exacdy young either. So I said, we need to

memories and sometirnes even painful memoriesdependrngon the songrrhar ne sing. At dreendofthe day,ir'riust bringing r-hemback theiryouth. That's whar weare relling - memoriesand youtlr. and ne largely

and so with

songs, new way's ofperforming."

becauseofrhaL" he expounded. succeeded To firther reinforce the marketing thrust

to the professional musicians

we're old. And I had to remind


made. And that will male them see thei'

prolong our product life cycle. Moreover.

kids to school. Our lead singer is a girl. She

you have to learn to reinvent yourselfwhen

is a ringle mom wi$ an eigfit-year-old boy,

you see the market losing interest. And the

and she lir er rolell on her inrxrme ar a singer.

way we reinvent

the rest of the other

ourselves is through


professionals. We make sure that all the

The energr that the band delivers and the

band members are happy in whar they do.

impact they have on the audience, it is hard

So we have to be aware ofour competrtion.

to imagine rhe compler, thought process,

We have to look at potential oppomrnities

dedlcation, and commitmâ‚Źnt

and we take a long "ie*."

Candy brings to theSpiritof'67.

to quality that


The AIM Renaissance


- ':t,,:;:::.1

E v e r y b o d yp r o b a b t yr e m e m b e r sS e i k oF i l m s m o r e e a s i l yw i t h i t s t a g l i n e ," l f i t ' s f r o m S e i k o ,

Building-upa Star

it mustbe good."But rarelydoesone knowthe

to hi'AlM edutarion..'a.rl' Lno"."har

RobbieTan:rs a producer, perhaps tha.ks

s r r a r < g i <a n d r a t t i <a Jp l a r r . , r r e , r l |. r b r - r u tI .n

c e n t r a lf i g u r e b e h i n dt h e 1 8 - y e a ro l d f i l m o u t f i t , and moreover,that SeikoFitms' Executive P r o d u c e rR o b b i eT a n i s A s i a nI n s t i t u t eo f Management'sson Robert Lim Tan from the s a n a s e m e n tb a t c h 1 9 7 6 . M a s t e r si n B u s i n e sM

this busines where any actor's star-life-span is, on the average, considerablv short, Ntr

,t /\


Thc A ^1 Rerarlsafce

"l prcscnutiorrs. liked todo my

r o r h e . r , r 1 ' , , r , r t* o r l , l , h c s r s

presentationr in a diftirentwal

l < r s rl i l c l r t l r o u s l , r , ' lk ' l a , t di n

l i k e p L r t t i n gi n q u o t e s f r o m m v r e r o u r c c p e r s o n s , "w h e n m o s t ererrone did ranre up *'ith a

A I ME x p e r j e n c e



President fbr Markcting & t)istribution,and picking up l e s s o n so n m u s i c & s i n g e r pronrotionsas*ell ar hit mrrsic developrncnt- prec rsors to brrilding up film stars.

c d u . , r i o n * . r . c r r t c c h n i c ailr r

"l treat themas productsthat shoutdhavea goodimage andpackaging."

l he first three nronths in

Love for Movies He har alvars loved*atching movies,a parsionheshareswith f t l l o w f l l m p r o d u c e r ,L i l r "I MonteverdcofRegalFilnrs. I becausc thinh l'm an escapist

I rtfr plrfcslot\ ' * h,, , hrr!t(i rhi' ptr l,tctir c. \lr. l,rn. sh,r tolro li,rn, r

1 \ lB l t * c r e t h t m o s r g r r r e l i n g , " 'llrrt I lcarned a lot he adrritr.

h u i i , r c s o r i t r t c < l l . r n r i l r .s l l r r r s . ''l'rrlcsors I i l e \ l t l \ , r l . u , r ra n d


I t o l , i ' . I i r n r , r , r g h rn , e L o s l r

s u t c e e d . a n d g o o d b r r s i n e s s love*archingmovies.F.rcrsince

d i s r i n s u i i ho p p o rr u n i r i e s .I h c

sersc.sonrethingthat came in

rr)( r.rrqh( rD i '

h,rndv rvht'n I had nry o*'n

\\ hilr in rhr Insritutt. \lr.

Right .rlier gradrntn,n, Vic<lel


r h e o ru i c a l * . r .

m u c h e r p e r i <n r e o n r h e f i e l d , h e m r d e .

of things fronr there. M1'AIM taught mc critical

. r n . r l v s i s ,d c t e r n r i n a t i o n t o

fbr nr the irrdustn. {hhough

he h.r' r,.rdr filnrr lio,n a..

genres,Seiko Films ou*it is associatedlatclv

leave home for marriage. Ihat's rvhr I

s i r h . < r r m , ' r i c s . P r o d r r . e r .. r r <n r a r L c t .

prep.rrerhenr ftrr that. l.en ifther le.,r<

, ' r i c n r c d . , r n dr h e r p r i m a r i l r , , , n . i d e r t h c

Seiko,I am still happvald proud ofthem

t i n . u r . i . r lb < n c f oi . m d r e r r n r \ o l i n t c l r n r . n r \ .

h e < , r u s eI b r r i l r r h c m u p h c r . r . . u r . r r i t l

I l < . r r t s ' e d r h o r r g h t h r r rh i ' f i l m o u r t i r h a .

good stavingpower," he savs.

a l s o d o n e q u a l i q f i l m s p e g g e db v L a u r i c c Grrillen and t.ino Brocka. At prcscnt, he

instant magic and hocus pocus inresnnent

s t e e r si n t h e d i r e c t i o l o f b o l d a r t i s t n b v

It is a producr of a careful, u,ellthought out "I ireat them as prorlucts thar proccss.

. n r p h . l i r i n g o r r r h r q u a l i n o l h i ' n r o .i c '

rhould h.le a good imagc and p* t,gi ng.

bv comrnissioning topnotch directorr. A t 5 1 , R o b b i e t a n p l a n st o r t t i r e i n a f e n

fcr mi.ukes on hir firsr trv. H i. firsr film

invest in their personalit_vdevelopment and

r ear' rilr< s hrn hc finallt fir<lr.r'ut.s.or

arl action flick, Dos por Dos, bombed ar

prornotions. I think of their nrdividua

s ho hr.<er * r,' .por .rnd nrLe

the tills. Believingthar abankable star like

imageand planr our where rh<v should I'e 'een. *h.' rhe' 'hould he reen q ith. what

a star, a "'ark.r

Rudy Fcrnandez can rake in the monev, he gor him on hi. 'e<ond rr1. fhi. rime, however, his film

I r r i r i , r l l r ,I t h o u g h t t h c { 1 1 \ 1 "

jrrstsomc hehandled and nradc a nane

Cood rraving pos<r is not a rerulr ol'

,kr, sh,'" 1,,,'i'r.*.

\ar nrerra r . \ h < n | ( . r u r . . r n d R i I a A r i l . ra r t

Films sta1. "I kno* rhat evernrallv theynill all go J r r s rl i k e p a r e n o . r h L r I n o s r h a r , r r , r p o i n r i n r h c f r t u r c . I h e i r d , r r r g h r e r ra r r g o i n g r r

Bv JlspenCarsanE. Jaupac

l * . r r i b . l i . r r l r o r rc l , r h e p . r r h

T a n p r e p a r c rh i r s t a n t o o u d i r e t h e i r S e i L r



banned for four months for its storv.

'"hat ston

r h e r s h o ul d b e s r r i n g . s h a t t h e n h o u l d b c w e a r i n g .A l l r h e l e r h o u l d p r o i < ( t t h c i m r g e I create forthem,"

f h e r e n o r - s o .g o o d e r p e r i e n c e sd i d n o t .

p.rlse to k"oo

e i l l . e l l . . r n ( l . r p a r . i o n t o e i r t e r t . r i nt h ( Anridst the troughs and cresccns ofthe t h i l i p p i n e n r o ri e i n d u s t n o v e r t h r r r a r r .

hc explains.

B e i n g i n t h e b u s n r e s sf b r a l n r o s t t u o

\eiLo I ilnr. ha..rared orllrflo,rrc.ilienr.

however, deter RobbieTan &om pursuing

detade. nus. Mr. l.rn alreadv ltltos' thc

rart hing rherirlc' rbh.rnd ro,u. I or Robhn

r h i s b u . i n e s s . ' M y d e t e r m i n a r i o nt o s u c r . e e d inspired me to continuâ‚Ź on - thaCs my


to a box officc hit. He uses

Tan, this is all part of the game. turd fbr

training in AIM," he explains. "Success never fails to The old saving

promotion\ as his nrosr por<nr forrc in roaring rhe <uriorin of the nror ie-going

h e s i s h e . r o p r o d u <e a f i l n ' f r o m h i ' h e , r r t "1 q.rnt to prorltttc " .r' hr share. a si'h.

I w a s ak i d , I m a k ci t a p o i n t t o

thoseoho persevere" proved irelftrue.

public to watch his films. He * arns thougl

religiou' lilnr. pcrhap. a filrn.tbout th.

qatch nrovies, qhatcver was shown in movie theaters -

r h e e n c o u r a g e m e n to f t h e n I i r s t I a d '

t h r r i s s u e rs u r r o u n d i n g h i r s r a r r d o n o t

rniraculorrs rose petals of Lipa befbre I

atrion, drama,orcomedy."

experimental movies, Seiko Films'third


ln,<lda Marcos to filmmalers ro.reat. fflm

marketing well through publicin


hinr to entl a good garne hehas becn plaring,

necessarilyhave to bebelieved becauscthcy

rerir<. llt hr. Jre,rdspoL.n ro a mult'-

are usually part ofa ptblicin



For that, he has creatcd showbiz

t l i r t r r o r f o r t h i s p r r - r j e r ta n d h c ' hop.s rhi. qill nratcrialirr. lhar qill q a rted from . omplere whar I ha. c Jsas

Lrn horredhis tle,rtirin. an

Ilosario of Vira Filnrs pickcd

This passion made him agree

Kiror, ar adult orientedone. made Robbi.

i n r p o l r , rn r q r r . r l i n i n s L o s

hin, as Vicor and lllackgold

to invest h filnrmakingwhen he

Tan a million:rire. He closely follo*ed it up

p e r s o n a l i t i c r" h o r . r n e d n i t h e s i r r r h t

b r r s i n c s .I l e l i h r h a rr l u r i n q h i s

I rlxl Mrrsic Corporation's Sales

rlas offered the oppormnia, and

with a phenomenal successthat revived the

e n r e r t a i n m e n th u r i n e s r .G r e r t h c n R a r r c t r o

the 't.rrr

. \ l N { d . r rr . h t h a < lr , l i f } i r c n t r n d

\lanager. Hestaved on firra fcw

Seiko Films first sa* the klieg

.areen ofthe trio I iro. Vit and Joe1. thr comedv film CoodAh.

Rorartna Rotes. liri'r illr {lmeda.Jestoni Alarcon, (lesar Montano, lto mn ick

p r o . i d i n g e n t e r t a i n n r e nr o e t ( r r o n (

unique rI

ill (\roonr

r cars bccoming



lights offilrning

davs. Without

and rhar is ro bt Inoqn lbr

drrough thc films I make," he e"dr.


T h eA I MR e n a ' s s a n c e

Enjoyingthe Bestof BothWorlds At an early ageof 10, the youngQuinito would flop down in front of the televisionin anticipationof his favorite sportingevents. But it didn't just end there. Thisyoung sportsenthusiastnever missedout on a chanceto makea reviewof what he'd seen. He would run to his typewriter, write down journals,and tossout all ideasinto his scrapbook."l still have thoseScrapbooks with "Quinito" me now," boastsJoaquin Henson "sports as he recallshow his career" began.


corporate *orld. Afier all the hard work and panelinterviews.he landedon a job a r a m a n a g € m € nttr a i n e ea t U n i l e v e r together with six other applicants who were chosen out of 2,000 candidates. This becamehis first corporate experienceafter school. Barely two months on tfie iob, Quinito got a call &om AIM granting his adrnission to the MBM. Sincegening into AIM had been a goal for him, Quinito decided to forego his work and to go back to school. AIM had been a venue for his transformationasa benerleader.Howe'er, his experiencedid not only equip him with solid managementsLills but alsointroduced

Bv lfunv Guce R. S$LAvr

The alM Renaissance

ust like any gpical boy, he also played basketball while he was a student in La Salle, an

Quinito's eighteen-year-old daughter who is currendy a member of the swimming wrsity team, As a yoong boy, Quinito had alwals beenan active mrdent in school, juggling both his

The program aimed to expose the young delegates to the different gpes of educational

inspiration he got from his father who was also an avid sports fan and a former

academic and non-curricular activities all at the same time.

institutions in the country. While touring around the

He served as editor-in-chief of

U,S,, he was given the chance

basketball player in his school. The fami$s active interest in

the school paper during his elementary alrrdhigh school

sponts is cerried do*'rr even to

years. Among his peers, he graduated salutatorian in elementart' and fi rst honorable

WilLins, who wasthen the grar playing coach of the Seatde Supersonics. Thisexperience led him to pursue the "other

mention in high school.

profession" that he is currendy

In Ia Salle,he took up fib€.al Arts - Comrnerce major in Economics and East-Asian Studies. Aside from college

enioying and, so to speak, is known for.

"Asa sportsanalyst,I don't ontydo lots of researchbut I alsoDutinto accountthe human-interest angle of my stories. My searchgoes deeperinto the person,tryingto knowwhy they are what theyare, and what they havebecome."

to meetand interview de lrnny

After coming back fiom the

This earned him Php 25, and sincethen, he has beena contributor ofsponing events. From a rpons magazine,he wa later on asked to write for the Daily Express. This becamea hobby since then. Backedby a scong belieft-hathis businessacademic background vrould solidifr by attending graduate school, Quinito immediately decided to pursue an MBA in AIM right after college. But despite his enthusiasm,his application to the Master in BusinessManagement (MBM) Program was pur on a wait list since he still had no corporete work €xperienceto back him up. Quinito's determination to pursue the MBM and his involvement with all thc different arrociarionr and projects ar a mrdent leaderduring his schoolday,sbecarne

work, Quinito's attention *ns also largely devoted to the student council ln l)72, he

U.S., his overwhelming experienceofmeeting the great coachpmmpted him to trot out his stories about tle hall of

was chosen as one of the 13

farner. So eager to share his

his defenseagainsrthe negativefeedback. He then tried airing his side to the late Prof.

delegatesftom Asia to ioin the three-nonth Student l,eader

experiences, he went to a local spots magazine and requested that his article be published.

Anton Estrada, the Dean ofStudents. 'While waiting for his admittance to the ptogram. Quiniro tried getring into rhe

Program in the United States.

He started out asMr. Sixto Roxas' assistant and left Bancom ar the company's vice presidentin 1985. After Union Bank, he started the microffnance operations for San Miguel 'Danding' Corp. Chairman Eduardo Coiuanco, Jr. in Tarlac. Righr now. Quinito is enjolngthe best ofboth worlds,ln spons, he considershis r*ork a hobby. "Asa rpons analyst,l don't

Quinito ro orhervariousrpor6. ln l9-5, during his secondyear ofstay in AlM, he and his group would spend rheir sparetime 'pelou . only do lotr ofresearchbut I alsoput into playing a ra.quetbal wriation called Iater on, his lndian and Pakistani dassmates account the human-interest angle of my introduced him to yet another interesting stories. My search goes deeper into the person, trying to lnow why they are what spon. squash.His group would Gen go to Sta, Ana in Manila just to play the newly they are, and what they have become." As pan ofhis job in micro6nance, where leamedball game. Favorabll, a squashcouit he is the Managing Director ofthe Eduardo wasbuilt just a stone'sthrow anay 6om his place afier he got married and moved to Alabang Hills. Up until now, Quinito is very much an activesquashplayer, "It's easy to play and it doesn't take you hours to work up a sweat," he says. AIM provided Quinito with a better understandingofhis professions,both in sports and in microfinance. As a sports broadcast analyst and a columnist with the PhilippineSur. he developedthe discipline he needed.He learnedmore about concise and deliberate writing. His ana\tical and speakingerpenise oas firnher improved. His solid and professionalway ofmanaging people is verymuch attributed to AIM. After AIM, he worked for l0 years as m a n a g e m e n tt r a i n e e a r B a n c o m , a n investment house. and saw its evolution t< whar is now hnonn ar rhe Union Bank.

Coniuangco Foundation, Kaunlaran Sa KabuhaFn Microcr€d;rCorporation. and Sama-SamaEnterprise Development C-orporation.hedoesregular visio in Tarlac Being involved in operations and in the counrrysidedevelopment, he hashelped the underprivileged and has become a hero to some rma.ll €ntrepreneurs of the place. These,together with the other projects they had in Tarlac. havebeencited by the United Nations which led him to lecture on m i c r o f i n a n c ei n t q o U n i t e d N a r i o n s i n r e r n a t i o n a l c o n f e r e n c e sh e l d i n Swiserland and France. Having beenan acrire playerarrdleader in both the corporateworld and in spons. one rnight resort to asking if he ever has "None at all," plarisofentering polirics. laughs Quinito.


The AIM Renaissance

wcnty-eight anirts Gom the perbrming and the non-performing arts, artisaentrepnmenrs, and managers of rztious drcprogmm. Among them were National A-rtist for

for the l

rtrst s a


Sculpture Dean Napoleon Abueva, TOYM awardce for Peacc Advocacy Risa Hontivcm+Baraqucl, thcspians musicians singers, gallery/mu.seum ctretors/ownerc, dance$, design€rs,and aits educ4tor. Thet all represented the different fecets of the performhg and non-performing aru. The com-rnondenominaror was that they rrere all artist-managers oforgenizations or arts enterprises which they feel could be more viable,sustainableand most importandy, pursuanr ofthe artistic mission sfiich they embody. AJM awarded scholatships to deservingapplicants such asNational Artist for Sculpture Napoleon Abueva and to rqrftsenteliv€s ofthe Cultural Centet ofthe Philippines.

ChickenSoupfor an Artist-r{anager's Soul Committed to providing relevant education, 6e Institute divcrsiGedand Glled th€ gaps in its traditional busiaess m.nagenentdegeeprogran andbeganto ofier humanized managementeducation in 2001, It pmvides the neesary tr.ining drat theseinstiurtions and organizatiom rtquirc

strategic planning, artistic social creetivity, and commitmcnt. The program required the a-lliance of four

envisioned that the Asian curriculum will dcvdop into a nctwor& ofAsia's leading artisrmanagerc drat will formularc


solutions to susain the viality and richnegs ofEast and South EastAsian artistic traditionr in



education business,and law. It is designed to hclp art professionals to a&pt to the changing coatexts of the globalized world. These rru.ging contecs indude some ofthe following: the long term health of arts organizations; issues such as freedom of €xpr€ssion, censorship, and govertrm€nt intervention in the ats; and the inplications ofatt to international and local educarionaland orltural policy.

the changing conterts of the Asiafl region. artistic creativity, and social commitment. The program allows the allianceoffour major disciplines: arts, educetion, businesEand law. lt is deeigned to help art professionalso adap to the changing contexte ofthc globaliz€d world.

The AIMManaging the The Difference?lt's For Arts Program Art's Sakel The program is a braincl ld TheArtistandhiscrafrmust, ofDean Eduardo d Morati'Jr.; at the end of the day' reign suprenreaboveall ottrer things. Unfortunately, tfie Artist must sornehow compromise at timcs his craft, or hir crtation to please the au&ence the donor that funded the creation and the clienr buying his or her art It is accotding ro Program Dirccot, "a Prof, CecileManikan, <rearive tension." maintaining the bottom line is the reality' an artistic €nterpris€ is fac€d with the seemingly insumrounable While

task of bridging the creative teosion between strategic business gods and the artistic mission ofthe craft-

formcr Ballet Philippines Execrrtive Directot, Professor Cecile B. ManiLuq and Prof. Gaston Ortigas' Jr.' Executive Director of AIM - Ncw Ptogtams Devdopment They envisioned that the Managing the Arts Program would contribute to the human resourcedevelopment needsof the Arts and Culture Industry Iirst and foremost in the Philippines, and eventually in other counries of,{ria. Thi.ewill support and contribute to the enhancement of awarenessand undersanding of the East and South East Asia's cultural richness and diversity. It is

The AsianArts and Culture Industry: Demandvs. Supply The demand for sustainable and viable enterprisesbasgrown dramatically in the past decade due to competition brought about by globalization. Arts practitioners end artistmanagerc have united in their int€test to further the of the undcrstanding technological, economig and the most importently, ' managernentaspoctofthcir art But in spitc of the mony associations, conferences, and nctworks

that have been established, the thirst for knowledge still continues to grow. Given dre crucial role that Ats Management plays in thc development ofthe Asian Arts and Culture Industry into a dcative rnd yet sustainable industry, it was imperative dnt AIM develop artist-managers' who can hclp carvcits count/s niche in the globd Arts and Coltu€ Industry,

Easing"Creative Tensions"

ComparativeDataon ExistingArts llanagementPr€rams

The Managing the Arts Progrem provides rhe necessary

While the demand 61 6rmal rraining in arrs nenagement is

training in management required by dreArts and C-ulnre Indust4a straregic planoing,

slowly bcing addressedin Asiaspeciffcally ia countrie-s li-ke Austtalie, the Philippines,



Comrnission on Culnrrc and the Afts (NCCA) end the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), AIM was successlirl in


UF -

producing 10 caseson topics relwant to the nuancesofdoing



businessin the Arrs and Culture Indrxtry of the Philippines. The difference lies in marly

CsnparativeDataon Existi

things. Aside &om tfie blatant cultura-l differences that the

Singapore,and Indonesi& most schoolsin thesecountries adopt the saditional deductive mode of learning by imparting knowledge of the frrndamenuls and principles of management through the lecture style of instruction.


The AIM Renaissance




Supplementary materials were derived ftom news artides on operienoesof artist-managersof various sectors of the Arts Industry - from Dance to Theater to Painting to Music However,the nichesthar AIM

West would havefiom the Eest, anAns Management Casetakes into consideration that a profftoriented industry is entirely difierent from the art-oriented industry. The Managing the

Arts Faculty

Moreover, the teacherc who are employed to teach speciffc

carved were its unique caseson the Asian A-ra Industry. AIM

The Core Faculty ofthe AIM Managing the Ara Faculty are "artists, too,.." according to

frrnctional areaslike marketing ffnance, operations, and fund

case writer Michael Benedict l.opez believes, 'lVriting an

Prof. Cecile Manikan. A brief proffle oftleir background does

raising operate independendy

AIM Arts Management Caseis

of each other with each one solely responsible for his ov*n particular course objectives,

entirely different fiom *dting a Business Management case.It hasa difrerent flavor - ftom the

sho* that these AIM faculty were chosen not only by virtue

. design and content Thus, each subiectbecomesan end in iaelf, separateand distinct from one

process of research to the qecrrtion ofthe case."

becauseoftheir experiencein dealing with artists or because

The PhitippineArts and CultureIndustry Management Cases

they are artiss themselves. Moreover, although the teaching methodologr may be the same (AIM employs the

In collaboration and participation of various arts organizations, companies and

Case Method as its teaching methodologr), the aception to the rule may be how

institutions, the National

participative and animated the

another, cven in approach and style of teaching. While the school may have its general course or prograrn objectives, the derclopment and appli:arion ofvarious functional slills are often not consciously designed to progressivelybuild upon one another so that a holistic. stategic, and transformational approachto arts nranagementis achieved. An AIM education departs from tfiis traditional approach

by promotiog

critical, creative. and wholebrain thinking.

oftfieir experiencein teaching leader-managers but also

discussions haYe to be maintained. The AIM Faculty were challenged to teach managemenl in the language of artists and to the sometimes stricdy right brained mindset of artists. As a keen observer in the courseand asProgram Manager for the Managing the Arts Program during its ffrst run, I believe AIM was more than successfulin offering ro the 28 clrious individuals in the dass a different perspective of what Managementand Businesswas

CLASS. THE FIRSTMANAGINGTHE ARTSPROGRAIVI all about The 6cult1 piquedt$ertudent'sanention by engagingthem not only in lively case discusions bur alsoin film rhowings of"The year. National Artist Napoleon Abueva has Manila, the MAP is offeredin March 2fi)2 Making of LheWert SideStory b1 t eonard also sculpted a bust ofJose Rizal for AIM, in Singaporeand once again in Manila in B e r n r t e i n .t l n t h e l l r s t C A N G r o u p as a symbol of man's unwavering April2oO2. D i s c u s s i o n ,o n e C A N C r o u p w a s s o When askedon how signiffcant AIM has commiunent to educationand excellence. thoroughly engagedin a candid debate on l-he program is done. but the anisriebeen to them, I received an answer that I the caseabout CCP for four hours - irnagine "l mission ofthe Managing the Arts Program didn'r quite expect. can now do my t+ anistic.strong-rrilledand outspoken WIOKRAPI-SPATRXS with my eyes hasnot wavered-The participana havegone individuals raising their voices, drawing closed," quipped one Managing the Arts back to their organizations, but have diagrams on five blackboards and Program 2001 a-lumni,MadeleineNicolas rerumed wiG more confidence in achieving emphatically arguing about the case now conducts her planning through the the strategic businessgoals oftheir crafi, as problem.) Creative expressionwas also well as sharing with their peers the PERT chan that Professor Zorro (as thei encouragedby the dramatization ofthe case fondly call Prof. Onigas) taught her, and expedmce ofovercoming the fear of$nance analvsisof the CCP (B) and the lsabela Mariles Ebro-Matiar now presenrsto her or negotiation. Stewart-GardnerMusem Carer. Another Board of Trustees\4VIOKRAPI-SPATRIS innovative feature of the program was a style. MAP 2001 have also developed a Serendipity Walk' which required the StRENDIPITY CD-ROM containing rhe studens to take photographsofthe ne*'ly photographs taLen on their Serendipity inaugurated Zen Garden. u(/alh and t-heirWIOKRAI'I-SPATRIS. A

The Futureof the Asian Artists-Managers ResearcheForts have once again been renewed with Casesand Industry Studies to beingronduoed in Singapore.Proposa-ts funding organizations have also been submitted to request for funding for a Curriculum and CaseDevelopment Project ro be conductedin Indonesia.Malalsia, Hong Kon6 Thailand' andJapan. ffrsr-run in Moreover.afier its successfirl

websire is also in the works for releasethis


The AIM RenaBsance

B a n g l a d e s h B h u t a n C a m b o d i : hni a

FreshMarkets, New Views


The AIM Renaissance

Nineteensixty-eightmarkedthe year when the AsianInstituteof Management openedits doorsto eageryoungminds. The student populationthen was madeup solely of youngFilipinosbut a year thereafter,foreign studentsstarted comingin. Sincethen, AIMhas graduatedmore than 24,OOO studentsfrom over 60 countries, mostof them comingfrom India and our ASEAN neighbors. By DrNrsr C. Cuvrcxexc & Mmv JrNrceD. Drvru


I n d o n e s i aJ a p a n


prcgrams, Tte est"hlirho..t

light, AIM plans to increase

ard maintcnaace of relationehips vith major .orpordons wil t pFo6pediv€

awareness on the Institute and its various programs by also

dieots *f,o may be ilterested in AIM's in-house tailot-fit progrems. In rcalizetion ofite god+ ACE lauached the ME ia Singepore ir MarcL tlis yeat, a.odir ebo continuiag m build

fter years of students and professionals having to leave their home counariesro


enroll inAIM's wide variety ofprograms, the institute began to bring some of its

and Vietnam. Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Paftistan, and Sri l,anka belong to the

coursesover\rar. The ffrst program held

Dweloping or School-Speciffc

abroadwasthe BasicManag€mert Pr ram for Malayria'r Mailis Arnana-hRalqar in I 979. Since then, counders programs have

Markets, which present longterm gronth for one or two AIM schools.Iasdy, the marketswith the leastpotential for growth or

on thc <rettat rderionsLip wi6 Singeporcan eluoni and orhcr

spearheadsthe expansion effort

headed by a lead school and rnanagedby a lead faculty. The Asian Center for Entrepreneurship(ACE) shall

oppomrnities 6r casewriting may be opeacd up. Sincc Singapore is ia touch witl tf,e latest businece practices,

in the coontry. ACE hasalready engagedin casemiting proiecrs, and will offer ME Malaysia this coming May. AIM also plans to

take charge of Malaysia and Singapore under the leadership

createand maintain a database which will include corporate, govemmenc and mediaconacrs and to enhance its marketing

Opportunistic Markets are

ofProfessorsAlben ladores and

paved the ray for AIM representativeofrces in the region and enabl€dAIM to customiz€

Derek Liew, respectively, ln Singapore, AIM visualizes

certrintylerd to Faa.. divEoiiy in thc lcarniag moterials.

its programs for itr foreign audience.At present, the Manila Office runs overseas programs through representativeoffices in wrious counrries. In May 2001, the Council of Deans

Singapore offer the most number of local and intemational MBA programs in the region; therefore, it is

purporire inrritutional presencein the markets, optimize the sharing of information acrossschools and programs, and build country knonledge and expenise with the mar*ets on an institute-wide basis" The Counril then concurred ro group strategicrnarkets into three categoriesbased on the grorth potential for AIM programs in theseareas- the lnrtiturional Strategic Markea, Developing or School-Speciffc Strategic Markets, end Opporrunistic Markets. The countries that fall under the Instirutional StrategicMarkzu which would offer the greatestlong-term grorrfi potenrial for all rhe AIM schoolsarethe Philippines, India. Indonesia.Malalsia. Singapore.

imperative that AIM not only makes its presencefelt but also recognizedin thesecountries. Each of the Institutional

instant recognition asa provider

Anotf,cr oatter that cao be of high-quality post-graduate looked at is the impact of management education, Vectear bocincss-prarticcs on speciffcallyprograms Fom ACE Asiaa businecc. or EXCELL, One of the key In Mdrysia, AIM itrdfos fee undenakings is to develop and a majot contributot in the to implement an active public govctnment's cell to ma&e relations campaign that would promote AIM and its different

crh Mataysia


AIM is a-lsoengaging in case *riting activities in Malaysia in order to enrich the learning materials being offered. ACE

AIM alund bascdia Sirgrpoe. Oo dc researchside, rererel

Japan and Korea" Among the Institutional StrategicMarketq Malaysiaand

resolved that a new system must be irnplemented to "pursue an integrated and

businessdevelopment, and corporate ncws *ill ensure that AIM keepsits competitive edge.

Strategic Markets, under the Country Managernent System for Overseas Markets, r*ill be

especially in finencc end menufacturing, crploring possible care lcads would

been held out ofthe country. AIM has maintained closeties wirh irr intemationalalumni*'hich consequendy

goading an aggressivepublic relations carnpaign. Active monitoring of the competition,



a ccnter for btaaabnaleducarion lnthir


activities. Finally, AIM plans to intensi! its rcl*ionship with the alumni residing in Malaysia by holding quanerly networking activities. EXCELL shall take charge of Indiaand Indonesia.The lead faculty for each country would be Professors Grace Ugut and Marte Dizon, respectively,

: ilEilE


The AIM Renaissance

P a k i s t a n P h i l i p p i n e sS i n g a p o r e S . K o r e a Sri Lanka V i e t n a m

A growing number of AIM alumni are now holding imporunt positionsin drepublic and private sectors of these countries, and a significant arnouat of foreign investrnent is being poured into these countries With grcaterpolitk:l stability on the horizon, there

C,onfederation may also lend support to running public prognml AIM's breakthrough

presencein the country. Given its political and economic siurarion,companiesart ceeking

in the counry har increasingly

immediate results and specific ulents and slillr Coct is a prime

Goi.ed momentum, inJanuary this year, through the partnership of AIM and the Thapar Institute, the EMBA progran rnaslaunched in Pune,

were will be a large market for training programs in both the

India x'here 2l students &om thc Thapar Group of managerialand orecutirc leve.Is. C,ompanies attended. In the In India, AIM plans to b€ the funrre AIM Eould €rd€e1'orto The AIM Renaissance preferred partner in executive tegulartyo&r 1 or ldaypublic


education of the leading companies and professional organizetions, In the pursuit of this objective, partnering with

coursesin cooFrarion with dre Associate of Chambers of Comrnerce of India (AscoCham)and de Federation

local company groups and


professiond organizations,such as the Indian Bankers

Commercc (FICCI), and to search for parmers for future

Association, may lead to the conduction of in-house EMBA

EMBA programs,both in-house and public, ir Glcrrtta and New

programs. Building up strong ties with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

D€lhi For Indonesia,AJM envirions




to establish a substantial

In arswering considention. these nee&, AIM proposas to offer public progrems on e reguler basis arrd to present orstom programs AIM canalso establish partnership with corporete univ€rsiti€s. AIM has already started to implemcnt therc sFet€gies in lndoncsia The modular Basic Management Program (BMP)' a regular AIM prograrn, wes ofiered inJekara and Surabaye and was well-attended. It also tecendy held a 4{ay leadership program with CLDI and a 3day cross-cultural program with P.T. Bogasari. Several parmerchips have felded inhouse prograrns for Garuda Indonesia and Baok Niaga.

T h e C e n r e r f o r D e v e l o pm e nt Management (CDM) has already done severalprojecrs in China and Vietnam/ Indochina and shall continue to handle the region under the leadershipofProfessors FedericoMacaranasand Sol Hemando. Th. increasinglysophisticatedChinesemarLer will provide an excellenroppomniry ro rieup wiG rhe many local universirier a.lready offering post-graduatedegree-s. China is openingia doors. ln a recent

AIM intends to push forward in these After running coursesin Pampanga,ACE is planning to conduct a Market Positioning and Segmentationfor sniall and medium industriesin Cebu City. Cebu, along with Davao City and General Santos City in Mindrnao, are the maior economiccenrers in the SourhernPhilippines.ln rhe past. Qualiw. Deliveryand Productivity(QPD) har e 'u..esrlilly

beenheld in thesecities in

visit by Prof. Federim Macaranas,Yunnan



University is seekingto immediately sign a Memorandum ofAgreemeot with AIM for

International DevelopmentAgency,Aside from A( L, CDM is alsoconducting



Faculryand student erchange. ca* nriting. Derelopment Managementcoursesin the and shon courseswithin tfie year. Several \4sayasand Mindanao in coordination with smaller universiriessuch as Kunning the loca.lgovernmentoffices."These coursF UniversiryofScienceand Technologyand are designed to develop in the panicipants South*ct Fotestry Univenity would like to delve into specific executive and management courses for the further

operational and strategic skills required tq integrate and packageproiects into effective

derclopment ofleadersin small and medium enterprisâ‚Źs. On the orher hand, Vietnam and l n d o c h in a ( C a m b o d i a , L a o s , a n o

T h e r u n n i n g o f p r o g r a m si n o t h e r countries is part ofthe 6ve-yearstrategic plan oftheAIM schools.With dre influx ofAmerican and European schoolsinto the

Myanmar) are emerging rnarkets, AIM hopesto be one ofthe ffrst schoolsto tap

region, the implernentation ofthe new framework for local and overseasmarkets

these markets by setting up training facilities and by running different

hopes to give AIM a public relations boost in and around the region so as to <ompetewith otherrchoolsin the region,

majragement Programs. AIM will nor be oeglecringia premier g e o g r a p h i cm a r k e t . l n t h e p a s r , t h e institute has been Manila-centered but a.r more and more foreign and local businessesare being set-up in the Special Economic Zones around the country,

and sustainable provincial programs."

and at the sametime build a region-wide databare for all the schools. With. prerencein aJlthe major markea of tuia, AJM willbe in a primâ‚Źpositionto answer the increasing demand for continuing education all over the region.

YinErY in Contemp MM91 Bv EnNosroA.GuzN,r,q.N

The ancientprinciple ofYin and Yang is still a mystefy to many. In our current Agb of

Information, most people presume it is irrelevant and unsuited for modern life. We are happy to accept the limited explanations of the modern day science. Western science if we must be more explicit.

astern principles have been side swiped not becauseit is irrelevant but becauseis dariffcation hasbeenmost often unexplained, and it has been declared unofficially as vague, old and known only to the time it was introduced to civili4tion. Take the swastika. This has been by Hider and in the processhasbeenidentiffed asa symbol ofevil and oppression. In reality, swastika is a mystical sign that denotes the yin and yang principle ofeastern mysticism.This sign has in fact two faces, one directed clockwise and the other counter clo€kwise. The clockwisedenotesthe motion ofatom with positive polarity and the counter clockwise with negative polarity. Decipher of these hierogllahics revealsthat it is a symbol ofthe sine wave, the rise and fall motion ofa waveto illustrate the atom vibration motion. ' The easternteachingofYin and Yarrg dates back to three millenium and remains asrelevant today asit waswhen handed down to man at that time. It was tneant to help mankind to discem reality and dl that is in it so he can know how bestto use, rerpond ot receiveanlthing into his life. It is a tool to help him mold a moral and righteous life, a clean and healthy bodl a balaacedand intelligent mind. Principle of Yin and Yang The principle comesfiom the fact rhat all things or matter are made up ofatoms. Theseatoms are discerned according to


their electron (negative bias) and proton (positivebias)properties.The coreofan atom has th€ neutron which is both positively and negativelybiased. To form matter, thes€atoms either attact or repel eachotfier. Theseinfiniresimalbehavior will always be there arrd are likely to respondaccordingto the forcesthat govem their behavior. To sustain their existence, they have to be honed aod balanced according to the laws ofnature. Yin denotesthe neg'ativeprinciple or the electon ofthe atom while the yang, the positive principle or the position ofthe arom. lfyou will look into any'thingin our three dimensional wodd, it would either be ayin' negativelybiasedor ayang positively biased. The easternmaistersofcenturies ago knew about the existence of matter as heving two polarities even before the western science. Somewherein time, the eastern science was falsely relegated as subiective matter when, in fact, it is the most objectiveand precisesciencein iself. Why' Becausethey, the eastern masters, usedlarguageunknovm to the presentday scientist. Not having yet developed scientific parlanceto explain the principl€, the €astern masters used nam€s and behaviorsofnature to explain and discern the principle. When westem scientific word{ were progressivelybeing developed,no one studied the equivalent meaning ofeach to the other thereby causingthe gap between the eastern wisdom and the western science. Passageoftime widened rhe gap evenmore, 6urdnow the easternteachings and principles are alien to our westemizd civilization. Even the placeswhere they emanatedhave almost eliminated thcm and have embraced the much publicized but limiting westernizedscience,

We know that atoms put together produce molecules. Moleculesput will together will produce cells. Cells put togetherwill produce tissues.And ffnally, tissues put together produce the organs and glands. Man is made up of organs and glands which are held together by bonesand skin that arealsosimilarly made up of tissues and are therefore made up ultimately of atoms. Therefore,man is madeup ofatoms. The study ofman, therefore,startswith the study of atom. Homo Sapiensor man himselfis a combination ofthes€ elements. He is madeup of solid,liquid, air and fue. As our chemical books tell us,we are 99olo made up of all chemicalsfound in our planer

Manof Yin and Yang

Man, in order to sustainexistence, has to have these arrays of atoms in his body in a naturally harmonious and balancedstareofbeing. This is the ln and yang of Man. He has to harre hon4onesr{rich areeither positiveoryang and negativeor fn and are ofquality and quantity which will keep the body balancedand healthy. Negativehormoneg suchasthosewe needto digestfoo4 when excessive can caus€ulcer. Positive,such as melatonin,which helps our thinking process,when too much positi\.esignal generated by the brain can causemental d i s r u r b a n c et h a t l e a d s r o e p i l e p t i < condition. The yin and yang, therefore, in our body have to be balanced. Not too much and not too litde accordingto body's levelof development. Otherwise,excess ofone may leadto weafteningofthe others and may bring about destruction to the whole (body). Medical referencefor a ba.lancedbody system is homeostasis. Homeoslasismeanswe acquirenewpoise and improved intelligence, This givesus the condirion to further our knowledge Scientific Exolanations and understanding to beat the odds and All matters are made up of atoms. gain leveragefor a peacefirland prosp€rous And these atoms are accessibleto man through four element forms. EverytJring, life. Firsdy, Man should know the need therefore,will comefrom any one ofthe , the yin and yang because to understand four or a combination oftwo, three or all to know and understand this is the start the four elemens. This is true evenin the himself' his stateofbeing about werything composition of man's phlsical body.


and his environment. lt will affect his health, his behavior, his personality or his environment individualln and asa people, collectivd Lack of understanding leads one to smoke, drink alcohol, swear, take in ccess drugs, food or drinkwhich make him feel good but lead to his gradual and eventua.lphlsical deterioration. The body responds voluntarily or involuntarily to all these inputs in and around him. It hasrast limis oftolerancc, and man hasbeenhappy to abusethem. This is *{rar the mastersofthe eastaspiredto undersand the yin and yang principle. The eastemmasters'snrdy ofyin and yang led them to ftnow that man has to starr with his body to acquire what is now termed as homeostasis.This is also the beginning of a trouble-free life. Enough time for man to discernhis qistence and charthis life abore the daily hobs and turnbles in his environment. For it is only when the body is ar its normal balancedstate can it begin to cope arrdevolve. There are no sh<irtcus. There are no mlsteries. No mirades either. A|| Masters' first teaching starts in putting the physical body in his state ofba.laaced existence. No man can even make one step forward to his evolution without ffrst being balancedNo man can be awareconsciouslyof his soul without balancing his body ffrsr Only then can he distinguish the soul from the Spirit in him. This is the purpose ofa religion decreelike the sevencapital sins to son rhingsout. In Buddhism,one is asked to follow religion as a way of life and to constandydivestthe selfofo<cesses and to maintain a balanced personality daily asit needsto be.

yin and yang wents, circumsances, food, habits, motives, transactions, businessor iust about anything that goesaround us? Since most ofthese things we encounter emanatefiom man, they haveto either be a balancedyin and yang or an imbalanced fn arrd yang according to its origin, marr himself. But it does not stop to do a balancedln and yang practice. It is also a must to know the principle behind it to gain the wisdom ofis practice. One student ofmetaphysics wasa vegetarianeven before he started to study under a guru. One day, there was a feast and food was plentiful, The studenr diligendy chose his food avoiding most speciallythe roastedpig. The guru asked hirn *hy hewasnot eatingthe bestfoodHe happily said he was a vegetarian. The guru then offered him to eat roasted pig. Not wanting to offend his guru, he obliged" Itwas only after sometwo years later that he leamed the rcason why he wasoffered to eat roastedpig. The lesson was to have a balanced body and to know and understandthe full reason of the principle before he can further its gains. From a balanced body, his lesson was elevated up to having the balancedmind" A balancedmindwill have the power of the will to make pemanent his practice not with blind obediencebut with scientific knowledge and understanding ofthe principle he wishes to practice. He therefore developed the balancedbody and balancedmind *4rich can respond after much training to elirninate any cccss ofnegative or positive substancein his body. Meat or any food, if negative, can be altered and made beneficial lOOoiofor the body with irs positive protein content. A balancedbody can harnessis own power and strength to correct itself as

The understanding of yin andyangwill allow us to discern what we can take in for our body,for

our emotions and for our mind.

Yin and Yangoutsideof Man Can we then learn the fn and yang principle h our presentday life? Are there


driven by a balanced mind. That in essencewas part ofthe teaching, how to master the faculties ofthe body and the mind so onâ‚Ź can useit and not merely be a slave to a thâ‚Źory no matter how eloquendy it has been expounded. After that arduouslesson,the student again was invited to return to his vegetarian way of life. While he was again a vegâ‚Źtarian no one can surely know it ashe can eat meat and he has the power to eliminate the negative ftequency ofmeat or any other yin substance,in his body. The student wasalreadya vegetarian when he met his guru. Meaning, he was a.lreadyin condition which manifestedthe agedsaying "when a student is ready the masterwill appear." He wasready. There was a determination on his part to learn and to make his firsr stqr. The instruction to eat meat was in Fact the next step,.Not an inftaction but an amelioration to further his understanding arrdwisdom of his practice" He manifestedobedienceand trust first and hencewas ready to fruther evolve. The level ofthe guru one will meet is according to the balancedsage lwel of one'sself, The world proliftrate with gurus and teachers.Your balancedln and yang will be the only key that will lead you to the right guru. Ba.larrcedself, balanced guru while imbalaaced self, imbalanced guru. No other way. No excuses,no ifs, ands or buts. The understanding ofln and yang will allow us to discern what we can take in for our body, for our emotions and for our mind. Everyday that we ate able to rreen the yin out and only acceptthe yang will help improve our disposition. Strengthening it a litde one day at a time will gain a formidable balanced body, emotion, and mind. Why do we acceptthe yang and not the yin ifour purposeis to havea balanced yin and yang?By natule,Man liveson eardr. Man is basically a balancedrystem ofyin and yang subsrance. But the eanh is a negativdybiasodsubstance.Byhis sending on earth alone he hasmore yin influence.

Atom MotionsHieroglyphics and Yin YangDiagram a. Atom negatrvemotron- countcr ctockwise b. Atom positjvemotion- clockwrse illustratjonof posrUVe moUon, c. Graphicat and negativemotionof ar.latom 1nDatance d. Yinand YangDragram ( e q u i t j b r i u) mm o t i o n

Thc skr alnvc pror ids firr thc r ang in llucntc. Man thcrcforchas to const:rntl\ repel the dailr rlrse ofr in to r.rpkecphis balancerl statc.V'e har c to learn horr to tliscerrrthe right ones or vang. fionr tlrc rvrongor I in. I he r in iurd r:urq inlltrcnce*ill bc rhcre in vorr asrrru pe#irmr votrr dailr ohligatiorrsto rrrur rell, rour lunrilr',rour businessor rvork assotiates,r our cnt ironnrent irnd surroundings. Ifthcrc uill be mr nreaning to xrur- life, r'ou hl e to st:rrtrvith thc nrost birsicofbal:rncing the r in ,urd r:tng o1-rour phvsical,ernotional and nrcntal scllcs. 1'hcn onc can go gairr the f're<luencrlor rhc decpcrunderstandingol'rhegoverninglawstnd forcesoflife ancl the err\rr()nnrent. 'I'hc ansrrer to the flrst stc1,oftr:rl,rncingoursclvcslics in thedesign of the easternnliltlar on propcr iurd scientific breathing. I hrough scientilic bre,rthing.ue lcad orrr bodr to prodlcc thc right anrount ofhorrnones.* hich are the sourte ol'our cncrgies.


Anv onc part oforrr enerlt centcr lcft out tluc to inrbalanced breathing* ill causc,rrrirrrb:rlurccin the horrrrorr:rlrctircnrcntof t h c b o d r . I h i s c a n l e s u l t t o s t r ' c s si r n d c r ' e n t u a l l vt o t h e detcriolation ol-a p:rrt thcn the * lrolc oforrr both. Ilreathing rriggrrs thc s\rr)pathctic {r'ang) and the Irirrsr nrl)athstic (1in) nen er rvh ich in tu In scnd thc signalsto thc cndocrine glanclsand organs to producc thc hormones the borlr needs. lforrr brcarhing nrisscsout 5orrresection ofthat svstenr,morc r in or rnorc vang breathing irrducetiprcssrrrc,the bodv *ill bcconreinrb,rlanced. To do scicntific breathing \\'r nrusi thcrcfarc breath r h r t h m i c a l h a n d u i t h o u t t c n s i o r r su p t o t h e ( i h i c e n t c ro f t h c lmdr'. This is lo<atedbelo* rhe narel. Brcath to this ccnter rvould send;rrrcqual anrountofprcssurcto iJl otrr endocrineglands:rnd therefirre corrrpletetht functions of our svstenrof endocrinc glands, rhe .-ncrgl ccnters.of the body, I his is rJso t:rught in voga schoolsand in nrcditation practicesbutcan also be selfuught arxl praciccd alone rlailr. l-his is tJrt vcn'inrporturt stepto balalce thc rirr md r:urgofour bodr rlhich uill in nrm lrrlancc our phrsical, etrrotionaldnd mcnt:rl daih disposition. l.linrinating the dailv su csscsonr dal at a tinrc * ill f'reeus ol'the stresscs:rnd grin us balalcctl cncrgicsin the condutr ofour daih chores. Hence,ne begin to contribLrteb:rl:rnccdinfluenceto ourselvcs,our f:unilv, omcc rnatcs.Deilihbor. crl iron nrtnt :rnd orhcr constituents. l his is thc Yin :rnd l'ang ofour <onternporarvlile.


i: r.:'.1


New DethiAIMalumniptayed hosts to PhitippineDefense Secretaryand hjs wife at the Taj PataceHotet.

A letter from a happy (Partll) andfulfittedAlumnus Jennv A. Qurorlm,ll


An AIMdegreehasbroughtfutfittmentto many Thecompanies I am invotved with aremyvehicles aspiringindividuats in their professional mission objectives: careers.I to achievethe BCBP wasoneof many.Mymarketing 1. To create opportunitiesto evangetizethe careershotup likea rocket. Asmentioned in my artictewhichappeared marketptace.As membersevangetize others,the getevangetized in the FirstSemester themsetves 7001-7002 issueof TheAsian members leadingto their Manager, in a spanof onlyfour years,I becamethe strongerspiritualformation. 2 . T o c o n d u c tt e a c h i n gp r o g r a m sw h e r e company's headfor the Phjtippines and the Pacific lstands. businessmen and womenand professionals are with the gospetmessage WhiteI hadmovedaroundwiththe highandthe chattenged andits relevance mighty, environment. andI hadtraveled to atmostatlthecontinents to the business 3. Toprovidea supportsystemfor tivingout the in the worLd,I fe{t someemptiness duringsome p:'ivate moments.I realizedthat thoughlwasrichin gospetin the marketptace. manyways,I wasstittpoor. I waspoorjn spirit.This 4. To strengthenfamity life and valuesof wasbecause enabting themto experience futtness myprioritiesthenrevolvedaroundwork, members of life in Christ. work,andmorework. 5.Toidentify,trainanddevetop But now, I haveredirectedmy prioritiesand Christian teaders foundfutfittment. Godfirst,familysecond, andwork to becomeagentsfor justiceandsounddevelopment third. I stitt continuemy marketingprofession; in the workenvironment. 6. Tocommunicate however,I useit to evangetize andesDouse Christian values the marketplace.I alsohavecut downmy membership to ontyone,the in the marketplace. 7. Tocommitbrotherhood B r o t h e r h o o do f C h r i s t i a nB u s i n e s s m eann d resources andbusiness (BCBP); Professionats whereas before,I wasa member talentsto hetpthe poor. of somany,tiketheAmerican Howfar I cansucceed, ontyGodknows.ButI am Chamber of Commerce, Phitippine Chamber of Commerce andIndustryMakati happyeveryday as the thingsthat ldo are for the Business Club,andthe RotaryCtub,to namea few. greatergloryof God.

IECOND ! E M E 5 T EZR' I ] 2 I N :



Dr.P N SinghCentrefor HRDBooksReleased Dr. P N Singh Centre For HRDreteasedtwo "Kaluram booksentitted "Lataji HRDKarenge"and EecomesFenkoBankChairman"whichwerewritten b y D r . P N S i n g h ,M M ' 7 5a n d C h a i r m a no f G r i d C o n s u l t a n t sP t v . L t d . a n d a f i t m o n E f f e c t i v e Conflict Resotutiondirected by wetl-known fitm maker Vikas Desaiat a glittering ceremony hetd in Mumbai. The bookLatajiHRDKarengecontainsdialogue and on HRDbetweenPyaretat,an HRDprofessionat, . he L a t a j i ,c h a i r m a no f t h e M o n e yM a k i n gG r o u P T bookexptainsin simptelanguageand with a heavy o f h u m o ra n d c a r t o o n sw h a t H R Di s a n d sprinkting w h a t i t i s n o t . T h e t i t l e o f t h e b o o ki s i n H i n d ib u t t h e b o o ki s i n E n g t i s h . T h e s e c o n d b o o k j s a m a n a g e m e n tn o v e l written in the first personwhich hightightscertain

i s s u e so n m a n a g e m e n tK . a t u r a m ,t h e h e r o o f t h e n o v e L ,b e c o m e sc h a i r m a n o f F e n k o B a n k b y a d o p t i n ga s e r i e so f u n e t h i c a tm e a n sa n d w i t h o n l y o n e m o t t o i n l i f e - t o m a k e m o n e y ,m o n e y a n d m o n e y .T h j s b o o k , t h r o u g ht h e c h a r a c t e ro f K a t u r a m ,s h o w sg j m m i c k s ,t r i c k s , a n d m e t h o d s t h a t s h o u t db e s h u n n e db y e v e r y m a n a g e r .E a c h c h a p t e ri s f o l l o w e db y M a n a g e m e nLt e s s o n s . T h e f i t m o n E f f e c t i v eC o n f t i c t R e s o t u t i o n , u n l i k e m a n ym a n a g e m e netd l r c a t j o n af itl m s m a d e i n I n d i a w h e r e a t r a j n e r i s s h o w n d e U v e r i n ga t e c t u r e , s h o w sh o w t o r e s o l v ev a r i o u sc o n f t i c t s i t u a t i o n s .T h r o u g ht h i s , i t w i L t c r e a t e m o r e i m p a c t o n e m p l o y e e sv i e w i n gt h e f i t m w i t h t o n g t e r m r e t e n t i o no f t e a r n i n g .T h i sf i t m c a n b e u s e d i n a t l t r a i n i n gp r o g r a m so n G e n e r a lM a n a g e m e n t a n d C o n f t i c tR e s o t u t i o n .


I clearlychoseAIM becauseit is a truly globalinstitution. The standardsof teaching,the teaching methodology, and e v e nt h e c u r r i c u l u m are comparableto the best of institutionsworld over,

The environmentat AIM is somethi envy-the mix of cultures,the e the radicalteachingmethods,the stri andthe emphasis on globalthinking.

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