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Edenstead Hotel is a five-storey botanic-themed hotel located in Old Town of Kampar. This hotel focuses on providing a comfortable hospitility through an esoteric apporach by connecting the guests to nature through biophilic design. The word “edenstead” is the combination of the garden of eden and the stead which means a place someone should have. The word “biophilia”stems from the Greek words for life and love. The form is building was inspired by taking the natural shapes or form that were created by nature through its natural growth.


Design Concept - BIOPHILIA

The general definition of botanic is substance obtained or derived from a plant. There are thousand species of plants that can be found, and can be benefited from. One of its is to provide wellness inside a building and to create an eye soothing view for the hotel guests. In English, biophilia suggests man’s innate biological connection with nature. The form of the building was inspired by taking the natural shapes or form that were created by nature itself through its natural growth.

The layers of rainforest gives out the natural hierarchy shape, creating a simple layered form.

The branches of a tree, when looked from above, creates many branching axis, but only the main branches stood out, which in this case is the 5 axis of the tree branches.

Precedent Studies

Key Plan

Location Plan


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