3 minute read
/ By Chayan Bhattacharyay, Founder and CEO, HyperCAP /
The idea of hyper automation was first introduced by Gartner. Forrester identifies this phenomenon as digital process automation (DPA). According to Gartner, implementing these technologies would cut the manager's workload by around 69% by 2024. Gartner estimate that the total market size for Hyper Automation is $860 BN.

Simply put, Hyper Automation is the technique of combining several technologies to carry out 360-degree automation of a company's business functions within the need of a single, unified, and intelligent system. It involves the use of technologies such as - Robotic process automation (RPA), Machine Learning (ML), Artificial intelligence (AI), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to simplify the automation of business workflows and seamless integration of hetero genius systems. Hyper Automation augment your staff's ability to reduce operating costs and errors and improve efficiency, productivity and help you scale faster.
Key Market Drivers

Technologies involved in HyperAutomation
RPA Robotic process automation (RPA)
Help you automate the routine and tedious tasks and let you focus on innovation. It offers automation solutions to the common problems in running repetitive work such as data entry, payment reconciliation, and data sharing, letting you focus on the problem that matters most.
Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
Consider a situation in which hundreds of invoices need to be processed and the entries need to be made in the accounts payable system. Traditional data extraction of these documents is based on predefined templates. With the help of Machine learning and AI, IDP can help to extract data from thousands of these documents without any need of writing template-based data extraction logic.
Conversational AI
Powered by AI, ML, NLP and NLU, Speech To Text (STT) and Text to Speech (TTS), it provides intelligent contextual personalized round-the-clock automated service to your internal or external stake holders. It allows you to engage your customer over chat or voice on the web, mobile, Facebook, WhatsApp, telegram, Viber, Slack and with voice assistance like Google Home or Alexa and many more.
Process Mining and Discovery
It’s a tool that allows us to analyse your process log data and visualize the business processes and highlight any bottleneck deficiencies or repetition and recognize areas of improvements in the processes by bottleneck process it means activities which are taking too much time to complete or require significant amounts of rework.
Video and Image Analytics
It’s a computer vision technology that uses ai and machine learning to help you understand, analyse and classify your images and videos with a very high degree of accuracy.
Benefits of HyperAutomation

About HyperCAP
At HyperCAP we work with companies like yours to augment their staff's ability to reduce operating costs and errors by 10x with intelligent digital workers that would improve efficiency, productivity and help you scale faster.
HyperCAP is a one stop shop for Hyper Automation. We enable organizations to adopt the most comprehensive Hyper Automation platform on the planet that we have built in-house.
We complement the existing enterprise applications like ERP or CRMs – and make the process execution 100x faster in every business function like HR, Finance, Procurement and Supply Chain, IT, Any Core business process, and Customer Service.
We are industry, business functions and business application agnostic and can work with any business applications. Here is a brief demo of the platform.