Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Aimee Neff


Alandscape-basedstrategyforaresilientKnysnashoreline Knysna,SouthAfrica Knysna,SouthAfrica|Master’sThesis


Inthenearfuture,thetownofKnysnawill faceclimatechangeimpactsincludingsealevelrise,drought,floodingandwildfires.All theseissuesrequireurgentsolutions.

Thisthesisdevelopedalandscape-based strategythatcanbeappliedonmultiple scalesandsupportsKnysna’sdevelopment intoaclimate-resilientandsocially reactivateddistrict.

Thedesignproposesaradicaltransformation ofthetown’scentraldistrictinorderto reconnecttownandwater.Byretreatingthe urbanedge,aconnectedshorelinewitha varietyofprogrammesandspatialqualitiesis created.Thedesignplacesemphasisonthe multidimensionalvalueofpublicspace,whilst preparingforafuturewithclimatechangerelatedchallenges.


Social Challenges

Economic Challenges

Ecological Challenges


ThetownofKnysnafacesmultiplesocial,economicand environmentalchallenges,whichallrequireimmediate action.However,asinglemasterplancannotsolveall theseissuessimultaneously.Knysnawillonlybeableto tackletheseonceithasfaceditsmainrisingchallenge: climateresilience.

Knysnacanonlyprepareforfutureclimate-change relatedimpactsifitsurbanedgereactsinresponseto therisingsealevelinoneofthreeways:attack,defend and/orretreat.Thisprocess,guidedbythetheoryof Structuralism,willsupportKnysnainitsdevelopmentof asociallyreactivatedandclimate-resilientshoreline.


DESIGNCONCEPT |REACT(ivate)theKnysnashoreline

Identifyandreact upon expectedandunexpected climatechangeimpacts:sealevelrise,drought,flooding andwildfires.

Invite peopleto rediscoverthe shorelinebycreating opportunityfor recreation.

0.5km 1km

REGIONALSTRATEGY |Originalscale1:30000


Duetothe risingsea-level,the saltmarshrequiresspaceto migrateinland.However,there islittlespace.

By retreating theurbanedge, spaceisgivenbacktothe saltmarsh.

Birdhides,viewingplatforms andpiersallowpeopleto experience thegrowing saltmarshes.

StatusQuo SocialInvitation Mobility hub Mobility hub Mobility hub Mobility hub Railway KnysnaTown ThesenIsland LeisureIsle Biodiversity ConservationArea GreenBelt New Industrial Area Urban Transformation

Subsurfacewetlands areused fortheinitialtreatmentofthe stormwater.


Surfacewetlands areusedfor thesecondarytreatmentofthe water.Thecleanwatercanbe reusedorreplenishthelagoon.

Detentionbasins capturelarge amountsofstormwaterduring heavyraineventsandslowly dischargeitintothewetlands.

MASTERPLAN |Originalscale1:1000
Promenade KnysnaMarina TheSands Waterfront TrainStation Mixed-usePrecinct

Densifying theurbanfabric meansthatthereareless sealedsurfacesand infrastructureisusedefficiently.

Increasingthenumberofgreen spacesandtreesincrease permeability andmitigationof urbanheat.

Atransformed mobility system entailsthecreationofcycleand walkingopportunities,aswell aspublictransport.

Subsurfacewetlands Surfacewetlands Square Activatebyinviting 50m 100m


ThePromenadeactsasanewcentralpedestrianzonein Knysna,connectingtheKnysnaTrainStationintheWest withthenewChestnutSquareintheEast.AstripofCape ChestnutscreatesanavenuealongthePromenade.

Shadedgravelplazasaresituatedalongthenorthernedge ofthepromenade,providingcoolareasforpeopletorelax. Thepromenadeinvitespeopletostrollandlingeralongthe edgeofthemarina.Wideseatingstepsstretchalongthe southernedgeofthepromenade.Largetimberdecks protrudefromthestepsandprovideaccesstotheboat docks.



TheSaltmarshParkhighlightstheopenqualityof theKnysnalandscapeandthereispotentialforthe parktoextendfurtheralongtheentireshoreline.Themain entranceintotheparkissignalledbyasquareandadjoining meadow,acentralplaceforlocalmarketstotakeplace.

Walkwaysframesubsurfacestormwaterfiltrationponds. Visitorstotheparkcanstrollalongthesewalkways,restat viewingplatformsandenjoythescenery.Thewalkwaysare constructedonretainingwallsthatfunctionasaflood protectionmeasureforfuturehightidescenarios.

ThemainfeatureoftheSaltmarshParkisanelevated boardwalk.Itsheightrangesbetweenthreeandfivemeters abovethegroundandoffersvisitorsauniqueexperienceof thesaltmarshesandthelagoon.


Hardurbanedgesare transformedinto invitingpublicspaces, suchaspromenades.

Smallopenspacescreate opportunitytoservethe surrounding community byprovidingsmall-scale recreationalactivities.

Streetscanactas greencorridors,which additionallyencourage socialinteraction.



13 10m 20m


Inacitywhereeverysquaremeterisunder pressuretoperform,asinglemasterplan maysolvetoday'schallengesinVerona,yet itpresentsthecitywiththeimpossible challengetorespondtofutureissues.The formerfreightyardofferstheoneunique opportunityforVeronatodevelopanewkey urbancomponentthatisabletorespondto itscurrentandfuturesocial,economicand ecologicalchallenges.

Thedesignproposesanevolvingand adjustable,scenario-drivendevelopment. Theoveralldesignintendstocaptureand highlighttheopenqualityofthesiteby followingthehorizontalmovementofthe traintracks.Additionally,theplanshowsthe strongunderlyingspatialstructure,which createsastrongedgebetweenthebuilt landscapeandtheparklandscape.

14 Verona,Italy


AMasterplanforVerona’soldfreightyard Verona,Italy|MasterProject



MASTERPLAN |Originalscale1:1000

SECTION |Originalscale1:200

Greenorgrey? Placingbumperblocks Landscapefirst!

Tomoderatethecomplexityofthesite,theprojectproposes thetheoreticalconceptofalandscapepalimpsest.Thesiteis understoodasawrittenlandscapethatcontinuouslychanges overtime.Bycarefullystudyingthelandscape,hiddenlayers canberediscoveredandnewlayerscanbeintegrated.The landscapeisabletorespondspatiallyandprogrammaticallyto theevolvingneedsoftheneighbourhoodandthecity.

17 Write,overwrite,rewrite
50m 100m
18 PLAN SECTION |Originalscale1:200 |Originalscale1:200 5m 10m

PERSPECTIVE |Reinventingexistingstructures

PRODUCTIVELANDS Producingforthefutureonthegroundsofanewcampus Nuremburg,Germany Nuremburg,Germany|Master’sProject


Aderelictfreightyard,locatedinthesouthof Nuremburg,istobedevelopedintoanew universitycampusoverthenext50years. Thesite,aswellasthecityofNuremburgas awhole,willfaceavarietyofsocialand climaticchallengesinthefuture. Theprojectposesthequestionwhatwill happenonthevacant“WaitingLands”while theywaittobedeveloped?

Inordertoactivatethewaitingareasofthe site,astrategywasdevelopedthatturnsthe “WaitingLands”into“ProductiveLands”.The siteoffersspecificpotentials,meaning tangibleandintangibleresources,which shouldbeutilizedduringthewaitingperiod. Thetermproductiveisusedinametaphorical senseandmeans tofosteractivitiesonthe site,thatyieldproducts,whichsupportthe socialandclimaticobjectivesoftheproject.



Thestationsfunctionas orientationandsupplypoints onthecampus.Theyare arrangedonagridbasedon thecampusdesignby FerdinandHeideArchitekt.


Thegridisderivedfromthe basicstructureofthecampus designbyFerdinandHeide Architekt.


Thepathwaynetworkresponds tothecampusdesignonthe north-westernsideand dissolvestowardsthesoutheastsothatitcanrespondto theexistingstructuresofthe site,framingareascalled patches.


Theexistingvegetation,aswell asthepathwaynetwork,frame areasthatarethe heterogeneouspatches.The activitiesonthepatchesbring aboutclimaticand/orsocial products.


Theexistingvegetationisan importantfeatureofthesite andgivesformtothetrail networkandProductiveLand patches.Thegoalisto preservethevegetationsothat itsvalueisacknowledgedin thefuture.


Theinitialdevelopmentphase ischaracterisedbythe importantfeatures,patches, stationsandexisting vegetation.


PERSPECTIVES |DevelopmentoftheProductiveLandsovertime

Theperspectivesontheleftdepicttheso-called “ClimateGrovePatch”, amulti-functionalspace.Ithas thepotentialtobecomeanintegralpartofthefuture UTNcampusbyfunctioningasaresearchfieldandasa recreationalspace.TheClimate-Groverepresentsthe mainpurposeoftheProductiveLandStrategy: producingvalueforthefuture.

Theperspectivesontherightdepicttheso-called“Open Patch”. TheOpenPatchesareflexiblepatchesthatcan beappropriatedfreelybyalluserstosuittheireverchangingneeds.Thedynamicqualityofthesepatchesis vitaltobeabletoapproachanunpredictablefuture.

TheClimate-GroveduringtheInitialPhase TheClimate-GroveduringtheSecondPhase TheOpen-PatchduringtheInitialPhase TheClimate-GroveduringtheFourthPhase TheOpen-PatchduringtheSecondPhase TheOpen-PatchduringtheFourthPhase

TheProductiveLandsStrategywasappliedtothecampus.Theresultsaresix scenarios,showcasinghowthesitecouldpotentiallydevelopinthefuture. The goalisthattheProductiveLandsbecomesuchanintegralpartofthecampus thattheywillcontinuetoexistevenwhenthecampusiscomplete,highlighting thevalueoflandscapeandpublicspace.

InitialPhase|2021Masterplan DevelopmentScenario|2028 DevelopmentScenario|2045 DevelopmentScenario|2053 DEVELOPMENTSCENARIOS |Originalscale1:5000
25 DevelopmentScenario|2037 DevelopmentScenario|2074 200m 400m


Iwasgiventheopportunitytoprovide assistanceonthisproject.Thedesignofthe mixedprecinctfocusesoninclusiveness withinthepublicrealmonamicroandmacro scale.Someofmyresponsibilitieswere generating3Dgraphicsandpresentations, drawingconstructiondrawingsandassisting withsitevisitsandadmintasks.






SETTING-OUTPLAN |Originalscalevaries

28 13
BUS LAY-BY 1/1 LIFT ENTRANCE 2 LAY-BY LEVEL WITH ROAD RAMP DOWN TO HOTEL DELIVERY MOUNTABLE KERB PEDESTRIAN CROSSING LEVEL WITH SIDEWALK PAVING MOUNTABLE KERB FE STAIR 7 Concrete 73 m² 14 RETAIL DN EVENT STUDIO Tiles Tiles Tiles BREAK-OUT AREA HOTEL LOBBY CASHIER HOTEL KITCHEN Non-Slip Tiles LUGGAGE STORE Tiles WC BAR & DINING AREA FIRE LOBBY Tiles SERVICE PASSAGE FURNITURE STORAGE DELIVERY YARD FIRE STAIR 1 AV ROOM LOADING DOCK FIRE STAIR 3 2m BUILD-UP DOCK FIRE SERVICE GUEST GUEST VENT SHAFT VOID TO DOCKING LIFT FIRE DATA ELEC ELEC. DUCT BUSINESS WC Tiles FIRE STAIR 2 Screed RECEIVING/SORTING P. Conc SECURITY Tiles CCTV EMPTIES ROLLER SHUTTER DOOR TO SCHEDULE FIRE ESCAPE TO STREET LEVEL CLEARVU FENCE DETAIL ALUMINIUM SHOPFRONT TO SCHEDULE LINEOFCOUBLEVOLUMEABOVE LINEOFCOUBLEVOLUMEABOVE REFUSE/CHILLED WASTE LINEOF KITCH. OFF. Tiles DUCT whb whb whb whb whb SEARCH 1,5m HIGH SEPARATION WALL Safe Safe Ramp up Ramp up OFFICE 2 REC. OFF. Tiles BALUSTRADE OR R/1 A B C D E 10 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 9 8 TO BE CONFIRMED TO BE CONFIRMED P5 P4 P4 T1 T1 T1 T1 P4 P6 P4 P3 P3 T2 T2 T2 T2 C2 C1 P4 P4 P4 P4 P4 T2 T2 P7 P19 P19 P10 P10 P10 Gravel P10 P3 641 3417 614 3162 588 3441 608 2109 6243 500 4298 2306 630 614 1386 1969 500 6198 500 437 1244 5448 500 135 5422 1735 2235 607 1848 950 476 2601 4201 884 5633 1642 2839 2416 3118 3250 1659 3036 525 525 1770 2947 525 525 2982 4686 525 4719 PCB PCB PCB B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 750 1650 1650 750 1650 1570 PCB PCB PCB PCB 1650 750 PCB 1282 1306 1928 PCB PCB B1 B1 B1 1650 750 2400 2400 2400 2974 2921 P4 P4 P3 C2 C1 P3 3503 2622 838 1040 1381 1371 1296 385 300 1988 498 917 1198 864 583 1103 383 899 300 300 300 300 2223 2544 595 1937 2405 2353 5360 300 300 300 393 853 800 6 5 4 3 2 HOTEL OUTDOOR BOUNDARY LINE LINE OF STRUCTURE ABOVE P7
847 501 427 427 1868 17288 17288 2245 2246 427 427 501 136 3299 501 501 2393 3707 697 3072 847 847 847 427 4038 3451 11 10 C D B E NORTH 302.2 Plan - Tree grid setting-out Scale 1:100 NORTH 1:100 10m 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 302.1 Plan - Setting-out Scale 1:200 NORTH 1:100 10m 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 302.4 Plan - Planter setting-out Scale 1:100
Setting out plan - Hotel
P16 P9 T2
29 13 7620 177 m² 01 RETAIL VENT
JELLICOEAVENUE BALUSTRADE Lawn HOTEL OUTDOOR BOUNDARY LINE STRUCTURE ABOVE 10 11 13 12 SEATING BLOCKS P7 T2 P16 P6 P6 P8 P8 P9 P9 P4 T2 Grassblocks P19 T1 P1 T1 P10 2402 577 1643 305 984 3481 1809 1593 547 684 6548 13405 5122 3986 649 778 1356 330 2492 2862 2092 928 2054 2913 17776 1657 778 1901 532 2094 2087 2114 2458 1752 926 1605 9773 Bicycle lane; Asphalt; Colour: Black Sidewalk field paver with accent strips; 200X150X60mm; Bosun Smooth Ethnic paver, Colour: Black; Bond: Stretcher Sidewalk field paver with accent strips; 200X150X60mm; Bosun Smooth Ethnic paver, Colour: Grey; Bond: Stretcher Sidewalk paving pixelation; 200X150X60mm; Bosun Smooth Ethnic paver, Colour: Red; Bond: Stretcher 400X200X40mm; Bosun Flagstone on 100mm reinforced concrete slab; Colour: Stone Black; Finish: Ground; Bond: Stretcher 400X200X60mm; Bosun urban Slimline; Colour: Stone Grey; Finish: Ground; Bond: Stretcher 300X600X10mm; Stonetrack Tiles; Colour: Stone Grey; Finish: Rough R11; Bond: See Paving Direction Plan 200X150X60mm; Bosun Urban Medium Paver; Colour: Granite; Bond: Stack with 400X200X40mm; Bosun Flagstone; Colour: Stone White; Finish: Ground; Bond: Stretcher (P9) 255X55X60mm; Bosun Venetian Paver; Colour: Colourfast Black; Finish: Shotblast; Bond: Stack Timber decking (Final specification to be confirmed by Landscape Architect prior to order) Column planters; 1800 x 500 800mm Igneous Custom Pot; Glass fibre reinforced polyconcrete Custom pots for Hotel (To be confirmed) P8 P9 400X200X40mm; Bosun Flagstone on 45mm thick 25MPa mortar laying course; Colour: Stone White; Finish: Ground; Bond: Stretcher P1 P2 255X55X60mm; Bosun Venetian Paver; Colour: Granite; Bond: Stack P4 T2 P7 P16 P5 P6 P10 Ornamental gravel P3 300X600X10mm; Stonetrack Tiles; Colour: Stone Dark; Finish: Rough R11;Bond: See Paving Direction Plan T1 300X600X50mm; Smartstone Cosmopolitan coping; Colour: Charcoal; Bond: See Paving Direction Plan 300X600X50mm; Smartstone Cosmopolitan coping; Colour: Natural concrete; Bond: See Paving Direction Plan C1 C2 200X100X80mm; Bosun Citylock paver, Colour: Grey; Bond: Herringbone 400X200X60mm; Bosun urban Slimline; Colour: Stone Black; Finish: Ground; Bond: Stretcher P19 200X100X80mm; Bosun Citylock paver, Colour: Red; Bond: Herringbone 200X150X60mm; Bosun urban Medium; Colour: Stone Black; Finish: Ground; Bond: Header P21 200X100X80mm; Bosun Citylock paver, Colour: Black; Bond: Herringbone Custom Wilson Stone Angular Tree grid 480x480x100 Smartstone Grassblocks; Colour: Light Grey Provision for Wilson Stone custom concrete bollard with recessed client logo; Finish: Smooth; Colour: Charcoal Provision for Wilson Stone custom GRC bollard with concrete infill with recessed client logo; Finish: Smooth; Colour: Limestone P4 T1 T1 P6 P4 6257 950 1600 454 731 373 532 643 869 1194 913 495 4015 4343 5966 296 300 300 300 300 300 7 8 9 10 A HOTEL OUTDOOR BOUNDARY LINE LINE OF STRUCTURE ABOVE P7 P16 P8 P8 P9 P9 P7 P19 1113 979 1737 1921 1177 1443 2191 1411 3850 1917 4410 2327 2214 296 2171 1921 1400 474 4282349 1632 3956 3396 1917 1881 583 2789 2226 567 2246 2723 1317 1921 1274 567 604 490 1767 1030 112 764 1667 1160 2564 448 2107 2654 958 1517 1296 1855 1659 702 1261 2921 1289 1472 826 640 1851 3915 3477 603 2508 1652 2040 1929 1411 3628 3760 4307 11 10 C D 12 E B A NOTES: PROJECT STAGE CONSTRUCTION REVISION 1 DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION ISSUED DATE PROJECT CLIENT Intaprop DRAWING PROJECT 3436 DRAWN BY: LM/WV/AN DRAWING NO. CHECKED: IS-3436-4-302 REVISION TITLE NOTES AND REVISION DATE: PAGE SIZE: PHASE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Head Office (Centurion) Tel +27 (0) 12 667 2788 Fax 27 12 349 9920 117 Karin Ave Doringkloof, 0157 www.insitegroup, site SCALE SERIES PROJECT LEGEND CONTR. As shown 300 A1 NS/WV The landscape will be shaped to assist storm water drainage. All screeds and slab penetrations to engineer's details or to be determined on site soil conditions to be checked by a soil engineer. All dimensions and levels to be checked on site and on drawing, any discrepancies to be communicated to the landscape architect before work commences. do not scale off the drawing. This drawing is copyright and remains the property of Insite landscape architects. reproduction, disclosure or retention of this document will only be permitted by authorization of Insite. OXFORD PARKS - PHASE 2 BUILDING 4HARD LANDSCAPE SETTING-OUT PLAN 2020.07.16 2020.07.16 1 Setting-out 1:200 20m 0 2 4 6 8 12 16 302.3 Plan - Accent lines setting-out Scale 1:100 NORTH 1:100 10m 0 1 2 3 4 6 8


DIPITSENGCOMMUNITYPARK Engagingpublicspaceandproductivelandscapes


Salvokopisaresidentialarealocatedtothe southofthePretoriaMainTrainStation.The neighbourhoodisdominatedbydegraded andinaccessiblelandthatdoesnotrespond totheneedsofthecommunity.Thereis potentialforthesesitestofunctionasvital andresponsivepublicspace.

Onadetaildesignlevel,theprojectfocuses onthedesignofacommunitypark.The conceptfortheparkisbasedonanexisting foodsharinghublocatedintheareacalled ‘dipitseng’,whichmeans:gatheringaround thepots.

Basedontheprinciplesof‘dipitseng’,the designcreatesavarietyofgatheringspaces withinthepark.Permacultureand ethnobotanicalpracticesareusedto establishtheconnectionbetweenthe communityandtheirnewpark.Theparkisa combinationbetweenengagingpublicspace andproductivelandscapethatspatially embodiesasenseofcommunity,identityand spirituality.






PLAN |Originalscale1:200

SECTION |Originalscale1:200

33 5m 10m
34 7 Detention Basin - Lawn Main Walkway Raised Medicinal Garden Raised Medicinal Garden Play Area Sculptural Water Storage Facilities Pergola Detention Basin - Lawn Detention Basin - Lawn Detention Basin - Lawn MH 110dia.uPVCStomwaterpipe Oil Trap Silt and Debris Trap 110dia.uPVCStomwaterpipe D7 D-002 CS-001 A S-001 D12 D-004 D10 D-004 D11 D-004 D2 D-001 D8 D-003 D5 D-002 D3 D-001
35 7 Aimee Neff 000 ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ARE TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK. ANY OBVIOUS ERRORS AND OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE POINTED OUT TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. THE COPYRIGHT TO THIS DRAWING, INCLUDING THE DESIGN AND DETAILS SHOWN HEREON, IS RESERVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED IN WHOLE OR PART OTHER THAN FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE AND PROJECT, AS DEFINED ON THIS DRAWING. REFER TO THE CONTRACT FOR FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN IN MM. HATCHING, UNLESS CLEARLY INDICATED, IS FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. LEGEND LOCALITY MAP KEY NOTES REVISIONS Rev. No. Date: Revision Details: By: CLIENT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS: Consultant Signature: Drawn: Checked: Designed: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT: File Name: Scale: Paper Size: Drawing No.: Rev.: REFERENCE PLAN 1:100 Dipitseng Community Park Salvokop, Pretoria A1 RP-001 Aimee Neff Landscape Architects Tel: 0737683880 Email: University of Pretoria Private bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028 Tel: +27 12 420 311 Email: N Letter Dwg No. Section Line Detail Detail No. Dwg No. 1000 dia. GRC Tree rings Drinking Fountain Concrete stepping stone Dustbin Masonry Bench Lawn Vegetated area New tree Existing tree 800 dia. GRC Manhole MH Koch Street 2nd Street 2nd Avenue 3rd Avenue DETAIL AREA 450x450 GRC Grid Inlet Balustrade Bollard luminaire G:/My computer/Dipitseng Community Park/KON/RP/001 Post top luminaire Water Tank Bollard Green Wall Medicinal Garden Medicinal planting on slope Medicinal planting on slope Medicinal planting on slope Sculptural Storage Facilities Public Toilets Small Gathering Space A S-001 CS-001 BS-001 BS-001 D1 D-001 D9 D-003 D4 D-002 D6 D-002 Water Storage Facility
36 8 NGL 1361.100 1361.150 1361.250 TOB 1361.700 1362.150 1361.800 1361.750 1362.150 1362.700 Detention Basin Edge Main Walkway Medicinal Garden space enclosed by planters Section AA D7 D-002 TOW 1362.250 TOW 1362.250 TOW 1362.250 TOW 1362.250 1361.800 2nd Street sidewalk Sloped medicinal garden Secondary walkway Section BB Secondary walkway Sloped medicinal garden NGL D9 D-003 D4 D-002 1361.350 1361.450 1361.700 1361.700 1361.450 1362.250 1362.350 1361.600 1363.200 1361.850 1361.700 1363.200 1363.100 1361.850 1362.600 NGL Section CC Play Area Water tower and storage facility Herb Spiral 1361.150 1361.300 FFL 1361.400 1361.300 1362.250 1362.150 1362.250 1361.800 1362.150 1362.100 1362.400 1362.050 1362.400 1362.650 1361.250 1362.150 1361.800 1362.300 1362.500 1362.300 1362.150 1361.800 D3 D-001 D8 D-003 TOC 1365.200
37 8 Aimee Neff 000 ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ARE TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK. ANY OBVIOUS ERRORS AND OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE POINTED OUT TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. THE COPYRIGHT TO THIS DRAWING, INCLUDING THE DESIGN AND DETAILS SHOWN HEREON, IS RESERVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED IN WHOLE OR PART OTHER THAN FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE AND PROJECT, AS DEFINED ON THIS DRAWING. REFER TO THE CONTRACT FOR FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN IN MM. HATCHING, UNLESS CLEARLY INDICATED, IS FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. LEGEND LOCALITY MAP KEY NOTES REVISIONS Rev. No. Date: Revision Details: By: CLIENT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS: Consultant Signature: Drawn: Checked: Designed: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT: File Name: Scale: Paper Size: Drawing No.: Rev.: Sections 1:50 Dipitseng Community Park Salvokop, Pretoria A1 S-001 Aimee Neff Landscape Architects Tel: 0737683880 Email: University of Pretoria Private bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028 Tel: +27 12 420 311 Email: Koch Street 2nd Street 2nd Avenue 3rd Avenue DETAIL AREA Detail No. Dwg No. Cross reference to detail G:/My computer/Dipitseng Community Park/KON/S/001 1361.650 1361.600 1362.150 TOW 1362.250 1361.550 TOB 1361.950 1361.500 1361.500 Secondary Walkway Secondary Walkway Planter D1 D-001 TOW 1362.250 D2 D-001 3rd Avenue sidewalk Sloped medicinal garden D6 D-002 1362.500 1361.300 1361.300 1361.900 1361.800 1361.900 Secondary walkway Medicinal Garden space enclosed by planters 1361.800 1362.250 1362.150 1361.800 1362.150 1362.250 1361.400



38 9 Detail
Paving edging 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver with satin finish laid in a stacked bond on 40 river sand bedding layer. 98x98x60 SmartStone charcoal Cosmopolitan Cobble with smooth finish laid in a square bond on a 40 river sand bedding layer. 3 paving joints filled with jointing sand Polysulphide joint sealant
Cobblestone and concrete surface bed
150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G5 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G5 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G5 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G5 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 100 Lafarge Artevia Exposed in situ concrete surface bed with exposed aggregate finish 100 Lafarge Artevia Exposed in situ concrete surface bed with exposed aggregate finish 40 river sand bedding layer 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver on 40 river sand bedding layer 40 river sand bedding layer 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver on 40 river sand bedding layer 40 river sand bedding layer 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver on 40 river sand bedding layer Polysulphide joint sealant 30 saw cut at interval to ENG specification Detail 10 Paving Scale 1:10 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Detail 11 Ramp handrail Scale 1:10 995 100 150 150 40 100 150 755 100 Ø50 340 50 38 250 250 150 Detail 12 Steps Scale 1:10 300 150 80 60 40 150 300 170 150 70 420 210 150 150
Paver Detail
surface bed Detail 10B
Detail 10C
and Piazza paver
39 9 Aimee Neff 000 ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ARE TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE COMMENCING ANY WORK. ANY OBVIOUS ERRORS AND OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE POINTED OUT TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. THE COPYRIGHT TO THIS DRAWING, INCLUDING THE DESIGN AND DETAILS SHOWN HEREON, IS RESERVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE USED IN WHOLE OR PART OTHER THAN FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE AND PROJECT, AS DEFINED ON THIS DRAWING. REFER TO THE CONTRACT FOR FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE GIVEN IN MM. HATCHING, UNLESS CLEARLY INDICATED, IS FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. LEGEND LOCALITY MAP KEY NOTES REVISIONS Rev. No. Date: Revision Details: By: CLIENT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS: Consultant Signature: Drawn: Checked: Designed: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT: File Name: Scale: Paper Size: Drawing No.: Rev.: Details 1:10 Dipitseng Community Park Salvokop, Pretoria A1 D-004 Aimee Neff Landscape Architects Tel: 0737683880 Email: University of Pretoria Private bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028 Tel: +27 12 420 311 Email: Koch Street 2nd Street 2nd Avenue 3rd Avenue DETAIL AREA G:/My computer/Dipitseng Community Park/KON/D/002 Subgrade 100 Lafarge Artevia Exposed in situ concrete surface bed with exposed aggregate finish 40 river sand bedding layer 98x98x60 SmartStone charcoal Cosmopolitan Cobble with smooth finish 150x150x5 steel base plate bolted to in situ concrete footing with M10 bolt and dome nut 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G6 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 250x250x250 in situ 25MPa concrete footing 38x19x1.6 ferric oxide coated steel rectangular tube welded to base plate 50x5 ferric oxide coated mild steel flat bar bolted to mild steel rectangular tube Ferric oxide coated handrail strut made from two welded 38x19x1,6 mild steel rectangular hollow tubes and bolted to flat bars with two M8 bolts 50 diameter stainless steel handrail welded to ferric oxide coated mild steel handrail strut 150 layer of G6 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO Polisulphide joint sealant Detail 11A Ramp handrail baluster Scale 1:10 50 diameter stainless steel handrail welded to ferric oxide coated mild steel handrail strut End of handrail closed by an end-cap 50 50 300 300 38 19 755 50 85 150 150 150 40 60 150 50x5 ferric oxide coated mild steel flat bar bolted to mild steel rectangular tube to form handrail baluster spaced 2500 apart 250 250 150 layer of G5 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver on river sand bedding layer 25MPa in situ reinforced concrete steps to ENG specification Subgrade 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 40 river sand bedding layer 150 layer of in situ soil scarified and compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 150 layer of G6 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 80x80x5 ferric oxide coated mild steel equal angle bolted into concrete steps 98x98x60 SmartStone charcoal Cosmopolitan Cobble with smooth finish embedded into a 20 layer of mortar 150 layer of G6 compacted to 90/MOD AASHDO 340 150 150 40 220x60x60 Corobrik Burgundy Piazza Paver embedded into a 40 river sand bedding layer
19FairleadWay,PezulaEstate,Knysna,SouthAfrica +27661888957

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