Association of Intermountain Housing Officers
AIM HO 20 Uni vers 13- An it n Nov y of Nev ual Con ad fe . 10 -12 a Las Ve rence RIV , 20 gas IER 1
Apr-May Edition
Issue No. 2
A H 3 & $ 6 4 C A S I NO T E L PER O REG NIG *Non ISTR HT - m em ber & * $ 2 3 AT I O N Late 5 regist ration fees T BD
Angle Archive
Sp!ng " in # air!
Arizona - Colorado - Idaho Montana - Nevada - New Mexico - Saskatchewan - Utah - Wyoming
HOT TOPICS - PAGE 2 - President’s Greeting - Arizona-Update on SB1070
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - PAGE 5 - Social Media & Social Media Tips - Small School Advice - Strengths in Practice
IN THE MEDIA Make the odds be ever in your favor: Career advice from “The Hunger Games” By Murray Close, AP
COMMITTEE UPDATES - PAGE 10 - AIMHO College - Awards and Recognition - Diversity & Social Justice - Marketing - Programming - Research & Information - SHO Institute - State & Provincial Reps (SPRs) - Website
Why a little bit of stress is good for you
By Jack Hollingsworth, Digital Visio
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reeting 1070 sident’s G re P ) 2 . g garding SB (p re te a d p zona - U (pg. 3) Ari
Julie Franklin AIMHO President
APRIL!!! Many of you are an1cipa1ng the end of the school year. On my campus our students are in the midst of finals and we will “close” on April 27. The fact we turn around and accommodate a major conference on campus doesn’t make the closing feel very complete. There are the summer students to get seIled, the conference season to move forward, the summer training to finish planning and preparing for, as well as the myriad of maintenance projects and deep cleanings to factor in and coordinate. This is also the 1me of year we all hear the oK repeated ques1on, “This is your slow 1me, right?” I suppose it all depends on your defini1on of the word, “slow.” At different 1mes of my career I have marveled that so many people: family members, neighbors, even folks in other departments on-‐campus just didn’t get the fact that there really is no slow 1me. Crazy and crazier, those seem to be the seasons we func1on in. What a fantas1c thing to have a suppor1ve network of colleagues to learn from and collaborate with who “get it.” I am con1nually amazed to feel the instant understanding of issues I am facing when I talk to one of my AIMHO friends. Our campuses are different in geography, size, philosophy and purpose and yet our work is similar as we focus on students, promote and support inclusiveness and involvement of our students and our staff. We are commiIed to social jus1ce and suppor1ng responsible ci1zenship. And all of us are working to make the best decisions within our scope of influence in a way that reflects the mission and vision of our departments and ins1tu1ons. This is usually done by gathering as much data as is possible and reasonable. I thank you for being a part of AIMHO and contribu1ng to the whole. I appreciate the efforts of those who have put together and presented, or will present webinars, who are working on program proposals for our fall conference as you are all advancing best prac1ces. I appreciate those who help support us through commiIee work as they provide data and make it accessible. It is a joy working with all of you.
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70 0 a 1 n B S o Ariz regarding te a d p u An
The State of Arizona has been under fire since 2010 due to the controversial legisla1on rela1ng to immigra1on. During 2010, the Arizona State Legislature passed and Governor signed into law Senate Bill (SB) 1070, which used strong language and placed controversial rules on law enforcement agencies. While most of the provisions of the law were stripped away as uncons1tu1onal by the Supreme Court, a key por1on was allowed to stand. This provision requires police officers to make an aIempt to determine the immigra1on status of a person stopped, detained or arrested if there is reasonable suspicion the person is in the country illegally. The fallout from SB1070 made na1onal news and created a lightening rod for cri1cism and praise along both sides of the arguments. We are eager to report the impacts the law has had here in Arizona. In a USA Today ar1cle dated 10/31/2012, which was wriIen three months aKer the law went into affect, it was reported by immigrant rights groups and several local law enforcement groups, that no arrests have been reported. Although there have been no official arrests reported under the law un1l that point, many Arizonans s1ll live with the fear that was ins1lled by the legisla1on. While opponents of the law are happy about the lack of arrests, all can s1ll agree the law create a heightened state of fear for the residents of Arizona.
The passage of SB1070 has significantly impacted tourism and the conven1on industry. According to a newspaper ar1cle by the Arizona Republic, a Phoenix based newspaper, “Projected bookings for the Phoenix Conven1on Center are down by as much as 30 percent for the current fiscal year compared with 2009. The city projects about 184,300 conven1on guests, down from a high of about 275,400 in the 2009 budget year — a difference of about $132 million in direct spending, according to the city. Meanwhile, other ci1es with comparable conven1on facili1es, including San Diego, Denver, San Antonio and Salt Lake City, have experienced a different trend. In those locales, guest counts are slowly rebounding or rela1vely flat.” In a recent mee1ng with event planners from across the country, Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton stated, “What you may have read about our Legislature, don’t hold against the rest of us,” Stanton says, drawing a chuckle from the crowd. “The rest of us, we’re normal. We like diversity.” While many major and minor conven1ons have been making the decision not to come to Arizona for their annual conferences it is important to remember the people these decisions actually hurt. While it does send a message to local poli1cians that less money is flowing into the Arizona economy, it also does hurt all of the small businesses, local workers, and people living in the
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continued from page 3 region who depend on that income. While making a stand does show the world our values, some1mes that drop in revenue also hurts the people who are already affected by the law the most, and some1mes feels like a double whammy. I recently moved back to Arizona aKer four years working in North Carolina. I leK right before the furor over SB1070 hit and returned several years aKer the fall out. Through my personal perspec1ve as a resident and student affairs professional in Arizona, I can see that our students are much more in tune to the na1onal news and reputa1on our state holds. While SB1070 is a nega1ve thing we all experience, it does allow us to have much more in depth conversa1ons with our students regarding the concepts of racism and systems of oppression in our society. We also get to support our student ac1vists in a much more immediate way, as we have some preIy direct things to speak out against. In my return I have also seen a more ac1vated ci1zenship that recognize the difficul1es we face, but also the many ways to directly impact the system. A direct example of this is the work done by the Ci1zens for a BeIer Arizona. This group is a bi-‐par1san grassroots organiza1on that got Russell Pearce (an SB1070 sponsor) recalled and eventually voted out of office
racism, I could never live there.” My response was simple, “to be a vigorous social jus1ce advocate I need to be on the front lines, and I want to be on the front lines in a place I love.” Several years ago, AIMHO took its annual conference out of the state of Arizona, a move I consider to be one aligned with our region’s values of social jus1ce an inclusion. Now three years later, I can personally say I do not think an embargo of the state is working any longer. We need to give Arizona another shot, and return to the front lines to make our own decisions. As advocates for social jus1ce, we need to change hearts before we can change minds, and bringing people like the good folks of AIMHO to Arizona will play a role in helping to change hearts of the local residents and our colleagues around the region and country! If we don’t come to Arizona and discuss the real issues that are happening here, how can we learn and band together to work against the systems of oppression happening in our state.
Some Resources: Informa1on about the Ci1zens for a BeIer Arizona: h1p:// projects/special-‐recall-‐ elec4on/
Informa1on about the outcomes from the SB1070 law: h1p:// news/na4on/2010-‐10-‐29-‐ immigra4on-‐law-‐three-‐ months-‐later_N.htm
Informa1on about the impact SB1070 is having on the local economy: h1p:// community/phoenix/ar4cles/ 20121217phoenix-‐conven4on-‐ slump-‐4ed-‐sb-‐1070.html
Before I moved back someone asked me, “why do you want to move back to a place that has so much overt hatred and Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
THE ANGLE! IONAL S S E F O PR ENT M P O L E DEV Media Tip Social Media & l ia c o S (pg. 5) l Advice all Schoo m S ) 6 . (pg ractice ngths in P e tr S ) 8 (pg.
Social Media JAMIE LLOYD
Tip Social Media ________ _____________
AIMHO e h t t u o k c e Ch e! Facebook Pag
Every Thursday at 11 Mountain Time student affairs professionals gather around their smart phones and office computers to participate in a weekly Twitter chat called #SAchat. As a part of the Student Affairs Collaborative an idea started in 2006 the site now hosts a Student Affairs Directory of blogs written by professionals, posts articles worth reading and sponsors the weekly #SAchat. Its all about sharing knowledge and connecting as a field, and its as easy as typing 140 characters. To get a sense of what #SAchat is all about follow @the_sa_blog on Twitter and take a look. On Wednesdays of each week @the_sa_blog sends out a survey regarding Thursday’s topic and then Thursday a #SAchat moderator starts the conversation. To join the rules are quite simple:
4. The MOD will start the conversation by posing the first of 5 questions like this
1. Login to your Twitter account – using the online version is fine, but using something like Hootsuite or another client allows you to more easily see what others are posting who you may not follow on Twitter
7. After the main questions, the MOD will ask for everyone Final Question (FQ) or Final Thought (FT) for the topic, allowing the conversation for the hour to wrap up.
5. Once you know the question tweet your answer. At the beginning of your tweet put “Q1” or whichever number you are on and type your answer, making sure to put #SAchat at the end. 6. Once you are done with your answer you can search for #SAchat and see what others are answering too. Feel like their answer is really great? Reply to them, or favorite, use the opportunity to converse about the topic
2.When the Moderator start the chat, follow along. The MOD will ask for everyone to introduce themselves 8. When #SAchat is done for the day you’ll see this sort of tweet.
3. Intros usually say their name, institution and what they do, the only rule is to make sure you include #SAchat in the tweet so others can see who’s participating too.
9. Busy at 11 Mountain Time on Thursdays but still want to see what is new with #SAchat? Read the hashtag on Twitter or take a look at the archives of each chat found at
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Small School Advice KEEPING STAFF ENGAGED WHO ARE NOT RETURNING THE NEXT YEAR For those of us at smaller institutions, it can be especially important during this time of year to make sure our outgoing staff members stay engaged and 8inish the semester strong, rather than drifting out early. It can be challenging to 8ind student leaders and staff to pick up the slack if someone quits ful8illing their responsibilities late in a semester, making rehire nearly impossible. Here are some ideas to keep staff engaged, particularly those who are not returning the following year and may be falling victim to short-‐timers syndrome. In Residence Life, we tend to be very relational with our staff members, often times more so than a typical corporate environment. Expressing appreciation for the things the outgoing staff have done well creates an environment more conducive to transition. This doesn’t mean making something up that is insincere, but rather, earnestly looking for something good to say and expressing it. Part of this, is showing interest in their next step after leaving the position. Once their plans have been established, it’s important to show support for their new endeavors and make an effort to help them get to where they are going. For student staff members, this can mean assisting them in 8inding housing for the coming year, providing reference letters for job applications, or brainstorming with them as they start to plan for after graduation and transition. For professional staff members, seek out their feedback on what they think works well within the department, as well as changes/ideas that they have to make the program more effective. Incorporating them into assessment will help keep them more engaged in what they are currently doing and show that their input is valued. Work off the respect and loyalty that they have established with their co-‐ workers or direct supervisor to encourage them to continue accomplishing their responsibilities. Remind them of the impact their actions have on the people they value and care about. Having to accomplish additional responsibilities left by another staff member adds pressure to their coworkers, who may also be friends and people they respect, when they don’t perform at an already stressful time of year for everyone on campus. When this happens, resentment by the staff left to pick up the slack often happens. Help outgoing
Image from Google Search: Hang in there
...Having to accomplish additional responsibilities left by another staff member adds pressure to their coworkers...
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continued from page 6 staff members remember their impact and that if they want to keep those relationships, they should 8inish their responsibilities well.
careers so it is important they strive to maintain positive rapport in the event they decide to pursue employment with the same individuals in the future.
It can also be helpful to remind staff members that 8inishing strong is an important aspect of receiving positive references, in all positions they hold. They may have a new position that they are looking forward to, but down the road it’s important to be con8ident in being able to provide credible references. Because we work with college students and many young professionals, this can be more important than many realize. Employers appreciate seeing this type of experience because it denotes responsibility and professionalism and our current staff members should want to feel con8ident about listing references from their position with your department. They are also very early in their
Sometimes the incoming staff and planning for the coming year draws more of our attention at this time of year, but it’s important for all of us to 8inish the current year well. The effort, although demanding at the time, increases student and returning staff satisfaction since they feel treated fairly and helps to set expectations for the following year. The students we serve deserve the effort of a whole staff for all 32 weeks of an academic year.
LINDSAY ROSSMILLER Rock Mountain College
Image foun
ch Google ke d on web sear rriehawkins.b
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Strengths in Practice
JUSTIN LUKASWICZ The University of Arizona
As a strengths educator, one of the ques1ons I get asked the most oKen is, “how do I actually use this stuff in the real world, or with my team.” In my opinion, strengths is mainly a personal development tool. Once you receive our strengths report, you need to study them, look for them in our daily work, and find ways to play to our strengths on an every day basis. If you put our strengths into prac1ce, the hope is you can live a more engaged life through this philosophy. While it is important to do the personal work, there are numerous things you can do with your teams to make them more successful. The first step is to explore the shadow sides and barrier labels of our strengths. The Shadow Side of a strength is, “the misapplica1on of talents which create a nega1ve outcome on oneself or others.” An example of this would be the strength Analy4cal, you could wear people out with persistent ques1oning of the process. Through this consistent ques1oning your strength is being u1lizing in a nega1ve way having an impact on other team members. A Barrier Label is a term used when talent is mistakenly devalued and dismissed as weakness. Have you ever mistaken a powerful talent for a weakness? A typical example of this is Woo, a person with this strength may be told they do not do a good job building deep rela1onships with people or they are overbearing. When these things happen, people tend to shy away from living their strengths out to their greatest poten1al. Strengths should be used as a feedback mechanism to make teams stronger. An environment where direct feedback is accepted can be developed by evalua1on of our shadow sides and barrier labels. For example if someone has the strength Futuris4c, they might need to be told to dial back that strength once the brainstorming session has ended and the team has moved into the applica1on stage. This can be done by saying, “Jus1n, I need you to dial back the futuris4c right now, we really need to focus on the nuts and bolts of pumng together this event through the ideas we brainstormed earlier.” Another way to use strengths with your team is to focus on the Four Domains of Leadership. Through studying thousands of execu1ve teams Gallup was able to compare the strengths of each team member and to start thinking about how the organiza1on looks as a whole. What emerged from this data are four dis1nct Domains of Leadership that are necessary components of great teams. Gallup arranged all 34 strengths into the four different domains. You can plot your own strengths and the strengths of your team on the Domains of Leadership graph to see how the team iden1fies. This will provide great insights into how your team func1ons and what might be missing from your group. Here is a descrip1on of each domain. •
Execu9ng: Team members who have dominant strength in the Execu1ng are those whom you turn to 1me and again to implement a solu1on. These are the people who will work 1relessly to get something done. People who are strong in the Execu1ng domain have an ability to take an idea and transform it into reality within the organiza1on they lead.
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continued from page 8 •
Influencing: People who are innately good at influencing are always selling the team's ideas inside and outside the organiza1on. When you need someone to take charge, speak up, and make sure your group is heard, look to someone with the strength to influence.
Rela9onship Building: Rela1onship builders are the glue that holds a team together. Strengths associated with bringing people together -‐-‐ whether it is by keeping distrac1ons at bay or keeping the collec1ve energy high -‐-‐ transform a group of individuals into a team capable of carrying out complex projects and goals.
Strategic Thinking: Those who are able to keep people focused on what they could be are constantly pulling a team and its members into the future. They con1nually absorb and analyze informa1on and help the team make beIer decisions.
Once your team has evaluated its strengths along the Four Domains of Leadership, you can begin to use that knowledge to make your team more successful. One strategy I use oKen with my team is to take a big task we are working on, for example a program, event, or commiIee goal, and break down the tasks into smaller parts. Then I assemble those parts under the different domains with rela1on to what domain the task lends itself too. Next the members of the team can select tasks to complete based on which domain they are strongest in. Now each team member gets to play to their greatest strengths, and all tasks are covered by someone who is excited about comple1ng it. This method has taken the performance of my team to the next level, and is an excellent way to use strengths in your everyday prac1ce.
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CAIMHO College
ion d Recognit Awards an rsity ice & Dive Social Just Marketing ing Programm n Infor matio Research & itute SHO Inst ps (SPRs) vincial Re ro P & te Sta Website
Announcements Marketing - Submit an article for the next ANGLE! Due June 24, 2013 Email SHO Institute - See update on page 14 Social Justice & Diversity - Senior Housing Officers: Please make sure to check your email inbox for information on the Diversity Student Staff & Training survey! We’re putting together a great resource for the AIMHO region but we need your help! Please contact Nicole Stella at with any questions. Thank you! – Diversity & Social Justice Committee State & Provincial Reps (SPRs) Arizona: It seemed only fitting that Arizona Statehood Day (February 14th) would be the date chosen for our annual (after a 10+ year hiatus) AZ Drive-In Workshop. Over 100 colleagues representing 11 universities/colleges registered to participate in the day-long workshop held on the campus of Grand Canyon University in Phoenix. Roundtable topics discussed included student/professional staff recruitment & training, desk management, emergency response, living-learning communities, facilities management & planning, conference on campus, judicial processes & policies, housing assignments & overall operations, budget management, diversity & social justice, and advising student groups. Thanks to my Arizona colleagues who were able to join us at the workshop and to those who assisted in planning the day. Colorado: The University of Colorado Boulder is preparing for the end of the semester and start of summer renovations. Many buildings across campus will being undergoing some level of renovation beginning in May. Baker Hall will be fully renovated and we expect it to reopen by Fall 2014. CU will be opening a brand new residence hall in Fall of 2013 – Kittredge Central will house the Global Engineering and Leadership Residential Academic Programs. CU continues to develop new residence life professional positions and has begun the recruitment and selection process for a new Assistant Director for Residence Life position. The Assistant Director will oversee International Student Programs in the residence halls.
AIMHO Webinars: All times MST
May 3 -10-11am Student Development Theory, Advisor Recognition Training Core #2 - Corey Tickner May 29- Pending June 26 - Noon-1pm Crisis Response Planning: Best Practices & Practical Application - Matthew Colpitts July 31- Noon-1pm I see how your mind works: The adolescent brain goes to college - Mark Pittman
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continued from page 10 With the passing of Amendment 64 this past November, many campuses in Colorado prepared to deal with “4/20” related activities. CU Boulder closed campus the day of 4/20 and reported no marijuana-related arrests. Thousands of people congregated at the State Capital in Denver and otherwise had relatively little impact on our campuses. Many universities in Colorado are struggling due to limited funding from both state and federal sources. Tuition and housing increases are expected and the impacts to our residential housing operations are yet to be seen. To learn more about higher education funding in the state of Colorado – The Rocky Mountain Collegian offers an insightful article on what this may mean for the future of higher education in Colorado. Link. Other News: New Staff: Still in their first year: Vince Galdi + Ben Reichert (both Hall Directors) from Northeastern Junior College Brief Updates:Western State College opened a new apartment complex with 320 beds in the fall of 2012. Northeastern Junior College opened a new traditional style residence hall with 128 beds in the Fall of 2011. They are also planning an end of the year block party for their residents with inflatable, mechanical bulls, and a dance. Colorado School of Mines is in the process of transitioning Apartment Housing (Upperclass, Graduate, and Family Housing) and Greek Life operations to the Residence Life department starting Summer 2013. Colorado updates will be posted periodically on our section of the AIMHO web-site. Check there for more regular updates! Idaho: Dean Kennedy (currently of the University of Houston) has been named the new Director of Housing and Residence Life at Boise State University. University of Idaho is close to naming a new Assistant Director as well as a Director, but is still pending for now. Nevada & Out of Region: UNLV- Dan Erosa (RHA Incoming President) was elected to PACURH Executive Board; Trash can fire forced evacuation and relocation of 200 students in 2.5 hrs for a three day period earlier in the month. Very Proud of the staff response. Getting ready for closing and gearing up to host the AIMHO Summer Business Meeting New Mexico New Mexico Tech will have a new 150 bed residence hall completed by the end of June. Montana: Well, it’s finally Spring here in Montana, students are busy with preparing final projects, and studying for exams. Here at Montana StateBozeman, we are busy wrapping up the construction of our new, 70-bed residential building. This suite-style hall will house our sophomore and above students, and will offer a more independent living option. As a region, we are still working on collecting mental health case studies in order to compile and create a resource to assist in training staff on responding to mental health concerns on our campuses. Across the state, we are sad to see our residents start to pack up their belongings to head home for the summer, but are glad to have had the chance to positively impact their lives. Let me know if you have any questions or I can support you in any way! Utah: At the beginning of April Weber State University hosted the drive-in conference for the state of Utah. Nearly every housing program in the state was represented and we had great discussions about gender neutral housing, living learning communities, facilities, and Scott from the University of Utah discussed how they handled evacuations that were a result of a gas leak within one of their communities. As always it was wonderful to get together and discuss common concerns and get to know each other better. Wyoming: No updates at this time. Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
Annual Conference 2013
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Get to know your SPRs Arizona Sue Belatti
Colorado Katie Schmalzel Brent Klingemann
Idaho Michael Simpson
Montana Korrin Engel
Nevada & Out of Region Rebecca Cornell
New Mexico Mitchell Tappen
Saskatchewan Utah Allison Hayes
Wyoming Barb Meryhew Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO