Association of Intermountain Housing Officers
A IMH O 2 0 1 3 A nn u al Conferen c e
Nov. 10-12 , 2013
University of Nevada Las Vegas
November Edition
Issue No. 5
Angle Archive
Arizona - Colorado - Idaho - Montana - Nevada - New Mexico - Saskatchewan - Utah - Wyoming
Pre-Conference E!tion
IN THIS NEWSLETTER HOT TOPICS - PAGE 2 - President’s Greeting - Social Justice & Diversity Committee - Programming Committee - AIMHO College
Che ck
Elec tion
out t s 20 he C 13 andi page date s 7-1 s 3
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - PAGE 7 - AIMHO Elections 2013 - Small School Advice - RAppin’ Review
COMMITTEE UPDATES - PAGE 15 - AIMHO College - Awards and Recognition - Diversity & Social Justice - Marketing - Programming - Research & Information - SHO Institute - State & Provincial Reps (SPRs) - Website
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HOT TOPICS Greeting (pg. 2) President’s mittee ce & Diversity Com (pg. 3) Social Justi ing Committee (pg. 4) Programm ollege Committee (pg. 5) AIMHO C
Julie Franklin AIMHO President
My friends! When Cindy Anderson handed me the gavel last year at the end of a fabulous conference in Billings, MT =me played a trick on me and started to just fly by. I can’t figure out how but I’m certain my calendar was missing at least two months. I can hardly believe it is =me to start packing for our =me together in Las Vegas, NV where Rich Clark, Tem Sedgwick and their crew of dedicated volunteers are pulling together final details to welcome us in less than two weeks. I look forward to seeing many of you and sharing informa=on on projects we as an associa=on have accomplished this year or that are in process. The AIMHO CommiNees have been hard at work and it is an exci=ng =me to be a part of AIMHO. I hope many of you have carefully considered volunteering for the commiNees for the coming year. The strong legacy of volunteerism in AIMHO has made it what it is today. The chairs and co-‐chairs value the commiNed contribu=ons of their commiNee members. If you are one of those who will stay behind on your campus to make sure things con=nue to run smoothly please know we are mindful of you. We hope you will benefit secondarily from the informa=on your colleagues will share with you aQer the conference and that you will join with us in person again in the future, both in webinars and at a conference. AIMHO is an associa=on on paper. It has a legal not-‐for-‐profit business license, by-‐laws and incorpora=on documents. It has a website and a Facebook page. AIMHO files taxes and has an accountant. It even has bank accounts. However none of those things makes it any more legi=mate than the history of contribu=ons from those who have been a part of AIMHO in the past and the an=cipa=on of those who will impact AIMHO in the future. So as this crazy and SHORT year comes to a close, I want to express apprecia=on for you— for your efforts on your own campuses and for your efforts in making AIMHO the amazing organiza=on that it is. I will miss the deeper involvement I’ve experienced during the past ten months (I swear two just didn’t happen this year but I can’t figure out which two) and look forward to seeing what is in store.
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Social Justice & Diversity Committee Interested in joining the Diversity and Social Jus=ce conversa=on while aNending the annual AIMHO conference in Las Vegas? There are so many ways to connect, check out these opportuni=es or find a commiNee member for more informa=on! If you are not able to aNend this year, follow the feed at #aimhodsj or tweet us @AIMHODSJ. Stay involved and join in the conversa=on!
Sunday, November 10, 2013:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013:
Take a look at our display board by registra=on! We’ll have great informa=on on our keynote speaker, the commiNee and a chance for you to share some knowledge.
2:15 pm-‐3:15 pm Social Jus8ce Hot Topics
4:30 pm-‐5:15 pm Newcomer’s Orienta8on We’re excited to welcome our new aNendees with a fun icebreaker!
Monday, November 11, 2013:
Come find out about innova=ve, effec=ve social jus=ce programs/ini=a=ves throughout the region! 6:00 pm-‐8:00 pm Closing Banquet We’ll be sharing the names of our Hot Topics winners and mee=ng our newest commiNee members.
12:30 pm-‐1:30 pm Diversity and Social Jus8ce Meet and Greet Join us at our lunch table to get to know our commiNee and to talk about social jus=ce. Look for our crea=ve sign on a table!
Finally, it is not too late to volunteer for our commiNee! We have an amazing opportunity to connect with folks around the region. Fill out your commiNee volunteer form today! Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
Programming Committee TOP 10 THINGS TO DO
10. Download a barcode reader so you can complete program evalua=ons on your cell phone, tablet, or other handheld device. 9. Say “hello” to a Corporate Partner before, during and aQer the Corporate Partners’ Fair. View the Poster Session during the Corporate Partners’ Fair. 8. Register for and aNend the AIMHO Connec=ons Session and meet new as well as experienced delegates. 7. Follow the AIMHO back-‐channel on twiNer, #AIMHO or AIMHO on Facebook. 6. Interested in engaging on a topic and think others might be too, put your topic, date, =me, and mee=ng loca=on on the “Unsession” board outside the Program CommiNee room. Don’t forget to tweet it out to let others know. 5. Chat it up with either Shane Windmeyer (Keynote Speaker) or Tom ElleN (Featured Speaker and ACHUO-‐I President Elect). 4. Watch the Newcomers Case Study Presenta=ons as our region’s young and brightest test their cri=cal thinking and presenta=on skills in front a panel of expert judges. 3. Become a recipient of the 5 Star Pin Award by comple=ng up to 10 tasks aimed at gemng you connected and involved in the conference/region. 2. Join a commiNee and volunteer your =me to make AIMHO 2014 in Logan, UT a huge success! 1. Rub Cory Shapiro’s head for good luck and win a door prize. Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
AIMHO College Committee The AIMHO College commiNee is hard at work to make this year’s AIMHO College the best ever. We will welcome the AIMHO College class of 2013 on Saturday, November 9th at 10:00am with our AIMHO College 2013 Kick Off. The AIMHO College ends at 4:00pm on Sunday November 10th. During AIMHO College 29 par=cipants will interact with other new regional Housing staff members as well as other professionals and na=onally/regional acclaimed individuals and faculty members. The faculty members will share their experiences and exper=se on different subjects to help par=cipants develop a beNer understanding of the profession and to improve on skills. AIMHO College 2013 par=cipants will learn about Diversity, Budge=ng/ Public and Private Partnerships, Conflict Resolu=on, Supervision/Selec=on & Hiring, and Academic Ini=a=ves/Living Learning Communi=es. This year’s faculty includes:
Shane L. Windmeyer, Diversity Keynote Speaker Shane L. Windmeyer, M.S., Ed., is a leading author on gay campus issues, na=onal leader in gay and lesbian civil rights and a champion for LGBT issues on college campuses. He is cofounder and execu=ve director of Campus Pride, the only na=onal organiza=on for student leaders and campus organiza=ons working to create a safer college environment for LGBT students. Released Fall 2006 by Alyson Books, Windmeyer is the author of The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students, the first-‐ever college guide profiling the “100 Best LGBT-‐Friendly Campuses.” He is also the editor of Brotherhood: Gay Life in College Fraterni=es and co-‐editor of the books Inspira=on for LGBT Students & Allies, Out on Fraternity Row: Personal Accounts of Being Gay in a College Fraternity and Secret Sisters: Stories of Being Lesbian & Bisexual in a College Sorority
Dr. Rich Payne, Budgets/Private & Public Partnerships Dr. Rich Payne is the Execu=ve Director of Housing and Residence Life at Northern Arizona University and has served in that capacity since 1994. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Educa=on and a master’s degree in Counseling from the University of North Texas and holds a doctorate from Northern Arizona University in Educa=onal Leadership. Rich has administra=ve and budgetary responsibility for NAU’s housing program – a system of 8,400 beds where he oversees an annual budget of $37M. He also has responsibility for two addi=onal auxiliary departments – Parking and ShuNle Services. Parking Services recently completed a new $25M parking structure accommoda=ng 1400 vehicles. ShuNle Services boasts of an average ridership of over 1,300,000 students per year. Rich is the faculty member for the budge=ng session. Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
Dr. Kathy Sisneros, Conflict Resolution Kathy Sisneros received an Ed.D. in Educa=on Policy and Leadership-‐Higher Educa=on from the University of MassachuseNs Amherst, a M.Ed. in Counseling-‐Student Personnel from Northern Arizona University and a B.S. in Communica=ons-‐Public Rela=ons from Eastern New Mexico University. Kathy is a Cer=fied Intercultural Development Instrument (IDI) trainer and Cer=fied Social Jus=ce Conflict Mediator. She is a Leadershape Ins=tute lead facilitator. Currently Kathy works at Colorado State University as the Director of the Women and Gender Advocacy Center.
Chris Anderson, Supervision/Selection & Hiring Christopher Anderson is currently the Assistant Director of Educa=onal Ini=a=ves in Housing & Residen=al Educa=on at the University of Utah. He received B.S. Human Development and Family Studies from The Pennsylvania State University (2003) and M.A. Higher Educa=on and Student Affairs from The Ohio State University (2008) Previously Chris was employed as a Therapeu=c Staff Support, Universal Community Behavioral Health, Assistant Hall Director, The Ohio State University, Community Director, University of Arizona, Community Director Senior, University of Arizona and Assistant Director of Educa=onal Ini=a=ves, University of Utah. His areas of interest in higher educa=on are Student Development Theory, Learning, Service-‐ Learning, and Social Jus=ce. Here is a teasers for his presenta=on – We’re going to talk about developing strategies to hire excellent staff and to keep moving them towards excellence.
Dr. Marie Humphrey, Academic Initiatives/Living Learning Communities Dr. Marie Humphrey has over 17 years experience in higher educa=on administra=on within the field of student services. Presently, she is the Director of Residence Life, Housing, and Event Services at Regis University. Marie has worked at every level in housing and residence life from being a RA, Residence Life Coordinator, Assistant Director and Director. Marie holds a B.A. degree in English and M.S.P.H. degree in Public Health with an emphasis in Interna=onal Public Health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. She received her Ph.D. in Educa=onal Leadership and Human Resource Studies from Colorado State University. Marie’s areas of interest in higher educa=on are: professional and leadership development, law and policy, mul=culturalism and inclusion, mentoring and strategic planning. Marie will be sharing perspec=ves on crea=ng inten=onal learning communi=es and establishing innova=ve academic ini=a=ves to enhance student learning. Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
THE ANGLE! IONAL S S E F O PR ENT M P O L E DEV NS ELECTIO AIMHO ) 3 -1 7 . g (p ol Advice mall Scho S ) 4 1 . (pg
AIMHO ELECTIONS 2013 AIMHO has benefiNed from the =me and talents of members who have advanced our associa=on through their work on commiNees; origina=on of presenta=ons, webinars and ar=cles and service as elected and selected leaders. The following members have submiNed their creden=als for your considera=on for elected office with AIMHO. They will be introduced at the Annual Conference in Las Vegas and will stand for elec=on during the Annual Business Mee=ng. Take the =me to read their statements; get to know folks who are new to you; and think about who will best lead and serve our Associa=on.
CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT BARB REMSBURG It is with great pleasure that I submit my candidacy for the President-‐ Elect posi:on. In 1996 I began my professional career at Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. I served as the Coordinator of Residence Life and Service Learning. As it happens at many small schools, my responsibili:es morphed to include all transi:on programs such as New Student Orienta:on, Disability Services, and the First Year Seminar classes. In 1998 I served as the Director of Campus Housing at Park University and then later their Director of Student Life. In 2002, my partner and I traveled to the land of AIMHO. At the University of Utah, I have had the opportunity to serve as Manager, Associate Director of Residen:al Educa:on, and since 2008 as the Director of Housing & Residen:al Educa:on. So that frames the last 17 years, but who am I? I am… a daughter of a cheese-‐making family who ins:lled an ethic of hard work, an aWen:on to detail, and a love for the Green Bay Packers. I am… a partner to an amazing individual who teaches me about love, dreams, and persistence. I am… a mom of two boys who teach me to laugh daily. I am… a first genera:on college student whose hall director introduced her to this incredible field. I am… a housing professional who sees value in helping students and staff to build transforma:ve experiences. I am… dedicated to serving you and the rest of the AIMHO region.
“ If your ac+ons inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -‐ John Quincy Adams
I have dedicated myself to AIMHO through the development of the SHO Forum, the SHO listserv, and the Facili:es Show & Tell. In working with the past Program CommiWee chair, we Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
established program tracks for New Professionals and Mid-‐Level professionals at the annual conference. Following are some of the other ways I have engaged in the work of AIMHO: Host CommiWee, University of Utah, 2003 Awards & Recogni:on CommiWee, 2003-‐2004 Marke:ng CommiWee, 2007, Interim Chair 2008, Chair 2008-‐2009 Program CommiWee, 2009-‐2010, 2010-‐2011, Co-‐ Chair 2011-‐2012, Chair 2012-‐2013 AIMHO presenter and facilitator In response to the recession, a mentor wrote: We are all hur+ng; we could all use more. But we all know others with greater needs. …Most of us willingly help the guy [person] down the street. We just need to see a bigger street.
In regards to AIMHO, this statement has helped to frame a couple of things for me: 1. The street needs to be widened. I need to con:nually challenge myself to see a bigger street. This relates to strategic planning, diversity and social jus:ce work, webinars/training, the annual conference, in policy decisions, and in understanding the voices of the organiza:on. 2. I see a bigger street when I engage in and build rela:onships with others. 3. I need to be fiscally responsible. The dollars I spend on behalf of the organiza:on come from member schools. I need to be a good steward of those funds. I am energized by the possibili:es that lie ahead as we look down this street of possibili:es together.
CANDIDATES FOR TREASURER-ELECT TROY LEE CAMPBELL Hello my name is Troy Lee Campbell and I am running to be your Treasurer-‐Elect for the Associa:on of Inter-‐Mountain Housing Officers (AIMHO). Troy is a fourth year Residence Hall Director at Northern Arizona University. Troy’s involvement within AIMHO started at AIMHO 2010 in Coeur d'Alene, ID as an AIMHO College par:cipant. Aier seeing all the amazing opportuni:es AIMHO has to offer Troy decided to first serve as a member on the AIMHO College CommiWee working with the Faculty Selec:on sub-‐commiWee. As the leadership on the AIMHO College commiWee moved out of the region Troy was asked to serve as the AIMHO College CommiWee Chair role aier serving one year on the CommiWee in the Fall of 2011. Troy has since served as AIMHO College CommiWee Chair for two years with great energy and dedica:on to improving the AIMHO College experience for par:cipants for years to come. Troy received his B.A. in Government from the University of Redlands and his M.Ed. in Educa:onal Leadership with an emphasis in Higher Educa:on from Northern Arizona University. In his current role as an RHD, Troy is responsible for a Front Desk payroll budget of $16,082, RA Community Building budget of $2440, Hall Associa:on budget of $2230, RA Staff Development budget of $300, and Hall Front Desk Opera:ons budget of $620. Troy has also worked closely over each summer managing the Orienta:on Housing Hall and billing the NAU Orienta:on Office. As senior during his undergraduate career Troy served as Student Body President and presided over a $693,500 budget. Troy has also served as the Director of Communica:on for the Arizona College Personnel Associa:on (AzCPA) from June 2010 through May 2011. Personal Notes: AIMHO has truly been my professional home since my first day at AIMHO College and have felt nothing but love and support from all whom I have interacted with since. I have been so honored to serve AIMHO as a CommiWee Chair and if I was given the great opportunity to serve in the Treasurer-‐Elect role I would be forever grateful. During the first year, I will remain commiWed to learning from the current and past AIMHO Treasurers as I will be con:nuing my personal growth in the role. Addi:onally, I will dedicate a great amount of energy and enthusiasm to the Treasurer-‐Elect/ Treasurer Role while serving Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
on the AIMHO Execu:ve Board. As Treasurer-‐Elect, and then as Treasurer, I will work with all Members of the Associa:on , Execu:ve Board members, and CommiWee Chairs to ensure quality work in all areas of the Associa:on’s finances. It I also a goal of mine to remain constantly visible and a welcoming source to all our cons:tuents whom work with the Associa:on. AIMHO is not just a professional associa:on for me I truly feel it is my home away from home. It would be an incredible honor to serve such a great organiza:on so please vote Troy Lee Campbell for AIMHO Treasurer-‐ Elect. Everyone wins with a liWle TLC.. .
BRENT KLINGEMANN Gree:ngs! I am wri:ng to express my interest in the Treasurer-‐Elect posi:on with the AIMHO Execu:ve Board. This brief introduc:on will summarize why I am interested in the treasurer posi:on, offer experiences relevant to the posi:on, and explain what I hope to accomplish during my term. Over the course of my involvement with the AIMHO organiza:on, I have found the rela:onships and connec:ons I have built among members to be very rewarding. My interest in the treasurer posi:on stems from a desire to con:nue building those rela:onships while giving back in a way that demonstrates my apprecia:on for all I have gained as a result of my par:cipa:on in AIMHO. Secondly, I view the Treasurer-‐Elect posi:on as an incredible professional development opportunity. During my undergraduate work, one of my mentors explained to me that the best way to understand an organiza:on is to understand the finances of that organiza:on. I am hopeful that the Treasurer-‐ Elect experience will help me gain a stronger understanding of AIMHO and allow me to beWer serve the members of AIMHO in the future. Although I am rela:vely new to the AIMHO region, I see myself remaining heavily involved with the organiza:on for many years to come. I have had the privilege of serving AIMHO for the past two years as the State Representa:ve to Colorado. This experience shaped my understanding of working as a liaison between both member and non-‐member ins:tu:ons and the greater AIMHO organiza:on. I learned that strong rela:onships made the posi:on successful. The Treasurer-‐Elect posi:on func:ons in a similar capacity – where the connec:ons with commiWee chairs and member ins:tu:ons ensure proper collec:on and distribu:on of organiza:on funds. In terms of technical ability in overseeing a large budget, I have approximately four years of experience managing annual budgets for residence halls, commiWees, and front desk opera:ons. I look forward to learning more about using “QuickBooks” in maintaining the organiza:on’s finances. As Treasurer-‐Elect, I would seek to maintain the work invested by past treasurers while achieving the long term strategic goals of the organiza:on. I am par:cularly interested in strengthening the communica:on between the Treasurer, commiWee chairs, State and Provincial Representa:ves, and other Execu:ve Board members. Through my work as a State Representa:ve, I have found that communica:on among these groups is crucial to the success of the organiza:on. If selected as the Treasurer-‐Elect, I look forward to serving AIMHO in a new capacity and achieving the long term goals of the organiza:on. I appreciate your :me and considera:on of my candidacy.
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CANDIDATES FOR SECRETARY LIZ GRANT GREENFIELD Big Sky Greetings AIMHO! My name is Liz Grant Greenfield and I am currently the interim Secretary for AIMHO. I am also the Program & Event Manager at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. As I begin my 10th year in the MSU system, I am able to reflect on all the opportunities I have been fortunate to have. A graduate of the MSU system, my :me involved in housing has provided me the chances to learn, reflect and develop as a professional in housing. AIMHO has afforded me many engaging opportuni:es to strengthen my professional development. A member for 11 years, I have attended many conferences and served on the Programming Committee, Marke:ng Committee (chair and committee member) and Diversity Committee (chair and committee member). These experiences have helped me gain leadership skills and I would like to continue to bring my knowledge to the Executive Committee as your Secretary. As the Program & Event Manager, I am responsible for timely and accurate paperwork, filing, typing and disseminating pertinent information in a precise manner. Always wanting to challenge myself, I have served on a variety of campus committees and within those committees was secretary and provided minutes for all monthly meetings. I am extremely organized and able to mul:-‐task many different projects while providing strong attention to details. Being on the Executive Committee for the past year has taught me a wealth of information and I have helped with planning for the future of AIMHO. I hope to con:nue to provide my services and help guide AIMHO into the future. Being a part of AIMHO means being a part of something bigger then my home institution. AIMHO has given so much to me in terms of outstanding educational programs, networking/professional opportunities and lifelong friends – I would like to give back to AIMHO and continue to serve as your secretary. Thank you for your consideration.
CANDIDATES FOR MEMBER AT LARGE, ENTRY LEVEL DUKE M. BEARD It is with great pleasure that I answer my nomina:on to run for the posi:on of Member-‐At-‐Large, Entry Level for the Associa:on of Intermountain Housing Officers (AIMHO). I have always been a huge supporter of both regional and na:onal efforts in our field of Student Affairs, and would be honored to serve AIMHO in a role where I can have an impact on those efforts. While it is my first year in AIMHO, I have been involved with GLACUHR as an advisor for Eastern Michigan University’s Residence Hall Associa:on, encouraging student leaders to get more involved in the region to enrich our campus’ program for EMU to have a larger impact on our student popula:on. At EMU, I also served as the NASPA Graduate Associate, responsible for not only programming for the greater EMU Student Affairs professionals and paraprofessionals, but also as a liaison between NASPA members at EMU and the NASPA organiza:on. In my undergraduate experience at Central Washington University, I was able to get involved with ACUHO-‐I early and see the benefits of offering conference, internship, and leadership experience to those who we are here to serve, the student. Seeing Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
opportuni:es that are created from being involved as a professional for the students I serve and the new professionals in the field, I understand how important AIMHO truly is, and what an asset such organiza:ons are. Arriving at Arizona State University in July in my first post-‐graduate role in Student Affairs, I want to take an ac:ve role in organiza:ons for Student Affairs, much like my mentors have, so that I can give back to the field I love so much. I bring with me a lot of experience with three different regions, and I feel that would benefit AIMHO greatly. Serving as a member of the AIMHO Execu:ve CommiWee, I pledge to advocate for the needs of our members, empower others through the AIMHO Angle NewsleWer, encourage par:cipa:on in events and as part of the programming commiWee for RAppin, help create an experience that will help develop the next genera:on into some of the best student leaders. I am also excited to work with AIMHO College as part of my role, especially because I will have aWended AIMHO College 2013.
CAITLIN CLARK My name is Caitlin Clark and I am seeking your support for the posi:on of Member at Large, Entry Level for the Associa:on of Intermountain Housing Officers. I believe that my current membership on the AIMHO College and AIMHO Conference Host CommiWees, my previous experience enhancing new professional and student development, and my thirst for beWering the experience of all entry-‐level professionals qualify me for the posi:on of Member at Large, Entry Level. Current Experience: •Host CommiWee Liaison, AIMHO College CommiWee •Mee:ng Space Liaison, AIMHO Conference Host CommiWee •Member, Student Affairs Diversity Training CommiWee for Campus Life at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Previous Experience: • Director of Membership Rela:ons, Indiana University Student Personnel Associa:on o Planned and implemented new student orienta:on for 30 graduate students o Paired first year and second year master’s students in a mentorship program • Presenta:ons for student and graduate/professional training sessions, in-‐services, and webinars o Example topics include: online student development, student organiza:ons and social networking, student development and learning theories, and energy management • Annual aWendance at na:onal and regional professional development conferences for ACPA, NASPA, and AIMHO since 2011. If elected, I will use my current and previous experience with student and professional development to enhance the experience of all entry-‐level professionals in AIMHO. Specifically, I would like to pursue the following plans during my tenure as Member at Large, Entry Level: • Create an open mentorship program between entry-‐level and senior housing officials • Con:nue entry-‐level professional development between conferences through targeted webinars and discussion series on plavorms such as TwiWer and Google Hangouts • Ac:vely solicit feedback from entry-‐level professionals in the region to bring to the Execu:ve Board I look forward to seeing you all at the annual AIMHO conference in Las Vegas, and thank you for considering me for Member at Large, Entry Level.
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JEREMY D. HOMOLKA It is with great excitement that I submit my candidacy for the Member-‐at-‐Large, Entry Level posi:on on the AIMHO Execu:ve CommiWee. One year ago, at both my first RAppin and AIMHO Conferences, I was a new entry-‐level professional in the region, trying to define my place. In the :mespan of those few weeks, I found it – and it was as an engaged member of AIMHO. As an entry-‐level professional, I feel welcomed and invited to par:cipate, speak up, and get involved. Because of that, I am confident in my abili:es to represent my entry-‐level peers and to reach out to other current and future entry-‐level professionals, in hopes that they will also find their own place within AIMHO. I am no stranger to serving on a board within an organiza:on. During my undergraduate and graduate experiences at Western Illinois University, I served terms on the GLACURH Regional Board of Directors, NRHH Na:onal Board and NACURH Na:onal Board of Directors. In addi:on, I have worked with similar groups in the planning of conferences as the NACURH 2011 Conference Chair and RAppin 2013 Conference Advisor. I have also served on regional commiWees within AIMHO and GLACUHO and in my current role as a Residen:al Educa:on Coordinator at the University of Utah, I chair and co-‐chair commiWees within the department. These experiences, have taught me about what it means to work with a variety of people, from different loca:ons, whom are all working towards a common goal. In reviewing the mission, values and core goals of AIMHO, it excites me that our region is focusing on the new professional popula:on. As the Member-‐at-‐Large, Entry Level, it would be my focus to provide opportuni:es for these professionals to engage with peers, learn about the field and AIMHO, share their experiences, and encourage them to get involved. One way I would do this is by working to connect new professionals through social media outlets. Addi:onally, I believe that evalua:ng and upda:ng the current AIMHO New Member Handbook is an important step in helping new professionals transi:on into the field and region. These examples, along with other opportuni:es, including con:nued outreach, Angle ar:cles, conference sessions, and webinars, would be my focus throughout my term. In addi:on to engaging entry-‐level professionals, another responsibility of this posi:on is to serve as a liaison to the RAppin host team. As I have aWended two RAppin conferences and advised the host team for one of them, I have an understanding of RAppin and its direc:on. It would be my goal to be available to RAppin teams as a resource in helping them work towards and implement an impacvul and memorable experience for our region’s student staff members. In reflec:ng on my experiences in AIMHO, I am further reminded of how influen:al par:cipa:ng in the organiza:on has been for my professional development. I would be honored to have the opportunity to give back to the region as a member of the Execu:ve CommiWee. Thank you for your :me and considera:on.
JOHN WACHAL I recently began my involvement with AIMHO this past year when I started my first year as a fulltime professional at Northern Arizona University. It was my goal to become immediately involved in the region. This past year I served on the Social Justice/Diversity committee and have submitted items twice to the AIMHO angle. Through this brief involvement I knew I would like to gain progressive experience in my second and third year in AIMHO that would be accomplished through working with the AIMHO executive committee. I believe this is an exciting time to be a part of AIMHO as we are in the process of "re-‐visioning our Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO
Association." AIMHO has done some great things in the past, but is not resting on its laurels as we plan for the current and upcoming trends of higher education and student service. In my professional life I am in my second year at Northern Arizona University where I have served as a Residence Hall Director. I was charged with taking three long standing communities and “re-‐ visioning” them into one community with tradition and iden:ty. The one community concept went through transitions from an Apartment lifestyle focus to a SYE. I learned quickly what my department was asking from me and how to incorporate multiple ideas into what my students would be asking from me. One of my values that aided in this creation of community was: Where are we coming from and where are going? In everything in life it is important to understand the foundation you are standing on before you decide to build upon or tear down and rebuild something better, because it is that same foundation you rely upon when starting anew. I have reviewed the description of AIMHO’s Member At Large/Entry Level position. I believe my past skills will aide me if chosen for this prominent appointment. It is my passions where I want to excel. I am excited to work as a liaison on multiple projects and connect with people in the region as we accomplish great things together. Beyond the role of liaison I look forward to aiding our young professionals though the RAppin’ program committee, newcomer orientation, and exploring additional professional development opportunities. If chosen for this position you will find someone that appreciates the history of an organization, but is not afraid of beneficial change. I draw my knowledge from past experiences and will use my strengths of adaptability, communication command, strategic and context to best serve this executive board and the AIMHO region. My strengths and past proficiencies have prepared me for this potential opportunity. I want to thank you for your time and consideration. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you.
“Leaders must encourage their organiza3ons to dance to forms of music yet to be heard.” -‐ Warren G. Bennis
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Small School Advice GETTING THE MOST OUT OF CONFERENCES For those of us at smaller ins=tu=ons, we may not be able to aNend every conference. AIMHO is great because it is a regional conference and can be easier to convince superiors over some of the na=onal conferences in many cases. When aNending any conference, it is important that both you and your ins=tu=on get value and what they need out of the experience. In order to do that, there are some things you can do before, during, and aQer the conference. Before the conference, take some =me to iden=fy areas of need within your department or role on campus. By understanding what your needs are, you are beNer equipped to be more inten=onal in your approach to what sessions you aNend and the conversa=ons you engage in. It helps you be prepared to ac=vely seek out resources related to those areas. If you are fortunate to go with others from your ins=tu=on, plan to aNend different sessions. You could poten=ally delegate areas, if you feel it necessary, to specific staff members so that each person
comes back as an expert of sorts in a specific area based on your earlier assessment. While you are at the conference, talk to the people around you! At meals, in sessions, and in lines, you will be surrounded by a wealth of informa=on. You don’t know who you may meet and who may be able to help with an issue you are currently faced with. Exchange cards or emails so you can follow up later. Even if you don’t seem to have much in common at the =me, we are faced with an ever changing environment with our students and it can be helpful to pull out those contacts when you have an issue and have a wealth of people to ask.
already experienced something similar? Follow the AIMHO Facebook and TwiNer accounts for updates throughout the year and monitor the listserv for addi=onal resources. Thinking about these things ahead of =me, allow you to actually accomplish what you need to by aNending the conference and be more effec=ve with the =me and money you or your ins=tu=on are spending for the experience. Make the most of the opportunity!
LINDSAY ROSSMILLER Rocky Mountain College
AQer the conference, refer to your notes and evaluate what you want to take ac=on on. If there were presenta=ons you felt were especially helpful, send the presenter a quick email thanking them. They can be helpful to contact for follow up or clarifica=on in the future. Trying to reinvent the wheel isn’t very efficient so why not learn from your colleagues who may have
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Announcements AIMHO College Awards & Recognition Marketing SHO Institute Social Justice & Diversity State & Provincial Reps (SPRs)
AIMHO Webinars: All times MST
OCTOBER (cont’d) Diversity & Social Justice Committee Webinar Watch for more information to come. NOVEMBER Nov. 20- Noon-1pm ADA & Universal Design Presenters: Krista Pickens, University of Utah Title IX and ADA/Section 504 Coordinator Scott McAward, Ph.D., Director Center for Disability Services Watch for more information to come.
Colorado: Colorado Mesa University - was selected as a department to be represented in the Higher Learning Commission site visits. Since they have adopted and implemented a residential curriculum model for their department, they’ve also had the opportunity to submit part of our curriculum learning plan to the HLC as part of the overall institutions self-study report, reaccreditation and curriculum review. Additionally, they will be representing Colorado Mesa University at the Residential Curriculum Institute in Columbia, South Carolina for the third year in a row as a showcase institution. Colorado State University welcomes for the 2013-2014 academic year: Professionals - Heather Browning, Angela Hoffman, Amanda Daul, Patrice Palmer, Michael Dejaiger, and Kathy Orange. Graduate Students- Beatriz Salazar, CJ Harrison, Amanda Ghenkin, Nate Melia, Mariah Kohles, Jonathan (JR) Rosario, Josh Ford, Mitch Trebesh, Roberto Cruz Esparza, Betsy William, Henry Duong Fort Lewis College welcomes Residence Directors: Tabitha Bennett, Benjamin Lutz, Jacob Matthews, and Meghan Walsh No updates at this time: Arizona | Idaho | Montana | Nevada & Out of Region | New Mexico | Utah | Wyoming
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Annual Conference 2013
Get to know your SPRs Arizona Sue Belatti
Colorado Katie Schmalzel Brent Klingemann
Idaho Michael Simpson
Montana Korrin Engel
Nevada & Out of Region Vacant
New Mexico Mitchell Tappen
Saskatchewan Vacant
Utah Allison Hayes
Wyoming Barb Meryhew Submit articles to | Follow us on Twitter: #AIMHO | Facebook: AIMHO