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Fighting The Right Battles Values Foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility Encouraging whistleblowing against corruption: The right battle for companies



Susan Africa-Manikan ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Sherbet Katigbak-Manalili MANAGING EDITOR

A P R I L- J U N E 2 0 0 7




Dato’ Syed Ahmad Idid Ricardo Pascua Guillermo Parayno, Jr. Rey Angeles Jerry Quibilian Shaikh Muhammed Ali Rose Cheryl Orbigo Julius Dumangan Teena Santiago Susan Jo



Meeting And Workshop ß AIM Alumni Association S’pore First Quarter Function ß Alumni Newsmakers: - Marlon Young, MBM 1979, Featured in International Herald Tribune/Business - AIM Alumni Winners in 2007 Philippine Elections - King Confers Orders of Chivalry on AIM Alumni in Malaysia

Chili Dogs DESIGN


Panch Alcaraz Robert Alejandro Fran Ng Brian Vallesteros Chili Dogs ILLUSTRATORS

Lexmedia Digital


ß AAAIM Holds Induction of New Officers ß AIM 38th Commencement Ceremonies ß FAMCOR in Davao: A Successful Venture



ß Bookshelf: Stationary Bandits ß Travel: Of Cuban Cigars, Rum & Coffee... and running a school in Cuba

with AIM Alumni Davao Chapter

ß AIM Hosts AAPBS Council



ß The Philippine Stock Market in the World of Exchanges

ß Social Conscience ß Encouraging Whistleblowing Against Corruption: The Right Battle for Companies ß Addressing Corruption in Malaysia


Maritess Aniago-Espiritu Khristine Revilla Voltaire Masangkay Joana Marie Ozeña


Fighting the Right Battles 28











ß Values Foundation of Corporate Social Responsibility

ß An Unbroken Vow ß Taking to the Oars

The AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine (AIM Leader) is a quarterly publication of the Asian Institute of Management with editorial office at the Alumni Relations Office, Asian Institute of Management, 123 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, 1260 Philippines Telephone No.: 892.4011 locals 331, 540 and 533 Telefax: 893.7410 | Email: Copyright 2007, AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner in whole or in print, in English or other languages, without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1908-1081

On the cover: Maj. Arlene Aquino (MDM 2003), Armed Forces of the Philippines, currently serving as a peace volunteer in Haiti; Fr. Tito Soquino (MDM 1999), Parochial Vicar, Sto. Nino Parish Church, Cebu City; and Ms. Ana Elzy Ofreneo (MDM 1994), Director, Commission on Human Rights

alumnileadership spotlight


ß Ramon de Vera: On Love and Unity ß Dr. Ahmad Zaki Haji Ismail: How Zaki Did It ß John Veloso: Leading by Example



Special Feature: Seven Lessons from the Tough Taskmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A Convergence of Mindsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Program Feature: Transforming the Face of Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Alumni Leadership Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 End Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Cover photo by Jose Andres Puno Illustration by Fran Ng



ASIA IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE MOST DYNAMIC economic region in the world, outgrowing—and expected to outgrow in the foreseeable future—the OECD countries by a wide margin. The region has become the leading global exporter of manufactured goods and supplier of services of all types. From the world’s largest capital importer after World War II, the region has become the world’s largest capital exporter, holder of two-thirds of global international reserves and indeed—the principal financier of the world’s largest economy, the U.S. From the devastation of World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and a number of other regional conflagrations, Asia has re-emerged to claim the historic economic leadership role it has played for most of the last two millennia. ASEAN plans to establish an economic community by 2015. Arrangements with ASEAN’s various dialogue partners (including ALL the major players in Asia) make the growth potential of an East Asian Community most encouraging. However, despite the promising statistics and noble statements of intent, Asia is home to much of the world’s poor. This is totally unacceptable—and the region’s fundamental challenge today. ASEAN has responded by agreeing on poverty eradication, betterintegrated financial markets, and the development of affordable energy sources as key regional priorities at the recently concluded ASEAN and East Asian Cebu Summits. Asia is going through a hitherto unprecedented level of economic integration. While potentially exciting, this process must be underpinned by intensive efforts to bridge divides arising from historical “baggage,” economic disparities and cultural, religious and ethnic diversity. In this context, we must ensure that realization of the region’s great promise not be subverted by our inability to understand and reach out to each other. Reaching out begins with understanding. Recent economic history—and Hollywood—have made many Asians far more familiar with the West, than they are with their neighbors. This is where I believe AIM must play an important role. It must develop managers, entrepreneurs and leaders that are not only professionally capable but also familiar with, and sensitive to, the different cultures, values and business practices of his (her) Asian neighbors. To be effective in a rapidly integrating “New Asia,” the manager and entrepreneur must overcome historical prejudices and establish new ways of thinking and partnering. He or she must also think beyond traditional development models that, while rich in many ways, have proven to be capital intensive, often environmentally-invasive and socially inadequate—in short, unsustainable. As we have learned in theory and in the school of hard knocks, all organizations must constantly respond to the imperatives of the environment they operate in. AIM is obviously no exception. I hope you support the effort to re-engineer an AIM that is dynamic, relevant and outstanding. This issue of the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine is dedicated to our development managers—they are the vanguard of the effort to bridge the deep divides that we MUST bridge. Please join me in saluting their invaluable contribution to the future. I hope you enjoy the issue.





I AM EXCITED ABOUT OUR FORTHcoming alumni activities. Let me get you excited too with some of them that show regional alumni networking in-progress: September 3, 2007 at Kuala Lumpur: The 1st “Challenge Lunch”

Hosted by AIM distinguished Alumna Datin Paduka Sri Rosmah Mansor (BMP’82), wife of the Malaysian Deputy PM, who will be Guest of Honour and give the opening special address. Featured speakers include two eminent AIM alumni. September 10-12, 2007 at Manila: AIM visit of Triple A awardee, eminent Indian IT and business leader, and AIM Governor Ashok Soota (MBM’73). Among others, activities include the launching of the Mindtree Case series, engaging in leadership discussions, and expanding of AIM partnerships. September 27-28, 2007 at Ho Chi Minh: Alumni Relations and the Vietnamese Alumni Association are gearing up to establish the Ho Chi Minh sub-chapter. This is timed with the Corporate Social Responsibility Conference. 3rd or 4th week November 2007 at Dubai: Targeted establishment of the AIM alumni Dubai Chapter, the first-ever alumni chapter in the Middle East. January (first week) 2008 at Boracay: Global 35th Anniversary reunion of legendary batch MBM’73. March 4-8, 2008 at Manila: Leadership Week celebrating AIM’s 40th Anniversary Includes Student Cultural Night, Leader-

ship Golf Tournament, Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors and Trustees, FAIM Annual General Meeting, Awarding of Triple A winners and the Homecoming Night to be held at the Bonifacio High Street. July 2008 at Kuala Lumpur: The 2nd Asian Business Conference. AIM partners with AAAIM Philippines, Kelab AIM Malaysia,

and the Federation of AIM Alumni Associations (FAIM). If this were not enough, other alumni-related involvements, among others, include: 1) the establishment of a “Foster Family” project starting this year to heighten cross-cultural understanding and enrich the AIM Experience of the studentry; 2) the expansion of the “Best and the Brightest” and the “Diversity” Scholarships; 3) alumni participation in AIM Open Houses (Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Indonesia); 4) Alumni-as-WAC Reader, which over 100 alumni from all over the world volunteered to act as WAC Readers this schoolyear; 5) Alumni-as-AIM-partner in marketing wherein plans are to expand the successes of the Cebu and Davao alumni chapters (which


became AIM marketing partners) into other alumni chapters, beginning with Kuala Lumpur and wherever, the alumni chapter leadership is able and available to effectively partner with AIM; and the 6) Alumni Advisory Council, September 2007, whereby the Alumni Relations in tandem with Institutional Planning and Development will help establish the AIM President’s Alumni Advisory Council that will be composed of some 40 outstanding alumni to enrich the inputs and resources towards fleshing out and implementing the “AIM for a New Asia” strategy. Alumni should register at the alumni portal (www.aimalumni. org) to be kept abreast of these new and exciting alumni activities regionwide as well as to send in your queries on the above activities. Get involved and expand your network and value as an AIM alumnus. God Bless! We are grateful to Prof. Sol Hernando and Prof. Nihal Amerasinghe for contributing their ideas, suggesting alumni contacts, and for inspiring our staff to reach out to the MDM community to find out what they have done after leaving the portals of AIM. It was a challenge for AIM Leader staff to trace the impact of the AIM experience on MDM grads—they tend not to brag about their success stories. We are proud to say that this issue is well-worth all the coaxing if only to encourage more such deeds as our outstanding MDMs have thus far done in helping transform, for the better, their respective mission fields. We are also proud to feature outWe hope that you standing alumni leaders who are sharwill find this issue meaningful. It is also ing their light to build a better future our paean to those who for AIM. There is Ramon “Arps” de continuously fight the right battles, and who Vera, MBM 1973, the new AIM Alumni we know will continue to Association-Philippines Chairman, persevere in doing so. and Ahmad Zaki Bin Haji Ismail, MM 1985, who is at the helm of helping build AIM’s repertoire of Asian case studies on Islamic Management. Thanks to my classmate John Veloso, MBM 1983, the current President of the AIM Alumni Association-Canada. We are also grateful to the Ramon V. del Rosario Center’s Rose Quiambao, who has generously shared meaningful articles on Corporate Social Responsibility. And of course, special thanks also to our Triple A winner Willy Parayno, who has generously shared his “Taking AIM” story. We also thank our many alumni writers who have contributed their time and talent in making this special issue more thought provoking—Jerry A. Quibilan, MM 1976; Dato’ Syed Ahmad Idid, ABMP 1983; Rey Angeles, MBM 1975; Ricardo S. Pascua, MBM 1973; Susan T. Jo, BMP 1998; and Shaikh Muhammed Ali, MBM 1995. We hope that you will find this issue meaningful. It is also our paean to those who continuously fight the right battles, and who we know will continue to persevere in doing so. May the Lord further prosper the works of their hands.

Greg Atienza Editor-in-Chief, AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine Executive Managing Director, Alumni Relations Office Secretary General, Federation of AIM Alumni Associations, Inc.



AIMLeader invites AIM alumni to contribute articles, Class Notes & Letters to the Editor to or EM







Referring to your JanuaryMarch 2007 issue of Leadership Magazine, I would like to donate to the Leadership Fund in return of the free subscription and delivery of AIM Leadership Magazine. Please let me know if it is possible to send check through registered mail and the address of payment. Thank you. John Plaza, BMP 1995

The AIM for Asia issue is a solid and well-researched issue relevant to the times. We can include more updates from alumni in future issues to facilitate an “interactive” section within the magazine and also the continuing leadership quotes are good. May I suggest that we also include news about alumni

Ed: Thank you very much, John, and we hope other alumni would help donate to the AIM Alumni Fund for Scholarships, too! Congratulations on the proposed launching of the 16-month MBA program. I think this product is in much demand and will be well-received. I do notice, however, that a very important subject/course is missing from the curriculum—Corporate Governance. This topic has gained a great deal of significance during the last several years. Equipping future economic leaders, entrepreneurs, judiciary, media, etc. with an understanding of Corporate Governance issues will go a long way in ensuring corporate excellence in the years ahead. I strongly suggest that such a course be designed and offered in this (and other) MBA programs. Kaiser H. Naseem MM 1984 Thanks for the copy of the AIM Magazine. I do appreciate receiving updates on the directions AIM is taking to pursue management education leadership in this region. I am also amazed to learn about the Triple A Award of Mr. Bajpaee. Although he did not show up as much in academics during our AIM days; nevertheless, he was able to shine in applied management skills while in the field. My congratulations to my classmate. Brig. Gen. Lysias “Lito” C. Cabusao (Ret) MM 1980 The issue is quite admirable as far as qualitative content is concern. As for my suggested improvement, maybe the section on CLASS NOTES needs a little more content since most of our alumni do keep in touch one way or the other over the years after AIM. More power again to your editorial team! Charlie Gaw MM 1999


in the graduate school to be a level higher than mere articles and opinions. Francisco Cayco MBM 1978

classmates, and the latest practice in management. God bless you all! Henry Cua MBM 1985

I received my copy of AIM for Asia magazine sent to my home address. I enjoyed reading it from cover to cover. I am a visual guy so I prefer more photos than write ups. I hope you have special arrangements for product advertisements. Ralph Cabrera MBM 1982

I do enjoy every issue you send though I have not finished reading the last one. Levi Hao ME 2002

I received the leadership magazine this morning and loved reading it. Best of luck to everyone. Akbar Hammad MDM 1990

who are doing well in their respective fields outside of the Triple A awardees. We can ask for feedback from fellow AIM classmates and alumni. A section on MDM and development trends, entrepreneurship insights, MM and MBM best practices that are noteworthy would be interesting to read. Otherwise, we commend the team for the openness to receive feedback and the timely delivery of AIM magazines. It is heartening to see changes and the response of fellow alumni. Cheers! Gina Lomotan MDM 1997 I got my copy. Many thanks. Keep them coming. It’s one clear way in making the community connected. Keep up the good work. Teddy R. Villanueva MBM 1973 The last two issues were outstanding—specially the article of Ashok Soota who makes MBM ‘73 proud! Maximina Martinez MBM 1973 I would advice AIM to spend its resources in undertakings such as this in the area of research and thus make the magazine a research publication combined with some business and leadership articles. As a graduate school, the culture of research should be emphasized with results disseminated and published. I expect publications

The articles are very interesting and I am impressed with the achievement and progress the school has attained. I am looking forward to the next issue. Ruben Victa MBM 1992 It’s a great magazine worth reading (for a working mom like me). Mildred Ramirez MDP 2006 I found the articles on various AIM alumni, who are now considered part of Asia’s list of dynamic leaders, inspiring and encouraging. Their success stories prove that today’s leaders need to be armed with a strong, advanced educational foundation in order for them to execute exemplary skills and intelligence while catering to the competitive environments of modern times. One suggestion—perhaps you might want to add a “lighter” segment or a fun feature, that would add variety to the mag’s serious image—a portion that would even draw more readership, to include the young professionals and new graduates, who may get inspired to enroll at the AIM in the future. Otherwise, I send my sincere thanks and wishes for more power and success! Jakey M. Carrillo-Lazo MSC 2001 Nice to know that the magazine is revived again. It keeps us posted on the whereabouts of our

I found it very informative and quite interesting. Please keep up the great work. Jake Montenegro MM 1988 “The Law and Leadership” article is timely. In general, it is a great magazine even though the quality of paper used was not high grade but understandable. Congratulations and more power. Lito Nadal MAP 3 The articles are very relevant to my businesses. Rolando Villanueva ME 2005 It is very good and please keep up the good work and make sure you send me each new issue, and better still, the back copies, too. Many thanks. Leoncio S. Castillo, Jr MBM 1970 As always, I’m very happy and excited to receive and read every edition of the magazine. Paulus Tedjosutikno MM 2003 The format and content of the “AIM for a New Asia” issue of the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine were excellent. Great job! I had extended my congratulations to your dynamic ARO Director, Greg Atienza. Dr. Wilfrido Villacorta MDP 1984 It’s very informative and nostalgic! Keep it up! Gamaliel “Jimmy “ Itao ME 2001 ERRATUM

January-March 2007 Issue, page 40. The article “Taking Aim: Asian Management Breakthroughs” was written by Prof. Maya Herrera.

A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


AAAIM Holds Induction of New Officers Washington SyCip Named Honorary Alumnus

(from L) Agana, Antonio, Esmeralda, Bautista, Espino, De Vera, SyCip, Macatangay, Nañagas, Tenedero, Dulay and Atienza


ITH THE theme, “Unity at 40”, the Alumni Association of the Asian Institute of ManagementPhilippine Chapter (AAAIM) held the induction of its new board members last June 1, 2007 at the SGV Conference Hall of the ACCM. AIM Chairman, Washington SyCip led the induction of the 2007-2008 Board of Directors namely: Ramon M. De Vera, MBM ’73 – Chairman; Gabriel M. Paredes, MBM ’72 – Vice-Chairman; Francisco H. Bautista, MBM ’71 – Treasurer; Tomas G. Agana, EMBA MLA ’03– Asst. Treasurer; Augustus Caesar B. Esmeralda, MM ’97 – Secretary; Danilo A. Antonio, MBM ’78; Celina S. Bautista, MM ’03; Virgilio Brigido Espeleta, MBM ’91; Cesar M. Espino, ME ’01; Michael Sherwin M. Macatangay, EMBA ’06; Vitaliano N. Nañagas II, MBM ’72; Henry S. Tenedero, MDM ’03, Francisco L. Villanueva, Jr. , MBM ’85;

Alberto S. Villarosa, MBM ’73; and AIM Representative, Gregorio J. Atienza, MBM ’83. The AAAIM Board of Directors presented for the first time the title of “Honorary Alumnus” to AIM Chairman Washington SyCip. The tribute is given to renowned individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of management and have consistently contributed to the development and leadership of the Asian Institute of Management. In introducing SyCip, AIM President Francis Estrada noted the numerous accomplishments and various international positions held by the chairman, as well as his awards which include the Philippine Legion of Honor and the Ramon Magsaysay Award.


In appreciation for their dedication and commitment in successfully mounting the first Asian Business Conference held last March 1-2, 2007, the AAAIM Chairman’s award was presented to Myrna D. Alberto and Gregorio J. Atienza. The new Board of Directors for 2007-2008 also honored outgoing chairman Ricardo S. Pascua who

contributed much of his unselfish time and talent to the alumni chapter, and who dedicated himself to the objectives of AAAIM. Pascua was also responsible for conceptualizing and bringing the Asian Business Conference to the fore. In his closing remarks, the new AAAIM chairman, Ramon De Vera enumerated the many meaningful projects which the new board shall work on during his term, and thanked the outgoing board members for their teamwork and dedication. The 2006-2007 outgoing Board of Directors include the following alumni: Ricardo S. Pascua, MBM ’71; Myrna D. Alberto, ME ’03; Barbara C. Gonzalez, ME ’03; Francisco D. Alampay, MBM ’74; Jesus Alfonso Z. Carpio, MDM ’03; Francisco Cayco, MBM ’78; Gil B. Genio, MBM ’86; Celso G. Lopez, EMBA MLA2; and Alex F. Tanwangco, MBM ’73, (Ex- Officio).



Lapus is the first AIM alumnus to deliver the annual commencement address. Distinction Awards were given to the following alumni: Master in Business Administration (MBA) Juan Miguel J. Javellana Master in Management (MM) Joseph Frederick S. Hans Atanu Mitra Nanduri Venkat Subrahmanyam Executive Master in Business Administration (EMBA) Rosario M. Torres EMBA-Manila 7

THE 38TH COMMENCEment Ceremonies of the Asian Institute of Management was held last May 6, 2007 at the Meralco Theater, Pasig City. AIM President, Francis Estrada and AIM Dean, Victoria Licuanan conferred degrees to 79 MBA,

31 MM, 34 MDM, and 14 EMBA alumni. They were assisted by Dr. Ricardo Lim, Associate Dean, W. SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB), Rev. Fr. Edmundo M. Martinez, S.J., Associate Dean, Center for Development Management (CDM), Dr.

Gracia S. Ugut, Associate Dean, Executive Education and Lifelong Learning Center (EXCELL). AIM Co-Chairman, Mr. Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. introduced the guest speaker, Sec. Jesli A. Lapus, MBM 1973 and Secretary of the Department of Education. Sec.

The Executive Managing Director of AIM Alumni Relations and Secretary General of FAIM, Greg Atienza, MBM 1983 led the induction of the 2007 graduates to the AIM alumni community worldwide.

FAMCOR in Davao: A Successful Venture with AIM Alumni Davao Chapter THE SECOND BATCH OF THE MANAGING FAMILY Corporations Program in Davao City was held last May 22-25, 2007 at the Waterfront Insular Hotel. There were 52 graduates from the FAMCOR-Davao program coming from diverse industries such as agri-business, trading, printing, manufacturing, construction, services and tourism. Participants included the Tadeco Group who sent their whole management team to the program. Also in attendance were two of the Floirendo brothers, Ricky and Vince; five members of the Tan family from General Santos (San Andres Fishing Industries, Inc.) with two of their professionals; the Ramirezes from Cortess Printing Corporation and Mahugani Security. The Famcor-Davao Batch II program was the school’s first joint venture with the AIM Alumni Davao Chapter, ably led by Nicholas “Nick” Dy, MBM 1973, and his team. For more details about the FAMCOR program, please contact Marivi B. Quintos-Gonzales, Associate Professor/Program Director, AIM-FAMCOR Group at A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07



THE ASIAN Institute of Management hosted the Association of Asia Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) Council Meeting and Case Teaching/Writing Workshop last June 1 to 3, 2007 at the AIM Conference Center Manila. During the first day, the first Council meeting was chaired by AIM as the host institution. Dean Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua University, chaired the second meeting. Among the Asia Pacific Deans who were present during

the Council meeting were Dr. Sung-joo Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Dir. Toemsakdi Krishnamra (SASIN Chulalungkorn University), Dean Timothy Chou (National Taiwan University), Dean Tae Hyun Kim (Yonsei University), Dean Polly Parker (University of Queensland), and Dean Marcus O’Connor (University of Sydney). AIM is a founding member of the AAPBS and a member of the Council, the governing body of the AAPBS. On June 2 to 3, a workshop on case teaching and case writing was held. Prof. Kathleen Slaughter of the University of Western Ontario (Hong Kong branch)

gave a one-day seminar on case teaching. The second day was on case writing, featuring cases from SASIN Chulalangkorn University, Tsinghua University and AIM. The two-day workshop is aimed


at producing a Case Book for use by AAPBS member institutions. It was organized to meet the needs and requests from participants of the AAPBS 2nd Annual Conference in 2006. A total of 59 participants attended, including faculty members from Australia, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, PRC, and Thailand, and 12 faculty members from the De La Salle University, Ateneo de Zamboanga, Davao and Manila, University of Santo Tomas, Far Eastern University, Centro Escolar University and AIM. Observers from the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Business Mirror were also present.



N MAY 1, 2007, THE AIM Alumni Association in Singapore (AIMAS) organized its first professional development activity for the year 2007-2008, at Lawry’s Prime Rib at Orchard Road. This is a quarterly event focused on helping alumni to build and develop new skills and acquire insightful knowledge of emerging trends and needs in the market place. Jayaradha Shankar, MM 2000, gave a talk on “Community-based Elder Care in SingaporeA Gray Market Study”. This was based on an experiential study of the eldercare market supported by exploratory data analysis. The session was well received and generated a lively Q and A sequel. The event was well-attended by AIMAS members, many of whom brought their families along. Special mention must be made to first time visitors Justine Enrico S. Sales, MBM 1998 and

his wife Maria, both AIM graduates, who also turned AIMAS members. Also in attendance were the following alumni: Dr. and Mrs. Gan Cheong Eng (MBM

1982), Dr. Derek K. Liew (MBM 1973), Claire Chen-Yeo Pee Lung (MDP 1974) and family, Winson Lan Fook Keong (ME Singapore 2003) and family, Ng Khee Sam (SMBI Singapore 1987), Francis Z. Goh (TMP 1981) and family, Seow Huang Leong (WMBO 1987) and family, Mary Suzette L. Rosales-Cody (MDM 1990), Johnny B. Yap (ABMP 1994), Koh Choon Hui (MDP 1972), Cipriano


“Ning” S. De Guzman (MBM 1973), and Patrick Heng Meng Loh (MDP 1983). AIMAS invites visiting AIM professors and alumni to attend their next function on August 1, 2007. Among others, a film produced by Suzette Cody entitled

“Pink Paddlers” will be shown. The film is all about “Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat World Championship” where women who have survived breast cancer compete against other similar survivors from across the world for the championship.


Alumni Newsmakers Marlon Young, MBM 1979, Featured in International Herald Tribune/Business


King Confers Orders of Chivalry on AIM Alumni in Malaysia Two alumni leaders were among the recipients who received their Order of Chivalry awards from the King of Malaysia, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at an investiture ceremony at the National Palace in conjunction with His Majesty’s Official Birthday last June 2, 2007. Triple A Awardee, Chief of Defense Forces, Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Abdul Aziz Haji Zainal, MM ‘96, received the Panglima Mangku Negara (P.M.N.) for his illustrious military career and contribution to the Malaysian Armed Forces. Chief of Army Gen. Datuk Muhammad Ismail Jamaluddin, MM ‘96, received the Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) which carries the title “Tan Sri” for his leadership and contribution to building excellence Malaysian Army. General Ismail will now be addressed with the title Tan Sri.

Federal Awards are normally bestowed on the official birthday of His Majesty, the King of Malaysia. The Orders of Chivalry P.M.N. Awards are conferred to only 75 persons. The persons who have been appointed P.M.N. may use the title “Tan Sri” before their names and their wives “Puan Sri” before their names. The insignia consist of the Star, the Badge and the Ribbon. The Order of Chivalry P.S.M. Awards, on the other hand are conferred to only 200 persons. The individuals who have been appointed P.S.M. carry the title “Tan Sri” and “Puan Sri” for the recipients and their wives, respectively.

professional degrees are from leading research universities around the globe. The Kulliyah (Faculty) of Economics and Management Sciences was one of the first two faculties to be established when the IIUM began its operations in 1983. There are currently three academic departments within the Faculty – the Department of Economics, the Department of Business Administration and the Department of Accounting. At present, it offers three undergraduate programs and five postgraduate programs to more than 2,000 students from over 100 countries. The Department of Business Administration offers a program of study leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). The Department seeks to equip international students with contemporary management philosophy, industrial skills and Islamic values for the business world. Effective June 1, 2007, Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmad Zaki Haji Ismail, MM ’85, fresh from attending the Case Writing Program on May 28 and 29 at AIM Manila will be the head of the Department of Business Administration. Zaki will work closely with AIM’s Director of Research, Prof. Horacio Borromeo, Jr. in writing management cases from the Islamic perspective targeted for MM, MBA, MDM and EXCELL students.

Isidro T. Ungab, ABMP 1991 Congressman, 3rd District of Davao City Danilo C. Dayanghirang, PDM 1997 Councilor, 2nd District of Davao City Nelson L. Dayanghirang, LGSP-DMP Congressman, 1st District of Davao Oriental Reinaldo “Peter Rey” A. Bautista, Jr., Famcor 2002 Mayor, Baguio City Celso G. De Los Angeles, Jr., MBM 1976 Mayor, Sto. Domingo, Albay Angel “Boy” L. Cruz, MDM 1997 Mayor, Hagonoy, Bulacan Victor A. Yap, PPDM 2005 Governor, Tarlac Mojamito R. Libunao, Jr., MM 1976 Mayor, San Fabian, Pangasinan




Alumni Winners in the 2007 Philippine Elections Gregorio “Gringo” B. Honasan, MBM 1981 Senator

AIM Alumnus promoted to head the Department of Business Administration of IIUM

Jejomar “Jojo” C. Binay, TMP 1996 Mayor, Makati City

The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) faculty is a distinguished group of scholars whose doctorates or other

Jose S. Salceda, MBM 1990 Governor, Albay

Monico A. Puentevella, Marketing Management 1996 Congressman, Bacolod City

Celso L. Lobregat, MBM 1972 Mayor, Zamboanga City


A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


The Philippine Stock Market in the World of Exchanges CLEARLY THE SIGNS ARE POINTING UP FOR THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY AND WE ARE now on the move towards becoming a first-world economy. One of the most important indicators mentioned is the performance of the Philippine Stock Exchange, which is said to be lifting the economy these past two years to new heights! And yet, the reality is that our people are walking out of the economy in greater numbers, our industries are now being manned more and more by new hands as experienced hands leave for work with our competitors abroad, and our products have become uncompetitive in the world market. What are the facts about the Philippine Stock Exchange? How do we compare the PSE’s performance with other exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region?

We know the importance of the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) in the economy. How does the PSE rank among other Asia-Pacific exchanges in listing SME’s with shares traded in its exchange? The PSE had only a total of three (3) SME’s listed in 2005, the lowest number in the region. Korea tops everyone with 918 companies and Bombay as number two with 524 companies. Which listing of SME companies did not grow from 2004 to 2005? The answer is only the Philippines. It had three (3) companies in 2004 and the same number in 2005.

A little history of the PSE

Market capitalization of SME listed

Let us read a little history of the Philippine Stock Exchange: “PSE traces its roots from the country’s two former bourses: the Manila Stock Exchange (MSE) and the Makati Stock Exchange (MkSE). Founded in March 1927, the MSE was the first stock exchange in the Philippines and one of the oldest in the Far East. Originally housed in downtown Manila, the MSE moved to Pasig City in 1992. The MkSE, on the other hand, was established in May 1963 and became the second bourse to operate in the country. It was based in Makati City, a budding district during those days ( It is interesting to note that even as it may be one of the earliest stock markets in Asia, the PSE has been passed by in stature and volume by once smaller and newer exchanges. How did the Philippine economy, which was number two to Japan after the War, become a laggard in Asia? How could Thailand, Taiwan, and South Korea overtake the Philippines when they had no more resources than the Philippines, and their people no more talented than Filipinos? The same question can be raised on the Philippine Stock Exchange. How did the PSE, which was decidedly a leading exchange after the War among Asian stock exchanges, manage to become a laggard in the stock exchange industry in the Asia-Pacific region? Certainly it is not because PSE leaders are mediocre or they lack vision and commitment in their jobs. PSE is just a mirror of the Philippine economy and no image can be greater than what it reflects. What are you talking about?, you cry. PSE has not lost its glory! It is driving on a fast lane these past years and doing miracles in its index! Why, as of February 4, 2007, the PSE was on the verge of breaking through the index of 3,300 level! Relax. Let us try to look at the facts and figures pertaining to the world of exchanges and develop the BIG picture with these data. Truly, I have the same goal as you—make the PSE a vibrant source of growth for the economy and income for investors. But for us to advance, we must first know where we are and how we stand. Let us get the facts.

Market capitalization refers to the total corporate stocks listed in the exchange based on market values. It is a good indicator of equity growth. In the Asia Pacific region, the PSE has the smallest figure, $5.5 million. Korea ranks number one for its $70,136 million and Tokyo Stock Exchange as second with $59,341 million. In fact, the Philippines has the least value of SME market capitalization among all exchanges in the world!

Statistics from the World Federation of Exchanges

How critical is the value of market capitalization of all companies listed in the stock exchange? This value presents the accumulation of capital in the stock exchange through its history and is therefore critical in proving the role it plays in the economy or, vice versa, how the economy supports the growth of market capitalization of these companies. For 2005 the stock exchange with the lowest market capitalization in the Asia-Pacific region is Colombo, one of the newest stock exchange in the region founded only in 1985,


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We aim to show from the latest data provided by the World Federation of Stock Exchanges the standing of PSE with respect to other exchanges in the Asia-Pacific. The World Federation of Exchanges is the global trade association for the exchange industry in the world, representing 54 regulated exchanges and accounting for over 97% of world stock market capitalization, including the PSE. Our source is the website of WFE: How well is the PSE performing compared with the 16 other exchanges of our neighbors in the Pacific Asia region based on the following criteria? 1. Number of small and medium enterprises listed 2. Value of market capitalization of SMEs listed 3. Number of companies listed in the exchange

Number of SMEs with shares traded

4. Market capitalization of companies listed 5. New investment flows raised by shares traded 6. Total value of shares traded in the exchange


Number of companies listed in the exchange

How significant is the number of listed companies in the stock exchange? The answer indicates how successful the stock exchange is in promoting capital infusion in the economy through listed companies. For 2005, the Philippines registered the least number of listed companies with 237 companies. Bombay has the most number at 4,763 listed companies followed by Tokyo at 2,351. Again, this is indicative of the performance of the economy, wouldn’t you say? Market capitalization of all companies in the exchange

...(The Philippine economy) is like a traveler lost in his long journey going home. He refused to look at the map provided by neighbors who used it to get home because he said he was not lost. Well, he is lost and it is now getting dark.

Illustration by Panch Alcaraz A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


with $5,720 million. The PSE, which is one of the oldest in the region founded in 1927, comes second with $39,817 million. The stock exchange with the greatest market capitalization belongs to Tokyo with $4,572,901 million. This is followed by Osaka with $2,969,815 million, Hongkong with $1,054,999, Australia with $804,015, and then Bombay with 553,073 million. New investment flows raised by shares in the exchange

Would you like to know the flows of new investment or new capital raised by each stock exchange in the Asia-Pacific region? How does the PSE stand among them? These figures will show how the stock exchange is able to attract new capital in its house. For 2005, the lowest new capital flow record belongs to Colombo with $11.4 million. This is followed by Shenzhen at $370 million and then the Philippines at $941 million. Please note that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, founded in 1990, is just one of the two stock exchanges in China with the larger Shanghai Stock Exchange founded also in 1990, registering $3,663.8 million in new investment flows. The highest new capital flow belongs to Hongkong at $38,330 million and then Australia at $23,101 million. Total value of shares traded in the exchange

Now, what can we say about the value of shares traded in each stock exchange and how the PSE compares with the others? Here is the list starting from the bottom tail-enders: Colombo $1.095 B PSE $6.982 B New Zealand $20.892 B Jakarta $41.633 B Malaysia $51.601 B

Thailand Singapore Shenzhen Bombay Osaka

$ 95.645 B $116.456 B $154.251 B $158.982 B $216.429 B

Once again, the PSE is second from the lowest, Colombo, and the next higher is New Zealand. The performances of the 10 top stock exchanges all over the world for 2005 are as follows: NYSE Nasdaq London Tokyo Euronex

$14,125 B $10,087 B $5,678 B $4,482 B $2,906 B

Deutsche BME Spanish Borsa Italiana Korea Swiss Exch

$1,915 B $1,566 B $1,294 B $1,211 B $974 B

Please note that all members of this top 10 pack belong to the First World with two Asian countries—Japan and Korea. 10

Did you know these two economies had undervalued currencies after the War? Comparison of broad market indices for 2005 and 2001

You will find the following figures interesting. They show the broad stock indices of Asia-Pacific exchanges for 2001 and 2005, a 5-year period, with percent increases. In the six measures we have provided earlier, we can see the direct correlation between the numbers and the level of economic growth and performance of the economies to which those numbers belong. Try seeing this correlation in the figures below on the broad market indices from 2001 and 2005. 2005 Australian 4,709 Bombay 9,398 Bursa Malaysia 900 Colombo 1,922 Hong Kong 17,025 Jakarta 1,163 Korea 1,379 New Zealand 3,469 National India 2,459 Osaka 1,725 PSE 2,096 Shanghai 1,161 Shenzhen 279 Singapore 601 Taiwan 6,548 Thailand 713 Tokyo 1,650

2001 %CHANGE 3,360 40% 1,006 834% 696 29% 621 210% 12,619 35% 392 197% 694 99% 1,886 84% 1,059 132% 986 75% 1,168 79% 1,646 29% 476 41% 426 41% 5,551 18% 304 134% 1,032 60%

From this list, one wonders if stock market indices show direct correlation with a country’s real economic performance and level of economic development. Notice the change rates of first-world economies such as Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea and Tokyo. Notice the rate of change of the fastest growing economy in the world—China. Is there a correlation? What is the strong fundamental?

A stock exchange can only be as great as the economy it represents. So is it with the PSE. The PSE is just a part of the economy and in most respects it is a just mirror of the performance of the economy. As a mirror of the Philippine economy, there is no way, contrary to many portfolio investment operators’ thoughts, that the PSE can lift the Philippine economy from its quagmire, and from its strength cause its growth. The reverse is true: only the self-sustaining growth of the Philippine economy can lift the performance of the PSE to outstanding heights.


This does not belittle the value of the PSE in the development of the economy. Its role is critical especially in providing equity to companies for their growth and expansion. However, there must be growing businesses first before there can be companies that can be listed. And the growth of these businesses depends on how fertile the economy is. So, we are in this effort together, Mr. Stock Broker. We must find the causes that made our country poor. And we must look for a self-sustaining strategy that will catapult its growth. Between economic growth and cheap money is the missing link. That is our goal—identify that missing link, construct and strengthen it. That is the strong fundamental. The identity of that missing link has been the repeated message of this book. A parable

An economy in trouble is like a frog placed in cool water that is slowly heated up till the water boils. The frog does not jump out and it boils to death. This economy can also be likened to a house on fire. The occupants debate the exact centigrade of the fire as the fire eats up the house. This economy can also be compared to the Philippines among its neighbors. At first, Japan was the only Asia-Pacific economy ahead of the Philippines in per capita GDP. Then Hong Kong overtook us, then Singapore, then Korea, then Brunei, then Malaysia, then Fiji, then Thailand, then Maldives, then Tonga, then Vanuatu, then Samoa, then Indonesia, then China, then next with high probability within five years: Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Vietnam. (Source of data, except 5-year projection for four countries: IMF WEO Statistics website, http://www.imf. org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2006/02/data/weoselco.aspx?g=2505&sg=All+countries+%2f+ Other+emerging+market+and+developing+ countries+%2f+Developing+Asia). Finally, this economy is like a traveler lost in his long journey going home. He refused to look at the map provided by neighbors who used it to get home because he said he was not lost. Well, he is lost and it is now getting dark. At last he decides to use the map and arrives home, happy in the arms of his family from his very long travel as an OFW. This article is Chapter 14 of Rey Angeles’ new book for distribution by the last week of June 2007: “The Philippine Economy: Do Our Leaders Have A Clue?”



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Social Conscience The beginnings of PBSP

Photo Illustration by Chili Dogs

“Let us lay aside personal and racial prejudices, subordinate our selfish ambitions as individuals to the welfare of mankind. Of what use is prosperity if it is not shared by those who are in dire need? Of what use is the greatness of a man or a country if such greatness is not used to uplift the less fortunate and the weak?”


HESE WERE SOME OF the challenges posed by this writer, when he ended his speech with, “The answers to my queries lie in your hands,” during graduation from the then Santa Maria Agricultural High School, now the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic College on April 28, 1961. These same challenges are still relevant today and will not lose its relevance. These are part and parcel of human existence. There will always be rich and poor individuals, communities, towns, provinces, and countries. While we are, literally, all born equal, the inequality has and will always be there. It is this inequality that a legacy, or legacies, some seemingly unconnected and some

obviously connected, came to the fore. It is the legacy left to us, by caring and loving people who have endeavored to uplift the plight of the less fortunate and the weak, to pursue and continue. Our patriots’ Propaganda Movement may well have been the progenitor of this legacy. Young Filipino students in Europe, stirred by the realization that their country was being left behind by progress because of colonial oppression at home, launched a campaign to secure political, social, and economic reforms from mother Spain. They did not succeed in moving the colonizers, but their efforts kindled an intense sense of nationalism that became the banner of the Philippine Revolution of 1896. Hence, the Propaganda Movement could have been the first public relations (PR) effort in our country.

Another example of a PR effort was the subsequent struggle waged by Philippine leaders to convince the United States that Filipinos were ready for self-government. The buildup of this campaign was perhaps the classic PR effort, that culminated in the establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth that carried a promise of independence in 1946. There are second thoughts, however, about including these two campaigns as examples of early Philippine exercises in public relations. There was no indication of planned actions done by specific individuals performing the function of minding public reactions. The very people pursued the campaigns at center stage and they succeeded without maybe realizing that they were practicing public relations. What appears on record, as the first deliberate, organized, big-scale PR effort was the formation of the Philippine Association in 1949. The government was then besieged by problems on all sides. The country had barely recovered from the war and there was already a burgeoning Huk revolt, abetted by graft and corruption in high “Social Conscience” continued on page 16 >>

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This article is an excerpt from Dato’ Syed Ahmad Idid’s lecture during the International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA) Public Lecture Series last May 22, 2007 at the Tun Mohamed Suffian Auditorium, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.


T IS ESTIMATED THAT GLOBALLY, US$1 trillion is paid in bribes each year. Through the Global Corruption barometer, the most-corrupt sectors (in Asia) are political parties, parliament/ legislature, police, and tax revenue. We can see that some countries, which are high with the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), have their business corrupting persons in foreign states. I shall not mention the names of the large corporations which operate outside their home borders and are accused of corrupting their business partners e.g. in Asia. Investigations are on-going. In Malaysia, with the GDP at 5.6% and the Ringgit going to hit 3.35 against the US$ by year end, there are some who claim we are clean and there is no corruption. Maybe Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim who was billed by the NST Focus on November 30, 2003 as the “gentleman with a burning desire to battle corruption” has his views now in 2007. Tunku Aziz related an incident on “Lessons from Singapore and HK” that he asked an American private investment banker: “Of all the countries in Asia, where would you invest your client’s money?” Quick response: “Anywhere, except Malaysia.” Chilling, isn’t it? While I was drafting this text, a title in the Star (of April 24, 2007) caught my attention—“All men have their price.” “Malaysia’s corruption cases are racist!”

If we look at the cases reported and those which go to trial, nearly all are Malays—both in respect of the subjects or accused and of those who reported. When Malays offer bribes, it appears there is a 75% chance that they will report to the authorities. But in the culture of the Chinese, there is always silence. They stick to their code of “ethics” where they give signals: mo mantai (no problem, can be arranged) and kau tim (everything can be settled). Not touching some cases

I would like to draw your attention to 12

some very famous corruption cases in Malaysia which I will not deliberate upon. This serves to provide a snapshot of the current corruption cases which the public is aware of and which I am sure many are interested to know what the outcome or ending would be! • The trial of Tan Sri Eric Chia Eng Hock charged with misappropriating RM76.4 million from Perwaja. He faces an alternative charge of dishonestly disposing of company’s fund. • Rela gang held for robbery. They were entrusted to perform duties but instead turned criminals. • A 17-year old girl who robbed a 37-year old Bangladeshi, sentenced to 10 months’ jail. • The APPAC All-PJ Pro-Action Committee’s questioning of who received payment from Seni Jaya Sdn Bhd when it secured the billboard contract. This will be on-going and we shall see if there is corruption or hanky-panky. • Tan Sri Kasitah Gaddam’s trial on charges of corrupt practice and cheating. • Navy officer (rank of Commander) who was charged for falsifying government procurement documents totaling RM141,996. • Three cops nabbed for graft. They demanded for RM5,000. The two detectives and a female inspector received the cash after a raid at a house where an Ecstasy pill


and some drugs were found. In another, two customs officers have been charged for accepting RM500. They raided a stall and found contraband cigarettes. • A senior assistant with the Negri Sembilan State Islamic Religious department and a businessman face two charges of soliciting money from a couple detained for committing close proximity. Both wanted RM500! • The UKM assistant registrar charged for corruption involving RM11, 899 for the purchase of a projector two years ago. She is alleged to have used her position to buy the projector from Island Hill Resources, a company in which she had an interest. • Contraband goods seized in Sarawak on which RM6.7 million in duties were unpaid. Can you imagine how much bribe their principals would have agreed to pay? • Former Tumpat OCPD jailed 20 months for corruption after his appeal was dismissed. He had been found guilty by the Kota Bharu sessions court on May 22, 1997. • Can you imagine that a policeman had received RM2,000 bribe from another policeman to close his drug case? • Then there was on April 20 matter where a Malaysian judge scolded government prosecutors for filing a corruption charge

against a policeman who died two years ago! There are thousands more stories of corruption and other crimes. I like to share with you that the Philippines, in their earlier attempts to eradicate corruption under President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, had engaged Tony Kwok, who was head of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) until 2003. He recommended the strengthening of the office of the ombudsman in Manila, while revealing that Hong Kong had 900 investigators poring over activities of a lean government workforce. I agree with him that for an effective anti-corruption campaign or WAC (War Against Corruption), we must be able to check the asset trail of individuals, firms and companies. I have tried very hard to source information of chief justices outside Malaysia who go on holidays abroad with lawyers who appear in their court. I could not find any. Such (mis)conduct leads us to believe that the chief justice was not behaving as a chief justice should. And when people in government posts do not live up to their traditions and responsibilities, there is something very wrong both with the system and the individuals. Had it been a rich tawkey who spent his own cash for his holidays, that would have been in order. And for the businessmen, let us warn ourselves, too—“Men when rich become naughty. Women when naughty become rich.” In whatever way such riches are lost or gained, such parameters of behavior is corruption, too. And in rich Malaysia, we can see a lot of such incidents around us. Still, it is the 3-Monkeys principle which hold us from proceeding further! Tan Sri Navaratnam in his letter to the press regarding civic virtue said, “The culture of selfishness and the disease of ‘each one for himself and to heck with the rest’ then becomes more debilitating society.” In the contract to build the scenic (or half) bridge, Malaysia had to pay compensation of hundreds of millions of ringgits to abort the construction. I suspect the government did not wish to anger the former PM who had spoken out loud in support of the contract. Was the sum suitable or fair to the government? The Vice Chancelor of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Prof Dr. Dato’ Dzulkifly Abdul Razak asks, “Where do we stand on integrity?” In the US, when Federal Agents searched the Washington home of the Louisiana congressman, they found $90,000 cash in a

freezer and another $5,000 on the table. The Justice Department had been investigating this person’s relationship to telecommunication deals in Africa and elsewhere. Two men had pleaded guilty to “aiding and abetting bribery of a public official.” The affidavit states that the congressman “in exchange for his official acts supporting the proposed business ventures, had received a 30% equity stake in a Nigerian company and more than $400,000 in payment.” Here is the juicy piece—the 30% equity stake, in the form of stocks, was placed in the name of an African Limited Liability Corporation held by the congressman’s children.” In Malaysia, our investigators love to stop short when a Minister told them that “ministers are above the law” or that “titled persons like a Tun cannot be arrested.” Is this a correct or proper reading or interpretation of our Malaysian Law? But in Malaysia, when 100,000 was seized in Mahathir’s “Senior Officer’s Office”, the matter was closed. The large sum of cash was found in the officer’s drawers and he could not account for it. According to Shafee Yahaya, the raid was conducted following an “official complaint by any aggrieved party.” But Mahathir ordered the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) chief to close his investigation against the ex-Economic Planning unit head.

...the government may wish to set as one of its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) a reduction in corruption in Malaysia. ...For a start, place all anti-corruption professionals in the Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM) and MACA. When Sarawak politicians were alleged to be involved in gangsterism, The Sunday Star of May 6 blasted them that, “Such corruption all too easily infects both the private and public sectors, doing untold harm along the way.” And, in the US, even the officers in the highest scales have been and continue to be arrested, e.g. the Bush administration’s top federal procurement official. This sort of justice helps the common men to believe in their nation. Example set by leadership

In Malaysia, we are indeed blessed as the nation is now steered by an able Prime Minister who is very much respected for his strong religious background and upbringing and his

humble yet effective approach in asking the public to work with him for the benefit of our nation and not work for him. Equally important and effective is for Malaysia’s Prime Minister to be supported by a team of similarly minded ministers. Whilst if only Pak Lah sets the example by leadership in the nation’s quest to curb and prevent corruption but his other ministers are not moving in tandem with Pak Lah, then the fight in combating corruption will only achieve minimal impact and result. Hence, it is imperative that the current political team irrespective of race be imbued with this shared mission to collectively reduce and if possible altogether eliminate corruption. In Islam, the teaching is such that when we have a good, clean and honest leader, one whose intention is noble, niat yang baik, Allah or the Almighty will also bless or Berkati all efforts undertaken by the leader. However, as we have all observed, when a leader is dishonest and cruel or in Bahasa Malaysia “tak ikhlas” or “Zalim,” the leader’s, efforts may not receive blessings from the Almighty. Instead, if the leader’s misdeeds are overwhelming then not only will he/she suffer the wrath of The Almighty but so too will the nation’s citizens. It was therefore a relief to listen to our Prime Minister’s declaration that, “We’re making strides in our fight against corruption.” Pak Lah said this at the launching ceremony of the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA). The PM was right when he added that “the biggest enemy of the agenda (fight against corruption) was public cynicism and apathy.” So here is a clarion call for you to chip in and give the government’s fight against corruption a boost. Don’t you think that the Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib’s assurance that “fighting corruption remains a national mission” is both illuminating and timely? He added that “the (Malaysian) Government is all out to eradicate graft.” In this way, we can expect Malaysia’s CPI41 to drop soon and instead we should be high on the Transparency International’s (TI) ranking. The MACA can be a significant platform and channel to guide people on what corruption is and, hopefully, what each can or must do to get rid of those in positions who are corrupt. Having said that, if you read the very persuasive book “Addressing Corruption...” continued on page 17 >>

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Encouraging whistleblowing against corruption: The right battle for companies J U L I U S

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Research Fellow, RVR Center for Corporate Responsibility

Corruption is bad for business. It spawns political and regulatory uncertainties. It discourages investments and business expansion. It also pulls down the competitiveness of an economy as a place for doing business. VARIOUS SURVEYS SHOW THAT THE PHILIPPINES continues to suffer deterioration in the state of corruption. These surveys indicate that there is widespread corruption in the Philippine public sector. They also show that the state still cannot control the widespread abuses in the exercises of public power for private gain. Their findings justify the implementation of effective anti-corruption instruments in the public and private sectors. CSR in fighting corruption

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a buzzword that redefines the role of corporations in society. From a CSR perspective, corporations are not mere profit maximizers; they are also effective agents of human development. This perspective heightens societal expectations that businesses must do their share in removing the bottlenecks to human development that include widespread corruption. Fighting corruption is a right battle for companies. It is expected to improve the overall environment for doing business as well as produce an environment conducive for job creation and for increasing the levels of human development. It is a battle that will benefit companies financially. Its success will increase company profits. In the 2005 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey of enterprises on the state of corruption in the Philippines, more than 50% of business managers surveyed said that company profits would rise by a median percentage of 15% if corruption is reduced to the level of Singapore. In the Philippines, support for anti-corruption CSR initiatives is present. The SWS reported that many business managers are willing to support an anti-corruption program that would reduce corruption levels by 50% in the next 10 years. The median percentage that they are willing to contribute is 5% of company’s net income. Supporting whistleblowing as an anti-corruption CSR initiative

Whistleblowing is the reporting of a serious wrongdoing 14


that needs to be corrected to protect public interest. It is increasingly being promoted as an anti-corruption instrument in a number of countries and organizations. For example, the United Nations promotes it under the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Countries such as South Korea, the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and others have laws that encourage anti-corruption whistleblowing. Responsible whistleblowing benefits companies. It deters misconduct in organizations by increasing the chances of detection and prevention of even well-hidden corrupt activities. It protects the interest of companies by stopping wrongdoings, stopping people from being disadvantaged by wrongdoings, and creating new work practices that prevent future wrongdoings. It leads to the early identification of flawed systems that make the organization vulnerable to financial losses, criticisms, or legal actions. If implemented properly, it can help maintain a positive corporate reputation. In the Philippines, the benefits of whistleblowing include greater transparency and accountability in governance, prevention of corrupt practices, discovery of anomalous transactions harmful to society, and successful prosecution of perpetrators of wrongdoings. Other benefits are the improvements in the quality of service in both public and private sector organizations. The private sector in the Philippines is willing to support anti-corruption whistleblowers. The SWS reported in 2006 that 72% of business managers it surveyed are willing to contribute for the protection of whistleblowers. Another 69% said they are willing to give financial aid to whistleblowers suspended or discharged from their jobs. Issues in anti-corruption CSR initiatives

There are hurdles to encouraging whistleblowing against corruption as a CSR initiative. Many business managers are still not too willing to report corrupt activities. For example, a majority of business managers would not report bribe solicitation by public officers because, as reported by SWS, there is a pervasive sense of futility that nothing will be done about reports of corrupt activities. Other barriers include the fear

Illustration by Brian Vallesteros

of reprisal, acceptance of bribery as standard practice in doing business, and lack of social concern (i.e. reporting bribery is a trivial thing). Companies are unwilling to invest in CSR initiatives that produce no clear short-term benefits. They are not too ready to spend on initiatives that may waste precious resources without producing the desired benefits in the short term. Undertaking anti-corruption CSR initiatives means that companies must improve their ethical climates in doing business. Developing corruption-intolerant organizational cultures is difficult because some corporations use corrupt practices such as bribing to secure public-sector contracts to survive and thrive in business. Wrongdoing can be committed either by members of the organization or by public servants coming in close contact with company representatives. Building a supportive

Companies must recognize the value of whistleblowers in protecting the interest of the company. They must provide a safer environment for them.

environment for whistleblowing against corruption is not easy because; whistleblowing against corruption is still not widely accepted as a norm in business. The key challenge is how to foster organizational values and cultures that make it legitimate and socially rewarding for people to expose corrupt practices. Corporations must establish organizational structures to facilitate the reporting of corrupt activities of the members of the organization or of public servants. These structures and procedures packaged and popularized in an employee code of ethics and re-enforced by leadership commitment, should be developed through a consensus—certainly a very difficult task in the efficiency and profit-oriented world of business. Participating in the right battle

The adequacy of financial and logistical support, legislative and judicial reforms, and the presence of support groups in society and in organizations facilitate whistleblowing against corruption. Values-formation programs also harness people’s sense of righteousness as a driving force for whistleblowing. Companies must address these facilitating factors in designing

and implementing their CSR initiatives that aim to encourage whistleblowing against corruption. Companies must build an organizational culture that facilitates whistleblowing. Thus, they must strengthen positive attitudes towards whistleblowing. They must also strongly demonstrate support for norms and practices that no longer tolerate corruption as a standard way of doing business. Companies must recognize the value of whistleblowers in protecting the interest of the company. They must provide a safer environment for them. Alternatively, companies must strengthen confidence on the whistleblowing system by punishing employees who abuse whistleblowing policies and channels for selfish ends. Companies must help build supportive societal and organizational support structures for whistleblowing against corruption. Thus, they must advocate the enactment of well-studied state policy on whistleblowing. The enactment of such legislation is an important milestone in the anticorruption campaign. Strong support for such legislation will bolster the public’s confidence on the government and private sector’s sincerity to control corruption in the Philippines.

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BRIEFCASE “Social Conscience” continued from page 11 >>


places. In the eyes of many foreigners, the Philippines was not a good place for business. Business leaders in Manila felt strongly that the situation was not hopeless and that what was needed was an organized campaign of information in the United States principally to persuade people that given some time the Philippines would be able to rise above its problems. Col. Andres Soriano, Senator Gil Puyat, and Ambassador Carlos P. Romulo, then Philippine envoy to Washington, gathered the most prominent businessmen at the time to form the association. Jose Carpio was hired to manage it. He implemented a successful massive PR campaign designed to improve the image of the

organization of the San Miguel Corporation’s Public Relations Office in 1967, under the Office of the Chairman and President. Jose Carpio was hired to head the new office. Jose Carpio also pioneered in identifying PR with social development when at that time most private businesses generated corporate profits also through the practice of PR. Perhaps the most significant contribution of Jose Carpio to the PR practice was when he redirected the thrust of public relation towards a balance of profit-taking and corporate giving. It was Carpio who worked out the framework of the now highly successful Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), then a social development concept in the minds of Andres Soriano, Jr., Jose Soriano, Howard Dee, and other top businessmen of the day.

The Foundation, through numerous undertakings, has proven that private businesses could make a vital contribution to the progress and well being of society. For PBSP, the key is “to help people help themselves...” country abroad and resulted in the creation of a favorable climate for investments. In the meantime, a group of concerned communicators in the private sector, confident of the profession’s bright future, banded together and formed, in 1957, the Public Relations Society of the Philippines. PRSP states in its by-laws: “The Society shall work for the advancement and welfare of the Filipino people through the dignified objectives and practice of the art and science of public relations.” Led by Jose Carpio, the PRSP’s founding fathers included Pedro Teodoro, Jorge Revilla, Jose Roxas, Ramon Zosa, Zacarias Nuguid, Serapio Canceran, Enrique Garrido, Jose Arcellana, R. R. dela Cruz, Louise Orendain, A. G. Palileo, Anacleto del Rosario, Peter Kerridge, and Carson Taylor. The success of the Philippine Association to sell the Philippines abroad served as an inspiration to Andres Soriano, Jr. and Jose Soriano, and paved the way for the eventual 16

PBSP, the business community’s “enterprise on social development” took it roots from previous business groups that had been working independently of each other. Of these groups, three—the Council for Economic Development, the Philippine Business Council, and the Association for Social Action—were the direct progenitors of PBSP. They recognized that previous efforts of the business sector had been sporadic, fragmented, and uncoordinated. There was, therefore, a need for assistance that was organized, professional, and continuing. Thus, a committee was set up to study the feasibility of a common social development office, which would become the central and coordinating arm of private enterprise for social development. The committee looked into business alliances for social action in other parts of the world and found its model, 2,000 miles away, in Caracas, Venezuela, the Dividendo para la


Communidad. The Dividendo they found then was a seven year old experiment by Venezuelan businessmen and industrialists. Letters of inquiries were made, culminating in a visit to Caracas, Venezuela, by Jose Carpio, then assistant vice president and public relations manager of San Miguel Corporation. Carpio modified what he gathered to suit local conditions and recommended the project to the Sorianos. In September 1970, at a conference sponsored by the Council for Economic Development, the executive director of Dividendo, Dr. Hugo Manzanilla, was invited to discuss the Venezuelan experience with the three business groups. It was here that the three groups first agreed in principle on the need for a common organization. That “common organization” was formalized by 50 chief executive officers of top Filipino corporations by signing a joint Statement of Commitment to officially establish the Philippine Business for Social Progress on December 16, 1970. PBSP, a private, nonprofit, corporate-led foundation sought to encourage the local business community to actively exercise Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Citizenship or CC (also called Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR) is a business principle proposing that the longterm interests of business are best served when profitability and growth are accomplished alongside the development of communities, the protection and sustainability of the environment, and the improvement of the quality of life of the Filipino poor. The Foundation, through numerous undertakings, has proven that private businesses could make a vital contribution to the progress and well being of society. For PBSP, the key is “to help people help themselves”, thinking alongside the parable about “give a person a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a person to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” Thus, the organization spearheaded not just livelihood projects in various communities, but also worked to support structures such as community organizing, partnership-building, training and environmental protection. In a rapidly “shrinking” world that demanded greater corporate social accountability, PBSP had become the mainstream corporate practice. The foundation had committed to provide the corporate community the means to address corporate social responsibility. CSR is now a common practice by most members of the PBSP and have helped tremendously in improving the lot of the less fortunate and the weak.

BRIEFCASE “Addressing Corruption...” cont. from page 12 >> “True North” by Bill George with Peter Sims, you will be convinced that “life, not seminars, moulds leaders.” So it must be both life experiences and teaching by those who can impart their experiences! Datuk Sri Najib reminded that the mission to fight corruption “is not just the agenda of the Prime Minister. The cabinet is firmly behind him on this!” Many would love to see all ministers alongside or in front of the PM daring the battle! I hope all ministers will voice their support against corruption so that we can see where they stand. In conclusion, with Pak Lah steering as the CEO of Malaysia Inc., the government may wish to set as one of its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) a reduction in corruption in Malaysia. The government may set a target of striving to decrease its ranking in the TI Indicator. For a start, place all anti-corruption professionals in the Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM) and MACA. By doing so, Malaysians can see exactly what indeed is the aspiration of such institute and academy. Implement penalties for corruption In terms of the responses advocating the implementation of penalties for corruption, Malaysia may need/wish to review its current policies, guidelines, laws and regulations pertaining to this with a view towards making bold and necessary changes to move Malaysia in parallel with the rest of the advanced countries/global community. Archaic policies, guidelines, laws and regulations that were relevant in the era of the old economy but no longer relevant or suitable in this new economy must be removed, repealed, restructured and enhanced to put in place suitable regulatory framework that will eliminate corruption. Mainstreaming anti-corruption Birgit Pech in his paper entitled ”Development and Testing of Strategies and Instruments for the Prevention of Corruption” had deliberated/introduced that mainstreaming anti-corruption means incorporating it explicitly or implicitly in all sectors and at all intervention levels in order to secure sustainable impacts in each supported sector. Pech had further reported that systems and incentives promoting corruption are identified and appropriate sector-specific approaches taken to support the institutions in increasing their orientation to the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability. The goal is to incorporate anti-corruption so thoroughly in the structures and processes in the partner organizations and in the competencies of its employees that genuine mainstreaming is achieved. Appropriate advisory approaches must be identified, developed and agreed. The above could be a very tactical approach to be considered by our Malaysian government in their quest to seriously try to reduce, combat, and prevent corruption. Whistle-blowers Many countries have protection for whistle-blowers. They pass laws to ensure they obtain more information against crimes including fraud. They fully realize they cannot even start any investigation without some information. Malaysia is a unique country. Some people issued plastic whistles and suggested that they blow the whistle (making fun of whistle-blowing!) My wife and I were in Rotorua, New Zealand, at end of April. We attended a sheep show. They had a dog that, with a whistle blow, would round up the sheep and chase a duck. The sheep and the duck acted as the “whistle-blower” intended. In countries where corruption is endemic, the dogs would set upon the whistle-blowers instead. From here, we can see why New Zealand is no. 3 (with CPI of 9.6) and many Asian states are many rungs below.

Let me remind ourselves—information is the main source of criminal investigations. Without information, the crimes remain undetected. It is only those close to the criminal acts have knowledge of the activities. And so they can be sized-up by the criminal actors. These criminals have every reason to silence those who report them. Hence, those who forward information—call them informants, informers, flying-letter contributors, whistle-blowers or whatever else—are at risk. They risk their lives. It was a little sunshine in the rains when Selangor Customs Director admitted that “informants are a big help.” He was referring to those who led them to seizures of clove cigarettes, beer and whiskey along the Sabak Bernam coast. If I may input my experiences in dealing with informants and informers or “Hantu”, I should tell you that soon after I took up the post of (then) Superintendent of Customs Kedah North and Perlis in Alor Setar, a Customs informer was found dead, with a bamboo shaped as a spear protruding from his belly. How did the smugglers (at the borders between Thailand and Malaysia) know this man was an informer? Police found an envelope with “Urusan Kerajaan” addressed to him by the Customs, inviting him to visit the Alor Setar office. Though there was no mention of his role as an informer, the smugglers did not take chances. I add this to our discussion to advise all who deal with information to be human, to be extra careful. If you do not know how to handle the information, you have no business to be in the Cabinet, in the Police or other government agencies, in strategic posts both in the government and the private sector. By divulging information or the fact that such and such information has come to you on corruption, you do damage actually to your nation, not counting the injury and harm caused to those who volunteer the information. Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. And on this golden saying, people who deal with prevention of corruption must realize fully what hard vital information is. It is the basis of their success. So governments advocating good governance should protect these category of people who have no jealousy, no wish for rewards, no need for royal titles, but only the wish to stop crimes. By divulging the details of the informers or flying-letter-writers, the agency or government is telling the people: “Hey you! Go away. Don’t tell us anything of any crimes. Let crimes flourish while we have time to spend whiling away at coffees.” Additionally, by leaking the details, the state tells the others, “Watch out. If you come forward to tell on crime, crime will kill you!” And so there will be a dearth of information and soon more corruption will take place, and nobody will ever care! (except those with information but who are so frightened to offer help to their government). In fact, the officers who divulge the names of informants, or so called flying-letter-contributors, whistle-blowers should be (to use the old American way) “tarred and feathered”; they are the “dalang” to crime-free country but are the darling friends of the corrupt and other criminals. So do watch out for these “leakers”. Malaysians are poor at arithmetic I was attracted to the Hong Kong’s Section 10 of their Anti-Corruption Law enforced by their ICAC and wondered why we cannot have a similar section where officers and people in positions can be called up to account for their income which in the ICAC’s estimation was in excess of his/her lawful remuneration. Our Anti-Corruption Act 1997 merely has an oblique section 32 (under Part V Provisions Relating to Public Prosecutors). At section 32(3): Where the Public Prosecutor has reasonable grounds

to believe that any officer of a public body who has been served with the written notice referred to in subsection (1) owns, possesses, controls or hold any interest in any property which is excessive, having regard to his present or past emoluments and all other relevant circumstances, the Public Prosecutor may by written direction require him to furnish a statement on oath or affirmation explaining how he was able to own, possess, control or hold such excess and if he fails to explain satisfactorily such excess, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to – a. imprisonment for a term of not less than fourteen days and not more than twenty years; and b. a fine which is not less than five times the value of the excess, if the excess is capable of being valued, or ten thousand ringgits, whichever is the higher. By the short title and commencement of the 1997 Act, one is left with the feeling that Parliament is not too keen on fighting corruption. It merely states, “This Act may be cited as the Anti-Corruption Act 1997 and shall come into force on a date to be appointed….” (from 8 January 1998). In the previous Prevention of Corruption Act 1961, it was explained that that Act was “for the more effectual prevention of corruption.” The present legislation, I think, has somewhat changed the tenor of the intention. It is merely “Anti Corruption”. One, I submit, can be anti-something without wanting to change that. So I have to put it to you that the 1961 Act wanted to prevent corruption but since 1998, the law is merely anti-corruption! On this one section, the Hong Kong ICAC went into the lifestyles of the government officers. They had computers and calculators. In addition, their officers (both investigators and prosecutors) are versed in accounts. So it was a breeze to, go, say to “N” and say, “During the past five years (or one year) your income was RM1,200,000 but you purchased a speedboat, two apartments, an orchard, four vehicles totaling RM3,523,616.” And you find that instead of his father helping N, it was N who had to foot not only his domestic bills, his two girlfriends’ expenditures and extravagant visits to Nepal and other hot-spots. So? When you do algebra and calculations, that ends with QED. In this case it is Quite Easily Done! Conclusion I must emphasize that many of us love our country Malaysia. Please let me stress here that what we say against corruption is not against the government. Malaysia is rich–with natural resources, human talents and clean environment. Despite that, we seem to lack global attractiveness. The CNN, BBC and other news channel avoid mentioning Malaysia. Even in their weather reports, they would show the South East Asian map and write out “Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore.” No mention of Malaysia. I can suspect that our officials are too busy and so either avoid or are afraid of engaging with the foreigners to win them over. This is within the wider context of corruption—that those in authority are not giving their best shot in performing their duties. I can go on but the time has come when I have to conclude. Suffice if I say that Malaysia is a paradise, idyllic and a good holiday home for the old rich foreigners. As INPUMA has asked me to speak on “Addressing Corruption in Malaysia,” I should remind ourselves that Malaysian culture is such that we address Tan Sris, including Tuns and of course the different colours and grades of Dato/Datuk as “Yang Berbahagia.” We address Members of Parliament as YB or Yang Berhormat. Judges as Y.A. or “Yang Arif.” But for corruption? Given the situation we seem to be in and of the various attempts to eradicate it and of the persistent “corruption” in our midst, maybe we should address corruption as YDT or Yang DiTerima! But really we should aim to downgrade corruption and the corrupt to YDH or Yang DiHinakan (or “one that must be despised”).

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Values Foundation

of Corporate Social



R I C A R D O PA S C UA , M B M 1 9 7 1 National Co-Chair, Bishops Businessmen Conference for Human Development

T HAS BEEN SIXTY YEARS since we won political independence from our American occupiers in 1946, but the overwhelming majority of our people still have to taste economic freedom that can only be enjoyed when the twin yokes of poverty and its companion, powerlessness, are lifted up from the necks of our bowed countrymen. And such can only be if our country could fulfill the long yearned-for promise of economic, social, and political development in a modern society characterized by peace, justice, true freedom and equitably distributed opportunity and prosperity. For the longest time, many of us have looked to our leaders to carry the burden of pointing the way and of leading us towards the fulfillment of such promise. For the longest time, many of us have criticized the failures of our leaders to do just that. And for the longest time, we have not come forward to ask ourselves what we, individually, ought to be doing and ought to have done to contribute to the effort. The 1st National Congress on Good Citizenship has an expected output of a national plan to inculcate the values enshrined in our Constitution among our people. With this, the time for taking individual responsibility has come. We will point out that the promise of 18

Illustration by Robert Alejandro & Chili Dogs

development will not be fulfilled by looking for solutions outside of ourselves and for leaders mounted on white horses leading us to a mythical promised land. Our dreams can only be fulfilled when each one of us digs deep into our collective hearts and realizes that only by living in accordance with the Almighty’s original design when He created us in His image and likeness may we have the possibility of authentic development. When we do look into the deepest recesses


of our spirits, we will find that our constitutional values of being MAKA-DIYOS, MAKATAO, MAKA-BAYAN, at MAKA-KALIKASAN (pro-God, pro-people, pro-nation and pro-environment), when lived out in all circumstances of our lives, could and would truly lead us to develop a country where the aspirations in our Constitution for a just, humane, peaceful, free, and prosperous society are everyday realities. These values, when lived out, would transform us, both individually and as a people, to be

more and more undistorted reflections of the face of God, and worthy to be graced with the fulfillment of our highest dreams. I would like to share my thoughts on the relevance of values formation programs in business, and share information on the on-going and prospective values formation programs in the business world. First, let me pose and then briefly answer the question, “What is the proper role of business in society?” This will hopefully level expectations among us on what duties we could legitimately impose on the business sector and whether philanthropy and charitable works are among those duties. In my view, the first and most important role that business plays is the efficient production and distribution of valuable goods and services demanded by society. This role statement has several elements. One, the goods and services produced must be of value and not detrimental to the welfare of society; criminal enterprises are not legitimate businesses. However, as much as Don Corleone protested in “The Godfather” that he was a businessman, he was not a businessman. He was a criminal. And so are those in our midst who run illegal drugs, gambling, extortion, prostitution, and other criminal enterprises. Second, the process of producing and distributing such goods and services must be efficient, and by extension, profitable. A consistently unprofitable business dissipates society’s resources, does it disservice, and hence, must be restructured, refocused,

merged, or closed so that the resources it uses inefficiently might be deployed to better uses. Therefore, a business organization must first and foremost fulfill this basic obligation of producing and distributing goods and services of value in an efficient and profitable way before it can begin thinking of assuming any other role or duty, because failure to meet this fundamental obligation causes it to lose its very right to exist. It must first be legitimately profitable before it can be a philanthropist and a contributor to good causes. Second point. Business organizations serve several related but discrete publics, each of whom has a different expectation of and seek different benefits from the business. A successful modern business must meet each

systems and conforming one’s business behavior in a manner that recognizes the rightful claim of each of these publics to fair, equitable, and ethical treatment from the business, i.e. to be treated justly by the business’s owners, managers, and other leaders. And what does each of these publics expect from a responsible and ethical business organization? Briefly, customers expect good quality products and services at fair prices. Employees expect fair treatment, the ability to live on the compensation they receive, to work in a safe working environment, to be able to develop their skills and thus progress in their ability to prosper. Providers of capital expect a reasonable return on the capital they provide the business, and honest and timely reporting of business

Corporate social responsibility, in the broadest sense, then, is synonymous to being a good businessman and to being a good and faithful steward of the Lord’s gifts of time, talent and treasure organized and deployed for the full development and welfare of the human person. of these expectations adequately even if some of their expectations might apparently conflict with each other. The time has long gone when a business can get away with focusing narrowly on profitably meeting its customers’ demands almost to the exclusion of any other consideration. The publics that modern businesses relate to are first, their customers, both the intermediate channels and the final users of their products and services; second, their employees; third, the sources of their capital, whether borrowed or equity funds; fourth, their suppliers and business partners; fifth, government authorities, local and national; and finally, the communities in which the businesses live, local, national and global. The modern concept of corporate social responsibility means structuring one’s business

results. Suppliers expect fair compensation and reasonable terms for the goods and services they supply; they also need reasonable assurances of committed demand if they were asked to invest in facilities in order to meet it. The government expects payment of correct taxes, compliance with laws and regulations, and lately, assistance in the formulation of such laws and regulations that affect the country’s economic life. Finally, the general public has a whole host of expectations, particularly of leading business houses, ranging from respect for the environment to corporate philanthropy, to just being responsible neighbors. Corporate social responsibility, in the broadest sense, then, is synonymous to being a good businessman and to being a good and faithful steward of the Lord’s gifts of time,

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talent and treasure organized and deployed for the full development and welfare of the human person. Business that can thus be correctly done is a noble profession. Thirdly, businesses are not disembodied or impersonal monoliths. They are human institutions whose origins are human persons. It is the human being that conceives the product and/or service to offer the market. It is man that organizes other men to procure and arrange the inputs in order to produce the outputs that the various publics of the business find useful and of value. It is living, breathing human beings that go to work everyday to figure out how the business might respond to the various challenges and opportunities that face them in this globalized and globalizing world. And behaviors of these men and women are impelled by their deeply held values that are sometimes unarticulated and live below their consciousness. Some of these values are sound and lead to beneficial behavior, but some are badly askew and produce dysfunctional, even destructive actions.

improved in terms of making the majority of our businessmen aware of, let alone having them live out, the values enshrined in our Constitution.


he many business associations that espouse responsible and ethical behavior among its members are grounds for this optimism. My own grouping, the Bishops Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development, formed more than 30 years ago, has been advocating the adoption of a Code of Ethics for Business for the last 23 years. Copies of this code are available outside. The code precedes the 1987 Constitution by almost five years, but the underlying values in the Code reconcile with those embodied in the fundamental law. The Code has been used not just by members of the BBC in the formulation of business policies, but also by business schools in teaching business ethics to future leaders of commerce and industry.

It remains true that a great proportion of our people are unable to reap a fair share of the gains of development. Unethical and corrupt behavior is still too often flaunted by those who, by their position and standing in the community, should have been role models for the rest of us. In order, therefore, for our businesses to behave beneficially and to promote the common good, the values of our businessmen, particularly the most influential of them, must be soundly based, like the building foundation built on the proverbial rock and not on shifting sand. Such values must be correctly formed by having them correctly discerned and chosen, then carefully modeled so as to be transmitted from generation to generation. We are fortunate that our constitution has enshrined in its preamble the sound values that not just our businessmen, but also all of us, can live by as solid foundations of correct behavior. My fourth point is that there is room for guarded optimism because the best, the most progressive, and some of the most profitable businesses operating in the Philippines today can be held up as models of sound value-driven responsible behavior. This, notwithstanding the undeniable fact that much can and should be 20

The Philippine Business for Social Progress is another prime example of a business association dedicated to the promotion of a social conscience among the leaders of our country’s business community. Organized more than 30 years ago, PBSP obligates its members, which comprise both large and medium sized businesses, to spend at least 1% of their pre-tax profits for social development, to do it in a way that helps the poor of our country to help themselves, and in a way that encourages their employees to engage themselves personally in the work of poverty alleviation. PBSP has been held up internationally as a model of how a country’s business community can actively and effectively organize itself to be directly engaged in helping the poor pull themselves out of poverty, using their inherent business skills in doing so. The CEO’s of some of our country’s largest and most profitable corporations dedicate considerable personal time in PBSP’s work. PBSP is presently chaired by Mr. Manny


Pangilinan, Chairman of the PLDT Group, the Philippine’s most profitable corporation. Mr. John Gokongwei’s recent donation of his personal holdings in the JG Summit Group to a charitable foundation he and his brothers founded is another example of commendable behavior worthy of emulation by business leaders. It has been said, I think by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, one of the world’s richest men in the early years of the 20th century, that to die rich is something to be ashamed of. He lived out his principle by donating the bulk of his wealth to a foundation that until now continues to fund a multitude of causes in the USA and the rest of the world. Mr. Gokongwei appears to have subscribed to the same principle. There are many other examples of good corporate citizenship that can be cited. The list would be fairly long and is getting longer with each passing year. It cannot be denied, however, that much still needs to be done. It remains true that a great proportion of our people are unable to reap a fair share of the gains of development. Unethical and corrupt behavior is still too often flaunted by those who, by their position and standing in the community, should have been role models for the rest of us. And some of these distasteful actions are taken by senior businessmen in our midst. We must continue to try to formulate strategies and tactics that will improve the chances that more and more of us will adopt the values espoused by our Constitution. We must figure out effective ways to persuade more and more of our people, particularly the role models in our society, to be good examples of Filipinos who are MAKA-DIYOS, MAKA-TAO, MAKA-BAYAN, at MAKA-KALIKASAN. Some of these people we will attempt to win over are businessmen running mega-companies as well as those tending small stalls in the neighborhood talipapa (street market). All must eventually subscribe to and live by these values. Only then can we move up from where we are to where we want to be, and to finally achieve our aspiration to live in a just, humane, peaceful, and prosperous Philippines. This is an excerpt from a speech delivered during the 1st National Congress on Good Citizenship held last October 2006 with the theme, “Good Citizenship Values: Building Blocks of Development.”


An Unbroken Vow S U SA N


J O ,


1 9 9 8


“We are committed to restore Guimaras and other affected areas back to their natural beauty no matter what the cost. We are ready to work at this for the next 3-5 years or longer.” These were the words of Petron Chairman Nicasio I. Alcantara, commenting on Petron’s commitment to rehabilitate the island of Guimaras after the August 11, 2006 oil spill incident. Since then, Petron has been bringing livelihood, environmental, and education projects to Guimaras under its long-term socio-economic rehabilitation program for the province and its people. The author, a Treasury Officer of Petron and the President of its Employee Volunteer Council, is a certified WIWAG (Business Weeks) instructor who facilitated an Entrepreneurship module at the Guimaras State College in November 2006. The following essay is her personal insight on the education-related initiatives that Petron is bringing to the island of Guimaras under the former’s “Fuel HOPE” program. HOPE, which stands for “Helping Filipino Children and Youth Overcome Poverty through Education, is the flagship program of Petron Foundation, Inc.

TIME HAD MOMENTARILY STOOD STILL as the tale started with an oil spill. A gem of a company...a paradise of an island...fate intervened...and their paths would intertwine under the most trying of circumstances. Seven months later...a vow fulfilled. On March 15, 2007, this employee-volunteer witnessed the unwrapping the twin gifts of love from the Petron employees to the people of Guimaras—the groundbreaking for the Petron School in Tando, Nueva Valencia, and the Library Hub in Jordan, Guimaras. Amidst the scorching heat of the midday sun in a place so beautiful, so serene, the atmosphere was light, jolly and teeming with laughter, as if presaging the coming of better days. Smiles pervaded everyone’s lips and hope glistened in the eyes of the tiny, giggly children who were beaming with excitement over the prospect of a new four-classroom Petron School that will soon rise to replace the old, dilapidated, and pitiful structure they now have. Indeed, seven grueling months after the 8/11 incident, Petron had extricated itself from the quagmire, and not only is it making good its promise to restore Guimaras to its pre-oil spill

grandeur, it is also bringinglivelihood and “Fuel HOPE” programs to the island. How awesome that the Library Hub is to be filled initially with 36,000 books! The mere thought of being in a room, surrounded by immaculately-white walls lined with shelves of thousands of neatly-stacked books, sends shivers down my spine for it brings back bittersweet memories of yesteryears when this volunteer had to grapple with a life of deprivation, which only education, coupled with strong faith in God, was able to reverse. I am happy for the beneficiaries of this program for, all of a sudden, with education at their fingertips, a bright future is not far behind—much like the dawn’s promise of a brand new day! I have believe that books are the seedlings from which knowledge would sprout, and Education, not Death, is the Great Equalizer. As the waves gnaw away at the cliffs, so can despair snuff all hope from one deprived of knowledge. But the moment one gets a crack at education, it’s like he has been thrown a lifeline which he may clutch at to extricate himself from the quicksand of poverty. This is the chance of a lifetime to rise from the dung. And if one is already up, isn’t this

the springboard to even greater heights? How amazing that hope had sprung from a virtual nightmare! Seven months ago, there surely was not even the faintest ray of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Now, the angst has turned to sugary-sweet smiles, as sweet as the famed Guimaras mango, purportedly the only variety in the world being served at the White House and the Buckingham Palace. While everybody around was blissfully suspended in a space all his own, unmindful of sweat-drenched bodies, busy shaking hands and mouthing endless ‘thank yous’’ and

On June 13, 2007, in the presence of government officials led by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Petron inaugurated the Library Hub in Jordan and the Petron School in Nueva Valencia in time for the start of the new school year.

“madamo gid nga salamat,” I could only gaze in awe at the horizon where the cotton-white clouds kissed the pristine, blue waters. Without any doubt in my heart, I knew it was His hand at work when, by a twist of fate on that afternoon of August 11, that ‘gem of a company’ stumbled upon this ‘paradise of an island’ and bestowed on it a vow...a now unbroken vow.

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INSIGHTS by the harbor mafia, at specific dates and times. Minus that cinematic episode of my customs years, I devoted my time to implementing computer and technology systems aimed at G U I L L E R M O L . PA R AY N O , J R . enhancing revenue collections, productivity and M B M 1 9 7 1 possibly, the reforms against the impregnable corruption. I should say that the creative use of information technology upgraded the Bureau to world-class standards, a source of their pride to this day. We were the first customs bureau in the world to use the UNCTAD software ASYCUDA++. “IN A DRAGON BOAT, THERE ARE TWENTY I also had the great fortune of having In 1998 UNCTAD brought to the Philippines rowers and only one drummer who dictates the been taken under the wing of General Jose 200 international delegates to showcase the tempo of the rowing...But in the government T. Almonte, political and economic thinker, gains made by BOC. We brought these foreignagencies I worked for...there are twenty druma patriot whose deeds for the nation are my ers to observe the automation at the Port of Mamers and only one rower.” dream to write about for future generations of nila, the Manila International Container Port The cavalier Spanish industrialist-philanFilipinos. He bestowed upon me the title “Eco- and the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. thropist, with Philippine nationalism enveloping nomic Warrior,” for heading a mosquito unit Many more country delegations came on their his heart, plucked me out in 1977 from the moun- at the Economic Intelligence and Investigation own, and in the case of Papua New Guinea, the tain haven of the Philippine Military Academy, Bureau fighting economic saboteurs. Gen. Prime Minister visited the BOC with his advisers where I could have spent many years mentoring Almonte served as the National Security Adviser and were very much impressed. cadets before spending the rest of my military to former president Fidel V. Ramos. Part of the arduous day-to-day work as Cuscareer cruising the country’s archipelagic waters. toms Chief is also the defense and presentation It was Enrique Zobel’s vision that trans“The palest ink is better than the best of our positions and policies to the legislators. formed my career potential from a naval officer memory.”—Chinese Proverb It was also during my administration that the preparing for war at sea that our country canBecause of the ancient truth capsulized in government made the decision to shift the tariff not afford, to a reform-minded systems man, this proverb, allow me to share with you some, system from home consumption value, initially blessed by circumstances to have a hand in the of the work I have accomplished in my earlier to export valuation and then to transaction betterment of government revenues. years at the Bureau of Customs (BOC), lest this or invoice valuation. It was during my BOC Twice anointed in these unenviable posts, become obscure and dimmed because nobody years when the Asian Institute of Management I served as Customs Commissioner under the cared to write it down, even in pale ink. took cognizance of my unrelenting work and presidency of Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998) and My entry point at the Bureau was as Special honored me with the Triple A award. as Internal Revenue Chief from September 2002 Assistant to the idealistic and progressive ComI worked at the Bureau of Internal Revenue until July 2005, under Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. missioner Ramon J. Farolan, who continues to (BIR) only for a little less than three years, but Between these government assignments, I be my devoted guru until this day. With complete I was lucky to have been its Centennial Comserved as co-chairman to my friend Bert Lina. The trust, he brought me to center stage assigning country’s Mr. FedEx. Lina had brought FedEx to me the most traumatic task of fishing for the the Philippines. His logistics group of companies big fish in the ocean depths of smuggling rings. mainly supports the export sector particularly the Though numerous newspaper accounts and semi-conductor and electronics industry where the headlines would only announce the quantities challenge to government continues to be that of and categories of the smuggled goods confiscated providing a regulatory environment that will make by my team, no one else would know the many the country the preferred investment destination near-death experiences I survived by the skin of not only in our region but in the world. my teeth, with my death notice handed out to me

Taking to the Oars



missioner for year 2004. I would not like to compare my collections vis-à-vis those achieved by other commissioners, past or present, just as I know that these targets have shifting paradigms and parameters, and whoever is incumbent will always flaunt that his record is always the one to beat. As for me, the best test of any system is that it would be so smooth and well-oiled that any minor functionary can make the system run because there are no inherent complications, and everything has been set in place. With that in mind, we conceptualized and executed the “Blueprint for Development Towards the Year 2010” which was our tool for the enhancement of revenue collections. I can say that my scorching of my brows at BIR has not been in vain. The Executive Outlook survey in early 2005, conducted by the Makati Business Club, ranked BIR as the most improved among government agencies. It had made the gigantic leap to number 5 from its dismal standing at almost bottom. “If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.”—Latin Proverb Having stood at the vantage points of the two vital government agencies, I say with head bowed, that the public tends to put all the blame and responsibility on the man on top, to clean the Aegean stables. And yet, commissioners are hardly given enough time to make a difference. Not counting the incumbents, there has been a parade of nine Customs Commissioners since July 1998. At the BIR, there were four. Illustration by Brian Vallesteros

I have many reasons to use the current sporting craze, dragon boat racing, as the ideal metaphor applying to this normal habit of criticizing whoever is at the helm. In a dragon boat, there are twenty paddlers or rowers and only one drummer who dictates tire tempo of the rowing. In this set-up, much progress and success is attained, because of the team effort and spirit. But in the government agencies I worked for, there is another set-up for the dragon boat. There are twenty drummers and one rower. This only dramatizes my point that the ideal regime should be that we should “take to the oars” if there is no benign wind to direct us, instead of everyone shouting and throwing invectives and barbs (20 drummers) at the only

I strongly feel that whoever should be appointed to those positions should be well selected to fit the leadership requirement of a servant leader and then insulate him from all distractions, so that he could perform the tasks the administration wants him to do. one rowing, wouldn’t it then be a more exciting part of the race, to take to the oars and craft the much-needed solutions, if we know where there is poor performance in the agencies concerned? Since I have been there at the two posts’ vantage points, I strongly feel that whoever should be appointed to those positions should be well selected to fit the leadership requirement of a servant leader and then insulate him from all distractions, so that he could perform the tasks the administration wants him to do. One gift that any appointed official can have is that of a good shepherd whose role it is to shear his flock and not to skin it. Jose Almonte was my shield then against the intrigues and counterplots that abound in the corridors of power. Perhaps having faith in me after my six-year term at the Bureau of Customs, the World Bank commissioned me to write an account of the 1993-1998 reform and modernization program of the Philippine customs service. In the World Bank and European Union Seminar on Trade Facilitation and Customs Reform and Modernization for South Asia, I presented the Philippine experience to the participating countries and multilateral institutions. The World Bank drew extensively from the experiences of many administrations considered to have successfully reformed and modernized. The Philippine customs service experience became part of the template for that handbook , based on these reform components: • Adequate Legal Framework • Responsiveness • Human Resource Development

• Integrity • Information and Communications Technology Valuation • Physical Inspections • Trade Security and Facilitation After my baptism of fire in the international arena, other world bodies granted me assignments to help fix the customs set-up of the then newly democratized East Timor, followed by similar missions for Argentina, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Tajikistan. I was part of a team of other officers from Washington D.C. After my highly publicized resignation from BIR, as part of the collective action of nine other top government officials, the Asian Development Bank appointed me tax and customs consultant for projects in Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan. Working there has been supremely challenging as I led the team that recommends needed tax reforms, taking into account their existing tax code, their telecommunications infrastructure, their personnel, their taxpayers profiles, plus methods in educating their taxpayers, and their information technology. I have completed my part in the tax modernization program of the Kyrgyz Republic. Part of the program is designing a blueprint for modernization and organizing an observation mission and conference tour of top officials to our own Department of Finance, Bureau of Customs and Bureau of Internal Revenue. The ADB has been engaged in tax, customs and trade programs in Central Asia where most countries are now introducing free market reforms at breakneck speed. Absurdity of absurdities, I still continue helping our government along the same programs even now as international donor organizations are deploying me internationally. I provide advice to the computerization efforts for customs and internal revenue and assist in developing the web-based operational systems. Some people liken to me to Don Quixote for working and fighting the way I do, but in truth, I would feel ashamed if I am considered like him, for his valorous exploits and mighty deeds are the result of his madness and over fantasy. I do dream a lot though, and the dreamer in me wishes for a state wherein my two personal initiatives to make tax and duty collections improve, can become operational. As early as July 19, 2004, when I first tendered my resignation to President Arroyo, I had already offered to her my plan to spearhead a Department of Speed (DOS) and a Foundation for Adequate Revenues (FAR). The structure of these two agencies shall be composed of other well-meaning colleagues in government who have opted to be private citizens, as well as other noble leaders in the industry.

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Seven Lessons from the Tough Taskmaster S E C .


L A P U S ,


1 9 73

Editor’s Note: Mr. Jesli Lapus is the youngest recipient of the AIM Alumni Achievement Award or Triple A. He is also the Secretary of the Department of Education and is the first AIM alumnus to be a commencement speaker.


FTER PONDERING ON why I had been given such honor, it dawned on me that it was probably because the diversity of our graduating students—from business to development—coincides with the diversity of my own career experiences. Right after graduation, I worked in the private sector—only to sacrifice a financially lucrative career to serve in government as Undersecretary for the Department of Agrarian Reform. Then I became a universal development banker—only to give it up to run for public office and serve as a member of Congress for three consecutive terms. Of course, I too had a taste of working in the academe—teaching Service Delivery and Finance in AIM as well as in other schools. And now, I come before you as the Secretary of Education, and of course, as Jesli A. Lapus—MBM ’73. As I reflect on my own journey as an alum-

nus of our beloved alma mater—I recognize the many lessons that I have learned. And I wish to share with you a few of these lessons, both at AIM and at each professional assignment I took on since my own graduation in 1973. What is common in each of these assignments—and in every job each one of us will have—is the management of the key resource—people. In every assignment, people will look up to you for direction, inspiration and leadership. And in every assignment, people will need you to assist them so that they can achieve their goals as part of your organization. This, therefore, is Lesson No. 1— Learn the Value of People. To me, the human element is more pronounced at the Department of Education, where—with over half a million employees deployed throughout the islands—we have to work with numerous givens which are difficult to change. Aside from sheer numbers, we are talking of morale and competence, of a deeply rooted

culture and mindset and of obsequiousness to seniority—where the most senior teachers are promoted to become principals and supervisors without the requisite management training. For this reason, we are now strengthening the management capabilities of our principals and supervisors, with no less than AIM conducting our executive training programs in the coming months. We are also in the process of making education relevant by matching skills to

“During my time, we were instructed about deliberate organizational entry strategies...not to wear AIM rings or put AIM banners in our offices—we were taught not to be arrogant and conceited. You see—it pays to be underestimated.” market demand—and we intend to help solve the serious problem of having a skills-andjobs mismatch in the labor market, through the strengthening of Technical and Vocational Education programs in our public high schools beginning this coming school year. At the same time, we intend to raise the quality of education through ICT with our Cyber Ed Project, which will provide the only solution that can leapfrog our efforts to provide high quality education throughout the country, at the soonest time. These initiatives are what I hope to be my legacy at the Department of Education. Leav-

ing a legacy—of turning an organization around, of nursing if not nurturing it back to health—these, I observed, form part of the personal mission that marks a true leader. And this brings me to Lesson No. 2—Learn the Value of Sacrifice. I have constantly moved from an apparent career zenith to a position of risk—again and again—in terms of my career, my fortunes and my future. When I left Ramcar to enter the global arena in 1979, it meant foregoing hard-earned victory bounties. And when I left Triumph to become DAR Undersecretary, my salary was reduced to about half— half of the salary of my secretary at Triumph! Even my stint at Triumph was very challenging—for starters, I was on top of a workforce that is almost completely female! And I was in a position where I had to learn the ins-and-outs of women’s undergarments. To this day, I take great pride in my expertise on this subject matter. But then, I like taking on challenges. And this is precisely why I am at DepEd now. As many MDM graduates here may understand—in government, one will always feel like he or she could have done better if he or she only had the luxury of time and elbow room. Life is short, ladies and gentlemen. Lesson No. 3—Learn the Value of Life. I’ve had very close calls in my lifetime... at the age of 34 to be precise. To me, a health crisis is an incredible eye opener. And although I knew that I was giving employment with top wages—and was among the Top Five individual taxpayers in the whole of Region 3 at that time—I realized that I had done little for my own country. This is why I became active during the turbulent presidential elections of ’86— and this is why I consider myself a public servant now, first and foremost. Learn the value of life, my dear friends, and make the most out of your own life. Lesson No. 4— Learn the Value of Humility. During my time, we were instructed about deliberate organizational entry strategies...not to wear AIM rings or put AIM banners in our offices—we were taught not to be arrogant and conceited. You see—it pays to be underestimated. And being the youngest in almost >>

A Convergence of Mindsets R O SA R I O

M .

T O R R E S ,



THIS IS THE 3RD GRADUATION I AM ATTENDING this year. The 1st one was last March for my son, Kenneth, who graduated from high school. The 2nd was for my son Ira’s BS in Nursing graduation. Today’s graduation is definitely not my last for this year, as my eldest son Ron is graduating on June 2 with a Master of Science in Management degree. You can just imagine the chaotic backdrop of my two-year EMBA. Even my youngest, Jenina, had her share of attention as she successfully hurdled the requirements to become part of her school’s Achievers’ Circle. The third week of the month, when our EMBA classes were scheduled, was a solace from my chaotic family life. However, it was also a plunge from the frying pan into the fire, for the demands of the program were indescribable. Each of us had our own unique contexts during the last two years. Like me, many of my classmates had a family to take care of, aside from the full-time jobs that competed with our studies. After our first week in May 2005, two people dropped out from the program—one landed in the hospital for hypertension while the other was recalled by his company. Maye did not attend the first month because she was on her honeymoon. During the program, she became pregnant so we teased her about having to pay double tuition. She gave birth to a baby girl we fondly call Embalette. Embalette is here today to graduate with her Mom. Ana, on the other hand, tried to balance EMBA with her Mancom and her lovelife. She’s here to graduate, she’s still connected with her company, hopefully she has maintained her lovelife. We have two foreigners—one from China and another from America. Fate brought 16 of us in EMBA Manila 7. We brought to this convergence our backgrounds and mindsets to be molded, not only by our distinguished and challenging professors, but also by our own classmates. We also had a rather interesting convergence with our friends from MDM and MBA during the CSR Symposium in September. We realized that each class had its own dynamics. The aggressiveness and enthusiasm of the MBA students was a contrast to the more relaxed MDM students. Regarding us EMBA students, well, we were called spoiled by one professor for leaving our nametags at the SGV Case Room. Well, we expected Melay to get them, as she usually does. After today, each of us will be going to our own convergences. We at EMBA never left our own while those from the other programs will probably have new ones. To our EMBA professors, we thank you for the competence and rigor of your scholarship that challenged us and pushed us to the highest of our potentials. So what now? As the professors always ask, “What is our take home after this?” If there is one single thing I personally will bring with me for the rest of my life (and I am sure I also speak on behalf of all graduates) is the confidence, the deep sense of personal empowerment that comes with being able to hurdle the highest standards of excellence of this illustrious and world class academic institution. An institution we can now proudly and Rosario M. Torres is the class president of EMBA Manila 7 legitimately call, our Alma Mater!

“If there is one single thing I personally will bring with me for the rest of my life... is the confidence, the deep sense of personal empowerment that comes with being able to hurdle the highest standards of excellence of this illustrious and world class academic institution.”

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SPECIAL FEATURE >> every position I occupied, I found it to my great advantage to be underestimated. So hide that AIM diploma. Instead, just shine like any AIM alumnus should. I’m sure many of you are eager to see what privileges await you now in the job market. But please, never think a job offer—or a position or a company—too small for you. Upon graduation, there were five job offers that I considered, including those from multinational giants. Where did I go? Some unheard of company called Ramcar, where I knew I would get exposed to most managerial challenges in all functional areas. My office attire didn’t even warrant neckties for three years—and I had to climb lampposts to hang advertising streamers. Needless to say, it was there where I got my feet wet. And yes, Ramcar soon became the undisputed leader in automotive battery manufacturing in the country. My advice? Don’t let ambition and your desire for recognition distract you from your work. Just focus on accomplishing what needs to be done—the rewards will come as a matter of course. Don’t try to force the doors open—avoid getting fixated with the promotion. The doors will open for you automatically with your outstanding achievements. Don’t go for quick, easy victories—or else you’ll get used to it and you won’t last the marathon that is professional management. You can opt to make money easily, but that may destroy your own reputation—and that will be the end of your free ride. Lesson No. 5—Learn the Value of Setting Your Own High Standards. Even if you have a superior breathing down your shoulder, be your own taskmaster. Set your own goals and never rest on your laurels. I have been my own tough taskmaster. I set high standards for myself and demand impatient satisfaction. This I learned early on in Triumph, an extremely efficient German operation, where the Germans later found me to be even tougher than they were in work standards. Needless to say, Triumph delivered the highest profitability and productivity ratios in the Philippines—and was recognized as one of the best employers in the country. Set your standards high—and achieve. Also, choose your jobs and mentors well—those that will continue to develop your skills and personality. I have been fortunate to have been associated with top mentors over the years. The best ones are not necessarily 26

the ones who have the most impressive credentials—go for those who genuinely care for your person, they will expand your horizons and envelop your full potentials. Lesson No. 6— Learn the Value of Your Instincts. Trust your instincts. Some outstanding managers are gifted with strong intuition about persons and transactions. To me, this is all about listening to your inner voice—that occasional nagging thought inside your head or that flutter in your stomach—that tells you to decide a certain way, in some cases, beyond the dictates of logical reasoning. Indeed, I feel that many key victories can be attributed to the executive’s gift of the third eye.

“Don’t let ambition and your desire for recognition distract you from your work. Just focus on accomplishing what needs to be done— the rewards will come as a matter of course.” And finally, Lesson No. 7— Learn the Value of Your Relationships. The AIM that I knew as a student was quite different from what it is now. At that time, no other program was available in AIM other than the two-year live-in MBM program. AIM itself was isolated—there were no buildings around it. Greenbelt itself was just a pasture land and soccer field. On our first year—the year 1971—the writ of habeas corpus was suspended. On our second year—as you all know—Martial Law was declared. That while we were checking in—together with the overseas students—a running gun battle actually ensued, leaving three men dead right in front of the AIM campus. It was a shocking first day episode. All the Malaysians wanted to go home. One was even robbed at the airport. As he was left with nothing, we actually passed the


proverbial hat so that he could buy clothes, eyeglasses and other basic necessities. Then, the workload was terrible—and the competition was fierce, in fact, one third of the class did not make it. But while we felt that each of our professors thought we had no other subjects other than his own, the competition with our peers made us collaborate and support one another to survive. We all became very good friends... even like family. Looking back, I doubt if the AIM gurus had that great consequence in their design of things. With an financial interest rate of 40% per annum, import controls and political instability during those years, our AIM batch was borne out of crisis. As such, our management style was borne out of crisis as well. And yes, we have survived. And we conquered. We made AIM proud and famous. And it is precisely because of these adverse and arduous experiences that our class became so close—that since 1973— we have been holding class dinners every month— without fail—for the last 34 years! We had little money—but we had ourselves and our AIM education. Now, MBM Batch ’73 has the highest number of Triple A winners at AIM. My point it this—as we talk about the value of your own relationships, give value to the fact that it is important for your batch—and your respective classes—to remain tightly knit. The relationships that you establish here will eventually redound to your benefit—not just in terms of professional connections—but more importantly, in terms of friendships that last lifetimes. And of course, make use of the growth and networking opportunities at AIM. You are now a part of a network of more than 33,000 AIM alumni worldwide, many of them are now holding various positions of influence— many of them are more than willing to lend a helping hand to a fellow AIM alumnus. And now, as we look ahead to your new roles in society—in any place in the world—bear in mind that we are counting on you to live up to the ideals of our beloved institution. As you take on new challenges and accomplish greater achievements—as embodiment of professionalism and icons of social change—may you continue the great tradition of the Asian Institute of Management as an institution committed toward making a difference in sustaining the growth of Asian societies by developing professional, entrepreneurial and socially responsible leaders and managers. Congratulations to the Class of 2007.

AIM High, Fly High See you at Boni High!

40th Annual Alumni the

HOMECOMING Celebrating Classes: 1973 - Emerald Celebrants 1978 - Pearl Celebrants 1983 - Silver Julbilarians 1988- Lead Host Class 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 - Host Classes

Bonifacio High St., Bonifacio Global City SAVE THE DATE!

March 7, 2008


Words by Teena Santiago Photography by Jose Andres Puno Illustration by Fran Ng

FIGHTING THE RIGHT BATTLES DOES NOT ENSURE VICTORY BUT THE GRADUATES OF THE MASTERS IN DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT (MDM) PROGRAM OF THE ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT HAVE THE RIGHT ARTILLERY TO WIN. The subject of development in the Asian context is a complex predicament that the region has been confronted with for quite some time. Development in Asia is ever changing. The development model in the past for countries in Asia were based on their natural resources. Asia then developed industrially and now, development is service based with orientations on tourism, banking, different BPOs in the region and the like. The need for enhanced infrastructure brought about by the new model of development in Asia requires heavy expenditures for improvements.


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Aside from improved infrastructure, the emergent model of development in Asia will require the prudent management of power and energy that should be sensitive to global issues and imminent policies on global energy utilization. Continued improvement of skill sets of the Asian workforce is also needed to maintain competitiveness in and around the region. These urban economic improvements may only be able to achieve stable momentum when other aspects of development like good governance, systematic poverty alleviation, and progress in educational and basic health systems are understood to be interrelated and acted upon as such; otherwise, the value of a holistic and integral approach to progress will be lost together with sustained development for all.

Rudy Juanito (MDM 1999)


Exemplary development managers produced by the Institute’s MDM program continue to choose to fight these battles armed with the important understanding of participatory leadership guided by a long term vision of true progress. The MDM Program

Eighteen years ago, the premiere business school in Asia fashioned the Masters in Development Management (MDM) program aimed at transforming executives into effective leaders poised to confront precisely the multifaceted challenges of the constantly evolving Asian climate. The program’s content and curriculum itself has been constantly evolving since its inception to keep one step ahead of the times, providing its alumni the needed edge and allowing them to impart the necessary leadership in a multifaceted arena of development in Asia. Incoming students of the 19th 30


Masters in Development Program can expect to experience more rigorous enhancement training this year; more so than in the past. More than a program for grass roots leadership development, the MDM program today seeks the development of strategic leaders primed to transform business, industry, country and Asia in the global context. Over the past decade alone, the unique facets of developmental problems and issues in Asia have become glaringly obvious. The fastest rate of economic expansion in over a decade was experienced by the region last year with an increase of 8.3%. Further economic expansions are expected to take place in the region within the next year or two. Despite these positive economic achievements, developing Asia continues to be vulnerable to risks from internal and external factors. Some of these risks to sustained growth and development have been around for some time while others are barely anticipated emerging issues. Development managers must be equipped to effectively handle both existing and mounting issues that the region is continuously faced with. “The goal of AIM’s MDM program is to empower its graduates with knowledge and skills that prepare them to face real life issues,” says Professor Amerasinghe. “The (MDM) program must continue to evolve to meet the emerging issues that the region faces today like the problem of energy and the rapidly increasing rates of urbanization.” Former international civil servant with extensive regional experience in development management, Professor Nihal Amerasinghe, is the lead faculty for the Program and Project Development and Management course for the Master in Development Management (MDM). Professor Amerasinghe helped the MDM program five years ago to gradually shift to offer more structure and rigor, particularly in terms of teaching economics for development management to students. When Professor Amerasinghe joined the program in 2002, most of the students under the MDM program came from the NGO community. Over the recent years, with the shift in curriculum content and the changes in and around Asia, a change in the students who applied for the course has been observed.

This observation is shared by former Program Director and now core faculty of the MDM program, Professor Soledad A. Hernando, PhD. “MDM students of recent years have come more from the public sector, particularly from the newly-emerging economies in the region: Vietnam, Laos, Cambo“The values dia, and China. The strategic implications of of leadership, this trend are not lost on the MDM faculty.” excellence, and Professor Hernando says that because of this, commitment the faculty of the MDM program is now collective- which AIM stands ly facing the continuing challenge of being able, for, are the same “To deliver a program that will produce men and values that women who will not be afraid to change the rules provided me with of the game and to create new ones, if only to clearer purpose make Development happen faster.” and direction.” To meet this objective the course faculty shares that the MDM curriculum will be restructured this year to be divided into three modules. The first module will focus on analysis and decision making. The second module will then focus on strategic management and leadership, while the third module will consist of electives designed to help course students embody an integration of learnings from the first two modules. The Faces of MDM

The Institute understands that the challenge of development is complex and the role of a development manager is executed by a broad range of actors. This is why continuous enhancements are made to the MDM curriculum so the program will effectively develop executives with a broad range of perception and understanding from the public, private and non-profit sectors to be able to work with limited resources and other constraints.

Nguyen Dinh Dai (MDM 2007)


Members of the clergy and the Philippine Military are two of the many key actors who have found the importance of getting the MDM brand of development management integrated into their work. An example is Fr. Arthur B. Dingel, O.P. (MDM 2006) who is the Assistant Director for the Center for Professional Ethics of the Regent Faculty of Engineering in the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines. His particular goals deal with growing the student population in terms of personal development and fostering the value of honesty and integrity within their campus. As an MDM graduate, he understands that a challenge like this entails an out-of-the-box method of thinking because the issue of social change cannot be viewed simplistically. In fact, he realizes the way the present educational institution is built and run indirectly contributes to the problem of dishonesty and cheating. Father Dingel believes that working towards achieving a critical mass will speed up development. He considers himself very lucky and he hopes that more people from the clergy can experience the MDM education that he has had. Fr. Demetrio “Bebot” Peñascoza. OAR (MDM 2003) faced a different challenge. After graduating from the AIM, he went to the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos (UNO-R) as President and immediately had to contend with a multifaceted predicament. Fr. Bebot had to turn UNO-R around from a 7-year steady decline. On the one hand, he inherited the school’s problems with debt and its steady student population drop. He also had to deal with an unhappy Union and problematic student activism. In two year’s time, “enlightened” negotiations have become the norm during CBAs with the Union. Fr. Bebot then increased the school’s value by getting four new colleges simultaneously accredited by PAASCU. Despite being in the red for some time, successful restructuring of debt allowed the university’s finances to gain strength and retain their scholarship program for less fortunate and deserving students. Since 2003, the university has produced 17 topnotchers in the government licensure exams, two of whom made first place. Fr. Bebot attributes these feats to his MDM training, “The values of leadership, excellence, and commitment which AIM stands for, are A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E J a n u a r y to M a rc h 20 07



the same values that provided me with clearer purpose and direction.” Sister Superior, Nancy P. Tagle also attributes her accomplishments to the focus and direction she has learned through her MDM (2004) training, “I have become more confident in serving the needy specially the economically challenged to build their capacity and capability.” As the leader of the Conossian Sisters in San Pablo City, Sister Nancy heads a project that is both for educating children and for helping farmers in the IP community that she works with. A successful micro-financing scheme is in place to uplift the social and economic plight of farmers and their children. Through this program, farmers are able to pay lower interest rates on their loans. Half of the interest rate they pay goes to an endowment fund for the kids who want to finish their secondary and college educations. On yet another development mission is Fr. Tito D. Soquiño, OSA (MDM 1999). Fr. Tito uses his skills to champion the environment particularly in Talisay City in Cebu where he is the Parochial Vicar in a parish run by the Augustinians in Mohon. He is also the team leader of the Parish Environmental Team, a member of the Agustinian Justice and Peace Commission as well as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Board. He also rallies climate change mitigation as one of the Board of Trustees of the Cebu Alliance for Renewable Energy. To successfully fulfill all the responsibilities from these various tasks, Fr. Tito draws from his experiences and learning in AIM. “The scuba diving module offered in the environmental management class has given me a hands-on or rather a ‘submerged’ experience. The AIM education has helped me come up with out-ofthe-box analysis and decisions. It provided me with a holistic-integral approach to social and environmental issues.” Since the course students come from all over Asia, this provides an environment for cross cultural learning, benchmarking and sharing of best practices in the area of development. The multi-cultural and multi-sectoral environment also provides a good platform for sharing relevant practical experiences and training for aspiring development managers. Pradip Maharjan deals with similar social 32


and economic development goals. Pradip Maharjan (MDM 1999) is the Marketing Team Leader for Winrock International in Nepal. His line of development work is focused on poverty alleviation particularly in Maoist affected districts. Through their work, they have been able to successfully generate income at a level of $125 USD per household under their program. “Getting the participation and cooperation of the affected groups is the crux of this program. My education in AIM helped me to cope with very adverse situations, such as the ones I have experienced here, to continue to implement the development endeavor.” Joe Wesley Sungi (MDM 1996) shares that his unique and effective leadership in terms of development management skills is utilized toward promoting good governance. Mr. Sungi is the Provincial Administrator of the Sandaun Provincial Government of Papua New Guinea where he works toward the herculean task of convincing politicians to work together and share resources to develop the province. Mr. Sungi shares that he remains proud and privileged to be an MDM alumnus and goes on to add, “There are many ways to skin a cat, but AIM (MDM) graduates will pick the best way because they are just smarter.” Nguyen Dinh Dai (MDM 2007) is the Project Officer of the Medical Committee of a Netherlands-Vietnam NGO and he feels that everything he learned from AIM is very helpful to his present situation. The interventions done by the organization he is in focuses on both the national and grass roots levels. He uses his invaluable MDM training to do community-managed health development aimed at improving health and the quality of life for the poor, ethnic minority, women and people with disabilities. He continues to learn and apply his AIM training in his mission and looks forward to sharing new concepts and best practices with his fellow MDM alumni. Ydab Chapagain (MDM 1995) is the Director of the Human Resource Development Centre (HURDEC) in Kathmandu, Nepal. HURDEC is the leading development management consulting company in Nepal. They provide demand based development management related consulting services (governance, decentralization, strategic planning, HR management, training, monitoring and evaluation, program design, social inclusion and so on) to institutions, organizations and programs inside the country. Although he says that he cannot trace the direct impact of the MDM training he went through over a decade ago, he believes that it has definitely helped broaden his horizon as well as his self confidence. This helped paved the way to where he is now. The MDM graduate is in a unique position to identify barriers to development “The scuba diving in their respective sectors, countries and module offered in within the region; taking into account the environmental the nuances of global issues that will management class inadvertently affect local situations. Each has given me a of the MDM graduates for the past 18 hands-on or rather years now hold key positions of influence a ‘submerged’ within their respective sectors; each one experience.” fighting their own battles with issues like good governance, human rights, gender equality, peace-fostering, environmental protection, and education to name a few. Rudy Juanito (MDM 1999) is the Security Advisor for the United Nations Department of Safety and Security in Vietnam. He admits that before joining the UN, his only experience with a multicultural environment was the time he was with MDM, “The hands-on practical knowledge derived from that (MDM) setting proved invaluable for where I am now.”

The knowledge of the environment scan has been a valuable first tool in managing the ‘fear of the unknown’. Security situations are complex and fluid; not following any definite pattern or prediction. Knowing both the real and perceived threats has enabled me to design both operational and strategic approaches in enhancing the safety and security of humanitarian workers.” Min Bahadur Ranabhat (MDM 2005) is the Monitoring Expert for the Technical Review of School Education (TRSE). He helps the team by designing survey instruments, training and coordinating the field team, providing the process of formulation of an annual plan, allocating resources and tracking funded grants. This multi-disciplinary function ensures that government resources and funds are efficiently and effectively used. “I learned from MDM very effective and useful programs to carry out large sample-based surveys, designing survey tools and monitoring exercises, all of which I use in my projects.” Hoang Thi Thu Ha (MDM 2004) is the Vice - Head of Office for the Sports Department of Hochiminh City in Vietnam. He helps the department improve its efficiency by applying administrative reform. “With my knowledge from AIM, I am able to manage all the challenging administrative work in my office. Plus it also helps me teach students in the Open University with the development strategy of the ASEAN and economy development.” Naga Satya Prasad Putcha (MDM 1996) is the Assistant General Manager of the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development in India. It is his job to create awareness among 127 individuals in rural financial institutions about the revival of the short term cooperative credit structure. This will benefit 600 million from the rural population by creating added income, employment and food security. “My education in AIM has kindled the light in me to think and work differently. It has made me to realise the need to have sustainable initiatives in preference over short term success. It has demonstrated that principles of modern management have greater relevance in shaping the destiny of common man.” In most, if not all cases, MDM graduates use a multitude of disciplines to address the dif-

ferent facets of development. Amalor Pavanathan (MDM1999) for instance, is the appointed General Manager of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), India. After completing the MDM program, he went on to train and consult with bankers on strategy management, investment baking and product development. This well rounded training in economics and finance combined with development management skills allows for effective management of this well known institution involved in Development Finance, Rural Finance organization,

Sister Nancy P. Tagle, MDM 2004


Capacity building, Natural land resource management, Regulation of Rural Lending Institutions, banks, etc. Abdul Rachim (MDM 1990) is a Social Safeguard Specialist and works for the the Emergency and Tsunami Emergency Support Project in Indonesia. He feels that he has learned a lot from MDM in terms of strategy and sustainability and how to use this for development. This has come in handy for him in the past six years as we worked as independent consultant in GOI and ADB projects. Development work is not exclusive to working at the grass roots level. Hammad Akbar (MDM 1990) is Lecturer in Norwich Business School at the University of East Anglia where he teaches knowledge management. He says that through the MDM program at the AIM, he is able to analyze and handle information well using a broad perspective of understanding. These are the tools he uses to spread the understanding of creating new knowledge in organizations. Annette Bernardine Helbig (MDM 2007) works to bridge the gap between the poor and the corporations she consults for. As President of the Springboard Foundation, she handles decisions on funding grants for child development in Philippines to provide education, nutrition, healthcare and capacity building for parents. Strategic and creative thinking are the tools she feels were best strengthened in her through her AIM training. “The network of (MDM) alumni can create a force that will bring forth sustainable development.” A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07




“We, the members of IMDM envision ourselves to be dynamic, professional and enlightened Development Managers and Leaders effecting positive change through the pursuit of good governance and sustainable development. Towards this end, we commit ourselves to: a culture of excellence, mastery of self and synergy in action, thereby enhancing our firm resolve to improve the quality of lives of the people.” The International Movement of Development Managers (IMDM) was initiated by the 14th batch of the MDM program. The IMDM is the official alumni association of the graduates of Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Masters in Development Management (MDM). This group of dedicated individuals from all around the world have joined forces to synergize their efforts in the field of development management in their respective fields and globally. The IMDM network serves a platform for a, dynamic, structured and continuing exchange among the MDM graduates and students with the end view of enriching the practice of Development Management. It is this strong network that helps provide the support and encouragement for development management practitioners who would otherwise feel alone in their respective battles. The network was forged four years ago out of the realization that although individually, MDM graduates are accomplishing much in their respective fields, there is an urgent need to consolidate efforts and to practice a valuable lesson gleaned from the MDM program: Implementation of multidisciplinary leadership in an interdisciplinary Asian development environment is essential to true progress. Coratec Jimenez, President of the IMDM and Associate Executive Director of the AIM Policy Center, calls the present network group a, “realization of an elusive dream”, as previous attempts to form a consolidated international MDM alumni association have been unable to materialize. Now the IMDM network continues to grow with more MDM graduates getting involved in the various activities and programs of the group. 34


The IMDM officers and members acknowledge that the journey to where the group is now had not been easy, but with some serendipity, immense help from the strong AIM alumni network and a lot of persistence, the 14th batch of MDM graduates were able to organize a structured unit of involved members under a unified culture of excellence with mastery of self and synergized action. The IMDM’s continuing programs are geared particularly toward concerns and issues like good governance, poverty reduction, literacy, environmental management, capacity building and leadership empowerment. These activities are aligned with the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, sharing the same vision of the United Nations Development Program One of the more active programs to date includes the National Anti-Poverty Commission, Sector of People with Disabilities (NAPC-PWD). This particular program is encouraged by the Magna Carta for people with disabilities. For this, the IMDM is helping the NAPC council members to prepare the society for empowering the differently-able citizens through livelihood, employment, and equal access to transportation, health care and education. Aside from projects with communities and other sectors, the group embarks on a Continuous Education Program for MDM alumni where faculty from AIM’s Center for Development Management volunteer their free time to keep MDM alumni abreast of the latest in development management. IMDM officers and members share that the journey of development management is fraught with difficult challenges but the participatory approach taught by the MDM program to its graduates helped broaden their perspectives which enables them to effectively lead in a group with varying beliefs, ideologies and methodologies. “Consensus building is the key ingredient in development management and as part of our training, we put this essential factor into practice,” says IMDM Chairman and President of Center for Learning & Teaching Styles & Wisdom, Henry Tenedero. “Development management impact

cannot be achieved overnight, and the terms of mutual enrichment can be fully clarified only over an extended consultative and participative period.” Enlightened Leaders

Impressive economic performance by developing Asian countries is somewhat undermined by the fact that affluence exists amidst continuing widespread poverty. Asia is home to around 700 million people who live on less than $1 a day. That accounts for two-thirds of the world’s population that lives in poverty. Another major progressive issue in developing Asia is deprivation poverty. Fifty years ago, Asia was a place where its people died of famine and starvation. While this situation has greatly improved, many of the region’s population that do not fall under income poverty continue to be disadvantage by their lack of access to important basic things like good quality education and proper health care. Despite the fact that developing countries in Asia are continuously becoming more conscious of important issues, sustained development continues to experience traction from persistent problems of political instability and the need for better governance as well as the clarity and consistency of reforms. These issues along with others like good governance, sustainable development, environmental degradation and social equity must be skillfully assessed, handled and bridged by the MDM development manager to ensure the sustained prosperity of the developing Asian region. The MDM graduates are empowered to face up to the challenge of developing new models, metrics and methodologies to address the evolving complexities of development with focus on their respective fields. The challenges that face the MDM graduate in terms of development management in their respective fields are daunting. With the foundations from the dynamic MDM curriculum and the support of the IMDM community, the MDM graduates step up to become enlightened leaders empowered to win the right battles.






Transforming the Face of Sudan AIM Helps in the Recovery of a War-Torn Nation

A Blessing

The room was heavy with the air of seriousness. Every participant looked with intent at Prof. Federico Macaranas, as if absorbing each word as he processed their team outputs, which were outlined in charts on the boards. This was the synthesis, the last session in these government executives’ two-week program at AIM. And they had every reason to be serious, for when they returned to their country the next day, they would have the monumental task of saving a bleeding nation.


hat nation is Sudan in Northern Africa, a country at the center of world controversy since 2003 because of the humanitarian crisis in its region of Darfur. Its population of more than 35 million depends largely on the agricultural sector, which employs 80% of the workforce. But oil production and export have been picking up since 2000. Nevertheless, Sudan remains a net importer of food, according to the United Nations, as it has been shackled by problems of irrigation and transportation, adverse weather, chronic political instability, and weak world commodity prices. Prior even to the Darfur crisis, Sudan had already earned notoriety as the largest debtor to the World Bank and the International Monetary

Fund in 1993. A UN situationer reports: “Sudan will require extraordinary levels of program assistance and debt relief to manage a foreign debt which exceeds US$17 billion as of 2004/2005, more than the country’s entire annual GDP, and one of the world’s largest foreign debts.” Hopes for peace and progress flared with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. The UN and partner international agencies drew up a Unified Mission Plan for Sudan, which acknowledges the immediate challenges in governance and rule of law, and the need for capacity building and institution building.

In late February of this year, the U.N. Development Programme in Khartoum, Sudan sent an inquiry to the AIM Center for Development Management (CDM) on the possibility of customizing a short course on governance, decentralization, and devolution. “We were asked to outline such a course, which we did,” relates CDM associate dean Mario Antonio Lopez. Two weeks after, “we got the signal that the UN was most interested in our design and wanted a specific proposal. We sent one.” The UNDP approved the proposal. CDM henceforth incorporated specific topics and activities that the UNDP and the National Government of Sudan wanted to include. The new design was endorsed, and Anna Lapay, the Filipina head of the Governance Unit of UNDP Sudan, arrived in Manila to finalize plans. Only six weeks after the first contact from UNDP, 13 national and state ministers stayed at AIM for the Development Management Executive Program: A Course on Governance and Strategic Management for the Key Officials of the Government of Sudan. The wheels of time and opportunity, as if well-oiled and running at full speed, were turning in favor of both Sudan and AIM. Given its situation, the biggest country in Africa could no longer sit back as its citizens died from war, famine, and the mere incapacity to survive. Prof. Lopez, for his part, considered it “great luck” and “a blessing” for AIM to conceptualize and execute the course in only two months. The luck could also be attributed to Prof. Lopez’s acquaintance with Ms. Lappay, who has been assigned to Sudan beginning only in February and is rebuilding the UNDP Governance Unit. “A lot needs to be done in terms of major institutional and capacity building initiatives and the economy,” reveals Ms. Lappay. “It’s a post-conflict country... I have been to postconflict countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, East Timor.” Ms. Lappay strategized to target top government officials directly first instead of middle

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managers. “They should be exposed to a place where they could create that vision. I thought of the Philippines because in context, we have similar experiences—politically, socially, economically. Historically, we were both colonized, the Spaniards for the Philippines and the Egyptians for Sudan. Economically, Filipinos struggled so far to get where we are. The Sudanese are still finding their way, but the country has vast oil resources. “You know why Darfur is very sensational? Because it’s sitting on a sea of oil,” she explains. “The international community is interested in Darfur because of its undetermined volume of oil. The root cause of Sudan’s problems emanates from the resources, like this conflict between the North and the South.” “Southerners are distrustful of the North,” says the UN. “While the peace process has contributed to building a degree of confidence and political reconciliation between the two parties, the lack of information and communication between—and within—the North and South continues to create great barriers between the Sudanese people.” Why AIM

Given the distance and the differences between Asia and Africa, why did she choose AIM? “I had the opportunity in the late 1990s to work with Prof. Lopez because he was a trustee of the Local Government Academy, where I was a junior staff,” narrates Ms. Lappay. “I had an excellent experience working with him. But I had also experienced coming to AIM. I am aware of its programs. AIM is a preferred choice of institution considering its


record, its prestige in Asia, and its competitiveness in terms of international standards. “Why didn’t I bring them to a developed place like the US or Europe? That will be leapfrogging too much in terms of development,” she reasons. “Plus there are issues stemming from colonization... So I’m bringing them to Asia because of the similarities.” The AIM program was the first of its kind for the public sector executives of Sudan. “They are used to conferences and workshops,

“I came with the expectation of hunting a rabbit; in fact, I got an elephant. The materials we have been exposed to cover the whole region of Southeast Asia. It is so enriching, so informative, so inspiring—intellectually as well as in relation to what we are doing in the Government of Sudan.” but as to the seriousness of these...” says Ms. Lappay. “You can design a lot of fancy workshops, but at the end of the day, how will it impact your participant for the long term? I want to maximize the resources per training... When I had a meeting with the chairman of the National Strategic Planning Board, I told him, as long as I’m in UNDP, I will put forward only the best experts and quality training. I believe that is the only way you can really make a difference.” The difference began in the Khartoum airport, where the participants met each other for the very first time. “Before coming here, they didn’t know each other… This is because of the distrust,” explains Ms. Lappay. “Sudan has a lot of actors from different political par-


ties who don’t trust each other. If there is no avenue for them to brainstorm, then it won’t happen... They’re not talking in the ministries; they’re not collaborating. This is the first time that these ministry officials got a chance to really brainstorm and openly discuss serious issues about Sudan.” For the first time as well, friendships and trust were formed among Sudan’s highest officials. On their final day, an atmosphere of camaraderie embraced the group. The officials came with high expectations. H.E. Dr. Mohamed Yousif Ahmed Elmustafa, State Minister of Labour, confesses: “I came with the expectation of hunting a rabbit; in fact, I got an elephant. The materials we have been exposed to cover the whole region of Southeast Asia. It is so enriching, so informative, so inspiring—intellectually as well as in relation to what we are doing in the Government of Sudan.” For H.E. Dr. Elias Nyamlell Wakoson, State Minister of International Cooperation, “The totality was very rewarding… We learned a lot from the people and the discussions. The trips to institutions were also good. We listened to how they do things, how they face problems, their achievements and difficulties. This was very important because the speakers are the people in the field. All of this was much better than reading it from a book.” Governance champions

At the end of two weeks, Ms. Lappay was also “more than happy” with the outputs. “If I didn’t do this, I would be running after small directors, trying to set meetings with them. Ac-

tually, my investment per participant in terms of program fee is only $300 per day, which is nothing if you’re looking at around three years’ investment. If you include airfare, it’s $500-600 a day. If, with this activity, you get champions in the institutions, then $600 is nothing.” Dr. Elmustafa and Dr. Wakoson will be two of her champions. “As I am in charge of the vast portfolio of labor and civil service, I am going to make use of efforts of the Philippines in development of human resources, training, etc.,” says Dr. Elmustafa. “I am going to use decentralization in the running of bureaucracy, especially local government.” “Going back to Sudan, I have to digest what we have learned here,” adds Dr. Wakoson. “I want to do two things. First is to reflect on the two weeks we had here and understand more clearly what we learned. The second thing is, in any institution, one should be able to share knowledge with others. If you do not share it, then the knowledge becomes limited only to you. Since only few of us were selected, it is my obligation to spread the knowledge.” The achievements of the program are abstract, as the participants’ goal is to gain peace dividends. “Considering that they cannot voice things out in Khartoum, this workshop provided that venue to open up, to have a vision, and, at least for this group, to have a sense of nationalistic pride. They are talking of one Sudan. This would not be possible in Khartoum.” Already, five ministries have proposed projects to UNDP. The transformation, however, was not only in the participants’ incipient cooperation; it was also in their personal attitude. “They used to

dillydally on things; they’re laidback. Now there is a sense of urgency,” observes Ms. Lappay. “Before they make a decision, I think they will really weigh the situation. If they came here with a one-track mind, maybe now it’s 360 degrees. “They are overwhelmed by the fact that they have not experienced anything like this,” she continues. “They usually work only until 3:00 pm, and then they sleep. So to work beyond 3:00 pm is a breakthrough also. Attitude is the hardest part to crack. If you made them stay until 6:00 pm, then it means that they’re very interested. They’re trying, because there is a change of habit already... These officials are very well-educated. They merely lack the exposure and the necessary knowledge of current trends and skills. They have to respond to the changing times.” Ms. Lappay herself sees the momentum growing through a series of workshops that will probably be held in Khartoum. “We will bring the expertise of AIM, as requested by the ministries... Our approach in Khartoum will still target the critical mass—the key decision and policy makers... One of the most concrete (next steps) is that the Ministry of Labor and Administrative Reform, the mother agency of the Management Development Center in Khartoum, will partner with AIM in restructuring the institution.” Reforming the institutions and governance culture of Sudan will definitely take time and incredible efforts, but the first steps have been taken. Within a lifetime, the world may see a Sudan rising from the ashes of war and impressively treading the path towards peace and progress.

Development Management Executive Program: A Course on Governance and Strategic Management for the Key Officials of the Government of Sudan April 16-25, 2007 Module 1 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

Understanding the Context of Public Sector Management The Context of Public Sector Governance in Sudan Globalization and Its Impact on the Macroeconomic and Social Development of Sudan Sudan Issues and Challenges in Development Supporting Local Governance Reform in the Era of Decentralization: Indonesian and Other Asian Country Experiences Public Sector Management: The Philippine Experience

Module 2

Understanding Strategic Management for Development Session 6 National and Sectoral Planning for Development Session 7 Development Assistance and Impact of Aid Sessions 8-9 Study Tour of the National Economic and Development Authority: National Planning in the Philippines and Development Assistance Sessions 10-11 Study Tour of the Civil Service Commission: Professionalizing the Bureaucracy: The Philippine Civil Service Examination Program, and Effective and Efficient Administrative Justice Session 12 Understanding Public Fiscal Management Session 13 Discussions of Lessons Learned in Study Tour and Inputs on Strategic Planning for Sudan’s Development Module 3 Session 14

Session 15 Session 16 Session 17 Session 18 Session 19

Understanding One’s Leadership Role and Agenda in Public Sector Management The Public Sector Reformist Leadership Framework: A Tool in Understanding the Nature and Importance of One’s Leadership Role in Public Sector Management Understanding the State Reformist Leadership Capital The Ek Sonn Chann Experience Leadership and Management Building Internal Alliances in the Public Sector Bureaucracy: Stakeholder Analysis Arriving at a Collective Response to Implementing a Reform Program

Faculty Roster: Profs. Mario Antonio Lopez, Federico Macaranas, Nihal Amerasinghe, Ernesto Garilao, Francisco Roman Jr., and Nieves Confesor

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Of Cuban Cigars, Rum & Coffee... and running a school in Cuba S H A I K H


A L I ,


1 9 9 5

The account manager of the Overseas Scholarship program and myself were nominated by the Advisor (HRD), Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (HEC) to lead a team of 45 pre-Medical scholars to Cuba, Havana under the “1000 Cuba Scholarship for Medical Sciences” program from February 17-28, 2007. Although, personally I never intended to visit Cuba probably due to the negative hype created by western media, somehow I succumbed to my bosses’ wishes and after the visit I had no regrets whatsoever.


ACCOMPANIED A GROUP OF EIGHT scholars from Islamabad to Karachi on the night of February 17, 2007 while my Account Manager led a team of 37 scholars from Lahore to Karachi on the same evening. The next morning, on February 18, 2007 we all were scheduled to leave for Havana via Dubai and Moscow from Karachi. The flight to Dubai was four hours late but that reduced the transit time of twenty hours to sixteen hours at the Moscow airport. Not that I enjoyed sitting locked in a plane for four hours practically doing nothing...but my cell phone bill surely soared. Since we reached Moscow much later than the expected arrival, nobody came to receive us the airport initially. But later after a few hours, an official from the Pakistan Embassy arrived at the airport and gave us a warm welcome. He later contacted the Operations Manager of PIA who was kind enough to arrange for dinner and breakfast for the entire team—for which we were highly indebted to 38

PIA and the Pakistan Embassy in Moscow. Had they not been there, we would have ended up in -9 degrees Celsius and under inhospitable surroundings, since even at the airport hardly anybody could speak or understand English. And since the days of the Russian war in Afghanistan—and we playing the rookies for the Americans, we were not expecting to be greeted kindly by the Russians anyway. A repercussion of this love-hate relationship was that even with a 16-hour transit and as per international IATA rules, we were denied hotel accommodations. Boy, sleeping on the airport floor that long night was not funny at all! Well, sometimes life’s like that. The next flight was a long and arduous journey of thirteen hours to Havana, Cuba. We were very much relieved to receive a warm welcome at the Havana airport by a team of about six people from the school who streamlined all the customs and immigration issues. Later we were led to a bus, provided Halal snacks, and taken to the school in Matanzas


City, about two hours drive from the airport. At the school, we were given a warm welcome by the management, staff and the previous batch of Pakistani scholars. It was a pleasure to learn that our scholars from the previous batch, who had just been there a week, were well taken care of and had adjusted pretty fast in the local environment. They were also learning Spanish quite rapidly. The school, Maximo Santiago Haza is located practically in the middle of nowhere—more like a jungle with hundreds of local orange trees in a beautiful and serene setting. Our culture and religion is respected with utmost care, and the management and the support staff were very cordial and accommodating. Separate hostels for boys and girls The most appreciated gesture is that special efforts have been made to import Halal food through Vermont, Virginia, USA (in spite of American embargoes) to make Pakistani and especially Muslim scholars feel at home in a communist dominant country.

have been arranged in the same premises. Doctors and nurses are available 24 hours a day to take care of any basic medical and dental emergencies. There is a free barber shop for boys and beauty parlor for girls. A free ironing and washing facility is available with a small post office. There are no tuck

SHOWCASEBookshelf shops to buy anything at the campus since all basic needs are provided free of cost. An e-mail facility is in place although only local Internet browsing is currently available while the school staff is trying to arrange for an international browsing facility. Initially, Spanish is being taught for about six months. We were informed that the entire staff of Spanish teachers would be changed once the medical staff would take over and the medical related studies would commence. The management, teachers and support staff are extremely co-operative and they all are somehow involved in teaching Spanish to our scholars whether in the class room environment or outside the class rooms. They can often be seen engaging with small groups of scholars, communicating with them in broken Spanish. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in a large cafeteria, which is combined for management, teachers, staff and scholars. All are required to fall in line and eat together— which is a very healthy way of disciplining people. Just because of the Pakistani and young scholars involved, alcohol and smoking has been banned in the campus. The most appreciated gesture is that special efforts have been made to import Halal food through Vermont, Virginia, USA (in spite of American embargoes) to make Pakistani and especially Muslim scholars feel at home in a communist dominant country. Two prayer rooms, separately for male and female students have been established for our young men and women to fulfill their religious obligations. This is a huge gesture on the part of the Cuban government and as a Pakistani official, I was overwhelmed to experience this gesture. I categorically thanked the entire management and staff in my address to them at the time of our arrival, and during an official meeting at the time of our departure. I personally feel that the Cuban government and the management of the school have gone an extra mile to accommodate our scholars and have given us such a cordial environment that there is no doubt in my mind that in five to six years they will not just produce good doctors, but also a wonderful and disciplined battalion of young Pakistani people. An ending note—if anybody is interested in biotechnology or aspires to become a medical doctor, then Cuba is the place of choice since the Cubans have excelled tremendously in these two fields. As for the Cuban cigars, rum and coffee, the cigars are great, I would rather not comment on the rum, while the coffee is more like Turkish coffee which for some is sour while others like myself cherished every sip. Viva la Cuba!

Stationary Bandits “Stationary Bandits”(Platypus, 2007) is the sinister title of Rene Azurin’s provocative book on political power. He was appointed member of the 2005 Consultative Commission which was mandated to propose revisions to the Constitution. However, to the chagrin of the present dispensation, he penned the Dissenting Report, in behalf of six others; Magnificent Seven, they were called. In his thought-provoking book, Dr. Azurin tackled the intrinsic value of “deadlocks” against “efficiency” and other thorny issues that evolved around Chacha (Charter change). What I found most elucidating was his description of why governments came about, and how a minority became hegemonic, even in a so called democratic society like ours. Though it gives a semblance erudite of democracy, the voting power of a loose majority is no man’s incisive match to the entrenched clique of stationary bandits that and perceptive look at political monopolizes and controls the distribution and utilization of power. Elegantly our country’s wealth and resources. written, it lays bare the myths The “power motive” is a stationary bandit’s boundless and common source of energy that propels him/her to the summit and deceptions that political ruling once firmly on the saddle will hold on to power at all costs. classes like to Dr. Azurin clearly showed that the Charter change (Chaperpetuate on cha) scheme that aims to junk the current presidential the citizens... system of checks and balances for a unicameral parliament has only one beneficiary—the bloc of stationary bandits in power. It is imperative that we strengthen and not destroy the institutional devices that guarantee the distribution of power to several groups. Stationary Bandits is an erudite man’s incisive and perceptive look at political power. Elegantly written, it lays bare the myths and common deceptions that political ruling classes like to perpetuate on the citizens whom they consider their subjects. I am very much impressed. People living in democracies everywhere (not just in the Philippines) should pay close attention to Dr. Azurin’s discussion of how politicians who acquire control of government tend to use the concerted power of the state to further their own interests and take advantage of the people. People still living in autocracies should read his ideas and consider how they might use these to possibly change their situation. Ultimately, for political elites everywhere, Stationary Bandits is a subversive book. I recommend it highly. —Yoon-Dae Euh, Ph.D., President, Korea University A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07



Ariel dela Cruz, MBA 2008 Triple A Club Scholar

Keep the Flame Burning! Make a difference in the lives of our future leaders. Make a gift to the AIM Alumni Leadership Fund. Alumni Fund for Scholarships Whether you wish your contribution to go to a degree or a non-degree scholarship fund, your donation will support AIM’s vision of increasing the quality of our student body. Your generous support will be an important reserve for attracting exceptional students with limited resources. Alumni Fund for Learning Space Learning Space is what we call the AIM infrastructure. This includes all rooms where continuous learning is done—the case rooms, library, dormitory, and the AIM building in general. Contributions to this fund will go to the imminent maintenance requirements of your school. Currently, these include major renovations for the dormitory and the purchase of new chairs for the case rooms. Donations in kind to help in the upgrading of equipment and other facilities are also most welcome. Alumni Fund for Faculty Development This special fund is focused specifically on the development of the Faculty, whether for increasing the number of Doctorate degree holders, upgrading the skills of the faculty, or supporting faculty exchange. The fund will ensure AIM’s growth into the future through the continuous development of an international, academically qualified, practitioner-oriented AIM Faculty. Alumni Fund for Research and Development Supporting this fund will allow AIM to develop research and write cases on Asian business and development management systems. Options are open to specific causes, depending on a graduate’s or a batch’s particular topic or school of interest.



Let me start with a simple statement: I am not a wealthy man. Less than a year ago, an AIM education was far from my reality. I finished college in the province, and not from any of the prestigious schools in Metro Manila. With diligence and perseverance, I managed to pass the CPA Board exam in October 2002. Since then, I worked and strived to be able to provide for “...someday, when some of the needs of my family. it is my turn to give Being a Certified Public Accountant back, I may be able for some time, I felt that I needed to pay it forward and an opportunity for professional become someone growth, not only for personal else’s miracle. credentials, but to enable me to offer a better life to my family as well. It’s the least I can do to express my gratitude for all my parents’ sacrifice just to be able to provide me with a good education. But, considering my economic circumstances, resignation from my current employment would be a harsh burden. The fact that my family could never afford it did not kill my spirit. It was an obstacle meant to be hurdled. I was determined to pursue a lifelong dream: to earn an MBA degree—and AIM was the only school I had in mind. With an enormous amount of faith, I sought the assistance of Sec. Jesli Lapus, who happens to be my idol, my role model. He was kind enough to recommend me to the members of the Triple A Club—some of whom I have met and had interview with—Mr. Robert Kuan, Mr. Alberto Villarosa and Mr. Art Macapagal—whose generous support paved way to making my dream a reality. And suddenly, a beautiful opportunity materialized. I could never thank them enough for granting me this chance of a lifetime. It is with honor and much appreciation that I now stand before you, a living proof of the miracle that is Triple A. It is not everyday that one is blessed with this kind of possibility—a life-changing possibility. The Triple A Club took a chance on me and believed that I will be worth it; that I will deliver; and that I will do them proud. The group represents a spark of hope. Their generosity helped me realize that the first step to making a dream come true is to wake up. Because of the Triple A Club, a brighter future for one simple Ariel dela Cruz is never too far away. The photos hanging on the walls of our classrooms serve as an inspiration and constant motivation to strive hard and aim high. The Triple A Club opens the door to success for people who might otherwise be deprived of even the sight of it. Let me end by expressing how grateful I am to the Triple A Club. Thank you for believing in me and giving me a shot in pursuit of success, so that someday, when it is my turn to give back, I may be able to pay it forward and become someone else’s miracle.

Blue Light

Green Light

Yellow Light

Orange Light

Red Light

(more than P 1,000,000)

(P 500,000 to P 1,000,000)

(P 250,000 to P 499,999)

(P 100,000 to P 249,999)

(P 50,000 to P 99,999)

Your gift is important to us. Your participation in the AIM Leadership Fund Campaign makes a statement about how you value your degree. Your gift counts—whatever the amount. AIM is grateful to all graduates who support the AIM Leadership Fund. As a token of gratitude, AIM has dedicated a wall at the J.V. Ongpin Quadrangle (Zen Garden) where Leadership Fund Plaques in honor of alumni donors are installed permanently. The AIM Leadership Award will also be given during the Annual Alumni Homecoming upon reaching specific landmarks in the above categories. The Flame is a revered symbol of humanity. Light. Hope. Passion. Life. The Flame represents what the AIM Alumni stand for: Leadership. Like a burning flame, leadership illuminates through vision and direction. Leadership provides a guiding light during darker moments, inspiring hope and motivating action. Ultimately, leadership, like a flame, tempers and transforms.

YES, I want to invest in the future of our leaders I wish to support the AIM Alumni Leadership Fund.


Please have someone contact me for my donation at:

Annual Gift


One-Time Gift


P 1,000 (approximately US$ 20) P 2,500 (approximately US$ 50) P 5,000 (approximately US$ 100) P 10,000 (approximately US$ 200) P 15,000 (approximately US$ 300)


AIM Program

Year Graduated

P 25,000 (approximately US$ 500) P


This year, I choose to designate my gift to: The Alumni Fund for Scholarships

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Company Address

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Please fax to Alumni Relations Office (632) 893.7410 or email

A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


All stakeholders in AIM will have to recall what has made it magnificently successful in the past.�



On Love and Unity


Ramon de Vera, MBM 1973

This interview with the new AIM Alumni Association-Philippine Chapter (AAAIM) chairman Mr. Ramon “Arps” De Vera, would remind us of this quotation by an anonymous writer that says, “Love is like a candle—it leads you in time of darkness and brightens up your future.” This verse encapsulates what the AAAIM, under Mr. de Vera’s leadership, aims to achieve—to remind all stakeholders of the AIM community of our common love for this institution that has become an important part of our lives all these years. AIMLeader: Tell us more about AAAIM’s theme for this year, “Unity at 40.”

Ramon de Vera (RMV): This year, our alumni association is focusing on the need for unity within the AIM Family. The AAAIM will position itself to be a forum, an instrument of unity in AIM. How? By providing services that we can make real in the programs that the alumni can do together with the institution and the faculty. It’s always sad to see conflict in a family or an institute, when people seem to be pulling in different directions. There must be a common bond that brings all stakeholders together despite the differences. I would like to think that this “bond” is our common love for AIM. AIMLeader: What programs by AAAIM do we look forward to this year? RMV: First, we will continue with the Asian Business Conference (ABC). This project brought together almost all stakeholders. It is our hope that the successful ABC held in March this year can be repeated and radiated towards the region. We will seek the participation of the Federation and the alumni associations of China, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. We plan to have a teleconferencing with eminent speakers from different parts of Asia so our participants can interact with them. That way, we can radiate the action all over the region. Another important program we are developing is the AIM Practitioners’ Forum. This includes the list of eminent AIM graduates, many of whom have received awards and have served in private and public enterprises (and continue to do so), who would be available

for case discussions, for CAN group meetings, or forum discussions. This should bring the learning of AIM students closer to reality by letting the students interact with practitioners in their specific field of action. Secondly, if the students later on would like to be placed in good job positions then they might as well start meeting with some of the business leaders in an open discussion that allows them to interact and get to know one another. Another project is to expand our inventory of business cases. Last year, we only had only two cases from the alumni. We would like to increase it to 10 during our term. We are also working on the possibility of asking alumni to begin to read some cases and to give their WAC a reality base. Another program that is in the works is hopefully a publication of research papers of students and professors, and an award for the best research paper that we hope to attach to a company sponsoring the award. We would also like to put up a bookstore in the SA area and we have invited Powerbooks and National Bookstore to explore this project with us. We also have a project to help the University of Xavier in Cagayan with skills development for employment. The project involves development of skills, like welding, that will immediately lead to employment here or abroad. This in coordination with TESDA, and we are inviting PLDT to come along. We have a number of real projects in the pipeline from other alumni eager to contribute. We believe that this is part of our service to the Institution. Not all of the projects might succeed but we will begin.

I N T E RV I E W BY S H E R B E T K AT I G B A K- M A N A L I L I , B M P 2 0 0 5

AIMLeader: We heard that the AAAIM is sponsoring the first ever alumni family day at AIM.

RMV: That is going to happen in August. Projects being developed under “Family” is Celine Bautista’s brainchild and initiative. We are saying that we are businessmen and managers but we also belong to a family. And we don’t like to forget this. We will be having a family day where we will show our family what our case room is like, and we will be asking wives to participate in a case discussion and take the Mrs. Fields case. We want to show them what life in AIM is like now, especially those who have not visited our campus for a long time. They will be bringing their children and for those who are much older, their grandchildren. Another important program under “Family” is fostering a foreign student or even a local student from the province. We are inviting alumni families to take care of these students. This program is still being developed and we hope to activate it in Christmas time where many of our students have nowhere else to go, especially our foreign students. When I was still a student and even later, our family always invited AIM overseas students. We had as many as 20 attending our Christmas dinner. This is a program that I hope our alumni can support. This again is service—service that allows for the community to come together. AIMLeader: How was AIM during your time and AIM as we see today? RMV: Each year has its own particular charm and character. I have two children who graduated from MBM, one in 1997 and the other in 2001, and each of them has experiences different from my own. In my view, during “my time” the program of MBM was more rigorous, not to say that it was better. At the same time, I’d like to think we had more fun. It was the rigor that brought us students closer. We were really all under pressure. For instance, WAC was every “Leading by Example” continued on page 48 >>




How Zaki Did It Dr. Ahmad Zaki Haji Ismail, MM 1985


R. AHMAD ZAKI HAJI ISMAIL, IS AN ACCOMPLISHED scholar, academe, researcher, consultant, manager and very happily married to one wife with eight successful children. He spent one year (1984-1985) at AIM to acquire his Master in Management degree, and four years (1993-97) at the University of Bristol, UK to complete his PhD in Business Management. His doctoral thesis was on “Small and Medium Scale Industries (SMIs) in Malaysia: A Study of Selected Bumiputra SMIs in the Food Industry with Emphasis on Public Policy, Management and Markets.” Zaki has been in the corporate world for almost 27 years. He started his career in June 1966 as a Shipping Clerk then shifted to become Personnel Clerk before being promoted as Personnel Officer with three companies for eleven years. Subsequently, he moved on to join the FIMA Group of Companies in July 1977 as Personnel Manager and bounced up to become Executive Director and Vice President for Group Services. He left the business world in October 1992 to pursue his PhD in the UK. On both occasions of his post-graduate study, Zaki was granted study loans from two government agencies. However, in the case of his PhD program, since he managed to complete the course successfully and within the stipulated time period, his study loan was converted into a scholarship by MARA under the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development. Upon returning from the UK, Zaki switched his career to the field of education and management consultancy. In August 1999, he was appointed Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Kuliyyah (Faculty) of Economics and Management Sciences at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in Kuala Lumpur. On June 1, 2007, Zaki was promoted to head the said Department, leading a distinguished group of scholars whose doctorates or other professional degrees are from reknowned research universities around the globe. As a senior faculty member of IIUM, Zaki teaches both the undergraduate and post-graduate students in strategic management from the Islamic perspective, international business and marketing, small business management and entrepreneurship. Given his corporate background, he was also assigned to supervise students’ internship programs in the industry. Professionally, Zaki holds the Fellow, Institute of Management (FIMgt)UK; Member, International Muslim Association for Scientists and Engineers (IMASE) UK; Member, Malaysian Institute of Management (MMIM) and served as a Committee Member, Islamic Management Research at the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM). In developing the right management competency for students of IIUM, Zaki has given them wide exposure, both inside and outside the class, case study discussions on corporate issues, individual and group study projects (like the CAN group in AIM), seminars by business leaders, study tours, access to world class journals and software such as HBR, and Bloomberg. Afterthoughts on the MM

When asked how he relates the MM learning and experience acquired at AIM with his current teaching and research in the practice of management Zaki says, “The MM WORDS








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learning which I had experienced at AIM more than 20 years ago trained me to look forward and discover new things around me in the pursuit of my career. Having worked in the private sector in various fields for more than two decades, obtaining my PhD, and now working as an academician, my training at AIM has been very useful indeed. I am able to see the whole picture ‘from the helicopter’s view’ (according to my lessons in AIM) in my specialized field of teaching. I am continuously enhancing my knowledge in this field through research and publications, presenting papers at national and international conferences and consultancy work. Being an alumnus of AIM has truly been a rich and rewarding experience for me.” In this context, Zaki went on to say that there is no difference in teaching the undergraduate and postgraduate students at IIUM. “However, I think many would agree with me that it is easier to impart lessons to postgraduate students because of their prior work experiences and the high stake they are facing in attending the programs. This is where, to my mind, AIM has achieved much in producing very high caliber and committed candidates in all four of its postgraduate programs, through a stringent admission process (including the tests conducted), interviews, referees’ reports, and the candidates’ written commitments. Upon acceptance for admission, the stakes are admittedly even higher, and frightening, too—particularly with the caution from AIM that if you don’t do well in one module, you may not be invited to attend the next. Wouldn’t the candidates be challenged to focus on the program they are taking, even with the colorful after class life that Makati has to offer?” he added. 100 Cases on Islamic Management

Zaki participated in the AIM Roundtable Case Discussion on Islamic Management in September last year at IKIM in Kuala Lumpur. He fully supports AIM’s plan to establish the “How Zaki Did It” continued on page 49 >>






Our alma mater has positioned us to be prominent and influential in the careers of our choice. Therefore, we should plough back our achievements to contribute and serve AIM for victory and glory.“

A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


We all face our own set of challenges. These tests need to be viewed as such and not as roadblocks or walls impossible to surmount. It was these trials that made me realize that life is short and must be fully lived.�




Leading by Example John Veloso, MBM 1983 Pragmatic. Passionate. Focused. These are the most apt words to describe the mild-mannered gentleman who now leads the AIM Alumni Association in Canada (AIMAAC). With 15 years of experience in I.T. implementation and project management involving supply chain, manufacturing and finance for a manufacturer and two distributors in Ontario and Oklahoma, John Veloso’s ability to organize and prioritize makes him the ideal alumnus to carry the AIM flag in North America.


fter receiving his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from De La Salle University, John Veloso worked, first for his father then with Asia Industries as a sales engineer, before proceeding to take his Master in Business Management degree at AIM, graduating in 1983. His classmate, Greg Atienza, now the Executive Managing Director of Alumni Relations in AIM describes Veloso as “reserved and dignified in the classroom, but when he speaks, he speaks with substance.” According to him, his most valuable lessons in the caserooms were, “the teamwork we learned from the quantitative analysis projects, and our ‘productive disagreements’ during the MRR season.” Most important of all, it was the experience of “living in the dorm with his peers” that wrapped up his AIM experience. Years after moving to Canada, he commuted for several years to Tulsa, Oklahoma as Project Manager, Information Systems (ERPOperation Excellence) for Laufen Ceramic Tile. One of his biggest challenges was to search for the right ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system to integrate processes of the organization into a unified structure. “To manage the infrastructure set-up of an ERP system (Baan and SX) including a WMS with ADC using RF equipment for a 200,000 sq. ft. super-flat warehouse was quite a test.” Veloso had to visit and review the business processes, team structure and re-engineering methods of sister companies in Brazil, Portugal and Ohio. These experiences have prepared him to W O R D S



face his now relatively comfortable position in Groupe Laurier CIM/NXTREND Technology as Software Application Support Consultant. He is also the best person to seek advice from in the set-up of business system parameters and in ensuring a smooth ERP software implementation. But it was not as simple as it seems to successfully live and work in a new country. “The purpose of a career is to allow us to make ends meet to benefit our family. It was during the mid to late 1990s that I commuted every week, coast to coast, from Toronto to various U.S. cities, Tulsa, Oklahoma being the main destination for the last 2 years of the project. “At one crucial point, our team of eight made our rounds to choose the MRP-ERP system among the three systems I have chosen. Based on the participative approach incorporated in our process, I allowed the team members to cast their vote on which system they believed was best for our company. The result- more reflective of the skills of the Software Systems sales teams- though not surprising, was still shocking! Of the eight senior managers and executives, six members chose one system, the 7th member chose a second system and I chose the 3rd system. This 7 vs. 1 was a huge road block for our project.” Veloso had to find creative ways to convince his team. “To motivate the members to take my point of view, we applied several techniques and approaches including one-on-one discussions, group presentations to hash out the merits of each alternative, and after-hours negotiation at bars and restaurants. After one full month, everybody took the same point of view as I had. Though this

A F R I C A- M A N I K A N ,


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participative process was risky, stressful and time consuming, it allowed several angles of the project to be ‘placed on the table’ resulting in a better decision, with contingency plans in place to mitigate identified risks. It also bonded the team together, but at the same time, we needed to manage the risk that the team may come apart.” A Vision for AIM

Along with AIMAAC Vice President, Bobby de la Cruz (MBM ’78), John Veloso is currently working on accrediting AIM with the CMA Society (Certified Management Accountants). “It will be great to see AIM recognized worldwide, and we hope to be able to contribute to this in our region in a fashion similar to what AIM has done with other Societies”. He hopes to “make both sides” open up to the project which he feels will benefit not only his fellow alumni in Canada, but also other alumni residing in other regions. “The AIM brand should be acknowledged not only in Asia, but worldwide,” he adds. “Bobby and I have met with Brian Jacobs, Director of Workforce Recruitment of the CMA Society last March to discuss areas of common interest for AIMAAC, AIM and the CMA. We feel very positive about the opportunities that we all have in front of us, but also aware of the amount of work this will entail. We also met with AIM Dean Vicky Licuanan, Greg Atienza and Marvee Bonoan, all of whom were receptive. ”AIMAAC is interested in pursuing projects for the personal and professional development of its members and also to contribute on improving AIM’s value to its current and future alumni. The accreditation of our graduates, accreditation that will open doors for us all is one of our main priorities. CMA ( content.asp?id=1) on the other hand, is always interested in increasing its membership base in Canada, and has recently made strategic moves to establish itself in Asia. For our alumni, a CMA accreditation will give them immediate recognition and acceptance in Canada as an accounting practitioner. For the current alumni, the process “Leading by Example” continued on page 49 >>






A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


SPOTLIGHT >> “On Love and Unity” continued from page 43 week. There were no excuses if you failed to submit so most of the time, we did not sleep Friday nights because we had to submit the WAC the next day. We also didn’t have computers at that time so we did most of our work by hand. We went through logarithmic tables, which most students today here don’t know about. We had to compute for statistical regression analysis by hand. We had to work our internal rate of return by hand and by trial and error, and if we had to change a year or two, we had to redo the whole thing. Now that we have computers, the students can do that in less than a minute with Excel. We did things with the typewriter, slide rule, and carbon paper for making copies. Bottom line, it brought our batch closer together because we had to help one another. We were always a happy group, and eventually, we developed bonds that lasted until now. AIMLeader: MBM ‘73 is one of the closest batches. How were you able to remain solid for more than 30 years? RMV: Teddy Villanueva, a classmate, always announces to all that “in class ’73 we don’t just like each other, we love each other.” We have activities at least once a month. We play golf together, and Boy Diego takes care of that. We have a website where we talk to each other, and we visit each other all over the world. We have a “lifetime” President, Bobby Garcia, who keeps us bonded. Lately, Ramon Abad formed a rock band and many of us joined in. In January 2008, we will have a reunion of the class in Boracay with our families and our foreign classmates are joining us. This year our reunion was in Bangkok. I know that there are other classes like us, and most of them are earlier classes, which I call pioneer classes of AIM. AIMLeader: What is your personal style of leadership? RMV: This can be very philosophical. My style of leadership is essentially to lead by example in two areas specially: in setting the standard for corporate culture or values and in ensuring that the organization is moving toward the general direction for achieving commonly agreed upon corporate goals. One of the things about leadership is establishing a clear set of goals with all stakeholders of the organization. These goals are expected to be a common denominator that unites all. Mostly the disagreements come about in “how” the goals can be met. Another dimension is that of creating corporate culture that can be another word for values. The CEO sets the tone on the values and principles of the corporation. This is often seen, for example, in what is “permitted” by way of entertainment within the corporation, and


the CEO sets the tone. This can also extend to work and family balance. If the CEO sets specific time for work that allows for family time, then the corporate culture adapts that. In the end, leadership implies the ability to impact in a positive way the lives of those who are followers. AIMLeader: Speaking about culture, in your perspective, what is the culture now at AIM? RMV: I share the sadness of many of our alumni to witness open discord within the institution that we all love. There also seem to have been a fragmentation of values. The AIM I knew had unwritten codes of values, and one of them was how

“The AIM I knew had unwritten codes of values, and one of them was how the professors, the administration and others resolved their differences.” the professors, the administration and others resolved their differences. It is the most natural thing in this planet to have differences. Like a family, it has written or unwritten codes. Many of the unwritten things have become more important on how conflicts are resolved, how aggrieved parties can find expression. Right now, I see a breakdown in this type of conflict resolution. There is a clear issue of disunity. Certainly there are others who are keeping the ship together and there are others who believe differently. If we cannot resolve this internally, we have to resolve them externally, and I don’t believe that the external solutions, such as legal cases and formation of unions, are going to work. The external “solutions” create painful fractures within the organization. The other thing I can observe about AIM now is that there does not seem to be a lot of respect in established authorities. It looks like more of the practice to disregard or be less than respectful when it comes to the chain of command. When that breakdown happens then it becomes painful and disorganization follows. I also no longer see a spirit of camaraderie within the institution. Finally, I do not detect a manifestation of great feelings of pride and affection for the Institution. If there is little pride, there is little affection. The respect for the Institution has been eroded internally and unless reversed, this respect will be eroded externally in the business community. It is tragic to witness a breakdown in the governance and communication among faculty and administration. There is a greater disappointment to see this in a management institution designed to teach


best practices in corporate affairs. I see a number of people whose personal pride have been injured in this conflict on how to be governed. Of course when a person is wounded, the normal reaction is to strike back. But where is this going to end? We have to re-focus our interests with that of the Institution. All stakeholders in AIM will have to recall what has made it magnificently successful in the past. AIMLeader: I think many alumni share your sentiments. Why do alumni like yourself feel so much for AIM? RMV: For those of us who have AIM diplomas hanging on our walls, we maintain a great pride in our Institute, and as Ric Pascua MBM’71 always says, and to paraphrase him: “we will defend the prestige of our AIM diplomas and of AIM itself against those who will want to do damage to these.” AIM has been an important part of our lives. We remain proud of AIM. Like many AIM alumni, I am convinced that despite all these crises, a better and stronger AIM will rise. As an aside, I have three generations who graduated from AIM, and this is one of the sources of my affection for this institution. My father (Vicente) is MM 1976 and my mother (Milagros) is MDP 1974. My brother (Hermenigildo) is MBM batch 1970 and my sisters are MBM 1975 (Miriam) and MBM 1976 (Catherine). My children Maite (MBM 1997) and Arvie (MBM 2001) also graduated from AIM. My brother Vicente, Jr. taught economics in AIM. AIMLeader: AIM President Francis Estrada is your classmate. How are you and your batch helping him in his mission? RMV: Before answering that question let me say that Francis Estrada took this job at a great sacrifice in both personal and economic terms. He took the challenge of keeping the institution together and moving it forward. We are helping him in different ways as explained in the projects that will foster much needed unity within AIM. He sometimes calls us together to let his hair down and talk about issues just like a business case. We don’t always agree with one another but in the end, despite the disagreements there is a very, very strong affection that keeps us together. We support Francis fully because he has this difficult and, others say, impossible mandate that needs to be supported: the revitalization of AIM. His is not exactly the highest paying job and at the state the Institution is in, this is not exactly the biggest honor that you can have. Francis took the job because he believed he can make a difference. He’s trying to put it together, and we invite all others to pull together with him for the benefit of AIM. At this time, Francis Estrada is the face of AIM locally and internationally. He deserves the support of all stakeholders.

AIMLeader: We are celebrating our 40th year. How would you like the Institution to celebrate? RMV: Unity. Tear down these divisions and walls in the corridors of AIM and focus on what can be accomplished as an institution. We look forward to programs between the institution and alumni that will inspire teamwork. I think we should come together in activities like the ABC and the CSR where the different stakeholders can come together--administration, staff, faculty, alumni and students. We should come together in these projects and reaffirm our commitment to AIM. Celebrate the passion to move forward to the next 40 years for a better AIM. AIMLeader: What is your vision of AIM in its golden year? RMV: AIM will be one of the most respected business schools in Asia, global in scope and with regional focus. The graduates will occupy important positions in government and business. Communication would have improved tremendously so we would have to be very global with respect to having not only peripheral vision with other educational institutions but actually sharing common programs with other Asian, if not North American or even European institutions, and to have graduates that are totally global and even multi-lingual. There would be less borders-students will begin their course in AIM then either travel to Spain, France, Russia or the United States, receiving their cases through the web and teleconferencing with other students around the world. The faculty of AIM will be global in expertise and multi-cultural, respected in the international community for their competence. An AIM diploma will signify excellence in terms of managerial competence and integrity of values in leadership. Mr. de Vera comes from the legendary MBM batch 73—the batch that has produced prominent leaders in various fields and has the most number of Triple A awardees. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Ateneo de Manila and went to the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He is currently the President and CEO of Sunlife Development Ltd. of Hong Kong and the Mindanao Project Development Corporation. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Philippine Science High School and the Chairman of the Cluster for Substance Abuse with the Bishop-Businessmen Conference. He has been President of the Philippine Banana Growers and Exporters Association for five years in the course of managing agricultural projects in Davao. He has worked and lived in New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Jakarta where he was engaged in fields such as project finance, commercial and merchant banking, and project development.

SPOTLIGHT >> “How Zaki Did It” continued from page 44 Islamic Business Centre that could likely produce some 100 cases of management practices and business issues related to companies based on Islamic perspectives. Along with Haji Zul Baharom (MM’89) and Thillai Varna Selvaratnam (EMBA’99), Zaki is committed to realize the vision and mission of AIM President Francis Estrada by supporting the establishment of the Islamic Business Centre (IBC) at AIM in Manila. IBC will encompass Islamic management research, teaching and development for the benefit of non-Muslim business students and managers in Asia particularly, and the world at large. “Haji Zul, Thillai and I are encouraged by the determination of President Estrada to create AIM as the Centre of Excellence for fostering business collaborations and provide platforms for Muslim and non-Muslim managers and entrepreneurs to discuss or analyze management issues of mutual importance,” Zaki enthuses. “Last May 28-29, we attended the Case Writing Workshop at AIM facilitated by Dean Licuanan and senior faculty at AIM. This would help us start to write some management cases from the Islamic perspectives.” Zaki has already done substantial research and has also authored many related articles on these subjects. >> “Leading by Example” continued on page 47 of getting a CMA accreditation involves an initial evaluation of our undergraduate degree, AIM MBA, and work experience. ”CMA will follow the model they already have in place with other Canadian Universities with the same goal of having MBAs with CMA Accreditation or Certification. Once the student completes this program, they will be qualified to take the CMA Certification Exam. This process will allow the CMA to recognize AIM better which will benefit the current alumni.” Events that Shape Us There are many life changing experiences which define a man, and provide him with the strength to face even bigger challenges after going through a tempest. “We all face our own set of challenges. These tests need to be viewed as such and not as roadblocks or walls impossible to surmount. It was these trials that made me realize that life is short and must be fully lived,” Veloso recalls. “Every event no matter how bleak has a silver lining. In my case I had three life-changing experiences and hopefully nothing more as tough.” After losing his mother at thirteen, his grief caused him to drop off from the Dean’s List and to tether on dropping out. He eventually finished his BsME in six years instead of five. He regained his self-esteem and achieved his RME when his friend Chot suggested that they take the board exam immediately after graduation, rather than wait for the customary six months. Throughout this ordeal, Veloso credits his success to the

“IBC could provide both managers and students the opportunity to discuss the historical links and mutual influences between contemporary and Islamic management perspectives, and the need to build bridges between the two. At first sight it appears self-evident that such a bridge building is a desirable objective,” Zaki further muses. Zaki further articulated that more and more Muslims are getting involved in businesses worldwide. It would seem like the ‘revival’ of business during the time of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) more than 1,400 years ago, not only within Mecca, Arabia, but also expanding towards Persia, Europe, Africa and Asia. Malaysia is known for its gentle version of Islam. It has shariah for Muslims which has equal status to the civil code. Islam is a total way of life which includes Islamic Management principles and practices. Islam champions the sciences and the arts, which include management as a discipline. Therefore, Islam values knowledge (Surah Al Zumar 39:9), including the (comparative) studies of Western, Japanese, Chinese (Confucian values), Asian, and other management principles and practices, to discover the rich knowledge that are embedded in them, and practice the good and acceptable ones. Appreciation of religious and cultural differences can be as important as technical competence

for business and managerial success in Asia. Deals are won and lost, careers are made or destroyed and foreign investments flourish or fail depending on how one reacts to unaccustomed religious and cultural values.

serve AIM for victory and glory. I know many alumni would not like to become orphans (if AIM lost its sense of existence). Therefore, let us share to regain the sense of purpose and sense of belonging with AIM.”

On Leadership Zaki believes that “leadership in Islam is a responsibility and a trust that leaders feel when they deal with their followers. It is to serve the members of the organization, the community and the society at large, that is, directing and guiding people to what is good in this world and the Hereafter.” In fact, Zaki was humbled to accept the IIUM management offer as Head of the Department of Business Administration. He probably subscribed to the viewpoint often referred to from the Hadith. It states, “Do not ask for a position of authority, for if you are granted this position as a result of your asking for it, you will be left alone, and if you are granted without making any request for it, you will be helped.” The help referred to is from Allah. As one of the active alumni leaders and member of the Kelab AIM Malaysia, Zaki has this message to his fellow graduates: “Our alma mater has positioned us to be prominent and influential in the careers of our choice. Therefore, we should plough back our achievements to contribute and

Secrets of Success What are the secrets to his work and life achievements? “Forever striving to balance never ending work assignments and family commitments,” a beaming Zaki humbly says. “It’s all in the family. I’m very happily married, with eight children. My wife is a full-time housewife. Praise be to Allah, with the exception of my last son who was born in England, all my seven children had the opportunity to study in England for approximately four years during my study at the University of Bristol in the early nineties. Right now five of them are already employed in various organizations and industries, such as in a GLC, oil and gas, and a large supermarket chain. Three others are still studying in Kuala Lumpur.” What then is his secret recipe in motivating his eight children to strive for excellence? Zaki reveals, “I always remind my children to do what they like to do better everyday, so that they can gain great success in this life and in the Hereafter. I don’t mind if they’re better off than me, and be even more successful.”

guidance of his father and three sisters. The experience of moving to Canada and being overqualified yet unqualified for jobs was another challenge. “This ‘rite of passage’ is an experience shared by all AIMAAC immigrants in varying degrees that also bonds us together,” he muses. “All of us had prestigious education and work experiences in our countries of origin; however in the blink of an eye, we found ourselves in an environment wherein none of it was recognized. My being an RME (Registered Mechanical Engineer) was not legitimate in Canada and the amount of education required to qualify for the Board Exam here was too disruptive for a new family man. AIM was and is not heard of in corporate Canada. Consequently, one of my first jobs was as a mortgage clerk filling index cards by hand with the clients’ name, address, phone number, and monthly payments. The people I worked with were high school students doing this as their summer job. This was how our education was recognized. The nice silver lining was that things can only get better. From that point of view, there were opportunities everywhere. Knowing the level of education of the people I worked with was the benchmark by which I measured my progress. To mitigate this lack of credibility, I attended school at night and on weekends, receiving a diploma in Systems Analysis after two years. Fortunately, my wife, Consuelo, and her family were very supportive. This is the aspect of an immigrant’s life wherein AIM can and will assist by improving the AIM brand recognition in North America.” These experiences motivated him to envision one of his top priorities as the head of AIMAAC. “In the 1990s, my wife’s health dete-

riorated and she passed away in 2001. With this event and the possibility of raising our two daughters, Melinda and Camille alone, I declined a promotion and overseas assignment to Switzerland. Instead, I decided to ramp down my career by resigning to accept a local job. As it turned out, for six years now I have been working from home allowing me to raise my family, thanks to the sensitivity of my current bosses.”

that the previous officers, led by Maria Sanchez Januszczak, did an exceptional job of founding the association, a web site (, and effective channels of communication with its members. AIMAAC is a great medium to get re-connected with the business environment.” To date, AIMAAC has more than 60 members across Canada, more than half of whom reside in Ontario.

On Leadership and the AIMAAC Veloso looks up to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the United States, as his ideal leader because of “his ability to perform as great as he did while having a handicap, his attitude to focus on what was possible and on what he could do.” Veloso culls his own personal definition of leadership as the ability to “motivate people to allow them to bring out their best.” As the head of the AIM Alumni Association in Canada, he plans to “create a sustainable routine” and establish both long and short-term goals for the chapter. He would rather adapt a “participative” style of leading by example, and encourage active participation from the members. This is not a challenge, however. Leading a large group of ardent and passionate members in a vast geographical region is definitely a huge undertaking. To this, Veloso replies with a chuckle, “I need to manage the enthusiasm. There is so much potential to maximize the networking possibilities of these wonderful chapter members who have so much to give of themselves. I am fortunate that everyone is responsive and positive to the many plans we have for our association. Our association is lucky

A Legacy for the Youth Despite these multihued experiences and the challenges as the head of a prestigious group of alumni, Veloso looks positively ahead following his guiding principle of “leaving a good legacy for the next generation.” Perhaps, it is also his strong faith that has blessed him with the vigor to pursue other missions, as he is also involved with the local church as a member of the Youth Advisory Committee and as a Minister of Communion. To the young whom he often addresses, Veloso advises: “Life is short. Time is limited. Define your priorities and know your strengths and weaknesses. Focus your energies early on and concentrate on the doable, because there is only one way to find out if indeed they can be done. At the same time, do not forget that family comes first and your career is only a means.” And having this focus, passion and wisdom of experience tucked under his belt, Veloso and AIMAAC will surely affect change in Canada. The AIMAAC officers with whom he enjoys working with are: Bobby Dela Cruz - Vice President, Alex Ramos - Secretary, Marilen Patricio - Treasurer, Hassan Akhtar - Audit, Dodi Rodriguez - Director, and Rajiv Gulati - Director.

A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


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ClassNotes M B M / M BA

Sandra “Sand” Isnaji MBM 2003 Now the Corporate Planning & Strategy Manager of CyberSecurity Malaysia with company address at Level 7 Sapura@Mines, No. 7 Jalan Tasik, The Mines Resort City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Sands writes: “For my MRR (Corporate Rehabilitation Strategy for the Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines), I conducted research on Islamic Banking and Microfinance. Shortly after graduation (2003), I did a consultancy project on these subjects and also spoke about them in an international seminar. However, I returned to the corporate sector in 2004 (not related to Islamic Finance or Microfinance) and have been a hardworking member of the working class ever since. “Anyway, I recently got lucky and was invited by IRTI to submit a paper—‘A Case Study of Islamic Micro & Medium Sized Enterprise (MME) Finance: Islamic Financial Services

with dinners at the APEC meeting venue (Jerudong Polo Club), and at the residence of the Philippine Ambassador to Brunei. “To all my classmates, please keep in touch. I am always glad to hear from you (the more often, the better!)”

Komandur Srinivas MBM 1974 “Kindly inform fellow alumni that my company, Chandra Exports, with company address at 3-4-526/40/2,ADJ RBVRR Womens College, Lingumpally, Hyderabad-500027, India is representing a European company dealing in power plants ranging from 1 MW up to 500 MW. Mr. Srinivas can be reached at M M

Mohamed “Mike” Batcha MM 1997 Now the Brigade Commander of the HQ 4th Mech Brigade in Malaysia. Mike writes: “My favorite professors when I was taking the MM course at AIM were Prof. Tomas B. Lopez, Jr. and Prof. Angtuanco. I was able to use a lot of the experiences which I gained from AIM when I was chosen as the Government Head of Project Team for the purchase of capital equipment from a foreign country. Many thanks to AIM for what I am today. M D M

Ralph Louis “Lui” Prado MDM 2005 Now Pilot and Chief, Morale and Welfare of the Philippine Air Force with address at Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. E M BA

Annie Wong Sow Chin MDP1994 and EMBA1999 for Poverty Alleviation in Conflict Affected CoconutFarmer Community in Muslim Mindanao, Southern Philippines’ —and was privileged to have been selected to present my paper at the First International Conference on Inclusive Islamic Financial Sector Development: Enhancing Islamic Financial Services for Micro and Medium Sized Enterprises (MMEs), jointly organized by the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Centre for Islamic Banking Finance, and the Management of Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), last April 17-19, at the Empire Hotel & Country Club, Brunei Darussalam. “The learning and networking gained from the conference are priceless. The same goes for the wonderfully intoxicating experience of being a VIP guest, among renowned scholars from all over the world, at a 6-star hotel, in an affluent country. We were also honored

Executive Education: The BMP Way


by Susan Jo, BMP 1998

N MY WAY TO AIM to attend the first day of an executive education program, I was apprehensive about the prospect of going “back to school.” Short of admitting, it was the anticipation of the task ahead which made me squirm! At hindsight, the 92nd Basic Management Program (BMP) afforded me the enviable opportunity to interact with peers representing diverse industries—oil, mining, communications/utilities, garments, pharmaceutical/chemical, engineering/construction, the academe and the government service. Idiosyncrasies came to the fore as the class was a melting pot of varied regional flavors with a tinge of other Asian cultures. It was an intensive fourweek course designed not just to enrich us with fresh knowledge and skills as well as new friends, but also to challenge the keen sense of managerial and leadership potentials that lie within us. The program, facilitated by lecturers distinguished in their respective fields, covered a wide range of topics on Managerial Processes utilizing the Case

Now a board member of AIM Club Malaysia. Her office address is IBC Global Enterprise Sdn Bhd, 95, Jalan Padang Belia, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Anil Trakroo EMBA-India 2005

Now the General Manager for Projects and Development of Star Paper Mills Ltd. In Saharanpur, India. M E

Jose Emmanuel “Joel” Guillermo ME 2002 Now the President & CEO of Royal Class Trading & Transport Corporation with company address at ING

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ClassNotes Method with stress on group dynamics, individual study and class participation. Full preparation for a particular case was important for a lively and fruitful class discussion. Bringing home stacks of reading materials became daily fare for us and we certainly had more than enough to pore over until the wee hours of the morning. Each one of us was a member of a core discussion group called “CAN”. The CAN groups, organized in such a way as to guarantee a balanced diversity of background in nationalities, functional specialization and type of business experience, proved to be very effective in sharing the workload, experiences, and competence of group members.

Asphalt Plant, 27 Veterans Center Industrial Site, Taguig City. Joel writes: “Our business has almost doubled ever since I graduated from AIM. Implementing all my learnings is one of the primary reasons for the significant growth. To my classmates and professors, thank you for your support and guidance and continuing motivation to keep on improving.”

Edwin Martinez ME Batch 6 Now the EVP/COO of Petbowe Chemtrade Corp. with company address at 4th Floor, Calvo Building., Escolta Street, Manila. A B M P

Evelyna “Eve” Cavite-Avila ABMP 1981

Each Integration Project day was a day of frenzied activities as we had to squeeze in our lastminute rehearsals between finalizing materials/scripts for the presentation and the “show” proper. The presentations varied from the high-tech to the comic to the sentimental. Integration projects sought to consolidate all the topics learned after the 2nd and 4th weeks. Each Integration Project day was a day of frenzied activities as we had to squeeze in our last-minute rehearsals between finalizing materials/scripts for the presentation and the “show” proper. The presentations varied from the high-tech to the comic to the sentimental. Lest you think we had brushed aside the “fun” side of education, we also had a sprinkle of light moments like the first acquaintance party and the subsequent weekend 52

Now the Assistant Governor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with company address at A. Mabini and P. Ocampo Sts., Manila 1004. Eve writes: “Are any of my batch mates still out there? Haven’t heard from anyone in a long long time. Do drop me a line.” B M P

Susan Jo 92nd BMP 1998 Now the Treasury Officer of Petron Corporation with company address at Petron MegaPlaza, 358 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City. Susan writes: “I consider my 4-week stint in AIM as one of the highlights of my career in Petron. It was sheer hard work from Day 1. I will forever cherish memories of sleepless nights, skipped meals, and the tremendous pressure that each day brought, but partly diminished by friendships forged and the invaluable knowledge earned. “All my teachers were commendable and experts in their individual subjects. They made my stint in AIM all the more memorable. I will never forget Professors Dizon, Tan, Chan, De Guzman, Domingo, and the very charming Ms. Nieves Confesor and her negotiation savvy. “When I participated in the 92nd BMP, I was with the Controllers Department of Petron as Payables Accounting Supervisor. That was eight years ago. Since then, I have held the positions of Financial Accounting Supervisor, Strategic Planning Coordinator, and Treasury Officer, my current position. The learnings from AIM have proven to be very useful each step along the way.


“At just about the time Corporate Social Responsibility was becoming a buzzword in the business world, I have also become very active in employee volunteerism. This comes at a time when Petron was starting to embrace CSR, with programs on education being the flagship projects of the company under its “Fuel Hope” (Helping Filipino Children and Youth Overcome Poverty through Education) program. “In a voluntary capacity and alongside my regular work as a Treasury Officer in Petron, I have been serving the Junior Achievement of the Philippines (JAPI) for eight years now, the first year as a Finance Adviser and the succeeding years as Chairperson of the Awards Committee for the Corporate Secretary and the President of the Year Awards. “Moreover, for two years now, I have been acting as volunteer instructor under the WIWAG Program. This is a five-day module on Entrepreneurship that was developed by the Ernst Schmidheiny Foundation of Switzerland and brought to the Philippines through the initiative of the EYE (Education for Youth Enterprise) Foundation of Holcim (Phils.). “In the CSR Expo held last July 7, 2006 at the Every Nation Hall in Fort Bonifacio, I delivered a speech on volunteerism. Since July 2006 also, I have been acting as President of the Petron Foundation, Inc., Employees Volunteer Council. “I had conducted the WIWAG training once at the Mindanao State University in Iligan, four times at the University of Makati, and once at the Guimaras State College in Buenavista, Guimaras. “I intend to continue these volunteerism projects even after I am out of Petron. Teaching is very close to my heart and I find fulfillment in these opportunities to impart knowledge to other people. “I am currently working for an M.A. Communications degree at the University of Santo Tomas. “To my classmates and professors in the 92nd BMP, I would forever cherish every moment I spent with you in this bastion of education. Learning is a treasure made more precious by your friendship (to my classmates) and by your wisdom (to my professors). “I wish you all success and fulfillment in your endeavors. Life is short. Please savor every minute of it! “I hope to see you all again in the near future.”

Ade Djumhanadin Wiraredja BMP 2005 Now the Marine Head of PT Badak Natural Gas Liquification with company address at PT. Badak LNG Bontang –East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

ClassNotes M S C

Rajesh “Raju” Seth MSC 2002 Now the Logistics Head- North, of the Associated Cement Companies Limited (ACC Limited) with company address at 82-84, Janpath, New Delhi 110001. Raju writes: “Hi! First of all, I sincerely share my great appreciation for my education at AIM, Manila. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been given an opportunity by my organization to attend the MSC program in 2002. It was a truly memorable experience. In a way this was “phase 2” of my formal management learning experience, the first phase being my two-year stay at India’s IIM, Ahmedabad, way back in 1976-78. “All the professors at AIM were extremely knowledgeable and were great communicators who left an impact on everyone’s minds. I still recall some wonderful case study analysis deliberated during those two weeks in the caserooms. I always take great pleasure in sharing my AIM experience with my colleagues, friends and family members! “I feel that the MSC program definitely provided me a fresh window to peep through into the corporate world and rediscover myself at the same time. I feel that, after all, ‘Management’ is all about ‘managing’—the environment, the people who influence you, who you come in contact with, and above all, YOURSELF. One who can do this well is a good manager. The road to achieving success in this area is not an easy one to walk or ride on. One needs to have patience, courage, guts, positive attitude, will power, good value system and confidence. I strongly feel that here is where the role of a good institute like AIM comes in. This is what differentiates one management institute from the other. If today I feel that I have profited from a place like AIM or IIMA, it is because of these factors. Given a chance, I would like to re-visit the institute once again. “My best wishes to the students of AIM and its alumni, its professors and the 50 odd batch mates who attended the MSC with me. We have not been able to keep in touch with each other owing, perhaps, to busy preoccupations with office work! However, I do hope we can all make amends and renew contact. Why not have a get-together at a few nodal points. Come on, let’s ALL take a lead!”

Days of our Lives by Jerry Quibilan, MM 1976


SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION IS A MEMORABLE EVENT IN ONE’S life. Six years ago, on March 30, 2001, our MM class celebrated its 25th anniversary. The grand event was held at the Tennis Court of the then recently opened Rockwell Center. This was the first time that the Institute had Pearl Jubilarians, MBM’71. Their class was acknowledged first, followed by MBM’76. MM’76 was the last and was announced by host Alumni Homecoming and Chairman, Bobby Cabral, MBM’81. He was ably assisted by his co-host, ‘Fantasia ng Bayan’ actress Joyce Jimenez. Our class was presented a symbolic medal and each of us were congratulated by Prof. Rico Angtuaco, then Associate Dean of the MM Program. It was the first time that a medallion showing the emblem of AIM was awarded to the class. Initiated by Vice Admiral Louie Fernandez, MBM’81 and Co-Chairman, Alumni Homecoming 2001, this was patterned after the Philippine Military Academy graduation ceremony. Later on each of us received a medallion not only showing the emblem of AIM but with the

Alumni Homecoming 2001, Tennis Court, Rockwell Center, March 30, 2001. (From L) Minggoy Mapa, Ray de Jesus, Dens Mercado, Lolit Mariano, Manny Mariano, humph O’Leary, June Abadesco, Ric Abadesco, Jerry Quibilan


Buddhi Ram Dhital 29th MDP 1987 Now the Under-Secretary of the Ministry Of Finance, Government of Nepal. Dhital writes: “The course I attended was the 29th MDP (Management Development Program) held in 1987. This 8-week course was held from January 12 to March 6, 1987. There were 21 participants from 5 different countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines and West Germany. The program was highly tuned towards the development of a manager for government agencies,

(From L) Lirio Mapa, Minngoy Mapa (partly hidden), Linda Quibilan, Den Mercado, Lolit Mariano, Manny Mariano, Humph O’Leary, Lourdes Cacigas

A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


ClassNotes outings. It was four weeks of sheer hard work spiced at rare times by exuberant laughter that reverberated across the four walls of the classroom. Teary Graduation Day signaled a journey beyond BMP. We, the graduates, were one in the vision to harness our potential to the fullest to maximize the benefits to our respective organizations and the people we serve, especially in these trying and uncertain times. As an addition to the AIM family, “Study as I hope to someday though you share with it my would live successes and forever; but live as though challenges. Looking back you would die now, I certainly tomorrow.” had missed a lot of meals, lost a lot of sleep, sacrificed a lot of time otherwise intended for my family, and constantly begged my spirits to remain high and my drooping eyelids propped up in order to keep up with the pressure-filled and nerve-wracking pace at daytime...but it’s all worth it. The friendships that had been forged over skipped lunches, the discipline that had poured forth to the endeavor, the bonding among us that shall stand the test of time, the new perspectives that had taken shape in the horizon...surely things that money can’t buy. And how could I forget the very competent and inspiring educators who had generously shared their knowledge with us—Professors Dizon, Licuanan, Chan, De Guzman, Confesor, Tan, and Domingo? I couldn’t thank you enough for the wisdom and patience; but more than that, for giving meaning to this passage that I am borrowing from American astronomer Maria Mitchell, which goes like this, “Study as though you would live forever; but live as though you would die tomorrow.” Susan Jo is a Treasury Officer of Petron Corporation who attended the 92nd Basic Management Program of the Asian Institute of Management from November 9 to December 4, 1998. She brought home to Petron a Plaque of Recognition for “Superior Performance” as one out of five students cited from a field of 60 participants.She was the Class Secretary and a member of one out of four winning teams in the Integration Projects.


“I am confident that we had accomplished more than what we had expected from this program. It has helped me positively in my profession. I am proud to mention here that the 29th MDP 1987 was my first international training exposure, which has left a deep positive impression on me. “The faculty and staff of AIM were highly intellectual, professional and friendly. I wish to extend my respect and regards to all of them. No matter where you are, please stay in touch. “All of my friends in the 29th MDP course were really very good, friendly and co-operative. I remember the moments we spent at AIM. I hope all of my classmates are quite healthy, wealthy, with top job positions/sound businesses and have very happy family lives. I hope to see you all again.” P P D M corporate bodies and private companies. This course went through grinding from SAPA DAPPA to the functional areas of business, strategy formulation to understanding business responsibilities. Some enigmatic and puzzling words like LOI, IPO, QDP, and TABLEAU were also used during the course program. “In addition to the lectures, slide show, hand outs, and interaction with professors, the other learning techniques used during the course were interactions between the participants and sharing their experiences. The CAN groups formed for group dynamics were really effective.

Mohammed Zafor “Ha-Mim” Ullah Nizam 12th PPDM 2003 Now a Senior Training Officer of Save the Children Australia with company address at House # 3/1, Road # 8, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh. Ha-Mim writes: “I got a valuable training when I took the AIM Project Planning Development and Management in 2003. I learned many valuable things from that training. It helped to develop my management skills. In addition I learned


Asia’s foremost Conference and Expo on Corporate Social Responsibility to be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in September 2007 THE SIXTH ANNUAL REGIONAL ASIAN Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR) and the Asian CSR Awards will be held for the first time in Vietnam at the Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers in Ho Chi Minh City on September 27 & 28, 2007.

The theme of AFCSR 2007 is CSR - A Driving Force for Growth and Development: How CSR Can Reduce Poverty, Generate investments and Trade, and Improve Business Performance. Dr. Vo-Tong Xuan, Rector, An Giang University will co-chair the event with Mr. Ramon R. del Rosario, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Advisors, AIMRamon V. del Rosario, Sr. Center for Corporate Responsibility (AIM-RVR Center). Recognized as being the largest and most


significant conference on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia, the AFCSR was launched in Manila in 2002 with subsequent annual events held in Bangkok in 2003, Kuala Lumpur in 2004, Jakarta in 2005 and last year back to the Philippines where a record-breaking 528 delegates attended AFCSR 2006. The AFCSR 2007 is presented by the Asian Institute of Management-Ramon V. del Rosario, Sr. Center for Corporate Responsibility in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, ActionAid International Vietnam and Alumni Association of AIM. The organizing committee is composed of representatives from major sponsors, regional NGOs, International organizations and CSR organizations. The AFCSR’s primary mission is to highlight innovative programs and best practices in CSR by corporations in Asia and to promote CSR as a key strategy in addressing public needs and problems, to showcase corporate innovation in CSR in Asia and among Asian firms, to promote new thinking and standards on CSR as strategy, and to build a network of CSR practitioners across Asia. The event is extremely well supported and attended not only by senior

ClassNotes various things from participants from other countries and also about the culture of the Philippines. “In my previous job, I was a UN Volunteer and worked on a project: “Prevention of HIV transmission among the drug users in SAARC countries” implemented by UNODC and funded by AusAid. Working with drug addicts and preventing their risks for HIV enriched my personal experience and I was able to apply my PPDM knowledge in that project very effectively. I will be very glad to communicate with my classmates who are living in different parts of world. My deep respect goes to my teachers Prof. Nihal, Prof. Hernado, and Prof. Tan.“ F S E

Redentor Carpio “Dennis” Bancod FSE 2007 Executive Vice President of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation with company address at 16F Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza, Ayala Avenue corner Buendia Avenue, Makati City. Dennis writes: “I just joined RCBC last May 7. I decided to go back to banking after 4

business executives from Asia, but also by major NGOs throughout the Asian region. The Asian CSR Awards recognizes and honors companies in Asia for their projects and programs in CSR. The Awards will be given in five categories: Environmental Excellence, Support and Improvement of Education, Poverty Alleviation, Best Workplace Practices, and Concern for Health. The AFCSR 2007 is indebted to the ongoing support of numerous distinguished sponsors including Microsoft, Unilever and The Coca-Cola Company as Strategic Corporate Partners; Chemoil Energy Limited as the Asian CSR Awards Sponsor; Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd. (APRIL), HOLCIM Vietnam, Nokia and UBS as Official Industry Partners; Eurasia Group, Banyan Tree Holdings Limited and Ambuja Cements Limited as Cooperating Partners; and Intel as the Special Technology Partner. The Official Public Relations Company Partner is Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide with Integrated Public Relations and PR Society Indonesia as Cooperating PR Companies. Official media partners include International Herald Tribune, Business Monitor International/Asia Monitor, China CSR, CSR Asia, Masso Communications Group and Newsbreak. Please visit for more information.

Alumni Weekend, Punta Fuego, Nasugbu, Batangas, April 1, 2001. (From L) Serge Morales, Lolit Mariano, Linda Quibilan, Jerry Quibilan, June Abadesco, Manny Mariano

white-yellow-blue-green color combination. In the following years that I attended the Alumni Homecoming, I have not witnessed a similar event. The presence of Ed de Guzman who lives in Florida, U.S.A. and Dens Mercado who was then based in General Santos City, who we have not seen for 25 years were reason enough to make the occasion ‘An Affair of Remember’. Joey SyCip, a permanent resident of California, U.S.A. was already in town before the homecoming but had to leave prior to the Big Night due to a pressing commitment. The following day after the AIM Homecoming, we drove off to Punta Fuego, Nasugbu, Batangas, where we were hosted by Ric Abadesco for the weekend. These series of activities were replicated during this year’s Alumni Homecoming. When this writer learned, on January 3, about the 2007 AIM Alumni Homecoming on March 2, he called on the members the class Ad-Hoc In the following years that Committee to a meeting. Two more meetings I attended the Alumni followed to formulate and implement the plan Homecoming, I have not witnessed a similar event. to attend the affair in force which was to be preceeded and followed by a Bienvenida and a Despedida party for those who were to come from abroad for the Alumni Homecoming. We had a Bienvenida Dinner for Joey SyCip on February 28 at CYMA Estratorio, Greenbelt 2, Makati. Ed de Guzman also arrived from Florida but unfortunately for us, he had to fly to Vietnam on that day. Charlie Chan, who is now based in Australia, wanted to join but his scheduled trip to Singapore and Malaysia could no longer be postponed. Adi Adiputra of Indonesia and Tan Wee Lam of Singapore also wanted to come but March is a very busy month for Adi and Wee Lam just arrived from London and had a lot to do. A good number of us were able to attend the 2007 AIM Alumni Homecoming, Dubbed A I M A LU M N I L E A D E R S H I P M AGA Z I N E A p r i l to J u n e 20 07


ClassNotes Truly, these get-together activities amongst classmates of MM’76 are to us, precious Days of our Lives.

“Asian Street Party,” the unique and gratis et amore event was held at the AIM grounds. Unfortunately, the souvenir photo that comes with this article did not include Ric and June Abadesco, Toting Bunye, Emil Caruncho, Minggoy and Lirio Mapa, and Humphrey O’Leary. Manny and Lolit Mariano, who never missed events like these, were not able to attend this time. Towards the end of the ASP, Linda and I received as “Early Bird” prize, a silver Coss sports watch with black strap as our reward for registering early. Truly, “The early bird catches the worm.” The final event in these series of activities was a Despedida Luncheon for Ed de Guzman. It was held at Recipes, Greenbelt 3, Makati. Truly, these get-together activities amongst classmates of MM’76 are to us, precious Days of our Lives.

Jerry and Linda Quibilan, Early Bird Winners, Asian Street Party, AIM, March 2, 2007.

Despedida Dinner, Recipes, Greenbelt 3, Makati City, March 26, 2007. (From L) Ed de Guzman, Ric Abadesco, Linda Quibilan, Ray de Jesus, Humph O’Leary



years in Sun Life. Prior to joining Sun Life, I was with EPCI from 1996 - 2003, FEBTC from 1993 - 1996, Ayala Systems Technology Inc in 1992 -1993. I have international exposure in Union Bank of Switzerland in New York from 1988 - 1992. I started my career in Computer Information Systems in Meralco covering 1985 - 1988.” P D M

Jose “Junpol” Policarpio, Jr., PDM 2005 Executive Director of Consortium for the Development of Western Mindanao Communities, Inc. with company address at P.O. Box 7260 Ipil 7001 Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines. Junpol writes: “I would like to put emphasis in this very personal letter, my sincerest desire to serve the people of my dear municipality, the 4th class Siay, Zamboanga Sibugay who became one of the basis of my qualification to a rigorous scholarship, granted by the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Programme (Ford IFP). “Through that exceptional privilege, I was able to pursue further study in the field of development management with AIM. I took up PDM in 2005 and I am now working for the best and implementable Management Research Report as a partial fulfillment to the degree in MDM. Along with the same scholarship grant, I also took up Postgraduate Diploma on Governance, Democratization and Public Policy with the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague, The Netherlands. “Now that I have returned to my dear community, empty handed with enough knowledge in development management, there is a pressing need for me to exercise an innate leadership potential and to fulfill the so-called social commitment as expected from me by the aforementioned generous sponsor. And so, I have in mind to pursue my political ambition starting in the local level with a strong conviction and faith that through righteous servant leaders, the country will be transformed into a righteous nation. “Looking forward to your selfless support in prayers and through future business partnerships, for me to pursue plans and programs for the betterment of my people.”

Please send your latest Class Notes and photos to the AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine at Should you need to contact our alumni, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at


“Leadership is the ability to convince people to work for an ideology or goal.” Edwin Martinez ME Batch 6

“Effective turnaround leadership are not clones. They come in all sizes, shapes, personalities, and ages. What they share in common is self-confidence.” Jose “Junpol” Policarpio, Jr. PDM 2005

I always look up to the leadership style of the holy prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. I’m still learning about his leadership style, as I believe it is the perfect definition of leadership. Sandra Isnaji MBM 2003

“Leadership is when can run virtually your business under the care of your trusted people to whom you just delegate and direct on what to do.” Jose Emmanuel “Joel” Guillermo ME 2002

“Leadership is the ability to consider oneself humble all the time, yet have the confidence in what one is doing.” Rajesh “Raju” Seth MSC 2002

“Lead from the front.” Anil Trakroo EMBA-India 2005

“In my view Leadership is a quality to mobilize effectively and efficiently his/her team members considering the resources needed to achieve assigned objectives within the set time frame.” Mohammed Zafor “Ha-Mim” Ullah Nizam 12th PPDM 2003

“Leadership is influence, the ability to get followers. Once you define leadership as the ability to get followers, you work backward from that point of reference to figure out how to lead.” Mohamed “Mike” Batcha, MM 1997

“Leadership is ‘walking the talk.’ It is bringing out the best in the person one is leading by setting an example worthy of emulation.” Susan Jo 92nd BMP 1998

“Leadership is doing the right things.” Evelyna “Eve” Cavite-Avila ABMP 1981

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