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T he A lumni Maga zine of t he Asian Insitute of Management

The AIM Alumni Homecoming 2010

Fir st Qua r ter 2 010 Vol. 5 Issue 1








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Leader P R E S I D E N T ’ S


WHAT AIM’S FOUNDERS anticipated in the 1960’s has become the reality. The international dimension of business has become much more important. Technology has made the world a vastly smaller place. Innovations and mutations now spread at a much faster pace; sometimes for good, as with ever more powerful cell phones and computers, and, sometimes, for ill, as with viral agents and toxic investment products. Countries, corporations, communities must learn to distinguish the treasure from the trash in this global marketplace, as it must learn to collaborate and to compete with their foreign counterparts. As UNESCO has proclaimed, learning to live together must stand as one of the principal pillars of education. The Philippines faces its own home-grown variety of critical and chronic problems. AIM remains committed to Philippine growth and development. It must continue to serve the interests of the country whose business leaders inspired its creation and provided it with support. But AIM would be doing the Philippines, its Filipino students, and its visionary founders a disservice, if it should retreat behind national borders and adopt an insular approach to management education. The international element is at the core of AIM’s identity. We are the Asian, not the Philippine Institute, of Management. And the term “Asian” has not imposed a barrier based on any geographical or ethnic consideration. It only underlines AIM’s focus: preparing managers and entrepreneurs, of whatever ethnic and national origin, to lead private or public organizations engaged with the Asia-Pacific region. Because of location and history, our first priority must remain the developing countries of ASEAN, including the Philippines. But we must also engage, as ASEAN does, with, Korea, Japan, India and China, These Dialogue Partners have become central to the development of ASEAN and its members. Our Trustees and Governors reaffirmed this original mandate: AIM must remain committed to building an institution for management education in the Philippines that is international in its orientation, curriculum, and student and faculty composition. While we seek to retain or restore basic commitments, we cannot return everything to the way they were. Once upon a time, AIM was the only player in the region in international management education. But in the last thirty years, our neighbors have established excellent national educational institutions of their own. All of the region’s national flagship postgraduate programs now compete to enhance their international profile. They want to enroll more foreign students, recruit more foreign faculty, develop more courses that shed light on the management of international issues. In addition, American, Australian and European schools have set up operations in the region. Their appeal lies

precisely in their international brands, the international faculty they deploy and the international students they attract. AIM’s regional counterparts are rivals, but certainly competitors are also potential partners. With so many options for the market to choose from, many schools now seek to strengthen their competitiveness through alliances. AIM must demonstrate its value as a partner. And the best partners are those who can show excellence not only in their teaching, but also in their research. Except for case research, designed to produce materials for class discussion, research has not received much emphasis at AIM. It has not been part of AIM’s DNA. While restoration is necessary, therefore, rebirth is also essential. The new century presents new challenges and opportunities and the consequent demand for new skills. An AIM reborn must embrace the obligation to contribute intellectual capital through research. The choice for AIM’s research directions must be dictated by what is in its DNA: its practitioner orientation. This may mean that its research will not often see print in the most prestigious, discipline-based academic journals. That is less important for AIM than ensuring that its research remains relevant to practicing managers. Our task, the task of those with the links Our task, the task of those to AIM’s past and the with the links to AIM’s past commitment to its future, is to mid-wife and the commitment to the process of restoraits future, is to mid-wife the process of restoration tion and rebirth. We must ensure that those and rebirth. brought into AIM appreciate the mission for which it was founded and the lessons it has learned—lessons learned through the triumphs and the trials it has experienced. This is not a task only for the administration, the Trustees and the Governors. The task also belongs to the alumni, who are our living and self-renewing connection with AIM’s past and its future. With the annual homecoming, the alumni recall their triumphs and trials. The conferment of the Alumni Achievement Award gives the community something more to celebrate. The events of Homecoming Week offer us a chance to remember what AIM means in terms of mission and mandate, to celebrate what the Institute and its faculty and alumni have achieved, and to express our faith in its capacity to restore and renew itself to meet the challenge of the future. I thank you for your support for AIM’s Anniversary Week, which I take as a promise of continuing partnership.






Susan Africa-Manikan ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Sherbet Katigbak-Manalili MANAGING EDITOR



Maritess Aniago-Espiritu Khristine Revilla Voltaire Masangkay Amy Nerona



Mayo Lopez Angel Tamayo Linda Lim-Marty Raymond Rodis Jerry Quibilan Rose Cheryl Orbigo Nonette Climaco CONTRIBUTORS




Chili Dogs



Jovel Lorenzo Jopet Puno





Lexmedia Digital PRINTING









The AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine (AIM Leader) is a quarterly publication of the Asian Institute of Management with editorial office at the Alumni Relations Office, Asian Institute of Management, 123 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, 1260 Philippines Telephone No.: 892.4011 locals 331, 540 and 533 Telefax: 893.7410 | Email: Copyright 2007, AIM Alumni Leadership Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in print, in English or other languages, without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1908-1081


NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AIM Honors New President and Alumni Achievers Newly Elected Board Members of the AAAIM AAAIM and ARO Launches LEADers Forum with Gina Lopez, MDM 1993 Rex Bernardo, One of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World Nograles, MBM ‘73 Named by International Body as Audit Chairman AIM Alumni Donors Recognized During Homecoming Week Luciano and Paredes Conferred the Triple A Award for 2010 International Students’ Cultural Night International Flag Ceremony Opens 42nd Anniversary Week Asian Films Depict Diversity of AIM Education SHOWCASE 2010 AIM Alumni Homecoming Golf Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John and Yoko: The Best of Both Worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pushing the Envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPOTLIGHT Hong-Soo Lee, MM 1979: Giving His Best . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gabriel Paredes, MBM 1972: A Leader Among Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victor Jose I. Luciano, MBM 1970: “Lucky” (Chichos) Luciano . . . . . . COVER STORY AIM Alumni Homecoming 2010: Come Back Give Back . . . . . . . . . . . . MBM ‘70’s Kaffee Klatsch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MBM 1980’s Trilogy Chronicle on the 30th Year Jubilee Homecoming . . MBM 1990: We Survived! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL FEATURE Reminiscing 30 Years: AIM MBM 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C OV E R : J O P E T P U N O


16 18 19 20 23 24 27 32 34 38 40



E D I T O R - I N - C H I E F

THE ANNUAL ALUMNI HOMECOMING held right at the AIM campus was an evocative occasion to revisit the corridors and crannies of our school, and the labyrinth of memories of personal AIM experiences. This year, celebrating their 20th Anniversary, as is the tradition, the Lead Host Class of MBM 1990 took on the timehonored task of hosting the annual coming home of AIM graduates. Offhand there was the unspoken urge to give a gift to the Institute that played a significant role in their lives, in gratitude for the treasured tools of management, and perhaps more importantly, for the gift of friends who will forever be part of their lives. Thus the theme, “Come Back, Give Back” was a gentle reminder to reexamine what should be done when coming home to greet former professors, perhaps now peers, and to relish the company of classmates often missed but never forgotten. In giving back, MBM 1990, through Alex Sembrano, Eris Arce, Gigi Agustin and Raymond Rodis decided to establish the Student Loan Fund which would provide Filipino students a financial source to tide their AIM education. It is hoped that future graduating classes would support this fund, as SSS loans have ceased being available was the first time a courageous professor in the person of Mayo Lopez agreed to have himself dunked in the pool to revive a long lost tradition. to potential students some years back. It is a legacy meant to increase the number of Filipino students in the case rooms, available to the best and brightest, yet financially challenged to complete their master studies at AIM. To support this meaningful cause, the Ruby Celebrants, MBM 1970 through Alex Gaston and Ric dela Torre, pitched in and successfully hosted the AIM Golf Tournament last February 23, 2010. Proceeds from this friendly competition among fellow

graduates and friends were earmarked to contribute to the Student Load Fund. The Homecoming event itself at the Sunken Garden marked many firsts: it was the first time the event was beamed live worldwide through web streaming to allow graduates from overseas to join the party; it was the first time a courageous professor in the person of Mayo Lopez agreed to have himself dunked in the pool to revive a long lost tradition; and it was the first time that Professor Emeritus Gaby Mendoza judged a mini-WAC game (along with Prof. Mayo), reminiscing the dreaded Friday night requirement of the AIM course. In assisting MBM 1990, the Alumni Relations Office (ARO) wishes to express its deepest appreciation to the invaluable partners and friends who have helped us mount the homecoming—the Class of MBM 1980, headed by drumbeater Gel Tamayo, and his classmates who generously donated raffle prizes: Bong Layug, Lawrence Alandy Dy, Eddie Yap, and Gerry Bacarro; Marlon Guinto, MBM 1995 of Global Gateway Logistics City and Ernest Villareal, MBM 1975 of Aboitiz 2Go who provided invaluable sponsorships; and Manny O. Wines, Avolution, Microdata, Philippine Daily Inquirer, PAGCOR, Budji Living, Alveo Land, Ayala Land, San Miguel Infinit, Cong. Reno Lim and Kalbe International whose partnership with ARO is truly appreciated. In this issue, we recount the joyful activities of Homecoming Week, revisit the memorable stories of celebrating classes, and honor our Triple A winners, Gabriel Paredes, MBM 1972 and Victor Jose Luciano, MBM 1970, as well as our Triple A leader in Korea, Hong-Soo Lee, MM 1979. We look forward to celebrating the next homecoming in 2011 with all of you! God Bless!


A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010


Newly Elected Board Members of the AAAIM AIM Honors New President and Alumni Achievers BEFORE A DISTINGUISHED CROWD REPRESENTING THE DIPLOMATIC corps, international agencies, donors, business, academic, and NGO communities, Edilberto de Jesús was formally introduced as AIM’s 8th president. The event was held at the Stephen Fuller Hall on February 26, as part of the weeklong celebration of the Institute’s 42nd anniversary. A parade of 17 flags representing the countries of current students opened the program. AIM Chairman Emeritus Washington SyCip led the toast in honor of Mr. De Jesús and the outstanding alumni who continue to bring honor to the Institute. Music by the Manila Philharmonic Quartet provided the festive mood during the night.

THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of AIM, Philippine Chapter is pleased to announce the winners of the recently concluded elections for members of the Board of Directors who will serve the association from 2010-2012: Josephine D. Gomez,

MBM 1988

Gary A. Grey,

MBM 1974

Sr. Maria Consolata O. Manding,

MDM 1994

Ruperto S. Nicdao, Jr.,

MBM 1977

Eustacio B. Orobia, Jr.,

MBM 1971

Jose Ma. T. Parroco,

MM 1987

Venie B. Rañosa,

BMP 1981

Augusto Antonio C. Serafica, Jr.,

MBM 1991

The new directors of AAAIM were elected during the AIM Annual Alumni Homecoming held at the AIM campus last February 26, 2010. The AAAIM and AIM congratulates the new members, who will serve the Institute and the alumni community with their mission of building a harmonious AIM community through responsive leadership and integration with all stakeholders.

I was wondering, Sir, that’s also what I was about to recommend. We actually have the same idea.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

AIM Triple A Awardee Ms. Gina Lopez (5th from left), AAAIM Chairperson Ms. Ofelia Odilao-Bisnar (4th from left) and AAAIM Secretary Ms. Coratec Jimenez (2nd from left) join AIM alumni and guests

AAAIM and ARO Launches LEADers Forum with Gina Lopez, MDM 1993 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIAtion of AIM, Philippine Chapter and the Alumni Relations Office launched the first AAAIM LEADers Forum last January 29, 2010 at the SGV 1 & 2, AIM campus. As the first in a series of monthly informal engagements featuring alumni leaders, AAAIM LEAD: L (Leadership), E (Entrepreneurship), A (Advocacy), and D (Development) is a project conceived to provide unique opportunities for AIM alumni to make meaningful connections and share their leadership experiences with an intimate group of fellow leaders. AIM Triple A winner, Ms. Regina Paz Lopez, Managing Director of ABS-CBN Foundation was the special guest speaker for the 1st AAAIM LEADers Forum. Ms. Lopez has long been at the forefront of civil society and is a pioneer in media-based philanthropy. From rescue to education, from protection to financial security, up to the preservation of nature, she has provided an all-around design for the Filipino child. Her

“If we clean the river, we provide an element of hope that there is something we can do for the future generation. We have to do this for our children. We have to do this for our country.” achievements and expertise in corporate social responsibility have been widely recognized. Ms. Lopez shared her personal experiences, leadership insights and her passionate advocacy for the Bantay Kalikasan Program, the Kapit Bisig sa Ilog Pasig Rehabilitation Project. Addressing an audience of over fifty alumni leaders, Ms. Lopez emphasized on the imminent need to rehabilitate the Pasig River and presented the steps that the Foundation is taking to clean the river and the tributaries that surround Metro Manila. Launched in February 24, 2009, the project includes the relocation of squatters who live along the riverside, putting up interceptor systems through Maynilad and Manila Water to clean the sewers, and providing habitat, education, health and livelihood

for those transferred to resettlement areas in Calauan, Laguna. The foundation is working closely with MMDA and the city government and already, her efforts are transforming many lives and clearing up strategic rivulets. “We have already relocated 900 families and are targeting 300 more before our anniversary in February,” Ms. Lopez says. “If we clean the river, we provide

an element of hope that there is something we can do for the future generation. We have to do this for our children. We have to do this for our country.” As a token of gratitude, the AAAIM Board of Directors led by its Chairperson, Ms. Ofelia Odilao-Bisnar presented Ms. Lopez with a donation to the Kapit Bisig sa Ilog Pasig Rehabilitation Project.

MBM 1972 reunion at Rockwell, March 8, 2010









Rex Bernardo, One of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World

FOR HIS EXTRAORDINARY achievements and work on behalf of disadvantaged people, MDM alumnus Rex Adivoso Bernardo of Daet, Philippines, was named a 2009 JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (JCI TOYP) recipient in the category of personal improvement and/or accomplishment. Afflicted with polio at a young age, Bernardo grew up physically weak and too shy to play with other children. Overcoming the challenges of polio and paralysis, Bernardo is now a professor, a champion for the rights of youth with disabilities, a catalyst for change and an active volunteer. Although he did not have access to formal education as a child or young adult, Bernardo was published nationally by age 17. After taking a placement

test at 19, he entered college, completing a bachelor’s degree and three master’s degrees by age 36. Upon completion of his education, Bernardo returned to his community to use the knowledge he had obtained to help the disadvantage and poor people. Bernardo completed his AIM Master in Development Management degree in 2002. He received the Apolinario Mabini Presidential Award in 2008 and was one of the Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) awardees of 2009. The Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) Program serves to formally recognize young people who excel in their chosen fields and exemplify the best attributes of the world’s young people. The program is sponsored by Junior Chamber International (JCI).

Nograles, MBM ’73 Named by International Body as Audit Chairman JOSE C. NOGRALES, MBM CLASS of 1973 and president of the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC), was recently appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI). Nograles is the first Filipino to hold the Chairmanship of an IADI Committee. The IADI is an international association of deposit insurers aimed at contributing to the stability of financial systems worldwide. It promotes guidance on international best practices in deposit insurance. The association is composed of 60 members from all over the world, including among others, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom, the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, Japan Deposit Insurance Corporation and Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation. As Chairman of the Audit Committee, Nograles will oversee the committee that monitors the integrity of the financial statements of the IADI. He shall steer the committee in reviewing the effectiveness of the Associations’ internal controls and risk management systems. He shall also make recom-

mendations to the Executive Council, the IADI’s policy making body, regarding the appointment of the Association’s external auditor, as well as review the effectiveness of the external audit. Nograles’ appointment is in cognizance of his extensive experience in finance and in good corporate governance. A former investment banker and assistant minister of Natural Resources, the PDIC president holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics, Cum Laude from the Ateneo de Manila University. He is a fellow of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), a nongovernmental organization that conducts training and advocacy work for corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. The PDIC president was earlier elected to the Executive Council of the IADI in 2008, the policy-making body of the organization. He has been invited to share his expertise in deposit insurance as speaker in several international Conference such as the IADI Annual Conference held in Washington, D.C., and the Middle East and North Africa Regional Conference in Amman, Jordan. Nograles was appointed PDIC President on December 21, 2007. Since assuming office on January 7,

2008, he had instituted several innovations to strengthen depositor protection. Most notably, he spearheaded advocacy for revisions to the PDIC Charter

as a preemptive response to the global financial crisis. The revised Charter took effect on June 1, 2009. SOURCE: WWW. JCI.CC

President Jose C. Nograles with FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair and FDIC Vice Chairman and IADI President Martin Gruenberg







A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

AIM Alumni Donors Recognized During Homecoming Week

The class of MBM 1989 was recognized for their donation of Php 100,000 to the Alumni Fund for Research and Development

MBM 1998 donated their Homecoming proceeds in the amount of Php 100,000 to AIM

The Board of Directors of AAAIM receives the Alumni Leadership recognition for their pledge of Php 500,000 to the Institute



ENEROUS GRADUATES OF THE Asian Institute of Management were recognized with the Alumni Leadership Award during the President’s Reception and Alumni Recognition Ceremony held last February 26, 2010 at the Stephen Fuller Hall. The event was one of the highlights of AIM’s Homecoming Week in celebration of AIM’s 42nd Anniversary. Two batches were recognized for donating proceeds from their Homecoming events. MBM 1988 led by the chairperson of the Alumni Association of AIM, Ms. Ofelia Odilao-Bisnar was given an award in appreciation of their donation of PHP 100,000 to the Alumni Fund for Research and Development. MBM 1988 celebrated their Homecoming in March 2008 at the Bonifacio High Street in Taguig. MBM 1989, led by Laarni Goseco, Chairman of the 1989 Homecoming Committee and former Chairperson of the Alumni Association of AIM was also acknowledged for their gift of PHP 100,000 to the Alumni Fund for Research and Development. The class organized the AIM Annual Alumni Homecoming at the Embassy at the Global City last February 2009. The Cebu City Chapter of the Alumni Association of AIM was also recognized through its donation of PHP 100,000 to the Alumni Fund for Scholarships. Led by Virgilio “Nonoy” Espeleta as Chairman and Wally Liu as Vice Chairman, the Cebu Chapter successfully brought AIM programs to their locale, enabling the chapter to donate proceeds of the program back to AIM. AAAIM Chairperson Ofel Odilao-Bisnar accepted the award on behalf of Mr. Espeleta. The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association of AIM, Philippine Chapter was also presented an award in gratitude for their pledge to donate PHP 500,000 to the Institute. This is in line with a Memorandum of Agreement signed in July 2009 between AAAIM and the Alumni Relations Office, outsourcing the association’s secretariat services to ARO, which aims to strengthen the relationship between the Institute and its Philippine based alumni. The Alumni Leadership Award was presented by AIM Chairman Emeritus Washington SyCip and AIM President Edilberto de Jesús. The recognition was launched in March 2006, to acknowledge the generosity of alumni donors in support of the Alumni Fund for scholarships, faculty development, learning space, and research and development.






Gabriel M. Paredes, MBM 1972

Victor Jose I. Luciano, MBM 1970

Luciano and Paredes Conferred the Triple A Award for 2010


HE PRESIDENT’S Reception and Alumni Recognition Ceremony held last February 26, 2010 during AIM’s 42nd Anniversary Week paid tribute to alumni who have excelled in various fields of professional, entrepreneurial or development work. This annual worldwide selection by the Federation of AIM Alumni Associations (FAIM), the AIM Alumni Achievement Award or the Triple A, is the most prestigious recognition given by AIM and the alumni community to its exceptional graduates. For 2010, Mr. Victor Jose I. Luciano, MBM 1970, President and CEO of Clark International Airport Corporation and Mr. Gabriel M. Paredes, MBM 1972, President and CEO of Universal Storefront Services Corporation (USSC)

were recognized as this year’s Triple A awardees. Mr. Victor Jose I. Luciano was cited for his exceptional contribution to the business community through his association with the airline industry. His involvement with Transnational Air Services Corp., and Asiana Philippines, GSA Inc. enabled him to bring his outstanding experience and skills back to his hometown in Pampanga to head both the Clark Development Corporation (CDC) as EVP/COO and now Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC) as President and CEO. At the helm of CDC, he contributed to the advancement of indigenous entrepreneurship, encouraging the development of the Sacobia valley into a tourism and agro industrial project that will benefit its Aeta residents. His leadership has enabled the

Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA), considered as the economic engine of Central Luzon, to post phenomenal growth in passenger volume and direct investments and has infused a new lease of life into business in the region. In 2008, Frost and Sullivan recognized the DMIA with the 2008 Frost and Sullivan Asia Pacific Airport of the Year Award for the airport serving below 15 million annual passengers. Mr. Gabriel M. Paredes was cited for his entrepreneurial spirit when he decided to takeover and buy out the Radio Communications of the Philippines (RCPI). As the former head of the Lopez Group company, he transformed and energized RCPI, shifting its main core business from telegraphy and telephony, to inward remittances services. In 2005, he organ-

ized the Universal Storefront Services Corporation (USSC) with product lines ranging from Western Union Money Transfer and value added services comprised of airline and sea line ticketing, bills payment and cell phone top-ups. From 2002 to 2009, USSC accounted for $6.8 billion worth of inbound international remittance, a significant amount of capital that helps sustain the country’s economy from its OFW workers. This year, USSC is poised to contribute more than P1 billion in ticket sales to the air travel and sea travel industry making it one of the biggest ticketing agents in the country. Paredes and Luciano were awarded by AIM President Edilberto de Jesús, AIM Dean Victoria Licuanan and FAIM Chairman Datuk Ir. (Dr.) Mohd Annas Hj. Mohd Nor.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010


Victor Jose Luciano shares his victorious moment with his family The Paredes family came in full force to celebrate Gabriel Paredes’ Triple A






International Students’ Cultural Night IT WAS A NIGHT TO REMEMber for the AIM community as it witnessed the talents of students in the much-awaited International Students’ Cultural Night at the Zen Garden last February 24. Students featured a number of interesting song and dance performances from China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, and Vietnam. Included in the program were the Indian dance medley, a Pakistan song from Uzair Kamal

(MDM), and the Philippine’s “Pandanggo sa Ilaw.” Students’ numbers were followed by ethnic dances from Philippine’s Indak Turismo. One of the highlights of the event was their very own fashion show, flaunting both their national costumes with intricate details and a collection with a Western twist, leaving the audience awed and excited. MBA students Engelbert Pasag and Anton Estrada were main organizers of the event.

International Flag Ceremony Opens 42nd Anniversary Week ON FEBRUARY 23, TUESDAY, AIM STARTED THE ONE-WEEK CELEBRATION of its 42nd anniversary with the International Flag Ceremony at the AIM front lawn. At the assembly, faculty, staff, and students warmheartedly welcomed the diplomatic corps and partner organizations. Representing 17 nationalities, 34 students, in their national costumes proudly paraded their national flags. The countries included Bhutan, Cambodia, Canada, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Timor-Leste, USA, Vietnam, and Philippines. The Philippine flag was raised accompanied by the Philippine national anthem graciously sung by Audrey Lee of Institutional Marketing and Relationship Management. Remarks from Dean Victoria S. Licuanan and President Edilberto de Jesús emphasized the value of respecting symbols of each country like national flags.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

Asian Films Depict Diversity of AIM Education

15—a day after the Chinese New Year. Even though this Monday started a week-long holiday for most Chinese, embassy officials—Chen Yongshan (Cultural Counsellor), Wu Jianhua (First Secretary), and Zhang Ruoyu (Attache) graced the event with their presence. The story’s setting is in Taiwan where an English teacher falls in love with the sister of the boy he tutors. Sadly, the couple separated when the teacher was forced to flee to the mainland after the government started hunting suspected


embassies to watch Mukhsin. Mr. Ahimsa Soekartano (Counsellor, Social and Cultural Affairs, Indonesian embassy) looks forward to joining the film festival in the future. The story is about a 10- year old girl named Orked who meets a 12- year old boy named Mukhsin who is spending his school vacation in a Malaysian village. It tells about the first love between young people while at the same time showing the customs, traditions, and way of life of typical Malaysian families residing in a rural area.

India: Chak De! India

ON THE OCCASION OF THE ASIAN Institute of Management’s 42nd anniversary, AIM’s International Marketing and Relationship Management (IMRM) partnered with Ayala Malls and the embassies of China, Malaysia, and India in presenting chosen films from the region. In organizing the event, AIM wanted to use the films as an avenue in showcasing the diversity and rich culture of the Asian region—attributes very much alive in an AIM education. While the film festival was scheduled for February 15-17, 2010, preparations started as early as October 2009 when initial meetings were held with embassy officials about the project. It helped that

AIM wanted to use the films as an avenue in showcasing the diversity and rich culture of the Asian region— attributes very much alive in an AIM education. AIM has been a partner of the embassies of China, Malaysia, and India in past projects, or that these countries have sent students to AIM, or they have nationals currently enrolled in AIM. Ms. Intan Zurina Dollah, (Second Secretary, Malaysian embassy), Ms. Wu Jianhua, (First Secretary, Chinese embassy), and Mr. Gyan Singh (First Secretary, Indian embassy) provided full support to the project.

They worked with their respective country offices in ensuring that the best film will be shown during the event. Ms. Wu even arranged for the importation of the 35mm version of the Chinese film into the Philippines. Mr. Singh provided six films to choose from, which according to him, are all worth viewing. Ayala Malls allowed complimentary use of MyCinema (Greenbelt 3, Makati City) for the movie screenings. The cinema’s cozy setting and limited seats good for only 50 people provided the ambiance for meaningful networking among guests who included embassy officials, AIM officers, students, staff, and partners, and prospective AIM partners and students. And because the organizers did not want hungry guests at the end of at least an hour and a half of movie, cocktails were served at the cinema’s wellappointed ante-room before the film showing. Malacca and Kashmir restaurants sponsored the cocktails during the Malaysian and Indian movies, respectively, adding more Asian flavor to the film festival. Malacca’s owner, Mr. Philip Ng, as it turned out, was an AIM graduate (MBM 1989) and so he did not think twice about sponsoring the event.

China: The Knot The Chinese film, The Knot, opened the film festival on February

leftists. Serving the army as a military doctor, the boy continued to love the girl despite their distance. Likewise, the girl remained faithful to the boy, choosing to stay single decades after. She was later shown residing in modern Taipei with her niece who continued the search for her old love. The decades of their separation pushed the boy to marry and produce a child whom the niece eventually met.

As opposed to the Chinese and Malaysian drama and love story films, India’s Chak De! India portrayed the passion its people have for hockey. The film begins in Delhi, India during the Hockey World Cup. The game is between Pakistan and India’s men hockey team. Khan, the head of the Pakistan team, was suspected to have thrown the game as an act of sympathy towards Pakistan. Seven years later, Indian sport officials were surprised to

Malaysia: Mukhsin Day 2 of the film fest had more embassy officials in attendance, including their spouses: Mr. Adnan Abbas (Charge d’ Affaire), Ms. Intan Zurina Dollah (Second Secretary, Politics & Economics), Mr. Mohd Adli Abdullah (Second Secretary, Economics), Ms. Masrina Mohd Bakri (Cultural Attache), Mr. Khaizarulnizam Bin Eshak (Assistant Cultural Attache) and Mr. Jefri Harun (Third Secretary). Realizing that Indonesia and Brunei were not included in the film festival, the Malaysian embassy invited colleagues from the two

learn that Khan would coach the India woman’s field hockey team. Khan not only teaches his team the true meaning of their national sport, but also the essence of good sportsmanship. Before “rolling the film”—which now has become “clicking the start button” of the DVD player to show the film (except for the Chinese film which was in 35mm version), AIM IMRM Executive Managing Director Eli Santos formally welcomed guests and thanked the groups that helped mount the event. He said that while the movies were a treat for the guests, they were also an invitation for them to continue supporting AIM, in order for AIM to continue with its mission of developing leaders and managers for Asia. by Nonette C. Climaco






2010 AIM Alumni Homecoming Golf Tournament

LAST FEBRUARY 23, 2010, AIM ALUMNI Homecoming Golf Tournament was held at the Villamor Golf Club in Pasay City. Over fifty AIM alumni and guests participated in the tournament, which started at six-thirty in the morning. Co-hosted by MBM 1970 and MBM 1990, the homecoming golf tournament aims to raise funds for the AIM Alumni Student Loan Fund, a fund pool that aims to provide access to funding for those who would like to have an AIM education but whose finances may not allow them to. Lead Host Class MBM 1990, through this year’s golf tournament and grand alumni homecoming, would like to be able to provide the seed funding for this initiative. The event was sponsored by MBM 1970, Sogo Hotel, UCPB, United Asia Bank, La Farge Cement, Sydenham Lab, Conrad and Leni Cuesta, Louie Padilla, Jess Galang, Nutriwell International Corp., Toothspa Cosmetic & General Dentristry, EZLoad Inc., Jet Power Corp., Jacobo’s Bistro, Dir. Reynaldo Esmeralda, Directories Phils. Corp., Ramago Incorporated, Topserve Manpower Services Inc., Mediascape, Solar Entertainment Corp., Mighty Sports, ANTZ The Bread Factory, and the AIM Alumni Relations Office.

2010 AIM Alumni Homecoming Golf Tournament Winners: Special Award: Nearest to pin – hole # 10 – Commo Ed Gongona Longest drive – hole # 18 – Rico Depilo Guest Division: Runner-up – Jack Jacaban Champion – Tristan Laxa Class C (gross score of 100 and above) Runner-up – Alex Sembrano Champion – Ric dela Torre Class B (gross of 90-99) Runner-up – Butch Villamor Champion – Vic Esguerra Jr. Class A (gross score of 89 and below) Runner-up – Enrique Papa Champion – Adm Mayuga Class Team Competition: Runner-up – MBM ’73: 215 total net 1. Felipe Diego 2. Philip Judan 3. Teddy Villanueva Champion – MBM ’90: 215 total net with 2 birdies 1. Enrique Papa 2. Ed Unson 3. Carlos Francisco Most Exercised Player: Greg Atienza

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010


MBM 1970 and 1990 join hands to organize the successful Homecoming Golf Tournament to raise funds for the AIM Student Loan Fund



showcase/food/ bookshelf

John Yoko and


Seafood Japaella Marvin Agustin, MAP 2003 (right) with co-owner Ricky Laudico



FILIPINOS LOVE FOOD AND CAN be quite adventurous when it comes to deciding what to eat and where to dine. We like to discover new places, new cuisines while considering value for money. And while there may be a thousand restaurants to choose from, we always look for a place where we can relax, savor the food and of course enjoy each other’s company. In a highend establishment such as Greenbelt 5, the newest in a series of Greenbelt malls, one can find a restaurant which can offer that and more but will not let us reach deep into our pockets. Such is John and Yoko, a Japanese fusion joint, by actor Marvin Agustin, MAP 2003 and Ricky Laudico—two driven individuals who believe they are destined to be big players in the food service industry. It was in the year 2007 when they were invited by Ayala Malls to open a restaurant in Greenbelt 5. The challenge was to come up with an idea totally different from Sumo-Sam, the first restaurant the duo opened, since they will be catering to a distinctive market. After traveling to Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, Marvin and Ricky came up with the concept of John and Yoko—John represents the west, cosmopolitan, hip and modern, and Yoko represents the east, traditional and conservative. East meets west; red and purple; John, a common western name and Yoko a popular Japanese name. Needless to say, the name rings a familiar tune with the famous Beatle John Lennon and his wife Yoko. The restaurant’s name, logo and design were patterned after Japan, a truly cosmopolitan race. The whole ambience is based on stylish Tokyo, with music and movies played during lunch and evenings capturing the old and contemporary Tokyo. When asked why he ventured into the restaurant business, Marvin indicated that despite the competition, he has always been in the service industry. And since he and Ricky travel quite a bit, they want to share their experiences to other people through their restaurant. They even brought their chefs to Tokyo and Osaka so they can learn the art and techniques involved in the preparation of authentic Japanese dishes. Marvin and Ricky always challenge themselves to come up with something unique and different for them to provide unforgettable experiences to their restaurant’s valued clients. The AIM Experience Marvin reminisced on his AIM days saying it was a very enriching experience. He misses the case studies, his classmates, their discussions and even waking up early in the morning eager to go to school despite his heavy workload. “I can say it’s the best two weeks of my life, and if I could go back to AIM, I would definitely get into it again” he said. After attending the Managing the Arts Program (MAP) which ran for two straight weeks, Marvin saw his business as an art, and that it is not just a matter of opening and managing a restaurant. He makes it a point to let the staff and the customers feel that they are very important elements to his and his business’ success. Both Marvin and Ricky agree that apart from the revenues and market share, owning and managing a restaurant is a big responsibility: “It’s making your customers happy all the time.” by Kriska Mallari John and Yoko is located at the 2nd level of Greenbelt 5, Legaspi St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines. For inquiries or reservation, call (02)729-8698.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

PUSHING THE ENVELOPE A Biography of Capt. Roberto H. Lim


by Linda Lim Marty, MM 1983 HAD THE PLEASURE OF reading through my father’s book before it went to print. Let me rephrase that; I had the JOB of reading through the book before it went to print. My sister Laida was the designated editor, but she emailed the manuscript to me and to other siblings when it came down to the wire. She felt that it was time to get us involved in the project.

This book, “Pushing the Envelope,” has been on Dad’s computer for a number of years now. The chapters were not written in the order that we have finally arranged them. Some chapters were possibly more difficult to finish than others. The stories that got recorded in the later years needed more editorial work, and we had to do some question and answer sessions to jog the memory. I was especially interested in Dad’s childhood, something he did not talk much


about as we were growing up. It fascinated me that my father’s life started when there was no such thing as an airplane that would fly passengers across the Pacific Ocean, that his first trip to the United States was on a US Army Transport ship. His stories of how and where they lived are in themselves a record of history in the century just passed. His fond recollections of his father made Lolo Vicente a real person for me, not just someone in an oil painting in the living room of Lola’s house. It gave this grandchild a sense of the importance of being a Filipino. Capt. Roberto Lim’s recollections of his professional life brought to mind growing up and meeting all sorts of people. Yes, our father did bring his work home, and we met and interacted with his professional acquaintances. There were dinners prepared at home, and we grew up as we had dinner conversations with persons who were important in their own rights, even if we did not realize it then. His career was a life of travel that most people only dream of. On many of his trips, he took us, his children along. In the beginning, it was only two at a time. There were nine of us to spread through the years. These trips awakened in us our own wanderlust, a legacy we appreciate and continue to feed. In his later years, he took his grandchildren on tours. Wanderlust is his lasting gift.

His career was a life of travel that most people only dream of. On many of his trips, he took us, his children along... These trips awakened in us our own wanderlust, a legacy we appreciate and continue to feed. In his later years, he took his grandchildren on tours. Wanderlust is his lasting gift. I cannot forget the time he came home from an AIM faculty meeting to announce that we, his children, would all be able to study at AIM if we wanted to continue our studies. I was the first to take advantage of this privilege. I completed my MM at AIM in 1983. Shortly after, my brothers and sisters also took courses, some opting for short courses, and others finishing degree courses. There is more, much more. In this story of the life of one man, you will find what interests you, and you will want to know more. You will find the story of a part of your life, too. To get a copy of “Pushing the Envelope,” please go to


GIVING HIS BEST HONG-SOO LEE, MM 1979 “Over daily routine do not show weariness, and when there is action to be taken, give of your best.” —Confucius: The Analects


HE CONFUCIANISM PHILOSOPHY’S INFLUENCE ON KOREAN history up to the present remains and still continues to affect the country’s politics, economy, culture, society and education. With the advent of globalization, a curious mixture of traditional and new ideas now co-exists in Korean society, although Confucian principles continue to influence the people to pursue the establishment of a harmonious society, the passion for learning, and the fostering of ethical leadership. These are perhaps the influences which have propelled Triple A Awardee, Hong-Soo “Henry” Lee, MM 1979 to pursue excellence in the Korean pharmaceutical industry and to continue to contribute to the development of his country’s economy. After his high school education at Cheongjoo High School in Korea, Lee proceeded to take Pharmacology at the Pharmaceutical College in Choongahng University Korea. An MBA seemed to be far from his mind then as he set his foot on his first job as a sales representative in Pfizer Pharmaceutical Korea. His talent not unnoticed, Lee eventually found himself responsible for the marketing department. In 1976, the company prepared a five-year plan, and the New York headquarters gave him a grant to take the Master in Management in AIM as part of its manpower development program. Over a Glass of Beer As with any new student at the Asian Institute of Management, Lee shares, “My memory of AIM then was that it gave me a very hard time. Case studies and discussions on various aspects of business and industries were something that I have never experienced. It was very interesting but hard to understand.” Classmates from various countries who also had to grapple with assorted English accents gave him the courage to participate in the case rooms. “My international classmates drove me to broaden my mental horizon, in spite of the difficulty in overcoming these challenges in the first term,” he smiles. Over a glass of beer at the AIM poolside after class in the evening, Lee gathered his fondest memories of the school as he chatted with classmates who helped him hurdle his weakest spot—finance. “I was rather weak in finance and discussing financial issues with them for the case studies was very helpful.” Notwithstanding his earlier trepidations and difficulties, Lee graduated with a Master in Management degree in 1979, along with 44 batch mates who now belong to the upper echelons of the corporate world around Asia. When asked what was his most precious takeaway at AIM, Lee enthusiastically says, “The AIM experience was a great help in my life. The experience broadened my involvement in management—from finance, personnel and manufacturing, to marketing where I had started. It has also helped broaden my scope of involvement beyond the boundaries of my county. I was able to take a position as representative director shortly after completion of my AIM studies. I now enjoy leadership positions in a few companies that I have been involved in for the last 30 years.” Achieving Beyond Expectations With an AIM diploma tucked under his sleeve, Lee’s top management education enabled him to propel to new heights as representative director of Pfizer Korea Animal Health (1981-1988), Glaxo Korea Co Ltd (1989-1996), vice president of Pfizer Korea Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (1996-1999), representative director of GD Searl and Pharmacia Korea Co Ltd (19992003), and vice chairman of HanAll Pharmaceutical Korea Co Ltd (2004-2008). Lee is currently the vice chairman of IlHwa Pharmaceutical Korea Co Ltd., a company known for its high quality ginseng products.

WO R D S BY S U S A N A F R ICA - M A N I K A N , M A P 2 0 0 2

His innate talent in reaching long-range goals, enabling astounding expansion in sales displays his brilliant leadership acumen. With modesty, Lee admits he finds great excitement is achieving the goals set in long term business plans and narrates, “I have experienced being able to meet long range business plans five times in my professional life,” he smiles proudly. “I am especially proud of a five-year plan established in 1996 to expand company sales from USD 30 million to USD 100 million along with the modernization of manufacturing facilities. The plans were successfully implemented and the goal was achieved beyond expectations. The company’s rank jumped up from 24th to 3rd among 320 pharmaceutical companies in Korea in 2001. The staff and employees were so happy at this success that they were all tearful during a ceremony recognizing our achievement.” One of his success secrets is transparency. “The most challenging aspect about my job is getting the consensus of the team members in attaining the company’s goals,” Lee muses. “Although planning and strategy development is important, the key to success is the implementation of the plan. Team members have to be convinced of the benefits that can be attained with their cooperation and hard work, and transparent communication is vital to this.” Lee was also able to use the AIM method in implementing the company’s goals. “I learned the merit of case study through my experience in AIM. Since I believe that learning from others’ experiences is more helpful than learning from textbooks especially where business practices are involved, we used the case study method and discussions about other model companies with key staff whenever we needed to establish company business plans.” With a wealth of wisdom gained through years of expertise, Lee shares three basic lessons from his past experiences. “First is that the return is just balanced with the amount invested. It is like a physical law. Expectations of maximum return with minimum investment defies the principles of economics,” he laughs. “Second, all businesses should have future goals set in medium or long term. “Giving His Best” cont. on page 54 >>


Spotlight T R I PL E A AWA R DEE

What is most important is that which makes my parents, my wife and my children happy and proud of me.�



Spotlight T R I PL E A AWA R DEE

To go against one’s values turns you into someone, totally different. When making major decisions, you must always stand your ground.�

AIM Leader Magazine | First Quar ter 2010


A Leader Among Peers GABRIEL PAREDES, MBM 1972

“We won’t know if it will succeed, unless we try. If we fail, at least we tried.” Plain, yet powerful words from this Triple A awardee who took an all-or-nothing gamble on the remittance service of Western Union—and succeeded! /// Flashback to year 1957, barely a decade after World War II, as our country was progressing rapidly towards self-governance. In the midst of growing optimism, tragedy struck the nation, leaving its people confused, lost and vulnerable when a plane crash claimed the life of President Ramon Magsaysay. AMONG THE PASSENGERS OF THAT FATAL FLIGHT WAS an unofficial presidential adviser, whom Magsaysay would often seek counsel from, or be asked to write presidential speeches. A Humanities major who graduated summa cum laude from Ateneo, he subsequently became a bar topnotcher. This man was Jesus “Jess” Paredes, Jr., husband of Ester Misa Paredes, whose sudden death left nine-year old Gabriel “Gabby” Paredes and nine other siblings, fatherless. At the age of 41, Ester had to fork out a living, for the first time in her life. Raising a brood of ten is not easy. And if the Paredes siblings were somewhat materially deprived, they were rich in intellectual stimulation, having grown up in an environment where one was free to voice out opinions and ideas, no matter how absurd. This type of environment taught the siblings how to struggle, compete and get noticed, in a “crowd.” Through the hardships and sacrifices, Ester successfully brought up her brood, instilling values and character that taught each one to live with uprightness, independence and perseverance, to this day. The Unexceptional Student Fortunately, through the intervention of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), which Jess Paredes once headed, Gabby and his siblings were offered free tuition in all levels, and at the Catholic schools of their choice. A blessing of extreme generosity, Gabby’s education enabled him to succeed then eventually, give back, to others. Though money was limited while he was a student, it was not an obstacle to success for him and his siblings. “We had an exact weekly allowance for just basics and would receive no more than that. This taught us to budget very early,” shares Gabby. To enlarge his spending power, Gabby joined a music band initially dubbed “The Shenanigans.” The group gained a steady following, enabling them to play at parties and school proms. Eventually, the group’s name changed to “The End.” After acquiring an Economics degree from Ateneo, in 1969, Gabby felt he had little to show for it, having been admittedly, a mediocre student. But in the summer of that year, he discovered the joy of reading—a habit he picked up because he felt the need to make up for lost time. The young man also had a dream—to move to New York and become an international soul singer. His supportive mom did not discourage him. All she asked was that he never dishonor the family name, and to stay close to God. This goal, however, was apparently not written in the stars. Challenged by long time school pal, Hermie Aquino, Gabby

was able to land a Masters in Business Management (MBM) scholarship at AIM, through the generous assistance of P.L. Lim. As a result, the plan to “make it,” in the United States, was put on hold. “I was never a significant student at AIM,” admits Gabby, citing that even in his first year, his mind would often stray from school. Fortunately, he had friends and classmates that helped him get back on track, such as Danding Lucero, Louie Hernandez, Ramesh Gelli and Ray Segura. Eventually, he learned to be more efficient in thinking. Initially pouring over countless case handouts without retaining much, Gabby soon learned which data to disregard, and which to remember and consider relevant. In the area of problem solving, “you have to know how to simplify,” Gabby discloses. Problems are expected but one has to rise above them, to find solutions. When a challenge is simplified, it becomes easier to attack and find a logical and acceptable solution.” For Gabby, he considers this as one of AIM’s most valuable teaching. “How a person resolves problems determines how they will move forward in life.” On his MBM mentors, he singles out Professors Meliton Salazar, Anton Estrada and Fil Alfonso, for satisfying students intellectually, while bringing their personalities very much into the case. “It was this extra factor that fired classroom discussions,” muses Gabby. He also mentions Professors Vic Lim, Bobby Lim and Gasty Ortigas as simply “inspiring.” Frequently deviating from theory, these teachers were “on the ground,” sharing experiences and the practical side of life and business that left their students, in awe. The pool-dunking tradition also found its roots in Gabby’s batch. “When you’re tipsy, that’s what you end up doing,” laughs Gabby. Being among the first batch of freshmen to study in the Makati campus, their batch set a tradition that continues, to this day. Ups and Downs Gabby’s life has not always been a success story. “RCPI was the twelfth organization I worked in since 1972,” he recalls. P.L. Lim even called him a corporate butterfly and would teasingly ask when he would finally settle down with one company. Gabby worked for the business magnate from 1972 until 1985, but in the span of those thirteen years, moved to the United States, and back, twice. Each time he went home, he would work again for this generous benefactor whom Gabby highly regards and loves, as mentor and friend.


“A Leader Among Peers” cont. on page 54 >>



“Lucky” (Chichos) Luciano


HE DEPARTMENT of Tourism reported that for the first half of 2008 a total of 380,000 Koreans visited the Philippines compared to 375,000 for the same period in 2007. In 1997, only 27,000 Koreans came to the country. These numbers make the Koreans the largest group of tourists to come to the Philippines, surpassing the Americans and Japanese, with a steady average annual growth of 1.5% since 2005. (From businesstrendsasia.blogspot) They have invested substantially in different sectors of Philippines business with ventures ranging from large infrastructure construction to automobiles and restaurants. They also form a sizable proportion of resident aliens in several places like Angeles City in Pampanga, Baguio City, Cebu City and different places in Metro Manila where “Korea Towns” have sprouted. At present, Korea is the 7th biggest trade partner of the Philippwines, with two-way trade reaching $8.1 Billion in 2008 alone (From As of 2009, South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade statistics show that some 115,400 Koreans are considered Philippine residents, up by 151% since 2005 (from Wikipedia). Many young Koreans come and stay in places like Angeles and San Fernando in Pampanga, and Cebu City for months to learn English. In Manila you can sense their big presence with the proliferation of Korean shops and see them in malls and “chill-out” places. To be sure, this “Korean tide” is the result of a confluence of many factors including the increasing prosperity of South Korea and the growing sense of adventure of the South Koreans. The relative cheapness of a visit to the Philippines, especially for golfers, students of English, or people wanting to experience what a tropical country may be like certainly helped a lot. It will be foolhardy to attribute it to one or even one dominant factor. But failing to give due credit to any one of these ingredients would be an injustice. In the ‘80s there were few flights directly between Seoul (Kimpo) and Manila. They were mainly the large US carriers going through Seoul to and from Manila, and there were Philippine Airlines (PAL) and Korean Airlines (KAL). It wasn’t until

a lesser known budget airline called Asiana entered the picture, first by getting the right to operate in Manila, and later Cebu and then Clark Airport that the Philippines became much more accessible to Koreans. Asiana’s first Philippine representative office’s CEO, Victor Jose “Chichos” Luciano remembers the train of events. “It all begun with a conversation with a fellow Jaycee from Korea during an international conference. He said they, the KUMHO Group, had just organized a new airline and were looking for local partners in several countries including the Philippines that would help secure a foothold for Asiana, the new carrier. I said I was interested and would look into it and get back to him. “I was with the Delgado Group of Companies then (where he had served in various capacities including being general manager for investments of ACD, Inc, where he had distinguished himself by engineering the Group’s Boracay investments way before the island had become a household word). “I checked this opportunity out with the Board and they gave me the go signal.” The Delgado Group, through its subsidiary, the Transnational Diversified Group (TDG), in collaboration with Chichos, formed Transnational Air Service Corporation to be the general sales agency for Asiana, with Chichos as its Managing Director. Asiana, through the efforts of Chichos and company, was “built from scratch”. It was granted regular traffic rights to the country only in 1994 by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) (“Over the strong objections of both PAL and KAL”, Chichos remembers) in 1989 it was granted special landing rights as a charter, and Asiana made its first ever international flight to Manila. The growth of Asiana world-wide was prodigious and its fortunes in the Philippines equaled that. “After inaugurating its first regular flight to Manila in May 26, 1994, the growth of Asiana’s local business soared. Then we had three scheduled flights a week to Manila. Today, Asiana has twenty scheduled flights weekly to Manila and over 42 to Clark, and is the largest foreign carrier into the Philippines,” said Luciano. The easy access increased the Koreans’ familiarity with the country and they liked what they saw. They not only came to spend time in the beaches and the mountain

WO R D S BY P R O F. M AYO L O P E Z , M B M 19 70

resorts, or play golf (they came in droves for golfing tours like the Japanese). More and more came to invest, not just the chaebols, but also the medium and small enterprises in a variety of sectors and industries. “TASC itself grew and diversified. In 1999 we expanded the general agency through a 50:50 sharing between TASC and Asiana and went into business process outsourcing, ground handling and cargo operations”, he continued. “My responsibilities were expanded, too. I was asked to head the Consumer Division as president. My work involved overseeing five companies in the group. These included Adventure International-American Express Travel; Pizzavest Transnational Corporation, the master franchisee of Domino’s Pizza Philippines; Transnational Food Service Corporation, the corporate store for Domino Pizza Philippines; and Transnational Aero Corporation which is the general sales agent for Malaysian Airlines, southern Philippines covering Cebu and Davao.” His steady course in the private sector received a jolt in 2001. Then newly installed Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo asked him, upon strong recommendations from a mutual friend he first met as a Jaycee, Dr. Emmanuel Angeles, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Angeles University Foundation where both Chichos and then Senator Arroyo also sat as board members, to take the position in Clark Development Corporqtion (CDC) offered him by Manny Angeles. Dr. Angeles had been named Chairman of the CDC. CDC manages the Clark Special Economic Zone, a major growth pole for the Philippine Economy. “I first met Manny through the Jaycees where I had been very active and serve in several important capacities including chairing the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines Committee, being president of the Philippine Jaycees, and Jaycee International president for 1984-85. It was during my stint as International President that I met the fellows from KUMHO that led to their approaching me regarding Asiana. “Manny, in our initial conversations, said he needed someone who knew something about airlines and airports, and asked me to help him. I told him I knew something about airline operations but not about airport management. He looked at me and said, “Lucky” (Chichos) Luciano cont. on pg. 31 >>


Spotlight T R I PL E A AWA R DEE

I knew I had to succeed so I not only worked hard but I was very focused. I am grateful to have been blessed with success.�





A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

The AIM Alumni Homecoming 2010


Words by Susan Africa-Manikan, MAP 2002 / Images by Jopet Puno

On a clear, balmy, pre-summer evening, the AIM campus came alive with hundreds of alumni coming home to AIM. It was a night to remember, with a vibrant party not to be forgotten, accompanied by vivid memories and the warm companionship of classmates, friends and professors who are all part of one’s personal history. With colorful banners draping the Zen garden, words like WAC, CAN GROUP, DUNK and ACP set the nostalgic mood for coming back, as classmates came in their unique insignias identifying their respective batches: red T-shirts for the Ruby Celebrants, MBM 1970; blue and green baseball caps for the Pearl Celebrants, MBM 1980; and T-shirts with the Makati skyline and “I Survived” for MBM 1990. The sunken garden, where many graduations took place, was leveled to provide a mini, open-aired ballroom, providing an ambience rich with the waft of memories for the celebrating classes of 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005.





Let’s Play WAC! The 2010 Homecoming was nostalgically enlivened by a MiniWAC game where the alumni were invited to submit, in ten words, their answers to distinct AIM topics: 1) Best description of Gaby Mendoza, 2) Best description of WAC, 3) Best description of ACP and 4) Best description of favorite professors. To recall the stress related AIM experience, submission of entries was within five minutes of the announcement of the game. Entries were dropped in the original, 42 year old WAC box placed at the center of the stage. Judging the Mini-WACs were the WAC lords themselves, professors Gaby Mendoza and Mayo Lopez. Here are the winners and the entries submitted.

F COURSE, THE LIVELY GAMES paid tribute to the notorious WAC, this time with four interesting questions, to be answered in 10 words within five minutes, dropped in the original WAC box sequestered from its original position at the dorm lobby that Friday evening. No less than professors Gaby Mendoza and Mayo Lopez were the eminent judges for the evening’s mini-WAC game. And the thrill of all thrillsdunking a professor at that! The gallant and courageous Prof. Mayo Lopez was ceremoniously thrown into the pool by the batch that won the bid—MBM 1990, all done in the name of a contribution to the Student Loan Fund. Video presentations were prepared by celebrating classes as the festivities were beamed worldwide through live web streaming via WEBEX and USTREAM. Silk and


Sharp as a knife, deep as a well.

—Miranissa “Bingle” Canizares-Florendo, MBM 1990

Silent killer

—Manny Gaerlan, MM 2002


Truly a demonic, devilish attempt to elicit the best ideas. —David Tan

Can you think of a more challenging exam than WAC? Walang challenge talaga! —Manny Gaerlan, MM 2002


I was wondering, Sir, that’s also what I was about to recommend. We actually have the same idea. —Danny Saracin, MBM 1983


Mr. Nice Guy! Mayo “Low-Pass” Lopez, MBM 1970

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

Steel provided exceptional chill-out music that contributed to the pleasant, cool and nostalgic ambience to the affair. The Pearl Celebrants, MBM 1980 came in full force! With a steering committee headed by Gel Tamayo and no less than AIM professor Horacio “Junbo” Borromeo, the class generously donated raffle prizes for lucky fellow alumni to take home: a Budji Layug armchair worth USD 2,000 from Bong Layug, fashion products from Lawrence Alandy Dy, books by John Gokongwei from Eddie Yap, and Pfizer products from Gerry Bacarro. It was indeed a memorable coming back for the alumni to their beloved school—to see professors and classmates never forgotten, to flesh out the memories and vicissitudes of their former dorm rooms, to hear the echoes of past voices and tales, to explore the nooks and crannies of the campus and to revisit the lives that have been touched, molded and sharpened by the case rooms many years ago.

OTHER WAC ENTRIES BEST DESCRIPTION OF GABY MENDOZA Gaby Mendoza means: Clear mind and presence of mind! —Ramon L. Lim, MBM 1980 The best heavy weight dancer I saw. —Ruperto Molato, MM 1977 Larger than life and smarter than me! —Linda Lim Marty, MM 1983 Prof. Gaby is a pioneering president of AIM, soft spoken but firm, strict but reasonable, above all he inspires and makes students perspire and think. —Ching Ballecer, MBM 1973 1) My MRR advisor 2) tense 3) rotund 4) white beard 5) silver hair 6) jovial 7) magi 8) best ever AIM president 9) always available subject to scheduled appointment 10) seek ways so that student can pass MRR —Anonymous He is practical in business. No heroes. —Oliver Rey Martias Nothing right, nothing wrong. Just take a stand. —Lawrence See, MBM 1999 He made me think I was the stupidest person. —Dexter Ampong, MBA 2008 Short, stout and lively.

—Rudy Kintanar, MM 1987 Big, insightful, wonderful, funny, delightfully intimidating, lovable classroom presence—truly fantastic. —Menchie Aragon, MBM 1990 Cuddly, sharp, probing, ageless, all-knowing, intimidating, colorful, empathy-loving, Papa Gab. —Anonymous (MM’90) A teacher who is scary but being loved the most. —Catherine Chen, MBM 1998 BEST DESCRIPTION OF WAC Innovative, longish and surprisingly shocking. —Ananjan C. Excitement, tension and enthusiastic way of meeting deadline. —Syed Raza, BMP 1975 Overnight vigil, 10 cups of coffee, time to think, no sleep night, 12 noon deadline, no questions please. —Ernie Guzman, MM 1991 It gives 2 hours sleep before 6 hours headache. —Dennis B. Bumanglag, MM 2009 Words are counted (WAC)—it’s not how much you say, but what you say that counts. So stand up and be counted for insights matter both in and out of AIM.


What would it be like?

by Jerry A. Quibilan, MM 1976

The 40th Grand Alumni Homecoming of AIM with the theme “Come Back, Give Back” held last February 26, 2010 at the AIM Sunken Garden was unforgettable and memorable. What would it be like in 2011? I guess that the organizing committee that will be spearheaded by the graduates of MBA 1991 are now in the initial planning stages. At this point I am wondering who amongst our MM 1976 batch, one of the honoree classes, will be able to join next year’s homecoming. The other classes would be the graduates of 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1996, 2001 and 2006. I wonder so because when the first batch of graduates of AIM in this year’s biggest event went up the stage to be given due recognition, there were, out of the 32 graduates of MBM 1970, only 10 of them. Ricardo ‘Ric’ de la Torre, Leoncio ‘Leony’ Castillo, Renato ‘Rene’ Sunico, Cesar ‘Boy’ Rubio, Ignacio ‘Chony’ Gimenez, Marilyn Alarilla, Victor ‘Vic’ Lim, Mario Antonio ‘Mayo’ Lopez, Emmanuel ‘Boyong’ Deles and Alejandro ‘Alex’ Gaston. Victor Jose ‘Chichos’ Luciano, Cesar ‘Boy’ de Leon and Elpidio ‘Pidiong’ Damaso were with the group earlier. In the case of our class, MM 1976, —Sudhakar Gayakwad The WAC 1) will expose you/if you read the case properly 2) stressful 3) no sleep 4) tears 5) no food 6) run to submit 7) fight 8) no solace 9) no mercy 10) rewarding —Rizalyn Vale, MDM 2009 WAC means Winning Analytical Concepts. —Grace Du Ylanan, MBM 1990 “Where AIMers Crash.” —Regnard Raquedan, MBA16 2008 WAC is the exercise that destroyed the weekend. —Dodong Noval, MBM 1990 It’s more of Wisdom and Adorable Case!!! —Manik Sengal Senselessly sensible —Anthony Bernabe, MBA 2005 Uniquely made me perspire more than Army’s physical exercises. — Arlene P. Aquino, MDM 2003 Cauldron where AIMers are distilled into clear, concise and wholistic thinkers. —Ric Abadesco, MM 1976 BEST DESCRIPTION OF ACP No talk no pass. —Jayaram Mamidipudi, MBM 1980 BEST DESCRIPTION OF FAVORITE PROF Junbo is not only a professor but

only five of us were able to join in the festivities: Erol ‘Bing’ Untalan, Enrique ‘Ric’ Abadesco, Erlinda ‘Linda’ Quibilan, Ignacio Toting’ Bunye and Jerry Quibilan. I remember the Grand Alumni Homecoming, under the theme “The Odyssey Continues” held at the newly built Rockwell Center on March 30, 2001. The preparations for the homecoming was lead by MBM 1981. Our class was represented on that grand night by Domingo ‘Minggoy’ Mapa, Raymundo ‘Ray’ de Jesus, Prudencio ‘Dens’ Mercado, Manuel ‘Manny’ Mariano, Humphrey ‘Humph’ O’Leary, Ric Abadesco, Edmundo ‘Ed’ de Guzman, Linda Quibilan and myself. That night offered such a pleasant surprise when we were called to the stage to receive, on behalf of the Alumni Association of AIM, a silver medallion. Each of us later on received a silver medallion with our names engraved on the back. It was for us who were fortunate to join the homecoming—truly a night to cherish all the days of our lives. What would be the Grand Alumni Homecoming be like in 2011? I wonder. a parent and friend rolled into one. —Minda Garcia, MBM 1980 Our favorite is Gasty Ortigas because he made a very complex issue look simple and convinced us it was so. —Anonymous (MBM’80) Incisive and ability to bring out the best in a student. —Wong Koon Tatt, MM 1985 The problem of bored panels only to find out that it was not a people problem but an exhaust system of a truck near the plant. —Jerry Quibilan, MM 1976 Professor Tan does magic in Excel spreadsheet. The magic is very entertaining. —Mehdi Syed (Prof Gavino) Step back, don’t just jump in, see the bigger picture and drill down. If you won’t change yourself, rules of games will change outside and you will be outdated. —Preete Jain Best ASSHOLE professor (A-Appreciative; S-Sensitive; S-Sexually Active; H-Horacio; O-OMG; L-Lovable; E-Erotically exciting—Junbo) —Art F. Dr. Jun Borromeo is mentor, friend, professor, co-ordinate, photographer, jack of all tradse, true HBO, loyal to AIM values. —Philip Ng, MBM 1980




A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010


>> “Lucky” (Chichos) Luciano cont. from pg. 24

“If I can get a very good airport manager to manage Clark International Airport, will you be my Chief Operating Officer with the title of Executive Vice President for CDC? ”That surprised me and while the offer represented a new challenge, I was very hesitant. I was very apprehensive about being swallowed by the government system. My first reaction was to say no but I was very curious. I wanted to help in a very critical project with great social and economic impact. “I asked Manny to give me a little time to think about it. I lost no time in seeking the advice of trusted friends who had served or were serving government. Quezon City Mayor Sonny Belmonte’s reaction was ‘Good! Accept the offer! The government can use very good people like you. Just be very careful and mindful with your steps you take and every move you make.’ “I went back to Manny and started to offer him several alternative arrangements short of occupying a line position—which meant giving up all my line positions in the private sector to take on the job he offered me. He would have none of them. I told him I really knew nothing of airports. He said, ‘We will engage the services of an outstanding airport manager and you’re an intelligent person. You will learn fast.’ “He had Ben Mangga, then NAIA manager, in mind. After all kinds of discussions all aimed at getting me in, he capped these by telling me that he had already discussed this with President Arroyo who approved ‘wholeheartedly’. I decided to accept.” The familiarity with government systems regarding the setting up of major businesses he learned while setting up Asiana and other Delgado Group projects made the CDC project so much easier for him. “Many of the offices I had to deal with, involving procedures related to the air transport business, in regards to Clark were the same offices and the same procedures we had to go through and be familiar with when we set up Asiana. We even dealt with the same people in a number of cases. “That I had a hand in bringing Asiana to the Philippines also helped. We did some studies and these showed that there was a market for flights originating from our airport. I was able to convince Asiana to use Clark for some of their flights. When I got them to Clark, other airlines followed. In fact, other users came in. One of the first ‘majors’ to operate in Clark is UPS. They begun operations in 2002.” The rest, as they say, is history. The Clark International Airport, renamed the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA), had only 7,880 international passengers in 2003. In 2007, over half a million passengers made their way through DMIA ( The new Clark Airport terminal can now handle more than 2 million passengers a year from an initial design capacity of 500,000 passengers.It has substantially cut travel costs for people from Northern Luzon and even Central Luzon provinces with direct highway access to the airport. In 2007, DMIA was bestowed the “Low Cost Airport of the Year” Award by the Centre of Asia Pacific Aviation. Shortly after this, DMIA received in 2008 the “Airport of the Year” Award [for Airports Servicing Below 15 million Passengers]. These proved that, indeed, the country is capable of world-class performance when we put our hearts and minds to it. Chichos says that he learned a lot from his past business experiences and applied these when it came to running CDC and DMIA. “Some ideas are really basic but one has to mindfully apply them. For example, our locators earn in dollars so we ask them to pay us in dollars. This way we are shielded from the foreign exchange fortunes of the “Lucky”... continued on page 55 >>




MBM ‘70’s Kaffee Klatsch by Prof. Mayo Lopez

Celebrating their Ruby Anniversary as AIM alumni, MBM 1970, the pioneer class of AIM continues to bond through their monthly “Kaffee Klatsch.” Prof. Lopez shares how their classmates continue to get together 40 years after graduating from the Institute. “Old friends, now “senior citizens”, sitting round and talking while enjoying their coffee...” How did Kaffee Klatsch start and how often do you meet? Where did the idea come from? Over a year ago one of us, I don’t remember who, gave a party on his birthday. The exchanges—updates, reminiscences, musings about and projections into the future, bantering and ribbing—proved so merrily satisfying for the classmates and the spouses present that we decided to have a monthly dinner hosted by a classmate, typically someone whose birthday it was. We knew there were months when no one would celebrate a birthday. The idea came up to set up an e-group through which where we could continue communicating as we had been doing in the parties. This idea flew very well and we were soon engaged in email exchanges, which ranged from sharing of jokes, typically “forwards,” and the occasional reflection on Life. In one of the first few parties after the start of the e-group the idea of small groups with similar interests getting together “over coffee” to discuss their common interests also came up. That was the birth of the “cof-

fee clutch,” either morning or afternoon coffee breaks where we could just sit together, drinking good brewed coffee, and talk. Attendance to the “clutches” would be voluntary. Some classmates suggested that we use the e-group to announce the proposed topics of discussion to attract attendance and make the exchanges more meaningful. Many liked the idea and agreed that we needed people to initiate the activity. Alex Gaston, whom we elected “Class President for Life,” agreed to lead the clutches but asked for topics into which we could start sinking our teeth. Dennis Teves, by email from his California nest, suggested that we use the clutches to update everyone on what did after we graduated all the way to what we were currently involved in, especially non-professional activities about which we were passionate. I was given the responsibility for updating them on developments within the MBM—now renamed the MBA—in particular, and AIM in general, especially the “storm within.” Dennis, always brimming with ideas, further suggested

that we should use the case method format with someone providing the “case facts” on an issue by email before a clutch and then having someone facilitate the discussions as we had done in class. What was in everyone’s mind and needed no words was that the reminiscing, ribbing, good-humored put-downs and general bantering would be spontaneous. Then we were reminded that our 40th year anniversary as a class was quickly coming up and discussions of that event would begin to figure prominently. Why the name “Kaffee Klatch”? Allan Tolentino was always the scholarresearcher amongst us, and that is what he does today as his living and pastime. He researched and found out that the English phrase is a loose translation of the German “kaffee klatsch,” which meant “small talk (gossip) over coffee.” We liked the sound and adopted the phrase. Ironically, Allan still has to join any of our “klatschen”. Alex suggested that we have “badge” that would identify the

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

group wherever we had our “KK.” We asked him to design the a logo that could be put on coffee mugs that we agreed to ought to be seen drinking our coffee from in the “KK.” We quickly agreed on a gold logo on a black mug when Alex brought the first samples. The idea of a collared plain black tee shirt to be worn to the KK” as a uniform very quickly came up and just as instantly approved. That has become the unofficial class uniform today. What do you talk about? How has it helped MBM 1970 bond? Discussions tend to cluster, one, around memories and reminiscences of our shared as well as unique AIM experiences and how these helped mould us as individuals. Prominent are the WACs and the in-class grilling we got from the likes of Gaby Mendoza and Vic Lim,and from each other. We revel in having to work only with slide rules and/or mechanical calculators —Fridens, Facits and NCRs—electronic calculators were expensive then and therefore a rarity—for the work we did. Typewriters with, first, rubber erasers then Tip-Exx, and carbon paper were the tools of the trade for WACs, reports and ultimately, the MRRs. Current events and how they affect the nation as a whole and our own businesses, passions and families are a major concern. Burning issues in business, management and politics are another major cluster as are involvement in socio-civic clubs like Gawad Kalinga that allow us to pay back the nation.

There are intimate exchanges about family—spouses, children and grandchildren—characterized by a level of trust we are experiencing only now. We speak of lessons learnt and continuously being learnt as spouses, kids and grandkids now have become our teachers. Health is a major concern and we share notes on common ailments and special afflictions—interpret that phrase as you like! Clearly, there are disguised fears that surface when this topic comes up. Yet, there

The first source of joy—was the rediscovery and discovery. Rediscovering classmates you haven’t seen in years; and through these encounters rediscovering emotions and thoughts in you that you hadn’t remembered existed all these decades. is the ever-engaging topic of good food and drink and how we may enjoy these without further endangering our health. Rationalizations come generously. And what predominantly male get-together ever gets on without discussing sex! Hushed, of course, and in smaller groups, when the wives are within earshot. We have become experts in that...talking about sex. What are the exciting and/or significant things that have happened as a result of these meetings? The first source of joy—I’d prefer to


use ‘joy’ rather than ‘excitement’—was the rediscovery and discovery. Rediscovering classmates you haven’t seen in years; and through these encounters rediscovering emotions and thoughts in you that you hadn’t remembered existed all these decades. I think it was rediscovering the idealistic and courageous young person we were in those days in the late ‘60’s now that we are in our 60’s. There was the joy of acceptance of each other as friends and kindred spirits where before we may have viewed each other, albeit unconsciously, as rivals not only for positions in class but maybe even at work. As for paying the nation back, our group has made contributions to Gawad Kalinga, which we hope to make on a continuing basis; and rehabilitation drives like the one for Ondoy and Peping victims. We will also plan to start sharing our management knowhow with local government units of poorer municipalities where and when these are needed “pro patria.” What advice can you give our students so that they can follow your example? We really don’t know what advice we can give those that followed us and those who wish to follow us in the program, save the observation that the difficulties we went through annealed us one way of the other. The other message is that if they manage to reach the stage we now find ourselves in, they will find a lot of very pleasant and fulfilling surprises that life has in store.




MBM 1980’s Trilogy Chronicle on the 30th Year Jubilee Homecoming

by Gel Tamayo, MBM 1980

First Night: February 24, 2010

Dinner In Serenade Hall, Gold Rock Building THIS IS THE STARTING STORY OF THE build-up for the three nights of our MBM 1980 Cohort’s 30th Jubilee homecoming. Actually, in retrospect, there were already small “build-up” dinners along the way since 2009. This three night-series’ chronicling simply monumentalizes everything. The planned dinner in Ramon L. Lim’s house was cancelled, because the original host, Ramon himself, felt that his place is far from Makati—read, the early night’s heavy traffic would make the ride uncomfortably longer. But Ramon, Mac and Winston are people with big, marshmallow hearts. So is the CORE Team. They knew that a number of MBM ’80 Cohortmates had arrived from abroad and from the province. They did not want those AIM Hotel-booked Cohortmates to stare at their ceilings early in the night or plow along Burgos St. near Makati Avenue, for other diversions. Thus, the decision was to hold the dinner in Serenade Hall in the Gold Rock Building of the family of generous Winston Kawsek. The beautiful top-floor venue is located along Sotto St. near Corner De La Rosa St., Legaspi Village. It was easy doing the cell text messages and calls, even at short notice. Mac Hermoso, Ramon L. Lim, and Minda G. Arcilla were willing carpoolers that night. I made sure that Doc Junbo would be present—a mission

given to me earlier by Mac and the CORE. When the planning and potential attendees’ listing were being made three months ago, the potential attendance score was 17, excluding yet Doc Junbo. Surprisingly, 17 Cohortmates arrived in Serenade Hall in the night of February 24. By the way, Gary and Paraluman arrived from the USA a week early. Philip Ng and Malou were gracious hosts to the two early birds, in Philip’s “Hilton” in Dasma Village. (Well, that was Philip Ng’s open email description of his place, folks. We are still waiting to be invited there one day, at least for breakfast or dinner.) Those who graced the Feb. 24 dinner in Serenade Hall with their presence were Winston, Doc Junbo, Mac Hermoso, Maritess D. Bo-ot, Bharat Parashar and Cely (USA), Rakesh and Supriya (India), Gary and Paraluman (USA), Philip Ng and Malou, Minda and Edwin, Ramon L. Lim, Ricky Lacson (Bacolod), Mon Diaz (Bacolod), Philip Huang, Chew Eng Seng (Singapore), Jayaram Mamidipudi (India), Gen. Vic Batac, Augie Palisoc, and Gel. The Classmates introduced their spouses. Thus, with the spouses included, we were 23 happy, dining and drinking homecoming souls for this first night of three nights in a row. Wine glass toasts in Serenade Hall were spontaneous that night. We were overwhelmed by our emotions and tended to be a bit noisy, not raucous though. We guessed the other guests in the hall knew we were having a homecoming dinner—ah, yes, the host-singer announced

that, too, on the stage. Overwhelmed? Sure. Practically, Cohortmates bear-hugged each other. Including the spontaneous “ho-ho” howls and “yeahs”. Imagine seeing each Classmate after thirty years! Who would not be wrapped and be melted by such emotions of the moment? There were the usual lines like: ”You seem to have gained weight”; “You seem slimmer”; “You seem not to have changed a bit since 1980”; “You have peppery hair now”; or “Which hair dye brand do you use?” (Ahem, no harm intended, OK?) Business cards changed hands. But there was real family-braced concern behind each dialogue line between Cohortmates. It was not unusual for people moving from one table to the other in order to give meaning to the often-used word, bonding. Sure, the two long tables were a cacophony of storytelling. The first lines uttered by Rakesh were that the Customs people in the airport were nice to him and that none of his pro-Italy export bags were “detained.” The news made all the ladies there smile. Ramon L. Lim sang a song for us. (We did not realize that Ramon likes to sing and sings pretty well, especially Cebuano songs.) Mrs. Malou Ng is a great and pretty singer, too. The night would not be complete without the clicking of digital cameras, especially by the great photographer, Doc Junbo. There were bottles of red wine from Mac, Philip and Rakesh. (Hopefully, we did not miss anyone as red wine donor?) The food was SUPER. (Winston, please tell your resto operator that the food is TOPS from start to finish.)

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The theme of the cuisine that night was Pinoy. Many of us enjoyed the menu, especially the roasted tilapias, with onions and tomatoes inside. There were about seven different pre-ordered viands, other than the initial pica-pica. Actually, Serenade Hall has a select variety of great menus, from Asian to European to Continental American. Any choice from the menu flaps is 5 stars. Augie Palisoc arrived late. But he was forgiven. We were very happy to see him hug Winston. There were cheers from us. We had a group photo session in another function room that was brightly lit. We retired before the strike of 12 midnight, knowing that there were still two night events ahead to complete the trilogy of nights. But before we left, each of us got gifts from Winston in boxes wrapped in friendship red. They were very practical presents. But Mon Diaz quipped he got a sports car. (Thank you so much for being a very generous host, Winston.) Our very friendly and quiet Mac Hermoso also prepared memorabilia presents to all the overseas and provincial attendees. (Thank you, Mac.) The CORE Mates were smiling that night, because things became reality, according to plan. Sure, we missed the rest. As we walked to the parking lot, each of us were already imagining the good things to come in the next night’s dinner in Malacca Restaurant. We were expecting a bigger number in the second night.


Second Night: February 24, 2010

Our Big Emotional Night! New Board Directors Announced, Doc Junbo Awarded With Plaque ON THE NIGHT OF FEBRUARY 25 in Malacca Restaurant (Jupiter Street, Makati City), 33 Cohortmates of MBM 1980 arrived, out of 90. Special honoree Doc Junbo arrived early—that was what the CORE had made sure of. His secretary during our MBM years in AIM, Tess Condolesas, was also invited and she arrived. The thirty-three Classmates who were present in big smiles and mostly misty-eyed upon arriving were: (Caveat please…not neces necessarily in the order of greatness, nor success, nor “poginess.”) 1) Winston Kawsek (He was warmly welcomed by all, complete with the hugs. His last appearance in a gathering like this was in our MBM 1980 Silver Jubilee in 2005. He was the main Pillar in that Silver Jubilee of ours.) 2) Philip Huang (The ever silent, behind-the-scene “engineer” and mover-Pillar in the CORE). 3) Mac Hermoso (He attended in spite of another important, early business dinner. Mac is another generous and unassuming Pillar in the CORE. He has been always present in the CORE’s initiatives.) 4) Greg Domingo (He arrived

in the middle of the dinner. He was all smiles. He got cheers from the Cohortmates as he entered. Tess Condolesas’s voice could be heard...“Oh, the Distinction boy is here.” That was to our delight. Greg remains another humble guy...You do not hear him talk about his O.R. Wharton masteral and doctoral track and Chase-NY pedigrees, unless he is asked. And he often replies with deference. He is now the Executive Director of one of the country’s creme-de-la-creme conglomerate holdings, the SM Investment Group. We also have not seen Greg for a long time.) 5) Gigi Zenarosa (He was in his usual banking barong uniform...looking very healthy and beaming as a PNB SVP.) 6) Ramon L. Lim (Definitely, had to be present. He is another very reliable Pillar in the CORE. He is the Chief of Treasury of PNB.) 7) Benel Lagua (He came with a goatee on his chin. Looking much as a wise President/COO of SBC. Another very cool guy. You never hear him talk about his Harvard MPA pedigree, unless you ask him.) 8) Kukay Fragante (She was all smiles, too, and much in good

health, to say the least.) 9) Lory Tan (The WWF Phils. CEO was looking much trimmer and composed. We were very happy to see him after many years. He left earlier in preparation for a dawn flight out of Manila.) 10) Gary Anderson, with wife, Paraluman, from USA. Both looked good and very happy. Gary was still his cool and reserved self. Robert Redford in his old age could take a bow and must disappear.) 11) Philip KC Ng and his wife, Malou. (He is another strong Pillar in the CORE and he was this night’s venue host. Malacca has excellent Malaysian cuisine. We thank a lot Philip and Malou.) 12) Rakesh Mehta with wife, Supriya. (Rakesh is as bubbly as ever, this time with some peppery hair. Supi is sweet and charming. Both brought in their for-export Italian bags as gifts for the lady classmates and for the wives present. The ladies were very glad in receiving those bags.) 13) Vincent Jayme (He was distinctly golf-bronzed, and looking fit. Smiling as ever. Looking successful as a businessman and flies out and into the country often.)




14) Cito Alejandro (He was a big surprise to many, because we thought he could not arrive. He said he is often in Singapore as Regional CEO of Del Monte, over ASEAN del Monte units. He looks quite trim as well.) 15) Dulce Posadas-Blas, with husband, Francis. (Both were looking happy. She is still as sweet as ever, and is much of an entrepreneur.) 16) Gil Palad (All were hugging him, bearing in mind he and his wife literally survived the big fire that razed to the ground his house and belongings. Almost killed him. We continue praying for Gil’s wife who is still very ill. According to Winston Kawsek earlier, the ICU ordeals of Gil and his wife, Cecille, became a rallying point for MBM 1980 Cohort. Winston believes that what happened to Gil made a major change in our life’s perception and in re-visiting values among us, MBM Classmates.) 17)Jun Nicolas (He looks happy, but is still reserved, now with some peppery hair. He sports that expensive, pro-good health, magnetic-field volcanic rock pendant, propounded by a Dr. Emoto from Japan.) 18) Ret. Gen. Cesar Bello (He was another surprise attendee. He kept saying that he is already 70 years old, but did not look his age. He left early, though. We were very happy to see him again. He was very insistent in asking how much he should share from his pocket for this night’s affair in Malacca.) 19) Chew Eng Seng (Cool as ever, and looking very successful as an entrepreneur. He said that he is very busy with his Plurality project”, which is a software-related venture. He is often in Mainland China, where he received last year the traditional “China Friendship Award” which is a big award accorded to any foreigner who does good business with China. He was very happy that he flew in.) 20) Mon Diaz (He was the usual joke-cracking friend-entrepreneur from Bacolod. We congratulated him for having a son graduated a Dean’s Lister from AIM’s MBA track last Dec. 2009.) 21) Bong Layug (He came trim

and dapper as usual. He donated the grand prize (a Budji reading, leather armchair worth $2K in the big raffle in the Feb. 26 homecoming in AIM.) 22)Johnny Jeong from Seoul (He gained a little weight but looks successful as a CEO of a pharma group in Korea. He brought in gifts from Seoul. He says he is about to retire from his CEO position. The little baby boy that was often logged on a back-strap of his wife during our MBM schooling days in AIM, is now a successful pharma sales executive. “Ah, those years,” he says.) 23) Vic Bocaling (He is another unassuming but consistent Pillar in the CORE. He donated the baseball caps for our Feb. 26 homecoming uniform in AIM, and designed and shouldered the beautiful plaque that our Cohort awarded to Doc Junbo on this Feb. 25 night in Malacca. Vic is often out of Manila, because he also “CEO-vises” the other Asian countries in the Swedish Match Group. To attend this Feb. 25 night’s event, he had to make a fast exit from his Principals who have been “bothering” him in town.) 24) Ruben Rubio (He is still the much reserved, well-composed yet an ever smiling Classmate, even if he is now a key international Partner and a sector Head in the SGV Group.) 25) Albert Toribio (He looked well-coiffured and formal in his office polo barong. He is now a Group CFO of Zesto Air and Zesto-RC Cola. His house also burned last year.) 26) Ricky Lacson (He is now sporting greying hair, but remains friendly as ever. He likes to stay more as an entrepreneur in Bacolod than endure the air pollution in Manila. He has been a supportive Cohort-mate for the CORE, via his cell calls from the province.) 27) Art Falco (Another cool, supportive guy, also with peppery hair now.) 28) Bharat Parshar, with wife, Cely (Bharat looks bigger in physique. He is a successful investment banker in the USA. We are very proud of Bharat and Cely, in that they have a son who graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy, and this son is now

a Captain in the American Special Forces that fought in the war in Iraq. Bharat revealed that he was really scared for his son during those months in Iraq.) 29) Lito Gamboa (We expected him to arrive. He feels still part of our MBM Cohort, even if he left us earlier from AIM in the first year. We were very happy to see him there.) 30) Nolo Avancena (He came a bit late but was greeted with cheers. He was sporting a big smile. He looks still slim, with some grey hairs now.) 31) Jayaram Mamidipudi (We were very happy to see him once more. He seems to put on some weight. He is an active pro-children advocate in India with his Magsaysay-awardee sister (Asia’s version of the Nobel prize.) 32) Maritess D. Bo-ot (She looks charming and articulate as ever. She produced with passion our MTV for the Feb 26 Night, and she gave ascreen preview during this dinner in Malacca. As she ran the video, there were loud cheers from the floor as each Classmate was presented. The MTV is a BIG success, indeed. Maritess! The Canadian media communications philosopher M. Macluhan was correct: “The medium is the message. The medium is the ‘massage’.”) 33) Gel Tamayo (The Cohort’s chronicler and member of the CORE. He is still on the slim side. Winston said, “You look the same, Gel.” The first 60 minutes of the night were really repartees of “How are you?” “Where is so-and-so?” “How is the family?” and “What business do you do now?” Stories were exchanged from one table to the other in gleeful chatter. Cameras and palm digitals were flashing and recording. Doc Junbo was more visible all over the place with his wide-angle lens camera. Gen. Vic Batac, the “Big Brother” and another soft-spoken Pillar in the CORE gave early word that he could not join the Feb. 25 and 26 nights’ gatherings, because of his commitments in connection with the EDSA 1 People Power commemoration. But he was present in the February 24 dinner in Serenade Hall.

Noel de la Paz also informed us weeks earlier that he will be in the USA by this time. Our MBM Cohort is very grateful to Noel for setting up our exclusive MBM yahoogroups email system and for starting our Class info data base. Prayers before the dinner were led by the host Philip KC Ng. Bharat also offered moments of silence of prayer for our Cohortmates who had left us for the “Great Beyond.” Those were Makmod, Danny Goquinco, Zakiah, and Linda Perez, and also Doc Gasty Ortigas and Father Jim Donelan. Special prayer and heavenly bound wishes and healing intentions were also expressed for the fast recovery of Francis Gonzales now in the USA. The buffet menu was classic Malaysian, with the right chili and condiments. (Thank you, once more, Philip KC Ng and wife, Malou.) Gil Palad, as representative of our little COMELEC, announced the newly elected Board Directors for the new three-year period 2010 to 2013. The new Directors must convene to elect among themselves the Officers and shall assign the needed committees. We thanked Gil Palad, Art Falco and Ruben Rubio for taking the role of COMELEC, in spite of short notice. These newly 9 elected Directors are: (And congratulations to them, too.) Gen. Vic Batac, Vic Bocaling, Philip KC Ng, Ramon L. Lim, Maritess Bo-ot, Winston Kawsek, Mac Hermoso, Omar Capulong, and Johnny Jeong. (Johnny Jeong was jumping with joy when his name was announced, to the cheering response of all on the floor.) Minda G. Arcilla and husband, Atty. Edwin, brought in big birthday cakes for dessert. (We thank you, Minda and Edwin.) We sang Happy Birthday to the December, January and February celebrants, Dulce P. Blas, Winston Kawsek and Johnny Jeong, who had fun blowing their candles. We should have asked Jun Nicolas to stand to join the celebrants in front. Doc Junbo was re-introduced to all present. He also presented Tess Condolesas amidst the applause from the floor. Tess was also allowed her little spiel. Doc Junbo enjoyed the time especially allowed for him, with the porta mic, in reminiscing the “good old days” of MBM 1980 in the years 1978 to 1980 in AIM. Howls and cheers from the floor were interspersed in between, when he related best moments and embarrassing episodes in those two MBM years. A few Cohortmates felt like hiding under their tables. “MBM 1980 Trilogy: Second Night— February 24...” cont. on page 56 >>

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

Third Night: February 26, 2010

Grand Homecoming in AIM YES! WE OUTDID OUR ATTENDANCE target by 1, for the February 26 Grand Homecoming night in AIM. Thirty-one (31) MBM 1980 Cohortmates arrived. (Vic Bocaling, congratulations, your prognosis was correct.) The Complete Story However, that is not the complete story. If we put together all our Cohortmates’ attendances for the three nights, Feb. 24 to 26, we can start beating our breasts to declare that 42 of us arrived and bonded, thus giving more meaning to our 30th Jubilee Three-Night Celebrations as MBM 1980 Alumni. Forty-two (42) represented about 45% of our Cohort’s total number. About half of that number are Entrepreneurs. Hopefully, this number 42 augurs well for the Homecoming’s Theme, “Giving Back to AIM.” That night in AIM, we were the most visible in the middle of the garden as we donned our MBM ’80 baseball caps, which are memorabilia gifts to us by Vic Bocaling. Other celebrant Cohorts wore T-shirts. MBM ’80 is the Cohort that was most attended in number, the most visible, the

most organized, the Grand Prize raffle donor (with thanks to Bong Layug), the loudest and most consistent Cohort in cheering, the best MTV presentor (with credits and congratulations to Maritess D. Bo-ot), and the last Alumni sector to go home that night. A bunch of us even walked to nearby MacDonalds for midnight snacks. It seemed some Classmates did not want yet to go home, but meant to continue bonding. That was where Greg Domingo (Exceutive Director of SM Investments) announced that he was hosting next morning’s breakfast in Manila Polo Club, for overseas and provincial Cohortmates, including locals who could make it. Those who arrived in that last evening Homecoming Event (of three consecutive nights) in AIM on February 26 were (in this random order): 1) Philip Huang (President of HDI Securities/ Phil Stock Exchange); a CORE Member); 2) Roger Py (Shoe Entrepreneur and Volunteer Fire Fighting /Flood Rescue Advocate par excellence); 3) Mac Hermoso (Banker/Chair-Owner; Entrepreneur); a CORE Member; 4) Greg Domingo (Executive Director, SM Investments); 5) Ramon L. Lim (SVP/Chief of Treasury, PNB); a CORE Member;


6) Gerry Bacarro (President, Pfizer South Asia Region; Advocate); raffle donor; 7) Benel Lagua (President, Small Business Corp.; DBA Candidate); 8) Gary Anderson and wife, Paraluman (USA) (Investment Banker) 9) Philip KC Ng with wife, Malou (Malaysia) (CEO, The Ergo Group); a CORE Member; 10) Rakesh Mehta with wife, Supriya, of India (Entrepreneur/CEO, Oak Apparels); giver of Italian bags; 11) Dulce P. Blas with husband, Francis from Ilolio (Entrepreneur); 12) Gil Palad (Accounting / Finance Consultant); 13) Mario Nicolas, Jr. (USA Balikbayan, Businessman); 14) Chew Eng Seng from Singapore (Entrepreneur); 15) Mon Diaz from Bacolod (Entrepreneur); 16) Bong Layug (Entrepreneur, COO of Budji Living); 17) Johnny Jeong of S. Korea (CEO, Yungjin Pharma-Seoul); 18)Vic Bocaling (Managing Director, Swedish Match in Manila & ASEAN Region); a CORE Member; “MBM 1980 Trilogy: Third Night— February 26...” cont. on page 56 >>




MBM 1990

by Raymond Rodis



STILL REMEMBER MY FIRST MONTH AT AIM, DAILY overwhelmed by the thick wad of papers called cases that we had to read every night or else face the spectre of failure. I was starting to get depressed until one day, I heard an unseen student, sitting far away in the AIM lobby, yell “If it weren’t for my pride, I would have dropped out.” My exact sentiments and when I heard it verbalized by a fellow AIM traveler, I realized that I was not alone, and perhaps most of my classmates, felt the same way I did. If they could read those endless number of cases, fight for air time and sometimes prevail, and hurdle the dreaded weekly WAC Saturdays, then I could certainly do it. Those two years passed by so quickly, filled with P minus and P pluses with the occasional HPs. Each of those years were marked by the birth of a daughter and to make ends meet, I applied for a student loan in my second year. More than the higher knowledge and deeper understanding of the workings of business acquired from those grueling but fun-filled 24 months of masteral studies, I must say that the lifelong friendships and network of friends developed during my stint in AIM made my two years of no income and all expenses worth it. Even after twenty years since we graduated in 1990, Dodong Noval, Alex Sembrano, Snoogie Apolinario, and I regularly meet or communicate with each other. We had started small businesses together, and although these enterprises did not last long, our bonds of friendship have kept us in touch.Dodong and I, poor scholars who spent those two years in AIM eating homemade sandwiches in the classrooms, have partnered in various businesses, and recently have are once again started new ventures. I heard that other classmates have likewise maintained friendships throughout all these years, which goes to show that AIM is much more than studies, grades, and degrees.

I must admit that all these years, I had attended only one homecoming, and have even forgotten the exact year. And therefore I was not really excited to hear that our batch would be the host for this year’s homecoming. The invitation from the AIM Alumni office for the organizing meeting arrived in my inbox when I was preparing for a trip to Texas, and I dutifully responded with the message that though I wanted to attend (tongue-in-cheek), I would be out of town on the scheduled meeting date. I thought that would be the end of it, but when I got back to the country, I learned that Alex had been nominated as chairperson of the organizing committee. When Alex texted me to attend another meeting at AIM, I felt that as a friend, I had to go. Only four showed up: Alex, Eris Carabeo, Gel of batch 1980, and me. If Alex was disappointed by the lack of attendees, he certainly did not give any indication and with the help of Susan Africa, the gracious and friendly Alumni Relations program manager, we gained some headway in our plans. Alex called for another meeting at his Makati office and when the day came, only Gigi Agustin and I attended. Again, Alex did not show any hint of dismay, and over a lunch of barbecued chicken, the three of us decided on the configurations of the dollar and peso accounts that had to opened, very necessary for the collection of P10,000 or 220 dollars that we had decided each of our batchmates had to donate to fund the costs of the homecoming. In the next get-together at the Alumni Relations office, I made sure that Dodong would come along. And in the succeeding meeting at the AIM boardroom, Ed Unson, Rowena Cruz, Ricky Lo joined Alex, Dodong, Gigi and me in interfacing with the Batch 70 reps. Greg Atienza provided the delicious pancit palabok and Alex supplied the tasty barbecues. Greg started out with discussing the theme of the homecoming. The batch had coined the slogan “A day

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

to come back, a time to give back” but Greg suggested a shorter version “come back, give back” so as to make it easier to remember and less words for printouts. Either way, we all acknowledged the fact that AIM had helped us get to where we are, and hosting the homecoming is a good excuse to rally everybody who can afford to contribute to a worthy cause. After a lot of discussions on how and where to use any excess funds, it was decided that full scholarships were out of the question. I volunteered my personal experience: how the monthly P2,000 student loan helped me get through my second year. After finding out that the student loan fund had long been discontinued, the batch decided that restarting the fund would be a The restoration of viable and worthwhile project espe- communications with seatmates and cially since it would be managed by cheatmates have made AIM’s Science Research Fund. us feel young, bringing Alex then presented us with us back to the good t-shirt samples that carried various old days when we were designs based on the “We survived twenty years younger the Makati siege.” He reminded and brighter. us that the 1989 siege was a most unique event: three bullets had penetrated the dorm with no batchmate hurt in the process. It all just came down to choosing which design would make the wearer look good. We came out of the meeting confident that the AIM homecoming would be a success, assured and comforted by the fact that Greg and his awesome secretariat would efficiently handle all the logistical and operational requirements. We had our final meeting at Alex’s favorite Japanese restaurant, hosted by Jeff Galang, where Snoogie showed up. We came out with various strategies to pick the pockets, wallets,


and purses, of our “pretending-to-be-deaf to our pleas” classmates. We all recognized the need to raise funds if we were to adequately seed the student loan fund so as to encourage succeeding batches to allocate a part of funds raised to this beneficial project. Three batchmates flew in to attend the 42nd homecoming: Suradej Bovowanasawakool from Thailand, YK Lee from Taiwan, and Andrew Velasco from Cagayan de Oro. A total of 31 batchmates wearing the “We survived the Makati siege” t-shirts celebrated the event held at the sunken gardens of AIM Makati. From our biased viewpoint, the homecoming was a success. The garden was filled with celebrating alumni, who seemed to enjoy the sumptuous buffet and band music. We also learned that the golf tournament that was held two days earlier was a resounding success, in terms of number of players, sponsored garnered and funds raised. However, the measure of success for the organizers is the number of classmates we have reconnected with in pursuit of our drive to gather donations. The restoration of communications with seatmates and cheatmates have made us feel young, bringing us back to the good old days when we were twenty years younger and brighter. We have to thank Alex, who tirelessly and relentlessly, did a superman’s job in planning for the golf tournament and homecoming— there could have been no other person who could have done such an excellent job. We are indebted to Greg Atienza and his staff who made it happen. And 10,000 thanks to Gigi Agustin, Snoogie Apolinario, Eris Carabeo Arce, Menchie Aragon, Cynthia Castro, Francis Ceballos, Weng Cruz, Cecile Tumagay-Cruzabra, Cecil Cuesta, Roy Fernandez, Bingle C. Florendo, Jeff Galan, Gilbert and Lea Jadraque, Rose Penelope Lagoc, Ricky Lo, Vivi and Pepot Minana, Dodong Noval, Donnie Pile, Raymond Rodis, Joey Santos, Alex Sembrano, Ma Suradej, Ed Unson, Andrew Velasco, Jimmy and Grace Ylanan.





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OYears AIM MBM 1980

by Angel Tamayo, MBM 1980

There were over 250 MBM applicants who made the cut for our batch. But in early July 1978, only 113 of us arrived at the AIM dorm as young, vibrant, aggressive idealists. There were 13 girls and 100 boys. Thirty-three were foreigners.


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A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

OUR FIRST YEAR IN AIM An older MBM alumni once said that, if you wanted to see pretty girls while in AIM, you must not do the ogling and the socializing inside the campus, but go outside to get a more refreshing perspective, after too much case-reading, and take a walk at QUAD or what is now known as Greenbelt. But our girls in MBM 1980 were not only pretty, but smart and charming. We accompanied them out for those walks. Starting in our first year in 1978, we had five military scholars, all graduates of the PMA, who were real gentlemen and officers of the lofty kind. They were: Cesar Bello (the logistics-oriented colonel in the DND); Vic Batac, (a major who later became an original core group member of the RAM); Tony Siapno (a navy commander with a proclivity for diplomatic spiels in the case room); Tony “Torch� Torres (the unassuming PMA valedictorian); and, Rudy de Castro (a jolly PAF helicopter pilot). We also had SGV scholars. They were employees of SGV who were sponsored by SGV to take their masters in AIM. We would like to acknowledge the trust that SGV has had in continuing to send its scholars to AIM. In our time, the SGV scholars were: Ruben Rubio (who is still in SGV), Gil Palad, Albert Toribio, Art Falco, and Alfred Severino. These guys more often than not, took the center stage in our accounting, finance and marketing modules. DORM LIFE AT PASEO Entering dorm life at Paseo, which was somewhat a mandatory stay-in for the first three months, was pure fun and adventure for us young people, especially in making new acquaintances and even keeping lasting friendships. Most of us stayed for two years in the dorm, which at that time, still sported relatively fresh interior looks.

Our age range mode in class gravitated from 20 to 26 years old. The oldest was Col. Cesar Bello, a scholar of the Department of National Defense. The second oldest was Rev. Fr. Beda Liu, a Chinese Jesuit. The youngest was a pretty and a new chemistry Cum Laude graduate from Indiana University, Kathy Co. We had the ebullience and spontaneity of youth, like any other eager, young, full-time, masters freshmen. We were reminded by the faculty at that time that we were shaky and, at times, brash neophytes. We were told that we still had lots of rice to eat and more bottles of milk or beer to drink (the latter would be preferred), before we could make our bones in the proper corridors. Just like the MBM 1979 ahead of us and the MBM 1981 after us, our MBM 1980 Cohort had the same AIM bricks and mortar that stood out in the wide, almost empty talahib (grassy reeds) fields of Legaspi Village at that time. There were practically no other taller or bigger buildings nearby and around us, except the old Corinthian Plaza, the old Pioneer Insurance Building, the old PAL Building, the old PCIB Building, the old Charter House, and the old Standard Building. Where the ACCM stands now, there used to be an unpaved, pebbled, open parking lot and the cemented basketball court. The late Fr. James Donelan, SJ, (of the dreaded freshman WAC Faculty Department) would play one-on-one or three-on-three basketball with some of us after classes late in the afternoons.

We had the ebullience and spontaneity of youth, like any other eager, young, full-time, masters freshmen. We were reminded by the faculty at that time that we were shaky and, at times, brash neophytes. R e m i n i s c i n g 3 0 Ye a r s






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THE MBM COHORT WITH THE LOWEST GROUP IQ AVERAGE Many in our Cohort recall that, for a few times, the faculty assigned to us would make insinuations, telling us in the case rooms in our first year, that ours was the MBM Cohort with the lowest group IQ average, that had ever joined the two-year MBM Program. We just smiled and let their comments drift through the air vents and doors. We wondered whether what the faculty declared to us about having the lowest IQ average as a Cohort was also slung to every other freshmen MBM class. Talk about KITA or Kick In The A___. At that time, we were new in the Institute’s system and, perhaps, we could not bravely answer back, because we were simply intimidated in our seemingly neophyte predisposition. But we wondered whether the faculty forgot that we were supposed to be taught to manage and, better, to lead. Perhaps, they forgot that in managing and leading people, IQ is not the only “Q” in the process. There was no huge, modern Greenbelt Complex in front. The There are also other important “Qs” such as the Emotional Quotient, non-existing Greenbelt 1 and 3, as we recollect, used to be the imthe Physical-Athletic Quotient, the Artistic-Creative Quotient, the provised feedlot area for the late Don Enrique Zobel’s cows, before Intuitive Quotient and the rest of the “Qs”. In short, the Left Brain they were sent to the butcher’s house, and become good beef steak and the Right Brain factors. Or as renowned psychologists Raymond Tagalog and local hamburgers on some people’s plates elsewhere. Cattell and John Horn would theorize, there is the “fluid intelligence” At Christmas time, that feedlot area in front would be converted on one hand, and the “crystallized intelligence” on the other hand. to a mini carnival setting of a few kiddy rides and monster train In our Class, there was not much of inter-university “bragthrill tunnel. Oh, yes, some of us tried those rides and the dark train ging”. Unlike in present-day situations among young college tunnel at night in those two Decembers, in the guise of dates with students outside, the “air” of “being” Green Archers or Blue Eagles some girls in the batch or from the outside. Talk of simple joys. or UP Maroons, and the like were not really pronounced in our Where the Makati Shangri-la is now standing is the same class. It was not our cup of tea as MBM aspirants. place where there was that famous Rizal Theater and Rizal Cafe. Even the Indians and Pakistanis, while coming in from two Aside from movies, the Rizal Theater accommodated concerts different cultures, were cordial and diplomatic. Perhaps, at that time, and musicals of the Repertory Philippines. we were more apprehensive of and in a hurry at night in mastering the The only “mall” near then was the Ayala QUAD, whose main skill of “speed-reading” those long and seemingly abominable and entrance is now the Gate 1 of Glorietta Center, which still faces lengthy cases. Maybe, we were more engrossed with our two-year that old QUAD parking building. “paper chase” life—meaning, each wanted to march on graduation After some slices of Shakey’s pizza and mugs or pitchers night to make one’s parents happy. Or each was more subdued and of draft beer, or after buying siopao from the Kowloon outlet reticent in terms of feeling secured in one’s culture and upbringing. beside the old QUAD, walking alone late at night from the QUAD to AIM was a bit scary. Paseo de Roxas was mostly unlighted then in the evenings. Joints along Burgos Street in Makati and that FIRST YEAR BRAGGING RIGHTS disco bar along Pasay Road (now Arnaiz Street) were among the favorite hang-outs of many classmates, especially after submitIn AIM’s history, our Cohort, in the first year, broke the ting those dreaded, hand-written, take-home WACs. MBM record by producing three classmates who obtained the We also remember a Japanese restaurant along Pasay Road first “Distinction” final grades in Human Behavior in Organization (Arnaiz Street), where “can groups” or dorm roommates would go (HBO). They were Lory Tan and Vincent Jayme. The third one together and enjoy the “eat-all-you-can” tempura at a reasonable prefers not to be named. price. A group of us saw a teenager there win first prize in the anHBO at that time, under Prof. Irene Schatz, was a behavioral nual eating contest at lunch time by finishing 38 tempura plates, science-based subject, where the structured analysis could be including the fried veggies, minus the drinks. (Oh, my...) both subjective and socially intuitive. Since the main mode was not We made friends in the old AIM dorm with the guys and quantitative, it was very hard to shoot for a flat “D” final mark for the girls of MBM 1979 and MBM 1981—the former included the now first year or remain consistently at the top in every class session. successful global banker, Marlon Young, and the latter had the renegade military scholar, now Senator Gringo Honasan, who was fun and nice to be with in the dorm, sometimes with his pet baby boa constrictor, which he raised and trained from a war-jungle corner of Mindanao. We also made friends with the charming and eloquent young Muslim leader, Amina Rasul, also of MBM 1981. We were true sports in tossing into the swimming pool near the sunken garden a birthday celebrant or a classmate who got a Distinction grade in his or her WAC. It was hard to run away and hide from at least 20 guys chasing a “victim” at midnight, or after hearing a new Distinction WAC announcement in class. There was definitely no escaping the pool-dunking ritual. A I M M B M 19 8 0

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010


We could not forget the WAC that was hung above our heads like a “Sword of We boast of ten classmates who did very well in Quantitative Damocles.”...In the first three months, Analysis (QA) under Dean Gasty Ortigas: many of us got dog-ear notes that said V.G., 1) the quiet and unassuming full scholar Noel de la Paz (AB Economics Honors Program, cum laude, Ateneo de Manila); meaning, the kind words, “Verbal Garbage”. 2) another quiet Indian girl, Bhavani Srinivasan (magna cum laude, B.A., Assumption College; 3) the relaxed and deliberate Leo Francis Gonzales (Industrial Engineering from UP Diliman); 4) the cool Francisco Abes, Jr. (a cum laude math graduate from the Ateneo); 5) the affable but brilliant Gary Santos (cum laude geo engineering grad from UP Diliman); 6) the sharp Singaporean engineer, Chew Eng Seng; 7) the straight-shooter magna cum laude Maryknoller, Minda Garcia-Arcilla; 8) the no-fuss Malaysian, Lim Chin Hock; 9) the BS Management Engineering boy from the Ateneo de Manila, Greg Domingo; and 10) the Cohort’s overall no. 1 graduate, Leow Kee Peng. Of these top ten, in terms of numerical averages of assignments and exams, Noel de la Paz garnered a perfect 100% final grade for the whole of first year. In Finance I and II, we had the Korean scholar Johnny Jeong who mesmerized us with his at least twice a week case room presentations, using his handwritten financial worksheets (no Excel spreadsheets then), which he religiously filled up every night, using only a pencil and a four-function calculator. He often showed complete five-year financial projections and conclusions, which made Prof. Benjie Palma Gil grin ear to ear. He earned the monicker, the “First Year Finance Whiz Kid.” Notwithstanding his broken Korean English, his finance presentations were always a marvel. After all, Finance Math is universal. We easily knew at that time that Johnny was having a meal nearby with his caring Korean wife, with a toddler slung on her back, whenever their home-made kimchi and chalbichim for lunch or dinner wafted all over the place. In MACS I and II (i.e. the equivalent of Managerial Accounting and Management Services Modules), the “HP”to “D-“ performers in class were the likes of the SGV scholars, such as Ben Rubio (now an International Partner/Head for Tax Consulting in SGV), Bert Torribio, Gil Palad, Art Falco, and Alfred Severino. The other star performers in MACS were the Citibank scholar and a magna cum laude from San Carlos University, Ramon L. Lim (now the senior chief of PNB’s Overall Treasury), Maritess Del Rosario Bo-ot (the bright and practical girl from Maryknoll, now Miriam College, and UP Diliman) and Mon Diaz (another magna cum laude in Accounting, and now a resort entrepreneur in Negros Oriental in Visayas). We cannot forget how seriously we involved ourselves as a Cohort in Marketing I and II under Prof. Jun Bo, especially in preparing and submitting the annual marketing plan project as a final exercise, before moving on to second year. We had many sleepless nights and lost some weight because of that project. When we reached the second year marketing classes under Prof. Peter Garrucho, Prof. Bert Ladores and Dean Mendoza, we were very much prepared for bigger battles and challenges. Our Cohort to this day affectionately jokes about one of our younger classmates, Lawrence Alandy Dy who managed to have memorized Philip Kotler’s book. But truth to tell is that all of us, without exception in that first year, had to read almost page by page the same marketing book daily, because we seriously took Prof. Jun Bo’s advice, in that the genius Kotler was the best preparation for us to face the case room marketing stalwarts in second year like Peter Garrucho, Gaby Mendoza, Mel Salazar, Bert Ladores and Vic Limlingan. The advice paid off.

THE WAC SYNDROME AND OTHER NUANCES OF CAMPUS LIFE Just like MBM 1979 and those ahead of us, our MBM 1980 Cohort did not have the pleasure of having desktops or PCs. The majority of us survived in doing our nightly chores on financial projections by using the simple four-function calculators, especially in tackling Finance, Marketing, MACS, Quanti, and Banking cases. We had to be patient in typing our formal reports and MRRs with the now Jurassic manual typewriters. Erasing typing errors was literally a real darn ordeal. We had no choice. Talk of nights without much sleep to beat those dreaded deadlines. We could not forget the WAC that was hung above our heads like a “Sword of Damocles.” Our WACs were submitted, more often than not, handwritten on yellow pad sheets, plus one’s yellow

work sheet attachments, if needed. If you had a very small, natural penmanship, you were sure to be dead meat. In the first three months, many of us got dog-ear notes that said V.G., meaning, the kind words, “Verbal Garbage.” (Nothing more, nothing less.) In the dorm, our favorite midnight snack was the hot pan de sal, dabbed with Queensland or Anchor butter. If there was no butter in the dorm, we were happy with the classic Dairy Cream. If there was no more pan de sal, we learned to cook ramen in our rooms using electric boiler-pots. With fresh eggs, hot ramen was really good. At times, Rakesh or Madhu or Bharat Parashar would share with us their “chapati bread” and leche flan-like desserts called “gulab jamun.” Some of us who had residences nearby had our parents or R e m i n i s c i n g 3 0 Ye a r s






special feature

relatives bring us home-cooked food at night. Other Filipino dorm mates also convinced some of the foreigners to try the Filipino delicacy “balut”—the taking of it was found to be an adventure and a novelty. We ate our snacks in small huddles in our dorm rooms at midnight, before going back to our can groups till the wee hours. The best time to openly drink beer was during occasionally SA-scheduled Friday night beer pubs, Asian cultural eventparties, and Christmas parties. We had simple joys. OUR MBM COHORT’S COORDINATOR Before, we lose ourselves in reminiscing, we want to focus the spotlight on a key person in our two-year sojourn in AIM. Our Cohort’s Coordinator at that time was a young professor named “Junbo” Borromeo, one of the “stars” in the MM Program. As MBM Coordinator, Prof. Junbo was strict and deliberate in communicating policies and reminders. But he was well balanced in dealing with us. He was not wont to compromise the high standards of the MBM Program at that time. He was like a stern and acerbic boot camp drillmaster, but with a marshmallow heart. Somehow, Prof. Junbo was omniscient on what was happening at the dorm, day in and day out. (We did suspect that he had people going over our garbage or taping our phone conversations, then.) He knew who were really studying and spending time with their can groups and those who were just playing backgammon or ping pong. He knew about the night escapades and those who sneaked back to the dorm early the next morning. He joined us in our periodic beer pubs. In many occasions, he found time to sit down with us during mealtimes at the cafeteria. He could detect in-campus problems and he knew how to push the right button or give the right motivation to an underachieving, downhearted, or frustrated student. Occasionally, he strummed his classical guitar in a corner somewhere, while little huddles of us tolerated or actually listened to his renditions that were not that bad, really. But we knew how to “keep the distance”. In those two years, many of us remember Prof. Junbo most for the following: his booming, eloquent, deliberate voice, especially in convocations and in the case room discussions; his trademark high-pitched “whistle” which he often resorted to when we were on the edge of “verbal chaos” during case discussions and convocations, after which we would all be silent and one could actually hear a pin drop; and his favorite line: “You are supposed to be graduate students, not kids. Don’t get caught, if you want to do something funny or dysfunctional.” Today, we once again proudly salute and raise a toast to Doc Junbo for his passion and patience, tolerance and talent to guide and hone graduate business students for more than thirty two

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years, during which he even found time to earn his Ph.D. Indubitably, he is one of the few, ever loyal, senior faculty members of AIM who is much revered and respected by students and alumni alike. BRAGGING RIGHTS UPON GRADUATION On graduation night, we marched as 97 MBM grads (that’s about 85++% success rate just for that night). We cheered for five With Distinction classmates. Others also passed their MRR defenses and made final copy submissions some weeks after that graduation night. The With Distinction guys on graduation night were: Leow Kee Peng (Biological Science, magna cum laude, University of Malaysia), Greg Domingo (BS Management Engineering, dean’s lister, Ateneo de Manila), Jun Abes (BS in Math, cum laude, Ateneo de Manila), Leo Biscocho (dean’s lister, BS in Mechanical Engineering, De La Salle), and Mike Soledad (BS in Business Admin, College Scholar, UP Diliman). However, we found out later that there should have been eight With Distinction graduates in our Cohort. Unfortunately, AIM’s policy limited Distinction awards to not more than the top five percent of the entering cohort. We were just mere mortals then, who had no right to question the gods of Mt. Olympus. On our graduation night at the sunken Zen garden, we did not only receive our real MBM diplomas in dual languages, but we also presented to our parents, the faculty and trustees our leather-bound, gold-engraved, well-printed MBM/MM Yearbook. Many eyebrows were raised that night. That feat of delivering our yearbook on graduation night was unprecedented in AIM at that time. Leow Kee Peng, our no. 1 With Distinction classmate (a Malaysian) defended his MRR with flying colors as early as the second week of January in 1980, and thus was able to focus his editorial skills, together with hard-working Col. Cesar Bello and the lean staff of classmates, in finishing our Yearbook very much on time, even before graduation night in May 1980. Vincent Jayme, Lory Tan, Winston Kawsek, Mac Hermoso, Monty Salgado, Chito Nepomuceno, among a few die-hards, collaborated to complete the coffers and totally pay for our cohort’s yearbook’s printing and timely delivery, including the fine leather-bound covers in gold engravings. How did those guys do it? That is a kept secret. But we thank Mac Hermoso for his generosity in providing the swatches of pure leather that were used for the yearbook’s covers. Mac’s family owned a huge tannery in Bulacan. We will never forget the passion of Lory Tan and his ilk of zealous photographers, often making stolen shots on us, whenever they could. Talk about use of resources and time management.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

NOW, HERE IS OUR COHORT’S “PASS-IN-REVIEW” Our Core Group for the February 2010 Grand Homecoming had tried to contact as many classmates to write their updated “data liners” and to complete our information database. Much time was allotted. We even resorted to opening “Facebook” and whatever global “Twitter” there is. It is not really our intention to leave behind the rest. We miss those classmates, too. First, the girls in our cohort: Aida Aladad Kahn is the wife of our other classmate Nik Yaacob. Both studied with us. Dedette Singson-Bautista is the pretty but sharp lass from Assumption. She married the famous bar topnotcher, Atty. Ayo Bautista. Dedette for a time worked with Citibank Manila. Chia Yoke Sien, the Singaporean lady, is still connected with the Singapore Airlines Group subsidiary, SATS. She is holding a high position in that firm. Her tenure with the company has probably allowed her to be the first among those to receive and witness the arrival of the Airbus 380 at Chiangi International Airport. Evelyn Co Pasiliao after AIM, joined PNB as a Management Trainee and became an assistant vice president for Corporate Banking. She is now semi-retired doing consultancy jobs once in a while. With her family, she lives in Oakville, Ontario, 40 km. west of Toronto, close to the Niagara Falls. Kukay Fragante is the ever jovial girl, with a trademark laugh, daring and sharp in Finance and Marketing classes. After AIM, she worked for the SGV group, and then ventured into investment banking with Vickers Ballas. After learning the ropes, she decided to go on her own. Now, an entrepreneur, she also owns laundry shops, among other ventures.

Minda Garcia-Arcilla is the magna cum laude girl from Maryknoll. She was sharp in QUANTI and Production Management in our Cohort. After AIM, Minda taught in the Business Department of Maryknoll College and Ateneo de Manila University. From 1983 onwards, her main concentration has been her family’s marble business (Sujo Marble Corp.). She is proud to say that, through her company’s efforts, Philippine home-quarried marble found its way to the big hotels in Las Vegas , Macau, Maldives, Argentina, and India. That was quite a feat, because the Italians have been world leaders in marble exportation. Dulce Posadas-Blas, worked with National Panasonic for a little over a year after graduation. Then she had to go back to Iloilo to help out in their farm, because her Dad was paralyzed by a stroke. She is still in the agri and aqua culture businesses. She has a small “B and B” in Iloilo as an extension of her hobbies which are gardening and cooking. She is also actively involved in the Sugar Industry Foundation Inc, the socio economic/civic arm of the sugar industry. Bhavani Srinivasan was the super math-oriented classmate, but such a quiet girl from Assumption College. She now lives in the New York Area, USA. Maritess Del Rosario-Bo-ot is the pretty and brilliant case room discussant from Maryknoll and UP Diliman, who could come up with a powerful wrap-up, toppling almost everybody down. She preferred motherhood than pursue an overall With Distinction award. She was never afraid to ask cutting questions. Now, she is a dedicated mother to her brood of six. Maritess worked in the Banking, Life Insurance and Leisure industries before venturing on her home-based businesses such as real estate brokerage, graphic design, public relations, etc. to allow her quality time with her R e m i n i s c i n g 3 0 Ye a r s






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wishes he could still fit in his old maong jeans from 1978, but he does not yet need a cane to walk, and he still has his own hair. Jayaram Mamidipudi was not afraid to ask questions, and made people think in the case room. After a two and half-year stint with Summa Bank (PT Astra International) traveling between Manila, Singapore and Hong Kong, he returned to India and joined the family business for three years. Jayaram is currently actively associated, as an advocate, with his family’s trust, working in bringing children to schools and eliminating child labor. The trust now works with approximately 300,000 children and their families in accomplishing this task. Rakesh Mehta is a fighter for good causes. Even if thousands of miles away, he is another staunch supporter of the Cohort. He has been an entrepreneur since his AIM days. He is the owner and CEO of a garments and fashion business, Oak Apparels in India. Anand Padi is the quiet math and engineering genius among the Indians. He loved San Miguel beer on weekends, which was quite normal for guys in that young age. After graduation in AIM, Anand worked in Manila for a couple of years before returning to Bangalore, India, where he set up his own financial advisory services firm in 1983. He has been active with the management profession, having risen to the position of president of Bangalore Management Association and vice president of the AIM Alumni Association of India. For the past several years, he has been conducting the AIMAT for AIM in Bangalore. brood of six children, after being widowed in 1996. She volunteered Sanjay Vinze was one of the friendliest among the Indians. to produce the commemorative video about our MBM Batch, a work Sanjay stayed in the Philippines until 1992 and was popular with of art and passion. the incoming Indian students who consulted him on “nocturnal” Kathy Co, now better known as Kathryn C. Shih, was the activities. He is currently looking for new opportunities as a very young cum laude chemistry grad from Indiana University management consultant in Indianapolis. Previously, he did man(USA), who was also very good in QUANTI. She is pretty lass agement consulting at Grant Thornton LLP and Andersen Corp in from a well-heeled clan and one of two youngest members of our the areas of Operations Improvement, Lean Six Sigma initiatives Cohort. She has, for quite a while now, been connected with UBS. and Quality Systems. In India, he had formed a consulting group, She is now the Head of its Wealth Management Group for the HexaPlus Consultants offering Strategic Change Management to Asia Pacific Region and is based in Hong Kong. small and medium enterprises. “JM” Arlene Sycangco left us after the first year. Destiny BJ Harid Balasubramaniam is a tall guy (6’4”), but was not into had other plans for her. She finished a doctoral degree in another basketball. He exuded humility. When he would talk in class, he was academe and is now the president of Holy Angel University quite passionate in delivering his spiels, with his long arms flailing in Angeles City, Pampanga (Central Luzon, Philippines). all over. He is now a global entrepreneur who lives in New York. He is She is married to a bar topnotcher who is now the dean of the the president and CEO of Danbury Pharma LLC., New York. Law School of the Ateneo de Manila. Udayan Nandykeolyar is now dean at the University of Toledo, Salina Juh was the girl from Taiwan. But she had a tough time Ohio, USA. communicating in English. She left before completing the first year. Badruddin Inayat Ali was reported to have gone into property Linda Perez was a very simple lady. After graduation, development in Indonesia. He married a Filipina with Indian origin. she concentrated in running the school owned by her clan, Srinivasa Prasanna was the most quiet among our Indian Tuguegarao College. She served as the college’s president, classmates. He is now settled in Australia and is working as an until she passed away in 1999 of cancer. Prof. Mayo Lopez independent consultant. He focuses on new business startand Linda saw each other several times after our AIM days. ups from concept to conclusion and post-implementation performance management. THE INDIANS Bharat Parashar or BP is the tall and smart guy with an at-

titude but with a knack for precision and speed, perhaps due to his squash training for the Olympics before joining AIM. He was a second year dean’s lister. Somehow, he got rid of his attitude when he married Cely Veloso of MBM 1981. Currently, he is the CEO of a private equity firm, EMP Daiwa Capital Asia in the USA. Bharat’s major contribution to the Philippines amongst others has been co-packaging of mega funding to ensure the construction of the elevated toll Skyway in the south of Manila. Bharat says he A I M M B M 19 8 0

THE PINOYS ABROAD Leo Biscocho, a recipient of AIM’s “Institute Scholarship for Merit,” was one of the five overall With Distinction classmates on graduation night. Fond of doing the wrap up for case discussions, he was fortunate to be in the same can group with Jun Abes (from the Ateneo) and Mike Soledad (from UP Diliman), especially in the second year. All three of them can group mates were blessed to graduate overall With Distinction in our Cohort. Leo went into prawn farming in mid-1980s, and was consid-

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

ered one of its pioneers. He was credited with developing systems and technologies adapted to local conditions that tremendously improved survival rate, productivity, feed conversion, and quality. Leo is currently with Boeing and also co-runs a business with his wife involving real estate, mortgage, and own and manage rental properties in Southern California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Francisco “Jun” Abes, the cum laude math wizard from the Ateneo, was one of the overall With Distinction grads. After AIM, he worked for nine years with the Ayala Group, first in its real estate division, and then in the Bank of the Philippine Islands Treasury. Then, he migrated to Canada with his family in January 1989. In Canada, Jun decided to stay put in one company (much like Augie Palisoc and seven other Cohort mates), working for the Bank of Nova Scotia—first in Finance, then in Risk Management, and now as a director and Global Cash manager, Group TreasuryGlobal Cash Management. Omar Capulong , after AIM, joined Bacnotan Cement (Phinma) as assistant to the VP for Operations. In 1982, he migrated to California to join his parents. Currently, Omar is a California Realtor with special interest on short sales and foreclosures. Omar still plays tennis with the younger crowd. From the USA, he wrote us: “You should see the guilty look on their faces when I take off my cap after I quit the match. They probably felt that they shouldn’t have made me run like a windshield wiper all over the court. My hair is almost all white (or gray), but most of it is still there. But, I guess the black hairs are coming back.” Gary Santos was another brilliant but ebullient Quanti guy in the class. His college background was in geological engineering in UP Diliman (cum laude). Now, he works in New York as associate principal examiner in the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Henry Brimo was a dean’s lister in second year. He is an architect. He lived in Japan before joining our MBM Batch. After AIM, he stayed for a few years in banking and then a few years as a restaurateur. Then, he moved to Australia and still lives there. Armand Sison is in Australia working in Wyeth Australia, which is now a new subsidiary of Pfizer Worldwide. Leo Francis Gonzales, a dean’s lister and the figures guy from engineering in UP Diliman is in the USA. According to our sources, Francis is not well. We await for updates about him, as we pray for his fast recovery. Ernie Que (the Management Engineering grad from the Ateneo de Manila), after AIM, worked in Operations Research at Bank of America Manila Branch and in Asia Division Operations

in the same bank from 1980 to 1985. He migrated to the U.S. in late 1985. He has worked at Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (formerly an American Express subsidiary called IDS Financial Services (1985) which was renamed to American Express Financial Advisors (1994). It was spun off by American Express as an independent company in 2005. He has worked in financial analysis in Corporate Finance for 12 years and in information technology management for the last 12 years. Danny Goquinco passed away in SFO in 2005. Augie, Winston, Mac, Bong and Gel attended that last novena day Mass in 2005 in Danny’s parents house in Forbes Park, Makati. Almost all his surviving classmates in La Salle Senior High School Greenhills attended that Mass. THE PINOYS IN THE PHILIPPINES Lory Tan was a second year dean’s lister. Now, he is the CEO/ vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of WWF Philippines; and is concurrently chairman/president of the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation, and trustee of the Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation. Lory is a very passionate and focused man for the protection of the environment and the endangered species. Mar “Tiny” De La Paz was the magna cum laude from Ateneo de Davao. This ever smiling and brilliant guy, with a penchant for witty epigrams, was a marvel in writing his brief MRR. Many did not know that he got a “D-”final mark for his MRR (written thesis) and oral defense. After graduation, Mar joined the (then) Philippine Packing Corporation in Davao City as an agronomist, making the rounds of various cavendish banana plantations during the early to late 1980s, when the NPA, an assortment of lawless elements, and ‘’alsa-masa’’ were quite fearsome. He was invited to join the pineapple plantation of Del Monte Philippines in Bukidnon, where he moved from agriculture to harvesting operations. an idyllic and charmed existence— compared to his years in Davao early in 2009, he was appointed as the COO and Treasurer of WWF-Philippines, a national organization that is focused on conservation and reducing carbon footprint. Chiara Batiller was not Tiny’s high school sweetheart but she succumbed to his marriage proposal in 1977. She has retained him all these years and none the worse for it. Or so he claims. Noel De La Paz is the hotshot QUANTI genius from Ateneo’s Economics Honors program (a cum laude), although he was a

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quiet boy in the case room in the beginning. He was a full scholar including dorm and monthly allowances. After graduation, he worked in Bankers Trust for about fifteen years, and retired from it as Country COO in Manila, when it was acquired by Deustchbank. As an investment banker, Noel had a big hand in co-packaging the huge fund to launch in the early 90s the Bonifacio Global City. After retiring from Bankers’ Trust, he did some entrep work, but then, he joined the Metro Pacific Group, for M&A, in Manila. Noel is the speedy but silent figure cruncher and strategist of the MVP Team (of PLDT, Meralco and infrastructure projects fame), together with our other classmate, Augie Palisoc. Bong Layug remains an entrepreneur. Now, he is the group COO and CMO for the famous Budji furniture group and the Budji interior architectural design firm. From the 1980s to 2000 he was busy concentrating on the US market for high-end furniture. In the process, the company established a distribution network through a series of high end representative showrooms in important key cities in the United States. From 2002 and onwards, Bong concentrated on establishing manufacturing operations out of Dongguan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Beijing in China to support the hotel contract projects in the Middle East and world wide projects in the Indian Ocean, Caribbean, Guam and Hawaii Islands. As his new forays, Bong is now entering the Land Development Projects that are anchored on the “Asian Modern Concepts” for retirement and wellness residential villages and resorts, starting here in the Philippines, while at the same time carrying the design works of his world-renowned designer-brother, Budji Layug. Ramon Lim is a typical “promdi” (i.e. from the province, specifically Leyte) who cannot abandon his Cebuano regional (a la French) accent. He is a graduate of the University of San Carlos (Cebu) in Accountancy (magna cum laude). He was one of the few that got admitted to AIM without going through the admission’s panel interview. He was the eighth scholar of Citibank in AIM. He is currently the head of the Treasury Sector in PNB and oversees other investment funds of its subsidiaries. He was convinced of the vision of Gen. Vic Batac to augment the capabilities of the Philippine National Police (PNP). He helped in the establishment of a foundation for the PNP and he continues to be one of members of the Board of Trustees. Vincent Jayme used to work briefly for BPI in treasury operations. Now, he remains as an entrepreneur and is also involved in the Tagaytay Highlands, among other ventures. Augie Palisoc, our Batch’s Leadership Awardee and another dean’s lister, has stayed for over 25 years in Metro Pacific Group (HK and Manila). He is the right hand man of MV Pangilinan, for M&A, among other chores, and teams up with Noel De la Paz, especially in the hospital acquisitions in the Philippines in the last four years. After AIM, Augie tried entrepreneurship for three years (doing feasibility studies and real estate brokerage), but he realized he was not using much of what he learned at AIM. Thus, he decided to pursue a corporate career and joined First Pacific Company Limited in Hong Kong in 1983. He is still with the same group after 26 years (couldn’t find a job anywhere else—he jokes.) Most of his work has been in mergers and acquisitions as well as turning around underperforming businesses. Now, he is the executive director of Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, the group’s publicly-listed holding company in Manila for its telecom-related (PLDT/Smart/e-PLDT) infrastructure investments, comprising toll roads (NLEX), water utilities (Maynilad), electricity (Meralco), ports (North Harbour), and he is currently taking the lead role in the emerging hospital group business (Makati Medical Center, Cardinal Santos Hospital, and A I M M B M 19 8 0

Davao Doctors Hospital). He further muses: “I am doing all these, since we need to all prepare for our old age, hahaha!” Gel Tamayo, the Philosophy and Communications graduate from the Ateneo de Manila, who many thought was crazy and daring to take Finance subjects in second year, had meaningful employment stints after graduation, as an AO in corporate banking; as area credit head in consumer and middle-market lending (he also taught Corporate Finance in the Development Academy of his mother bank); as CFO in sugar manufacturing and in sugar trading, and finance director in a provincial city electricity distribution; and also as group CFO in realty development/construction and in property assets management. Though retired now, he still does a little project consulting here and there, especially for two Korean Financial Advisory and Investment Banking Units in Seoul, which are both affiliated with his now aged Korean foster folks, and where he has been an exofficio director for years. Gel has written his first full-length fiction novel, which is being negotiated by an overseas investment banker for publication and launching, hopefully, in New York. Mike Soledad was a serious classmate and one of the overall With Distinction graduates. He is also an alumnus of UP Diliman. After AIM, he became an entrepreneur with his in-laws in Davao City, especially in farming and running a fried chicken restaurant. At present, he is the UP vice-chancellor in Davao. Greg Domingo, among the youngest at that time, was overall rank no.2 With Distinction in academics in our Cohort. After MBM graduation, he went to Wharton to take a masters degree in Operations Research, then to a doctoral program. He spent about 10 years as SVP in Chase in NY. Then, he came home to become country CEO for Chase Bank in Manila. He became Undersecretary of Trade in the Philippines, and BOI head. Now, he sits in the Board of the SM Conglomerate, after staying in the Board of Meralco in Manila. Not many people know that the boom in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Industry in the Philippines, that is giving our many young Filipinos good paying alternative jobs domestically, can be attributed to the pioneering investment promotion work that Greg did as Board of Investments managing head under a fellow Atenean, then DTI Sec. Mar Roxas. Greg was likewise in the Board of Directors of Small Business Corporation (with Benel Lagua as president). Many Filipinos and foreign investors can attest to the integrity and professionalism that Greg brought to government service during his short stint. Benel Lagua was a dean’s lister. He is one of those reticent but confident management engineering grads from the Ateneo de Manila. He is a career executive service officer (CESO) and is the president and COO of the Small Business Corporation which is a government financial institution (GFI) whose core business is in micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) financing. He is a passionate person about middle-financing for SMEs, and for the middle class and below middle class Filipinos. He is also known as one of the contemporary pillars of legitimate micro-financing in the Philippines. Mario Nicolas, after AIM, joined Philippine National Bank initially as a management trainee, then spent 12 years in international banking operations including his posting in New York. After PNB, he ventured into remittance services, operating Philippine Remittance Company in New York/New Jersey, which served various remitter needs from 30 states to the Philippines. He was also involved in management consulting and international shipping. Prior to retiring in 2004, he was director of PAL Maritime Corporation. Now he is back in Manila. Lawrence Alandy Dy, the cum laude boy from De La Salle Taft, was said jocosely to have memorized the marketing

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

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book of Philip Kotler. After AIM, for some time, he assisted the MacDonald’s group in real estate positioning of the fast food chain’s stores. Then, Lawrence took the SBEP (Senior Executives Business Economics Program) in the University of Asia & the Pacific in 1990. He is now a DBA candidate in the DLSU Graduate School of Business & Economics. For his business ventures, he has investments in ladies fashion wear, fashion jewelry, children’s bags & children’s wear, veterinary medicine, real estate, pharmaceutical laboratory and medical transcription. Vic Bocaling is the cool and diplomatic licensed mechanical engineer and production management guy from De La Salle Taft. A dean’s lister, too. Now, he is the country head for the Swedish Match in Manila. He has stayed for over 20 years in that same corporate group. He is also co-handling global responsibilities for the same conglomerate, with his directives reaching far as Europe. Gerry Bacarro was a quiet and unassuming boy in class. Now, he is the regional president for the South Asia Region of Pfizer Group (i.e. think of Viagra and Norvasc). Like Ramon Lim, he is also a ‘promdi’ (from Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental, Mindanao, South Phil.), but has acquired the proficiency in and the eloquence of the English language from the Loyola Heights Jesuit campus.Before he became CEO of Warner Lambert Philippines, he was regional marketing director for Latin America /Asia /Africa /Middle East. He was CEO of Pfizer Philippines from 20002008. He was also given the monicker “Legitimate Drug Lord” by our entrepreneur and restauranteur classmate, Philip KC Ng. Philip Huang, after graduation, joined a startup Visa Credit Card company, but was forced to leave the firm, when his father passed away. Ever since then, he has been handling the family business, until an opportunity came up for participation in the stock brokerage industry. Currently, he is the president and CEO of a Singaporean-owned stock brokerage firm that is doing business in the Philippine Stock Exchange. Philip has been also involved with the Rotary, YMCA and Y’s Men which accounts for his regular trips. Roger Py was a straight-to-the-point engineering guy in and out of the case room. And was a helpful classmate to all. Today, he remains in the footwear business carrying the following brands: GIBI Shoes, Florsheim and Timberland. He is also the director general of the Philippine Footwear Federation Inc. His community advocacy is articulated at present by being the deputy fire marshal for Eastern Metro Manila of the Association of Volunteer Fire Chiefs & FirefightA I M M B M 19 8 0

ers of the Philippines; and the fire chief of the Marikina Filipino Chinese Fire Brigade Volunteers. He was very active in the relief and rescue operations during the height of the onslaught of and in the aftermath of Typhoon Ondoy in late September 2009. His flood rescue involvement was very commendable, much beyond any Boy Scout or Ranger or 911 stature. To this day, while even in business, he is always on ALERT status over fire and super heavy rains. Bobby Cruz was another unassuming, humble student. He came from the Ateneo de Manila. He retired from PNB, as a ranking senior officer, in December 2008, after 28 years. In his last email with Gel, he said that he might take a consulting project, just to keep him busy. He, his family and his house suffered from Typhoon Ondoy’s heavy flooding in Marikina in September 2009. Winston Kawsek has always been a successful entrepreneur. Now, he runs a restuarant-entertainment business in Makati. Let it be known to all that in 2005, our Silver Jubilee year, Winston Kawsek took the lead role in getting the MBM ‘80 Cohort together for the Alumni Grand Homecoming. He also started the class fund-raising so that MBM ‘80 could donate to the AIM Scholarship Fund and other AIM projects. Danny Labordo was a simple guy in class. For a while, he was involved in a real estate and an IT-related group. We hear that he is also now an entrepreneur. Ricky Lacson is a city entrepreneur and a civic advocate in Bacolod. He finished college in the USA and came back to finish his MBM in AIM. He was one of the two guys who got the first With Distinction final mark in Development of Enterprise or Entrepreneurship in AIM’s MBM history. A first in AIM’s history at that time, together with another break-out Cohort mate of ours. He had been into prawn and shrimp production with leased farms in Manapla, Negros Occidental and Calatagan, Batangas. Ricky’s firm works closely with Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group of Thailand, the leading prawn and shrimp feed producers of the world and one of the largest prawn and shrimp produce exporters of the world. Mac Hermoso was another unassuming classmate, and a man of few words, but ready to discuss when called. Mac has always been an entrepreneur. He was practically the donor of the genuine leather materials used as attractive covers of our Yearbook copies. He is chairman of a private development bank. Mon Diaz has a son who recently graduated from AIM’s MBA

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program in December 2009. This is the first time that a member of MBM ‘80 has an offspring graduating from AIM’s MBA line. Mon was a magna cum laude in accounting and an AIM scholar. In the first year, he loved to sing sonatas at night to relax, while using the staircase, but to the howling reactions of classmates as he passed by each floor. Right after AIM, he worked for two years with an Ayala subsidiary. He is a CPA. He currently owns and runs Orchids Heights in scenic Valencia, Negros Oriental, which is a resort and vacation destination, with nineteen exclusive residential units. We put here his web site ( Leo Echaus is in Bacolod. He is now the general manager of the First Farmers Holding Corp. It is basically a sugar mill and is now going into energy with the new high pressure boiler that it has acquired. In the case room, Leo was a man direct to the point, with no fuss. Nap Liloc was the “cool hand Luke” in the Cohort, a very friendly Cebuano-speaking classmate, but with a good Xavier diction in English. Nap joined the Indonesian food giant INDOFOOD and was assigned to Nigeria as general manager to set up its joint venture company, DE-United Foods Plc, and put up its manufacturing plant/ facilities there. He returned to the Philippines in 1999. Later on, he joined Macondray Plastics Inc. as general manager based in Davao City, where he continues to stay. Bobbit Suarez spent more than 20 years with Corn Products (CMC), Unilever & Dole Philippines in sales and distribution. He is retired and is now doing consulting work. Gigi Zenarosa is SVP in PNB, Trust Group. He has been in PNB for over 20 years. Eddie Yap, the Cebuano and production-oriented engineer in the class, who had the habit of walking quietly back and forth at the back of the case room, while listening to a classmate’s presentation in front, has been with the Gokongwei Group of companies, now known as JG Summit, since he graduated from AIM. Aside from Ruben Rubio of SGV, Eddie is the other executive classmate who has stayed in one corporate group for about 30 years already. Eddie started in URC in Manufacturing and Logistics (buying equipment and setting up plants and distribution warehouses), and then he became purchasing head of URC in 1992. Since the early 2000s, he assumed the position of group head of Corporate Procurement for JG Summit. Cito Alejandro, the Ateneo point-guard partner of Bong Layug in our champion basketball team in AIM in our time, used to be president of UFC (the Pinoy catsup manufacturer), then became president of ABS-CBN for a while, and is currently, president /CEO of Del Monte Philippines. Nolo Quezon Avancena, after AIM, worked for about two years in State Investment House, Inc. in Binondo. He also did two years with Bank of the Philippine Islands in the mid-eighties. After BPI, Nolo has been an entrepreneur. He has had a meat retail business (Tenderbites) for 19 years. He has been involved in social development work for 20 years. Currently, he is president of the Foundation for Enterprise Management Innovations, Inc. (FEMI), assisting SME’s grow their businesses through credit and training so they can generate additional employment for poverty alleviation and nation-building. Here is one guy who never made a hoot on nor bragged that the famous and historical late Manuel L. Quezon (the Philippine president of the Philippine Commonwealth) was his grandfather. We found that out ourselves from somewhere. Monty Salgado, an Atenean and one of the more practical and direct-to-the-point classmates, has retired. He has been recently busy attending to their family’s properties in Luzon, since the passing of his parents. In the cohort in AIM, Monty was always a staunch supporter of causes and class activities, although at times he was known to be a teaser among classmates.

There is this poignant story about Monty in our second year. A fellow classmate lost his wallet in the dorm. The missing cash contents were worth two weeks of food allowances of the fellow from his parents from the south. Upon learning of the incident, Monty volunteered to quietly help that classmate. From his Dasmariñas Village residence, he brought food daily to that classmate in the dorm for two weeks. Monty has been such a good soul, even with his taekwondo black belt demeanor. Lito Gamboa, another simple but bright classmate, left us after MBM year 1, and accepted a good job that he could not refuse. That job in 1979 was with Summa Finance in the Philippines, the same conglomerate that Mon Diaz had worked with in Indonesia. Lito left that company and now, he still devotes his energies to their family business which is in sugar trading. THE PINOY SGV SCHOLARS Ruben Rubio was a dean’s lister. He rejoined SGV and became a course developer and lecturer of the Audit Training Group. In 1987, he was awarded the most outstanding award (Sycip Award) for his effort in developing the methodology for tax audit, a diagnostic approach in evaluating health conditions of clients with respect to compliance to tax laws, rules and regulations. Currently, Ruben heads the Tax Reporting and Operations Group (TROG) and is also the country head for Human Capital Global Mobility Compliance of SGV. Within Human Capital, he is developing a new practice area where US income tax returns of individuals are prepared in the Philippines pursuant to a global engagement of Ernst and Young (EY) and using an Ernest Young Technology platform. Albert Toribio returned to SGV, after graduation. Then, he retired from SGV and joined a private company. He is now the CFO of Zest Air, the former Asian Spirit. In class, he was sharp in managerial accounting and finance. He was the other basketball point guard in our MBM 1 team, together with Ernie Que. Art Falco went back to SGV after AIM to serve his eight-year sentence (he says jokingly). He was sent to Seoul in 1981-1982 to help the operations there. He resigned from SGV in 1989 and plunged head on to the prawn business. It was successful but (he keeps joking) he would not last long enough to become a millionaire. He returned to the corporate world. He quips further that it is hard to go back to corporate employment especially if the business is not yours. He had been a CFO of three publicly listed companies, real estate development, and telecommunications. He is also active in Tapaznon Foundation, Inc., which extends medical and dental missions, including cataract operations and scholarships. Gil Palad was also one of the SGV scholars in our Cohort. After completing the service contract with SGV, he decided to foray

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special feature

into private accounting and then joined Electrolux Marketing, Inc., PepsiCo, Inc., Kimberly Clark Philippines, Inc., and the Ergo Group. Now semi-retired, Gil has been doing financial and management consultancy since 2005. Fred Severino, after graduation, went back to SGV to serve his schooling contract. Then, he joined Security Bank as a first VP/ comptroller. He retired in 1992. Now, after a triple heart by-pass in 1995, he is semi-retired, but does arms-length supervision from his Batangas mango orchard over his ventures in Manila via high tech cell phones and the wireless laptop. He is now healthy and he says he is feeling like Benjamin Button, a strange case. THE MILITARY SCHOLARS Assistant Secretary Cesar Bello opted to retire from the military service but remained with the Department of National Defense, serving in different positions until he became an Assistant Secretary. He was class president in our first year. After reading his cases for the night in the dorm, he would pick a novel from his shelf. He said reading a novel made him relax. We do not know why but he had a phobia about being dunked into the pool. Police Director (then, a major in the Philippine Constabulary) Vic Batac was the coolest, unassuming but very confident classmate. After graduation, he proceeded with his progressive, albeit colorful and bumpy, military and police careers, and still managed to retire as a two-star general in 2005. Rudy de Castro, the PAF helicopter pilot, migrated to Canada in the late 80s. Tony Siapno retired as a rear admiral in 2002, after 38 years of military service, dedication and duty to God and country. He is remembered as an MBM classmate who was diplomatically eloquent in case room discussions. He now is into real estate brokerage. THE KOREAN Johnny Chang Yoon Jeong was the acknowledged Finance expert in our cohort, especially in our first year. After graduating from AIM, he returned to Korea to join a local pharmaceutical company, an affiliate of the global pharma group, Eli Lilly and Co. At present, Johnny is the CEO and the representative director of Yungjin Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd which has a $100 million annual turnover.

THE MALAYSIANS Leow Kee Peng was ranked no. 1 overall among our With Distinction classmates. After AIM, he spent 13 years with Johnson &Johnson in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. He then joined RJ Reynolds International in 1994 and stayed there for seven years as the Malaysian GM, the Greater China VP (based in HKG) and the Russia VP (based in Moscow). Finally, he joined BriteSmile, Inc. (a dental company) for six years as VP for Asia Pacific. He liked the dental business so much, he started his own business of distributing dental products to dentists in 2006. He now owns Galla Dental Corp. in Malaysia and SA Dental Supply in Singapore. Philip KC Ng, in his younger days was better known as the undefeated men’s overall NCAA hurdles champion and the 100-meter sprint champion from De La Salle Taft. He is an engineer by degree from De La Salle. Philip’s Malacca Restaurant along Jupiter Street in Makati, with its excellent and value-for-money Malaysian and Asian

A I M M B M 19 8 0

fusion cuisine, has been our Cohort’s meeting place in 2009. Philip’s ventures currently include: real estate development, distribution of interior construction materials, interior design software and restaurants. His areas of operation are Singapore, Malaysia, China and USA. Nik Yaacob was one of our more serious classmates. He was a dean’s lister in our second year. He had retired as chairman and CEO of Sime Darby after many years at the helm. Su Thai Ping reportedly had retired but was rehired. He just entered into the renewable energy business based in Malaysia. Man Fuk Lim, joined the banking industry in Malaysia and stayed in it for the past 29 years. He is currently with AMBANK as general manager of its Business Banking Division. Lim Chin Hock first taught in Quantitative Analysis in AIM after MBM graduation. Then, he returned to Malaysia. At present, he is on a yearly contract as a senior lecturer in Marketing at TAR College. THE SINGAPOREAN Chew Eng Seng is a brilliant math-oriented guy, an engineer who was always in his element when presenting his numbers in the MBM class. He returned to Singapore to work in microelectronics industry after AIM. He did a leveraged buyout and co-founded MPI which got listed in Nasdaq in the early 90s. He moved on to start his own entrepreneurial venture with main focus in China. He founded SPS group with subsidiaries in aviation and semiconductor business. He remains an entrepreneur and a great friend of China. He was recently awarded the National Friendship Award by the Mainland Chinese Government in the recently celebrated 60th Anniversary National Day. He just started a new venture called Plurality, which reputedly has the most advanced microprocessor in the world and thus, has taken a lead role in the continuing evolution of the computing and mobile communications industries. Chew tells us that he has greatly benefitted from the education at AIM that bridged his career from engineering to general management to global entrepreneurial ventures.

THE AMERICAN Gary Anderson is a look-alike of Robert Redford (or is it the other way around?). He was the lone American classmate who stayed on to finish MBM with us. He was a patient fellow. He was not afraid to ask questions, and even wrote comments in his WAC, which was off-tangent from the main issues. He replied back: “But real life is like that, Sir.” Gary wrote us from the USA, and he said that he got a lot more than his degree at AIM. He married Para (formerly AIM staffer, Paraluman “Lulu”). They will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on January 2, 2010. He was in corporate management, then construction, and is now a partner in Vantera Partners, a boutique investment banking firm in Newport Beach, California.

THE INDONESIAN Shodan Purba was a brave Indonesian student, who was not also afraid to ask questions, even if his English was at times broken. But he often made sense with his curt queries. He would distribute those special chili flavored cigarettes that would crackle at the tips when lighted.

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010

THE PAKISTANIS Shad Quraeshi went back to Pakistan after graduation. He had settled in Karachi and now heads the Emirates Global Islamic Bank Ltd. Asim Mehtab left us after our first year in AIM.

THE CANADIAN (ALSO A PAKISTANI) Naqi Azam retired from Citibank Group in Europe. He is a UP Diliman graduate with a BS in Business Economics. During his 13-year stint at Citibank, he worked in senior positions as an international staff (crème de la crème) in Greece, Saudi Arabia, New York and London in operations/technology, treasury and training. He has now dual nationalities (Canadian and Pakistani). In the mid 90’s, he became an entrepreneur, successfully owned, established and sold the Dow Jones-Telerate franchise in Pakistan. He had served in it as CEO. He was also an adjunct professor of treasury and management at the prestigious Institute of Business Administration (University of Karachi ). He is a Canadian licensed football coach and has successfully established two football clubs (Aurora and Shazam).

“Life is short but has a lot to offer. Do the bonding.” THE TAIWANESE Rev. Fr. Beda Liu was a mild and approachable person in and outside the case room, often smiling and ever humble. He was a highly respected individual in our class. He simply grinned when other guys cracked green jokes. He remains as a priest in the Lord’s vineyard to this day. Jeffrey Shih Kun-Lung opted to join the cement industry but has recently retired to tend to his own orchard in southern Taiwan. He was the reason that we as a class were able to get so many classmates together in the previous Wasabi Resto of Philip KC Ng for dinner some three years ago.

THE HONGKONGESE Lucius Lai King Pui, a BBA graduate from the University

of Singapore, was a friendly chap in the Cohort. He loved to play ping-pong after classes. He was good in math in AIM. Lucius is now a management consultant and professional trainer at the Academy of Management Consultancy in HK. He served as senior training manager for the largest motor manufacturer in the Mainland, senior adviser in the Management Development Centre of Hong Kong of Vocational Training Council, and the director of an education institution offering degree programmes in management in Macao. Lucius took a course under the Oxford University circuit that gave him the certificate for a “Qualified Development Adviser, Summative Assessor and Internal Verifier” in the University of Oxford’s Delegacy of Local Examinations for the National Vocational Qualifications in Management. John Lai and his family migrated to Canada in 1990. His kids have grown up now, but he still goes to work every day. John goes back to Hong Kong once in a while to visit his parents and siblings.

WE MISS THE FOLLOWING CLASSMATES In spite of the modern technology of group e-mails, contemporary IT and other telecom modes, we could not contact directly these classmates. We wanted to ask them to send us their latest “data liners.” We do miss them: Madhavan Poduval, Nibby Shah, Badruddin Inayat Ali. Leung Ching Tai, Chung Chin Se, Mon Palma Gil, George Taberrah, Tong Ojerio, Ben Escano, Dewi Soedarmono, Alan Mangorsi, Chito Nepomuceno, Mon Vargas, Michael Antony, Lam Hee, Goh Kim Khai, Rosley Abdullah, Lope Uy, Dodjie Marfori, Emil Reyes, Danny Labordo, Henry Brimo, Shodan Purba, Torch Torres, Gen. Cesar Bello, and Henry Lo.

NO FINAL GOODBYES YET Before we take our “ritual bow” as Pearl Jubilarians in the Grand Homecoming Night, we wish to quote in a good light a German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer: “Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed; in the second, it is opposed; in the third, it is regarded as self-evident.” As we end this “pass-in-review” along life’s memory lane, let us remind ourselves with the friendly advice from a handful of the die-hard class “glues” that try to keep our MBM 1980 Cohort together: “Life is short but has a lot to offer. Do the bonding.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: With over 100 pages in the original manuscript, the editorial team of the AIMLeader rues to have to edit the article passionately written by designated class chronicler Angel Tamayo. The full story of MBM 1980 however can be accessed at

R e m i n i s c i n g 3 0 Ye a r s


54 >> “Giving His Best” continued from page 20

This brings more excitement in life. And third, companies should not be stingy in investing in studying the market environment for this is the key to the success of each plan.” And with Lee’s maximum investment of himself, the equal return can be judged by his receiving the most prestigious recognition given by the AIM alumni to its highest achievers—the Triple A award. In characteristic sublimity and modesty, Lee narrates the ceremonies in 1990 where he was recognized as one of the AIM Alumni Achievement Awardees for his outstanding work in his profession. “The Triple A award ceremony was held in Mumbai, India. It was the most exciting memory in my life,” he remi>> “A Leader Among Peers” continued from page 23

Despite landing several worthwhile executive positions, in the years 19721999, Gabby was not always professionally fulfilled. He also lost his job, twice. The first time was during his stint as EVP and Chief Operating Officer of Andok’s Litson because “I couldn’t take the shouting. One day, I actually shouted back. It was never the same after that.” However, during his three-year tenure with the company, sales nearly quadrupled, from P200 million to P750 million. He recalls the second time, in Hoover Aluminum, attributing the fallout to a complete mismatch of culture, beliefs and personality, with the owner. Losing a job, the second time, brought hard times for Gabby, as he watched his life savings dwindle. Then just as the last of his savings was about to go, he was given an opportunity to join the Lopez group. After several interviews, Geny Lopez asked him to head ABS-CBN News. “Sir, I can’t even define news, more so, manage it,” he remarked to the Lopez patriarch who still wanted him for the job, even after hearing his apprehensions. Just before starting, Eugenio Lopez III, Geny’s son, decided that Gabby’s multi-store experience in Andok’s could benefit a struggling subsidiary with a nationwide store network, so he was posted in Radio Communications of the Philippines, Inc. (RCPI), instead. He was 51 years old at that time, so he regarded his RCPI post as a final opportunity for corporate success. “I will work hard here, so I can retire modestly,” reflected Gabby. In the beginning, he found working in RCPI an unpleasant experience. Its main businesses were telegram messaging and long distance telephony, services on the downturn, due to the rise in cell phone and instant messaging usage. In an attempt to boost morale, he

nisces. “There were hundreds of people in the conference room of the hotel, and the awardees were led by two guides who beat drums to escort the winners to the platform where they were awarded.” Ironically, it was not just the Triple A trophy that Lee treasured from that momentous occasion. “I also had a chance to visit Elephant Island at that time. I bought a wooden monkey doll as a souvenir, and I still keep the doll beside the Triple A trophy,” he winks. Korea Chapter Activities Aside from his professional life, Lee finds time to keep himself busy as an active member of the AIM Alumni Association in Korea, whose total membership now counts to 60. “About 20 members are actively attending our regular meetings,” he says. “We now meet regularly about two times in a went around and talked to employees. “All they would do was nod and say “yes, sir” very politely, recalls Gabby. As chief executive officer, he got to attend his first Western Union conference in Sydney, and when company executives asked how many stores, transactions and amount of dollar payouts they had, all Gabby could do was respond with a meek “I don’t know.” At that time, Western Union accounted for only 8% of RCPI’s total business but, the conference opened Gabby’s eyes to revenue possibilities. He saw an opportunity to resurrect a dying entity and on his return to the Philippines, told his management team: Let’s go remittance! Steady Progress By the end of 1999, RCPI had 138 branches nationwide offering Western Union; and slowly, infrastructure was built to improve their remittance business. Despite very little working capital, they significantly doubled transactions, by the following year. Unable to apply for loans from banks because of RCPI’s bad financial standing, Gabby decided to borrow from individuals—friends and employees— who trusted him, in order to fund existing and new stores. Realizing substantial returns, most of the lenders decided to “roll over” their investments, again and again, and this non-traditional means of borrowing helped to fuel RCPI’s Western Union business. To increase the company’s visibility and customer satisfaction, Gabby’s team pioneered the use of very large signages, a marketing strategy that other agents, eventually copied. Other improvements were the computerization of all processes with online connections available to USSC’s entire network. In 1999, RCPI was one of four Western Union agents, and an insignificant fourth, in terms of performance. It only had 19 sub-agent locations and 138 company owned stores, nationwide.

year plus one or two occasions where we meet at year end or to celebrate the good harvest ceremony.” Mr. Johnny Jung, MBM ’80, president of Youngjin Pharm Co. Ltd is the chairman of the Korean chapter with active participation from Prof. Yoon-Dae Euh, MBM ’73, Prof. Boo Ho Rho, MBM ’74, Mr. J H Jung, Mr. Se Hee Oh, MDP 1974, Mr. Suk Jae Lee, MBM 1975, Mr. KK Shin, Mr. Chul-Jong Kim, MBM 1987, Mr. Moon Dong Hwan, MM 1991, Mr. Dong Mann Choi, MDP 1980, Mr. JinSuk Chun, MBM 1979, Mr. Hyun Oh Cho, MBM 1985, Ms. Tae-Sook Han, MBM 1984, Ms. Maria M. Ham, MBM 1979, Mr. Jae-Neung Cha, MDP 1975, Mr. Steve Park, and Mr. Dong Kyu Lee, TMP 1982 among many others. Lee has an open invitation for any alum or professor who might drop by Korea at anytime. “If anyone from AIM can attend our meeting once a year and

update us with AIM news, all members would appreciate this very much. It would really be helpful to activate the Korean Chapter,” he smiles.

From the network of company owned outlets, only 106 branches offered Western Union payouts, with just 23 stores able to pay out, in dollars. Despite an 8% market share in 1999, efforts to build the brand did not go unnoticed. In 2001 and 2003, RCPI was awarded Asia Pacific Agent of the Year by Western Union, the highest honor any agent could attain. “I knew we were doing well, but I did not expect it to be that good,” says Gabby. Little wonder, for Gabby and his team’s efforts and investments in Western Union tremendously reversed RCPI’s revenue decline, revitalizing a once demoralized work force, in the process. A management buy-out, in 2005, enabled Gabby and his partners to purchase the storefront business of RCPI from the Lopez Group, giving birth to a new corporate entity: Universal Storefront Services Corporation (USSC). USSC grew rapidly, from a 1.2% country share in 2002, to 10.2%, in 2008. In 2009, USSC had a 13% country share, equivalent to US$2.3 billion in international remittance payouts. It accounted for 53% of Western Union’s country business, making USSC the top agent for the Philippines, and the entire Asia-Pacific. As its bread and butter service, Western Union continues to give USSC both profit and honor. It won the prestigious Western Union Agent of the Year award, in 2007, again, in 2008, not to mention bagging several other distinctions: Western Union Brand Builder, Business Champion, Highest in Percentage Growth and Volume Growth, as well as a trophy for team spirit—a grand total of 17 awards from Western Union. Perhaps all these distinctions explain why Gabby has the distinct honor of being only one of four Western Union agents whose photograph appeared in the 2006 Western Union annual report, a company listed in the New York Stock Exchange. USSC expanded its product offering

and network to offer airline and sea line ticketing, bills payment, cell phone topup services and long distance telephony. In ticketing, Cebu Pacific awarded USSC as its top domestic sales agent, in 2008 and 2009, and was among its Top Ten sales agents for international sales, in 2009. This is a major feat, considering that the company has been a Cebu Pacific ticketing agent, for less than seven years. USSC also has four silver awards with Air Philippines, and one from Superferry.

A man without tiredness, fear and indistinctness Lee’s personal values can be gauged by his views about success. He shares that what is most important for him is not his accomplishments in the business world, but “that which makes my parents, my wife and my children happy and proud of me.” When asked what would he advise young AIM MBA students, Lee suggests for them to “Imagine yourself five years from now and consider whether you would be happy in that position. If you are not satisfied with what you see, you will have to find what you need to improve on and how to be challenged.”

We Won’t Know Until We Try Gabby possesses not only the determination to excel, but also has an eye to spot opportunities, and take risks. With the Lopez group’s financial troubles in 2002, the conglomerate opted to focus solely on its power and broadcasting businesses—leaving its other businesses open to prospective buyers. Gabby saw his chance and proposed a management buyout, and was immediately asked to submit a proposal. Working hand-in-hand with Rey Go, business partner and USSC’s finance head, they searched for a suitable third partner from 2003-2005 but none of these exploratory talks with potential partners bore fruit. So in 2005, Gabby decided to “get things going” and embarked on a leverage buyout. Rey and Gabby asked their financial adviser, Eckie Gonzales, a former Lopez Group executive (Chief Operating Officer of Benpres) to come in, as a third partner. With no financial resources for capital, Gabby and Rey mortgaged their own homes to show Joey Bermudes, then President of Chinatrust, their determination to push through with the buyout. This convinced the bank to grant them the funds needed to “seal the deal.” With the financial success it now enjoys, USSC is notable not only for its revenue performance, numerous awards and explosive success but also for its strong camaraderie and highly driven

A IM L eader Magazine | F ir s t Quar ter 2010 management team. Gabby encourages his employees to think like entrepreneurs, leading to a team spirit that is manifested in the company’s 1,800 and growing employee base and nationwide store presence. USSC has over 640 company owned outlets, over 500 sub-agent locations,and handles over 2,000,000 walk-in customers a month. Gabby is also proud that USSC is a conscientious tax payer and has yearly tax audits by accounting firm Sycip, Gorres and Velayo (SGV). A Caring Leader In Machiavelli’s “The Prince,” it is posited that, “It is better for a ruler to be feared than to be loved.” Gabby is the example of a leader that breaks this rule. He recalls a time in Andok’s when he reprimanded an employee for coming to work in slippers, on a rainy day. After apologizing, the employee explained that he did this, to preserve his only pair of leather shoes. “I felt so small after that,” says Gabby, adding that the incident “really transformed me.” Neither unapproachable nor unreasonable, Gabby’s office has a relaxed atmosphere, and despite being the CEO, is often seen joking around with his staff and their subordinates. He listens to new ideas and suggestions from anyone in the organization, no matter what their rank may be. A true people person, Gabby constantly reminds his employees about the value of having a “Heart for Service.” This quality was clearly manifested in 2007, when employees of the hard-hit Bicol region opened store doors to pay out Western Union transactions, despite having no electricity or open banking institutions. Despite the hindrances, Gabby and his team managed to operate, by daily transporting bags of cash, flown in by company managers. They also supplied petrol for the generator of a radio station, so that updates and news on Reming, to fellow Bicolanos, could be shared. This relaxed openness extends even to his home, wife and children. “My kids can tell me anything. It’s been proven time and again to be more effective,” laughs Gabby. For his USSC “family,” those under Gabby’s employ enjoy many privileges. Aside from health insurance, rice and medicine allowance, free uniforms, emergency assistance and a guaranteed minimum14 months pay, Gabby even helps ailing employees whose requests exceed their health insurance coverage. After the devastating effects of typhoon Ondoy, affected employees received P20,000 in financial assistance, an indicator not only of Gabby’s generosity but also of the value and care the organization attaches, to each individual, under its wing. Gabby lives out the advice of his mentors, bringing to mind the words of his AIM sponsor, P.L. Lim—to treat everyone with respect, never forget to listen, and

have a great sense of urgency, and sensitivity, for others. “Leadership is passion and heart,” stresses Gabby. “You cannot lead if you do not have genuine concern for your people. You have to care for them first as individuals, before you can show concern for them, as employees.”

>> “Lucky”... continued from page 31

peso. We all know what happened when in the late ‘90s we borrowed dollars and for projects where clients would pay in pesos.” He now wants to make CDC a world benchmark for excellence for its industry. His briefly outlines his next set of moves: Excellence Within and Without “We still have a long way to go as far “We are building a culture of as facilities and amenities upgrades and excellence that will set us apart as a additions are concerned. Links to Manila leader among our peers, the first among are a great concern and we’re happy that equals, the best among the best.” This serious planning has started on the North is the company philosophy that indeed, Rail because that will ease the travel to Gabby clearly demonstrates, with Clark. The NLEX has helped immensely admiration and emulation. and so has SCTEX. The proposed extenWhen he looks back to his growing sions of the super highways to the north years with nine other siblings, Gabby and the proposed links with the south aracknowledges that despite his current teries can only be good for CDC and DMIA. success, he has never forgotten how it “We are working on attracting is to be in need. partners that have expertise and This explains why USSC is a regular competence in many of these required donor to several community and charity amenities and upgrades that will attract projects. A pledge to Western Union’s more people to visit and stay in, or invest Gift of Life Foundation helps to heal fatal in ventures in CDC. Right now we have congenital heart holes of underprivihotels, a casino, a lot of good restaurants, leged children; an education donation to shopping outlets and a golf course, as Ateneo’s Pathways Scholarship program well as facilities for people who like to for excellent but underprivileged do weekend flying on light aircraft. Our students, and a donation to the UGAT hotels serve to house golfers who want to program for dependents of overseas play in Clark and Luisita in Tarlac. The SCFilipino workers forced to cope with the TEX link was very beneficial for that. We emotional difficulties resulting from the have seasonal hot air balloon festivals. absence of one or both parents, are just And we are a base for people wishing to some of the non-revenue but humanity trek to Mt. Pinatubo. But we need more. building endeavors USSC supports. “That good and well motivated peoOn a personal level, Gabby and ple are critical for excellent operations is his wife Marianne are involved in the a well accepted rule in management. But Gawad Kalinga (GK) program. With their that is often overlooked. We shall be purassistance, the GK—Sison group transsuing that for our staff in CDC and DMIA formed from a squatter site to a regular and we certainly are encouraging our community, which Gabby attributes to locators to do so for increased productivgood values, he believes, are the key to ity and greater operational flexibility.” eventual transcendence from poverty. Chichos’ “Jaycee experience” (as he Confident in his organization’s calls it) was a great help in his development. ability to carry on without him, “I joined the Jaycees in 1972. I Gabby may opt to retire, in 2012, to was encouraged by the late Andy Reyes enjoy the fruits of his labor, work on (who joined AIM’s faculty after Chichos Gawad Kalinga projects, and more graduated) to be very active because it importantly, spend more time with his was in joining projects where I would get most treasured possessions—his wife the most out of the Jaycee experience. Marianne, and their children—Michelle, As a result, I got involved with and even John and Roxanne. headed committees like the very presGabby’s imprint on the people tigious Ten Outstanding Young Men of the he has touched is heard from one of Philippines (TOYM) Awards Committee. his employees who describes him “Eventually I was elected Philippine presias—a fair person, a great mentor, dent for the Jaycees and in time this led to and a very nice man. being president of Jaycees International Looking back at everything he’s which took me around the globe. In the passed, Gabby stresses the imporprocess I personally met heads of states tance of never sacrificing values. “To —presidents, prime ministers and even go against one’s values turns you into the Pope! It was a great education. someone, totally different. When mak“The Jaycees provided me with a ing major decisions, you must always very competitive environment and I liked stand your ground.” it. The Jaycees allowed me to meet many Gabby definitely espouses this people from different parts of the counbelief and offers this wisdom to tomortry, from many countries and from differrow’s stars. Perhaps this statement enent industries. They provided different compasses the journey of a wandering perspectives to the same issues which, young man into a successful entrepreof course, enriched my own understandneur that has enabled him to lead others, ing of issues and contexts. Most of all, by setting an example, and propelling they provided us a very wide and very all those he touches, to becoming, like varied network of friends and potential him—a cut above the rest. business allies and associates.


“Many of the contacts that helped get me involved in successful projects like Asian, the CDC and DMIA were contacts I met in Jaycee activities. Chichos then went on to speak of his two years in AIM. “I am very grateful for my two years in AIM because it greatly affected the speed with which my career moved. My work prior to Asiana involved me being what we later came to know as ‘intrapreneuring’. I set up a number of businesses like water chandling in the ports of Manila, for example. “My confidence in at least knowing how to approach problems and opportunities were really a result of my AIM years and here I owe much to two of my professors, Gaby Mendoza in ‘Development of Enterprise’ and Vic Lim in ‘Business Policy’. They taught me how to think well. “Of course, being in the same class with, in the beginning, 75 people with many years of experience in different fields showed you how different people had very different perspectives about the issues facing the class and convincing them that your approach is better than theirs is not an easy thing to do because they were all very competitive. That intensive experience of two years of analyzing problems, developing alternatives solutions, testing your thoughts against contending thoughts and then working with equally competitive and good people prepared me a lot for the rough and tumble of the business world.” Looking back, Chichos believes there are three very important lessons he has learned from his life, “Not all positives experiences, mind you.” One of the best lessons he has learned came from a failure. After years of successful water chandling and a number of other businesses, he dabbled in trading in the ‘80s and failed miserably. “I almost lost everything.” But he got a second chance to redeem himself when the Asiana opportunity came along. “I knew I had to succeed so I not only worked hard but I was very focused. I am grateful to have been blessed with success.” “I was also lucky in the sense that when I joined Clark, it was at its lowest point as a result of the crisis of 1997. You could almost say that whatever sensible thing I would do could only mean an improvement in its fortunes.” This last statement was vintage Chichos Luciano self-effacement. His classmates recall Chichos as a low key, non-confrontational, asthmatic classmate ever eager to help and listen to a contending point. And as a can groupmate fondly recalls, “We were glad to have an accountant who had his own twelve-digit LED multi-function, multi memory calculator, the high tech gadget of our age.” Now in his mid-60s, Chichos typifies the MBM grad who, having achieved professional and material success, now concentrates on what in their youth had been the other part of a personal goal— social significance and contribution.

56 >> “MBM 1980 Trilogy: Second Night—February 24...” continued from page 36

>> “MBM 1980 Trilogy: Third Night—February 26...” continued from page 37

Then, the mic went to every Classmate who was given enough time to tell his or her own brief stories or reminiscing. This portion added memorable fun. The main moment during the dinner was the awarding of a beautiful Plaque of Appreciation and BIG Thanks to Doc Junbo from the MBM 1980 Cohort. This plaque was designed and produced by Vic Bocaling. The touching words in the Plaque were written by Philip KC Ng, Gen. Vic and Gel Tamayo, with additions from the rest of the CORE, who were called to go up in front to jointly give the award to Doc Junbo. The plaque’s texts were to be emailed later to all MBM Chortmates, for good memories. Vic Bocaling opined that perhaps the wine had affected him so much so that he could not read well the texts of the Plaque. But we surmised that the emotion of the moment overwhelmed him. Doc Junbo’s speech touched our hearts. Many eyes turned misty. He also outlined the possible initiatives that our MBM 1980 Cohort can be of help soon in the MBA program in AIM, including the Peer-Review of MBA cases, among other projects. He congratulated and thanked the CORE Members for their leadership, their hard work and vision in making this 30th Jubilee homecoming a resounding success. He reminded that there was still the next and last BIG Homecoming night to come, Feb. 26 at 6PM in AIM. But his reiterated that this Feb. 25 night was like no other. He suggested that our Cohort must set up a regular monthly or oncein-two months get-together dinners “to keep the flame burning,” so to speak. Doc Junbo’s spiel reminded us of Philip KC Ng’s mantra: “Life is short, but has a lot to offer. Do the bonding.” The chatting and wine toasting continued till 12 midnight. There were still many stories waiting and wanting to be shared. We were quite tipsy with the bottles of red wine, but very happy, indeed. The last act together was the group picture-taking. We thank here all those who brought in the red wine bottles. We called it a “Good Night” as we all looked forward to the BIG Homecoming Event in AIM the next evening. As we left for home, we thought with fondness of the other 57 MBM Cohortmates who did not arrive in this very special MBM 30th Jubilee February 25 night gathering in Malacca. We still hoped that they could attend the Feb. 26 BIG NIGHT in AIM. May the Good Lord bless them and keep them and their families safe from harm, wherever they may be.

19) Ruben Rubio (Partner/ Group Head, SGV Manila); 20) Ricky Lacson from Bacolod (Entrepreneur; Advocate); 21) Art Falco (Accounting/ Finance Consultant); 22) Bharat Parshar with wife, Cely from USA (CEO/ Investment Banker/Co-Owner, EMP Global-USA and HK); 23) Albert Toribio (CFO, Zesta Air & RC Cola); 24) Maritess Del Rosario Bo-ot (Entrepreneur and Case Writer); a CORE Member; 25) Jayaram Mamidupudi from India (Advocate par excellence for Education of 300,000 Poor Children in India); 26) Inayat Ali from Indonesia (Entrepreneur; Executive); 27) Lawrence Alandy Dy (Entrepreneur; DBA Candidate); raffle donor; 28) Mar (Tiny) De La Paz (COO of WWF Phils.; NGO Advocate par excellence); 29) Eddie Yap (Head of Group Purchasing, Gokongwei Group); raffle donor; 30) Minda G. Arcilla with husband, Edwin, (Marble Entrepreneur/Exporter) and 31) Gel Tamayo (Financial Advisor); a CORE Member. To recap, we mention the names of those who attended the Feb. 24 and 25 dinners: A) In the Feb. 24 dinner in Serenade Hall, Gold Rock Building, Legaspi Village: 1) Gen. Vic Batac (2 Stars, retired; Entrepreneur; Advocate par excellence); a CORE Member; 2) Winston Kawsek (Entrepreneur; Owner of Gold Rock Building); he also attended the Feb. 25 dinner in Malacca; and 3) Augie Palisoc (Executive Director, Metro Pacific Group). B) In the Feb. 25 dinner in Malacca Restaurant, Jupiter St, Makati: 1) Gen. Cesar Bello (Retired; former DND Undersecretary); 2) Nolo Quezon Avancena (Entrepreneur; NGO Advocate); 3) Cito Alejandro (CEO, Del

Monte-Singapore, ASEAN); 4) Vincent Jayme (Entrepreneur); 5) Lory Tan (CEO, WWFPhils.); NGO Advocate par excellence; 6) Kukay Fragante (Entrepreneur); 7) Gigi Zenarosa (SVP, PNB); and 8) Lito Gamboa (Sugar Trader). The Grand Homecoming Night Itself As we arrived in AIM, we registered and paid for the entrance fees. The Alumni had to cast their ballots for the new set of Board Directors of the AIM Alumni Association. We felt the election was much of a “democratic formality.” There was no better time. The open garden (where we held our MBM graduation thirty years ago) was dramatically festooned with colorful lights, banners, huge loud-speakers, and high wall, motley tarpaulin posters. The sunken garden was covered safely with planks so that the whole area became a huge flat hall like a ballroom. A front stage was set up. A band was playing music rhythming down memory lane, as well as several contemporary, disco songs. Ah, buffet food and drinks, especially red wine and bubbly champagne, were bountiful. Five star quality, indeed! The program was a bit too long. Each Class Jubilarian was introduced to the cheers from the floor, and was called to go up the stage in front for the ceremonial jubilee bow and picture-taking. The center of attraction in that long programme was the presentation of MTV of each Jubilarian Cohort. Many were swaying and dancing as they watched the MTVs, all to the beat of good, contemporary disco music. Our MBM ’80 MTV with “Tonight’s Gonna Be A Good Night” disco rendition did beat them all. Everybody was dancing and jumping till the last moving frame. (Congratulations, again,

Maritess Bo-ot.) The raffle winners’ announcement was delayed. To play catch up, the organizers first announced the winner of the raffle Grand Prize (the Budji reading, leather armchair worth $2,000.00 in export showroom retail tag). The lucky guy was Mr. Ed Castañeda of MBM 1975. That evening, we bonded with Doc Junbo, Mayo Lopez, Dean Gabby Mendoza and other professors. The other Year Cohort Jubilarians were of ’70, ‘75, ‘80, ‘85, ‘90, ‘95, 2000, and 2005. In many instances, there were misty-eyed moments, again lots of loud cheers and we were bunches and huddles of collegiate and high school kids—which was our privilege. That February 26 Homecoming Night was like New Year’s Eve, minus the booming fireworks and the night sky, pyro florals; but, again, we had lots of excellent food and the drinks were flowing. Emotional Goodbyes Our MBM 1980 Cohort attendees that night really missed many of our classmates who did not arrive. Nonetheless, the three-night gatherings were resounding successes, by any count. (Thanks to ALL attendees, Doc Junbo and the CORE.) When the clock was near the strike of 12, these words suddenly became demonstrated by bear hugs, warm back-pats, and firm hand clasps, and, yes, many emotional good-byes...“Parting is such sweet sorrow”. Hasta la vista. (‘Till we meet again.) Many hearts were singing silently Auld Lang Syne towards the dimly lit parking lots. As we glided out of the car slots, the words of one of our MBM ’80 CORE Pillars must have been flashing across many minds: “Life is short but has a lot to offer. Do the bonding.” Our 30th year MBM Jubilee homecoming preparations and the email build-ups stretched for seven laborious months. Suddenly, the last three nights of bonding were a whirlwind.


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