Nur Aisyah Aisyah Asriani Asriani Nur 2017 2017
My name is Nur Aisyah Asriani, a graphic design based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Enjoying art directing, graphic design, ilustration, front end developing. My career goals are to continue to learn and grow while utilizing my creativity, knowledge, educaton and interpersonal skill to benefeit my work. You can usually find me spending time reading a book or in front of my laptop, watching movies and looking for good music. July 27, 1996
Aftereffect Premiere Ilustrator Corel Draw Photoshop InDesign HTML CSS Javascript
LANGUAGE Indonesia English Arabic
Nur Aisyah Asriani
BOGOR AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY INFORMATICS MANAGEMENT active in student organization and committee
DAAR EL-QOLAM ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL active in ikatan santri madrasatul mualimin al-islamiah, committee, and any competition
VOLUNTEER , COMMITTEE & COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Sakolaalit Community Responsible for maintain the social media including sakolaalit's twitter and instagram and graphic designer.
Komunitas Taufan Volunteer
Tangerang Muda Responsible as a leader of visual content graphic design
PROJECT Create a motion video tutorial on making duplicate stnk for cabang pelayanan pendapatan daerah provinsi wilayah Kota Bogor. Create a company profile for casaloma resto Bogor Making a short movie for birthday event Leader creative team for english festival and P4 (Pelatihan pembuatan Proposal PKM), making any decoration and designer backdrop and banner for this event.
AWARD Best treasure while assigned in kabinet aksi reaksi BEM Diploma IPB PPA Scholarship from The Indonesia Directorate Genaral of Higher Education (DIKTI) The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia and IPB
English Festival Treasurer and leader of creative team also design some backdrop and banner. English festival is a english competition event intended for senior high school student in Bogor.
P4 (pelatihan pembuatan proposal PKM) Treasurer and leader of creative team also design some backdrop and banner. P4 is training evet which is reserved for the diploma IPB student to prepare 100 propsals on PIMNAS (pekan ilmiah nasional)
Pekan Seni Budaya Decoration and documentation staff. Pekan seni budaya is art competition event intended for the diploma IPB student and senior high school student in Bogor.
Year : 2017 Scoop of work : UI/UX design, front end developer KYOMITSU Kyomitsu is a premium coaxial cable manufacturer and one of the pioneers that uses coaxial + power cable system.
Year : 2017 Scoop of work : UI/UX design, front end developer LGSAT PARABOLA Sumber parabola is a leading distributor company in the world of electronic indonesia since 1990.
KYOMITSU Year : 2017 Scoop of work : UI/UX design, front end developer KYOMITSU Kyomitsu is a premium coaxial cable manufacturer and one of the pioneers that uses coaxial + power cable system.
Digital Ilustrator
Maple Leaf
Phase : Individual Assignment Scoop of work : Digital Ilustrator Tools of Trade : Adobe Ilustrator
Blue Flower
Phase : Individual Assignment Scoop of work : Digital Ilustrator Tools of Trade : Adobe Ilustrator
Motion Graphic
Pelayanan Penerbitan STNK Duplikat Phase : Assignment Scoop of work : Motion Graphic Tools of Trade : Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe aftereffect, adobe premiere This Video is made as a tool to give any information about the steps of making duplicate STNK into interesting multimedia by motion graphic and also include the legal basics about duplicate STNK.
Social Media
Tangerang Muda Phase : Assignment Scoop of work : Social Media Tools of Trade : Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Photoshop These picture was documentations of social activity of Tangerang Muda community that will be posting on instagram’s Tangerang Muda community.
Web Banner
Year : 2017 Scoop of work : Web Design LGSAT PARABOLA Sumber parabola is a leading distributor company in the world of electronic indonesia since 1990. I create 5 banner design for lgsat parabola website.