Better Nutrition Magazine May 2019 Issue Supplement Cover

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CBD Why It Works & How to Use It for Overall Health

MAY 2019


Women’s Health

6That Conditions Affect

Women More Than Men & How to Treat Them Naturally




PAU D’ARCO P. 26 Multivitamin Myths Busted P. 20


Build Beauty from Within Hair, Skin, Nails & Joints†

Garden of Life now offers three Grass-Fed Collagen products to meet your specific needs. The entire line is Non-GMO Tested and Certified, Keto Certified, Certified Paleo Friendly and NSF Gluten Free. Whether it’s fortifying hair, skin and nails or supporting healthy joints and mobility, we have the clean, convenient answer in our collagen powders.

Non- GMO Tested

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

4/1/19 11:07 AM



Project FI E D


The Dr. Formulated Keto line is Keto Certified, Certified Paleo Friendly, and clean: Non-GMO Project Verified and Truly Grass Fed. We also have taken the math out of the equation for you by providing the correct mix of fat, protein and carbohydrates so you can follow your Keto diet more easily. Download a copy of our Guide to Everything Keto at

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The search for healthier food options may be easier than you think.

Fire up the grill for these tempting spring lamb chops.



32 Women’s Health


Certain serious conditions—from autoimmune diseases to osteoporosis— are known to target women exponentially more often than men. Here are six of the most common and what you can do to prevent them.

36 How to Find Good Food We all know to avoid packaged and processed foods as much as possible. But in today’s fast-paced world, that’s often easier said than done. The good news? You can find healthier options among the array of convenience foods offered by your local market. Here’s how.


Suncreens Ingredients to look for—and ones to avoid.

16 18

HOT BUYS Shopping List Food and supplement products that we’re excited about this month. CHECK OUT CBD: What It’s

Really All About What you need to know about this trendy supplement.


10 Multivitamin Myths Busted The plain facts about this dietary supplement staple.

24 ASK THE NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR Chronic Headache Relief

Natural ways to stave off this often-debilitating problem.


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Pau d’Arco

This time-tested herb from the Brazilian rainforest can help fight off infections, tame inflammation, and more.

30 NATURAL BEAUTY Clean Makeup

Feel better about what you’re putting on your face by making the switch to all-natural cosmetics.


Therapy to Fight Fatty Liver

Cutting out added sugar is only the first step in managing this increasingly common condition.

44 EATING 4 HEALTH 8 Foods to Fight High Blood Pressure

Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke by consuming more of these delicious foods.

48 HEALTHY DISH Fresh & Bright Lamb Chops

Support your liver with a combination of wholesome foods and herbs (like milk thistle!).


26 UNCOMMON HERBS 5 Benefits of

When it comes to warm-weather grilling, these tasty—and healthy— cuts of meat just can’t be beat.

• MAY 2019 4/1/19 11:26 AM

With just one tablet and 12 billion friendly probiotic organisms^ working hour after hour...*

It’s All In A Day’s Work. Stomach Acid Protection

Controlled Delivery

Hour after hour support

Probiotic CD all you need to help keep your digestive tract… on track!* TM

Once-daily Probiotic CD™ works differently than other probiotics. Not only does it protect friendly probiotic cultures from harmful stomach acid… but, with its unique BIO-tract® controlled-delivery technology, Probiotic CD™ continuously releases active probiotics hour after hour through your digestive system… where you need them most! That means your digestive health is consistently supported with 12 billion bioactive organisms^ from 10 vegetarian cultures.* Now that’s one hard-working probiotic! That’s PROBIOTIC CD™. NON-GMO, VEGETARIAN, GLUTEN AND PRESERVATIVE-FREE.

AVAILABLE AT HEALTH, NATURAL FOOD AND VITAMIN SPECIALTY STORES. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

^At time of manufacture. Bio-tract® is a registered trademark of Nutraceutix in the United States (reg. in the name of TNT Gamble,Inc). U.S. Pat Nos 8,007,777 and 8,540,980.

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©2019 American Health, Inc. | 18-AH-1309

4/1/19 11:26 AM

editor’sNOTE YO U R G U I D E TO N AT U R A L L I V I N G

Everyone Is Talking About CBD From gummies and sprays to coffee and even cottage cheese, CBD is everywhere. Along with its many healing promises comes a lot of confusion—will it get you high (no), how is it different from marijuana, and does it work? Better Nutrition contributing editor Vera Tweed has the fascinating scoop on p. 18 in “CBD: What It’s Really All About.” The bulk of “evidence” on CBD originates from people who have taken it and benefited greatly. The list of anecdotal uses includes anxiety, depression, pain, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, acne, addiction, gut health, and insomnia. CBD is also becoming popular for easing anxiety and pain in dogs. “When I started talking to people about their experiences with CBD oil, the first-person stories—from people whose lives have been changed by CBD—were by far the most compelling,” says Gretchen Lidicker, author of CBD Oil: Everyday Secrets (The Countrymen Press, 2018). “These cases aren’t medical proof of CBD’s powers, but they do tell the story of people who went from struggling with severe pain, taking multiple medications, or going days without sleep to living a better life, thanks at least in part to CBD.” CBD sold in the U.S. comes from hemp, not marijuana, both of which are different species of the cannabis plant. While CBD may seem cutting-edge, its actually an ancient remedy in some ways. According to well-known health expert Earl Mindell, RPh, MH, PhD, author of Healing With Hemp CBD Oil (Square One Publishers, 2018), “One of the earliest mentions of hemp as a medicine was in a pharmacopeia—a book of remedies—called the Shen-nung Pen-ts’ao Ching. This book is thought to be the world’s oldest medicinal guide.” You can buy CBD oil (and other CBD-infused products) at many health food stores. CBD’s legality has been ambiguous up until recently, when legislation (the Farm Bill) was passed that promises to clear the way for nationwide CBD use. Have a CBD success story? I would love to hear it! Please email me at the address below.



Editor in Chief Creative Director Executive Editor Associate Editor Copy Editor Beauty Editor Contributing Editors

Nicole Brechka Rachel Joyosa Jerry Shaver Elizabeth Fisher James Naples Sherrie Strausfogel Vera Tweed, Helen Gray

Contributing Designer Rachel Pilvinsky

Eating for Your Genes Transform your health on a cellular level by following a DNA-optimizing diet.

What’s New on & social media Heart Health presents

Natural Foods, Healing Nutrients, & Top Wellness Tips for a Happy Heart


Free Heart Health eBook! Heart disease and stroke take more lives than any other disease. Download our free Heart Health eBook at, and discover alternative views on cardiovascular health.

Contributing Writers Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, Melissa Diane Smith, Karta Purkh Singh, DN-C, RH, Chris Mann, Lisa Turner, Neil Zevnik Production Director Patrick Sternkopf Editorial Offices 512 Main Street, Suite 1 El Segundo, CA 90245 310-873-6952 General Manager Rob Lutz AIM Retail Group 970-291-9029 Associate Publisher & Bernadette Higgins East Coast Sales Director 561-362-3955 Midwest Ad Director Donna Diamond Riekenberg 818-271-8956 West Coast & Cindy Schofield Mountain Ad Director 310-456-5997 Retail Development Group 2400 NE 65th Street, Ste. 623 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Director of Retail Sales Joshua Kelly 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Marketing Director Laureen O’Brien Marketing Designer Judith Nesnadny Accounting & Billing Yolanda Campanatto

Mother’s Day Facebook Giveaway Visit our Facebook page on May 12 for your chance to win one of our women’s health baskets!

Cauliflower Flatbreads with Watercress Pesto & Wild Mushrooms Say goodbye to grains with this month’s online-only recipe featuring Cali’Flour Flatbreads.

ACTIVE INTEREST MEDIA, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Chairman & CEO Andrew W. Clurman Senior Vice President, Treasurer, and CFO Michael Henry President, Active Living Group Jonathan Dorn Vice President, IT Nelson Saenz Vice President, People & Places JoAnn Thomas AIM Board Chair Efrem Zimbalist III BetterNutritionMagazine betternutrition bnutritionmag betternutritionmag

BETTER NUTRITION, ISSN #0405-668X. Vol. 81, No. 5. Published monthly by Cruz Bay Publishing, an Active Interest Media company. 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-253-6300; fax 303-443-9757. © 2019 Cruz Bay Publishing. All rights reserved. Mechanical requirements and circulation listed in Standard Rate and Data Service. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to BETTER NUTRITION, are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in BETTER NUTRITION may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Microfilm copies of BETTER NUTRITION, are available from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Cruz Bay Publishing, provided that the base fee of US $2.25 per copy, per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923 USA. The fee code for users of this Transactional Reporting Service is 0405-668X/1999 $2.25. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopying license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact CCC at 508-750-8400. Organizations or individuals with large quantity photocopy or reprint requirements should call 770-988-9991.

• MAY 2019

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BioSil and You! ®

Yes, BioSil is the winner of a “Best of Natural Beauty” award, once again. But the real winner is you. Clinically proven BioSil gives you the ability to regain lost collagen, add new collagen, and protect your existing collagen. Best of all, BioSil works through your body’s natural collagengenerating pathways. BioSil contains no animal parts whatsoever, is non-GMO, and contains no artificial flavors, coloring, or preservatives. Get BioSil and enhance your own natural beauty!

Clinical Trial Results Bona fide double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, on women with already sun-damaged skin, prove that BioSil…

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles 30.0%‡* Increases skin elasticity 89.0%†‡* Increases hair volume (diameter of hair shaft) 12.8%†‡* Strengthens hair 13.1%†‡* Significantly strengthens nails‡* VEGAN GLUTEN FREE


Collagen Generator



©2019 Bio Minerals NV. Manufactured by Bio Minerals NV, Belgium. ch-OSA, BioSil, the ch-OSA logo and Advanced Collagen Generator are registered trademarks of Bio Minerals NV. †

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Wickett RR, Kossmann E, Barel A, Demeester N, Clarys P, Vanden Berghe DA, Calomme M (2007). Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on hair tensile strength and morphology in women with fine hair. Arch Dermatol Res, 299: 499-505. * Barel A, Calomme M, Timchenko A, De Paepe K, Demeester N, Rogiers V, Clarys P, Vanden Berghe D (2005) Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res, 297: 147-153. Results may vary. ‡

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4/1/19 12:13 PM

Introducing High-Energy Collagen End fatigue with quick absorbing, medical-grade liquid collagen and stimulant-free energy boosters.


have have more more energy!” energy!” Jim Jim Caras Caras frequently heard frequently heard from from many many of of his his clients after after using using his his medical-grade medical-grade clients ® liquid liquid collagen, collagen, called called AminoSculpt AminoSculpt®.. “At “At first first it it didn’t didn’t make make sense,” sense,” says says Caras, Founder of Health Direct Caras, Founder of Health Direct and and author author of of How How to to Completely Completely Reshape Reshape Your Body! “Collagen Your Body! “Collagen is is known known to to enhance enhance beauty beauty and and support support joints… joints… but but energy?" energy?" Caras Caras had had to to know, know, “Why “Why were were people getting more energy people getting more energy after after using using AminoSculpt AminoSculpt liquid liquid collagen collagen -- and and why why weren't weren't they they getting getting the the same same energy energy when when taking taking other other collagen collagen products?” products?”

“PEM” “PEM” -- Why Why Many Many Are Are Tired Tired

Jim’s Jim’s research research focused focused on on a a basic basic macromacronutrient – protein. nutrient – protein. He explains, “I found that many He explains, “I found that many

people people suffer suffer from from a a relatively relatively common, common, but mostly mostly unknown but unknown condition condition called called Protein Energy Energy Malnutrition Malnutrition (or (or PEM)." PEM)." Protein PEM is a protein deficiency that PEM is a protein deficiency that occurs occurs when when the the body body can’t can’t properly properly absorb protein. You feel absorb protein. You feel this this as as a a lack lack of of energy, hence the "Energy Malnutrition.” energy, hence the "Energy Malnutrition.” As As we we age, age, our our body’s body’s ability ability to to break down protein declines. break down protein declines. Digestive Digestive issues, issues, and and the the overuse overuse of of protein protein supplements can make this supplements can make this problem problem even even worse. worse. Jim’s Jim’s discovery discovery led led to to the the creation creation of of AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™, AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™, a a new new “enhanced” “enhanced” collagen collagen that that has has helped helped thousands with their energy thousands with their energy problems. problems. Here’s Here’s how how it it works… works…

Liquid Liquid Collagen Collagen Boosts Boosts Energy Energy

“It's all about absorption,” says Caras. “It's all about absorption,” says Caras.

Collagen Collagen is is difficult difficult to to digest digest and and must be must be “hydrolyzed” “hydrolyzed” (predigested) (predigested) into “bioactive” “bioactive” peptides peptides to into to be be absorbed. Caras explains, “When absorbed. Caras explains, “When this this is is done properly and then delivered done properly and then delivered in in a a liquid liquid form, form, two two things things happen…” happen…” “First, our bodies “First, our bodies absorb absorb nearly nearly 100% 100% of of the the protein protein within within minutes. minutes. Second, Second, this this rapid rapid absorption absorption causes causes the the liver to use the collagen for energy liver to use the collagen for energy like like it it would would a a complex complex carbohydrate. carbohydrate. This This is why many people is why many people feel feel an an immediate immediate ‘boost’ ‘boost’ of of energy.” energy.”

Why Why Other Other Collagen Collagen Products Products DO NOT Boost DO NOT Boost Energy… Energy…

The The answer answer lies lies in in how how the the collagen collagen is is made. Hydrolyzing collagen made. Hydrolyzing collagen is is complex, complex, and the quality varies widely. and the quality varies widely. Caras explains, “Nearly every Caras explains, “Nearly every

Energy, Energy, Focus Focus and and Clarity Clarity with with Enhanced Enhanced Collagen Collagen Benefits… Benefits… “Boosts “Boosts DAYTIME DAYTIME ENERGY” ENERGY”

Our unique liquid collagen peptides are Our unique liquid This collagen rapidly absorbed. causespeptides the liverareto rapidly absorbed. This causes use the collagen for energy, liketheit liver wouldtoa use the collagen for energy, like it complex carbohydrate. Eight other would precisea complex carbohydrate. Eight other precise nutrients are combined with it to support nutrients are combined with it to support OVER 30 metabolic functions and enhance OVER 30natural metabolic functions and enhance energy production.* natural energy production.*

“Whole “Whole Body Body RECOVERY” RECOVERY”

Our liquid collagen peptides are shown in Our liquid collagen peptidesrecovery are shown clinical studies to improve 96%in clinical studies to improve recovery 96%in BETTER than placebo. Plus, the nutrients BETTER than placebo. Plus, the nutrients our proprietary energy blend help supportin our proprietary energy blend help support healthy blood circulation, decrease muscle healthy recoveryblood time,circulation, and reducedecrease sorenessmuscle after recovery time, and reduce soreness after exercise.* exercise.*

“Supports “Supports FOCUS FOCUS & CLARITY” & CLARITY”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy is rich in AminoSculpt Collagendoses Energyof isspecific rich in CLINICAL-STRENGTH CLINICAL-STRENGTH doses of specific vitamins and amino acids that support vitamins and acids that support alertness and amino cognitive function. These alertness and cognitive function. These play key roles in the brain and nervous play key roles in the brain and nervous system. People report that “brain fog” lifts system. People report thatfocus” “brainsetfog” and periods of “calm in.*lifts and periods of “calm focus” set in.*

“Better “Better BEAUTY BEAUTY Benefits” Benefits”

Many people who use AminoSculpt Many people whonotice use AminoSculpt Collagen Energy BETTER AND Collagen Energy notice QUICKER improvements BETTER in their AND hair, QUICKER improvements their hair, skin and nails. It increasesinthe delivery skin and nails. It increases the delivery of collagen and co-factors to every cell collagen co-factorsenhancing to every cell inof the body; and significantly the innatural the body; significantly enhancing the benefits of collagen peptides.* natural benefits of collagen peptides.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary. ©2019 D&J Vision Marketing, Inc.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary. ©2019 D&J Vision Marketing, Inc.

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4/1/19 11:08 AM

Why Our Medically-Proven Liquid Collagen Peptides Boost Energy… AminoSculpt® Liquid Collagen Peptides RAW

Collagen Collagen

We source grass-fed, non-GMO, RAW collagen to meet our stringent criteria.


They buy PREMADE HYDROLYZED collagen from “Big Food” corporations. They simply pour it into a container and put put their their label label on on it. it. They They look look different, different, but inside they are basically all but inside they are basically all the the same. same.

We HYDROLYZE THE COLLAGEN OURSELVES OURSELVES with with aa proprietary proprietary medical-grade process. medical-grade process. You You receive receive the the best-absorbing best-absorbing medical-grade medical-grade bioactive peptides EVERY TIME – bioactive peptides EVERY TIME – the the same same used by doctors and hospitals! used by doctors and hospitals!

You You get get aa commodity commodity collagen collagen powder powder where the color, how well it mixes where the color, how well it mixes and and absorption varies between batches. absorption varies between batches.

"…we hydrolyzed our own collagen, other brands don't!" collagen company DOES NOT collagen company DOES NOT hydrolyze their own collagen, so they hydrolyze their own collagen, so they can't know exactly what they're getting can't know exactly what they're getting – and neither do you. The proof is in the – and neither do you. The proof is in the results. Most don't boost your energy, results. Most don't boost your energy, which shows they aren't absorbing well. which shows they aren't absorbing well. This means they weren't hydrolyzed This means they weren't hydrolyzed properly." properly." Even worse, improperly hydrolyzed Even worse, improperly hydrolyzed collagen can make PEM worse. collagen can make PEM worse.

Liquid Collagen: Liquid Collagen: Medically Proven Medically Proven Over Over 44 Decades Decades “At Health Direct, we hydrolyze our

“At Health Direct, we hydrolyze our own collagen, so we know exactly own collagen, so we know exactly what you're getting." what you're getting." The liquid peptides in AminoSculpt The liquid peptides in AminoSculpt Collagen Energy have the best Collagen Energy have the best absorption, are ready-to-use, and are absorption, are ready-to-use, and are highly concentrated (10 grams of highly concentrated (10 grams of collagen protein per 1 oz serving). collagen protein per 1 oz serving). Even better, these Whole Body Even better, these Wholebuild Bodyall bioactive collagen peptides bioactive collagen peptides build 28 types of collagen in the bodyall 28 types ofI,collagen including: II, III, IVin , Vthe andbody X. including: I, II, III, IV , V andhave X. been "It's no surprise that they "It's no surprise that they have been medically proven by over 4,700 doctors, medically proven by over 4,700 doctors, hospitals and health professionals over hospitals and health professionals over

the past 40 years," Jim adds. the past 40 years," Jim adds.

"Supercharging” "Supercharging” Collagen Collagen

In his research, Caras and his team also In his research, Caras and his team also uncovered eight additional nutrients uncovered eight additional nutrients that help fight PEM and address other that help fight PEM and address other causes of fatigue. As an added bonus causes of fatigue. As an added bonus they also enhance collagen’s natural they also enhance collagen’s natural anti-aging benefits. These stimulantanti-aging benefits. These stimulantfree “superchargers” are included in free “superchargers” are included in AminoSculpt Collagen Energy (see sidebar AminoSculpt Collagen Energy (see sidebar for details). for details). Caras finishes, "We're getting results Caras finishes, "We're getting results that other collagen products simply can't that other collagen products simply can't deliver. It's time to expect more from deliver. It's time to expect more from your collagen.” your collagen.” AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™ is AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™ is sugar-free, contains zero caffeine, and is sugar-free, contains zero caffeine, and is made from non-GMO, grass-fed collagen. made from non-GMO, grass-fed collagen. It's also ready-to-drink, with no mixing It's also ready-to-drink, with no mixing required. required.

To Find AminoSculpt ToCollagen Find AminoSculpt Energy™™ Collagen Energy Call Toll-Free Call Toll-Free 1-800-989-9531, Dept 2972 1-800-989-9531, Dept 2972

Visit Us Online: Visit Us Online:

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88 Collagen Collagen Energy Energy "Superchargers" "Superchargers" “NITRIC “NITRIC OXIDE OXIDE Nutrients” Nutrients”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains L-Citrulline and powerful antioxidants from L-Citrulline and powerful antioxidants from Amla, Pomegranate, and Red Orange. Amla, Pomegranate, and Red Orange. They promote nitric oxide production, They promote nitric oxide production, healthy circulation and energy.* healthy circulation and energy.*

“Clinical-Strength “Clinical-Strength VITAMINS” VITAMINS”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen contains clinical-strength doses Energy of the vitamins clinical-strength doses of the vitamins Methycobalamin B-12 and D3. and D3. TheyMethycobalamin support energy,B-12 the metabolism, Theybone support energy, the metabolism, health, and congnition.* bone health, and congnition.*

“High-Potency “High-Potency MINERALS” MINERALS”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen contains high-potency doses of Energy Magnesium and high-potency dosessupport of Magnesium and Potassium. They energy, and Potassium. They support energy, and reduce fatigue and muscle weakness.* reduce fatigue and muscle weakness.*

4/1/19 11:08 AM


Sorting Out Sunscreens Don’t let new guidelines confuse you—here are the safest ingredients for sun protection The FDA is taking a new look at sunscreen safety and effectiveness. Today’s ingredients haven’t been evaluated in decades, while new science has emerged. No ingredients are being banned, but results of the review won’t be in before you hit the beach this summer. Here’s a snapshot of how the agency currently views 16 active ingredients that may be in your sunscreen: Safe Ingredients: Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, found in many natural products. Holistic health professionals have been recommending these skinprotecting minerals for years. Ingredients With Known Safety Issues: PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) and trolamine salicylate, which are rarely found in today’s sunscreens. PABA can trigger skin allergies, and trolamine salicylate can increase bleeding.

Ingredients That Need More Study: The FDA has not concluded that the following 12 ingredients are unsafe, but is collecting additional testing data from manufacturers to re-examine safety and effectiveness. avobenzone cinoxate dioxybenzone ensulizole homosalate meradimate octinoxate octisalate octocrylene oxybenzone padimate O sulisobenzone

did you know?

SPF refers only to protection from UVB rays, not UVA rays, which cause sunburn.

Although these ingredients are not being prohibited, there have been concerns about their safety. For example, oxybenzone may disrupt hormones and contribute to cancer and birth defects.

Other Sunscreen Issues The FDA is planning to require more detailed label information on sunscreens, and to re-evaluate the effectiveness of certain ingredients used to block UVB and UVA rays. Both types of rays can contribute to skin cancer, but only UVB rays cause sunburn. Sunscreens that are “broad spectrum” protect against both types of rays, but current regulations don’t require labels to disclose the level of protection from UVA rays. SPF refers only to UVB rays. Meanwhile, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are recognized as effective blocks of both types of UV rays.

FOR MORE INFO: Check out the Guide

to Sunscreens from the nonprofit Environmental Working Group at


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FITNESS is best longevity test A study of 6,500 people aged 70 and older has found that fitness is a better predictor of longevity than other routinely used health markers such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking status. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine noted that these conventional indicators of risk are very common in the older age group, but do not predict how long older people will live. However, there is evidence that controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing diabetes, and not smoking earlier in life can help prevent heart disease and early death. For anyone who is over 70 and not all that fit, it’s never too late to get moving.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is used to increase vigor and endurance, and improve overall health. For men, it’s also viewed as an aphrodisiac and a remedy for infertility. Now, an Australian study of overweight men, between the ages of 40 and 70, has found that with daily use for 8 weeks, the herb boosts levels of testosterone and DHEA-S, hormones related to youth and virility. The daily supplement tested in the study was an extract of ashwagandha containing 21 mg of withanolide glycosides, the key active ingredient in the herb. Earlier research found that the herb enhances sperm quantity and quality in men with low sperm counts.

Seaweed Extract

Lowers Blood Sugar

Did You Know? On average, a human being walks about 74,580 miles in their lifetime. That’s the equivalent of walking around the world three times.


Healthy levels of blood sugar help to prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and they make it easier to lose weight and stay trim. In addition to a diet that isn’t too high in starches and sugars, help is available from a supplement made from sea vegetables: InSea2. A study of 65 otherwise healthy people with elevated blood sugar found that taking InSea2 daily for 6 months normalized blood sugar in one of five people and reduced levels in the rest. In contrast, a placebo did not produce any improvement. InSea2 is an ingredient in some supplements designed to support healthy levels of blood sugar, e.g., Life Extension CinSulin and Nature’s Plus Sugar Armor.

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19 hours That’s how much time is devoted to nutrition education during four years of medical school in this country. And, it doesn’t cover what patients need to know: How to eat a healthier diet that will prevent disease. Instead, the focus is on biochemistry and deficiency diseases that have all but been eliminated, such as scurvy, according to an analysis of medical education published in JAMA. No wonder there’s a lot of confusion about healthy diets.

SPRING ALLERGIES: WORSE THAN EVER? Many experts believe 2019 may go down as one of the worst allergy seasons on record due to multiple factors. If you’re not taking a daily supplement for allergies, start now. Top remedies to try (look for combination formulas that have a mix of these remedies): VITAMIN C: helps prevent the formation of histamine during a response to an allergen. QUERCETIN: a flavonoid that helps block the production and release of histamine. MAGNOLIA: often used in traditional Chinese medicine formulas to ease nasal congestion from allergies and headaches associated with sinus pressure. STINGING NETTLE: has a strong antihistamine effect—in one study, nettle outperformed over-the-counter allergy drugs. REISHI: enhances immune function and helps support lung health. To check daily pollen counts in your area, go to

think AMLA for high cholesterol & triglycerides A study in the journal BMC, Complementary and Alternative Medicine reveals that a simple extract from the amla plant (Emblica officinalis), also known as Indian gooseberry, helps promote healthy triglyceride and cholesterol levels. The 12-week, placebo-controlled study involved 98 people with high lipid markers. A whopping 73 percent of participants in the amla group showed a significant reduction in total cholesterol. And 44 out of the 49 subjects in the amla group also had significant reductions in total triglyceride levels. A full-spectrum amla supplement was used in the study.

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trendWATCH the Passion behind the Product

Crazy for Cauliflower Amy Lacey proved that good food, good people, and good deeds are a formula for success in life as well as in the marketplace ///By Neil Zevnik

The Passion: Food as Medicine The original ketogenic diet was designed in 1923 at the Mayo Clinic for the treatment of epilepsy. Eventually it broadened to include treatments for other diseases that have an underlying metabolic dysregulation. The Paleo diet is of more recent origin, stemming from a theory of eating based on hereditary genetics. Both have features that lend themselves to a regimen that help support immune health.

So Amy embarked upon a journey to figure this out for herself, for her family’s sake as well as her own. Grains were out—many inflammatory disorders can be triggered by them. Trial and error across the food spectrum led her to vegetables, and specifically to cauliflower. There were two primary attractions, as Amy discovered: “Cauliflower is an antioxidant and is full of vitamins, and it takes on the flavors of anything you put with it, making it unique.” What she was really looking for was something that would allow healthy eating within a proscribed spectrum of inflammatory responses, and yet offer satisfaction and convenience with no feelings of deprivation. Surely there was a way to make her food safe and non-reactive, but still fun and delicious.

The Product: Cali’Flour

Thus was born Cali’Flour. After much trial and error, Amy developed a reliable flour made from cauliflower that can be swapped with any flour substitute. And an additional Online-Only Recipe! perk? “I love the Our recipe of the month—Cali’Flour Flatbreads with Watercess Pesto fact that I can use & Wild Mushrooms, shown above—combines peppery watercress with the entire head earthy mushrooms and tangy feta cheese. It’s so delicious, and it’s only (including stems available at and leaves) and

eliminate food waste.” Then she set about using this flour to create convenient foods that could make life easier and better—not just for her, but for everyone looking for healthy and simple deliciousness. Pizza crust was the beginning—versatile, quick, and good for you. Then came crackers, and red lentil and cauliflower pasta. And last but not least, individual flatbreads that open up a world of endlessly varied culinary possibilities. And in case you were wondering what to do with these treats, check out Amy’s Cali’Flour Kitchen cookbook. The path forward wasn’t always easy, but Amy has persevered, buoyed by the community that developed as people discovered her products. “One of my highest moments was learning about a little boy named Gavin, who was put on a ketogenic diet after being diagnosed with cancer. He is now six years old, cancer-free, and I learned that Cali’Flour Foods gave him pizza again!” Amy believes that giving back is an essential component of any endeavor. So she founded Cali’Flour Cares, an online store that supports several nonprofits that assist women, children, and lupus sufferers. “One of the best gifts we have in life is the ability to serve and give to others.”

Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at



Paleo. Keto. These are the diet words on everyone’s lips these days. Both involve minimal carbs and varying amounts of proteins and fats. They promise everything from weight loss to increased energy to improved cardiovascular health. For Amy Lacey, the dietary challenge was more specific and more urgent. Her health was poor, her energy levels nonexistent, her weight fluctuating. After being diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases, it became imperative for her to investigate and implement major changes in her diet to allow her to deal with her body’s inflammatory betrayal of itself.

From pizza crusts to crackers, Amy Lacey’s company Cali’Flour makes a variety of tasty cauliflower foods.

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trendWATCH In the Spotlight:

Alec Penix For this celebrity trainer, the path to a firm core means more than repeated trips to the gym— it’s a heartfelt journey to emotional and spiritual wholeness. And nourishing the mind and body with natural foods helps fuel this quest ///By Chris Mann

Why is awareness of what we eat—and, especially for emotional eaters, why we eat it—key to making a sustainable shift to healthier eating? I say that awareness is the key to making any change in your life. Willpower can last for however long, but if we’re not really dealing with the wound—because with food it’s really as much emotional as it is physical— and really aren’t bringing that awareness to the surface and understanding why we are choosing this food rather than that food, then we aren’t going to make a shift that lasts long term. So I want people to start understanding why they’re making some of the decisions they’re making. Once that happens, as long as they desire that change, they have the education and awareness and knowledge to make that step forward and start creating that (lasting) shift in their lives.

have been conditioned for so many years. So by doing a process like Seven Sundays, we’re making new conditioning habits and new distinctions, shifting our nervous system and connecting ourselves with a healthier lifestyle and the way it makes us feel. It’s just changing the way you used to do things and walking into a new path—and understanding that we do have dominion over these choices.”

for me, this food is changing my life, this food is making me feel alive and changing my body, changing my mind.” You start reconditioning the way you look at these healthy foods. And when you bring in (man-made) Faith-Less Foods, you start making those connections that will turn you away from them. Once we start going through that process of reconditioning, we start making positive linkages to the food we want and negative connections to the foods we don’t want. This is the awareness I want when people bring these foods in—that they’re ultimately saying that this is the food that God has made. The other foods are ones that man has made, has reformed, has refined, and has taken out some of their nutritional value. Whereas this (natural) food is plentiful the way it comes. When we remind ourselves of that, that’s when I believe we begin to really see a major shift in our eating habits.

How can moving to a diet of all-natural foods—namely those you call the 10 FaithFull Foods—help in this transformation?

Which all-natural sweetening foods can help us cut out Faith-Less sugar?

Whenever we’re introducing a food that isn’t man-made, that is healthy, that is good for us, I want the awareness to be, “this food is good

Some of the natural sweeteners I turn to are stevia, the 100 percent extract, and monk fruit. Also, molasses and maple syrup are

good options. If we introduce these natural options, even the maple syrup a little bit— which is okay (even though) there is sugar in it—our bodies will respond favorably. The body wants these natural foods, it knows how to digest these natural foods. So as long as we’re exercising and eating properly and sleeping, once we get our bodies on a rhythm, we can start incorporating some of these healthier sweeteners.

What are your favorite energizing snacks? For a long time I didn’t have energy bars. But recently I found G2G or Good to Go bars and absolutely fell in love with them. As a trainer I’m always on my feet, so I need an extra source of protein and carbs that is all-natural. I can also turn to things like almonds, cashews, and walnuts. And I can also snack on any type of lean meat with some cheese. And there’s nothing easier than hard-boiled eggs with vegetables or low-glycemic fruits. There’s an endless amount of all-natural snacks we can turn to that will help us nourish that feeling of hunger and allow us to have that sustainability that I think we all desire throughout the day.

Chris Mann is a wellness and fitness writer, natural health brand storyteller, entertainment author and journalist, and digital-content producer ( Check out his blog,



Celebrity trainer Alex Penix shares the story of his awakening— and the physical, mental, and spiritual steps needed for our own transformations—in his new 43-day devotional, Seven Sundays: A Faith, Fitness, and Food Plan for Lasting Spiritual and Physical Change. The biblically-inspired book aims to help readers find the same higher power that helped Penix heal childhood wounds and achieve a deeper sense of wellbeing. “I want people to understand that we are body, mind, and spirit,” he says. “But our bodies—and that includes our brain—

For celebrity trainer Alex Penix, a healthy whole foods-based diet is a matter of faith.

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Shopping List


Mushroom powders, Manuka honey, body scrubs, and more great stuff

Rich & Fudgy Almond Flour Brownies

1 3

Simple Mills founder Katlin Smith started

following a gluten- and additive-free diet to alleviate years of aches and pains and fatigue. When she couldn’t find any baking mixes to suit her eating habits, she developed her own. Her line includes sprouted crackers, organic frostings, baking mixes, and Almond Flour Brownies, which just launched. These luscious chocolate brownies are made with almond flour, arrowroot, organic coconut sugar, organic coconut flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and sea salt. On a Paleo diet? Make this your go-to sweet treat.

Hello Glow Nourish and exfoliate your skin with Desert Essence Body Scrubs. These spa-style formulas are infused with mineral-rich sea salts and sugar, a natural skin polisher. Choose from three scrubs: Hydrating Sugar (with jojoba, coconut, and chamomile), Nourishing Pink Himalayan Salt & Sugar (with jojoba and sunflower), and Detoxifying Sea Salt (with jojoba and sweet almond).

Super Healthy Soil Ancient Nutrition Ancient Probiotics use

soil-based organisms, known as SBOs, which are naturally resistant to the harsh environment of the upper digestive tract and stomach. Two key strains—Bacillus coagulans and Lactobacillus plantarum— are combined with triphala, fenugreek, ginger, and other Ayurvedic herbs known for their gut-healing properties. There are eight formulas to choose from, including Ultimate Once Daily, Skin, and Brain.


4 5 A Honey Like No Other Flora Manuka Honey is UMF-certified and

every jar is 100 percent traceable. (Not all brands of this New Zealand honey contain pure Manuka honey.) You can scan the code on the label to find out where your honey was made, its lab tests results, and its UMF rating. The UMF trademark (New Zealand’s Unique Manuka Factor Honey) guarantees the honey has been third-party tested to ensure it contains three signature compounds. Flora Manuka Honey is non-GMO and sourced from an eco-friendly Maori-owned beekeeping operation in New Zealand.

Powdered Mushroom Magic Host Defense Mushroom Powders are activated,

freeze-dried, certified organic mycelium, with a full spectrum of constituents. Best part: they can be added to your favorite beverages and foods. The line features seven blends (both single mushrooms and mushroom-herb combinations), including Cordyceps, Brain Energy (with lion’s mane, yerba mate, and eleuthero), and Stamets 7 Daily Immune Support (with reishi, maitake, chaga, and other mushrooms).

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Today’s multiple should start with today’s science. That’s why Bluebonnet’s Ladies’ ONE™ & Men’s ONE™ are bursting with over 25 cutting-edge ingredients like bone-building vitamin K2, the most bio-active coenzyme forms of B vitamins, vitamin E from sunflower oil, and more bioavailable Albion chelated minerals at potencies based on current science in conjunction with the FDA’s most updated recommended daily values (DV), making them the most advanced and wholesome multiples in the natural products marketplace today. Both are kosher-certified by KOF-K and non-GMO verified by the NSF® True North Program and incorporate sustainably harvested herbal extracts and plant-sourced enzymes to optimally breakdown nutrients while being gentle on the digestive tract, as well as organic vegetable blends and targeted nutrients that address the specific health and nutritional needs of women and men. Most importantly, they deliver all of this wholesome goodness in just ONE easy-to-swallow vegetable capsule per day, which is why they are nature's best solution for today's busy lifestyles.◆ • One Capsule Daily • Whole Food-Based • Suitable for Vegetarians • Kosher Certified • Non-GMO Certified by NSF® True North Program† • Free of Common Allergens (soy, gluten & milk)




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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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BN0519_D_HotBuys_JS.indd 17

Available at fine natural food stores For additional information on Bluebonnet nutritional supplements, please call 1-800-580-8866, visit, or write: Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, 12915 Dairy Ashford, Sugar Land, TX 77478 USA

4/1/19 12:26 PM



CBD: What It’s Really All About Why CBD works and how some other plants exert similar effects /// BY VERA TWEED CBD has been exploding in popularity for improving general health and well-being, and relieving a variety of ailments from chronic pain and headaches to anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and other ills. In addition to supplements and skin creams, it’s being added to cakes, donuts, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, teas, coffees, beer, cocktails, and even dog treats. And consumer demand is driving research— the number of trials is approaching 200. Short for “cannabidiol,” CBD influences the endocannabinoid system, one of the many systems in our bodies. In addition, some other plant substances (herbs) and omega-3 fats also influence this system in favorable ways.

What Is the Endocannabinoid System? “The endocannabinoid system maintains balance in the body; it keeps a lot of


things in check,” says Aditi Das, PhD, professor and researcher at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Endocannabinoids are molecules that we produce internally, and we have receptors for them throughout our bodies, mostly in the nervous and immune systems. Levels of these beneficial molecules vary among individuals. “Super-happy people have more endocannabinoids and less-happy people have fewer endocannabinoids,” says Das. “People who have high endocannabinoids can tolerate pain better.” Our natural endocannabinoid levels are influenced partially by our genes and partially by nutrition, says Das, and she’s started to decipher the food connection. Her animal research shows that omega-3 fats provide building blocks for our internal production of endocannabinoids.

How CBD Works CBD contains cannabinoids. These molecules aren’t identical to our internally produced endocannabinoids, but they interact with our receptors in the same way. The net effect is the same as our bodies producing more endocannabinoids.

WHY PEOPLE USE CBD A survey of more than 2,000 American adults currently using CBD, led by the Center for Medical Cannabis Education at the University of California, San Diego, found that general health and well-being was the goal in nearly 40 percent of cases. Among the rest, these were the most common reasons for CBD use:

* Chronic pain * Arthritis or other joint pain * Anxiety * Depression * Insomnia or other sleep problems * Migraines or other headaches * PTSD * Nausea * Cancer * Asthma * Allergies * Epilepsy or other seizure disorders * Multiple sclerosis * Lung conditions such as COPD * Parkinson’s disease * Alzheimer’s disease

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NO “HIGH” FROM CBD CBD can be extracted from the hemp plant (“industrial hemp”) or from marijuana. Confusion arises because both plants are part of the Cannabis family. Regardless of the source, CBD doesn’t produce a “high.” The euphoric effect of marijuana comes from a distinctly different component: THC. By law, hemp plants and products derived from them cannot contain more than 0.3 percent THC—an insignificant amount. However, high doses of hemp-derived CBD could lead to a failed drug test. Traces of CBD stay in the human body for 4–5 days, and sometimes longer.

Human trials of CBD have found that it can help relieve anxiety, insomnia, schizophrenia, and epileptic seizures. In dogs, it’s been shown to reduce arthritis pain. However, anecdotal evidence shows many more benefits (see “Why People Use CBD,” left), sometimes being effective enough to replace opioids as a pain reliever.

Other Plants with Similar Effects Certain plants contain beta-caryophyllene (also known as caryophyllene), which is a different substance that, like CBD, interacts with endocannabinoid receptors. Cinnamon, black pepper, cloves, lavender, oregano, hops, and rosemary are among such plants. Echinacea is another source of caryophyllene that also contains alkylamides, substances that work in a similar way. Some supplements, which may be described as “phytocannabinoids,” combine

CBD and some of these herbs. Others contain no CBD but a combination of herbs with similar effects to CBD (i.e., they help support endocannabinoid health).

How to Use CBD and Similar Herbs There is no specific recommended dose of CBD, but 2–3 mg can often produce noticeable benefits. It may take anywhere from minutes to a few hours to detect an effect, with sublingual CBD being fast-acting, creams taking up to several hours, and pills being somewhere in between. There is no set dose for herbal combinations, other than those suggested on product labels. Individual reactions to CBD vary a great deal, so the only way to find the best dose is by experimenting, starting at a low dose and increasing gradually as needed. If symptoms improve with a lower dose and then worsen at a higher dose, cut back.

Studies of CBD have used doses ranging from 160 to more than 1,000 mg daily, which can produce side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, reduced appetite, and drowsiness.

product PICKS

Emerald Health Bioceuticals Endo Bliss

Bluebird Botanicals Hemp Extract Complete Green Roads CBD Coffee HempFusion Sleep Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract

Contributing editor Vera Tweed has been researching and writing about supplements, holistic nutrition, fitness, and other aspects of healthy living since 1997. She is the author of several books, including Hormone Harmony: How to Balance Insulin, Cortisol, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone to Live Your Best Life.

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10 Multivitamin Myths Busted We cut through the misinformation surrounding this dietary supplement staple ///BY VERA TWEED The multivitamin is the most popular type of supplement, most often taken for overall health and wellness. Nevertheless, myths about multivitamins persist and can reduce the effectiveness of these foundational supplements—or even discourage you from taking them. Here are the facts:

1. A healthy diet will provide all the essential nutrients. While a perfect diet could theoretically provide adequate nutrients, it rarely exists in the real world. In fact, large U.S. government surveys show that deficiencies are much more common among people who take no supplements. A study of more than 10,000 American adults, published in The Journal of Family Practice, compared nutritional shortfalls among people who took no supplements and those who took a multivitamin on most days. Among the differences, those who took no supplements were:

* 24 times more likely to lack vitamin D * 8 times more likely to lack vitamin E * At least twice as likely to lack vitamins A, C, and K, and magnesium

Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Vitamin E protects against DNA damage. Vitamins A, C, and K are necessary for healthy vision, immunity, and heart health. And magnesium is a key component of more than 300 internal functions in the human body.


Another large study of American adults found that those who took multivitamins at least 21 days per month had virtually no deficiencies in 14 of 17 essential nutrients examined. The three exceptions were vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium—multivitamins aren’t designed to provide the full daily requirements of these nutrients. In contrast, there were significant deficiencies in about a dozen of the nutrients tested among people who took no supplements.

2. You only need to take a multivitamin if your energy sags or you feel under the weather. Quite the contrary. Studies show that taking a multivitamin every day—or at least on most days—provides the most benefit. Yet, when researchers asked more than 5,000 multivitamin users how often they took the supplements, only one in five took their multis at least 21 days each month.

Healthy Tip! For more information about the importance of multivitamins, go to and search for “The Surprising Health Benefits of Multivitamins.”

3. If you miss a day, you should double the dose the next day. The human body does not store most B vitamins (B12 is an exception), vitamin C, and zinc, yet it needs them every day. If a double dose contains more than you can absorb, the excess will be excreted, so it doesn’t compensate. Other vitamins and minerals can be stored, but it makes more sense to take them daily.

4. It doesn’t matter if you take a multivitamin with or without food. Nutrients that are water-soluble, such as B vitamins and vitamin C, are absorbed without food. But fat-soluble ones, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, need to be taken with some fatty food to be properly absorbed. Since a multivitamin contains both types, always take it with food that contains some fat. In addition, when taken on an empty stomach, supplements can produce digestive discomfort.

5. It’s especially important to start taking a multivitamin if you get pregnant. While this is true, it’s a myth that you can wait until after discovering that you’re pregnant. Lack of folic acid can lead to neural tube defects, in the brain and spine, which develop in the first month of pregnancy—before many women even know that they’re pregnant. Any woman of child-bearing age should get 400 mg of folic acid daily—an

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It’s time to focus on eye health.

Get Macula 30+ Right ingredients, right ratios Introducing Macula 30+, the latest in eye health care; formulated by one of the world’s leading research scientists in eye health nutrition to help maintain normal macular density and promote macular health as you age.* A healthy macula is a critical part of the eye for vision throughout life. It is constantly under stress, and as we age, many people develop significant problems that impact their vision. This formula provides the right nutrients in the right ratios to not only fortify the macula but also to support healthy visual performance, which includes the ability to see in low light and the ability to recover from glare.*

Quantum Health now offers a complete line of vision supplements that support eye health at any age. Digital Blue helps filter digital blue light and helps optimize visual performance.* SEE Lutein+ provides nutritional support for healthy eyes.*

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Every purchase helps prevent childhood blindness. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© 2018 Quantum Health

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amount found in many multivitamins—to reduce the risk of neural tube defects if she were to conceive. During pregnancy, 600 mg daily is recommended to support healthy growth of a baby.

6. You shouldn’t take a multi if you take prescription drugs. There are many scary warnings about combining supplements and drugs. However, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, one of the National Institutes of Health, has concluded that multivitamins containing no more than 100 percent of the Daily Value of vitamins and minerals typically do not cause a problem with medications, with one exception. If you take warfarin (Coumadin or Jantoven) to thin blood, vitamin K will decrease its effectiveness. Your doctor can adjust the dose of the drug to compensate, or you can take a multivitamin without vitamin K. Other blood thinners may not react this way, but to be sure, check with your doctor before taking vitamin K in a multivitamin or other supplement if you take blood thinners.

7. If you take a multivitamin every day, it doesn’t matter what you eat. Supplements, by definition, are meant to supplement nutritious food rather than replace it. If your diet consists of junk food, supplements can help, but you’re fighting an uphill battle. Foods contain many more nutrients than anyone could pack into pills.

8. If your urine turns yellow or orange, something is wrong. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) turns your urine yellow or orange when you excrete amounts your body can’t use. It’s quite normal and nothing to worry about. If you don’t like the color, drink more water.

9. All multivitamins are basically the same. The number of nutrients in a multivitamin can vary from a few to more than two

DAILY VALUES: WHAT THEY MEAN Daily recommended amounts, which are estimated to be adequate for most men or women at a certain age, have been established for many basic nutrients. Daily Values, usually listed in Supplement Facts on labels as “%DV,” are not recommendations but are designed to be a guide for comparing products. HOW DAILY VALUE IS CALCULATED

The Daily Value is based on the highest recommended amount of a nutrient. For example, women need 700 mcg of vitamin A, while men need 900 mcg. The Daily Value of vitamin A is 900 mcg—the higher amount. If %DV is 100, the product contains 900 mcg of the vitamin, and if %DV is 50, it contains 450 mg. INDIVIDUAL NEEDS

Daily Values don’t take individual needs into account. Vegans and older people, for example, are likely to need extra B12 in addition to a multivitamin. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should take a multi designed for those situations. Some products also include herbs or other natural ingredients for specific benefits, such as joint health or easing menopause or stress. For optimum benefits, it makes sense to choose a product designed for your specific needs.

dozen. Although products with few ingredients can be beneficial, they don’t provide as much nutritional insurance. For example, only 10 percent of American adults get enough choline, which is essential for the brain and nervous system, but only some multivitamins include it. In addition, some products are formulated for women or men at different stages of life, as requirements vary. In the case of iron, which can be toxic in high doses, premenopausal women require 18 mg daily, but women after menopause, as well as men of all ages, require only 8 mg.

10. It doesn’t matter if your multivitamins are old. Multivitamin products have expiration dates for good reason: Their potency will eventually decline. If you’ve had a product for a long time, check the date.

If it’s expired, get a new one. Store supplements away from moisture and heat, not near a stove or microwave, not on top of the fridge, and not in a bathroom cabinet. A cool kitchen cupboard or drawer is a good storage option.

product PICKS

Bluebonnet Ladies and Men’s ONE Whole Food-Based Multiple

Health Direct Nature’s Optimal Nutrition Energize American Health Kid Stiks Multivitamin & Mineral Supplements

Contributing editor Vera Tweed has been researching and writing about supplements, holistic nutrition, fitness, and other aspects of healthy living since 1997.



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TRUST YOUR GUT – CHOOSE NATURAL FACTORS! Natural Factors has been a leader in probiotic science and innovation for over 35 years

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BN0519_D_NaturalRemedy_JS.indd 23

Gluten free

4/1/19 11:24 AM



Chronic Headache Relief To find the right solution for this often-debilitating problem, you first have to identify the cause ///BY EMILY A. KANE, ND, LAc

Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, has a private naturopathic practice in Juneau, Alaska, where she lives with her husband and daughter. She is the author of two books on natural health, including Managing Menopause Naturally. Visit her online at

: I get frequent headaches. Tylenol and over-the-counter pain meds

don’t work. I definitely don’t want to get constipated and addicted to opiates, but I can’t function at all on my headache days. Can you help?


—Joy E., Honolulu

First, it’s important to note that if you have a new, sudden, intense, non-resolving headache, this could be a medical emergency and you need an MRI as soon as possible. In most cases, however, headaches are an ongoing issue that can plague people throughout their lives. And they’re tricky for health care providers to sort out. To find the most effective treatment, it’s critical to examine any patterns to your headaches and try to determine what’s triggering them.

Hormonal Issues One common cause of headaches or migraines in women is hormonal shifts. These happen in a major way at puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, but hormones also change dramatically as part of the monthly cycle during your fertile years. If your headaches occur before menstruation, this is because of high levels of estrogen and progesterone precipitously dropping off. A tincture of Vitex (chaste berry)—one dropperful daily throughout

the month—can lessen the steep drop-off of progesterone and help provide relief. You can also employ a seed rotation diet to help smooth out hormonal shifts, but be aware that this will increase your fertility! So if you are sexually active and do not want to get pregnant, be sure to have a birth control method in place if you try this headache remedy. I favor condoms since those protect against STDs as well, and don’t mess with hormones. You can also try a non-hormone IUD (ParaGard). The seed rotation plan involves Day 1 of your cycle (first day of menstrual bleeding) to mid-cycle (usually day 13–15). Take 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds—stirred into a salad, soup, or applesauce—daily during this time. Then, in the days between ovulation (mid-cycle) and the end of your cycle, switch to 1 tablespoon sesame seeds and 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds daily. If your headache occurs mid-cycle, when only estrogen is high, try an anti-estrogenic diet for three months. This basically means cutting back on animal foods—cheese, beef, pork, and chicken—or avoiding them altogether.

Other Potential Causes If your headaches are not related to hormonal changes, heat, ice, or pressure will often alleviate the symptoms, and these treatments can give clues as to the origin of the headache as well. For example, if you put a wrung-out hot towel over your shoulders and that relieves the headache, you likely have a tension headache from tight upper-back muscles. If you have a more classic migraine (too much blood pushing into the skull


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Drink lots of water, and only water if possible. and putting pressure on the brain), then ice at the base of your neck and lying flat in a dark room will help. Sometimes the ice pack works better over the eyes. Sometimes pressure, like tying a bandana around your temples rather tightly will relieve headache pain. If that is true, the homeopathic remedy Bryonia may also help, especially if you tend to have dry mouth and lips. If the headache is always on the right side, homeopathic Sanguinaria may help. If left-sided, try Lachesis. If you have a dull, hammering headache at the base of your skull, your scalp is sore to touch, and it feels like there’s a band around your head, try Gelsemium. Homeopathic remedies tend to work quickly—within 20 minutes—and are widely available over-the-counter in 30C potencies. Just one tiny tablet placed under your tongue is sufficient to assess whether the remedy will help. If it does help, continue with 1 tablet daily for 10 days. If it helps a bit, try taking 1 tablet three times daily for 7–10 days. Research has also shown that hand temperature drops 2 or more degrees before a migraine begins. Warming your hands will reduce the severity of the headache, and may even abort it. So try placing your hands in warm water at the first hint of headache and assess if this method is helpful for you. Stanford Medical School has developed a device that warms the hands in a type of vacuum chamber that increases blood flow, which will, of course, warm the hands.

Possible Food Triggers Folks who get frequent headaches tend to have a higher level of circulating histamine than others. Foods that you

are allergic or sensitive to will cause your mast cells to dump histamine into the bloodstream, and this often results in a headache. The top food triggers for migraines include:

Endorphins are similar to narcotics—they relieve and prevent pain—without the side effects. Aerobic exercise causes a rapid increase in endorphin levels. Build 15–30 minutes of cardio exercise into your schedule, 3–5 times per week. Studies have documented a 50 percent or more 1. Added sugar or artificial sweeteners decrease in headache frequency after 2. Cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products 6 weeks of exercise. So stick with it! 3. Aged or processed meats (hot dogs, Drink lots of water, and only water salami, pepperoni, bacon, ham) if possible. Kombucha is a wonderful 4. Chocolate drink, but like alcohol it may trigger a 5. MSG (sometimes called hydrolyzed migraine. If you smoke, quit. If you use a vegetable protein or even natural rescue medicine more than twice a week flavoring) you have definitely set yourself up for 6. Alcoholic beverages rebound headaches. I strongly advise that 7. Any liquid other than water 8. Any food you are known to be allergic to you work with a qualified natural health care provider to wean to a minimum use 9. Any food you note triggers a migraine of rescue pharmaceuticals. Of course, I don’t want you to suffer, but long term, Determining the exact cause can be migraine medicine will jerk your blood tricky, so you have to be your own best pressure around and actually cause you detective. One approach is to commit to to have more frequent headaches. a hypoallergenic diet for a minimum of 2 The natural cellular enhancer CoQ10 weeks. Avoid the “big 9” of wheat, dairy, may help, especially if you trend toward corn, soy, peanuts, shellfish, tomatoes, high blood pressure. Try taking 200 mg eggs, and caffeine. The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook by Alissa Segersten daily. Some folks also find that 400 mg daily of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helped and Tom Malterre offers a collection of delicious recipes made without these their headaches. An herbal preparation problem ingredients. of butterbur called Petadolex has Sticking to a diet this also been shown to significantly strict isn’t easy, but it’s reduce headaches. One study essential to determine published in the journal whether your headaches Neurology showed a For more information on natural remedies for are caused by food 55 percent reduction in the chronic headaches, visit choices. If 2–6 weeks use of rescue medication on a hypoallergenic diet when Petadolex was added. doesn’t help your headaches, Sometimes headaches are work with a naturopathic exacerbated by “thick blood,” physician or well-trained nutritional which can be caused by high platelet therapist to look for less-common or high fat levels in the blood. If your food allergens. These could be literally platelets or triglycerides are elevated, anything: garlic, chocolate, apples, these can be modified. Both findings strawberries, nuts. It takes some sleuthing can improve with fish oil (I prefer wild to figure out, but it’s well worth the Alaskan salmon-based actual fish, but effort because irritating foods don’t just capsules are okay, too: 2,000–3,000 mg cause headaches. They can chronically daily). Stay hydrated (2 liters of water irritate other parts of your system, such daily for a woman and 3 for a man, on as blood vessels and the brain, as well. average) and eliminate processed carbs (crackers, chips, cookies, bagels) from Other Ways to Stop the Pain your diet. Your built-in pain medication is endorphins, Do you have a question for Dr. Kane? Email it to editorial@ with “Ask the ND” in the subject line. which reliably increase with exercise.

Healthy Tip!

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5 Benefits of Pau d’Arco Native to the Amazon rainforest, pau d’arco has years of healing power behind it—here are our top reasons to give this antimicrobial herb a try ///BY KARTA PURKH SINGH KHALSA, RH, DC-N Pau d’arco is an herb made from the inner bark of Tabebuia trees (Tabebuia impetiginosa and Tabebuia avellanedae), which grow in the Amazon rainforest. Known for their bright pink-purple flowers, Tabebuia trees can grow up to 125 feet tall. Also called taheebo or lapacho, pau d’arco is best known as a remedy for candida, but it has been long used by indigenous peoples as a treatment for stomach, skin, and inflammatory conditions. Here are five reasons to supplement with pau d’arco:

1. It Has Antibacterial Properties Research suggests that pau d’arco bark has antibacterial and antifungal properties. While its exact mechanism of healing is unknown, pau d’arco is thought to inhibit the processes that bacteria and fungi need to produce energy. Several compounds found in the plant’s inner bark are


thought responsible for its beneficial health effects. For example, a study in Phytomedicine found that betalapachone (a chemical in pau d’arco) helps inhibit and treat methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Pau d’arco was also shown to help slow the growth of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with stomach ulcers. And another study published in Phytotherapy Research found that pau d’arco significantly accelerates healing of gastric ulcers in rats.

2. It Helps Fight Candida Pau d’arco is most widely used to treat candida, a type of yeast. Most remedies that help control yeast work best from the inside. Even if you’re fighting a fungal skin infection, this invader is hard to kill using external treatments. One of the first herbs to consider is pau d’arco, which contains constituents that have been shown

Did You Know?

Pau d’arco is best known as a remedy for candida, but it is also traditionally used as a treatment for stomach, skin, and inflammatory conditions.

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truly does shine from within. Deep, “ Beauty soul-inspiring beauty is embracing who you are and showing respect, kindness and love to those around you. Of course, part of embracing and loving yourself means taking care of yourself and this starts with what you put into your body. This is why I use FloraSil from Flora, a plant-based silica that helps rejuvenate collagen, naturally.


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PAU D’ARCO: RICH IN VITAMINS & MINERALS Pau d’Arco contains the following essential nutrients:

* Selenium * Calcium * Zinc

to kill yeast in a test tube. A 2010 study confirmed this strong antiyeast activity. In one paper, scientists confirmed that, from a collection of 14 tropical antifungal plants, pau d’arco proved to be the most potent medicinally.

3. It’s Anti-Inflammatory Research shows that pau d’arco inhibits the release of specific chemicals that trigger an inflammatory response in the body. A 2012 study showed that pau d’arco blocked inflammatory pain by 30–50 percent compared to a placebo. A study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that a tea made from the bark blocked several inflammatory chemicals. The study’s authors determined that pau d’arco may work by suppressing the production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Other research has confirmed these anti-inflammatory capabilities. A 2017 study looked at the antiinflammatory polyphenols in the bark and concluded that they inhibited both cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and COX-1 enzymes, the main culprits behind many inflammatory symptoms. In the same year,

pau d’arco was found to benefit osteoarthritis. The herb is rich in quercetin, a flavonoid popular with naturopathic doctors to quell inflammation related to allergies and other conditions. And a paper from 2019 indicated that pau d’arco may help protect nerves in Parkinson’s disease.

4. It May Boost Weight Loss Pau d’arco may also aid weight loss. In one 16-week study, mice fed pau d’arco lost significantly more weight than those on a placebo. Part of the effect may be from a laxative action, as pau d’arco contains anthraquinones, the same type of laxative constituents as senna and aloe. A 2014 experiment indicated that pau d’arco attenuates increase in body weight and fatty liver from a high-fat diet.

5. It Combats Fatigue Indigenous healers in South America use pau d’arco for a wide variety of other conditions, including fatigue. A 2018 experiment found that a single dose of a polyphenol from the bark increased endurance. And a paper from 2019 indicated that pau d’arco helped protect

* Vitamins A, B, and C * Magnesium * Potassium

nerves in Parkinson’s disease, which is often associated with fatigue.

How to Take Pau d’Arco Pau d’arco extract is available in capsule, tincture, and powder forms, and the chopped bark can be used to make tea. Traditionally, 10–15 grams of the bark is simmered in water for 15 minutes and consumed as a tea 3 times per day, but higher doses are often used in natural medicine treatments. You can also find the herb in tea at a health food store. As a tea, pau d’arco has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste.

product PICKS

Dr. Mercola PAU D’ARCO

NOW Real Tea Pau d’Arco

Herb Pharm Fungus Fighter

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, DN-C, RH, specializes in Ayurveda and herbalism, and has more than 40 years of experience in holistic medicine. Visit him online at


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Clean Makeup Feel better about what you’re putting on your face by making the switch to all-natural cosmetics /// BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL

Drugstore and even high-end department store makeup can contain chemical ingredients, such as boron nitride, bismuth oxychloride, and dimethicone, as well as synthetic FD&C and D&C pigments, all of which have been linked to skin irritations. They often rely on parabens (methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl) to extend shelf life, which can cause allergic reactions. Commonly used preservatives imidazolidinyl urea and diazolidinyl urea are a primary cause of contact dermatitis. Foundations, concealers, bronzers, and blushes are in contact with your skin for hours, so they have a greater chance of causing irritation and introducing toxins. Natural formulas nourish skin with shea butter, argan oil, aloe vera, jojoba, and rose hip oil. Powder mineral makeup is made of microscopic flat crystals that overlap each other on the skin, creating a filtering layer that allows the skin to breathe while protecting it from pollutants. The minerals titanium dioxide and zinc oxide also provide broad-spectrum sun protection, although additional sunscreen is necessary for prolonged sun exposure. Beeswax-based mascaras and lipsticks are naturally moisturizing, while drugstore varieties rely on paraffin wax to make them creamy and plastic polymers to help them adhere. Mass-market lip-glosses may rely on hydrogenated polyisobutene, a petroleum-based ingredient, to make them shiny, while natural lip shines use botanical oils. Minerals add gloss and shimmer to natural lipsticks, and nonpetrochemical-based waxes and oils add nutrients. The result is lipsticks and glosses that perform like healing lip balms. With your palette of natural makeup you can look flawless and still know that what you’re putting on your face is safe.






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Did You Know?


The Environmental Working Group ( rates controversial makeup ingredients based on scientific studies, and also lists products that contain them.


Create a variety of looks in a wink of time with Jane Iredale Solar Flare Eye Shadow Kit. This new spring collection contains five richly pigmented, shimmery bronze and coral mineral colors. Extracts of pine bark and pomegranate nurture and protect sensitive eyelids. Apply solo or layered, wet or dry for soft or bold looks. Or use the powdered shades to fill brows, as a blush, or as a lip stain.

2 3 4 5

Pucker up to a pop of color and moisture with Gabriel Lipstick in Soft Berry. Jojoba, sesame, and safflower seed oils, plus sea fennel extract and aloe hydrate your lips, while minerals provide luxurious color.

Flash thicker, fuller lashes with Mineral Fusion Volumizing Mascara. Beeswax, aloe vera, and extracts of pomegranate and white tea leaf nourish lashes, while mineral color coats them without clumping, flaking, or smudging.


Flatter your flush with Juice Beauty Phyto-Pigments Last Looks Cream Blush in Seashell. Pigments from rose and purple carrots, plus age-defying grapeseed oil and phospholipids, help hydrate dry cheeks.

Multitask with Pacifica Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream. This tinted moisturizer primes, illuminates, and perfects with mineral pigments, iris and rose stem cells, coconut water, and hyaluronic acid. The sheer application can be built up for more coverage of fine lines and uneven tone.

Sherrie Strausfogel is the author of Hawaii’s Spa Experience: Rejuvenating Secrets of the Islands (the first book to feature aromatherapy in its pages). Based in Honolulu, she writes about beauty, spas, health, cuisine, and travel. Her work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, and websites.

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MORE THAN MEN By Lisa Turner


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en are more likely to die from cirrhosis, Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer, and physical injuries. But certain serious conditions are known to target women exponentially more often than men. Here are six of the most common.


The main reason women get more UTIs? Simple anatomy. Because the urethra— the duct through which urine passes from the body—is shorter in women and closer to the anus, it’s easier for bacteria to migrate into the urinary tract and cause infections. Birth control methods, such as diaphragms or spermicides, and irritating feminine products can also contribute to the problem. To protect against UTIs, wipe from front to back after using the bathroom, empty your bladder as soon as possible after intercourse, and drink plenty of water— several studies have linked low urine output with increased risk of UTIs.

Supplemental support: CRANBERRIES, in juice or capsules, are rich in proanthocyanidins, which may prevent bacteria, especially E. coli, from adhering to urinary tract cells. GOLDENSEAL, a potent antimicrobial herb, also helps keep bacteria away from the bladder wall. VITAMIN C increases the acidity of the urine, which helps kill bacteria. According to a study published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 100 mg of vitamin C per day (along with iron and folic acid) significantly reduced UTI risk among pregnant women. Drinking hibiscus tea (rich in vitamin C) is also a good idea—a 2016 study looked at hibiscus tea for UTIs and kidney inflammation and found it to be effective. PROBIOTICS balance the urogenital flora and can significantly reduce the risk of recurrent UTIs. D-MANNOSE, a type of sugar sold in powdered form, has been shown to help inhibit E. coli from sticking to the bladder wall. TRY: Kyo-Dophilus Cran+ Probiotics (shown here with new packaging)

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Find ways to minimize stress. In some studies, up to 80 percent of patients with autoimmune disorders reported high stress.

Conditions in which the body attacks its own cells and tissues strike women three times more than men, and they’re among the top 10 leading causes of death in American women. Women are also 10 times more likely to have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition marked by weight gain, cold hands and feet, depression, constipation, fatigue, and thinning hair. Sex hormones may play a role in autoimmune diseases, and some research suggests that variations in X chromosomes (women have two, men have one) increase the risk of autoimmune disease. Another theory: when women give birth, fetal ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Enter to win 1 of 5 copies cells may stick around in the body after pregnancy— Almost two-thirds of Americans of What You Must Know sometimes for as long as 30 years—and can prompt diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are About Hashimoto's Disease by Brittany Henderson, MD, an autoimmune response in mothers, says Brittany women, and women in their 60s are and Allison Futterman. Henderson, MD, a board-certified endocrinologist twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s Email your name and address to and author (along with health writer Allison as breast cancer. It’s thought that betternutritionfreebie@gmail. Futterman) of What You Must Know About genetics and hormones play a com to participate. Please put Hashimoto’s Disease. Other triggers include infections, significant role—studies suggest “Hashimoto's” in the food allergies, environmental toxins, and stress. that estrogens protect against betasubject line. If you have Hashimoto’s or any other autoimmune amyloid, a compound that accumulates disorder, it’s critical to identify immune system triggers and in the brain, disrupting communication and decrease them, says Henderson. Keep your immune system killing brain cells. When estrogen levels decline strong to protect against infection, identify food allergies, and during and after menopause, women are at a avoid environmental toxins, including chemical household higher risk. cleaners such as bleach, nonstick cookware, and pesticide To protect your brain, start with a healthy residues in food, says Henderson. Switch to natural, nontoxic diet: studies show that a higher consumption household cleaners, buy organic foods whenever possible, of fruits and vegetables protects against Alzheimer’s and enhances cognitive function. wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and use stainless steel Regular exercise has also been shown to cookware. And find ways to minimize your stress—in some studprotect against Alzheimer’s. ies, up to 80 percent of patients with autoimmune disorders reported uncommonly high stress before onset of symptoms. Supplemental support: When choosing supplements, says Henderson, “Less is more, since some ingredients can impair thyroid hormone actions. Be as pure and MCTS (medium-chain triglycerides) have been shown clean as possible and be sure your supplements don’t have a ton of to reduce mental decline, as well as treat cognitive ingredients you can’t pronounce.” dysfunction. Use MCT or coconut oil. ACETYL-L-CARNITINE (ALC) may reduce mental Supplemental support: deterioration in Alzheimer's patients. ANTIOXIDANTS that protect against infections, including vitamin C, COENZYME Q10 is a neuroprotective antioxidant, and vitamin E, and liposomal glutathione, are especially important for some studies suggest that it may also reduce the risk thyroid disorders. of Alzheimer’s. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY COMPOUNDS, specifically vitamin A, vitamin D, PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE (PS) can improve memory and and fish or krill oil. enhance cognitive function. Some studies suggest MINERALS, particularly iodine, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium that PS causes structural changes in to support the production of thyroid hormones. neurons, so benefits may continue PROBIOTICS to protect against harmful bacteria that even after treatment stops. contribute to the development of food allergies, leaky HUPERZINE A, traditionally used in gut, and chronic inflammation. Studies have linked a Chinese medicine as a treatment disruption in the microbiome with increased risk of for Alzheimer’s, has been shown autoimmune disorders. “Variety and concentration are to significantly improve memory, the most important aspects,” says Henderson. Choose a and cognitive skills and abilities in product that contains 10 or more different strains. Alzheimer’s patients.


TRY: Natural Factors WomenSense ThyroSense Thyroid Formula



TRY: LifeSeasons Clari-T Cognitive Support

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Anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders affect 10 times as many women as men, and more women die from anorexia than any other mental health problem. Researchers believe that hormonal issues, societal influences around body image, personality traits such as perfectionism, and psychological factors including low self-esteem all play a role in eating disorders. Additionally, sexual abuse, trauma, and rape—more prevalent in women—are linked with increased risk of eating disorders, especially bulimia. If you have a serious eating disorder, professional help is critical. Do not try to self-treat. If you’re recovering from an eating disorder, some studies suggest that supplements that may help.

Supplemental support: ZINC deficiency has been loosely implicated in eating disorders, and one small study suggests that zinc supplements may help enhance weight gain and stabilize mood in women with anorexia. DIGESTIVE ENZYMES can help rebuild a healthy digestive system—many women with eating disorders suffer from gastrointestinal issues. If you suffer from binge eating disorder, look for a formula with betaine HCL, which helps break down protein, the precursor to amino acids (important for mood). TRYPTOPHAN helps balance the brain chemical serotonin, linked with changes in hunger and mood. Low levels of tryptophan are linked with eating disorders, especially bulimia.


Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. Part of this is biological, related to hormonal shifts, especially during puberty, after giving birth, and before and during menopause. Women also tend to internalize stress, leading to lower brain function in areas responsible for mood. And life circumstances such as societal pressures, anxiety—women are more than twice as likely as men to be affected—and sexual trauma are linked with a higher risk of depression. If you suffer from severe depression, seek medical help. For occasional blues or lowered mood, support your neurotransmitters—the brain’s messengers that control mood—with a balanced diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates and high in lean protein, vegetables, and omega-3s.

TRY: Doctor’s Best L-Trptophan TryptoPure


Characterized by weak, brittle bones, osteoporosis is four times more common in women than in men. The main reasons: women naturally tend to have smaller, thinner bones, and women tend to lose bone at a younger age and at a more rapid pace than men. Also, estrogen protects bones, so when estrogen levels drop sharply during menopause, women are at risk for bone loss and osteoporosis. Women are also more likely to diet and/or have eating disorders, leading to nutrient deficiencies that can impact bones. During pregnancy, the developing baby will take calcium from the mother’s bones if the mother isn’t getting enough calcium in her diet to meet its needs. To protect your bones, make sure that your diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables, with enough protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamins D and K, and other bone-building nutrients. And engage in regular weight-bearing activities, such as jogging, tennis, or step aerobics—they’ve been shown to improve bone strength and density. Supplemental support: CALCIUM, especially in combination with vitamin D, protects against bone loss and prevents fractures in women with osteoporosis. In one study, calcium combined with vitamin D reduced risk of fractures by roughly 25 percent. VITAMIN K, a fat-soluble vitamin, can increase bone density and prevent bone loss, especially in combination with calcium and vitamin D. MAGNESIUM works in conjunction with vitamin D to keep calcium levels normal in the bones. Deficiencies are linked with bone loss and higher risk of fractures. TRY: Garden of Life mykind Organics Organic Plant Calcium

Supplemental support: ST. JOHN’S WORT has been shown to work as well as some antidepressants for mild and moderate depression, according to a 2008 review of 29 studies. PROBIOTICS play a key role in gut health, which influences mood. Studies show that probiotic supplementation is linked with a significant reduction in depression. SAME (S-adenosyl methionine), a compound produced by the body, may help alleviate depression. In some studies, it was superior to a prescription drug. B VITAMINS—most notably folate— play an intricate role in mood and neurotransmitter production. Many studies show that folate deficiency is prevalent in patients with depression. Low B6 and B12 levels are also commonly found in cases of depression. TRY: Nordic Naturals Vitamin B Complex Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at

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GOOD FOOD Avoid these 7 ingredients, sometimes hidden in “healthy” foods By Vera Tweed


ouldn’t it be nice to have a personal chef who shops for organic, locally produced food and prepares all your meals and snacks from scratch? It would certainly be a delicious way to eat a diet that’s clean and nutritious. But most of us live in the real world, where convenience is king, and packaged and prepared foods substitute for the idyllic chef. To help you navigate today’s complex food choices, here are 7 pitfalls to avoid:


Gluten sensitivity is skyrocketing, and it parallels the increase of gluten in our food. We eat more wheat than we did a few decades ago, and extra gluten is added to many packaged and processed foods, from sauces and soups to sausages, cold cuts, and even veggie burgers. Oddly enough, whole wheat bread may well contain more added gluten than its refined cousin, to counteract the naturally dense consistency of whole grain bread. Added gluten gives bread a spongier, more desirable texture. Although the phenomenon isn’t fully understood, eating large amounts of gluten may lead to intolerance. In nature, gluten is found in all types of wheat, rye, and barley, but oats, other grains, and other foods may also be contaminated with gluten if they’re not labeled “gluten-free.”

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Researchers noted: “The presence of glyphosate residues in both humans and animals could haul the entire population toward numerous health hazards.”


Residues from pesticides used to kill bugs that can damage crops also remain on our food. A French study of 69,000 adults found that Since 1977, the amount those who ate organic of gluten added to breads and other foods has food most of the time had tripled, according to 25-percent lower odds USDA research. of cancer and significantly lower risk of diabetes than those who never ate organic food. Conventional fruits and vegetables were the top pesticide sources, followed by soy foods, legumes, grains, breads, and cereals. While the same pesticides cannot be used in organic farming, the chemicals can drift and contaminate neighboring fields. But compared to conventional foods, organic foods still contain only a A Low-Gluten Diet Improves Health trace or none, and eating mostly organic A Scandinavian study compared the effects of diets that were low and high in gluten, food can dramatically reduce pesticide and found that when healthy, middle-aged adults ate a low-gluten diet for 8 weeks, levels in your body. they felt better and effortlessly lost a little weight. Low-gluten eaters also experienced One study found that one week of less chronic inflammation as well as improvements in the quality of gut bacteria, eating 80-percent organic, instead of peptide YY (a hormone that regulates hunger). The low-gluten diet contained about 2 grams of gluten per day, equivalent to 80-percent conventional food, reduced about one slice of American bread. The high-gluten diet contained about 18 grams levels of organophosphates— neurotoxins per day—still less than the estimated American average of about 22 daily grams. and likely carcinogens—by 89 percent. Although gluten quantity isn’t listed on food labels, you can sometimes estimate Another found that 6 days of eating it. Gluten makes up 70–75 percent of the protein in wheat. Therefore, if one slice of an all-organic diet reduced levels of wheat bread contains 3 grams of protein, it likely contains a bit more than 2 grams of gluten. A sandwich with 2 slices would contain between 4 and 5 grams. these by 95 percent, and levels of other pesticides by 37–83 percent, depending on the chemical. TOXIC WEED KILLER gut bacteria and hormones, damages Glyphosate, the active ingredient in DNA, and is linked to cancer and a host CHEMICAL FOOD ADDITIVES Roundup, is the most widely used weed of other diseases, including Parkinson’s, killer around the world. It isn’t allowed Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis. More than 2,000 synthetic preservatives, in organic farming, but is sprayed on most The weed killer also impairs the heart’s colors, and other chemicals are used in conventionally grown corn and soy, which ability to generate energy and kills liver conventional—not organic—packaged are genetically modified to withstand cells that are essential for detoxification, foods, according to a report by the nonprofit the herbicide’s toxicity. In addition, according to research at Wake Forest Environmental Working Group: Organic: glyphosate is sprayed on wheat and University in Winston-Salem, N.C. The Original Clean Food. And the lack of other grains at harvest time to speed Another German study found that FDA oversight may surprise you. up the ripening process. And meat and people who ate conventionally produced “The same companies that manufacture milk from animals that eat glyphosatefood, including grains, vegetables, dairy food chemicals are allowed to declare contaminated grain can contain residues. products, and meat, had the highest levels them safe,” says Melanie Benesh, EWG Scientists from the United States and of glyphosate in their bodies, and high legislative attorney and report coauthor. Germany found that glyphosate disrupts levels correlated with chronic illness. “It’s like the fox guarding the hen

Did You Know?




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If you aren’t following a gluten-free diet, go easy on grains and avoid foods with added gluten, which is listed as a separate ingredient. In addition, look for foods that don’t contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Eating organic food is the simplest way to avoid most pitfalls, but when this isn’t possible, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group has identified the “Dirty Dozen” —fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide levels. These are most important to buy organic (ranked from most toxic to least):











6 Grapes

OTHER GOOD OPTIONS • Non-GMO Project Verified foods • Grass-fed meat • Pasture-raised chickens and eggs • Meat and dairy products from animals raised without antibiotics or rBST, a widely used synthetic hormone HELPFUL APPS AND SITES • The Non-GMO Project Shopping Guide: • The Environmental Working Group’s Healthy Living App:





9 Pears







• The Center for Food Safety:

WHICH FOODS ARE GENETICALLY MODIFIED? house.” Some of these additives are likely or known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, or have other potentially adverse health effects. In comparison, less than 40 synthetic ingredients are allowed in organic packaged food, including vitamins, fibers, and substances used to clean manufacturing equipment. Their safety is reviewed by independent experts every five years. Organic food cannot contain artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.


Starting in 2020, some labeling of GMOs will be required, but meanwhile, any disclosure is voluntary. Foods modified to withstand toxic weed killers, such as corn and soy, may contain higher chemical residues. In other cases, there is debate about the risk of foreign genes acting as allergens.


Short for bisphenol-A, BPA disrupts hormones and can contribute to weight gain and possibly diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. BPA is found in the linings of cans, plastic containers, paper receipts, and fast-food meat products.

A study at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo found that women who switched to BPA-free food containers and cosmetics for three weeks had significantly lower levels of the chemical in their bodies. And, they lost some weight.

According to the USDA, non-organic versions of the following six foods are typically genetically modified:


Although their risk is still being debated, phthalates are banned from toys in the U.S., are known to disrupt hormones, and have been linked to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. For years, plastic containers, skincare and hair products, and synthetic fragrances have been known sources of phthalates. But these problematic chemicals are also found in fast food. Testing of nearly 9,000 people, at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., found levels of these chemicals were up to 40 percent higher in people who had eaten fast food during the previous 24 hours. Fast-food items that contributed to high levels of phthalates included meat and foods made with grain, such as bread, pizza, burritos, rice, noodles, and cakes. As if there already weren’t enough reasons to avoid fast food, this is another one.

1. Corn 2. Soybeans 3. Sugar beets 4. Papaya (U.S.-grown) 5. “Arctic” varieties of apples 6. AquAdvantage salmon Some of these four foods may also be genetically modified: 1. Alfalfa 2. Canola 3. Potatoes (Atlantic, ranger russet, russet burbank, and white russet) 4. Squash (zucchini, yellow straightneck, and yellow crookneck) Many health food stores refuse to sell GMO foods. In addition, the nonprofit Non-GMO Project has verified and certified more than 50,000 foods that don’t contain GMOs. For details, visit

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Food Therapy to Fight Fatty Liver The first place to start is by switching to foods and drinks with no added sugars ///BY MELISSA DIANE SMITH

: I’ve had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) for about a year, but this is shock-

ing: My 12-year-old son and my 19-year-old son both were recently diagnosed with it! How common is NAFLD, why does it develop, is it common for teens to have it, and are there simple things I can do, nutritionally speaking, to improve this condition?

Melissa Diane Smith is an internationally known journalist and holistic nutritionist who has more than 20 years of clinical nutrition experience and specializes in using food as medicine. She is the cutting-edge author of Going Against GMOs, Going Against the Grain, and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, and the coauthor of Syndrome X. To learn about her books, long-distance consultations, nutrition coaching programs, or speaking, visit her websites: and

—Fidela G., Los Angeles


Many people who hear the term fatty liver disease automatically think the condition only develops in people who drink too much alcohol. But non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is spreading rapidly and is now the most common chronic liver disease in both children and adults in the United States. NAFLD is a condition in which excess fat is stored in your liver. Added dietary sugar, particularly fructose, is implicated in contributing to the development of NAFLD, and avoiding added sugar is the


main dietary strategy for treating the condition. A recent study found that overweight children with NAFLD sharply reduced the amount of fat and inflammation in their livers by cutting soft drinks, fruit juices, and foods with added sugars. Eating more vegetables and fruits and as many organic foods as possible are other beneficial strategies.

The Skinny on Fatty Liver Between 30 and 40 percent of adults in the United States have NAFLD, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Close to 10 percent of U.S. children ages 2–19 also have the condition, and it is more common in boys than girls. Research has demonstrated that NAFLD is also a growing problem among Millennials: In young adults, ages 18–35 years old, NAFLD has risen almost 2.5 times over three decades (from 9.6 percent in 1988–1994 to 24 percent in 2005–2010). The condition is more common in people who are obese, and those who have type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome (which involves abdominal obesity, hypertension, elevated fasting blood sugar, high triglycerides, or low high-density lipoprotein [HDL] levels). It’s also associated with insulin resistance and high insulin levels even in lean people with normal blood sugar levels. While NAFLD occurs in people of all races, it is most frequently seen in Hispanics, followed by non-Hispanic whites. Fatty liver disease typically has few symptoms, and many people who have it don’t know it. But the condition raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and it is associated with compromised reproductive health

• MAY 2019

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4/1/19 11:10 AM

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asktheNUTRITIONIST in both men and women. It can progress into a more severe liver condition called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is a leading cause of liver cancer, cirrhosis, and liver transplants. About 3–12 percent of adults in the United States have NASH.

The Benefits of Switching to No Added Sugar According to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, avoiding foods and drinks with added sugars is an effective diet strategy for alleviating NAFLD, at least in teens. Researchers recruited 40 children with an average age of 13 who had fatty liver disease, and randomly assigned them to either a group that remained on their usual diets, or a group that limited added sugars. Researchers asked the families of children on the limited-sugar diet to follow the diet too; they helped the families by swapping lower-sugar alternatives for foods that were typically consumed within the household in a typical week. For example, in place of yogurts, salad dressings, sauces, and breads that contained added sugar, the families were provided with versions of those foods that did not contain added sugar. Fruit juices, soft drinks, and other sweet drinks were forbidden. After eight weeks, the low-sugar group had reduced their added sugar intake to just 1 percent of daily calories compared to 9 percent in the control group. The children with NAFLD in the low-sugar group had a 31 percent reduction in liver fat, on average, compared to no change in the control group. They also had a 40 percent drop in their levels of alanine aminotransferase, or ALT, a liver enzyme that rises when liver cells are damaged or inflamed. Although this study focused on diet therapy to improve fatty liver disease in children, other research suggests, and many holistic practitioners recommend, eliminating added sugar as a key strategy for anyone with NAFLD, no matter his or her age.


MILK THISTLE: AN HERBAL OPTION TO HELP TREAT FATTY LIVER Milk thistle is an herb known for its liver-protecting effects. Its active ingredient is silymarin, which has antioxidant properties. Some studies have found that silymarin, by itself or in combination with vitamin E, may help reduce insulin resistance, inflammation, and liver damage in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The dosages of milk thistle extract used in these studies were 250–376 mg per day. Medically speaking, silymarin is considered an option for treatment, especially in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

Other Recommended Strategies To further make food your best medicine for fighting NAFLD, try the following dietary recommendations, in addition to cutting out added sugar: Eat More Vegetables and Fruits Polyphenols, including quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate, anthocyanins, and resveratrol, which are found in fresh vegetables, fruits, plant extracts, and herbs, help prevent NAFLD by exerting lipid-lowering, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic properties. Therefore, consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols is recommended to prevent the development of NAFLD. Good food sources of quercetin include onions, peppers, and asparagus. Epigallocatechin gallate is found in green tea. Berries and purple sweet potatoes are rich in anthocyanins, and resveratrol is found in grapes, blueberries, and cranberries.

One of the best ways to eat more veggies is to substitute them for grains. For example, have chicken and a double serving of non-starchy vegetables instead of a chicken sandwich on a bun. Go Organic as Much as Possible The liver not only plays an important role in the digestion, it also helps rid the body of toxins, including pesticides that are sprayed on conventionally produced foods. One pesticide of special concern is glyphosate-based Roundup. In a 2016 study, researchers concluded that even in “extremely low doses,” rats exposed to Roundup developed NAFLD over a two-year period. To reduce your exposure to pesticides and reduce the burden on your liver, look for foods that bear the USDA organic seal, which means they haven’t been sprayed with these noxious chemicals. Do you have a question for the nutritionist? We would love to hear from you. Please email your questions to

• MAY 2019

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4/1/19 11:10 AM

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Scientists have discovered a unique compound in a time-tested herb, Hintonia latiflora, to be a safe, effective way to powerfully support healthy blood sugar balance—validated by over 60 years of German research.*† †Supports healthy levels already within normal range.


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8 Foods to Fight High Blood Pressure Tasty ways to combat hypertension and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke ///BY LISA TURNER Nearly half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, according to 2018 data from the American Heart Association, and the number of deaths from high blood pressure increased by almost 38 percent. The good news: in many cases, it can be controlled by dietary changes alone. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet—which avoids salt, alcohol, and caffeine, and emphasizes vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains—has been shown to reduce blood pressure in just two weeks. Some foods are especially beneficial, so load your plate with these eight and protect yourself from heart attack and stroke. Beet greens are rich in magnesium, antioxidants, and potassium, a mineral that balances the effects of sodium in the body. A number of studies link dietary potassium with reduced blood pressure, and several meta-analyses show that high potassium intake drops the risk of stroke by about 25 percent. Other high-potassium foods include potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, spinach, lima beans, zucchini, and tomatoes. Recipe Tips: Chop beet greens and sauté with leeks, garlic, black olives, and red pepper flakes; toss whole beet greens with diced sweet potatoes, white potatoes, and olive oil, and roast until tender; mix beet greens with steamed green beans, tomatoes, and feta cheese, and drizzle with a garlicky lemon dressing.


Pomegranates are high in polyphenols, antioxidants with a beneficial effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. In one study, people who drank a cup or more of pomegranate juice daily showed a decrease in both systolic (the maximum pressure your heart exerts while beating) and diastolic (the amount of pressure in your arteries between beats) numbers. Recipe Tips: Toss pomegranate seeds with shaved Brussels sprouts, chopped pecans, and a lemon-olive oil dressing; make salsa with pomegranate seeds, chopped grapefruit segments, red onion, serrano peppers, and lime juice; toss grilled shrimp with pomegranate seeds, shaved carrots, and arugula.

Flax is high in omega-3 fats, lignans, and fiber, all of which help protect against high blood pressure. In one study, people with hypertension who ate flax for six months showed a reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Whole flax seeds have a more powerful effect than flax oil. Other seeds, such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, are also high in potassium and magnesium, and may have similar effects on blood pressure and overall cardiovascular health. Recipe Tips: Grind flax, sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds, and use as a healthy breading for grilled chicken or fish; add ground flax, yogurt, and pistachios to waffle mix; stir flax seeds into almond butter for a crunchy sandwich spread.

Pistachios are rich in healthy fats, plus magnesium, potassium, and other compounds that reduce blood pressure. In one study, people with high LDL cholesterol who ate one serving a day of pistachios had lower systolic blood pressure. Additional studies have suggested that other nuts may also have beneficial effects on blood pressure and blood vessel function. Recipe Tips: Toss baby spinach leaves with toasted pistachios, dried cherries, grapefruit segments, and low-fat goat cheese; make pesto from pistachios, basil, spinach, olive oil, and garlic; purée low-fat yogurt, honey, cardamom, saffron, and pistachios, and freeze in an ice cream maker for healthy ice cream with a Middle Eastern flair.

Beets are high in polyphenols and nitric oxide, a compound that reduces inflammation and promotes vasodilation (widening of arteries) to reduce blood pressure. In one study, people who drank beet juice mixed with apple juice showed a reduction in systolic blood pressure only six hours later; other studies have shown similar results. Leafy greens and garlic also help increase nitric oxide in the body, reduce blood pressure, and protect against hypertension. Recipe Tips: Thinly slice beets, toss with olive oil and minced rosemary, and roast until crispy; mix beet, carrot, and apple juice for a healing morning beverage; purée cooked beets with tahini (sesame seed paste), olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and cumin, and top with black sesame seeds for a vibrant hummus.

• MAY 2019

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4/1/19 12:51 PM

eating4HEALTH Wheat Berry Salad with Pomegranates & Pistachios This sweet-and-savory side combines foods shown to benefit blood pressure with a creamy, yogurt-based dressing laced with lime. Lean protein makes it a full meal; use pre-cooked rotisserie chicken or cubed tofu. To make this recipe gluten-free, try sorghum or brown rice in place of wheat berries. 1 cup dry wheat berries ½ cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt 2 Tbs. lime juice 2 Tbs. agave syrup ½ cup pomegranate seeds ½ small red onion, diced ¼ cup pistachios 2 cups baby arugula 8 oz. cubed cooked chicken or tofu Crumbled goat cheese (optional)

1. Rinse wheat berries under cold running

water in colander. Transfer to large, heavy saucepan, and add 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, partly covered, 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until tender but suntil firm. Drain, rinse, and let cool.

2. While wheat berries are cooking, whisk

together yogurt, lime juice, and agave in small bowl. Set aside.

3. Transfer wheat berries to large bowl, and

add pomegranate seeds, onion, pistachios, arugula, and chicken or tofu. Add yogurt dressing, and toss to mix well. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Chill 30 minutes before serving to allow flavors blend, or divide among four serving plates. Top with goat cheese, if desired, before serving.

Per serving (with chicken): 370 cal; 29g prot; 7g total fat (1.5 sat fat); 49g carb; 50mg chol; 55mg sod; 8g fiber; 12g sugar

Hibiscus tea is rich in phenols and anthocyanins, antioxidants that help normalize cholesterol and lower blood pressure. In one study, people who drank three servings a day of hibiscus tea showed reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In another study, hibiscus tea was as effective at lowering blood pressure as the blood pressure medication Captopril. It was also more effective than hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), a diuretic used to treat hypertension, without causing the electrolyte imbalances associated with the drug. Recipe Tips: Mix pomegranate juice, cooled

Yogurt and other dairy products may protect against high blood pressure. One review found a link between low-fat dairy, especially yogurt, and a reduced risk of hypertension; cheese did not show the same effect. In another study, women who ate five or more servings of yogurt per week showed a 20 percent reduction in their risk for developing high blood pressure. Researchers believe calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other nutrients in dairy play a role. In addition, dairy products contain peptides, compounds with bioactive properties shown to affect blood pressure. Recipe Tips: Whisk yogurt with tomato

hibiscus tea, and sparkling water for a refreshing mocktail; freeze strong-brewed hibiscus tea and mint leaves in ice cube trays and add to sparkling water; simmer hibiscus and rooibos tea leaves with ginger slices and cinnamon sticks, then strain and serve hot with honey.

sauce, garlic, and rosemary, and simmer for a creamy pasta sauce; combine yogurt, quick oats, flax seeds, and honey, and refrigerate overnight for instant breakfast oats; sauté baby spinach with garlic, curry powder, and cumin seeds, and stir in yogurt for a creamy Indian side.



Serves 4

Wheat berries and other whole grains are high in fiber and other compounds that protect against high blood pressure. In one study, people who ate three servings of whole wheat or other whole grains had reduced systolic blood pressure. Other studies show similar effects, and whole grains in general are linked with a reduction in the risk of overall cardiovascular disease. Enjoy if you're not sensitive to glutencontaining grains or grains in general. Recipe Tips: Soak wheat berries in water overnight, then add to salads or oatmeal for a chewy, intriguing texture; cook wheat berries until tender, then sauté with wild mushrooms, leeks, thyme, and walnuts for a healthy pilaf; combine cooked or soaked wheat berries with green onions, diced carrots, red peppers, arugula, and a balsamic vinaigrette. Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at

• MAY 2019

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Product Spotlights Quantum Health Buzz Away Extreme Buzz Away Extreme from Quantum Health is the DEET-Free, plant-based repellent that has been trusted by families for years. It’s been proven effective at repelling mosquitoes and ticks, and is available in spray form and convenient wipes. Don’t put harsh chemicals on your family—switch to Buzz Away Extreme.

Bio Nutrition Premium Black Seed Oil For centuries, black seed oil has been revered for its unique flavor and health-promoting properties. Bio Nutrition’s Premium Black Seed Oil is a naturally rich source of essential fatty acids and thymoquinone, a compound with antioxidant qualities, to support a healthy inflammatory response. This 100 percent pure, cold-pressed oil contains no gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, or GMOs.

Essential Formulas Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics Discover the Dr. Ohhira difference. It’s the only probiotic formula with an extraordinary blend of: • PREbiotic Culture Medium—fermented —fermented vegetables and mushrooms that nourish probiotics. • PRObiotics—friendly —friendly bacteria that help you digest food and support immune response. • POSTbiotics—pH-balancing —pH-balancing organic acids and naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids that support digestive function and whole health.

Irwin Naturals Stress-Defy Extra with Ashwagandha Stress-Defy Extra with Ashwagandha is a dynamic, multi-pronged formula designed to provide daily support for individuals leading a stressful lifestyle. It delivers targeted nutrients and botanicals that can support you throughout your stressful day. It also delivers potent B-complex vitamins and targeted minerals to help support cellular maintenance and energy production.

Bluebonnet ONE Whole Food-Based Multis Ladies’ ONE and Men’s ONE Whole Food-Based Multiple Vegetable Capsules are a one-capsuledaily formula featuring more than 25 crucial vitamins—including all the coenzyme forms of the B vitamins—plus minerals, including Albion mineral chelates. Vegetarian, Kosher Certified by KOF-K, and Non-GMO Certified by the NSF True North Program. Available in 30, 60, and 90 counts.

Rootology Breathe Free Breathe Free is a fast-acting, non-drowsy, natural nasal and sinus relief formula. Made with 13 powerful herbal extracts, it works quickly to open airways and relieve congestion, sinus pressure, itchy-watery eyes, runny nose, and headache. Take Breathe Free only as needed. It’s a great natural alternative to most over-the-counter sinus and allergy remedies. MAY 2019

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Fresh & Bright Spring Lamb Chops


Lamb is one of the cleanest and most nutrient-dense meats around, and it tastes especially great grilled /// BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS, AND JEANNETTE BESSINGER, CHHC


And then there’s the taste. These chops are moist and flavorful. Your mouth will water when you smell them grilling. Like any meat or fish, lamb chops shouldn’t be grilled on super-high flames. Those flames look pretty, but they create bad compounds that you really don’t want to put into your body, including HCAs (heterocyclic amines) and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). So keep the flame low, savor the smell, and enjoy the incredible taste of this delicious spring dish. —Dr. Jonny

Olive Oil

True extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is highly anti-inflammatory and rich in biophenols that help protect cholesterol from oxidative stress (and cholesterol isn’t really a problem until it’s damaged by oxidation). And research has shown that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with four or more tablespoons per day of EVOO resulted in a 30 percent reduction in cardiovascular disease and stroke compared to a conventional low-fat diet. Be aware, however, that olive oil comes in many forms. There’s refined olive oil, which you really can’t buy since no manufacturer will put “refined” on the label. But you can buy “olive oil” that is almost always a blend of refined oils and virgin or extra virgin olive oil. Refined olive oil is no health food—it has no natural antioxidants and it’s high in trans fats. But it makes up about 85–95 percent of what goes into bottles simply labeled “olive oil.” “Extra light” and “pure” are marketing terms. Stay away from both. They have a paler color than plain olive oil, they’re low in flavor, and they’re low in antioxidants. “We send our really crummy oil to Europe, and they refine it and sell it back in the U.S. as ‘extra light’ or ‘pure’ olive oil,” one olive oil manufacturer told me on condition of anonymity. If you happen to encounter a bottle of “pure” olive oil, try to identify its smell. You won’t be able to. Why? Because it has none! And that’s an important tell, since smell is a strong indicator of antioxidant content. Ideally, olive oil should have a grassy or nutty smell (and flavor). Virgin olive oil is fairly high in natural antioxidants, but it’s still a lower grade than extra-virgin. Extra-virgin is the highest grade of olive oil, with the most natural antioxidants and polyphenols. Plus, it’s entirely trans-fat free. EVOO is extracted from the olives using no chemicals or solvents. Another difference between virgin and extra-virgin is acidity. Virgin olive oil needs to have an acidity of less than 2.0, but extra virgin has a higher standard: less than 0.8. The sad truth is that fake versions of “extra virgin olive oil” are common. According to the best-selling book, Real Food, Fake Food by food critic Larry Olmsted, many Americans have never even tasted real, high-quality extra-virgin olive oil because fake versions are so common. For an authentic extra-virgin olive oil that’s widely available at a fair price, try Cobram Estate. I vetted the company, and it’s the real deal—and the best-tasting olive oil I’ve ever had.


Citrus-Herb Grilled Lamb Chops Serves 4

Although loin chops are the leanest cuts of lamb, they are also the priciest. The blade cut, significantly cheaper, is only slightly higher in fat and is very flavorful and tender. 3 Tbs. extra-virgin olive ¼ cup low-sodium tamari Juice of 1 lemon 3 cloves garlic, minced Fresh rosemary leaves from 4–5 stalks, chopped (about ¼ cup) Fresh thyme leaves from 5–6 stalks (about 3 Tbs.) ⅓ cup mint leaves, chopped ¾ tsp. salt 1 tsp. fresh ground pepper 4 lamb blade chops (or 8 lamb loin chops)

1. In small bowl, combine olive oil, tamari,

and lemon juice, and whisk until lightly emulsified. Add garlic, rosemary, thyme, mint, salt, and pepper, and mix thoroughly.

2. Place lamb chops in shallow glass baking dish, and pour marinade evenly over all. Cover, and marinate at least 30 minutes, flipping several times.

3. Grill chops over medium heat, 6–7 minutes.

Flip, and grill 4–5 minutes more for medium rare, or longer to desired doneness.

Per serving: 780 cal; 52g prot; 60g total fat (25g sat fat); 4g carb; 190mg chol; 1,340mg sod; 1g fiber; 0g sugar

NOTES FROM THE CLEAN FOOD COACH Try serving hot chops with a sprinkling of feta cheese or a bit of mint jam and rosemary roasted sweet potatoes. You can double this recipe and slice the other half for cold lamb salad the next day.


I admit to being more than a little sentimental when it comes to lamb (and deer). But the truth is that lamb meat is a real nutritional bonanza. It contains more iron than chicken or fish, its fat is evenly divided between monounsaturated and saturated, it’s a good source of vitamin B12, and—best of all—it’s generally not shot full of antibiotics, steroids, and hormones the way factory-farmed beef is. Most of the lamb we eat comes from Australia and New Zealand, neither of which generally raises sheep on factory farms.

• MAY 2019

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