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How to Defeat Anxiety
Maintain your mental health and a positive attitude by keeping your whole self nourished and rested. Plus a simple exercise to help you regain your calm. BY EMILY KANE, ND, LAC
You identified an important stressor over which you definitely have control: information overload. The solution? Reduce screen time. Put yourself on a “screen diet,” especially at the end of the day. Just like you don’t want to eat past, say, 8 p.m. (unless you have a very atypical schedule), part of your bedtime routine should include unplugging from screens. If you have a TV in your bedroom, reconsider this strategy for your overall health. Move it somewhere else, if possible, so it’s less easy to binge-watch or zone out with a screen yakking at you. Another way to unplug is to get outside and enjoy nature. We are creatures of the natural world, and a very unnatural world has built up around us. Try to find a place where beautiful trees are growing, and go there often. If possible, get barefoot during the day and connect with the
magnificent harmonizing resonance of the earth’s energy. The soil of the earth, which nourishes plant life, is analogous to the soil of your microbiome, which very much influences your mood and ultimately, your well-being.
The NEURO Path to Mental Health Get excited about taking care of yourself. It’s fun! Don’t take on other optional projects until you have a good self-care routine locked in—good Nutrition (make good food choices every day, whenever possible; this takes planning), regular Exercise, time to Unwind, commitment to Restorative sleep, and keeping your heart Open to optimizing connections with people and nature. I first heard this mnemonic—NEURO —on a brain-health series organized by
Dr. David Perlmutter, and it really does cover all the bases when it comes to mental health. Because what’s good for your whole-health is also good for your brain. Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured. There is zero effective medical treatment. The only feasible strategy is prevention. And before we’re at risk for Alzheimer’s, we’re at risk for depression, anxiety, obsessive thinking or behaviors, blaming, shaming, and apathy. Keeping your whole self nourished and rested is the best strategy for maintaining mental health and a positive attitude, even though you might have to go outside your comfort zone at times. People who always do exactly as they please, or disregard others’ feelings, tend to be lonely. We are naturally social creatures, and we need to connect, authentically and kindly, with family, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers.
Countdown to Calm Meanwhile, here is a popular and simple technique to try when you feel things spinning out of control or the world seems unbearably dark. It’s a way to stay grounded, stay present, de-escalate, and find that precious inner peace. As you can imagine, it starts with taking a nice deep breath. Even when you’re in an aggravating situation, or in the presence of an irritating person, you can usually pause for a deep breath. So start there. Next, tune into your sensory faculties. This technique is called 5-4-3-2-1, which may help you remember it more easily. The more you use this technique, the more success you will have. To begin, simply take a deep belly breath, and then:
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: I feel a lot more anxious than I used to. I know the world is scarier and more divisive lately—the screen stimulation just never stops. What can I do to calm down?
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