Representatives please email
Further reading If you would like to understand the role envisaged for MVPs in National Maternity Transformation, section 4 of this national guidance document might be a good place to start:
nhs-guidance-maternity-services-v1.pdf ( This AIMS Journal article should also be helpful in explaining the role and ambition for MVPs: Implementing Better Births: Why Maternity Voices Partnerships (MVPs) are key | AIMS There is also lots of really useful information about Maternity Voice Partnerships and the role of Service User Representatives on the National Maternity Voices (NMV) website. National Maternity Voices is the national group of Maternity Voices Partnerships in England. They support and advise the service user chairs of MVPs. You may want to start with this document, which offers a really good sense of the role of the service user chair:
Service User Rep Info Pack ( uk)
What has the AIMS Campaigns Team been up to this quarter? (June – Aug 21) Covid-19: We have continued to be involved in the But Not Maternity Alliance7, campaigning for the lifting of restrictions on partners/supporters being admitted throughout the maternity services. We have also been updating our website resources regularly, with the latest guidance for maternity service users in all four nations of the UK.
New campaigns development work: We are supporting groups of Volunteers to develop our work around our desire to see an end to obstetric violence and our concern that race inequalities in the maternity services are effectively tackled.
Written outputs: We continued the conversation on ‘Shared Decision Making’, with a blog written by one of our volunteers8 which was shared across the National Voices community via their website9. We wrote to NHS England’s Maternity Transformation Programme10 team about the quality of NHS antenatal preparation provision and the related issue of the criteria for paid-for maternity services within the NHS. We wrote to NICE11 to get them to address our concerns about the initial publicity surrounding the Draft NICE 7 8 Improving healthcare: is it time to ditch the terminology of 'shared decision making'?: 9 National Voices: 10 Maternity Transformation Programme: 11 NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence):
AIMS JOURNAL, Vol 33 No 3, 2021