Aip foundation activity report 2015

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January & February 2015 Newsletter Dear Friends and Supporters, I’m happy to share with you our first newsletter of 2015. In January, we learned of a staggering new estimate from an article in The Lancet that projects lives lost in 2030 by the leading risk factors in 2010. A projected 1.7 million people will die from road traffic crashes in 2030, compared to the current figure of 1.24. The time is now for countries to put an end to preventable road crashes. At the start of the year in Vietnam, the National Traffic Safety Committee launched the National Child Helmet Action Plan. The Action Plan aims to reach 80% child helmet-wearing rates by 2016 and is a powerful step for Vietnam towards improved motorcycle passenger safety. In Cambodia, the Road Traffic Law—in which all passengers are required to wear helmets—was approved and signed by the King on January 9, 2015. AIP Foundation looks forward to supporting the enforcement of this law. With the strong coalition of road safety stakeholders in support of this progress, I am hopeful we will reach improved helmet use rates and fewer deaths on the roads in 2015. Please see below to read more about our latest activities. Kind regards,

Mirjam Sidik Chief Executive Officer AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global



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Ho Chi Minh City ranks as one of the least safe cities

Foreign Policy discusses the motorcycle helmet situation in Cambodia with AIP Foundation

AIP Foundation presents at 15th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

Helmets for Kids review workshop highlights 2014 results and plans for 2015

Visit to helmet manufacturer helps road safety stakeholdersbetter understand helmet standards

Countdown begins to a nationwide compliance with child helmet use regulation and zero tolerance for violators

First Safe School Zone Working Committee Meeting convenes

AIP Foundation President is awarded Certificate of Merit by the Da Nang People’s Committee

Traffic Safety Day festival and Abbott delegation make helmet education exciting

Traffic Police begin drafting nationwide helmet enforcement action plan

Early observations show significant increase in helmet use at “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project schools



King signs off on new traffic law, says government



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UYFC and AIP Foundation partner to increase helmet use among young motorcycle passengers

AIP Foundation President meets with Minister of Information in Cambodia

Extracurricular activities and workshop share road safety message with 600 students and staff

612 students receive helmets in Samut Prakarn for Children’s Day

Helmets for Kids schools selected as road safety model schools


Kevin Watkins discusses Thailand's road safety after his recent visit

Extracurricular activities encourage child helmet use in Udon Thani


Road safety questionaire gauges students’ knowledge at Walk Wise project schools




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Mind your safety on that boda ride

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Ho Chi Minh City ranks as one of the least safe cities January 2015 The Economist Intelligence Unit has released a paper ranking the safest cities in the world. In their “Safe Cities Index 2015 White Paper,” 50 cities are ranked on more than 40 metrics within four main categories: digital security, health security, infrastructure safety and personal safety. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ranked 3rd from the last overall, coming in at #48. In the category of "infrastructure safety" (the quality of roads, number of disaster-related deaths, etc.), Ho Chi Minh City finished last. Access the report at

HCMC was ranked #48 out of 50 cities in The Economist Intelligence Unit “Safe Cities” paper

Back to top Foreign Policy discusses the motorcycle helmet situation in Cambodia with AIP Foundation 2 February, 2015—Cambodia Foreign Policy, a prominent and leading international source for global news, has featured an article titled, “Death Rides a Moto”. The article is written to coincide with the new traffic laws in Cambodia but also elaborates on the growth of motorcycles across Asia, fatalities in Thailand, and sub-standard helmet use in Vietnam. The article features a video with AIP Foundation’s Cambodia Country Director, Mr. Pagna Kim, who discusses current motorcycle issues in Cambodia and AIP Foundation’s programs. AIP Foundation is

AIP Foundation’s Cambodia Country Director Mr. Pagna Kim discussing the helmet wearing situation in Cambodia with Foreign Policy Magazine



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implementing “Head Safe. Helmet On.” to address helmet safety in Cambodia through behavior-change campaigns, school-based helmet safety programs, and advocacy for legislation enforcing helmet use. Watch the video here. Read the article here: “Death Rides a Moto.”

Back to top AIP Foundation presents at 15th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 7 February, 2015—New Delhi, India AIP Foundation’s Development Director Mr. Colin Delmore had the opportunity to present AIP Foundation’s work at the 15th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit under the thematic track “Safe and Clean Transport for Sustainable Cities.” The session focused the contemporary discussion of ‘SMART’ cities on ‘safety.’ The panelists also stressed that transport should include a holistic approach integrating urban planning, policy measures, and urban sustainability. His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General, United Nations addressing (via video) attendees at the 15th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

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Vietnam Helmets for Kids review workshop highlights 2014 results and plans for 2015 January, 2015—Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, and Dong Nai Provinces Three large review workshops took place to discuss the Johnson & Johnson supported Helmets for Kids program. Attendees reviewed 2014 program results, lessons learned over the past three years, and plans for 2015. In total, 246 local representatives from the Traffic Safety Committee, Department of Education and Training, and Traffic Police were present with parents and teachers. Eleven schools received awards for successful program implementation and for having the highest helmet wearing rates. AIP Foundation saw significant stakeholder engagement and ownership of the Helmets for Kids program across the provinces and is encouraged by the strong support for the continuation of Helmets for Kids.

Attendees at the Dong Nai Review Workshop discuss Johnson & Johnson supported Helmets for Kids program results and implementation into 2015



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Back to top Visit to helmet manufacturer helps road safety stakeholders better understand helmet standards 7-9 January, 2015—Binh Duong Province AIP Foundation organized a capacity training workshop supported by the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), with financial assistance from the Bloomberg Philanthropies, for 44 policymakers and journalists from Binh Duong, Long An, and Tay Ninh Provinces. The capacity trainings provided attendees with detailed knowledge on Vietnam’s child helmet situation, legislation, and implementation. During the training, participants visited Long Huei helmet manufacturer to better understand standard helmets by observing the entire process of producing quality helmets: from the testing laboratory to helmet Policymakers and journalists visit Long Huei helmet manufacturer to assembly lines to the final product packaging. All understand the entire helmet production process participants agreed that the program provided them with useful information and is a way to strengthen the bond between NGOs, local government, and relevant traffic safety stakeholders.

Back to top Countdown begins to a nationwide compliance with child helmet use regulation and zero tolerance for violators 13 January, 2015—Hanoi The National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), Vietnam’s governmental authority on road safety, has launched a National Child Helmet Action Plan to promote child helmet use across the country. The National Child Helmet Action Plan is coordinated by the NTSC and its department members, and is supported by many organizations, including AIP Foundation. The Action Plan seeks to raise public awareness and create a transformational shift in the attitude towards child helmet use and regulation using the key A press conference was held to launch the National Child Helmet message “Love your child, provide a helmet.” Main Action Plan, attended by Ambassadors, government representatives, partners, and additional road safety VIPs activities include public awareness-raising and mass media communications on child helmet use, schoolbased education, and increased police enforcement on a national scale to crack down on violations of the child helmet regulation. Read more here.



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Back to top First Safe School Zone Working Committee Meeting convenes 28 January, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City As a part of the long-term Safe Kids Walk This Way program in Vietnam, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of HCMC Traffic Safety Committee, Vice Chairman of District People’s Committee, and other officials attended the first Safe School Zone Working Committee Meeting in January. The Safe School Zone project educates nearly 1,300 students on pedestrian safety, makes infrastructural modifications to school zones, and collects and analyzes hospital injury data in order to improve the pedestrian situation for children. The project advocates for the Safe School Zone model to be implemented in schools across Vietnam.

The first Working Committee meeting was held in January to discuss the Safe School Zone project

At the meeting, the results of school surveys conducted in July 2014 were presented and three schools were chosen for Safe School Zone implementation. Attendees successfully advocated for asphalt spread in front of one of the surveyed schools, which were completed before the Lunar New year to help students travel safely.

Back to top AIP Foundation President is awarded Certificate of Merit by the Da Nang People’s Committee 6 February, 2015—Da Nang AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft has been awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Da Nang People’s Committee. The award is in recognition of Mr. Craft’s “active contributions to the socioeconomic development of Da Nang and enhancing the friendship and cooperation between Da Nang and foreign partners in 2014.” On February 6, 2014, a ceremony was held in Da Nang to award individuals and organizations with Certificates of Merit.

AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft receives the Certificate of Merit by the Da Nang People’s Committee

Back to top Traffic Safety Day festival and Abbott delegation make helmet education exciting



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10 February, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City A helmet-themed Traffic Safety Day festival was held at Truong Dinh Primary School in District 12, educating 867 students on road safety through a variety of interactive festivities. As part of AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Families program, the event included road safety activities that reinforce reinforce previous interventions. This is the second year that Helmets for Families, supported by Abbott, is enforcing quality helmet use among students and their parents. The festivities were attended by a delegation from Mr. Joseph McKillips, Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Abbott Headquarters, including Mr. Bert Mohrdieck, Manager, Global Commercial EHS, Global Global Environment, Health, and Safety for Abbott plays road safety games with students Engineering Services, Abbott Commercial Operations; Mr. Joseph McKillips, Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Global Environment, Health, and Safety, Abbott; and Mr. Mike P. Ha, EHS Manager, Global Commercial Fleet Safety & Global Ergonomics, Abbott Vascular. Students thoroughly enjoyed playing and competing in road safety activities with these special Abbott visitors. View more photos here. Read the full press release here.

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Cambodia King signs off on new traffic law, says government 9 January, 2015—Phnom Penh Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has signed off on a more robust traffic law, completing the final step for legislation that could hit the streets as early as next month, according to the government’s National Road Safety Committee (NRSC). The bill sailed through the National Assembly in a few days of debate in December and passed the Senate just before the New Year. Among other changes included in the law, passengers who are older than 3 years and riding on a motorbike will now have to wear a helmet. Source: Phnom Penh Post

The new law requires all riders—including passengers and children— to wear helmets on motorcycles

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Traffic Police begin drafting nationwide helmet enforcement action plan 29 January, 2015—Phnom Penh To support the implementation of the new Road Traffic Law, which was officially enacted on January 29, traffic police attended a workshop in Phnom Penh to develop a nationwide action plan for the enforcement of the passenger helmet law. In December, two senior traffic policeman visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Singapore in order to hear experiences and lessons learned from traffic police on the subject of passenger helmet use enforcement. Traffic police who participated in the study tour, organized by AIP Foundation, shared their experiences at the workshop along with police from national and provincial levels to discuss how these best practices can be developed into an action plan applied across Cambodia.

H.E Lieutenant General Him Yan, Deputy Commissioner General of the National Police, attended the national action plan workshop

Read more here.

Back to top Early observations show significant increase in helmet use at “ Head Safe. Helmet On.” project schools 30 January, 2014—Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu Provinces In January 2015, AIP Foundation conducted the first post-intervention helmet observations at the 18 schools targeted by the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project, supported by USAID-DIV and others, as well as six control schools. The observation took place at each school approximately two weeks after the ceremony or event where students and teachers received their helmets. Across the 18 target schools, average student helmet use rates increased from 0.4% in the preintervention observation to 89% in the first postintervention observation. However, student helmet use rates at the six control schools remained low from 0.5% to 2%.

Students wear their new helmets at a handover ceremony

The second post-intervention helmet observation will be conducted 10-12 weeks after the ceremony or event at each school.

Back to top UYFC and AIP Foundation partner to increase helmet use among young motorcycle passengers 10 February, 2015—Phnom Penh



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On February 10, the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC) announced their formal working partnership with AIP Foundation to reduce fatalities and serious head injuries among vulnerable motorcycle passengers—including children—in Cambodia. The announcement was made official through a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties, taking effect from February 2015 to December 2016. View photos from the MoU signing here. Read the press release here.

UYFC and AIP Foundation representatives sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Back to top AIP Foundation President meets with Minister of Information in Cambodia 11 February, 2015—Phnom Penh On February 11, AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft met with His Excellency Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information in Cambodia. The meeting took place following a communications campaign stakeholder consultative meeting. H.E. Kanharith will co-organize a workshop for media on road safety and the new traffic law in the near future with the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation. The Minister of Information in Cambodia supports AIP Foundation’s goal increasing passenger helmet rates in targeted communes of Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu to 80% by 2016.

AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft with His Excellency Khieu Kanharith, Minister of Information in Cambodia

Back to top Extracurricular activities and workshop share road safety message with 600 students and staff 12 & 17 February, 2015—Phnom Penh AIP Foundation delivered extra-curricular road safety activities to approximately 300 students from Aknu Wat Primary School, supported by Manulife (Cambodia) Plc. The activities focused on the importance of helmet use and involved a drawing contest, question and answer games, and pedestrian, bicycle, and motor-vehicle safety lessons. The students were enthusiastic about learning life-saving skills and were committed to sharing these road safety lessons with family and peers.



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Furthermore, AIP Foundation coordinated with the American Intercon School (Toul Kork Branch) and arranged a seminar for approximately 300 staff and students focusing on the recently approved Road Traffic Law.

Students from Aknu Wat Primary School practice safe bicycle skills while wearing helmets

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Thailand Kevin Watkins discusses Thailand's road safety after his recent visit 12 January, 2015—Bangkok In November, Kevin Watkins, Executive Director of the Overseas Development Institute, attended The 7% Project campaign launch while on a fact-finding visit to Thailand. While there, AIP Foundation arranged for Mr. Watkins and Road Safety Ambassador Michelle Yeoh to meet with a father whose 13-year old son was killed in a motorcycle crash without a helmet. Mr. Watkins wrote an article in the Bangkok Post about his visit, discussing this meeting, the campaign, the road safety situation in Thailand, and his thoughts on child helmet use. Read his article: "Slap on a helmet, keep your child safe on the road."

While in Thailand, Mr. Kevin Watkins spoke at The 7% Project launch. He discussed his visit in a recent article in the Bangkok Post

Back to top 612 students receive helmets in Samut Prakarn for Children’s Day 14 January, 2015—Samut Prakarn Province Students from Intarumphun-Anusorn School received 612 high-quality helmets in association with Thailand’s National Children’s Day. The helmet donations, organized under Helmets for Kids and with support from DENSO International Asia Co., LTD (DENSO) and the Road Safety



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Fund, were provided to promote helmet use and road safety awareness. Prior to helmet donation, helmet use rates for students traveling by motorcycle or bicycle were observed to be 0%. These rates have increased to 54% after only two weeks of program intervention. Read more here. Representatives from DENSO, FIA Foundation, AIP Foundation, Bangmuang Sub District, Samut-Prakarn Land Transportation, and the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation place helmets on students

Back to top Helmets for Kids schools selected as road safety model schools 15 January, 2015—Udon Thani Province Two of AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids schools in Udon Thani, Nong Samrong Wittaya and Ban Nakwang Wittaya, have been selected as model schools by the Province of Udon Thani based on their efforts and success in implementing school road safety programs. A ceremony was held to hand over a certificate to each of the two schools on January 15, 2015.

Last year, Udon Thani schools participated in many road safety efforts. Pictured, a Road Safety Day parade to promote helmet use

Back to top Extracurricular activities encourage child helmet use in Udon Thani 20-22 January, 2015—Udon Thani Province Three Helmets for Kids schools (Chomchonnakwang, Chomchonmoomon, and Nong Samrong Wittaya) supported by Vespiario (Thailand) Co., Ltd. participated in extracurricular activities in January. These activities reinforce helmet use after a helmet donation that was previously been during the school year. In total, 619 students played games on traffic laws, traffic signs, and steps for wearing helmets properly.

Students race to match puzzles depicting proper helmet use

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China Road safety questionaire gauges students’ knowledge at Walk Wise project schools January - February, 2015 - Kai County In January, AIP Foundation visited 37 Walk Wise project schools to test students’ learning and understanding of road safety. Along with road safety knowledge, the questionnaire asked about the road safety environment around schools, students’ road safety behavior, and their main means of transportation. By the end of February, 2015, AIP Foundation had received around 30 finished forms. This information is important in order to work to improve road safety around schools. During the 2013-2014 school year, 24,947 students participated in the Walk Wise project

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Uganda Mind your safety on that boda ride 5 January, 2015—Kampala It costs 8 million Ugandan Shillings (USD $2,747) on average to treat just one severely injured motorcyclist at Mulago Hospital, according to a new study by the Uganda Christian University in partnership with Makerere School of Economics. To manage these cases, Mulago Hospital directs 62.5% of its surgery budget to treating victims of boda crashes, says Barbara Mwanje, Regional Manager of AIP Foundation in Africa, which operates under the Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative (GHVI). Source: Daily Monitor.

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Global Newsletter November 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, This month, AIP Foundation took part in the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia, which brought together over 2,200 delegates from more than 110 countries to exchange information and experiences on best practices in road safety, to review progress in implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety, and to contribute to the “Brasilia Declaration on Road Safety” which offers renewed impetus and concrete directions for governments as they strive to achieve the targets outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Participating in the Conference was a humbling and invigorating experience and allowed the road safety community to refocus energy to achieving the goals set forth by the Decade of Action. We also presented at the Conference of ASEAN Road Safety 2015 in Kuala Lumpur and won a best paper award at the conference, a true honor for AIP Foundation. Additionally, helmet donations in Vietnam marked the occasion of Teacher’s Day, Cambodia is gearing up to begin supporting enforcement of the passenger helmet law, and projects in Thailand have revealed positive evaluation results. Finally, we observed World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Victims on November 15th. Our hearts are heavy as we remember those lost, but we are inspired and driven to continue our work towards safer roads worldwide. Please see below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

AIP Foundation included in the 2015 Secretary-General Report issued worldwide

#SaveKidsLives reaches 1 million signatures!…



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by the UN General Assembly Conference Services

Related News: UN Secretary General Ban KiMoon joins launch of new road safety High Level Panel

AIP Foundation participates in the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety


AIP Foundation presents at the Conference of ASEAN Road Safety 2015 (CARS2015)

UPS hosts “I Love Helmets” Family Day event to raise awareness about road safety

AIG celebrates Teacher’s Day by donating 820 quality helmets to students and teachers

Opinion Piece: Vietnam’s jam-packed streets are about to get worse


Stakeholders from across Phnom Penh discuss passenger helmet enforcement

Manulife holds road safety and helmet use training for teachers at Sothearos Primary School

Opinion Piece: Quick To Criticize, Drivers Forget They Have a Role in Snarled Traffic




Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Street Wise, Chevron sponsored project, midterm review yields positive results

Legal Development Program holds road safety advocacy workshop

AIP Foundation Thailand Chairperson interviewed by Voice TV

150 motorcycle drivers are surveyed about helmet use habits

57 Walk Wise project schools have begun their road safety classes

Related News: Thai university students raise road safety awareness with harrowing video compilation


Primary school invites AIP Foundation to give students a road safety lesson

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Photo of the month In Cambodia, a group of U.S. graduate students visited the AIP Foundation office and a project school in Phnom Penh on a study tour. The students supported the ‘Child Declaration for Road Safety’ by signing for the #SaveKidsLives campaign. Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram (@makingroadssafe) for a chance to have your photo featured here! U.S. graduate students pose in front of a project…



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school and support the #SaveKidsLives campaign

Back to top AIP Foundation included in the 2015 Secretary-General Report issued worldwide by the UN General Assembly Conference Services 1 November, 2015 The 2015 Secretary-General Report has been issued worldwide by the UN General Assembly Conference Services. The report, prepared by the World Health Organization, in cooperation with the United Nations regional commissions and other partners of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration, provides an updated description of activities and achievements by the global road safety community in pursuance of the objectives of the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) since the previous report. It also contains recommendations to the Assembly for achieving the goals of the Decade. AIP Foundation and our work are featured at Pillar 4, Safer Road Users, Article 44 Page 12. You can read the report here.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon presents the report which describes the activities and achievements by the road safety community Credit:

Back to top #SaveKidsLives reaches 1 million signatures! 11 November, 2015 This month, #SaveKidsLives achieved their recent target of gathering 1,000,000 signatures for their Child Declaration on Road Safety. The campaign started earlier this year with a modest goal of 100,000 signatures. This was quickly exceeded as the campaign’s reach grew wider and wider. Now, 1 million people have signed the declaration to demand action on road safety for children. We would like to thank our contributors who have taken part in the #SaveKidsLives campaign!

The #SaveKidsLives campaign calls upon world leaders to take action on road safety

At the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety in Brasilia, children handed over the 1 million signatures to our world leaders. Together, we will call upon them to commit to road safety, so that life saving measures can be put in place on the roads around the world. Read more about this significant milestone on the official #SaveKidsLives website here.

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Related News: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon joins launch of new road safety High Level Panel 12 November, 2015 – New York City, United States Mr. Ban joined FIA President Jean Todt and members of the High Level Panel at the launch event at United Nations headquarters in New York. The initiative brings together senior figures from business, financial institutions, and public administrations, supported by a body of celebrity ambassadors. The panel aims to engage both the public and the private sectors to raise funding and political awareness in response to the road safety crisis, and to mobilize new support for the goals of the Decade of Action and for the road safety targets included in the Sustainable Development Goals. The panel members will explore the possibility of innovative financing measures, including pushing for the creation of a UN Road Safety Fund, which will finance road safety programs.

Ban Ki-Moon and FIA President Jean Todt attend the High Level Panel launch Credit:

At the meeting Ban Ki-Moon called for greater efforts to reduce global road traffic casualties, and said he hoped that the Brasilia High Level Conference would achieve significant results and momentum. He urged support for the Decade of Action Global Plan, and supported calls for a new UN Fund for Road Safety. Read the full article to see who the High Level Panel includes.

Back to top AIP Foundation participates in the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety 18 – 19 November, 2015 – Brasilia, Brazil AIP Foundation participated in the 2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety through a resolution entitled “Improving Global Road Safety”. The Conference brought together over 2,200 delegates from more than 110 countries, including 70 Ministers of Transport, Health, and Interior; senior officials from United Nations agencies; representatives of civil society; and business leaders. The Conference was an opportunity for Member States to exchange information and experiences on best practices in road Mirjam Sidik, CEO and Pagna Kim, Cambodia Country Director with the Cambodian delegation safety. Delegates reviewed progress in implementation of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 and discussed how to achieve its stated goal. It is a unique moment to bring a new impetus to the Decade of Action at its mid-point – a time to reaffirm commitments and propose new strategies for the next five years, in light of the scenario that should emerge from discussions on the new Sustainable Development Goals. Read more about Conference here.

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AIP Foundation presents at the Conference of ASEAN Road Safety 2015 (CARS2015) 5 November, 2015 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Nuong Nguyen, Vietnam Program Director at AIP Foundation, presented at the Conference of ASEAN Road Safety 2015 (CARS2015) this month. Nuong presented on Vietnam's National Action Plan to increase helmet use among child motorcycle passengers. At the Conference, a paper submitted by AIP Foundation staff won the Best Paper Award out of 63 papers submitted for the publication “Measuring the Effectiveness of Vietnam’s National Action Plan to Increase Child Helmet Use in Three Major Cities.”

Nuong Nguyen of AIP Foundation presents at the CARS2015 Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This inaugural conference brought together policymakers, scientists, researchers, practitioners, law enforcers, academics, and a wide range of public and private organizations from the region with an interest in the future of road safety. Over 250 key players in road safety within the Southeast Asia region as well as in the Asia Pacific region attended the conference.

Back to top UPS hosts “ I Love Helmets” Family Day event to raise awareness about road safety 7 November, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City With support from The UPS Foundation, AIP Foundation held a road safety event with the theme, “I Love Helmets” at Tan Tuc Primary School in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. The school is located near Trung Luong Highway, a high-risk traffic area in Ho Chi Minh City, where students face dangers on their daily commute. The event gathered more than 1,500 students, 200 parents, teachers from primary and junior schools, and representatives from The UPS Foundation and Traffic Safety Committee (TSC). Students play games to learn about the importance of helmet use Among the participants were representatives from the Ho Chi Minh City TSC and Jeff McLean, Managing Director of UPS Vietnam. At the event, students and parents participated in several road safety activities that included painting, a fashion show, interactive games, and a road safety knowledge competition in order to promote child helmet use. Read more here and view the event photos here.

Back to top AIG celebrates Teacher’s Day by donating 820 quality helmets to students and teachers 17 November, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City In honor of Teacher’s Day, AIP Foundation delivered 820 high…



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quality helmets to students and teachers at Tan Hiep Primary School. This event, possible thanks to support from AIG, an American multinational insurance company, commemorated the 20th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Vietnam. This event is the third helmet handover event AIG has sponsored for at-risk school children and teachers. Thus far, AIG has provided 3,036 quality helmets to children and teachers throughout Vietnam. Tan Hiep students commute daily on dangerous Students, teachers, and representatives from AIG, the Traffic roads, helmets can help them stay protected Safety Committee (TSC), and AIP Foundation attended the event. Among the attendees were Rena Bitter, U.S. Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City and Susan E. Loftus, AIG CEO and General Manager at AIG Vietnam.

More information can be found here. To view more photos, click here.

Back to top Opinion Piece: Vietnam’s jam-packed streets are about to get worse 9 November, 2015 The Vietnamese government has announced plans to cut automobile tariffs, making cars much more affordable in a country where urban traffic is famously anarchic. Automobile taxes and registration fees currently add up to almost half of the retail value of cars in Vietnam, which makes their ownership a luxury. Since major cities in the country do not have a subway or tram system, most citizens take the bus or ride a bike. Packed streets in Vietnam may get more congested

with increasingly affordable vehicles The streets of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh are chaotic, with lax traffic Credit: Reuters control and overcrowded pavements—adding more vehicles may prove to add traffic congestion. The transport department is planning to narrow sidewalks to give vehicles more space, potentially increasing pedestrian vulnerability and threatening their safety.

Read more here.

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Cambodia Stakeholders from across Phnom Penh discuss passenger helmet enforcement 4-17 November, 2015 – Phnom Penh Various stakeholders gathered to discuss potential improvements to the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” (HSHO) project. AIP Foundation held its second district-wide stakeholder workshops as part of the…



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HSHO project. The purpose of the workshops was to discuss actions to support the enforcement of the passenger helmet law, including children, scheduled to begin January 1st, 2016. The workshops gathered approximately 58 participants including representatives from the private sector, the Department of Transport, the Department of Education, Youth, and Sport, the Directors of target schools, the commune chief, clerk, and council members, the District Provincial Advisor, and the media. Various stakeholders gather to discuss potential At the meetings, stakeholders discussed the project’s recent improvements to the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project progress, challenges faced thus far, and recommendations for the second year of the initiative. AIP Foundation received critical feedback from the community to consider for the second year of implementation.

Back to top Manulife holds road safety and helmet use training for teachers at Sothearos Primary School 19 November, 2015 – Phnom Penh Supported by Manulife (Cambodia) Plc, teachers at Sothearos Primary School participated in vital road safety training that focused on motorcycle helmet use. 38 teachers joined a road safety training that focused on the benefits of correct helmet use for their families and community, highlighting that an active role by teachers is required to ensure that their students wear helmets every time they travel by bicycle and motorcycle. The teachers shared their experiences and techniques on how to encourage students to always wear their helmets. At the conclusion of the training, teachers committed to putting helmets on their students, no matter the distance or travel time, when riding on a motorcycle.

Teachers are trained on promoting helmet use among their students

Back to top Opinion Piece: Quick To Criticize, Drivers Forget They Have a Role in Snarled Traffic 4 November, 2015 – Phnom Penh Drivers on Cambodia’s chaotic streets are often quick to criticize the traffic police, who seem unable to bring things under control. However, the drivers themselves forget that poor driving and the ignoring of traffic laws lead to so many snarls. The government has sought to break up traffic congestion through new laws, more roads, traffic lights, security cameras at major intersections and even the presence of youth volunteers on weekends. Yet drivers seem unwilling to cooperate. And while many complain that the police or government is to blame, many overlook the roles of drivers themselves.

Chaotic traffic in Phnom Penh is a challenge to traffic police…



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Credit: On any day in Phnom Penh, you can see drivers who speed up when lights turn yellow, or push forward into congestion. Threewheeled tuk-tuks take up space in the motorcycle lanes, and often side roads are used by businesses or for parking. All of this jams traffic and leads to worse congestion.

Read the full article here.

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Thailand Street Wise, Chevron sponsored project, midterm review yields positive results 3 November, 2015 – Songkhla Province In September, AIP Foundation Thailand Program Officer Anamika Tangsakulnurak and a Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist from Mahidol University conducted midterm monitoring and evaluation analysis at 5 schools in Singhanakhon from the 14th to 17th. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the Chevronsponsored Street Wise project’s implementation thus far. Helmet observations, pedestrian observations, in-depth interviews with school directors and focus group discussions with teachers aided in evaluating program activities. Evaluation results were A thorough review of program activities revealed presented to stakeholders on 3rd November. According to the positive impact on the target communities assessment, the helmet wearing rate of students in Singhanakhon increased from 3% in 2014 to 33% after officially launching the project in July 2015.

Back to top Legal Development Program holds road safety advocacy workshop 12–13 November, 2015 – Bangkok Legal Development Program's Induction and Road Safety Advocacy Workshop was held at The Sukosol Hotel and was organized by AIP Foundation in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety. The Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) 20152019 seeks to reduce fatalities and injuries from road traffic crashes in low- and middle-income countries and cities by strengthening road safety legislation at the national level and Workshop participants learn about advocacy to spur action on road safety implementing proven road safety interventions at the city level. The WHO will contribute to this new program in five countries, including Thailand, by providing technical support to assess and revise current legislation; building capacities of select lawyers on advocating for evidence-based laws and regulations; engaging with journalists with a view to their writing more in-depth road safety stories focused on change and solutions; and developing normative documents reflecting the above efforts.…



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Back to top AIP Foundation Thailand Chairperson interviewed by Voice TV 12 November, 2015 – Bangkok Ratanawadee H. Winther, Chairperson of AIP Foundation Thailand was interviewed by Voice TV (Thailand Broadcast Television) on road safety in Thailand and AIP Foundation’s initiatives to improve it.

AIP Foundation Thailand Chairperson is interviewed about road safety

Back to top Related News: Thai university students raise road safety awareness with harrowing video compilation 5 November, 2015 – Bangkok The explicit road safety video below, compiled by business students at Bangkok’s Kasetsart University, may upset some viewers. Nevertheless, the compilation produced by the ‘Stop for Step’ road safety campaign is making its mark, having already gathered a million views on Facebook. The ‘Stop for Step’ campaign focuses on poor driver behavior at pedestrian crossings throughout Thailand. Thai motorists often won’t stop at crosswalks, even if faced with a red light. This video – not an easy watch – reveals the disastrous consequences.

Motorists will oftentimes not stop at crosswalks, putting pedestrians at risk Credit: Stop for Step

Read the full article here.

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China Primary school invites AIP Foundation to give students a road safety lesson 13 November, 2015 – Chengdu Province The AIP Foundation China team went to Qingyang Experimental Middle School to give 42 Grade 1 students a road safety lesson. The class teaches students safe pedestrian practices through group discussion and activities. Through games and fun lessons, the students learn how to stay safe on their commutes to and from school.…



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Children learn about road safety through games and fun lessons

Back to top 150 motorcycle drivers are surveyed about helmet use habits 21 November, 2015 – Kai County The Walk Wise team, sponsored by Chevron, worked with Kai County Youth League Volunteers to conduct an investigation of helmet use among motorcycle drivers. To calculate the baseline situation of helmet use of motorcycle drivers in Kai County, the AIP Foundation China team worked with the local Youth League to recruit 10 volunteers to conduct the survey. This survey aims to get information about motorcycle drivers such as when they began driving motorcycles, how often they wear a helmet, the reason for why they do or do not wear a helmet, and the quality of the helmet they use.

A street-based investigation helps AIP Foundation gauge motorcycle driver habits to better tailor future interventions

Motorcycle drivers were actively responding during the activity and each motorcycle driver that participated received a voucher with which he or she could get a free helmet on National Road Safety Day on 2 December, 2015. Through the investigation, basic information on helmet use in Kai County was obtained; this information will be used to guide the next helmet intervention programs.

Back to top 57 Walk Wise project schools have begun their road safety classes 25 November, 2015 – Kai County Walk Wise Phase 4 project schools have begun road safety curriculum implementation for the 2015-2016 school year. The Walk Wise program team visited Heyan Primary School; the teachers were excited to teach the road safety class to help keep children safe. Teachers make the classes interesting through games to learn important skills. The school is near a main road, which has a lot of traffic and where there is no zebra crossing for pedestrians. It is a dangerous area, so the road safety classes are necessary for

Teachers keep children interested in road safety…



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students to learn how to stay safe on the road.

lessons through fun games and activities

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This is a Test Email o nly. This message was sent for the sole purpose of testing a draft message.…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Global Newsletter December 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, As we wrap up another year at AIP Foundation, I can’t help but feel proud of our achievements. We would like to thank our partners for all of their support throughout 2015, it has truly been an honor and a pleasure. In 2015, the road safety community made milestone progress in putting road safety on the global agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals. On an organizational level, we expanded programs in both Thailand and China and achieved helmet use rate increases in target countries. With the global refocusing and prioritization of road safety, I am excited for the work to come in 2016. In December, we delivered over 4,000 helmets to students in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Tra Vinh Province in Vietnam, celebrated National Road Safety Day with a pedestrian awareness event in China, and made preparations to begin supporting passenger helmet law enforcement in Cambodia for 2016. Please see below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. We wish you a wonderful New Year! Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

World Bank warns on threat of road deaths




Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Police trainings conducted at five FIA Foundation project provinces

Abbott expands Helmets for Families to Hanoi


AIP Foundation is ready to support motorcycle passenger helmet law enforcement

AIP Foundation counts down to passenger helmet law enforcement

In anticipation of upcoming enforcement of the passenger helmet law, Manulife donates 800 helmets

Road safety and helmet use refresher training held for teachers from 18 Primary Schools

Training workshop encourages effective road-safety journalism

U.S. Ambassador urges for helmets in holiday video message

Related News: Road Deaths Jump, Traffic Blitz Soon




Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Street Wise, sponsored by Chevron, hold extracurricular activities for over 1,000 students

AIP Foundation presents at the 12th Thailand Road Safety Seminar “Next Steps the Second Half of Decade of Action for Road Safety 2015-2020”

BIGRS Legal Development Program develops work plan for 2016 activities

“The Discussion on Thailand Road Safety with WHO (World Health Organization)” enables assessment of current road safety environment


Walk Wise project schools celebrate National Road Safety Day

Community advocacy spreads road safety message

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Photo of the month Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram (@makingroadssafe) for a chance to have your photo featured here!



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Happy holidays and we wish you a wonderful New Year!

Back to top World Bank warns on threat of road deaths 19 November, 2015 Road deaths could be a bigger killer than HIV-AIDS by 2020 without more funding and cooperation to deliver improved road safety, World Bank officials have said. While road deaths are estimated to have leveled off since 2007, they remain high at 1.25 million every year, with 50 million injuries. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to halve road deaths by 2030. Bertrand Badré, the World Bank’s managing director and CFO, said to do this both the public and private sectors will need to step up their efforts. “We must shift from stabilizing to dramatically reducing road deaths. This will require more commitment, scaled-up action and dedicated funding.”

Road deaths could surpass HIV-AIDS deaths by 2020 if improvements are not made / Credit: Phnom Penh Post

The number of traffic-related deaths is already higher than those from malaria or tuberculosis, and if trends continue, traffic-related deaths could surpass those from HIV-AIDS in the next five years. They are already the leading killer among 15-29 year olds. Read the full article here.

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Vietnam Police trainings conducted at five FIA Foundation project provinces 1 December, 2015 -- Can Tho, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Quang Ninh, and Yen Bai Provinces From 17 November to 1 December, police trainings took place at five of six FIA Foundation project provinces. 180 policemen participated in the trainings, where they discussed child helmet use enforcement. During the trainings, police shared their experiences and difficulties after their first enforcement of child



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helmet use in April of this year. Training content focused on basic helmet use knowledge and skills, communication skills, and how to deal with parents whose children do not wear helmets.

Policemen attend workshop to discuss child helmet use enforcement

Back to top Abbott expands Helmets for Families to Hanoi 7 December, 2015 – Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Tra Vinh Province AIP Foundation, with support from Abbott, collaborated with the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), and the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to kick off the Helmets for Families program at Lieu Ninh Primary School in Hanoi. This is the first year the Helmets for Families program expands to Hanoi after two years of successfully piloting in four schools in Ho Chi Minh City and five schools in Tra Vinh province. In the 2015-2016 school year, Abbott will hand over more than 4,300 helmets to students and teachers in two primary schools in Hanoi and to first In the 2015-2016 school year, Abbott will hand over grade students in nine schools in Ho Chi Minh City and Tra Vinh more than 4,000 helmets to primary school students province. In addition, through an exchange program that covers up to 4,100 subsidized helmets, parents can exchange their low quality helmets for high-quality standard helmets for 65% of the original price. Representatives from the NTSC, the MOET, the Hanoi TSC and DOET, traffic police and local authorities, Abbott, students, parents, and teachers joined the ceremony. For more information, read the press release here. To view more photos, click here.

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Cambodia AIP Foundation is ready to support motorcycle passenger helmet law enforcement 1 December, 2015 – Phnom Penh To support the government in kicking-off traffic law enforcement on 1 January, 2016, AIP Foundation’s Behavior Change Communication Program is preparing awareness-raising activities aimed at informing target communities about enforcement. Police will begin fining motorcyclists 15,000 riels for un-helmeted passengers.



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The activities included are the broadcasting of TV and radio commercials, TV and radio discussion programs, and communebased educational activities. The activities are scheduled to run from December 2015 to March 2016.

Police will begin fining for un-helmeted passengers in the coming year

Back to top AIP Foundation counts down to passenger helmet law enforcement 9 December, 2015 – Phnom Penh A new traffic law is set to come into force in the New Year— starting on January 1st, traffic police will start to collect fines for passengers, in addition to drivers, that are caught not wearing a helmet. Across Cambodian televisions, spirits will appear to remind Cambodians to always wear their helmets in a commercial by AIP Foundation. These spirits are victims of road crash head injuries; they are not meant to scare but instead to protect the public. The spirits stop a family to tell them that failing to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle threatens their lives. The The countdown banner for the enforcement of the commercial reminds Cambodians to wear a helmet, whether passenger helmet law is revealed they’re the driver or a passenger, no matter the distance along with spreading the news that “From 1st January 2016, police will fine 15,000 riels for each non-helmeted person.” The fine has increased five-fold compared to the previous fine of 3,000 riels for drivers violating the helmet law. The commercial is part of a campaign supporting the dissemination and implementation of the new Road Traffic Law. The campaign incorporates media-, street-, and community-based approaches to improve helmet safety in Cambodia. The campaign is part of AIP Foundation’s “Head Safe. Helmet On.” (HSHO), which is a two-year project supported by the United States Agency for International Development, Development Innovation Ventures (USAID-DIV), and others, aimed to increase passenger helmet use in Cambodia. Read more here.

Back to top In anticipation of upcoming enforcement of the passenger helmet law, Manulife donates 800 helmets 12 December, 2015 – Phnom Penh In celebration of the upcoming enforcement of the new passenger helmet law, AIP Foundation, with support from Manulife, donated helmets and raised road safety awareness at a Helmets for Families event at Sothearos Primary School.



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Road safety stakeholders, students, teachers, parents, local, and international media representatives attended the event. At the event, 804 helmets were donated to students and teachers at Sothearos Primary School, extra-curricular activities such as a question and answer session on road safety topics, a road crossing simulation corner, and a helmet wearing demonstration were held to raise awareness about the importance of quality helmet use and of practicing safe road behavior. The event welcomed the upcoming enforcement of the passenger Students are happy to receive helmets and commit to wearing them helmet law, which is scheduled to begin on 1 January, 2016— traffic police will begin fining anyone found driving a motorcycle or riding as a passenger without a helmet. While the law includes passengers, the final sub-decree does not include child passengers in enforcement. Failing to include children in the law’s enforcement leaves children vulnerable to injury and/or death in the event of a crash.

Back to top Road safety and helmet use refresher training held for teachers from 18 Primary Schools 17-30 December, 2015 – Phnom Penh Under the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” (HSHO) project, 500 teachers from 18 target Primary Schools participated in a vital road safety refresher training session that focused on how to promote helmet use among students, how to engage parents in road safety training, and how to increase student knowledge on road safety. The session covered the benefits of correct helmet use and new passenger helmet law for families and the community, highlighting that an active role by teachers is important in ensuring students wear helmets every time they travel. Teachers Teachers are trained on promoting helmet use among their students shared their experiences and techniques on how to encourage students to always wear their helmets and how to disseminate road safety messages, especially with the upcoming new passenger law enforcement, to parents. Teachers committed to putting helmets on their students, no matter the distance or travel time, when riding on a motorcycle.

Back to top Training workshop encourages effective road-safety journalism 23-25 December, 2015 – Kampong Som With the passenger helmet law enforcement scheduled for 1 January 2016, in which motorcyclists will be fined for their passengers who are not wearing helmets, journalists are gearing up to increase raising awareness and promoting helmet use. Media has the unique ability to communicate with the wider public to influence for good—it can play a vital role in cultivating a



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healthy road safety culture. AIP Foundation, with support from the FIA Foundation, organized a workshop to train journalists on how to best cover road safety topics and on fact-based, publicinterest reporting. The forum was attended by 40 journalists representing print, online, television, and radio media. At the workshop, journalists built upon their knowledge, skills, and resources to effectively cover road safety, specifically focusing on the upcoming enforcement of the new passenger helmet law, to better reach the greater community. Participants also drafted a year-long plan of topics and approaches to guide an active, informal network of journalists to promote universal helmet use through media.

Journalists learn how to effectively report on road safety topics to create awareness and inspire positive behavior change

Back to top U.S. Ambassador urges for helmets in holiday video message 23 December, 2015 – Phnom Penh “Every life is valuable, so please work together to stay safe during this holiday season and beyond,” spoke U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, William A. Heidt as he sat beside his wife on a motorcycle and pointed to his helmet. This concluded a holiday video message for the U.S. Embassy’s social media pages, which received over 1,000 likes. The Ambassador, who took office in August 2015, displayed important support to road safety by reminding the Cambodian public about the new motorcycle passenger helmet law, especially important as holiday seasons worldwide consistently see spikes in the number of crashes as more people take to the roads to travel or visit loved ones.

U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia and his wife conclude holiday video message with reminder on upcoming passenger helmet law enforcement

Cambodia’s new Road Traffic Law, which took effect January 1st, 2015 on all streets nation-wide, mandates helmet wearing among motorcyclists – drivers and now passengers, too. To watch the video, click here.

Back to top Related News: Road Deaths Jump, Traffic Blitz Soon 15 December, 2015 The number of road deaths (in Cambodia) jumped 5% this year – to an average of more than six a day – although injuries and the total number of accidents fell, the National Police General Commissariat said in its annual report. The news comes ahead of new traffic laws and a nationwide blitz



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by police beginning the coming year aimed at reducing the number of traffic accidents and their social and economic impact. On average, 20 people are hurt, many seriously, every day in traffic accidents. The number of accidents fell 5 percent to 4,595 and the number of injuries also fell 5 percent, to 9,755, but the number of deaths rose to 2,265. Read the full article here. Road deaths increased in Cambodia to more than six fatalities daily / Credit:

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Thailand Street Wise, sponsored by Chevron, hold extracurricular activities for over 1,000 students 27 November, 2015 – Songkhla Province Street Wise, sponsored by Chevron, held extracurricular activities for 1,153 students at five schools in Sighnakhon District, Songkhla. The road safety activities were facilitated by AIP Foundation with support and cooperation from the Singhanakhon Police Station. Activities aimed to educate students and teachers on rules, regulations, and traffic laws. Participants were encouraged to practice road safety in their daily lives. In addition, Chevron awarded prizes to students that won the road safety contest, which included poetry, drawing, and essay competitions.

Students learn important road safety lessons in order to practice safe behaviors

Back to top AIP Foundation presents at the 12th Thailand Road Safety Seminar “ Next Steps the Second Half of Decade of Action for Road Safety 2015-2020” 14-15 December, 2015 – Bangkok AIP Foundation presented the Street Wise project curriculum, Helmets for Kids project activities, Legal Development Program activities, and road safety videos at the 12th Thailand Road Safety Seminar “Next Steps the Second Half of Decade of Action for Road Safety 2015-2020.” Additionally, AIP Foundation ran an activity booth to promote the Street Wise project, sponsored by Chevron, which attracted a total of 100 attendees. AIP Foundation runs a booth on Street Wise project achievements and activities

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BIGRS Legal Development Program develops work plan for 2016 activities 17 December, 2015 – Bangkok AIP Foundation, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), conducted a Legal Development Program member follow-up meeting. At the meeting, participants discussed previous work and future plans related to the LDP Program. Research on “Mapping Road Safety in Thailand” was presented at the meeting and participants also developed a work plan for 2016. Participants at the LDP meeting aim to improve road safety policy in Thailand

Back to top “ The Discussion on Thailand Road Safety with WHO (World Health Organization)” enables assessment of current road safety environment 13 December, 2015 – Bangkok Ratanawadee H. Winther, AIP Foundation Thailand Chairperson and Oratai Junsuwanarak, AIP Foundation Thailand Country Manager participated in “The Discussion on Thailand Road Safety with WHO (World Health Organization)” at the Marriott Bangkok. The discussion focused on giving an overview of the current RTI (Road Traffic Injuries) situation and Thailand Action Plan, as well as identifying potential improvements for the road safety situation in Thailand. AIP Foundation participates in discussion about the status of road safety in Thailand

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China Walk Wise project schools celebrate National Road Safety Day 2 December, 2015 – Chongqing Province Walk Wise, sponsored by Chevron, celebrated China’s 4th National Road Safety Day with 37 project schools holding activities to celebrate the occasion. Schools organized a “walking school bus” to practice pedestrian safety and to spread awareness to the community. Students wore yellow caps to be visible to oncoming traffic and teachers and traffic police guarded them while they commuted. Through this activity students can reinforce the pedestrian safety skills they learned in the classroom and the community is able to see a demonstrated



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commitment to road safety.

Traffic police escort children as they walk and spread awareness about pedestrian safety

Back to top Community advocacy spreads road safety message 21 November, 2015 – Kai County On China’s 4th National Road Safety Day, with the theme "Drive safely, beware of dangerous driving,” Walk Wise worked with the Kai County Traffic Police Department on promoting quality helmet use. In preparation for the day, 150 motorcycle drivers were surveyed by AIP Foundation China volunteers. Survey results revealed that most drivers used sub-quality helmets, which often fail to adequately protect them in a crash. To address this issue, AIP Foundation, in collaboration with the traffic police department, organized an advocacy event that attracted over 300 Quality helmets are distributed to attendees to participants. At the event, participants answered road safety encourage helmet use and to keep motorcyclists safe questions and received helmets as gifts. To motivate motorcyclists to use their helmets, a training on how to wear a helmet correctly was held. Additionally, a small exhibition and presentation educated participants on different helmets and their use. Finally, 130 helmets were distributed to participants.

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Global Newsletter March 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, In this month’s newsletter I am pleased to share with you our 2014 Annual Report. Within the last year, AIP Foundation further developed effective programs that provide life-saving skills to vulnerable road users, strengthened relationships with governments to advance progressive legislation, and promoted the road safety dialogue to nationwide audiences. We saw increased helmet use rates across our project schools and an expansion of our programs to reach additional communities. Please read the Annual Report here to find out what we have accomplished. Kind regards,

Mirjam Sidik Chief Executive Officer AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

AIP Foundation attends Fourth Global Meeting of NGO Alliance for Road Safety in Morocco

US CDC and AIP Foundation receive “International Partnership” award

AIP Foundation attends 21st meeting of United Nations Road Safety Collaboration




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“Love your child. Provide a helmet.” focusing on child helmet use airs across Vietnam

Johnson & Johnson begins a new year of Helmets for Kids with commitment to donate 9,100 helmets

AIP Foundation organizes Johnson & Johnson Helmets for Kids orientation workshop

Photovoice semi-final winners announced


Parents invest in road safety across Cambodia

Annual U.S. Embassy Health Fair promotes motorcycle helmet use

Cambodian traffic police visit Vietnam to share helmet enforcement experiences

School of Excellence competition encourage “Road Safety Champions” in support of new law




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Deputy Governor to Bangkok expresses her support for The 7% Project

Students team up at Walk Rally for Road Safety supported by DENSO

Street Wise project supported by Chevron secures commitment from stakeholders

68th anniversary of VESPA festival supports child helmet use

AIP Foundation meets with Helmets for Kids project schools in Udon Thani

AIP Foundation and Udon Thani Helmets for Kids schools awarded for increasing helmet wearing rates


Walk Wise stakeholders discuss lessons learned and prepare for Spring semester activities

Walk Wise delegation visits Vietnam to improve project implementation


UHVI advocates for helmet checkpoint enforcement

UHVI communications campaign expanding to reach greater audience




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Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global AIP Foundation attends Fourth Global Meeting of NGO Alliance for Road Safety in Morocco 13-14 March, 2015—Marrakech, Morocco AIP Foundation attended the Fourth Global Meeting of Nongovernmental Organizations Advocating for Road Safety and Road Victims in Marrakech, Morocco. The objective of the meeting was to encourage and facilitate members’ involvement in important road safety key events, such as the Third UN Road Safety Week in May 2015. At the meeting, AIP Foundation presented posters on specific projects in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Tanzania. View AIP Foundation’s posters here.

AIP Foundation representatives attend discussions at the 4th Global Alliance for Road Safety NGOs Meeting

Back to top US CDC and AIP Foundation receive “ International Partnership” award 24 March, 2015—Georgia, U.S.A. AIP Foundation and the US CDC’s Global Road Safety team received the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control’s Honor Award this year for “International Partnership.” The award recognized AIP Foundation and CDC’s collaborative work on the Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative in Cambodia. The NCIPC Honor Awards celebrate the best of public service by recognizing the outstanding, talented, and dedicated staff of CDC and their partners for their contribution to improving public health and injury prevention. As the award winner for the Center, the partnership was also nominated for a CDC-wide

Last year, members from the CDC visited Cambodia to assist with improving helmet observation methodologies



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award at the 63rd Annual CDC & ATSDR Honor Awards ceremony held on March 24, 2015. Awards recognized two major areas of US CDC accomplishment—science/program and management/operations.

Back to top AIP Foundation attends 21st meeting of United Nations Road Safety Collaboration 26-27 March 2015—Geneva, Switzerland The United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC), hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), met in Geneva this month to discuss global road safety issues. The Collaboration’s members are committed to road safety efforts and the inclusion of road safety in the post-2015 development agenda. AIP Foundation presented at the meeting on “Child Helmet Use in Vietnam: The Turning Point.”

AIP Foundation’s Mr. James Bairstow and Mr. Greig Craft speak to the Collaboration at the 21st meeting of the UNRSC

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Vietnam “ Love your child. Provide a helmet.” focusing on child helmet use airs across Vietnam 7 March, 2015—Provinces across Vietnam The public service announcement “Love your child. Provide a helmet.” developed by AIP Foundation, is now airing in Vietnam. The TV commercial, produced with financial support from The UPS Foundation, reminds parents that they are responsible for educating children on safety and addresses the indifference parents exhibit around child helmet use. As part of the campaign, AIP Foundation is counting down to April 10, 2015, when traffic police and public security forces will begin to strictly fine violators of the child helmet mandate.

“Love your child. Provide a helmet.” addresses parents’ indifference around child helmet use

Watch the PSA here.

Back to top Johnson & Johnson begins a new year of Helmets for Kids with commitment to donate 9,100 helmets 17 March, 2015—Quang Nam Province A total of 9,100 helmets will be distributed to primary



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students and teachers throughout 2015 as part of Johnson & Johnson’s fourth year of support for AIP Foundation’s road safety program, Helmets for Kids. Between February and December of this year, 44 schools will receive donations in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Dong Nai, and Quang Nam Provinces. AIP Foundation organized a kick-off ceremony on March 17 in Quang Nam Province to mark another year of support. This is the first year Quang Nam Province schools are receiving helmet donations and road safety education under the Helmets for Kids program.

Five primary schools in Quang Nam Province received 2,987 helmets at the ceremony in March

Read more here.

Back to top AIP Foundation organizes Johnson & Johnson Helmets for Kids orientation workshop 18 March, 2015—Quan Binh Province AIP Foundation organized a Helmets for Kids orientation workshop supported by Johnson & Johnson in Quang Binh Province, where 63 participants discussed and agreed upon project activities. Representatives of project schools were invited to the stage to demonstrate the three steps to wearing a helmet correctly and attendees were reminded how to check and monitor crash cases at schools. A project school teacher demonstrates how to wear a helmet correctly

Back to top Photovoice semi-final winners announced 24 March, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City The Photovoice project utilizes photos and reflections from students as a way to educate them on pedestrian safety and advocate for better walking environments. This month, FedEx Express and AIP Foundation/Safe Kids Vietnam announced the semifinal winners of the project at an event with more than 200 participants. Activities will culminate in May with a final workshop held during The Third UN Global Road Safety Week, themed “children and road safety,” where students will present the current



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walking environments, proposed modifications, and the results of mobilizing their friends, parents, and local community to support their suggestions for improved environments.

Students view one another’s photos highlighting their pedestrian safety concerns

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Cambodia Parents invest in road safety across Cambodia 5 March, 2015—Phnom Penh In support of International Women’s Day, AIP Foundation organized a “Mothers and Helmet Use” forum at Anuk Wat Primary School on March 5. The forum is a vital part of the Helmets for Families project, sponsored by Manulife (Cambodia) Plc. Mothers received information on the impacts of road crashes on society and their families, the relationship between injury prevention and helmet use, and their role in encouraging helmet use among family members. Mothers receive information on the impacts of road crashes and their

role in encouraging helmet use among family members In addition, more than 1,200 parents of students from the 18 “Head Safe. Helmet On.” target schools supported by USAID-DIV in Phnom Penh, Kandal and Kampong Speu Provinces joined road safety trainings in late March. These trainings highlighted the benefits of parental enforcement of correct helmet use for families and communities and discussed the active role parents play in ensuring children always wear helmets on motorcycles.

Read more about the “Mothers and Helmet Use” forum here.

Back to top Annual U.S. Embassy Health Fair promotes motorcycle helmet use 6 March, 2015—Phnom Penh AIP Foundation in Cambodia participated in the United States Embassy’s Eighth Annual Health Fair in Phnom Penh, which focused on health promotion initiatives related to healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. AIP Foundation was invited by the US Embassy to be a stall-holder at the fair to promote motorcycle helmet use. The booth displayed helmet awareness and educational materials, Protec helmets, benefits of the Cambodian passenger helmet law, and information on the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project. Approximately 700 people attended the Health Fair, with many expressing their

AIP Foundation promotes motorcycle helmet use as a public health issue at the US Embassy Health Fair



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interest in the work of AIP Foundation and road safety in Cambodia.

Back to top Cambodian traffic police visit Vietnam to share helmet enforcement experiences 16-19 March, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City In order to more effectively enforce the recently approved Road Traffic Law, 14 Cambodian traffic police from provincial, district, and national levels visited Vietnam to discuss best practices in road safety. Coordinated by AIP Foundation with financial support from FIA Foundation, the tour is part of the USAID-DIV-funded “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project in Cambodia. Traffic police representatives met Vietnam’s Traffic Safety Committee and Traffic Police to hear their experiences and lessons learned Cambodian traffic police discuss best practices in road safety in on helmet legislation and traffic law enforcement, Vietnam focusing specifically on passenger helmet use enforcement at a district-level. Upon their return from the tour, Cambodian traffic police shared experiences and lessons learned at a district-level passenger helmet enforcement action plan workshop. Read more here.

Back to top School of Excellence competition encourage “ Road Safety Champions” in support of new law 23 March, 2015—Kampong Speu, Kandal, and Phnom Penh Provinces In support of the new Road Traffic Law, 18 primary schools across Kampong Speu, Kandal, and Phnom Penh Provinces are taking part in a new initiative to encourage helmet use in and around school communities. The two-year “School of Excellence in Helmet Use” project, supported by The UPS Foundation, allows schools to compete for the title of “Road Safety Champions” by making outstanding efforts in promoting helmet use. Upon completion, three winning schools will be awarded with a study tour to Vietnam to discuss best practices in schoolbased road safety initiatives.

School of Excellence awards will be presented based on schools’ ability to raise awareness of road safety, raise helmet wearing rates, and increase school participation

Read more here.

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Thailand Deputy Governor to Bangkok expresses her support for The 7% Project 10 February, 2015—Bangkok On 10 February, AIP Foundation in Thailand met with the Deputy Governor of Bangkok, Dr. Pusadee Tamthai, to discuss The 7% Project. Dr. Tamthai and several officials from the Department of Education expressed their support for the project and intend to include helmet wearing instructions into the school curriculum.

Dr. Pusadee discusses ways to ensure children always wear their helmets on motorcycles as part of The 7% Project

Back to top Students team up at Walk Rally for Road Safety supported by DENSO February 28, 2015 – Bangkok A Walk Rally took place at Suan Luang Rama IX Park to promote helmet use and road safety awareness among students and youth. The “Walk Rally for Road Safety” was organized by AIP Foundation in cooperation with Thai DENSO Group and Road Safety Fund and serves as a space for children to come together and engage in road safety educational activities. Upon arrival at the Walk Rally, each participant received a road safety “passport” and were asked to join a team. Teams had to visit a total of six road safety game booths in order to collect stamps in their passports and receive a prize.

Students attend the “Walk Rally for Road Safety” organized by AIP Foundation in cooperation with Thai DENSO Group and Road Safety Fund

Read more here. View photos from the event here.

Back to top Street Wise project supported by Chevron secures commitment from stakeholders 12-13 March, 2015—Songkhla Province AIP Foundation conducted a stakeholder meeting this month with for Street Wise, AIP Foundation’s project in Thailand supported by Chevron. Partners



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included representatives from Chevron staff, school directors, Street Wise teacher coordinators, traffic police, educational officers, officers from Muang Municipality office, and key organizations involved in road safety in Songkhla Province. Participants discussed Street Wise baseline survey results and began planning for upcoming activities under the project. Street Wise focuses on both pedestrian and helmet safety in six project schools in Muang and Singhanakhon Districts. Street Wise aims to improve pedestrian and road safety in Songkhla Province, Thailand

Back to top 68th anniversary of VESPA festival supports child helmet use 14 March, 2015—Bangkok On March 14, a caravan of approximately 3,000 VESPA riders drove to the Royal Turf Club of Thailand, where a “68th YEAR OF VESPA: LA FESTA” festival took place. The festival not only celebrated 68 years of Vespa, but children’s motorcycle safety. Each count of Vespa or Piaggio scooter joining the caravan was turned into one helmet to be donated by Vespiario (Thailand) Co., Ltd. to AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids program. The event featured a carnival, shops, activities, a road safety booth organized by AIP Foundation, and concerts.

AIP Foundation is introduced to attendees at the VESPA festival

Back to top AIP Foundation meets with Helmets for Kids project schools in Udon Thani 25 March, 2015—Udon Thani AIP Foundation met with Nong Samrong Wittaya and Nakwang Pattanasuksa Schools this month to discuss the Helmets for Kids program, supported by Vespiario (Thailand) Co., Ltd. AIP Foundation held two focus-group discussions and four in depthinterviews with school principals, teachers, and parents to discuss school implementation.

AIP Foundation discusses Helmets for Kids with Udon Thani project school representatives



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Back to top AIP Foundation and Udon Thani Helmets for Kids schools awarded for increasing helmet wearing rates 26 March, 2015—Udon Thani AIP Foundation met with the Udon Thani Road Safety Committe organized by Udon Thani Provincial Transportation Office. The Deputy Governor of Udon Thani presented AIP Foundation and Helmets for Kids project schools Chumchon Nakwang School and Nong Samrong School with Certificates of Appreciation for significantly increasing students’ helmet wearing rates.

Dr. Kanokwan Suwannarong, Country Director of AIP Foundation in Thailand, receiving a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of AIP Foundation

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China Walk Wise stakeholders discuss lessons learned and prepare for Spring semester activities 13 March, 2015—Kai Xian AIP Foundation in China organized a meeting with stakeholders of the Walk Wise project supported by Chevron to share the previous school semester’s lessons learned and prepare major project tasks for the current Spring semester. In attendance were principals and road safety directors from 37 Walk Wise project schools along with representatives from education and traffic police departments.

Ms. Xiaoyan Xu, Country Manager of AIP Foundation in China, presents AIP Foundation’s work last semester at Walk Wise project schools

Back to top Walk Wise delegation visits Vietnam to improve project implementation 23-25 March, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam AIP Foundation in China organized a study tour for Walk Wise stakeholders to visit AIP Foundation in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The participants included delegates from the Kai County Education Committee,



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Kai County Communist Youth Union, Kai County News Agency, Kai County Coordination Office, and project schools. The objective of the trip was to improve the ability of the partners to implement and advocate for road safety programs in Kai County, China.

Delegates visit two of AIP Foundation’s project primary schools to see the implementation of extracurricular road safety activities

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Uganda UHVI advocates for helmet checkpoint enforcement 1 March, 2015—Kampala An important aspect of addressing boda boda (motorcycle taxi) helmet use and road safety in Uganda is targeting enforcement systems and actors which influence boda boda operators. The Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative, under which AIP Foundation operates in Uganda, has incorporated activities to address helmet use enforcement by partnering with the Uganda Police Force to conduct 21 helmet checkpoints across Kampala. Drivers are stopped and those who are compliant with motorcycle regulations as provided in the Traffic and Road Safety Act are awarded with a free helmet.

Uganda Police Forces give boda boda operators a free helmet for their compliance with motorcycle regulations

Back to top UHVI communications campaign expanding to reach greater audience 31 March, 2015—Kampala The Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative (UHVI) is further promoting boda boda (motorcycle taxi) helmet use through radio commercials, radio program sponsorship, DJ mentions, billboards, and other signage through April, 2015. UHVI utilized postevaluation results from previous phases of the campaign to select four radio messages with the



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highest recall along with radio stations with the largest reach. Radio commercials will be aired 800 times. Furthermore, three radio programs are airing talk shows led by a panel of organizations, medical practitioners, and academic representatives. UHVI is engaging with local celebrity Bobi Wine as the campaign ambassador.

A campaign billboard in Kampala with celebrity Bobi Wine tells drivers, “Your life is your wealth- wear a helmet!”

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Tanzania News: Tanzania: Africa Ranks Highest in Global Road Fatality As Dar Is Slotted 34th 6 March, 2015—Dar es Salaam The Honorary Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) International Ambassador, Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe, quoted Global Road Safety Partnership figures, which indicate that 3,500 people die on roads every day, while Africa has the highest road fatality rate of all the continents despite having fewer cars on its roads by comparison. Source: All Africa

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Global Newsletter April 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, As we enter the month of May I’d like to highlight the Third UN Global Road Safety Week, 4-10 May, and its campaign #SaveKidsLives. The campaign calls on leaders to take actions addressing the plight children face on the roads. It calls for action ensuring children are safe on the roads and for the inclusion of road safety in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. For this week, children created a Child Declaration for Road Safety stating what they need in order to be safe on the roads. We are collecting signatures supporting this. During Global Road Safety Week, AIP Foundation and organizations across the world are delivering signed Child Declarations to key policymakers and leaders, calling on them to take strong action in response to this growing epidemic. You can take part to keep children safe on the roads. Click to read and sign the Child Declaration and call on leaders to Save Kids’ Lives. Kind regards,

Mirjam Sidik Chief Executive Officer AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

“But I AM normal: safe? driving in Vietnam” published in Journal of Social Marketing

PBS NewsHour and Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting feature AIP Foundation and the road safety situation in Cambodia

Ten strategies for keeping children safe on the road



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AIP Foundation presents at Asia Pacific Road Safety Conference 2015 in Manila


National Enforcement Action Plan launches to bolster police enforcement of child helmet use

Abbott volunteers help facilitate schools’ extracurricular road safety activities

National Child Helmet Action Plan billboards and bus ads appear across Vietnam

AIP Foundation discusses National Child Helmet Action Plan on television

Ford Driving Skills for Life commences its 8th year in Vietnam

Swedish Embassy and AIP Foundation organize Traffic Safety Day

More than 300 parents participate with students in helmet-themed extracurricular activities

Vietnam’s 63 provinces take action to protect children on the roads




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PSA launch: friendly spirits visit Phnom Penh to remind motorcycle passengers to wear their helmets

Action Plan workshops and community outreach training encourage more helmet use

AIP Foundation attends Cambodia’s National Road Safety Week

AIP Foundation presents at the 4th International Conference of Thai Society for Transportation & Traffic Studies

Deputy Governor signs the pledge to support The 7% Project

TV roundtable discussion and radio talk show discuss motorcycle helmet use


Helmets for Kids parents meeting in Samut Prakarn

Chevron promotes safe road behaviors during Songkran New Year




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Photo exhibition teaches safe road behaviors

Walk Wise holds outdoor road safety activities


AIP Foundation attends Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety Tanzania launch

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global “ But I AM normal: safe? driving in Vietnam” published in Journal of Social Marketing 30 March, 2015—Vietnam Co-authored by RMIT Vietnam and AIP Foundation, “But I AM normal: safe? driving in Vietnam” has been published in the Journal of Social Marketing. The paper aims to elucidate perceptions of safe driving and social norms in relation to driving motorcycles in the Vietnamese context. The research highlights social dynamics in relation to how safe driving habits are established and supported within the social context. Access the journal here. Traffic conditions in Ho Chi Minh City (photo from the Journal of Social Marketing)

Back to top PBS NewsHour and Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting feature AIP Foundation and the road safety



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situation in Cambodia 13 April, 2015—Cambodia PBS, an American public broadcaster, in collaboration with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, has featured the article “Helmet use a no brainer in Cambodia’s rapid motorization” and aired a supporting segment during PBS NewsHour. The article and video report on how the government and traffic safety advocates, including AIP Foundation, are working to make helmets accessible and enforce compliance for all riders. Read the Pulitzer Center report here. Watch the PBS NewsHour video here.

Mr. Pagna Kim, Country Director of AIP Foundation in Cambodia, speaks on the helmet wearing situation in Cambodia

Back to top Ten strategies for keeping children safe on the road 15 April, 2015—Worldwide The World Health Organization recommends ten road traffic injury prevention strategies for protecting children. "Ten Strategies for Keeping Children Safe on the Road" is published leading up to the Third UN Global Road Safety Week. Access the report here.

The report highlights ten key recommendations for policies to reduce child road traffic injury

Back to top AIP Foundation presents at Asia Pacific Road Safety 2015 Conference in Manila 28-30 April, 2015—Manila, Philippines AIP Foundation attended the Asia Pacific Road Safety Conference organized by The Asian



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Development Bank (ADB), Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), and International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). The conference focused on some of the serious gaps in road safety in countries across the Asia Pacific region. Ms. My Linh Nguyen, International Partnership Director of AIP Foundation, introduced the Walk Wise project in China to participants.

Ms. My Linh Nguyen discussing the Walk Wise project

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Vietnam National Enforcement Action Plan launches to bolster police enforcement of child helmet use 2 April, 2015—Hanoi National Traffic Police (C67) and National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) launched the National Enforcement Action Plan for child helmet use. The Action Plan is a part of the larger National Child Helmet Action Plan, which aims to significantly increase child helmet-wearing rates. An “enhanced police enforcement” week took place from April 6-10, during which police and public security forces patrolled schools for compliance with the child helmet law. Reminders shifted to traffic penalty fines on April 10. Read the press release here. View photos from the event here.

C67 traffic police, NTSC, and AIP Foundation launch the National Enforcement Action Plan

Back to top Abbott volunteers help facilitate schools’ extracurricular road safety activities 4 April, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City Extracurricular activities were conducted at Truong Dinh Primary School on April 4 with the participation of Abbott volunteers. The volunteers facilitated games and activities and distributed prizes to students. Extracurricular activities continued through April 25 at other project schools. View more photos here.



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Students enthusiastically play games that reinforce important road safety messages

Back to top National Child Helmet Action Plan billboards and bus ads appear across Vietnam 7 April, 2015—Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh City Billboards were erected in Vietnam’s major cities as part of the National Child Helmet Action Plan’s communications campaign. On April 7, more than 1,000 advertisements were put on buses in Hanoi. The billboards and bus ads tell riders to “Love your child. Provide a helmet.” and feature the family from the related PSA now airing in Vietnam.

Billboards and bus ads can be seen on Vietnam’s busy roads promoting child helmet use

Back to top AIP Foundation discusses National Child Helmet Action Plan on television 10 April, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi Television stations Voice of Vietnam and HTV9 interviewed AIP Foundation this month about the National Child Helmet Action Plan. AIP Foundation discussed their role as a main coordinator and discussed the plan's components, including public awareness-raising and mass media communications on child helmet use, school-based education, and increased police enforcement.

Mr. Son Nguyen discussing the National Child Helmet Action Plan



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with HTV9

Back to top Ford Driving Skills for Life commences its 8th year in Vietnam 21 April, 2015—Hanoi AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft presented at Ford Driving Skills for Life 2015 kick-off press conference event. This year, the program aims to train a total of 1,500 drivers in seven cities and provinces. By the end of 2015, the program will have trained 10,000 drivers in its eight years of running. Ford Vietnam will cooperate with Universities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city to organize classes that teach basic driving safety knowledge to students. Mr. Greig Craft speaks at the launch of Driving Skills for Life 2015

Back to top Swedish Embassy and AIP Foundation organize Traffic Safety Day 24 April, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City The Embassy of Sweden partnered with AIP Foundation to distribute nearly 500 helmets to Phan Van Tri Primary School in Ho Chi Minh City. Consisting of key messages on traffic safety, educational games, and music performances, the event aimed to support and amplify the National Child Helmet Action Plan. Special guests included Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam Camilla Mellander and musician and Good Will Ambassador Thanh Bui. View more photos here. Students, government representatives, Swedish Embassy representatives and AIP Foundation celebrate traffic safety

Back to top More than 300 parents participate with students in helmet-themed extracurricular activities 26 April, 2015—Hai Duong City AIP Foundation coordinated with Ai Quoc Primary School and organized a second extracurricular activity event themed “Children with helmets,” supported by ARRB. More than 300 parents attended



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the event, with a total of 1,200 participants. Parents participated with their children in road safety activities.

Parents and their students attend helmet-themed extracurricular activities

Back to top Vietnam’s 63 provinces take action to protect children on the roads 27 April, 2015—Hanoi In response to the UN Global Road Safety Week themed “Children and road safety,” the National Traffic Safety Committee launched a national plan advocating for strengthened road safety with a special focus on children. The Plan, No. 142, implements road safety recommendations made by the World Health Organization, calling on provinces to take action and raise public awareness of children’s road safety across Vietnam. Read the press release here. “We can change this epidemic,” said Dr. Khuat Viet Hung, Vice Executive Chairman from NTSC

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Cambodia PSA launch: friendly spirits visit Phnom Penh to remind motorcycle passengers to wear their helmets April 2, 2015—Phnom Penh Spirits were spotted in the streets of Phnom Penh. Stopping traffic and speaking road safety messages, they were visiting not to scare, but to protect the public. Victims of road crash head injuries, the spirits were reminding drivers to protect their lives by ensuring they and their passengers always wear helmets. These friendly spirits not only visit riders on the street, but on TVs across Cambodia. The “visit” was



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part of the launch of a new campaign supporting the dissemination and implementation of the new Road Traffic Law. The campaign incorporates media-, street-, and community-based approaches to improve helmet safety in Cambodia. In the TV commercial, spirits tell a motorcyclist to put a helmet on his wife and son. The message of the commercial is “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” Read the press release here. Watch the TV Commercial here. View photos from the launch here.

AIP Foundation launches the new communications campaign under “Head Safe. Helmet On.” with the help of friendly ‘spirits’

Back to top Action Plan workshops and community outreach training encourage more helmet use 6-8 April, 2015—Phnom Penh, Kampong Speu, and Kandal Provinces AIP Foundation conducted a district-level helmet enforcement action plan workshop under “Head Safe. Helmet On.” for multiple target districts in Phnom Penh, Kamong Speu, and Kandal Provinces. Over 100 traffic police from the district-, provincial-, and national-levels participated. In partnership with Chamkar Morn District Office, AIP Foundation also facilitated a training on Communewide activities with 36 participants from three communes of Chamkar Morn District. The training discussed how community-based road safety working groups can educate and encourage the community to wear helmets.

Community-based working groups aim to encourage helmet use

Back to top AIP Foundation attends Cambodia’s National Road Safety Week 10 April, 2015— Kampong Speu AIP Foundation supported Cambodia’s National Road Safety Week held from April 7-14 by promoting helmet use through its school-based programs and advocating for leaders to commit to children’s safety. AIP Foundation donated 140 helmets to students in Kampong Speu Province during the week.



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National Road Safety Week aims to inspire Cambodians to take action for safer roads

Back to top TV roundtable discussion and radio talk show discuss motorcycle helmet use 11 April, 2015—Phnom Penh AIP Foundation participated in a TV round table discussion and a radio talk show centered around the communications campaign, "Protect your passengers' lives. Make sure they wear helmets." during National Road Safety Week. The radio talk show was aired live on FM102 while the TV round table discussion was aired on the National Television of Kampuchea (TVK). The discussions aimed at providing messages to drivers, especially passengers, to always wear helmets when on motorcycles.

Mr. Pagna Kim of AIP Foundation and representatives from National Road Safety of Committee and National Police of Cambodia discuss helmet use

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Thailand Helmets for Kids parents meeting in Samut Prakarn 29 March, 2015—Samut Prakarn AIP Foundation attended a parents meeting at Intarumphan Anusorn School in Samut Prakarn, supported by Denso, late March. The meeting reminded parents that their child’s helmet use is crucial each and every time they are on a motorcycle.



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AIP Foundation remind parents how to properly wear a helmet

Back to top AIP Foundation presents at the 4th International Conference of Thai Society for Transportation & Traffic Studies 2 April, 2015—Bangkok As part of The 7% Project development, AIP Foundation conducted a series of small experimental trials throughout Bangkok from November 2013 to January 2014 funded by the FIA Foundation and the Road Safety Fund. These trials tested new and innovative approaches to increasing child helmet use, including “pop-up” child helmet retail kiosks and helmet banks. Ms. Ratanawadee H. Winther, Chairperson of AIP Foundation in Thailand, presented the “Four trials to Ms. Winther presents at the 4th International Conference of Thai crack the child helmet quandary” paper at the 4th Society for Transportation & Traffic Studies International Conference of Thai Society for Transportation & Traffic Studies in Bangkok. The paper is co-authored by AIP Foundation and Save the Children Thailand, sponsored by the Road Safety Fund. View the paper here. View the presentation here.

Back to top Deputy Governor signs the pledge to support The 7% Project 3 April, 2015—Bangkok AIP Foundation in Thailand and Save the Children met with Dr. Pusadee Tamthai, Deputy Governor of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) Thailand to further discuss The 7% Project. Dr. Pusadee Tamthai signed the pledge supporting The 7% Project to ensure youth always wear helmets while riding on



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Dr. Pusadee Tamthai signs The 7% Project pledge

Back to top Chevron promotes safe road behaviors during Songkran New Year 10 April, 2015—Songkhla Province Street Wise, AIP Foundation’s newest road safety project supported by Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, Ltd., promoted safe road behaviors during the Songkran New Year Festival. Chevron volunteers were present at police checkpoints to distribute hand fans with important road safety messages to those who passed by. Representatives introduced road users to the project and encouraged safe road behaviors during the Festival. AIP Foundation, Chevron, and the Vice Governor of Songkhla

Province promote safe road behaviors during Songkran Government officials, including Mr. Chaiwat Sirinupong, Vice Governor of Songkhla Province, also visited checkpoints to encourage safe road measures. Mr. Sirinupong joined AIP Foundation in supporting the #SaveKidsLives campaign.

View photos from the event here. View the press release here.

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China Photo exhibition teaches safe road behaviors 23 April, 2015—Kai County Walk Wise project, supported by Chevron, organized a "Road safety in youth's eyes" photo exhibition activity with Gaoqiao Middle School in Kai County. The project educates youth through taking photos of incorrect road user behavior. Around 200 students



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participated in the exhibition event along with representatives from Kai County's Education Department, Traffic Police Department, Coordination Office, Youth League Committee, and Chevron.

Chevron representatives Ruan Jie, Chris Kern, and Yin Lei sign #SaveKidsLives signboards with Kai County school students

Back to top Walk Wise holds outdoor road safety activities 25 April, 2015—Kai County Students from Fenghuang Primary School joined road safety extracurricular activities at a park in Kai County. Students and parents took part in various road safety games, which attracted positive attention from other children in the park.

Students play reinforcing road safety games in a park in Kai County

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Tanzania AIP Foundation attends Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety Tanzania launch 9-10 April, 2015—Dar es Salaam The Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety 2015-2019 Tanzania project was launched during a stakeholder meeting this month. AIP Foundation, operating under Helmet Vaccine Initiative- Tanzania, was invited by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to attend as a key stakeholder.



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The Initiative aims to reduce road crash fatalities and injuries

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Global Newsletter May 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, In May, AIP Foundation organized multiple events in support of the Third UN Global Road Safety Week, themed “Children and road safety.” At these, we presented the Child Declaration for Road Safety to government officials and road safety community leaders and advocated for safer roads for all children. AIP Foundation, with the help of Ministries of Education and supportive schools, has collected over 500,000 signatures in Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam supporting the Child Declaration. We received strong commitment while delivering these signatures to leaders and officials. I would like to thank those of you who also signed the Declaration. We are grateful for your support for making roads safe. Please read more about our activities and achievements during May below. Kind regards,

Mirjam Sidik Chief Executive Officer Asia Injury Prevention Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Pope Francis supports helmet use

Yellow May, a month of road safety awareness

AIP Foundation presents at “Child Road Safety in the Americas” Congress



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Vietnam strengthens child helmet use awareness at launch of the Third UN Global Road Safety Week

Child helmet use increases to 68% on average across Vietnam’s major cities

FedEx and Safe Kids hold Traffic Safety Forum for Children during UN Global Road Safety Week

AIP Foundation and AVID volunteer Jake Dojcinovic featured in Australian Embassy documentary

Minister of Transport announces new helmet program

U.S. Government and AIP Foundation partner to protect children on the roads

CDC visits Vietnam and Cambodia

More than 1,000 students and their families shout “I Love Helmets” in Ho Chi Minh City

U.S. Department of State and AIP Foundation launch new partnership with helmet donation ceremony




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Government policymakers—Cambodia’s “Agents for Change”—commit to improving road safety

Students receive new helmets and road safety education supporting UN Global Road Safety Week

Support for Third UN Global Road Safety Week reaches communes in Cambodia



12,000 pledges presented to Governor of Bangkok to call for a helmet wearing policy at schools



Schools launch UN Global Road Safety Week by gathering to read Child Declaration for Road Safety

Students teach pedestrians safe crossing hand-in-hand

Principals and students of Kai County come together to promote road safety with Chevron



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Helmet checkpoints creating a culture of road safety



AIP Foundation selected to be on Project Coordinating Committee of Bloomberg 20152019 project in Tanzania


Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Pope Francis supports helmet use 21 March, 2015—Italy In March, Pope Francis donned a helmet in the Neapolitan dialect during a mass in Plebiscito square in Naples. The helmet reads, "May the Madonna accompany you." Source: The Telegraph, 24 March, 2015



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Back to top Yellow May, a month of road safety awareness 1-31 May, 2015—Brazil Following the success of other movements, such as the "Pink October" and "Blue November," which raise awareness of breast and prostate cancer, "Yellow May" promotes awareness of the responsibilities and risk assessment of road behaviors. “Yellow May” strives to coordinate action and mobilize the involvement of government agencies, companies, associations, federations, and civil society organizations to effectively discuss road safety, engaging in actions and spreading awareness to every citizen. Learn more about Yellow May here.

Yellow May, or Maio Amarelo in Portuguese, is raising road safety awareness during May

Back to top AIP Foundation presents at “ Child Road Safety in the Americas” Congress 7-8 May, 2015—Costa Rica AIP Foundation President Mr. Greig Craft presented at “Child Road Safety in the Americas,” a Regional Congress held during UN Global Road Safety Week. The Congress addressed important public health and sustainable development issues of child road safety, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. Conference topics spanned the five pillars of the framework of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 20112020. Mr. Craft led a session on “Promoting motorcycle and bicycle safety for Children: affordable helmets.” View more photos here.

Mr. Greig Craft of AIP Foundation presents to the Congress on affordable motorcycle helmets

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News: 'Beautiful Mind' mathematician John Nash killed in crash US mathematician John Nash, who inspired the Oscar-winning film "A Beautiful Mind", has died in a car crash with his wife, police said. Nash, 86, and his 82-year-old wife Alicia were killed when their taxi crashed in New Jersey. The mathematician is renowned for his work in game theory, winning the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1994. Source: BBC News, 25 May, 2015

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Vietnam Vietnam strengthens child helmet use awareness at launch of the Third UN Global Road Safety Week 4 May, 2015—Hanoi In response to UN Global Road Safety Week and in accordance with the National Child Helmet Action Plan, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) collaborated with WHO and AIP Foundation to launch strengthened public awareness of child helmet use for secondary school students. The MOT also distributed 400 Protec helmets to students at Tan Dinh Secondary School in Hanoi at the event, 100 of which were donated by AIP Foundation. Vice Minister of Transportation speaks at the launch of UN Global Road Safety Week in Vietnam

Back to top Child helmet use increases to 68% on average across Vietnam’s major cities 8 May, 2015—Hanoi A midterm review of the National Child Helmet Action Plan was organized by National Traffic Safety Committee, National Traffic Police (C67), Ministry of Education and Training, and AIP Foundation. Delegates from ministries, departments, and provincial levels across Vietnam shared implementation experiences and discussed the direction for the Action Plan’s next phase. The review also celebrated achievements since its implementation. In March 2014, baseline observations found average helmet use among primary school students across Dr. Khuat Viet Hung (fourth from left), Vice Chairman Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Danang to be 38%. After the launch of NTSC, was presented the Child Declaration for Road Safety of the National Child Helmet Action Plan and related police enforcement, child helmet use increased to 68% across the three cities. Hanoi experienced the greatest increase: from 23% in 2014 to 64% in 2015. Read the full press release here. View more photos here.



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Back to top FedEx and Safe Kids hold Traffic Safety Forum for Children during UN Global Road Safety Week 9 May, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City FedEx Express, in cooperation with AIP Foundation/Safe Kids Vietnam, recently organized a Traffic Safety Forum for Children during UN Global Road Safety Week. Select students from Ho Chi Minh City joined a panel discussion to discuss road risks and hazards they encounter when walking to school. Students presented their concerns and proposed road safety solutions to leaders from the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee and National Traffic Safety Committee that will enhance the safety of pedestrians and improve walking environments in high-traffic areas. At the event, Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief Secretariat of NTSC, was presented the Child Declaration for Road Safety.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief Secretariat of NTSC, and Mr. Nguyen Duy Binh, Chief Representative of FedEx in Vietnam, with students advocating for safer roads

View more photos here. View the press release here.

Back to top AIP Foundation and AVID volunteer Jake Dojcinovic featured in Australian Embassy documentary 11 May, 2015—Hanoi Jake Dojcinovic, a volunteer for AIP Foundation under the Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID) program, shares his experiences as a Road Safety Education Officer with AIP Foundation in a documentary created by the Australian Embassy in Vietnam. Jake helped develop a road safety education curriculum with AIP Foundation. Watch the video here. Jake, an AVID volunteer with AIP Foundation, is featured in an Australian Embassy documentary

Back to top Minister of Transport announces new helmet program 13 May, 2015—Hanoi Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang announced the National Traffic Safety Committee’s (NTSC) new helmet program “Love for your people, love for your family” in response to UN Global Road Safety Week. Under the program, NTSC will support the distribution of helmets to students from at-risk communities as part of the National Child Helmet Action Plan. In attendance was one of AIP Foundation’s project school students, Nguyen Duc



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Thinh, who was involved in a serious crash case in 2013. Thinh re-told his crash story at the event and read a letter calling for the Government to take action for road safety. He presented collected signatures supporting the Child Declaration for Road Safety to Minister Dinh La Thang, who responded that action is necessary to protect children. View more photos here. Read Thinh’s crash story here.

Thinh presents Child Declaration signatures to Minister of Transport, calling for action for road safety

Back to top U.S. Government and AIP Foundation partner to protect children on the roads 14 May, 2015—Hanoi In celebration of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Vietnam, the U.S. Department of State and AIP Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. The MoU formally launches the Public Private Partnership to raise funds from U.S. and Vietnamese corporations to provide helmets and road safety education to students in provinces across Vietnam. Under the partnership, AIP Foundation and the U.S. Embassy U.S. Ambassador Ted Osius and AIP Foundation Hanoi will organize events and helmet donations supporting the President Mr. Greig Craft sign the MoU pre-existing Helmets for Kids program. The goal is to provide educational activities and helmets to 25,000 children from at-risk schools across the country. Attendees at the signing included Ted Osius, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam; Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation; Claire A. Pierangelo, Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy Hanoi; Joakim Parker, Mission Director of USAID in Vietnam; American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Board of Governors from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and Adam Sitkoff, Executive Director of AmCham. Read the full press release here. View photos from the signing here and on Ambassador Ted Osius’s Facebook here.

Back to top CDC visits Vietnam and Cambodia 14-22 May, 2015—Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Phnom Penh Two representatives from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control visited Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Phnom Penh. Dr. Erin Parker, PhD, is a Health Scientist and Mr. Dave Ederer, MPH, is a Researcher in the Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention. During their visit, Dr. Parker and Mr. Ederer met with AIP Foundation's offices in each city, the Hanoi School of Public



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Health, the Ministry of Health, the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), the World Health Organization, the Ho Chi Minh City Public Health Institute, Handicap International, and CDC offices in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Dr. Parker and Mr. Ederer visiting AIP Foundation in Ho Chi Minh City

Back to top More than 1,000 students and their families shout “ I Love Helmets” in Ho Chi Minh City 23 May, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City The phrase "I Love Helmets" was heard among students across Ho Chi Minh City as part of a family event encouraging helmet use. Organized under AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids program, the event included a poster exhibition, creative road safety competitions, and several interactive road safety games to improve the awareness and significance of child helmet use. This family event was the first-ever citywide gathering for school students and their families to participate in road safety activities together. View the press release here. View photos here.

Students enthusiastically put on their helmets and play traffic safety games

Back to top U.S. Department of State and AIP Foundation launch new partnership with helmet donation ceremony 27 May, 2015—Hanoi A helmet donation ceremony took place in Hanoi on the occasion of the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Charles H. Rivkin’s visit. Co-organized by AIG, this is the first event to take place under the new partnership between AIP Foundation and the U.S. Department of State and is one of many that supports the 20th anniversary of normalized diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Vietnam. Assistant Secretary of State Rivkin participated in a symbolic helmet handover at the event that represents the U.S.-Vietnam shared vision of a safer future for its children. Helmets were distributed to all 671 students and teachers.

VIP guests put helmets on students with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Rivkin

View the press release here. View more photos here.



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Cambodia Government policymakers—Cambodia’s “ Agents for Change” —commit to improving road safety 7 May, 2015—Phnom Penh Policymakers play a pivotal role in addressing the public’s compliance of the new Road Traffic Law through action plans. AIP Foundation organized a three day training workshop with 44 policymakers to finalize draft national-, provincial-, and districtlevel government action plans enforcing helmet use. Workshop attendees further developed three-year action plans drafted earlier this year with support from AIP Foundation’s “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project. Additionally, the National Ministry of Education discussed details for an education-sector action plan, to be Secretary General of the National Road Safety finalized after the workshop. The Child Declaration was presented Committee is presented the Child Declaration to the Secretary General of the National Road Safety Committee and Deputy Director of Central Department of Public Order from the National Police at the workshop. Read the press release here.

Back to top Students receive new helmets and road safety education supporting UN Global Road Safety Week 7 May, 2015—Phnom Penh During UN Global Road Safety Week, 96 new entrance students received helmets with support from Manulife (Cambodia) Plc. The event took place at Sampov Meas Primary School and focused on raising students’ awareness of safe road behaviors while calling on authorities to commit to safer roads for children. Read the press release here. Students practice proper road behaviors in a safe environment

Back to top Support for Third UN Global Road Safety Week reaches communes in Cambodia 9 May, 2015—Kandal Province More than 100 Korki Thom Commune community members gathered to receive messages on the motorcycle passenger helmet law, the importance of helmet wearing, the road crash situation in the commune and Cambodia, the commune’s plan to increase passenger helmet wearing, and AIP Foundation’s



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support. Community members also had the opportunity to raise questions and concerns with guest speakers. See more photos here.

A tuk tuk panel with the message, “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” is driven through the commune

Back to top News: Cambodian PM urges drivers to respect laws after bus crash kills 18 Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen called on all drivers to respect traffic laws after a road crash killed at least 18 garment workers and injured 21 others in eastern Svay Rieng Province. "The problem of traffic accidents is getting worse and worse in Cambodia. This requires all drivers to strictly comply with traffic laws," he said at a graduation ceremony of students at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. He also ordered officials to enforce traffic laws so as to reduce road traffic fatalities. Read the full article at: Global Post, 19 May, 2015

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Thailand 12,000 pledges presented to Governor of Bangkok to call for a helmet wearing policy at schools 6 May, 2015—Bangkok As part of UN Global Road Safety Week, AIP Foundation and Save the Children presented more than 12,000 pledged signatures to M. R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the Governor of Bangkok. The petition calls for schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area to have a greater role in raising road safety awareness and establishing a helmet wearing policy for all students. The project has received continuous media attention since the Presenting the 12,000 pledges to the Governor of submission. On May 15, Ms. Ratanawadee Hemniti Winther, Bangkok Chairperson of AIP Foundation in Thailand, was interviewed by Channel 3 to discuss helmet innovations and The 7% Project. On May 18, Ms. Winther and Ms. Arunrat Wattanapalin, Project Coordinator from Save the Children, were interviewed by Metro TV Channel. Ms. Winther discussed both AIP Foundation and The 7% Project. Read the press release here. See more photos here. Watch the Metro TV interview here (Thai):



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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Back to top Opinion Piece: Lack of road safety is criminal You may shake your head in disbelief when you learn that reckless drivers who cause fatal accidents in Thailand can walk away without a jail sentence. Based on a number of court verdicts, most drivers charged with careless driving resulting in death, do not face a jail term as long as they do not flee the scene, show humanity by trying to help the victims, and offer compensation. They must also report the incident to police officers immediately. In addition, if they have no previous criminal record, courts tend to be lenient and hand down a suspended jail term. Where is the sense of justice? Read the full article at: Bangkok Post, 20 May, 2015

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China Schools launch UN Global Road Safety Week by gathering to read Child Declaration for Road Safety 4 May, 2015—Kai County On the first day of UN Global Road Safety Week, 37 Walk Wise project schools held an event to read the Child Declaration for Road Safety and 20 project schools’ students signed Child Declaration boards. AIP Foundation in China has collected nearly 26,000 signatures supporting the Child Declaration. Previously, from 20-30 April, 16 project schools organized student composition contests on road safety. Students wrote what they needed in order to feel safer on the roads. Each school chose the best composition as their school’s Road Safety Declaration.

Students from Walk Wise project schools read the Child Declaration for Road Safety together

Back to top Students teach pedestrians safe crossing hand-in-hand 7 May, 2015—Kai County Students from Kai Xian Hanfeng No.1 and No.5 Primary Schools joined traffic police officers to teach pedestrians how to cross the road safely. Students stopped pedestrians crossing the road on a red light and informed them that they must wait until the light is green. Over 30 students from the two schools distributed 800 flyers on road safety, which focus on children’s safety when



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walking with adults. View more photos here.

Students help their community cross the street safely

Back to top Principals and students of Kai County come together to promote road safety with Chevron 8 May, 2015—Kai County Principals from 15 Kai County Walk Wise schools, along with around 400 students, teachers, and parents attended a road safety ceremony at Hanfeng No.6 Primary School in Chongqing supported by Chevron to celebrate UN Global Road Safety Week. The event was designed to educate students and the community on safe road behaviors and increase their awareness through educational road safety games, student performances, a photo exhibition, and speeches from stakeholders. Additionally, nearly 26,000 signed road safety Child Declarations were presented to officials by children from the 37 project schools.

School principals, Chevron, and AIP Foundation representatives sign #SaveKidsLives signboards

Read the press release here. View more photos here.

Back to top China Traffic Deaths: More than 200,000 annual fatalities in road accidents, World Health Organization says Every year, at least 200,000 people die as a result of road accidents in China, the World Health Organization said. The number is more than four times the death toll from such accidents published by the Chinese government. "Much more needs to be done to spur the adoption of measures to raise road safety, especially with respect to children," Bernhard Schwartlander, the WHO's representative in China, wrote Wednesday in a commentary published in the China Daily, a government newspaper. Read the full article at: International Business Times, 6 May, 2015

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Helmet checkpoints creating a culture of road safety 13 May, 2015—Kampala At the launch of the second phase of helmet checkpoints in Kampala, Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative (UHVI) Celebrity Ambassador Bobi Wine reminded boda boda operators of proper helmet use and safe driving behavior. Mr. Wine handed out autographed reflective vests to those who wore helmets and complied with motorcycle regulations. View more photos here. Bobi Wine gives a motorcyclist an autographed reflective vest for following proper road safety

Back to top News: Road accidents costing 1.8 trillion shillings of Uganda’s GDP Health advocates have called for a “heavy crackdown” on traffic offenders to reduce the over 200,000 road crash victims the country registers every year. They want every vehicle on the road to be in “acceptable mechanical condition;” every motorist on the road to have the “proper competence” to drive; and every road user to be sensitized to road safety practices. No boda boda should be on the road without a two helmets—one for the cyclist and the other for the passenger—and no child should be transported on a boda boda without an adult accompanying them. Read the full article at: New Vision, 19 May, 2015

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Tanzania AIP Foundation selected to be on Project Coordinating Committee of Bloomberg 2015-2019 project in Tanzania 30 April, 2015— Dar es Salaam The Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety 2015-2019 Tanzania project was launched during a stakeholder meeting from 9-10 April, 2015. At the meeting, it was agreed that a Project Coordinating Committee would be formed in Tanzania to oversee implementation of the project. AIP Foundation, operating under Helmet Vaccine InitiativeTanzania, has been selected by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to be a member of this committee. Nine of the twelve selected committee members are government ministries.

AIP Foundation’s Tanzania Coordinator Mr. Alpherio Nchimbi (third from right, second row) attended the launch of Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety Tanzania in April



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Back to top Tanzania: Campaign Launched to Tame Road Carnage A silent but vigorous campaign has been launched to tame the scourge of road carnage, which have claimed the lives of thousands of people in the country. With the theme "Reaching your destinations safely is your right," the countrywide drive launched by a private firm, Transevents Marketing Limited, aims to promote safe driving by recognizing good bus drivers with awards. Millions of Tanzanians travel by buses every year. Read the full article at: AllAfrica, 6 May, 2015

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Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global June 2015

Global Newsletter June 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, As the 2014-2015 school year ends and we prepare for the next school year, AIP Foundation reflects on our results from programs targeting children’s road safety and helmet use. In Thailand, we saw 12,000 supporters pledge to wear helmets on motorcycles; in Cambodia across 18 project schools, average student helmet use rates increased from 0.4% in the pre-intervention observation to 85% in the second post-intervention observation. In Vietnam, policies for enforcement of child helmet use and a mass media campaign under the National Child Helmet Action Plan led to an increase in child helmet use from 38% in April 2014 to 68% in May 2015 across Vietnam’s three major cities. We look forward to advancing our commitment to reducing road crash fatalities and injuries even further during the next school year. Please read more about our activities and events during June below. Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

Celebrity Road Safety Ambassador Michelle Yeoh distributes helmets in Myanmar




Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global June 2015

AIP Foundation exchanges parents’ lowquality helmets for high-quality standard helmets

Related news: “US firms want to invest more in Vietnam: Assistant Secretary of State”


AIP Foundation and Chevron install road safety wall murals to reinforce safe road behaviors

Police visit 4,381 students on International Children’s Day to emphasize safe road behaviors

Road safety education focuses on mothers and their children

Finding creative ways to make helmet safety fun for youth

Parents commit to road safety at Prathom Taweetha Pisek School

Related News: “Transported Like Pigs: Cambodia's Garment Makers Risk Death Just to Get to Work”


“Master Trainers” to create sustainable road safety education in schools



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global June 2015

Traffic Police and Vespiario assist AIP Foundation in distributing helmets

Related News: “Traffic police are the missing link for Thai road safety”


Year 3 evaluation measures Walk Wise success and improved road safety for children

AIP Foundation host interactive road safety games at the 2015 Children Carnival


Related News: “A new business model for Uganda’s motorbike taxi industry”


AIP Foundation attends second Bloomberg Initiative Global Road Safety Project Committee meeting

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global June 2015

Global Photo of the month 21 June, 2015 – Hanoi On June 21, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius wore an AIP Foundation Protec helmet while riding a bicycle in Hanoi as part of a campaign calling on people to protect the rhino. Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook or Twitter for a chance to have your photo featured!

Back to top Celebrity Road Safety Ambassador Michelle Yeoh distributes helmets in Myanmar 2 June, 2015—Myanmar While attending the 3rd Memory International Film Heritage Festival in Myanmar, Global Road Safety Ambassador Michelle Yeoh was also promoting safer driving. During her visit, Ms. Yeoh distributed 100 of AIP Foundation's Protec motorcycle helmets free to local residents with support from Suu Foundation and FIA Foundation. Read more at Myanmar Times. Michelle Yeoh at the 3rd Memory International Film Heritage Festival in Myanmar

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Vietnam AIP Foundation exchanges parents’ low-quality helmets for high-quality standard helmets 19 June, 2015—Ho Chi Minh City A year-end meeting between AIP Foundation, local authorities, and four Helmets for Families project schools took place on May 21 in Tra Vinh Province and June 19 in Ho Chi Minh City. AIP Foundation presented the program’s achievements and facilitated discussions on challenges, lessons learned, and solutions for improvements. During the 2014-2015 school year and under the Helmets for Families program, 1,399 quality helmets were provided to parents of nine project schools at subsidized prices in exchange for their

The helmet exchange component of Helmets for 4/10


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substandard helmets. AIP Foundation is collaborating with Families provides quality helmets to parents of project schools and surrounding communities governmental stakeholders, civil service workers, and traffic police to exchange 2,587 more quality helmets to parents in the surrounding communities. Parents receive information about the importance of wearing quality helmets, the expiry of a quality helmet, and how to use a helmet correctly. From February to May 2015, through communitybased helmet exchange activities, Helmets for Families trained 65 volunteers, directly reached more than 2,500 people, and indirectly reached 121,027 people.

Back to top Related news: “ US firms want to invest more in Vietnam: Assistant Secretary of State” 30 May, 2015—Hanoi American businesses want to increase their investment in Vietnam, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Rivkin said. Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Rivkin was on his first-ever trip to Vietnam between May 26 and 30. On Wednesday, the official participated in the launch of a public-private partnership between the Department of State and AIP Foundation to support Helmets for Kids, an initiative through which partners are advancing the common goal of promoting essential and life-saving road safety education for children throughout Vietnam.

U.S. Department of State launched its new partnership with AIP Foundation on May 27, 2015

Source: Tuoi Tre News

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Cambodia AIP Foundation and Chevron install road safety wall murals to reinforce safe road behaviors 26 & 28 May, 2015—Phnom Penh To promote road safety awareness and serve as a positive visual reminder to students, Chevron and AIP Foundation will install road safety murals at schools in Phnom Penh. A launch was held late May to commence the program. Chevron will support the re-painting of school fences and the installment of murals at Wattanak Vichea and Phum 7 Primary Schools. More than six murals will be installed at each school, reflecting road safety, proper helmet use, and pedestrian safety messages. Images encouraging parents to pay special attention to their their children’s safety on the road and particularly to reinforcing proper helmet-wearing will also be included.

Wall mural reminds students of proper helmet use and road behaviors

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Police visit 4,381 students on International Children’s Day to emphasize safe road behaviors 28 May-15 June, 2015—Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu Provinces Ninety police officers visited each of AIP Foundation’s 18 project schools under the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project to speak to 4,381 students and 117 teachers about road safety for International Children’s Day. Traffic Police discussed proper pedestrian and road user safety, helmet use, and the importance of wearing a helmet. View the press release here. Police officers instruct students on proper pedestrian and bicycle safety skills

Back to top Road safety education focuses on mothers and their children 17 June, 2015—Phnom Penh Under the context of International Children’s Day, June 1, 2015, AIP Foundation organized a second “Mothers and Helmet Use” forum at Anuk Wat Primary School. The forum is a component of the Helmets for Families project sponsored by Manulife. Mothers received information on their role in promoting road safety and encouraging helmet use among family members. Parents learned about the impacts of road crashes on society and their families, the relationship between helmet use and injury Mothers ask questions about helmet use and the new prevention, and received information about the new Road Traffic Road Traffic Law Law. Students also received this information at a police training on June 25, 2015. On June 19 and 26, volunteers reached the community surrounding the school to further spread road safety awareness. Read the press release here.

Back to top Related News: “ Transported Like Pigs: Cambodia's Garment Makers Risk Death Just to Get to Work” 3 June, 2015—Phnom Penh Factory workers earning just a few dollars a day have little choice but to pile into minivans or flatbed trucks often driven by unlicensed drivers on dangerous roads, every morning and night. A study released earlier this year by the Cambodian Ministry of Labor's National Social Security Fund reported 73 garment workers died in crashes during their commutes last year, a near 10% rise on the 67 killed in 2013. Source: Vice News

Photo: Charles Parkinson 6/10


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Thailand “ Master Trainers” to create sustainable road safety education in schools 4-6 June, 2015— Songkhla As part of the Street Wise project supported by Chevron, AIP Foundation organized a three-day training workshop for 18 teachers from primary schools in Songkhla. “Master Trainers” received training in road safety education in order to create a sustainable road safety culture at their schools. These trainers will train other Primary School teachers with the skills to confidently teach road safety education to their students, who will use educational materials developed during the workshop. Teacher trainers received certificates upon completion

This is the first road safety curriculum AIP Foundation is piloting of the training workshop in Thailand. The primary-level curriculum includes pedestrian, bicycle, bus, and motorcycle safety and was developed with the support of consultants Dr. Parichatt Krongkant and Ms. Linda Ivett, a road safety expert with more than 25 years of experience in road safety programs and teaching materials. On the second day of training, AIP Foundation, Chevron, and Wi Chian Chom School signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The five additional project schools from Singhanakhon District previously signed MoUs with Chevron and AIP Foundation in September 2014. View the press release here. View more photos here.

Back to top Finding creative ways to make helmet safety fun for youth 13-14 June, 2015—Bangkok Under The 7% Project, AIP Foundation and Save the Children in Thailand together trained 12 teachers on innovative new approaches to improve helmet wearing rates in schools. The training received positive feedback from teachers. AIP Foundation looks forward to rolling out interventions across six schools soon.

Select teachers received training on innovative approaches to helmet safety education

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Parents commit to road safety at Prathom Taweetha Pisek School 14 June, 2015—Bangkok AIP Foundation visited Prathom Taweetha Pisek School to introduce Helmets for Kids, supported by ARRB Group, to parents during a Parents’ Meeting. More than 200 parents participated and were asked for their support. Parents signed commitment letters in order to reinforce road safety among students.

Parents commit to ensuring their children always wear their helmets

Back to top Traffic Police and Vespiario assist AIP Foundation in distributing helmets 21 June, 2015—Bangkok AIP Foundation received support from the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division to distribute Vespa helmets to Darakarm School along with the Office of Basic Education and Vespiario (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Special guests included Commander of the Metropolitan Traffic Police, Police Major General Apisit Muangkaseam, and Deputy Director of Office of Basic Education for the Metropolitan BKK. AIP Foundation strives to see enhanced enforcement of helmet use and higher child helmet use rates with support from officials.

Representatives from Vespiario, AIP Foundation, Office of Basic Education, and Metropolitan Traffic Police with parents and teachers of Darakarm School

Back to top Related News: “ Traffic police are the missing link for Thai road safety” 28 May, 2015—Bangkok Following the fatal accident in Chiang Mai that killed three cyclists and injured two others, demands for stiffer punishments have escalated, especially given the likely influence of alcohol. What is seemingly lacking among Thai traffic police is not an awareness of these issues but strong commitment and motivation to implement a sustained policy. The country needs leadership that is willing and able to cope with the significant resistance which will arise from restaurant owners and habitual drinkers. Courage and motivation are necessary within the police system in order to go beyond punishing the poorer motorcyclists and to begin curbing the reckless drinking of those higher in the social ladder who drive cars, including luxury vehicles. Source: Thai Visa News



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China Year 3 evaluation measures Walk Wise success and improved road safety for children 15-19 June, 2015—Kai County International and national road safety experts visited AIP Foundation in China to assist with Walk Wise Year 3 evaluations. Ms. Roopa Umesh is an expert in developing, implementing, and evaluating road safety behavior change programs; Dr. Baoguo Ding is an expert in road safety promotion and the Country Manager of Global Road Safety Partnership with responsibility in managing the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded road safety projects; and Ms. Shuanghui Wu is a research assistant and graduate from the School of Sociology, Chinese University of Political Sciences and Law. AIP Foundation visited project schools, where these expert consultants organized parent focus groups, teacher focus groups, in-depth interviews, student knowledge tests, and student road safety behavior observations.

Road safety experts meet with AIP Foundation to assess Walk Wise achievements and goals for improved road safety in Kai County

Back to top AIP Foundation host interactive road safety games at the 2015 Children Carnival 27 June, 2015—Kai County As part of the 2015 Children Carnival held by Kai County Youth League and Kai County Children Palace, AIP Foundation led interactive road safety games on pedestrian and bus safety. Over 600 children and 400 parents attended the carnival with more than 300 children participating in the road safety games. Parents together with their children demonstrated how to use zebra crossings correctly and children learnt safe skills when riding on busses. Children demonstrate their new skills on how to use a zebra crossing correctly

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Uganda Related News: “ A new business model for Uganda’s motorbike taxi industry” 22 June, 2015—Kampala Boda-bodas (or motorbike taxis) are a part of everyday life for many Africans. And in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, it is no different, with some estimates indicating well over 100,000 bodabodas operating in the city. Launched in November 2014,



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global June 2015

SafeBoda connects customers with drivers that have been trained in road safety, customer service, motorbike maintenance, and first aid through a partnership with the Ugandan Red Cross. Drivers also provide passengers with road-worthy helmets. Source: How we made it in Africa

SafeBoda connects customers with drivers that have been trained in road safety

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Tanzania AIP Foundation attends second Bloomberg Initiative Global Road Safety Project Committee meeting 21 May, 2015—Dar es Salaam The Helmet Vaccine Initiative Tanzania took part in the second meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the Bloomberg Initiative Global Road Safety Project on May 21, 2015. The project aims to improve legislation and the media’s role in road safety.

Coordinating Committee of the Bloomberg Initiative Global Road Safety Project

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Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

Global Newsletter July 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, This month, we had the great honor of welcoming Second Lady of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, on her visit to Vietnam. Dr. Biden showed her support for our cause by delivering helmets to disadvantaged kids in Hanoi. U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius reiterated his strong support to the recent Public-Private Partnership signed between the State Department and AIP Foundation, which will provide tens of thousands of helmets to rural populations in Vietnam. We are excited and proud to watch such necessary momentum build among leaders ahead of the new school year. To further support children as they enter the new school year, we have launched an online fundraising campaign called the 3E Project: Educate, Equip, and Empower. Join us to help children in Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam to be safer road users. Your donation could save a life. See below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. Please also take note that our website URL has been updated to Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

AIP Foundation receives global award for pedestrian safety at PREVCON ‘15

Over 500,000 Child Declaration signatures collected by AIP Foundation



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

Call for donors ahead of new school year

Related news: “Traffic takes a tremendous global toll, but cheap fixes can save lives”


Thai delegation visits Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee

Vietnam Party Chief’s U.S. visit marks a turning point

Ford Vietnam gets first Vietnamese managing director

Dr. Jill Biden, Second Lady of the United States, promotes road safety during her visit to Vietnam

AIP Foundation and Ford present donation to Vietnam’s Road Victim Relief Fund

Related news: “Former President Bill Clinton makes fifth visit to celebrate 20 years of normalized U.S.-Vietnam relations”


AIP Foundation goes live on the radio to discuss child helmet requirements

Media—“Agents for Change”—advocate for child helmet use across Cambodia

Mid-term assessment on behavior change

Related news: “Traffic Law fines set”

Billboards promoting passenger helmets viewed by one million road users per day



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

campaign starts


Stakeholders work with AIP Foundation to increase child helmet use

Teachers prepare for a safe school year with ARRB helmet safety training

Street Wise progress and updates reviewed after first year

Chevron supports road safety project to bring positive change to Songkhla

Related news: “Motorcycle kills road safety petitioner in Pathum Thani”

Related news: “Over 27,000 road crashes reported in Bangkok last year”


Walk Wise project to engage 2,000 community members in educational summer activities


Legislative meeting held under Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

Global Photo of the month U.S. Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden greeted disadvantaged kids and gave them quality helmets in Hanoi during her recent visit to Vietnam. Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for a chance to have your photo featured! Photo source: @drbiden on Instagram

Back to top AIP Foundation receives global award for pedestrian safety at PREVCON ’15 1 August, 2015 – Washington, D.C., United States On the closing day of the 2015 Child Injury Prevention Convention (PREVCON) in Washington, D.C., AIP Foundation was announced the winner of the Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW) international program award for pedestrian safety. The award recognizes AIP Foundation’s achievements in implementing the Safe Kids Walk this Way program in Vietnam, as distinct from among the 11 countries and hundreds of communities worldwide that have the program.

From left to right: Shane O’Connor, Communications Advisor, FedEx Global Citizenship; Nuong Nguyen, Director of Programs, AIP Foundation in Vietnam; Kate Carr, President and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide.

Launched globally in 1999 by SKW and FedEx, Walk this Way promotes pedestrian safety in at-risk communities through four main components: awareness and advocacy activities; infrastructure improvements; research; and, education programs. Since 2009, AIP Foundation as Safe Kids Vietnam has implemented Walk this Way across four target provinces, reaching 92,647 students from 118 primary and secondary schools. At the ceremony, SKW took the opportunity to further congratulate AIP Foundation on notable successes in engaging governmental and other stakeholders meaningfully, contributing to increased helmet wearing rates, and gathering over 500,000 signatures for the #SaveKidsLives campaign. PREVCON is an annual gathering of injury prevention leaders and advocates from across the United States and around the world. It is designed to spark new ideas, drive innovative approaches to safety, and contribute overall to Safe Kids’ decade goal of halving the average number of fatalities from preventable injuries by 2020. Read more about PREVCON ’15 here. Support the #SaveKidsLives campaign here.

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Over 500,000 Child Declaration signatures collected by AIP Foundation AIP Foundation, with the help of Ministries and Departments of Education and schools, collected 510,768 signatures from across Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam, in support of the Child Declaration. Part of the #SaveKidsLives campaign, the Child Declaration is a global call to action for governments to commit to halving road deaths in the Post-2015 Development Goals. In Asia, leaders and officials have voiced strong commitment to National Traffic Police officials sign the Declaration in Vietnam the cause. Vietnam’s Minister of Transport, Dinh La Thang noted, “We must all hear what the children are declaring: the streets are dangerous, action is necessary to protect children, and collaboration is important.” The Ministry of Transport and National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) announced a new helmet donation program under which the NTSC will support the distribution of helmets to students from at-risk communities in Vietnam. Children, too, understand the urgent need for action. “I wish leaders will take action to keep children safe on the road. We want to go to school without worrying about traffic crashes,” spoke student Nguyen Duc Thinh from Vietnam, who in 2013 was involved in a serious crash. Thinh and peer Hong Anh presented 1,700 collected Child Declaration signatures from Hanoi to the Minister of Transport. Click here to sign the Child Declaration and keep kids safe.

Back to top Call for donors ahead of new school year Approximately 220,000 children die on the world’s roads every year. For each child that dies, four more suffer from permanent disabilities and 10 more suffer from serious injuries. Far too many children continue to be unprotected on their daily commute. We have launched an online fundraising campaign called the 3E Project to reach out to disadvantaged children in our target countries (Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam). Through this project, we plan to educate, equip, and empower children to be safer road users.

Chaotic roads are a common sight but pose great dangers

Donate now to help save a life.

Back to top Related news: “ Traffic takes a tremendous global toll, but cheap fixes can save lives” 25 July, 2015 – Washington, D.C., United States More than 1 million people die in traffic deaths around the world each year — that's drivers, passengers, cyclists and pedestrians combined.



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

A new report, Cities Safer by Design, is proposing ideas to bring the numbers down. The report, from the World Resources Institute, was released this week. The solutions aren't revolutionary. Speed bumps really do slow down traffic. A pedestrian island is a safe haven for someone caught mid-road when the traffic light changes. These kinds of design changes don't cost a lot but can have a big payoff. But redesign can't eliminate every traffic death. "Infrastructure is Tough helmet laws have caused the number of part of the solution," says David Sleet, a specialist at the Centers helmet wearers in a Vietnamese province to jump from for Disease Control's division of Unintentional Injury Prevention. 34% to 76% "The other part is a change in the culture of driving, walking, biking behavior." In other words: "Wear seat belts, use helmets, manage speed and avoid drinking and walking/driving/cycling." In Vietnam, compulsory helmet-wearing laws on all roads, supported by tough enforcement and penalties, dramatically increased compliance and wearing rates and reduced injuries and fatalities dramatically. In 2011, only 34% of cyclists in Vietnam's Ha Nam province used helmets, and today 76% do. See NPR’s full article here to read more.

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Vietnam Thai delegation visits Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee 25 June, 2015—Hanoi In late June, a delegation from Thailand lead by Dr. Bundit Sornpaisan, Director of Health Care and all Risk Control from Thai Health Promotion Foundation, visited Vietnam's National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC). President of AIP Foundation Greig Craft was invited to attend the meeting. Craft shared Vietnam’s experience with the implementation of the helmet law and AIP Foundation’s public awareness campaigns on helmet use. He also highlighted the importance of collaboration and experience-sharing between ASEAN countries on this issue.

Thai delegation with NTSC officials, including Dr. Khuat Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of NTSC, AIP Foundation’s Greig Craft, and Traffic Police

Back to top Vietnam Party Chief’s U.S. visit marks a turning point 7 July, 2015—Washington, D.C., United States July’s visit to the U.S. by Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was a turning point in the 20 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global July 2015 Edit

This was the first time a General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam made a visit to the U.S.. The visit came at a symbolic moment as the two countries are marking the 20th anniversary of normalized diplomatic ties. Source: Thanh Nien News

Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets President Obama during U.S. visit Photo credit: AFP Photo/Saul Loeb

Back to top Ford Vietnam gets first Vietnamese managing director 11 July, 2015 Ford Motor Company announced the appointment of Pham Van Dung to Managing Director, Ford Vietnam, effective August 1, marking the first time a Vietnamese national will hold this title. Dung joined Ford Vietnam in 1998 as a corporate accountant in Finance, and currently serves as Finance Director of Ford Vietnam. In his new role, Dung will have overall responsibility for leading the continued growth of Ford’s operations in Vietnam, including both the company’s corporate functions and Hai Duong assembly operations.

Pham van Dung will be the first Vietnamese national to hold the position of Managing Director at Ford Vietnam.

Read more about Dung’s background here.

Back to top Dr. Jill Biden, Second Lady of the United States, promotes road safety during her visit to Vietnam 19 July, 2015 – Hanoi, Vietnam Second Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden touched down at Hanoi’s Noi Bai airport to be greeted on the tarmac by U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius, senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation. A group of five children were on-hand to receive motorcycle helmets from Dr. Biden carrying the 20th Anniversary logo of normalization of U.S.–Vietnam diplomatic relations. On the occasion, Greig Craft presented Dr. Biden with a special commemorative helmet which will be displayed in the White House.

U.S. Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden delivers helmets to kids and greets parents in Hanoi



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Ambassador Osius underlined his strong support for the new Public–Private Partnership (PPP) between the State Department and AIP Foundation, with key sponsorship from U.S. companies. Launched in May, the PPP will distribute a total of 25,000 child helmets across 15 rural provinces during the 20th anniversary year. Craft’s goal is to donate 2.5 million child helmets to other developing countries within the next 5 years. Read more in our press release here and the White House’s press release here. View local news coverage here.

Back to top AIP Foundation and Ford present donation to Vietnam’s Road Victim Relief Fund 30 July, 2015 – Hanoi AIP Foundation and Ford Vietnam presented a donation of 210 million VND (US $9,626) to the Road Victim Relief Fund of Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC). This took place on NTSC premises in Hanoi as part of the Ford Motor Company’s Driving Skills For Life (DSLF) program, which is in its 9th year of implementation in the Asia Pacific Region. Attendees included Mr. Pham Van Dung, Managing Director of Ford Vietnam; Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief of the NTSC; Dr. Khuat Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the NTSC; representatives of the National Police and Ministry of Transport; and Mr. Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation. The NTSC representatives took the opportunity to highlight the important contribution made by Ford Vietnam and AIP Foundation’s collaboration.

From left to right: Mr. Nguyen Trong Thai, Chief of the NTSC; Mr. Khuat Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the NTSC; Mr. Pham Van Dung, Managing Director of Ford Vietnam; Mr. Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation.

At no cost to participants, the 2015 DSLF program in Vietnam will offer 1,500 drivers comprehensive courses and hands-on trainings to improve road safety and fuel economy. Target groups include school-bus drivers, taxi drivers, and young drivers. Overall, the DSLF program works in Vietnam well as Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar to reduce the devastating number of road deaths and the harmful environmental effects of cars in these countries and globally.

Back to top Related news: “ Former President Bill Clinton makes fifth visit to celebrate 20 years of normalized U.S.Vietnam relations” 2 July, 2015 – Hanoi Former U.S. President Bill Clinton joined the 20th Anniversary Gala reception in Hanoi on 2 July, 2015, where he delivered remarks to an audience of over 1,000 guests. The Gala commemorates the 20th anniversary of the historic normalization of diplomatic relations between the United States



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and Vietnam. The 1995 announcement was one of many actions taken by President Clinton to help the two nations embrace the spirit of reconciliation and move into the future together, including the lifting of the trade embargo and the negotiation of a bilateral trade agreement. Read more about the visit here. Read President Clinton’s full address here. Former President Clinton on the 20th anniversary of normalized U.S.-Vietnam relations in Hanoi

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Cambodia AIP Foundation goes live on the radio to discuss child helmet requirements 13 July, 2015 - Phnom Penh AIP Foundation and the National Police of Cambodia held a joint radio discussion on child helmet laws. A week prior to the discussion on 8 July, the Cambodian government issued a subdegree stipulating a fine for non-helmeted adult motorcycle passengers, to take effect January 2016. However, the subdegree failed to include a fine for non-helmeted children. AIP Foundation used the show as one of many activities aimed at advocating for the inclusion of such a fine, in order to save children’s lives.

AIP Foundation joins Cambodian National Police on live radio to discuss child helmet use

Back to top Media—“ Agents for Change” —advocate for child helmet use across Cambodia 15 July, 2015—Phnom Penh AIP Foundation, in collaboration with the Club of Cambodian Journalists, organized a forum with over 90 high-level media representatives to discuss how they can support efforts to increase child helmet use. Attendees discussed the cost- and lives- savings analysis of passenger helmet laws, and how to effectively cover topics in road safety and helmet use to engage a wider community. As “Agents for Change”, media actors and policymakers have a pivotal role to play in increasing knowledge about the new Road Traffic Law, and in ultimately influencing good road safety behavior.

Media forum convenes high-level representatives to discuss child helmet advocacy

Overall, the “Agents for Change” initiative utilizes forums, workshops, trainings, and awards to build capacity and collaboration among media platforms. Key activities include a policymaker training workshop held in May



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2015, a journalist training workshop scheduled for September 2015, and “Excellence Awards” for effective road safety communications. Read the press release here.

Back to top Billboards promoting passenger helmets viewed by one million road users per day 27 July, 2015 - Phnom Penh, Kandal and Kampong Speu provinces “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” is the tagline featured on AIP Foundation’s six billboards along three national roads in six target districts in Cambodia. It is estimated that approximately 1,000,000 road users view the two billboards in Phnom Penh city alone each day.

Billboard promotes helmet-wearing above busy streets

Back to top Mid-term assessment on behavior change campaign starts 27 July to 10 August, 2015 - Phnom Penh, Kandal and Kampong Speu provinces, AIP Foundation started a mid-term assessment to measure the effectiveness of its campaign to affect positive changes in the knowledge, attitude, and practice of motorcycle passengers across three target provinces in Cambodia – Kandal, Kampong Speu, and Phnom Penh. The behavior change assessment comes after one year of the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project implementation and is scheduled to take place from the end of July to early September 2015. More than 400 respondents from the target provinces will participate in the assessment. Its findings will be used to inform the project’s second year and improve commercials and other communication materials.

One-on-one outreach to road users seeks to improve safety behavior

Back to top Related news: “ Traffic Law fines set” 8 July, 2015—Phnom Penh A sub-decree being drafted by the Interior Ministry is adding teeth in the form of markedly heavier fines to the Kingdom’s nearly 6month-old, still yet-to-be enforced, Traffic Law. Under the sub-decree’s terms, motorcyclists and motorcycle



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passengers who fail to wear a helmet will have to pay 15,000 riel (3.75 USD) – a five-fold increase on the 3,000 riel (0.75 USD) fine currently only levied against the vehicle’s drivers. The sub-decree fills a gap in the new Traffic Law, approved in December 2015, which established stricter rules on crash helmets and the use of seatbelts, but did not state the penalties offenders would incur. Both the Traffic Law and the new sub-decree are set to come into force in January, with Director of the Interior Ministry’s Public Order Department, Run Rathveasna, saying the coming months would be a phase of “education and awareness” during which authorities will communicate the coming changes to the public.

A motorcycle driver and passengers are seen without helmets on Phnom Penh’s roads, in violation of the new sub-decree Photo credit: Hong Menea

Source: Phnom Penh Post

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Thailand Stakeholders work with AIP Foundation to increase child helmet use 7 July, 2015—Bangkok AIP Foundation, supported by ARRB Group, conducted a stakeholder meeting for the upcoming Helmets for Kids project at Prathom Taveetha Pisek School in Bangkok. AIP Foundation met with police officers, teacher coordinators, traffic police, and educational officers to introduce upcoming activities and discuss their involvement with the project. Participants agreed to work closely together to increase helmet wearing rates among students. AIP Foundation staff in Thailand discuss components of Helmets for Kids with community stakeholders

Back to top Teachers prepare for a safe school year with ARRB helmet safety training 7 July, 2015—Bangkok A training on helmet law was delivered to 33 teachers of Prathom Taveetha Pisek School as part of the Helmets for Kids project. Support for the project is provided by ARRB Group, one of Australia’s most trusted road safety advisors, in collaboration with the Matilda Bay and Srapathum Rotary Clubs. Topics covered included how to maintain the proper condition of helmets, and how to wear them correctly. Teachers discussed their roles and responsibilities in the Helmets for Kids project throughout the upcoming year and the ways in which they will put into use the

Teachers in Thailand attend a training on helmet law



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materials and teaching aids distributed during the training.

and helmet-wearing guidelines

Back to top Street Wise progress and updates reviewed after first year 17 July, 2015 – Bangkok AIP Foundation visited Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production Limited at SCB Park Plaza to discuss progress and next steps in their joint project, Street Wise, which kicked off last summer. Ms. Anamika Tangsakulnurak, Street Wise Program Officer, presented a progress report on year one of project implementation. AIP Foundation briefed participants on plans for the launch ceremony in Songkhla Province on 23 July, 2015.

Stakeholders meet to review year one of the Street Wise project

To conclude, Ms. Pornsuree Konanta, Manager of Brand and Communications at Chevron Thailand, handed over the check for the last tranche of project funds to Ms. Ratanawadee Hemnithi Winther, Chairperson of AIP Foundation in Thailand.

Back to top Chevron supports road safety project to bring positive change to Songkhla 23 July, 2015— Songkhla Province More than 500 teachers, students, and parents from five schools in Singhanakhon District gathered together with special guests to launch the Street Wise project in Songkhla Province. Street Wise, supported by Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, Ltd., aims to improve road safety awareness and behaviors of communities in Singhanakorn and Muang districts. To kick off the project, 1,000 helmets provided by Chevron with support from the Road Accident Victims Protection Company Students engage with Chevron’s road safety mascot Limited were distributed to project school students. The Street at Street Wise launch Wise curriculum, which covers pedestrian, bicycle, bus, and motorcycle safety, was also symbolically handed out to students at the event. This primary-level curriculum is the first road safety curriculum launched by AIP Foundation in Thailand as well as the first road safety curriculum designed specifically for children in Songkhla Province. Read the press release here.

Back to top Related news: “ Motorcycle kills road safety petitioner in Pathum Thani”



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16 July, 2015 – Pathum Thani Province A woman was run over and killed by a motorcycle moments after she signed a petition calling for improved pedestrian safety in Pathum Thani Province. According to police, the motorcyclist crashed into the 54-year-old woman, Lanchakorn Chanklom, while she was walking across a zebra crossing on Rangsit - Pathum Thani Road. The motorcyclist was identified as a university student, who was also injured and has been sent to the hospital. Approximately 14,000 people are killed in road crashes annually in Thailand.

Advocates of pedestrian safety stand near the site of the crash

Source: Khaosad English

Back to top Related news: “ Over 27,000 road crashes reported in Bangkok last year” 30 June, 2015—Bangkok According to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), the capital saw over 27,000 road crashes and 262 subsequent deaths last year. Statistics stated that Thailand now ranks second in the list of countries with the highest road traffic deaths worldwide, with 44 deaths per 100,000 people per year. The BMA made known that a majority of drivers failed to comply with traffic regulations which caused most of the crashes. Speeding, overtaking other vehicles and drunk-driving are major factors contributing to the high death toll. The BMA said it will continue to campaign to prevent road crashes, especially in congested areas in the capital.

Congested roads in Thailand’s capital city Photo credit: Scotty Graham

Source: Pattaya Mail

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China Walk Wise project engages 2,000 community members in educational summer activities 9 and 10 July, 2015 – Kai County A series of educational summer activities took place in Kai County as part of AIP Foundation’s Walk Wise project. Between 9 and 10 July, approximately 700 people came together in Kai County to watch educational videos on road safety. Their focus was on child safety – specifically, how to ensure safe



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travel to school by bus – as well as lessons learned from previous road incidents in rural Kai County. During the week of 21-24 July, the elderly were engaged via awareness-raising activities on road safety rules. In Yangxing, Ankang, and Fulbou communities, AIP Foundation worked with the Kai County Youth League Committee to set up four mobile billboards at crosswalks near markets frequented by an older population. Throughout the week, volunteers distributed around 1,000 fans to passers-by and observed the behavior of around 2,000 pedestrians. Observations revealed that the outreach positively impacted pedestrian use of zebra crossings.

A young volunteer gives a fan promoting pedestrian safety to older community members

To view more photos, visit our Flick site here.

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Tanzania Legislative meeting held under Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety 29 July, 2015 – Dar es Salaam A consultative meeting on legislation was held between AIP Foundation and representatives of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety Programme 2015-2019, which was launched in Tanzania this past April. The program works with countries at the national level to review and strengthen road safety legislation, with the aim of reducing fatalities and injuries from road crashes. The main objectives of the meeting were: to identify and consolidate information from recent legislative assessments; to define the scope of future assessments to be conducted by independent bodies; and, to provide information about the program and road safety legislation to potential candidates.

Bloomberg Initiative stakeholders meet in Dar es Salaam

Read more about the Bloomberg Initiative here.

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Global Newsletter August 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, Exciting news to share this month – the United Nations finalized its Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and chose to include key road safety targets. This landmark gain comes after years of advocacy and provides an important framework for our global efforts. Also this month, the BMJ (British Medical Journal), one of the world's most influential medical journals, officially published a paper titled "Helmets for Kids: evaluation of a school-based helmet intervention in Cambodia”. Co-authored by Mr. David Ederer, MPH, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Dr. Truong Bui, MD. MPH, from AIP Foundation, the research highlights the combination of helmet provision and road safety education as a methodology to increase helmet use among children. Read the abstract here. As high-level support grows, AIP Foundation’s grassroots activities continue. In August, we held educational activities that engaged a diverse audience, ranging from students and teachers to police and local officials. With the new school year right around the corner, there’s no better time for communities to brush up on essential road safety knowledge. Together, we can ensure that our kids get to and from school without danger. Please see below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. Now you can also follow us on Instagram @makingroadssafe to stay up-to-date on our work. Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

“Of critical importance for humanity”: UN development agenda includes road safety targets in final text

The BMJ publishes AIP Foundation’s paper on Helmets for Kids



Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global Aug 2015

Related news: Kerry sees U.S.-Vietnamese ties deepening

Related news: First-ever road safety hackathon takes place in India


PACCOM gala celebrates 20 years of normalized U.S.-Vietnam ties

Cross-sector educational activities make roads safer in Vietnam

CDC epidemiologists in Vietnam target road safety through data-driven policy

550 teachers in Dong Nai receive road safety training to kick off the new school year

Related news: Vietnam to begin issuing international driving permits to foreigners in October

Related news: Toyota increases support to enhance road safety in Vietnam

Spirits deliver helmet safety message on Cambodian TV

Related news: Road crashes kill 1,229 people in Cambodia in 1st half of 2015


Communes benefit from local road safety working groups




Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global Aug 2015

Hundreds of students receive helmets and training to get to school safely in Bangkok


Walk Wise workshop held for master trainers and road safety directors

Related news: Jaywalkers made to wear ‘green hats of shame’


AIP Foundation and WHO join media workshop under Bloomberg Initiative

Related news: Tanzania grapples with Kampala-style boda boda problems


UHVI project wraps up after two years of successful implementation

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.




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Photo of the month Many adults wear helmets in Vietnam to avoid fines, but most children still travel unprotected. Globally, youth remain at the highest risk for road death. AIP Foundation is seeking a strong coalition of partners to fund the distribution of 2.5 million helmets within Vietnam and Cambodia. This initiative could save the two governments $78 million USD. Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram (@makingroadssafe) for a chance to have your photo featured here!

Credit: Conor Richardson / Streets of Saigon / @UrbanDialectic

Back to top “ Of critical importance for humanity” : UN development agenda includes road safety targets in final text 2 August, 2015 – Geneva, Switzerland Marking a milestone in the campaign for safer roads, the United Nations (UN) finalized the text of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and included two road safety targets: • In the Health Goal, a specific stand-alone target to reduce road traffic fatalities by 50% by 2020; and • In the Cities Goal, a target on safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable urban transport. The SDGs, 17 in total, set out an extraordinary agenda for the next 15 years: to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change.

The UN set 17 goals with 169 targets overall for the world’s post-2015 development agenda.

Recognition of road safety as essential for global development comes after years of advocacy efforts, coordinated by FIA Foundation in partnership with a wide coalition. As part of the effort, AIP Foundation helped to collect over 500,000 signatures for the #SaveKidsLives campaign, credited with influencing decision-makers in drafting the SDGs. To read more about the road safety targets, click here. To read the full text of the agenda, click here.

Back to top The BMJ publishes AIP Foundation’s paper on Helmets for Kids "Helmets for Kids: evaluation of a school-based helmet intervention in Cambodia”, co-authored by Mr. David Ederer, MPH, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Dr. Truong Bui, MD. MPH, from AIP Foundation, has been officially published by The BMJ (British Medical Journal).



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The paper analyses helmet use before and after implementation of Helmets for Kids, AIP Foundation’s school-based helmet distribution and road safety program in Cambodia. At program target schools, observed helmet use increased from below 1% to nearly 90%, indicating that such intervention can have significant impact. Joining the global body of knowledge on injury prevention, the paper’s methodology and conclusions help to make road safety more achievable world-wide.

The BMJ is one of the world’s leading medical journals

Read the full abstract here.

Back to top Related news: Kerry sees U.S.-Vietnamese ties deepening 7 August, 2015 – Hanoi, Vietnam The U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, visited Vietnam to commemorate the 20th anniversary of normalized U.S.-Vietnam relations. Kerry’s visit came after he attended meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Malaysia. In a previous visit in 2000, then-Senator Kerry launched AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids program in Hanoi. Read more here about Kerry’s latest visit.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands with Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh before their meeting in Hanoi Credit: Reuters

Back to top Related news: First-ever road safety hackathon takes place in India 22-23 August, 2015 – Kerala, India More than 200 tech-savvy minds gathered in Kerala for India’s first-ever road safety hackathon, organized with support from the World Bank. The purpose of the event was to leverage the ICT sector in developing new software/hardware solutions to mitigate road crashes in the country. Focus was given to four areas critical to road safety: engineering; enforcement; education; and, emergency care or post-crash management. A representative of the World Bank commended the success of the initiative and indicated plans to replicate it in other parts of the globe.

Winners of India’s first-ever road safety hackathon with their awards Credit:



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To read more about the event and its winners, click here.

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Vietnam PACCOM gala celebrates 20 years of normalized U.S.-Vietnam ties 30 July, 2015 – Hanoi To celebrate the 20th anniversary of normalized U.S.-Vietnam diplomatic relations, the People's Aid Co-ordinating Committee (PACCOM) of Vietnam held a gala dinner in at the International Convention Center in Hanoi. Among the attendees were the U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, Ted Osius; President of AIP Foundation, Greig Craft; and representatives of international NGOs operating in Vietnam. Established in 1989, PACCOM is a specialized, functional body of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO), tasked with facilitating activities of international NGOs and mobilizing aid in partnership with the Vietnamese Government.

TPACCOM gala convenes foreign NGOs and government officials in Hanoi

Back to top Cross-sector educational activities make roads safer in Vietnam 18 August, 2015 – Tan Truong, Hai Thuong, and Mai Lam communes AIP Foundation, with support from Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemicals (NSRP), has concluded a series of cross-sector educational activities on road safety in Vietnam’s Tan Truong, Hai Thuong and, Mai Lam communes. On 30 July at the Headquarters of Nghi Son Police Station in Tinh Gia District, a workshop was held to enhance the policing of highrisk road behavior. Among the 40 total participants were 25 police officers from the three aforementioned communes, joined by representatives of NSRP and the Thanh Hoa and Tinh Gia traffic safety committees and police.

Police officers gather at a workshop to develop effective, efficient traffic law enforcement strategies

The objectives of the workshop were to develop strategies for increased traffic law enforcement, targeting specific high-risk violations; strengthen the network among provincial, district, and commune police, thereby creating a platform to share knowledge and best practices; and, establish resources for continued professional development. In the long run, the training is expected to translate into reductions of dangerous behavior on local roads as well as improved community awareness of traffic laws. Between 5 and 6 August, on-the-job safe driving training was offered to over 300 participants from Anh Phat and Lilama manufacturing corporations. From 10 to 11 August in Tan Truong Commune and from 15 to 16 August at Nghi Son High School, a total of



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214 motorcycle drivers received training on road traffic laws and safe driving skills. Participants each received a quality helmet courtesy of NSRP and will take their driving license exam at the end of the month. Finally, three new billboards were installed and six renovated to promote road safety in the three aforementioned communes.

Back to top CDC epidemiologists in Vietnam target road safety through data-driven policy 20 August, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City In partnership with the U.S. Consulate, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) held a story-telling event at the American Center, where a large audience of young people gathered to hear epidemiologist Dr. Ninh Thi Ha discuss road safety from a global health perspective before delving into local helmet-wearing behaviors. A large portion of the data presented was drawn from CDC field research conducted in the Chu Chi District of Ho Chi Minh City. Motorcyclists on a busy street in Ho Chi Minh City Through a mini-grant from the CDC and TEPHINET, Credit: CDC epidemiologists are measuring the effect of the national helmet law in reducing head injuries and death. As part of Vietnam’s Field Epidemiology Training Program, based in the Ministry of Health, these professionals will utilize data to analyze the situation and make policy recommendations. After an engaging Q&A session, 100 Protec helmets were handed out to attendees by Consul General Rena Bitter. The helmets bore the 20th anniversary logo of normalized U.S.-Vietnam diplomatic relations. See pictures of the event here. Read the CDC article on their field research here on page 4.

Back to top 550 teachers in Dong Nai receive road safety training to kick off the new school year 21 August, 2015 – Dong Nai The Dong Nai Department of Education and Training (DoET) and Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) organized a two-day training workshop on road safety education for 550 primary, secondary and high school teachers in the province. This was the kick-off capacity-building event for teachers in Dong Nai in the 2015-2016 school year. Nhu Nguyen, Program Coordinator at AIP Foundation in Vietnam, gave a training on pedestrian and helmet safety, and proposed educational and communication activities that schools can implement in order to inspire behavior change among students and their parents.

AIP Foundation staff discuss proper helmet use with participants



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The teachers actively participated in discussions and conducted teaching simulations at the end of the training. The learning resources and proposed educational activities provided in this seminar were highly appreciated by the participants. It is expected that they will use the knowledge gained from the training to implement more effective road safety education at their schools. Plans are underway for Dong Nai DoET and TSC to distribute relevant communications materials including 14,300 banners and 60,000 notebooks to all schools, and donate 5,000 helmets for underprivileged students in the province.

Back to top Related news: Vietnam to begin issuing international driving permits to foreigners in October 22 July, 2015 – Hanoi Vietnam’s transport authorities will start granting International Driving Permits (IDPs) to Vietnamese and foreigners in October, allowing the holders to drive in more than 80 countries that recognize the licenses. Locals and those foreigners who have permanent residence permits can apply for the IDPs, so long as they have a driver’s license issued. The IDP has roots in the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, an international treaty designed to facilitate international road traffic and to increase road safety by establishing standard traffic rules among the contracting parties.

International driving permits will soon be issued in Vietnam

Among the 85 countries to ratify the treaty are Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, South Korea, Spain, the UK, and Vietnam. Read more here.

Back to top Related news: Toyota increases support to enhance road safety in Vietnam 30 July, 2015 – Hanoi Japan-backed Toyota Motor Vietnam and the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) inked a memorandum of cooperation on road safety enhancement for 2015-2018 with a view to promoting educational activities and raising awareness on safety regulations. According to NTSC Vice Chairman Khuat Viet Hung, for the first time, road deaths fell to below 9,000 people last year in Vietnam, with the trend continuing over the first half of this year. Government support has been pivotal in positively transforming road behavior in Vietnam.

A memorandum on road safety is signed by Toyota and Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee



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Read more about the new partnership here.

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Cambodia Communes benefit from local road safety working groups 1-20 August, 2015 - Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu provinces Supported by AIP Foundation, 18 Road Safety Working Groups have been formed and trained to address road safety issues in their respective communes. Educational activities implemented to date, focused especially on helmet-wearing, include 123 total street-based, door-to-door, and commune-wide activities. These working groups function as the sustainable local structures mandated via the Cambodian government’s sub-degree on road safety.

Local outreach allows effective, person-to-person approaches to road safety

Back to top Spirits deliver helmet safety message on Cambodian TV 15 August, 2015 – Phnom Penh Over the last four months, AIP Foundation’s TV commercial promoting helmet-wearing has reached 94% of the national population, over 11.9 million people. Additionally, 83.9% of target audiences – namely, males and females aged 16 to 45 – have seen the commercial at least 3 times within the four-month period. In the commercial, a spirit father and daughter give helmets to an unprotected family on a motorcycle. It is made clear that the spirits had been killed in a crash while not wearing their helmets.

Spirits show the public that helmet-wearing can be life-saving

The tagline of the ad drives home a live-saving message: “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” To view the TVC click here.

Back to top Related news: Road crashes kill 1,229 people in Cambodia in 1st half of 2015 29 August, 2015 – Phnom Penh The number of road fatalities in Cambodia had risen to 1,229 people in the first six months of this year, up 5% compared to the



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same period last year, according the Interior Ministry's Public Order Department. Meanwhile, the figures for total crashes and non-fatal injuries decreased. "On average, six people died and 22 others injured in road crashes per day," the report said, "Some 83% of the victims were motorists and 69% of them did not wear helmets." High-speed driving attributed to about 41% of the crashes, drink driving took some 12% of the accidents, and the rest of the accidents were caused by neglectful driving, vehicle problems, and traffic law violations.

Road crashes are too common a sight in Cambodia

Read more here.

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Thailand Hundreds of students receive helmets and training to get to school safely in Bangkok 7 August, 2015 – Bangkok Students and teachers from Prathom Taveetha Pisek School in Bangkok received 597 high-quality helmets. Support for the Helmets for Kids project was provided by ARRB Group, one of Australia’s most trusted road safety advisors, in collaboration with the Matilda Bay and Srapathum Rotary Clubs. Before the helmet donations, AIP Foundation trained all teachers and students of Prathom Taveetha Pisek School on important road safety messages and proper helmet use, reminding students to wear their helmets every day.

Helmet handover ceremony in Bangkok

Read the full press release here. View photos of the event here.

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China Walk Wise workshop held for master trainers and road safety directors 23-25 August, 2015 – Chengdu Province AIP Foundation’s Walk Wise project has completed its final activities for the 2014-2015 school year period, and preparations are underway for phase four. Towards this end, a training workshop was held to allow past project schools to share experiences with upcoming project schools. The event convened 18 master trainers, 18 road safety directors, and one representative from Kai County Department of



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Participants after a successful group workshop Education, in order to: enhance skills in participatory methods of training; increase communication among project stakeholders as a basis for mutual learning; and, develop teacher’s plans for the next school year.

AIP Foundation staff conducted the training on these topics and reported strong willingness among participants to implement Walk Wise in their schools.

Back to top Related news: Jaywalkers made to wear ‘green hats of shame’ 5 August, 2015 - Shenzhen Police in one Chinese city have come up with a novel way of tackling jaywalkers - making them wear green hats while helping to direct traffic. Officers in Shenzhen, in the southern Guangdong Province, began the new initiative this month to try to cut the number of pedestrians who dodge traffic on the city's busy roads. But they've been facing some resistance to the color of headgear, because in Chinese culture the expression "wearing a green hat" signifies that a man's wife or girlfriend has cheated on him. The police say the hats are just meant to protect people from the sun, and match the green vests which are also being used.

Traffic police combat jaywalking by means of green hats

Police decided to try the new tactic after seeing the number of jaywalking offences rise to 127,000 in the first half of the year. Read more about the innovative tactic here.

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Tanzania AIP Foundation and WHO join media workshop under Bloomberg Initiative 10-11 August, 2015 – Dar es Salaam As part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety in Tanzania, AIP Foundation took part in a preparatory meeting for media facilitated by Ms. Callie Long from the World Health Organization (WHO). The main purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the professional network among key media actors, including media houses, editors, reporters, and agencies. Participants were also requested to give input into the design of the road safety fellowship program in Tanzania.

Ms. Callie Long, WHO Chief Facilitator, at a media workshop in Dar es Salaam discusses best practices and shares her experiences from Cambodia



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Back to top Related news: Tanzania grapples with Kampala-style boda boda problems 13 August, 2015 – Dar es Salaam Tanzania’s capital of Dar es Salaam is struggling to keep up with the rapid increase of boda bodas, a motorcycle taxi popular in Uganda. This means of transport has long been identified as the fastest growing cause of road crashes, injuries and deaths. Like Uganda, Tanzania has tens of thousands of young men dropping out of school each year, with neither job skills nor viable work opportunities. In a day or two, without any formal training, they can learn to ride a motorcycle and vroom off with passengers.

Helmet-less riders on an overloaded boda boda in Tanzania Credit: Jospeh Zablon

Both countries legally require boda boda operators and passengers to wear helmets – but few do. Police are struggling to enforce traffic laws strictly as they are under different pressures of politics and security. Read more about the rising issue here.

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Uganda UHVI project wraps up after two years of successful implementation 30 June, 2015 – Kampala The ”Wear a helmet” campaign, supported by AIP Foundation and the CrossRoads Challenge Fund, officially closed on 30 June, 2015 after two years of successful implementation. The project’s main components included: 20 traffic and helmet safety workshops for a total of 100 boda boda (motorcycle taxi) operators; the “Wear a helmet and live your life” media campaign utilizing radio ads, talk shows, billboards, and road signs; highlevel advocacy for helmet laws and standards; and, monitoring and evaluation.

“Wear a helmet and live your life”

As a key outcome, helmet use among boda boda operators rose from 49% to 77% from project start to end. In order to sustain the positive impact, police must continue to enforce motorcycle laws strictly and consistently across Kampala.

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Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Newsletter Archive - Global Aug 2015



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Global Newsletter September 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, This month, we made progress towards safer roads through hosting and participating in several stakeholder workshop meetings. In Vietnam, a movie night helped spread the message of the importance of helmet use; in Cambodia, preparations for the upcoming enforcement of the passenger helmet law are being made; in Thailand we worked with provincial leaders to roll out road safety activities across six schools; and in Tanzania, lawyers set the groundwork for policy-change to address and improve road safety conditions. Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation, was invited to present at the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board in Washington, D.C. this month. He presented on child motorcycle helmets and the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. AIP Foundation is honored to have been invited to present and hopes to continue spreading the message of the importance of road safety and its potential to save lives. Please see below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

Road safety officially included in Post-2015 Development Agenda at UN Summit

Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation presents to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board… 1/16


Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

WHO releases guide for journalists reporting on road safety

Opinion piece: Tackling the invisible pandemic on our roads


U.S. Embassy organizes event at SOS Children’s Village to educate on road safety

AIP Foundation and MOET launch school guidelines on child helmet use

Industrial zone residents attend road safety event sponsored by Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical

Picture caption contest launched to increase child helmet use awareness

Related news: Fewer traffic deaths but still far too many

Related News: Government looks to youth for improving traffic safety


“Head Safe. Helmet On.” mid-term evaluation shows positive results

AIP Foundation hosts second communewide meeting on road safety

AIP Foundation gathers stakeholders from across Cambodia to discuss passenger helmet enforcement… 2/16


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Road safety school groups inspire their community to be safer road users

Related News: Developing world’s road trauma crisis prompts search for new solutions

Related article: Traffic carnage continues


Chevron hosts Street Wise extracurricular activities across five program schools

AIP Foundation meets with stakeholders to introduce upcoming road safety activities sponsored by Denso Thailand

AIP Foundation receives donation from Ducati Thailand to support road safety projects

ARRB Group sponsored Helmets for Kids holds extracurricular activities to promote road safet

Related news: Thailand ranked among countries with most road deaths


Related news: Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit

Related news: Girl who lost both legs in traffic crash becomes a model student

Tanzania… 3/16


Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Legislation workshop sponsored by the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety

Related News: Police Vehicle Knocks Pupil to Death

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Photo of the month Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram (@makingroadssafe) for a chance to have your photo featured here!

Thousands of vehicles are stuck along a street in Ho Chi Minh City after working hours on 10 September, 2015. The congestion reportedly stretched over three kilometers. Photo credit: Tuoi Tre

Back to top Road safety officially included in Post-2015 Development Agenda at UN Summit 25-27 September, 2015 – New York, United States Member countries of the United Nations convened for the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 on 25-27 September in New York to officially adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda (now known as Agenda 2030). At the highly anticipated Summit, global leaders reaffirmed their commitment to international development and formally instated 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to focus on after 2015 until 2030. This Summit marked a momentous occasion for road safety advocates, because for the first time in SDG history road safety was included under not just one but two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted:

17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted at the UN Summit this week, including road safety

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages:… 4/16


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• 3.6. By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: • 11.2. By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons Read the full article at: Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, 30 September, 2015

Back to top Greig Craft, President of AIP Foundation presents to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board 30 September, 2015 – Washington D.C., United States AIP Foundation’s President, Greig Craft, was invited to present at the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (the NTSB), an independent federal agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents, promoting transportation safety, and assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. The NTSB is a government agency that reports directly to President Barack Obama and it is an honor for AIP Foundation to present to the board, which includes representatives from a variety of sectors like aviation, rail, and marine safety. At the event, Mr. Craft presented on child motorcycle helmets and the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. President and Founder, Greig Craft and NTSB Vice Chairman, Tho Bella DinhZarr

Back to top WHO releases guide for journalists reporting on road safety WHO and the Pulitzer Center, with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, have released a new guide which aims to increase media interest and understanding of road safety as a critical health and development issue. In this guide for journalists, readers will find links to stories, suggestions for new story angles, descriptions of projects, and tips from editors, journalists and public health experts to enhance reporting on road safety. Download the guide here.

The new guide reflects the experiences and lessons learned from workshops with journalists and editors

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Opinion piece: Tackling the Invisible Pandemic on Our Roads 22 September, 2015 In a recent Huffington Post article, Jean Todt, the FIA President, who is also UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, calls for the ratification of road safety as specific targets in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which will form the organization’s agenda over the next 15 years, and appeals for urgent public and political attention to be devoted to the issue of safety of the world’s roads. Jean Todt’s op-ed ‘Tackling the Invisible Pandemic on Our Roads’ can be read here.

Jean Todt, President of the FIA, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Road Safety Credit: FIA

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Vietnam U.S. Embassy organizes event at SOS Children’s Village to educate on road safety 10 September, 2015 – Hanoi The U.S. Embassy held road safety education activities and games at an SOS Children’s Village in Hanoi. SOS Children’s Villages aim to care for abandoned, destitute, and orphaned children by providing family-based child care. During the event, U.S. Ambassador Ted Osius met one of the SOS families headed by mother Nguyen Thuy Mai, who has adopted 27 SOS children in the past 23 years. He presented 100 Protec helmets with the logos of the 20th anniversary of U.S.-Vietnam relations to the SOS children and advised them how to wear their new helmets correctly. To view photos of the Ambassador’s visit, click here.

U.S. Ambassador Ted Osius and AIP Foundation President Greig Craft meet children at the SOS Village in Hanoi

Back to top AIP Foundation and MOET launch school guidelines on child helmet use 12 September, 2015 – North Central Region School guidelines on child helmet use developed by the MOET and AIP Foundation were promulgated during the launch of the 2015 Traffic Safety month lead by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and in collaboration with the National Traffic Safety Committee, C67 traffic police, Honda, AIP Foundation, and five Provincial Departments of Education and Training (DoET) in the North Central region. The guidelines are aimed to help school administrators and… 6/16


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teachers to plan and organize extracurricular activities in Representatives from Vinh University, Nghe An, MoET, Honda, C67, NTSC, DoET, AIP Foundation, and education and to encourage helmet use. At the ceremony, held at 1,000 students attended the launch of Traffic Safety Vinh University, Nghe An, a Representative of the five DoETs in month the North Central region signed an agreement with the MoET to implement the objectives of ensuring road safety and enhancing child helmet use in schools.

Back to top Industrial zone residents attend road safety event sponsored by Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical 12 September, 2015 – Thanh Hoa Province A “Movie and Road Safety Night,” held by Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical, LLC (NSRP), was organized for citizens of the Mai Lam Commune. The event aimed to educate people about road safety through a documentary screening of dangerous crash areas around the NSRP plant in order to raise awareness about the immediate risks and for residents to exercise caution when navigating these areas. With assistance of AIP Foundation, the documentary film was made by local community members who were trained to identify President of the Mai Lam Commune makes opening remarks to start the night high-risk areas –“hot spots”—in their respective communes. The footage featured risks specific to the hot spots identified including examples of the most common unsafe driver behaviors in those areas and highlighted inadequacies in infrastructure and safety measures. During the screening, a facilitator mediated a discussion around the video screening. The event attended by 600 participants also included performances, dances, comedies, and games to raise further awareness.

Back to top Picture caption contest launched to increase child helmet use awareness 20 September, 2015 - Nationwide To support the National Child Helmet action plan, AIP Foundation is holding a helmet safety caption contest to increase child helmet use awareness throughout Vietnam. From 20 September to 16 October 2015, 8 photos will be published on the campaign’s Facebook page and website. To enter the competition, a road safety caption for each photo must be submitted. Every week, a winner will receive a prize; on the fourth week, a grand-finalist will be selected and will receive a prize worth up to 5,000,000 VND ($222 USD). Please review the terms and conditions and enter the photo caption contest here.

Enter our helmet safety caption contest for a chance to win a grand prize

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Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Related news: Fewer traffic deaths but still far too many 11 September, 2015 – Hanoi On 10 September, 2015 a sleeper bus in Quang Nam Province killed an 18-year-old woman and injured 40 others after hitting a truck parked on the side of National Highway 1A. Despite the National Traffic Safety Committee’s report of a drop in the number of road crashes and related casualties this year, the incident is not uncommon. Repeat offenders of traffic violations and a risky road-culture continue to make roads unsafe. There is still a long way to go and AIP Foundation is dedicated to promoting road safety and continuing improvements. Read the full article here.

The scene of a crash in Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Credit:

Back to top Related News: Government looks to youth for improving traffic safety 21 September, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City More than 2,000 students paraded on motorcycles and electric bikes as part of a government program to improve road-safety education. The Ministry of Education and Training, along with the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), is sending helmet safety guidelines to primary schools to urge them to organize more extracurricular activities to educate students and their parents on road safety. Written by the Ministry with consultation from the Committee and AIP Foundation, these guidelines are part of the Ministry’s National Child Helmet Action Plan, launched last March, which aims to increase students’ helmet use rates. To read more about how schools are educating students on how to be safe road users, click here.

10,000 helmets are presented to elementary students in central Binh Dinh Province in an event held by the National Committee for Traffic Safety Credit: VNA/VNS Photo Manh Minh

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Cambodia “ Head Safe. Helmet On.” mid-term evaluation shows positive results 10 September, 2015 – Phnom Penh Over the past year, as part of the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project, AIP Foundation has been implementing a public awareness campaign aimed to inform people about the importance of helmet use and the new passenger helmet law. After a year of delivering the public awareness campaign, findings from the project’s mid-term evaluation survey, which had… 8/16


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more than 400 respondents in 18 target communes, show positive results. Through school based programs, helmet use has increased at 18 target schools compared to control groups and road safety knowledge has increased since initiating the project. Through the enabling environment campaign component of the project, we have helped enhance the commitment of the passenger helmet law and assisted with enforcement action plans. A media campaign spread the message of the Behavior change communications also appear to have importance of helmet use throughout Cambodia contributed to increased road safety awareness. The evaluation revealed that 78% of passengers are more likely to wear a helmet and believe that wearing helmets is as necessary for passengers as for drivers. The main message of the project was “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” The evaluation found that 88% of respondents recognized this message. When prompted with an image from the campaign, 85% reported seeing it as a TV commercial. Posters on tuk tuks and billboards were the most commonly reported sources for receiving the campaign message.

When asked if there is a law that requires passengers to wear a helmet while they are riding, approximately 91% of people responded “Yes”. Many people know about the law regardless of age group, gender, and geographic location. The Royal Government of Cambodia will begin the enforcement of the new Road Traffic Law in January 2016.

Back to top AIP Foundation hosts second commune-wide meeting on road safety 17 September, 2015 – Phnom Penh Under the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” (HSHO) project, AIP Foundation organized a second commune-wide meeting which attracted 45 participants in Chba Ampov District, Phnom Penh. The participants included commune road safety groups from the three targeted communes, district governmental officials, and media representatives. At the meeting, AIP Foundation reviewed commune-based activity plans and presented the progress, challenges, and recommendations for future HSHO activities. Chba Ampov’s District Governor attended and gave welcoming remarks to participants, delivering key messages for group discussion and highlighted the importance of promoting a better road safety environment.

Participants at the meeting discuss helmet use

Back to top AIP Foundation gathers stakeholders from across Cambodia to discuss passenger helmet enforcement 29 September, 2015 – Phnom Penh AIP Foundation held its second nationwide stakeholder workshop as part of the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project. The purpose of… 9/16


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the workshop was to discuss the enforcement of the passenger helmet law, especially to include children, scheduled to begin from January 1st, 2016. The workshop gathered approximately 30 participants from government institutions and the private sector. Among the attendees were representatives of the General Secretariat of the National Road Safety Committee and of the Department of Order, Ministry of Interior. At the event, AIP Foundation presented information on the project’s recent progress, challenges faced thus far, and recommendations for the second year of the initiative.

Participants lead discussion on the upcoming enforcement of the passenger helmet law

Group discussions focused on the law and its sub-decree that mandates penalties for un-helmeted passengers, and particularly the importance of including children in the new traffic law. Also discussed were the nationaland district-level passenger helmet enforcement action plans, which are currently in their draft phase. Read the press release here.

Back to top Road safety school groups inspire their community to be safer road users 30 September, 2015 – Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu Last month, 18 schools from Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu completed disseminating road safety messages as part of a “schools of excellence” competition to raise road safety awareness. Throughout the year, school groups arranged road safety murals and distributed materials to help improve road safety behavior and their school’s surrounding infrastructure. To take part in the competition, students and teachers received road safety education training.

The award committee discussed the criteria and the process of evaluating Schools of Excellence in helmet use

In August, an award committee, comprised of representatives from the National Road Safety Committee, National Police, Ministry of Education, and AIP Foundation evaluated the 18 schools. The committee reviewed relevant documents and interviewed teachers and students. Afterwards, the committee surveyed the area around the school to observe school murals, the surrounding infrastructure, and safety materials available for students to cross the road. After gathering the necessary information, the committee will provide information to AIP Foundation to determine the outstanding school in each participating province and to track its progress the following year. Evaluating successful schools is important in developing improved implementation guidelines and to determine best practices in order to cultivate safe road environments for all students.

Back to top Related News: Developing world’s road trauma crisis prompts search for new solutions 8 September, 2015…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

In many parts of the world, economic development is closely linked to a rise in road crashes, injuries, and deaths. Booming economic growth led to the popularity of motorcycles and scooters in the 1990’s in South East Asia. Tom Hundley, who researched the surge in motorcycle ownership for Foreign Policy magazine, believes that while motorcycles are cheap, fast, and allow for more flexible mobility, they’re also proving to be highly dangerous. Approximately a third of all highway deaths in Asia involve two and three-wheeled vehicles. Compounding the issue, law enforcement is rather weak in many south-east Asian countries and police do not fully implement traffic laws.

Rescue volunteers treat two women involved in a head-on motorbike collision in Vientiane, Laos Credit: Getty Images

Hundley's research took him to Cambodia, where he found that only about a quarter of drivers know what a simple stop sign means, few have a license to drive even though it’s mandatory, and helmets are rarely worn although they are compulsory for motorcycle riders. Even when helmets are worn, they are severely lacking in quality with their only purpose being to deter the police from stopping drivers rather than to protect the driver’s head. Experts have recommended implementing preventative strategies, like increasing seatbelt and helmet use. AIP Foundation strives to fill the gap and address the road death epidemic. Read more about new solutions here.

Back to top Related article: Traffic carnage continues 16 September, 2015 - Sihanoukville Province In Sihanoukville Province, Cambodia highways and roads are the scene of many crashes involving motorists and pedestrians. Last week, photos of a 20-foot truck that had veered off the road and crashed into the front of a shop, causing injury and carnage, were published. In the days before the photo was published, there had been television reports of drivers colliding with buffalo, pictures of smashed scooters and dead, helmet-less riders along with images of riders being rushed to hospitals with serious injuries. Doctors in Sihanoukville report that a large percentage of their Traffic law enforcement is taking measures to crackdown on unsafe driving behaviors patients arrive with road crash related trauma—broken bones and Credit: head injuries being the most common afflictions—but medical facilities are oftentimes inadequate and many patients are sent to Phnom Penh for better care. It is not uncommon for doctors to refer a traffic crash patient elsewhere when they know he or she will not survive. Last year, Cambodian officials documented 4,350 crashes and 2,400 deaths. According to the World Health Organization, on average, 6.5 motorists and road-users are killed daily—many believe this number is actually higher since many crashes go unreported and unrecorded. Cambodia is taking measures to crack-down on unsafe driving behaviors. The Land Traffic Law is expected to begin implementation in January 2016, with increases for fines for offenses like speeding and talking on the phone while driving. Fines for not wearing a helmet are set to increase. AIP Foundation believes that updating laws is a step in the right direction but needs to be supported with increased funding, enforcement, and awareness in order to see improvement. Working together with key stakeholders, AIP Foundation strives to…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

better the road safety environment in Cambodia. Read more here.

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Thailand Chevron hosts Street Wise extracurricular activities across five program schools 3 September, 2015 — Songkhla Province From the 24th to the 28th of August 2015, five schools in the Signhanakhon District in Songkhla Province participated in Street Wise activities. Sponsored by Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, Ltd., the project aims to improve road safety awareness and behaviors of the Signhanakhon and Muang Districts. According to baseline research, only 3% of children in the Signhanakhon District wear helmets. The activities held at the five schools include lessons on how to wear a helmet properly and how to practice safe pedestrian Students learn about traffic signs and how to practice safe behavior on the roads behavior. Other components of the extracurricular activities included sessions on road safety regulations and laws, led by Educational Officers from the Department of Land Transport, Songkhla Province and bicycle safety activities such as road traffic simulations led by Phithan Panit Company Ltd. and Honda Ariya Motor Co., Ltd. AIP Foundation is dedicated to equipping children to be safe on the roads. With the activities conducted through the Street Wise project, Thailand is making progress towards developing a generation of safe road users.

Back to top AIP Foundation receives donation from Ducati Thailand to support road safety projects 11 September, 2015 – Bangkok Ducati Thailand gives AIP Foundation a donation of 120,000 THB (US $3,300) to support road safety projects in Bangkok. Mr. Paul Smart, an English Ducati racer and former world champion visited Thailand to deliver 24 special edition Ducati Scrambler Paul Smart Edition motorcycles to their new owners. At the event, a helmet and photo auction was held by Ducati Thailand to benefit AIP Foundation. AIP Foundation is grateful for Ducati Thailand’s support. AIP Foundation receives a check for 120,000 THB from Ducati Thailand

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Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

ARRB Group sponsored Helmets for Kids holds extracurricular activities to promote road safety 18 September, 2015 – Bangkok This month, AIP Foundation staff delivered extra-curricular road safety activities to 522 students and 20 teachers from Prathom Tawee Pisek School. Thanks to the support from ARRB Group, these road safety education programs have been made possible and are accessible to children who need it most. The activities focused on the importance of helmet use and involved road safety drawing along with question and answer sessions and several road safety games. AIP Foundation hopes that through these activities, children will become safer road users.

Students at Prathom Tawee Pisek School learn about the importance of helmet use

Back to top AIP Foundation meets with stakeholders to introduce upcoming road safety activities sponsored by Denso Thailand 21-23 September, 2015 – Udon Thani Province AIP Foundation in collaboration with the Udon Thani Provincial Transportation Office conducted a stakeholder meeting for Helmets for Kids, supported by Denso Thailand at Udon Thani Provincial Office. Participants included school directors, educational officers, and key organizations involved in road safety in Udon Thani Province. Participants began planning for upcoming activities under the project, which will roll out across six schools in Udon Thani province. AIP Foundation also signed MoU's (Memorandum of Understanding) with the three top-up schools. Further meetings were held with teachers, parents and community leaders of the three new schools joining the Helmet for Kids program this September.

AIP Foundation meets with key stakeholders to begin planning for road safety activities in target schools

In addition, AIP Foundation conducted stakeholder meetings with Rotary Udon Thani, the Chamber of Commerce, the local Administrative Office, and Udon Thani Provincial Police to introduce the Helmets for Kids program and to discuss further collaboration and partnership.

Back to top Related news: Thailand ranked among countries with most road deaths 5 September, 2015 According to the World Health Organization, Thailand is among the top five countries with the highest number of road fatalities in the world. The results of a survey on road fatalities conducted by the WHO found that Libya has the highest road death rate at 48.4 per 100,000 people, followed closely by Iraq at 40.5, and then Thailand at 38.1 per 100,000 people. South Africa held the fourth…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

ranking and the United Kingdom held the fifth. Thailand’s high road death rate highlights the importance and relevance of AIP Foundation’s work towards safer roads in the country. Read more here.

Thailand ranks third in the world on highest road death rates according to the World Health Organization Credit:

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China Related news: Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit 4 September, 2015 A hit-to-kill phenomenon is sweeping China, as drivers who have injured pedestrians will sometimes then try to kill them. Many say that laws on victim compensation have, in part, driven this horrific trend. In China, compensation for killing a victim in a traffic accident is small compared to paying for a lifetime of care for a disabled survivor. Drivers who hit-and-kill are oftentimes doing so because it is more economical. Chinese legislators and policymakers are working towards changing the law to criminalize this practice and to condemn it as murder. Pedestrian safety remains an important priority for China in light of this trend. AIP Foundation is committed to providing children with the skills necessary to stay safe on the road. Read more here.

Look both ways: Pedestrians wait for the light to change in central Beijing Credit: Getty Images

Back to top Related news: Girl who lost both legs in traffic crash becomes a model student 22 September, 2015 - Guizhou At the young age of six Xu Caifen lost her legs when a speeding truck crushed her. She was walking to the local market with her mother when a truck came their way, Xu managed to push her mother out of the truck’s way but was crushed herself. She was fortunate to have survived and she very quickly learned how to walk with her hands. Despite her handicap, she still wanted to go to school like all the other children. Her parents were reluctant at first because the commute would be too difficult and they were concerned about bullying, but after devising a cover for her lower body and shoes for her hands she began attending school. She is

Having endured serious injury after being struck by a bus, Xu attends school…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

now an eighth-year student at Kuanping Middle School. Xu’s dreams are not inhibited by her disability, as hopes to attend university.


Xu is an exceptional person and while her disability has not prevented her for dreaming big, the loss of her legs may have been prevented if road conditions were better for pedestrians in Guizhou. AIP Foundation works towards improved road conditions and seeks to equip children and communities with the skills necessary to stay safe on the roads to prevent injuries like Xu’s from happening. Read more about her story here.

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Tanzania Legislation workshop sponsored by the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety 8-20 September, 2015 Lawyers representing different firms attended a Legislation Workshop in Tanzania. The workshop was meant to enhance participants’ capacity on development of comprehensive legislation on the main risk factors associated with road injury and death. Participants looked at the overviewing status of road injuries and fatalities and the magnitude of the issue in Tanzania to develop legal context. Additionally, the participants reviewed the challenges and opportunities of implementing a road safety legal framework in Tanzania.

Lawyers meet to discuss potential policy action for improving road safety

At the workshop, participants completed a number of tasks including reviewing evidence for relevant risk factors, identifying ways to improve laws and regulations, outlining proposed changes to the Road Traffic Act to include mandatory helmet usage for passengers.

Back to top Related News: Police Vehicle Knocks Pupil to Death 1 September, 2015 – Kibaha Two students in Kibaha, Tanzania were hit by a police vehicle during their commute to school. One student died and the other was critically injured. The incident occurred as the students were crossing the road to school and the police vehicle was transporting staff to different posts in the district. Tragedies like this exemplify why road safety work and education is necessary to protect lives. AIP Foundation is working diligently to promote the safety of road users. Read more about the incident and the actions taken here.

A student crossing the road to commute to school was hit and killed…



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Credit: FIA Foundation

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This is a Test Email o nly. This message was sent for the sole purpose of testing a draft message.…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Global Newsletter October 2015 Dear Friends and Supporters, This month we celebrated International Walk to School Day on October 7th, which affirms that children must have the basic right to walk to and from school free from road traffic danger every day. The 2015 UN SecretaryGeneral Report: Improving global road safety, which was issued this month, mirrored this idea. The report included the recommendation that “more action needs to be undertaken to meet the goal of the Decade of Action for Road Safety and the sustainable development goals to reduce deaths, in particular with regard to protecting vulnerable road users.” We are also excited to announce our work with the International Road Assessment Program to conduct road assessments of areas planned for use in a new public transportation progress in Vietnam. Together we hope to make improvements in infrastructure towards a safer road environment. Two of our television commercials promoting helmet-use have been selected to screen at the American Public Health Association Global Public Health Film Festival in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. The film festival showcased more than 115 films from over 26 countries. AIP Foundation is honored to have been selected and hopes that through this exposure we may continue spreading the message of the importance of helmet-use and its lifesaving potential. Please see below to read more on AIP Foundation’s activities and achievements throughout the month. Kind regards, Mirjam Sidik CEO, AIP Foundation

Table of Contents Global

Photo of the month

AIP Foundation television commercials selected to screen at the APHA Global Public Health Film Festival

A new Luc Besson film highlights the dangers children face on their commute to school…



Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Opinion piece: Road Safety for Children Is Going Global

Opinion Piece: Helmeted bicycle riders have significantly reduced severity of injury after an accident

IRTAD 2015 annual report on Road Safety Performance

WHO publishes Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015


Johnson & Johnson donates 6,115 more helmets to 44 primary schools

AIP Foundation was trained by the International Road Assessment Programme to conduct road assessments in Vietnam

FedEx and Safe Kids Vietnam support International Walk to School Month and launch Walk With FedEx Tour

Related News: In Vietnam, residents struggle to drive on dusty roads full of potholes




Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

AIP Foundation revises helmet awareness commercial to promote the new passenger helmet law

Stakeholders from across Kampong Speu Province gather to discuss passenger helmet enforcement

AIP Foundation publishes policy brief on effective enforcement of the passenger helmet law


Helmets for Kids project year comes to a close with an increase in the helmet use rate

AIP Foundation invited to present on "Safety Education" at Rangsit University

Related News: Thailand's roads seconddeadliest in world, UN agency finds


Walk Wise Phase 3 wraps up with positive results

Chevron and AIP Foundation organize a safe walking parade to promote road safety

Walk Wise Phase 4 successfully completes teacher training workshop

Related News: China suffers 250,000 road deaths a year: WHO




Monthly Newsletter - Making Roads Safe

Related news: The helmet, the message, your safety: Artist Collin Sekajugo’s story

Employment Opportunities Want to join AIP Foundation’s team? View opportunities here.

Global Photo of the month This month, one of our supporters, Silvia Shrubsall of Matilda Bay Rotary Club’s International Service, raised awareness for our Helmets for Kids program at a fundraising event in Perth, Australia. Silvia and the Matilda Bay Rotary Club’s International Service are strong advocates of child helmet use and have raised over AU$5,000 to support our Helmets for Kids initiatives in Bangkok, Thailand Have a relevant road safety photo? Tag AIP Foundation on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram (@makingroadssafe) for a chance to have your photo featured here!

Silvia Shrubsall of Matilda Bay Rotary Club’s International Service, raising awareness for our Helmets for Kids program at a fundraising event in Perth, Australia

Back to top AIP Foundation television commercials selected to screen at the APHA Global Public Health Film Festival 31 October, 2015 – Chicago, U.S. “Love your child. Provide a helmet.” and “Protect your passengers’ lives. Make sure they wear helmets.” are the two television commercials selected by the American Public Health Association (APHA) for the 2015 APHA Global Public Health Film Festival, to be held during APHA’s Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, 2015) in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The film festival showcased more than 115 films from over 26 countries, including feature films, shorts, television programs, community-made films, student films, public service announcements, and interactive media. Through the festival, the APHA aims to engage, educate, and inspire audiences on a

AIP Foundation’s television commercials were selected for the APHA Global Public Health Film Festival…



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diverse range of public health topics. For more details on the event, click here. To view all of AIP Foundation’s TVC click here.

Back to top A new Luc Besson film highlights the dangers children face on their commute to school 7 October, 2015 Movie director Luc Besson has joined the #SaveKidsLives campaign, directing a powerful advocacy film highlighting the dangers, poor infrastructure and inequities facing millions of children around the world in their daily journey to and from school. The film launched 7th October to coincide with and support International Walk to School Day, and to deliver the message that children must have the basic right to walk to and from school free from road traffic danger today and every day. Film director Luc Besson on location in South Africa

Credit: Co-funded by the FIA and the FIA Foundation – the film illustrates the contrasts in the journey to school by children from diverse countries, and the different, but real, risks both face. The film aims to raise awareness of the 500 child deaths and many thousands of serious injuries that occur every day on the world’s roads and to encourage wider support for action to put in place measures to reduce this toll. The film asks people to sign the ‘Child Declaration for Road Safety’ of the #SaveKidsLives campaign. Since the campaign, AIP Foundation has collected more than 500,000 signatures for the #SaveKidsLives Declaration in South East Asia and China. The campaign will hold a Rally on the eve of the Brasilia Global High Level Conference on Road Safety, on 17th November, 2015.

Watch and read more about the film here. Read the FIA Foundation/UNICEF report ‘Safe to Learn: Safe Journeys to School Are a Child’s Right’

Back to top Opinion piece: Road Safety for Children Is Going Global 7 October, 2015 – Safe Kids Worldwide The United Nations has approved new global goals that include targets for reducing road deaths and injuries. The new Global Goals are particularly important to children, who are among the most vulnerable. Road traffic injuries are the number one killer of kids ages 5 to 19 in the U.S. and around the world. Global Goals 3 and 11 aim to change this: Goal 3 calls on the world to reduce road traffic fatalities by 50% by 2020; and Goal 11 calls for “safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety,” and

This is a blog post written by Kate Carr, President and…



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demands special attention to children. Right now, more than 186,000 kids die each year on or around the roads. If Goals 3 and 11 are fully implemented, more than 93,000 can be saved per year.

CEO, Safe Kids Worldwide.

Safe Kids Worldwide, an AIP Foundation partner, is in the forefront of the fight to improve road safety, joining with partners like the U.S. Department of Transportation; the World Health Organization; the World Bank; Jean Todt, the UN Special Envoy for Global Road Safety; the FIA Foundation; and others to live up to the promise of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. Road crashes are an epidemic, but it is possible to implement common sense steps to improve safety. With the new Global Goals providing important targets, AIP Foundation and its partners will strive towards saving more lives. Read the rest of Kate’s article here.

Back to top Related research: Helmeted bicycle riders have significantly reduced severity of injury after an accident 8 October, 2015 – Arizona, U.S. According to researchers from the University of Arizona, Tucson, helmeted bicycle riders have reduced odds of severe traumatic brain injury after a crash compared to their non-helmeted counterparts. Their findings were presented during the 2015 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. Researchers performed an analysis using the 2012 National Trauma Data Bank (NTDB) of the American College of Surgeons, analyzing records of 6,267 patients who had a traumatic brain injury after a bicycle related accident. Among the group of Wearing a helmet reduces the odds of sever traumatic brain injury in the event of a crash patients, just over 25 percent were wearing helmets. Results revealed that among the selected group of patients--those who sustained traumatic brain injury after a bicycle related accident--the ones wearing helmets had a 58% reduced odds of severe traumatic brain injury and a 59% reduced odds of death. Read more about the study and results here.

Back to top IRTAD 2015 annual report on Road Safety Performance 12 October, 2015 – Paris, France The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) has released their 2015 annual report on Road Safety. IRTAD is a permanent working group of the International Transport Forum at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is composed of road safety experts and statisticians from renowned safety research institutes, national road and transport administrations, international organizations, universities,…



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automobile associations, the automobile industry, and others from OECD and nonOECD countries. The report provides an overview on road safety performance for 2013 in 38 member countries, with preliminary data for 2014, and detailed reports for each country. It provides detailed safety data by road user, location and age together with information on recent trends in speeding, drink-driving and other aspects of road user behavior. This is an essential tool for policymakers wishing to gain an understanding of the successes and challenges facing road safety policy from an international perspective. To download the full report click here.

A new annual report on Road Safety has been released Credit: OECD Publishing

Back to top WHO publishes Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015 19 October, 2015 – Geneva, Switzerland The World Health Organization (WHO) released the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015 this month, reflecting information from 180 countries, indicating that worldwide the total number of road deaths has plateaued at 1.25 million per year, with the highest road traffic fatality rates in low-income countries. While there has been progress towards improving road safety legislation and in making vehicles safer, the report shows that the pace of change is too slow. Urgent action is needed to achieve the ambitious target for road safety reflected in the newly adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This report is the third in the series, and provides a snapshot of the road safety situation globally, highlighting the gaps and the measures needed to best drive progress. The full report, infographics, and country specific summaries can be downloaded here.

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Vietnam Johnson & Johnson donates 6,115 more helmets to 44 primary schools 1-12 October, 2015 – Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, Dong Nai Provinces With support from Johnson & Johnson, 6,115 helmets were distributed to 44 primary schools in the provinces of Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, and Dong Nai for the new school year 2015-2016, which brings the total to 9,104 donated helmets since the beginning of 2015. This is Johnson & Johnson’s fourth year of sponsoring AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids program. The top off ceremonies were organized by the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), AIP Foundation, and provincial and district counterparts in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, and Dong Nai, with the goal of

Children received helmets donated by Johnson &…



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increasing child helmet use.


Additionally, students’ parents were able to buy subsidized helmets at a reduced price to replace substandard or damaged helmets. Read more about the event here. View more photos of the top-off events here.

Back to top AIP Foundation was trained by the International Road Assessment Programme to conduct road assessments in Vietnam 12 October, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam In February 2015, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam was announced to be one of Bloomberg Philanthropies' selected 10 cities and five countries to participate in a new phase of the foundation’s Global Road Safety Initiative, which aims to reduce fatalities and injuries from road crashes. With a new five-year commitment (2015-19), the program will work at both the national level and the city level to implement proven road safety interventions. As part of the initiative, the International Road Assessment iRAP representatives trained AIP Foundation and Programme (iRAP) trained AIP Foundation to conduct related stakeholders to conduct assessments assessments of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor between An Lac in the Southwest of Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Chiec in the Northeast of Ho Chi Minh City, which is being developed as part of the World Bank-financed Ho Chi Minh City Green Transport Development project. From 12 to 14 October 2015, iRAP representatives trained AIP Foundation and related stakeholders in conducting road surveys, data collection, and coding. Results from these assessments will play an essential role in making sure the BRT design is innovative and safe. Ongoing project support is underway and will continue until the end of 2016.

Back to top FedEx and Safe Kids Vietnam support International Walk to School Month and launch Walk With FedEx Tour 30 October, 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam FedEx Express, in collaboration with Safe Kids Vietnam/AIP Foundation celebrated International Walk to School Month and launched this year’s Walk With FedEx Tour. The event included a parade of students and representatives walking to school to support the International Walk to School Month, which was held in parallel with walks in more than 40 countries around the world. This event also kicked off the Walk With FedEx Pedestrian Safety Tour for the 2015-2016 school year, which will bring pedestrian safety education, equipment, and

Students have fun learning about road safety with a Walk With FedEx tour mascot…



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materials to over 20,000 students across 18 primary schools in District 9, Ho Chi Minh City and increases awareness about pedestrian safety in the wider community. From November 2015 to May 2016, Safe Kids Vietnam/AIP Foundation will hold a school-wide Safety Day at each school to train students on pedestrian safety knowledge and skills, and encourage them to practice their newly-acquired skills in mobile traffic simulation corners. The training will be followed by a Comedy Play tour, performing “The Tortoise and the Hare”, featuring actors from Ho Chi Minh City Theater to reinforce pedestrian safety messages for students in an entertaining and fun way.increases awareness about pedestrian safety in the wider community.

Back to top Related News: In Vietnam, residents struggle to drive on dusty roads full of potholes 5 October, 2015 Dangerous road conditions in Vietnamese provinces often lead to road crashes. Many roads which link the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong to other provinces in the central region, including Binh Thuan, Khanh Hoa, and Dak Lak, are in poor condition. The National Road 55 from Lam Dong’s Bao Lam District to Binh Thuan’s Ham Thuan Bac District has worried residents for years—nearly 20 kilometers of the road are filled with potholes. Residents near the road have witnessed accidents caused by the damaged road, even seeing trucks flip over. Hoang Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Lam Dong Department of Transport, said that repairs to some damaged national roads are pending due to many reasons, such as budget constraints and harsh weather conditions.

On National Road 55, potholes turn into large puddles during the rainy season while the road surface becomes slippery and very dangerous for drivers Credit: Tuoi Tre

Read the full article here.

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Cambodia AIP Foundation revises helmet awareness commercial to promote the new passenger helmet law 22 October, 2015 – Phnom Penh, Cambodia AIP Foundation held a second consultative stakeholder meeting to discuss revisions to the television commercial of the “Head Safe. Helmet On.”(HSHO) project. HSHO is a two-year project supported by the United States Agency for International Development, Development Innovation Ventures (USAID-DIV) and others, aimed to increase helmet use in Cambodia. The purpose of the meeting was to generate support and share feedback on the revised television and radio commercial message, “From January 2016, police will fine 15,000 riels for not wearing a helmet,” which will be broadcast during the project’s

Stakeholders meet to discuss the revised television commercial…



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second year. The meeting gathered approximately 30 participants from relevant ministries and sub national level government. Among the attendees were the Secretary General of the National Road Safety Committee and the senior representative from General Commissariat of National Police. At the event, behavior change campaign materials were revised based on the recent mid-term evaluation results to better spread awareness about the upcoming passenger helmet law enforcement scheduled to begin January 1st, 2016. The Cambodia Daily shared this article about the campaign.

Back to top Stakeholders from across Kampong Speu Province gather to discuss passenger helmet enforcement 6-21 October, 2015 – Kampong Speu Province AIP Foundation held its second districtwide stakeholder workshops as part of the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” (HSHO) project. The purpose of the workshops is to discuss actions to support the enforcement of the passenger helmet law scheduled to begin January 1st, 2016. The workshops gathered approximately 124 participants including representatives from the private sector, the Department of Transport, the Department of Education, Youth, and Sport, the Various stakeholders gather to discuss potential Directors of target schools, the commune chief, clerk, and improvements to the “Head Safe. Helmet On.” project council members, the District Provincial Advisor, and the media. At the meetings, stakeholders discussed the project’s recent progress, challenges faced thus far, and recommendations for the second year of the initiative. AIP Foundation received critical feedback from the community to consider for the second year of implementation.

Back to top AIP Foundation publishes policy brief on effective enforcement of the passenger helmet law 28 October, 2015 – Phnom Penh A new policy brief was developed to highlight the shared responsibility of government officials, family members, the community, and the private sector to ensure the fundamental rights of children by urgently enforcing the passenger helmet law, including children. Distributed to National Police representatives, National Road Safety Committee representatives, provincial governors, district police departments, commune leaders, and the private sector, this document aims to inform decision-makers about why including children in the helmet law would save more lives and lead to a culture of safe road use. Read the policy brief here.

Information is spread in the local language about why it is urgent to include children in the passenger helmet law…



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Thailand Helmets for Kids project year comes to a close with an increase in the helmet use rate October 2015 – Bangkok Helmets for Kids sponsored by ARRB Group in collaboration with Rotary Matilda Bay and Rotary Sraprathum ended this month after a year of successful implementation. The project was held at Prathom Taveetha Pisek School located in Bangkok Yai District, Bangkok in a high-density traffic area. The school has 729 students and 49 teachers, of which 80% travel to and from school on bicycles or their parents’ motorcycles. Students are vulnerable to traffic crashes as they travel to and from school every day, so the project aimed to raise helmet use rates and to promote safe behaviors.

Students are fitted with quality helmets donated by ARRB during the project’s launch

Students helmet use rates increased from 11.5% to a high of 67.2 % during the project year. The results prove project intervention activities were effective in increasing the road safety knowledge and skills of students, hence encouraging them to wear helmets.

Back to top AIP Foundation invited to present on " Safety Education" at Rangsit University 3 October, 2015 – Bangkok Ratanawadee H. Winther, Chairperson of AIP Foundation Thailand, held a guest lecture on "Safety Education" for PhD students of the Education Department at Rangsit University in Bangkok. During her lecture, Mrs. Winther raised road safety awareness to create a better understanding of the necessity of public safety. She also described AIP Foundation’s work in previous years and current projects that strive to develop a road safety culture in Thailand.

AIP Foundation delivered a lecture on safety education to PhD students

To see what else we are doing in Thailand, like our AIP Foundation Thailand Facebook page.

Back to top Related News: Thailand's roads second-deadliest in world, UN agency finds 20 October, 2015 According to a new World Health Organization survey, a lack of key safety standards and poor enforcement of laws already on the books have combined to give Thailand the second-highest…



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road-fatality rate in the world. In its 2015 Global Status Report on Road Safety, the WHO said 14,059 people were killed on Thai roads and highways in 2012, translating to a road-death rate of 36.2 people per 100,000, a rate only surpassed by war-torn Libya, where 73.4 people per 100,000 died that same year. Thailand's traffic-death rate was only even approached by Iran (32.1 per 100,000), Togo (31.1) and nine African countries that had rates between 30 and 35. Furthermore, the WHO concluded, road fatalities in Thailand were actually far higher than reported. Based on its models, the agency estimates 24,237 people actually were killed in 2012, 42% more than stated by the Public Health Ministry.

Five people were hurt when this truck smashed into cars at a red light in May 2015 Credit: Bangkok Post

Read the full article here.

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China Walk Wise Phase 3 wraps up with positive results 16 October, 2015 Walk Wise Phase 3, supported by Chevron, used four different strategies to inform students and the community about road safety and to encourage safe behaviors. A combination of school-based education, community education and public advocacy, stakeholder involvement and capacity building, and road treatments near school zones helped to foster a healthy road safety environment for students at project schools. Evaluation of Phase 3 used student surveys, focus group This graph shows the percentage of students that discussions, behavior observation, and interviews to gather data answered question on safe road crossing procedure for the report, which revealed positive results. Approximately correctly, after training through the program 53,650 children were directly educated on road safety in 37 primary schools for the 2014-2015 school year. Evaluation findings suggest that the program met its objective of raising road safety awareness among children and school communities. Children’s knowledge and attitude towards road safety has shown improvement in all schools that have participated in the project since 2012. Parents believe the program helped to improve the awareness, attitude, and behavior of their children on the road. Finally, surveys indicated that there has been more active participation from stakeholders, and community interest in road safety is improving.

Back to top Chevron and AIP Foundation organize a safe walking parade to promote road safety 16 October, 2015 – Chongqing Province AIP Foundation together with Kai County Education Committee,…



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Kai Youth League organized the Walk Wise Phase 4 Launch ceremony at the beautiful Hanfeng Lake, Kai County, Chongqing. This is the fourth year Chevron supported Walk Wise. The event aimed to educate the community and encourage everyone to be a responsible pedestrian. At the ceremony, 20 primary school principals and safety directors took part along with students, parents and members from five communities. A walking path was set up where people could learn pedestrian and helmet safety knowledge, and play road safety activities. Students, together with our Walk Wise panda mascot studied the five steps of crossing a road: stop, look, listen, think, and walk.

Traffic police help students learn how to be safe on the road

More than 370 people took part in the ceremony. Students from Hanfeng No.5 Primary School performed a dance on road safety. After the walk, all the principals, school safety directors, and officials attended the stakeholder meeting at Hanfeng No.9 Primary School to share and communicate road safety education and their Walk Wise project experience. At the meeting, AIP Foundation introduced the main findings of the Walk Wise phase 3 evaluations and Hanfeng No. 9 Primary School gave a report about Walk Wise and School Safety Management.

Back to top Walk Wise Phase 4 successfully completes teacher training workshop 26-29 October, 2015 – Chongqing Province AIP Foundation has successfully held teacher training workshops for Walk Wise Phase 4. 388 teachers from 20 Phase 4 project schools attended the workshops. After the training workshops, teachers understood how to use the road safety handbook and teaching materials. The training aims to help teachers feel more confident when teaching students about road safety education. At the training, 137 teachers supported the ‘Child Declaration for Road Safety’ by signing for the #SaveKidsLives campaign. A teacher feels more confident teaching students about road safety after receiving training

Back to top Related News: China suffers 250,000 road deaths a year: WHO 20 October, 2015 More than 250,000 people are killed on China’s notoriously dangerous roads every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said — over four times official government statistics. In a global status report on road safety, the WHO estimated 261,367 people were killed in 2013 in the world’s most populous country.…



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The WHO figures are strikingly higher than official pronouncements, in a country where official statistics are often questioned. China is the world’s biggest auto market and its growing middle class is increasingly able to afford cars, but traffic regulations are often flouted which leads to increased crashes and casualties. More than one in four who died on China’s roads were pedestrians, the WHO report said, citing statistics from China’s ministry of public security.

China continues to have high rates of road deaths Credit:

Read the full article here.

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Uganda Related news: The helmet, the message, your safety: Artist Collin Sekajugo’s story 12 October, 2015 – Kampala, Uganda Collin Sekajugo is an artist and a social entrepreneur established both in Kigali (Rwanda) and in the Ugandan capital Kampala. Over the last eight years, he has been a visual artist in Kenya, Rwanda and later in Uganda. Since early 2013, he has invested his artistic skills into driving home an emphatic message on road safety, particularly boda boda (motorcycle) safety through the helmet. Since the beginning of 2013, he has dedicated his work to using art as a catalyst for promoting boda boda safety by which he began training a group of youth from Kamwokya and Bukoto to learn designing and decorating skills—choosing safety as an integral aspect of the designs.

Collin Sekajugo aims to raise awareness about road safety through art Credit:

Sekajugo has also created “Safety Visuals” to act as backdrops for showcasing interactive images and messages about public safety and began decorating helmets that would appeal to the general public as a way of enticing boda boda users to start buying them for personal use. Given the extreme urban migration in countries like Uganda, unemployment amongst youth has led them venturing into the boda boda business. An enormous number of youth have sought refuge in operating these dangerous commuter carriers, thus fatalities on Ugandan roads have continued to rise. Read more about this entrepreneur and the impact he is making here.

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