GHVI Bi-Annual Report July 2012 - March 2013

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Asia Injury Prevention Foundation Bi-Annual Report July 2012 to March 2013 The Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation is a U.S. registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that creates publicprivate partnerships, develops mass media education and school curricula, and implements school-based helmet use and traffic safety education programs to reduce the pervasive and devastating rate of road traffic crash injuries and fatalities in developing countries. Traffic crash related deaths and serious brain injuries are preventable and this tragic, yet rising trend is reversible. Our ambition is to form generations of safe and smart road users. Founded in 1999 in Vietnam, AIP Foundation has a 40+ person staff with offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Bangkok, Thailand. In 2001, AIP Foundation built its nonprofit helmet assembly plant, V-SPEC, which manufactures Protec-brand „tropical‟ helmets. AIP Foundation‟s multi-faceted model is composed of five pillars: 1) helmet provision (manufacturing, selling, and supplying helmets), 2) public awareness campaigns, 3) school-based and targeted population campaigns, 4) technical assistance, particularly focused on legislative advocacy and helmet standards, and 4) research, monitoring, and evaluation. Main school-based programs include Helmets for Kids, Safe Routes to School, Safe Kids Walk This Way, and Click on Safety. In 2009, AIP Foundation co-launched the Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative, an international movement with the objective of “putting a helmet on every head in the „Decade of Action for Road Safety.” GHVI aims to promote motorcycle helmet wearing across the developing world in countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America, working in partnership with governments, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations. Building on the experience of a successful national helmet campaign in Vietnam, GHVI encourages the policy changes and investment decisions that can lead to increased and sustainable motorcycle helmet wearing. GHVI partners include the AIP Foundation, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), FIA Foundation, Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank. AIP Foundation seeks additional partners to help deliver the helmet vaccine and save thousands of lives in the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The bi-annual report provides updates from target countries, along with general program highlights. For more information on country-by-country strategies and organizational information, please visit our websites: and

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cambodia………………….2 China……………………....5 Tanzania…………………...7 Thailand…………………...9 Uganda…………………....11 Vietnam…………………...12

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CAMBODIA Key Objective Increase passenger helmet use in three target areas (Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kampong Speu) to 60 percent by the end of 2015. Current Key Activities  Connect with and educate students and youth; increase helmet use among primary school students  Engage with and advocate for government and local stakeholders to pass draft traffic law on mandatory passenger and child helmet use  Create public awareness of passenger helmet use  Incorporate monitoring, research, and evaluation into evidence-based social marketing campaigns and implement a revised monitoring and evaluation framework at Helmet for Kids schools Key Road Safety Statistics  Although drivers are required by law to wear helmet, no mandatory helmet law for passengers exists.  Motorized two- and three-wheelers comprise 84 percent of all registered motor vehicles.  Road traffic accidents led to 5,807 serious injuries and 1,905 fatalities in 2011.  From 2005 to 2011, the number of road crash fatalities doubled and the number of registered motorized vehicles has increased by 231 percent. However, over the same period, the population increased by only 10 percent.  49 percent of road crash fatalities were 15 to 29 years old.  In 2011, road crashes cost Cambodia 310 million USD, while only 4.5 million USD was spent on road safety programs1.

AIP Foundation continues to make progress towards increasing helmet usage among motorcycle passengers and realizing the passage of a mandatory passenger helmet law. New developments indicate that this law will soon pass: a revision of traffic regulations to expand mandatory helmet use to adult and child passengers was drafted and is under review by the Council of Ministers. This year, AIP Foundation will expand its public awareness campaign encouraging passenger helmet use, increase its helmet donation and traffic safety education program for students and teachers at high-risk schools, and continue to encourage swift enactment of a draft law expanding mandatory helmet use to adult and child passengers. Program activities were developed based upon the following evaluation findings:  Passengers continue to indicate that the main reason for wearing a helmet is to “save their life’ (55 percent), aligning with the current campaign approach that passengers appreciate a helmets‟ safety value.  Of the 41 percent of respondents who remembered the campaign, 75 percent reported being much more likely to wear a helmet as a passenger.  The campaign should increase airing of the television commercial – with 25.8 percent of respondents remembering the commercials, this was the most commonly recalled information channel – as well as the number of billboards.  50 percent of respondents indicate that main reason for not wearing a helmet as a passenger is short travel distance; thus, television commercials need to continue to address this issue and it should also be introduced to print advertisements. Key activities since July 2012 include:

Students and Youth: 

In early July 2012, Go4 Intelligent Bunkering Solutions supported extracurricular activities, including games, quizzes, trivia, and an essay-writing contest, to support its Helmets for Kids donation for 850 students at three targeted schools. The project also engaged 16 teachers in road safety training and encouraged 460 parents to sign road safety commitment letters. Helmet observations revealed that the number of the children at these school who wore helmets when riding to or from school on a motorcycle increased from virtually none prior to Helmets for Kids to 94 percent following the donation and other activities.

650 students and staff at Singapore International School, Sovanna Phumi, and American Intercon School participated in road safety trainings in early September 2012.

In late June and early July 2012, Chevron (Cambodia) Limited sponsored CHVI-organized road safety awareness events at three different high schools in high-risk traffic locations in Phnom Penh to donate 1,500 helmets and educate students about road safety.

More than 400 students and artists joined the National Road Safety Committee, His Excellency Hun Many, and the Union of the Youth Federation of Cambodia (UYFC) on Diamond Island on November 8, 2012 to affirm the group's Page 2 of 15

eager support of improved safety on Cambodia's roads. At the ceremony, AIP Foundation, the Australian Government, and the Asian Development Bank donated 300 helmets to young people in attendance. 

UPS Foundation officially launched its commitment of donating 2,887 helmets for schools in Kandal and Kampong Speu provinces, including road safety training for 89 teachers and outreach to 2,755 parents, with a kick-off ceremony on January 11, 2013. Each targeted school is located in close proximity to high-risk roads, yet almost none of the students were observed wearing helmets prior to the donation. Helmet use rates have since risen by more than over 90 percentage points. For the first time, each target school has been paired with a control school for stronger analysis of the program‟s effect. The donation was part of a larger UPS commitment of 450,000 USD to the AIP Foundation to fund the existing Helmets for Kids program for 27,000 children over a three-year period in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

ARRB Group, one of Australia‟s most trusted road safety advising companies, sponsored to donation of 187 helmets to incoming first-graders at Phnom Dil Primary School in Kampong Cham on March 15, 2013. This donation complements ARRB‟s previous donation of over 800 helmets to the entire school body last year. Helmet observations revealed that the number of the children at this school who wore helmets when riding motorcycles to or from school on increased from nearly none prior to Helmets for Kids to 94 percent following this year‟s donation.

Advocating and Engaging with Government and Stakeholders:  On July 25, 2012, the Cambodian National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AIP Foundation to collaborate on reducing projected fatalities and serious injuries caused by road traffic crashes by the end of 2014. 

On December 7, 2013, AIP Foundation hosted a discussion of new initiatives to increase Cambodia's motorcycle passenger helmet wearing rate at a consultative meeting with government ministries, institutions, and the media.

More than 60 concerned stakeholders have endorsed a joint statement entitled, “Motorcycle passengers, including children, must wear helmets,” which was submitted to the Minister of Transport on January 10, 2013 at a press conference with over 120 attendees. Based upon research findings that 98 percent of the public supports a passenger helmet law, the statement appeals to the government to approve the draft legislation, the national road safety policy, and the 10-year action plan. The statement also calls on the media to promote helmet use and safe road behavior, the private sector to develop internal policies to encourage their staff to respect traffic laws, and motorcyclists to wear helmets and share the message with their families. Handicap International and the Coalition for Road Safety (Cambodia) will jointly issue the statement.

Public Awareness: 

From August through November 2012, AIP Foundation’s “Paste Your Face” offered the opportunity for contestants to compete to win top prizes by submitting photographs on Facebook of their families wearing helmets. The kick-off event in August provided guests family-oriented, interactive activities. In total, the photo competition received 300 submissions of motorbike riders wearing helmets and attracted more than 1,500 likes on Facebook. On November 24, the winners were announced at an event co-organized by AIP Foundation and the American Intercon Institute and School (AIIS).

Throughout September 2012, AIP Foundation promoted passenger helmet use with a series of community outreach activities, including setting up traffic safety informational booths in public places.

Nearly 1,000 people in Phnom Penh gathered on November 18 to publicly mourn the 1,905 lives lost on Cambodia’s roads every year as part of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. The National Road Safety Committee and Cambodian Red Cross partnered with CHVI to sponsor the event, which featured CHVI handing over 200 helmets to vulnerable road users.

CHVI joined the Union of the Youth Federation of Cambodia (UYFC), General Commissariat of National Police, and His Excellency Hun Many to participate in a youth helmet use and drunk driving forum hosted by Royal Page 3 of 15

University of Phnom Penh on January 25, 2013. AIP Foundation donated 500 helmets to young people in attendance. 

Since submitting the joint statement, entitled “Motorcycle passengers, including children, must wear helmets,” to the Minister of Transport at a press conference on January 10, 2013, AIP Foundation has promoted the message through advertisements posted on 32 tuk tuks, 17 over-sized banners hung outside schools and private buildings, a Facebook campaign, and public service announcements featured on leading TV channels. AIP Foundation is also collaborating with a local radio station to air a 50-minute talk show promoting the message four days per week until March 2013.

Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation:  Since January 2011, AIP Foundation has conducted bi-monthly helmet observations to understand the current helmet wearing habits and the effectiveness of campaign activities. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised the helmet observation protocol as part of entire monitoring and evaluation framework created for AIP Foundation‟s Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative (GHVI). An adjustment to the methodology to include information on buckle status was pre-tested in December 2012 and officially implemented for the first time in January 2013. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also developed evaluation framework for Helmets for Kids, which has now been piloted in six Cambodian primary schools. AIP Foundation conducts video-recorded observations to assess the helmet use of students leaving target schools on bicycles and motorcycles. In November 2012, AIP Foundation teams from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand met in Ho Chi Minh City for a lessons learned exchange, a main component of which was sharing the monitoring and evaluation framework piloted in Cambodia. These evaluation tools have proven effective and are now being applied at Helmets for Kids schools in Vietnam and Thailand.

To capture the extensive efforts of the AIP Foundation in Cambodia over the last two years, “The Passenger Helmet Story 2011-2012” was released in August 2012. The report highlights AIP Foundation‟s activities, achievements, and challenges since January 2011, as well as plans for the future development. Please go to download this report.

To benchmark attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of Cambodian motorcycle drivers and passengers, including children, for the next phase of activities, AIP Foundation, Handicap International - Belgium (HIB), and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a roadside user survey from August 7 to 31, 2012 in the AIP Foundation target districts. Key findings include: o Of respondents who remembered the campaign, three-quarters reported being much more likely to wear a helmet as a passenger themselves and eight in ten reported they were “much more likely” to encourage their children to wear helmets as passengers. o The main reason for wearing a helmet as a passenger is “to save their life” among 55 percent of respondents, supporting the existing campaign strategy which is based on data that passengers are already aware of helmets‟ safety value. o More than half of respondents identified their main reason for not wearing a helmet as “[traveling a] short distance”, which supports keeping the short-distance travel segment of the television commercial and introducing the topic into print advertisements. o Respondents reporting forgetting as one of their main reasons for not wearing a helmet decreased from 31 to 20 percent among adult passengers. o Parents reporting not putting a helmet on their children because they are too young decreased from 43 to 31 percent. However, 66 percent of parents interviewed reported that their children “never wear helmet.” o 98 percent of the adult respondents support a draft law mandating that all passengers must wear a helmet when they are on a motorcycle.

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China Key Objective Improve children‟s road safety through pedestrian road safety education in Gaoqiao, Kai County, China. Current Key Activities  Develop and pilot Walk Wise, a pedestrian skills education program for students  Provide capacity and ownership building for a Road Safety Working Group (RSWG) that will take over and govern the program  Perform research, monitoring, and evaluation to enhance evidence-based planning; track input, activities, and program achievements; and continuously improve interventions. Key Road Safety Statistics  From 1980 to 2005, the number of motor vehicles increased by approximately 18 times, while the number of motor vehicle drivers increased by approximately 33 times2.  In 2010, China experienced 219,521 traffic accidents, 254,075 traffic injuries, and 65,255 traffic fatalities 3. However, according to a recent study released by the World Health Organization, the actual rates may be twice these official figures 4.  In 2010, vulnerable road users experienced approximately 61 percent of all traffic fatalities: pedestrians accounted for 25 percent, bicyclists for 14 percent, and motorcyclists for 22 percent5.

Since the summer of 2012, AIP Foundation has made significant progress on Walk Wise, the Chevron-sponsored pedestrian skills education program piloted for students at Gaoqiao and Qili Primary School in Kai County, China. A work plan and project scope was developed in the spring of 2012, and Sichuan University conducted a baseline study in the proceeding summer to better understand the road safety situation and necessary interventions in the targeted areas. Currently, AIP Foundation and Chevron are discussing a three- to five-year plan program expansion to schools throughout the region. After a series of workshops and meetings with local stakeholders and school officials, the curriculum was fully developed and launched in November 2012. The lessons and activities were further evaluated following implementation to better understand their in-classroom effectiveness. Key activities are detailed below: Pedestrian Survival Skills:  Numerous workshops were held to review and adjust the curriculum: o In mid-September 2012, 18 teachers from Gaoqiao and Qili Primary Schools joined a curriculum writing workshop to discuss lesson content, flow, sequence, and clarity. o Also in mid-September, AIP Foundation conducted a workshop with local traffic police to both discuss the roles and responsibilities of police with local road safety laws and to review the recently developed curriculum. 

After these reviews, AIP Foundation presented the revised curriculum to primary school teachers, police officers, officials from the Youth League, Education Department representatives, Gaoqiao Township officials, and Chevron representatives on October 24, 2012. Participants also discussed police involvement and practiced several drills on how to behave safely in different traffic environments.

On November 9, 2012, Walk Wise was formally launched at Qili Primary School. The ceremony featured speeches, student performances, and the donation of nearly 2,000 yellow caps to students to improve their visibility on the road. Participants included students, teachers, county officials, police, the Department of Education, Youth League, school administrators, parents, Chevron, and AIP Foundation.

The implementation of the curriculum has included: o Training 14 teachers in road safety education o Training 974 students in 59 safety classes o Distributing 1,923 yellow reflective caps to students o Distributing 50 teacher workbooks, 1,000 student workbooks, and 264 discussion prints. o Creating two traffic simulation corners, one at each target school Page 5 of 15

Capacity and Ownership Building  During the pilot phase, AIP Foundation will create the organizational structure of the Road Safety Working Group and host four small working group meetings and two large stakeholder workshops. 

The first stakeholder workshop was held on September 12, 2012, with participants including county officials, the police, the Department of Education, the Youth League, school officials, parents, and Chevron representatives. During the workshop, AIP Foundation presented the pilot plan and draft curriculum.

Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation:  In June 2012, a research team from Sichuan University School of Public Health conducted a baseline survey at two primary schools targeted by Walk Wise. The results informed the development of the pedestrian safety curriculum. Key findings released in August include: o The majority (64 percent) of students walk to school. Of the students who do not walk, 17 percent commute by motorbike, 11 percent by school bus, and 8 percent by public bus. o Students lack the knowledge and behavior to walk on the road correctly. o There are no methodical curriculums on road safety available at the target schools. Although teachers are responsible for reminding students of road safety issues, they do not receive systematic training on road safety. o 43 percent of students reported involvement in traffic accidents, more than half of whom were injured. o Road conditions near the school are poor. For example, there is a lack of road deceleration zones and, of those that do exist, many are worn out; no crosswalk in front of the school gate; no warning signs to alert drivers to be careful about school children in the area; and haphazardly parked vehicles and debris piled on the route to and from school. 

In December 2012, Sichuan University returned to the targeted schools to evaluate Walk Wise implementation. The process evaluation revealed themes of what was working well and what required improvement. AIP Foundation has adjusted program curriculum and activities accordingly.

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Tanzania Key Objective Establish a helmet assembly plant in Dar es Salaam Current Key Activities  Host research and information exchange trips in both Vietnam and Tanzania  Initiate necessary steps to guide helmet assembly plant implementation  Launch helmet assembly plant in the third quarter of 2013 Key Road Safety Statistics  In 2011, traffic accidents led to 3,981 fatalities and 20,802 injuries6.  Males were more than three times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident than females in 20077.  Those aged 25 – 29 are most affected by road crash injuries; this age group experienced 21 percent of all road crash injuries in 20078.  Road accidents cost Tanzania over 300 million USD in 2006, due to “lost production, medical expenses, damage to property, administrative costs, pain, grief and suffering.” 9

The relationship between AIP Foundation and Tanzania road safety stakeholders was initiated by AIP Foundation President Greig Craft and Tanzanian Prime Minister Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda in 2010. Encouraged by the successful helmet initiatives in Vietnam, Prime Minister Pinda selected appropriate government entities to develop a similar initiative in Tanzania. After an official government delegation visited Vietnam in November 2012, the Tanzania Prisons Service (TPS) began to develop a plan for a local helmet factory. The plant will create jobs for the physically disabled and those within the prison system while providing high-quality, tropical helmets to the regional market, including Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. Half of the factory will be located within the prison grounds during the start-up phase with the other half located outside of the walls. Protec will export parts and components for the plant. This unique plan has received support from the highest levels of the government, including Prime Minister Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda and President Jakaya Kikwete. The Vietnam Ambassador to Tanzania, Nguyen Ba Thien, expressed enthusiasm that a Vietnamese venture playing such an important role in bilateral relations and has pledged his support. Key activities in late 2012 and early 2013 include: Research and information exchange trips in both Vietnam and Tanzania  AIP Foundation hosted a delegation from the Tanzania Ministry of Home Affairs, TPS, and the Helmet Vaccine Initiative Tanzania (HVIT) from November 19 to 22, 2012 to investigate helmet production and advocacy projects in Hanoi. The group was led by General John C. Minja, Tanzania Commissioner General of Prisons. During their stay, the delegation toured the AIP Foundation Protec helmet factory, school-based traffic safety programs, and helmet-monitoring project sites. A high-level meeting with the National Traffic Safety Committee on November 20 provided the opportunity to exchange ideas and to learn about Vietnam‟s renowned road safety successes over the past ten years. 

At the end of the visit, the delegation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with AIP Foundation on November 22, 2012 as the first step in developing a helmet factory implementation plan.

In January and February 2013, President Greig Craft, Protec Deputy General Director Hoang Na Huong, Protec Engineer Duong Anh Tai, Technical Advisor Russ Boelhauf, and International Development Director Lotte Brondum travelled to Tanzania to further develop funding and implementation plans, observe the on-the-ground situation, and promote the project to local stakeholders.

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Initiate necessary steps to guide plant implementation  Since signing the MoU in November 2012, TPS has made substantial progress towards developing a local helmet assembly factory. TPS has identified a facility, which is currently being modified to fit the needs for a helmet plant. 

AIP Foundation staff offered technical support to generate terms of reference, develop a feasibility study, create a timeline for implementation, and supervise the factory implementation and setup.

AIP Foundation is also facilitating the donation of a helmet testing lab to the Tanzania Bureau of Standards, thanks to assistance from the FIA Foundation and the Road Safety Fund.

The federal government has committed to provide substantial financial support to construct the plant.

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THAILAND Key Objectives Increase helmet usage at target schools and foster a culture of road safety among families and communities Current Key Activities  Provide school-based programs for primary school children and their parents  Create public awareness campaigns for general public  Offer training and capacity building for traffic police  Introduce monitoring and evaluation framework developed by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Key Road Safety Statistics  Highest rate of road traffic mortality in the Southeast Asian region with 14,233 reported road traffic deaths in 2011, equivalent to two deaths per hour10, 80 percent of which involved motorcycles11.  In 2009, Thailand experienced 113,048 serious injuries due to traffic accidents12.  Thailand‟s economy experiences a loss of approximately THB 270 billion, or 8.7 billion USD, per year from road traffic crashes13.  15-24 year olds experience the highest road traffic accident fatality rate of any age group 14.

Launch of Thailand Helmet Vaccine Initiative: Although AIP Foundation has been involved in activities in Thailand for many years, the Thailand Helmet Vaccine Initiative (THVI) was officially launched with the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM), Ministry of Interior, on July 4, 2012 in Talad Kreab Municipality, Bangpa-in, Ayutthaya. The event kick started the implementation of the official collaboration between AIP Foundation and DDPM as part of the Thai government's “100% helmet use” campaign. Besides AIP Foundation and DDPM, THVI is also composed of various stakeholders from the NGO, government, corporate, and research sectors. THVI will focus on improving road safety through the following programs:  School-based Campaigns: Provide multi-faceted programs for children and create opportunities for parents to learn about helmets and traffic safety in order to increase the child helmet-wearing rate  Public Education: Disseminate traffic safety and helmet messages through public education campaigns  Law Enforcement: Train and build the capacity of police to enforce traffic safety regulations and helmet laws THVI will expand geographically via a three-stage plan:  Model Projects: Develop projects in select model communities  Regional Expansion: Utilize lessons learned from model communities to expand  National Coverage: Create framework to extend activities across Thailand Since THVI‟s launch, the coalition has completed a number of activities to support their objectives: School-based programs:  Sigma Elevator donated 195 helmets to students and teachers at Wat Nakprok Primary School on July 13, 2012 in Bangkok. Road safety training for teachers was provided the following month. 

THVI hosted 1,200 parents in a road safety program from November 9 to 10, 2012 in Ban Makkhang School, Udon Thani.

Vespiario (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Pandora (Thailand) donated 285 helmets and 100 t-shirts to students of Wat Talad Primary School in December, 2012.

On December 27 and 28, 2012, UPS Foundation sponsored the donation of 2,285 helmets to students in Udon Thani Province. Since this donation, average helmet use rates across targeted schools have increased from eight percent to 51 percent. AIP Foundation is training teachers to incorporate road safety into the classroom, conducting extracurricular activities with students, and reaching out to parents to improve the helmet use rate even further. Page 9 of 15

As part of Sigma Elevator‟s ongoing sponsorship of the Helmets for Kids program at Wat Nakrpok Primary School in Bangkok, 77 students participated in extracurricular road safety activities on January 17, 2013.

On January 24, 2013, Vespiario Thailand announced support for THVI. For every “Vespa LX 125ie Limited Edition 2” sold, the company will contribute THB 550 to equip children with road safety education and helmets. The “Save a child. Give a helmet.” initiative is expected to continue for one year.

On March 4, 2013, the Rotary Club of Bangkok South, part of Rotary International (RI), donated motorcycle helmets to 175 students at two pre-school child development centers in the Rama IX Aeration Pond Community, or Bung Rama 9.

Training and capacity building:  THVI participated in a discussion on August 17, 2012 with over a 1,000 road safety stakeholders on measures to decrease road accidents during festival holidays. During the event, AIP Foundation also exhibited a booth focused on its campaigns. 

On November 30, 2012, Country Director Ratanawadee Winther represented THVI at a meeting of the Safe Road Behavior Sub-Committee for the National Road Safety Directing Center, organized and chaired by the Royal Thai Police. Attendees mapped out a national campaign to decrease the number of deaths and accidents during the New Year celebration by at least five percent.

In November 2012 in Udon Thani province and in February 2013 in Bangkok, AIP Foundation Regional Monitoring & Evaluation Manager Michael Florian trained local volunteers and consultants on the Helmets for Kids observation methodology. The training included an introduction to road safety, AIP Foundation, Helmets for Kids, and the observation methodology; a practical observation exercise; and an overview of data entry and reporting.

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UGANDA Key Objective Increase helmet use and thereby prevent motorcyclist injuries and deaths in Uganda Current Key Activities  Provide commercial boda boda (motorcycle taxi) operator with educational workshops and free helmets  Create radio campaigns on motorcycle safety and helmet use tailored to boda boda operators  Engage with traffic police through enforcement training workshops  Collaborate with local government entities to promote helmet usage and road safety Key Road Safety Statistics  In 2009, there were an estimated 292,263 motorcycles in Uganda, up 170 percent since 200515.  Motorcyclists suffered more serious (36 percent) and fatal (27 percent) road traffic crashes than any other type of road user in 200916.  While a compulsory motorcycle helmet use law is in place in Uganda, enforcement is inconsistent and helmet use is low.  A 2006 helmet use observational study found that only 46 percent of motorcycle operators and less than one percent of passengers were helmeted17.  Motorcycles are responsible for half of road traffic crashes in Kampala city18.  At the beginning of 2012, only 30 percent of boda boda riders in Kampala wore helmets19.

The Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative (UHVI) was officially launched with stakeholders in June 2011. Prior to the launch, a baseline study conducted from March through April 2011 informed the road safety interventions that were then implemented from January through June 2012. Since the completion of the phase one campaign in June 2012, UHVI has continued to move forward with a series of program evaluations and advocacy events: Evaluation of key activities:  Public Awareness Campaign: From January through May 2012, UHVI ran a radio campaign focused on helmet usage among boda boda operators. The evaluation report, finalized in August 2012, reveals the campaign's likeliness to change behavior: approximately nine in ten boda boda operators were willing to consider wearing a helmet after listening to the advertisements. Findings signified that Luganda-language messaging had a greater reach than those in English. Respondents also helped to identify the clearest and most impactful messages among five different advertisements. 

Boda boda workshops: From January to June 2012, UHVI conducted nine training workshops on motorcycle safety (which included a free helmet for participation) for 780 boda boda operators. The results released in September reveal that helmet use increased from 38 percent before the workshops (pre-intervention) to 51 percent after the workshops (postintervention) among boda boda drivers throughout the Kampala; both control and intervention groups were observed.

Collaboration with local government  UHVI worked closely with high-level government officials to coordinate the National Traffic Safety Week from November 18 to 24 under the theme "Uganda at 50 with Safer Road Users." Highlights of the week include: o Government procession through Kampala featuring 100 boda boda motorcycle taxi drivers who recently received UHVI training. o Uganda parliament motion for a government plan to implement the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. o Motorcycle safety training workshop with free helmet distribution for 100 boda boda operators. 

In late February 2013, GHVI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Parliament of Uganda’s Road Safety Forum to provide technical assistance in developing the Road Safety National Action Plan.

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Vietnam Key Objective Provide life-saving traffic safety knowledge and skills with the goal of preventing road traffic crash fatalities and injuries Current Key Activities  Helmet provision: Protec helmet factory manufactures high quality helmets and employs the physically-disabled  School-based programs: Multi-faceted programs (including education and helmet donations) increase the child helmet-wearing rate  Public awareness campaigns: National campaigns target at-risk road users  Technical assistance: Legislative advocacy, capacity building, law enforcement training, implementation of helmet standards and creation of testing labs  Research, monitoring, and evaluation: Baseline data collection, ongoing reporting, and program evaluation Key Road Safety Statistics  Last year, the perilous situation on Vietnam‟s roads led to 9,509 traffic-related deaths20, or 26 per day, and approximately 142,635 traffic-related injuries21.  While children are the most vulnerable of all road users, in Vietnam they are also unfortunately often the least protected: only 1 in 3 children wear a helmet2223.  A recent study revealed that more than 80 percent of helmets in Vietnam are of substandard quality24.

AIP Foundation‟s strategic partnerships allowed it to continue its strong record of helmet donations and traffic safety education at schools and in communities throughout Vietnam in 2012 and early 2013. AIP Foundation is looking forward to sustaining current helmet donation and traffic safety partnerships, establishing new partnerships to bring these services to even more children throughout Vietnam, and continuing implementation of the “Children also need a helmet” advocacy campaign. Helmet provision:  Vietnam‟s Ministries of Transport, Public Security, Science and Technology, and Industry and Trade recently signed a joint circular which would require shops to withdraw helmets not meeting safety requirements and not including necessary parts, such as an adequate chin strap or CR approval stamp. Motorcycle drivers would also be targeted: those wearing helmets not meeting safety standards will face fines similar to non-helmeted motorcyclists (from USD 4.70 to $9.50)25. This regulation aims at reducing the high number of low-quality helmets on the market: a recent study by the WHO revealed that over 80 percent of helmets in Vietnam are of substandard quality26. School-based Programs:  Over 2,000 helmets were donated to incoming first grade students in late October 2012 during helmet top-off ceremonies at 20 Johnson & Johnson-sponsored schools throughout Vietnam. These students received these helmets as part of a $140,000 USD grant received from Johnson & Johnson to support the Helmets for Kids program and provide approximately 11,000 helmets to students and teachers. As of late December, crash reporting at project schools has identified 49 students and one teacher who experienced road crashes during the course of the project, and, in most instances, suffered less severe injuries due to the helmet donation and traffic safety lessons. 

On October 5, 2012, AIP Foundation‟s Safe Kids Vietnam (SKV) program organized a workshop on effective traffic safety teaching methods for 30 core teachers from 30 primary schools in Phu My District, Binh Dinh Province. The focus was new educational methods, road safety information, and interactive teaching skills.

Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Primary School was selected as the recipient of the FedEx Express Model School Zone project for the 2012 – 2013 school year. Approximately 44 percent of students commute to school by walking, facing risks such as unsafe sidewalks and crosswalks, and more than 16 percent have been hit by a vehicle while walking close to school. To address these concerns, rumble strips, crosswalks, speed limits, traffic lights, a Page 12 of 15

new sidewalk, and drainage covers were installed around the school. In addition, AIP Foundation trained students, teachers, and parents to be safer pedestrians, provided more than 600 reflective jackets to students, and encouraged traffic police and commune public security officers to patrol the area and remind drivers to be cautious. A post-assessment of the Model School Zone project in December identified a number of promising results, including that crosswalk and sidewalk usage increased by 40 and 76 percentage points, respectively. Moreover, the percent of parents comfortable or very comfortable with letting their children walk to school increased from nine percent preintervention to 16 percent and 17 percent, respectively, in two post-intervention surveys. 

FedEx Express also provided funding to expand AIP Foundation’s Safe Kids Walk This Way (WTW) to central Vietnam’s Binh Dinh Province for the 2012 – 2013 school year. The primary focus of the program is reducing traffic accidents among students through pedestrian safety education and environmental modifications. Following a province-wide orientation workshop and a needs assessment in the summer of 2012, the program was officially launched on December 12, 2012. In addition to providing students safety equipment and 16,000 pedestrian safety booklets, infrastructure and signage improvements, such as traffic lights and crosswalks, were introduced at each of the target schools. In the upcoming year, the WTW program will organize a photo competition and pedestrian safety awareness campaign in conjunction with the UN Global Road Safety Week in May 2013.

To capture the daily reality faced by young road users, Intel Products Vietnam sponsored the pilot program, Zooming in on Road Safety, during the 2012 – 2013 school year at three secondary schools close to high-risk roads but with a strong commitment to road safety. Following a stakeholder workshop on October 1, 2012 to present the project‟s objectives, activities, and evaluation system to over 50 representatives, AIP Foundation trained 44 students in November on road safety and photography skills. With the support of 45 Intel volunteers, the students took pictures of unsafe and safe roadway situations. The students selected photos to display at school-level competitions, and the winning 15 per school will be displayed at the Ho Chi Minh family day event in mid-May 2013.

Diversey, a leading cleaning and hygienic company, marked its six-year partnership with AIP Foundation and the Cam Thuong Primary School by providing all incoming first-graders with a donated helmet in early January 2013. Since Diversey began sponsoring this school, nearly 2,000 helmets have been donated to students and teachers.

On January 9, 2013, AIP Foundation hosted a kick-off ceremony to launch UPS Foundation’s sponsorship of the Helmets for Kids program for nearly 3,000 students and teachers at four schools in Ho Chi Minh City. Prior to the donation, 42 stakeholders gathered to discuss the program and create implementation plans appropriate for the context of the four targeted schools: each is located in close proximity to high-risk roads and despite more than 80 percent of students commuting to school by motorcycle or bicycle, student helmet wearing rates were only approximately 30 percent. Of those wearing helmets, most were of sub-standard quality. Beyond simply donating helmets, AIP Foundation also trained 74 teachers on traffic safety and correct helmet usage, persuaded 2,735 parents to sign commitment letters to put helmets on their children, and hosted extracurricular activities at each of the schools in January 2013. Since the donation, average helmet use among students has increased to 98 percent and the helmet donations and traffic safety lessons have likely contributed to less severe injuries or avoided fatalities in 16 crash cases reported at the targeted schools.

Public Awareness:  The Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union, Traffic Safety Committee, Sophie Paris Co. Ltd, and AIP Foundation met on September 23, 2012 for a "Youth and traffic culture" event that attracted more than 1,000 participants in District 1. Parents and children enjoyed live performances, bike road show, virtual traffic games, and talk show with celebrities and the authorities. 

On November 19, 2012 AIP Foundation commemorated the first observed World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in Vietnam. AIP Foundation President Greig Craft joined other well-known figures to share his experience for a documentary broadcast at the commemoration ceremony. AIP Foundation also printed 10,000 traffic safety booklets, which were distributed throughout Ho Chi Minh City by the Ho Chi Minh City Traffic Safety Committee, Youth Union, and Women's Association.

As part of a three-year Atlantic Philanthropies grant, AIP Foundation created the “Children also need a helmet” campaign to increase child helmet wearing rates throughout Vietnam, specifically targeting Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Hanoi. Partners in the campaign include the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), the Road and Page 13 of 15

Rail Traffic Police Department, the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), and the WHO. Key outputs of the project include workshops, billboards and posters, television commercials, a campaign website, facebook page, police enforcement activities, road safety information and helmet distribution booths, and research of Vietnam‟s child helmet usage and campaign‟s effectiveness AIP Foundation has achieved substantial progress on the campaign since the summer of 2012: o The four-month campaign of increased police enforcement of child helmet use in Ho Chi Minh City was co-launched in September 2012 with the World Health Organization, the national- and Ho Chi Minh City-level traffic safety committees, and the Ho Chi Minh City traffic police. Along with increasingly fining drivers with unhelmeted children, police also gave violators vouchers to exchange for free helmets at road safety informational booths. AIP Foundation mobilized media attention of the enforcement activities by commissioning television crews to produce a documentary about police patrols. o During the fall of 2012, 220 billboards matching the television commercial “When I Grow Up” were posted throughout target districts in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Hanoi. o Utilizing interviews with the families of those killed in motorcycle crashes, AIP Foundation produced a nearly five-minute documentary entitled “In Retrospect,” which aired on three stations nation-wide in December. o Stakeholders met in Ho Chi Minh City on August 14, 2012 and on December 20, 2012 to review campaign plans and progress. By the stakeholder workshop in December, a number of campaign results were reported: o 90 percent of parents had seen or heard advertising and messages promoting child helmet use and 78 percent of them recall the campaign‟s television commercial. o The belief that helmets negatively affect children decreased from 32 percent in 2010 to 9 percent in 2012. o Compared to pre-campaign surveys, child motorcycle helmet use increased substantially from 22 percent to 50 percent in Ho Chi Minh City, increased slightly from 9 percent to 11 percent in Hanoi, and decreased slightly from 27 percent to 22 percent in Da Nang. In the upcoming year, phase two of the “Children also need a helmet” campaign will include continued airing of the documentary and television commercial; additional promotion of the website and social media discussions; capacity building activities for policymakers and journalists; family day events; distribution of child helmet flyers, helmet vouchers, and helmet promotional items; informational sessions on child helmet use for parents; enforcement campaigns in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Hanoi; six small grant opportunities for local helmet initiatives; continued stakeholder meetings; and a post-evaluation following the completion of all activities. Technical Assistance:  International helmet expert and road safety specialist Dr. Terry Smith visited Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City from June 10 to 17 to monitor and advise Vietnamese helmet testing laboratories. Dr. Smith also consulted with the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) on ways and means to eliminate poor quality and fake helmets from the Vietnamese market. In 2000, Dr. Smith and AIP Foundation assisted the government with the development of the new national helmet standard (TVCN 5756) which formed the foundation for the development of Resolution 32, Vietnam's mandatory helmet law. 

Starting in January 2013, AIP Foundation began implementing a 24-month grant provided by the Road Safety in Ten Countries, or RS10, a program sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies, to provide training to journalists and policymakers on the laws and information surrounding child helmet usage in Vietnam. Journalists and policymakers are influential individuals within Vietnam. This project aims to increase their knowledge about the issues related to child helmet use and to provide them with technical training appropriate to address these issues within their profession. Out of this training will emerge a community of road-safety-trained professionals which AIP Foundation can encourage to continue to collaborate and share ideas. Furthermore, the training materials will remain available for re-use for participants, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and other journalists and policymakers.

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Road Crash and Victim Information System. (2012). 2011 Annual Report Road Crashes and Casualties in Cambodia. National Road Safety Committee, Kingdom of Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2 Zhao, S. (2009). Road traffic accidents in China. Dalian University of Technology. 3 Zhou, H. (September 2012). Changes in Traffic Safety Policies and Regulations in China (1950 – 2010). Presentation at the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences. Retrieved from 4 Zhao, J., Jow-Ching Tu, E., McMurray, C., & Sleigh, A. (2012). Rising mortality from injury in urban China: demographic burden, underlying causes and policy implications. World Health Organization 5 Zhao, H. 6 Afrique en Ligue (2012, November 1). President Kikwete regrets increased road crashes in Tanzania.. Retrieved from 7 Ministry of Infrastructure Development. (2009). National Road Safety Policy. The United Republic of Tanzania. Retrieved from 8 Ministry of Infrastructure Development. (2009). 9 Ministry of Infrastructure Development. (2009). 10 Thai Roads Foundation, 2011 11 Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, 2011 12 Ministry of Public Health, Road Safety Operation Center (2009). From United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. (2010). Status Paper on Road Safety. Retrieved from 13 Results of the Survey of Helmet Wearing Rates, Thai Roads Foundation, 2012 14 Thai Roads Foundation, 2011 15 Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2010). Statistical Abstract, Uganda Bureau of Statistics. 16 Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2010). Statistical Abstract, Uganda Bureau of Statistics. 17 Injury Control Center-Uganda (2007). Helmet use in commercial motorcyclists in Kampala: Prevalence, associated factors, and outcomes of motorcycle-related injuries. Kampala, Uganda. (Study funded by the World Health Organization). 18 Odero (2009) 19 The Injury Control Center – Uganda (ICCU), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) (2012). Evaluation report for the helmet use project among commercial boda boda operators in Kampala under the Uganda Helmet Vaccine Initiative (IUHVI). 20 Vietnam National Traffic Safety Committee, statistics accessed in 2013 21 AIP Foundation utilizes a 1:15 death to injury ratio. Various sources suggest that the official death figures may be understimated by up to 30 percent and injury figures by up to 90 percent. 22Nguyen, P.N., J. Passmore, and T.H. Nguyen. “Motorcycle Helmet Wearing in Children in Viet Nam – A Comparison of Pre and Post Law.” Injury Prevention 18.A195 (2012): pages unknown. Print. Helmet observations conducted at 16 randomly selected primary and secondary schools in 4 provinces saw helmet wearing rates decrease from 35.8 percent in 2009 (prelaw) to 31.1 percent in 2010 (post-law). 23 Vietnam National University. “Survey on Public Opinions on Child Helmet Use „Head Safe. Helmet On‟ Project.” (2011). Hanoi, Vietnam: AIP Foundation, 2011. Print. Helmet observations conducted at 9 school sites and 6 traffic intersection in Ho Chi Minh City, Danang, and Hanoi in late 2010 found an average child helmet wearing rate of 34.1 percent. 24 World Health Organization and Hanoi School of Public Health. “Study on Motorcycle Helmet Quality in Vietnam.” Conducted July – December 2011. 25 Vietnam News. (4 March 2012). “Motorbike helmet crackdown flagged.” Retrieved from <> 26 World Health Organization and Hanoi School of Public Health. “Study on Motorcycle Helmet Quality in Vietnam.” Conducted July – December 2011. 1

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