BRINGING ENERGY AND VIBRANCY INTO ECU’S NEW CITY CAMPUS PROJECT Located in Perth’s CBD, ECU City is the centrepiece of the Perth City Deal, a collaboration between the Australian Government, Western Australian Government, and City of Perth. The Perth City Deal is a $1.5 billion partnership to deliver economic stimulus, jobs and liveability outcomes for the Perth CBD.
ECU City will be centrally located in Perth’s CBD, interfacing with Yagan Square (Source: Edith Cowan University)
The new city campus will be the iconic built form stage for ECU’s wider whole of institution, multi-dimensional program of change called the University of the Future program. This five-year transformational agenda will challenge and redefine ECU’s ambition, positioning, delivery, and leadership role in Western Australia and the broader international higher education market. ECU sees this as a once in a generation confluence of vision, credentials, location, and ambition. The challenge for the project team at this early stage has been to connect the corporate, program and project visions to a workable scope that links economic, social, and technical sustainability themes.