newsletter B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y A i C S C P U B L I C R E L AT I O N S
+ Inaugural
Graduation The Charleston Music Hall
AiCSC Gallery Show
Tate Nation Sandy Logan
Chalk Walk
Students explore art at the second annual Piccolo Spoleto event
August 2010 The Art Institute of Charleston
What goes on at school, goes on
Like us! The Art Institute of Charleston
2  |  A i C S C N ews
Issue 03
MARKET ST. ACADEMY AIGA extends a moment to the community.
FEED THE NEED AiCSC feeds the Charleston’s homeless.
3 gourmet & grapes
DOLLHOUSE Fashion Retail Management students put on the first fashion show of AiCSC.
9 Cover image by Steven Blackmon
produced by Paige Crone, AiCSC Public Relations to contact e: Design & Development by Russ Bratcher, AiCSC Web Design & Interactive Media student. To contact e: © 2010 The Art Institute of Charleston, SC 24 N Market Street 29401
T h e Sanctu a ry \ K iawa h Isl an d April 30 - May 1, 2010
Gourmet & Grapes-Benefiting MUSC Holland’s Cancer Center 4 | A i C S C N ews
AIGA Club P roj e ct May 5, 2010
Meeting Street Academy 1156 King Street Sp r in g 2010 | 5
Ai Ma rk e t S t re e t C ampu s May 22, 2010
AiCSC Gallery Opening: Tate Nation & Sandy Logan
6 | A i C S C N ews
Crisis M inist ri e s June 7, 2010
Feed The Need Sp r in g 2010 | 7
Ai C S C M a r k et S tr e e t C ampu s June 10, 2010
Dine RightBenefiting the Lowcountry Food Bank Ai Faculty, Chef Nate Thurston, hosts an exam you can eat.
8 | A i C S C N ews
41 Ans on S t re e t June 11, 2010
Welcome to the DollhouseFashion Retail Management students rock the runway Sp r in g 2010   |  9
Br itt l e Bank Par k June 12, 2010
Second Annual Chalk WalkAn official Piccolo Spoleto Event
10 | A i C S C N ews
Charlest on Mu sic Ha l l June 19, 2010
AiCSC Inaugural Graduation Honorary speaker Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Sp r in g 2010 | 11
St. J o h n ’ s Ch ap e l June 23, 2010
The African American Family Center for Biblical Dialogue Benefiting “the little girls” of East Side Community Interior Design students redesign the kitchen at St. John’s Chapel for community outreach programs.
12 | A i C S C N ews