2 minute read
Participation/ Opinion
Government appointed Civil Servant has almost divine powers to impose
Government policy or more importantly personal agendas needs to stop. ● More accountability of DLRCC officials and elected councillors. People in power to be above reproach. ● Increase the presence via social media and be responsive. ● Public-realm space to be allocated transparently. ● Encourage responsibility by members of clubs and societies. ● Encourage accountability for grants awarded. ● That funding that is provided for works to be done is actually used to get work done. ● The Council continues to fully brief the community on its activities and its plans and continues to seek the opinions and views of all the community. ● People are aware how to engage with local authorities and they get responses even if it doesn't necessarily mean they're favourable. ● DL seems sluggish at times, so new PR is required. ● Communication with each and every member of your community, especially the marginalised. ● Consult the elderly especially and school children. ● Transparent open local and central government. ● Council drives responses to issues that are of real concern to people e.g. housing.
Participation/ Opinion
Non-political public open fora on topics such litter, nature and biodiversity, sustainability with participation from councillors and council officials should be held periodically.
Young People
● Young people will be more willing to participate in local politics if their housing needs are better addressed as they feel they're being forgotten about. ● Lower the voting age to 16. ● Promote student unions at secondary level to become more actively involved in politics at an early age and give more opportunities to do so. ● Talk to the schools, get the young people involved at an early age.
Actively seek opinions
● Listening is so important. For the council to really listen to the community's needs and to provide supports for events that benefit more people in the community. ● People's opinions are heard via social forums. Have an easy Facebook page for us to comment on things we see. Let's not wait until a child or elderly person is run over on the path by careless cyclists who are easy to spot from outside the church or EBS Dun Laoghaire. ● Local 'Town Hall' type of meetings, to discuss plans, exhibitions, possibility of being able to make submissions. ● Access to information and multiple ways of informing need to be applied. Perhaps