2 minute read


● Publicise female sports and directly support them and communicate sporting achievements. ● Make sure that wellbeing, disabilities and carers do not fall off the community table – drive change for this get the councillors engaged in changing the communities –positively influence change.


● Get various groups working with, from and to each other combined with the communications piece. ● Non-political public open fora on topics such litter, nature and biodiversity, sustainability with participation from councillors and council officials should be held periodically. ● When people are in crisis they need to be able to galvanise quickly and get their issues heard (and resolved) quickly.


● There is a lot of communication targeted at older people but not so much for the young. ● A lot of communication for older generations but less so for the young, it is not directed to them and does not reach them. ● Workshops and Consultations are really good for participation. ● Hard to find information on minority sports such as Basketball. ● The DLR County Council website is not very accessible for young people. ● Information is not accessible and needs to be more user friendly, clear and visual so people can access information quickly. ● Use property tax ID/ codes to validate that the people accessing consultation documents are actually living within the DLR area. ● Make it easier for people to find out who in the council is responsible for what. Eg phone numbers available for those responsible for sewage, tree felling etc. ● Communications within the council should be improved, whereby if someone makes an inquiry it is followed up and dealt with efficiently by the right people. ● Ensure that DLRCOCO communicates with businesses and local residents before implementing large projects at great expense. ● All residents need to feel heard and have a voice. ● Communication and participation from all. ● Improve governance in council. ● We believe that our councillors must be clearer - this really applies for the Development Plan. There must be proper engagement on new development plan. Doing it online because of pandemic reasons can never happen again. ● Transparency, clear, service user friendly language and processes. ● Ensure that there is less red tape in getting anything done could it be made more practical and workable. ● There needs to be Democracy in the area. The current situation where a

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