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Community Spirit
● Theatres (e.g. Pavillion) to be promoted. ● Supports for dance groups in both advertisement and funding.
● Activities should be subsidised for youth, as they cannot yet earn an income. Sometimes, participating in cultural events can be quite expensive. ● More opportunities for all to participate are needed. ● More financial support for people studying art subjects (music, art, acting etc.), which are expensive. ● Supports needed especially if people can’t afford attending cultural events. ● Earlier contact with the arts for children and youth. ● Have more culture and arts workshops in secondary school, encourage people with talents in secondary school.
Cultural Centre for the Arts
● Make the Lexicon a true cultural centre for the area. ● Library services are great, and could be made more into an art centre occasionally. ● By facilitating local arts groups through the provision of space where classes, exhibitions and concerts can be run. ● Cultural spaces for Music, Art, Drama, Dance and other cultural activities to be protected and retained and supported by Government and local Councils. ● A civic centre in each area.
Cultural and Arts Activities
● More activities during the day for a variety of ability levels. ● Events about education opportunities. ● Multicultural free gatherings. ● Keep things like Heritage Week going - they’re a great investment. ● DLR has done interesting cultural activities so more of that and again local and accessible, going out to communities as often as holding events that bring people in. Both are valid.
Community Spirit
● Could this be encouraged through parents/groups - Good values/respect/sense of belonging - culture should start in the home. ● Children's theatre could be a good way to start teaching about values etc. ● Community support. ● Respectful, inclusive, collaborative , decision-making at all stages. ● Respect for people of all ages and attributes, regard for the environment and local culture. ● Dun Laoghaire to be a safe and happy place for people to work & live. ● A community where people respect, enjoy and celebrate the culture of each of its members. Where a shared value of respect means that places, properties and public spaces can be all enjoyed together.