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a baby and two small children trying to bring home her/his weekly shop. Doing ordinary everyday business like going for Doctor/Hospital appointments, places of worship or simply to meet a friend is becoming more and more difficult for some people. Cycling has many benefits - apart from improving the environment there is a health benefit to being out in the open air and enjoying the freedom it can give to those who can cycle. I feel there has to be a balance whereby every sector of society is looked after. ● Better public transport connectivity-where there is connectivity between east and west of the County. ● Transport it is easier to travel longer distances rather than locally. ● Transport - public transport it can take longer to get public transport than walk, no direct transport. ● We need to have an accurate Bus app. Relying on public transport is stressful as you never know if/when they are coming. ● Increase the frequency of buses to all areas. Buses are highly concentrated on some routes, such as 46A but in Sandyford there are two buses which only come on the hour. ● Have the bus electronic timetable indicators over the bus stops on both sides of the road, not just one. ● Have electronic timetable indicators on all bus routes and stops.


● Just a thought - as cars are gotten rid of from our roads so also will the taxes/revenue which goes to public spending be diminished, perhaps there will come a time when bicycles will be taxed and insured - as at the moment if you are hit by a bicycle there is no comeback. ● Cycle Lanes and infrastructure is important. ● Extremely important to have these safe lanes for cyclists of all ages to move around the county and create a great coastal route. ● Cyclists should be involved in planning cycle lanes as some are dangerous. ● Joining up of cycle lanes is important - at the moment, they just stop suddenly and you have to go on to the road. ● Cycle lanes have added to congestion and the time it takes to travel locally (from asset section).


● In relation to trees in the suburbs - there are some housing estates where there are very large sycamore trees which are totally unsuitable for the places where they are planted. In one particular estate that I am thinking of the trees are approx 25 years old and during the summer months the road is completely dark at night as they block out the street light completely. This makes it a very lonely road for young people, or anyone to be walking after dark. These trees are taller than the houses, which means the roots are likely to go under foundations which could possibly cause difficulty going forward. ● Lighting, especially in parks, so young people can safely go for a run after dinner

such as 6pm/ after school. ● Public telephones would be handy to have if the phone dies so you can call someone, especially at night. ● Better street lighting so young people do not have to walk in the dark. ● Someone on duty at the dart station makes you feel safer. ● For young girls it can be scary at night being alone on the dart is not good, especially when buses are not reliable.

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