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seniorlife WITH JODY SANDERSON tour
Independent Senior Living in the Heart of Airdrie - All inclusive pricing - vAriety of suites AvAilAble - MicrowAves & cooktops in eAch unit - heAted underground pArking - pub nights, hAppy hours, pAint clAsses & More!
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Cash or gift cards, Grandma!”, the 13-year-old grandson emphatically assures me. “Same for me!”, says the 16-year-old. His brother chimes in, “Me too!” “ Sigh. Gone are the days of matching pyjamas, hoodies and Thomas the Tank Engines for the twins. Now any item of clothing remotely similar is totally disdained. They are as different as well, the music they listen to. Think Kurt Cobain vs. Dvorak. And I get it. Cash and gift cards make it easier to give them what they’d like for Christmas. But they make for a might boring looking tree on Christmas morning in my humble opinion.
But, for years I’ve had a secret weapon to make special occasion gifts a little more…well, unique. And I do it all year round.
You see, I am a thrifter. A proud, vigilant, thrifter - always on the lookout for those little extras.
Thrifting refers to act of shopping at a flea market, garage sale, a charitable non-profit event and, of course, thrift stores. The goal is to save money (I am a senior, after all!) and discover treasures that have been recycled, are vintage or created by someone else.
For example, when my daughter was about two, my mom got her a Walking Wendy doll from a garage sale. Manufactured in the fifties, in several different forms, my daughter renamed her Suzy. Suzy was as tall as she was, with curly hair and blue eyes that opened and closed. For years, they had tea parties and Better hearing. ‘sleepovers’ together. I have no idea what happened to her over the Now, effortless. ensuing almost forty years. But the pictures of her with her doll always brings back fond memories. Life should be heard in the most authentic
Last year, while perusing through a Salvation and enjoyable ways, and with today’s best and enjoyable ways, and with today’s best Army store, I happened upon the exact same hearing aids you’ll never miss the hearing aids you’ll never miss the doll, with the exact same outfit, in mint shape, for moments that matter most. moments that matter most. a mere fraction of what anything similar went for on eBay. I was over the moon. When the exact moment arrived, the absolute joy on my grown Start Your Journey To Better Hearing! New look on the outside, daughter’s face was infectious. I’m not sure her kids thought she was crazy but most likely. same superior service on LIMITED TIME OFFER
That was in Calgary. I’ve since discovered the the inside. Airdrie Community Thrift store, run by Rebecca Powers. It’s a non-for-profit boutique, supporting As Airdrie’s only locally $500 OFF a set of Starkey’s NEW several charities across the city, which makes it owned and operated hearing Evolv AI hearing aids even more special. It’s become my own little fa- solutions clinic, we are always Expires: July 15, 2022 vourite emporium of discovery. welcoming new patients. Exclusions apply. See store for details.
And while, yes, there will be the obligatory gift cards, there will also be those magical finds that make Christmas fun, and memory making. 103 – 44 Gateway Drive, Airdrie 103 - 44 Gateway Dr NE, Airdrie And it’s that simple, joyful pleasure, in the midst of guaranteed chaos and stress, that reminds me (403)980-4327 403-980-4327 again, this special time of year is about giving… superiorhearingsolutions.com superiorhearingsolutions.com time, resources and love! life