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Emirates - Instagram Endorsement Paris Hilton

Emirates - Instagram Endorsement Paris Hilton

3.5 million people looked at photos of Emirates’ First Class in mid-December thanks to Paris Hilton.


Paris has made a habit of documenting her travels via Instagram , posing in her First Class seats when she flies commercial or next to the plane when flying private.

Jetting through Miami, Dubai, India, and Los Angeles to play DJ gigs and make appearances in support of her fashion and fragrance lines during the first half of December, Hilton alleviated her in-flight boredom by planning her next photo op. Five times over the course of these travels she posted Instagram photos of herself enjoying the comfort of Emirates’ First Class, and she is quickly becoming a champion for the airline, whether official or not.

These images (one , two , three , four ) and one video were immediately shared with her legion of followers, and average over 40,000 “likes” each.

Considering a single tweet of hers praising the airline in 2009 (to only 200,000 followers at the time) was valued at USD1.5 million by brand specialists five years ago, we shudder to think of a possible valuation for her recent Instagrams.

Following the initial glowing tweet—”this Airline is amazing” with a photo of the Emirates logo—in 2009, Dubai-based publication ArabianBusiness actually contacted Emirates for comment and to see if this was an official endorsement. The response was that the airline was happy Hilton liked their product, but they “did not have a business relationship with Hilton nor had [Emirates] paid her any endorsement fee.”

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