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Virgin Atlantic and Delta-The Prodigal Brother


In 2013, Delta acquired half (49%) of UK airline Virgin Atlantic. According to Virgin, the result is “an airline partnership that truly redefines transatlantic travel”, with the two airlines being ‘co-located’ at major airports such as LHR, JFK and LAX.


Virgin and Delta are now promoting the partnership through a marketing campaign called ‘Together we make togetherness.’ The first effort was a Christmas themed TV ad produced by US ad agency Figliulo & Partners (F&P), called “The Prodigal Brother.”

In the TV spot, which ran in the US and UK until 25 December, a man flies from the US to London where he bursts in unannounced on his brother and his family.

He proceeds to give the three children identical red scarves as a Christmas present after which he spins a tale about yaks, the Andes and a wise man called Socrates as a way of apologising to his brother for once ruining his wedding. As well as admitting that he is only there because he got dumped by his girlfriend in the US.

“We wanted to convey to our shared customers the benefits of flying with Virgin and Delta,” explains Virgin Atlantic Chief Marketing Officer Claire Cronin.

“We’re super proud of our shared commitment to our partners and we asked Figliulo & Partners to come up with a vehicle to help convey that. The thing that came out loud and clear, was that we’re really about connecting with family and friends over the holiday period. They wanted to show our two brands bring people together.”

The ad was directed by Tim Godsall, who has overseen ads for Southern Comfort, Hyundai, Old Spice and Ikea - to name a few.

According to Virgin Atlantic’s Claire Cronin, The Prodigal Brother is the start of a wider marketing collaboration between the two airlines, which will see quarterly campaigns being produced in 2018.

As the lead creative agency, F&P was chosen not only on the quality of its work, but because it has a significant client base in Atlanta, where Delta is of course based. At the same time, the Virgin Atlantic USA marketing team now sits with the Delta team, and there is regular ‘ideas sharing’ between the two brands, which for example has led to Delta introducing complimentary Prosecco on its flights.

While the two airlines used a US ad agency, the backdrop to the ad is the UK, for the reason that Delta is trying to increase awareness in the UK market.


A ‘two coming together’ marketing campaign isn‘t easy to get right. For example, the initial Virgin America / Alaska Airlines campaign “Different Works” arguably felt forced, and indeed Alaska Airlines of course ended up deciding to shut Virgin America down as a brand.

However, to us this works because it seems natural.

It doesn’t seek to ram commercial or sales messages down viewers’ throats. Instead, a watchable, funny and very human story makes the point of “togetherness.” It also manages to cross the US / UK cultural divide - it manages to be heart warming rather than “schmaltzy.’ You don’t feel that either brand has lost anything, and any of its personality via this collaboration.

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