AMM - August 2022

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1 | AMM - August 2022 Aviation Marketing AMMMonthly August 2022 Issue 89AIRLINE MARKETING MONTHLY The Delta Summer Wall Airline Safety Video round-up Airlines and migrant deportations July 2018 Airlines, airports and the Metaverse Sustainability news - what are airlines doing?

2 | AMM - August 2022 AVIATION MARKETING MONTHLY - AUGUST 2022 Table of Contents : AVIATION MARKETING MONTHLY Produced by Simplivisible, on behalf of SimpliFlying Simplivisible Ltd, 27 Old Gloucester St, WC1N 3AX SimpliFlying Pte, 152 Haig Road, #13-04, 438791, Singapore, Editor - Dirk Singer, TheIntroductionUrbanAir Mobility Powerlist Special feature - Airlines, airports and the Metaverse Sustainability news Sustainability in the Air - Special Farnborough episodes ITA Airways - Sustainability Manifesto ATR Farnborough announcements Lufthansa Group green fares Loganair’s Island Pledge Brisbane Airport - Net Zero by 2025 ATAG #FlyNetZero Air New Zealand - Flight NZ0 Etihad and Junk Kouture Akasa Air - Sustainable Uniforms Aviation marketing campaigns Brussels Airline Safety Video American Airlines - Stand up to Cancer Air Asia - Missing Moments Delta - Braves World Champions easyJet - Helping Hands Emirates - Rugby World Cup Flair - Shot from the Dot London Gatwick Airport - Explore like never before Qatar Airways - World Cup Packages Saudia - Take your Seat Singapore Airlines - National Day Video Vietnam Airlines - “Hurry Up” Wizz Air - Let’s get lost 2 | AMM - August 2022

Dirk Singer Editor, AMM / Research Director, SimpliFlying AMM is produced by the Flying Rabbit LP on behalf of SimpliFlying. See past issues at


WelcometotheAugustissueofAMM. Thismonthwe’ve donethingsalittledifferently. Ratherthanaspecificairlineorairportcampaign,we’veledwithatopicthat’sfrontof mindinalotofmarketingdepartments,theMetaverse. Someairlines,likeQatarAirways andVuelinghavealreadystarted todiptheirtoesinto it,andit’salmostcertainthatmore will Ourfollow.guidegivesanintroductiontowhattheMetaverseis,looksatthemajorplatforms (manyofwhich haveusernumberswhichdon’tjustifythehype),andthenendswitha seriesofrecommendationsforaviationmarketers. ThatincludeslookingattheMetaverseasalongtermplay. Aswesayinourguide,Mark Zuckerberghimselfdoesn’texpectMeta’sMetaverseto beprofitableforanotherfive We’veyears.thendevotedmuchoftheissuetosustainabilityinitiatives. Goingforward,thisisnowoneofthecoretopicsofAMM,especiallyasaviation sustainabilityrepresentsasmuchacommunicationschallengeasitdoesatechnicalor scientificone. Aswellasreadingaboutsomeofthecampaigns,besuretolistentothe Sustainability in the Air podcast, whereSimpliFlyingCEOShashankNigamtalkedtoaseriesofindustry leaders about the road to 2050 and net zero. Areyouworkingonanyairlineorairportmarketingcampaigns? Letusknow,andwe mightcoveritinthenextissue.Email-

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But in the firstdecade (2025-2035) of urban air mobility, eVTOLs are unlikely to replace Uber or the school bus for a range of reasons from pilot training (most eVTOL companies are starting with piloted models), to the fact that routes will be quite tightly defined, especially in urban areas.

The original show creators imagined George Jetson to be born on 31 July 2022, something which sent Twitter into a frenzy. Perhaps when”George” is 40 in 2062 there will indeed be so called flying ars taking his kids’ to school.

Having said that we do see use cases for eVTOLs. These encompass some of the things currently done by private jets, charter helicopters and cargo drones.

The message is that eVTOLs or ‘air taxis’ will soon be replacing your school bus or car commute to work.


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The cartoon series ‘The Jetsons’ comes to mind, where the characters flyaround in an air car. In fact, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard the Jetsons being invoked in eVTOL media coverage.

The video above comes from Supernal, Hyundai’s urban air mobility company. It’s well produced, professional, funny - and easy to understand.

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As a result, we’ve put together a report looking at the firstdecade of the UAM space. How are we likely to see eVTOLs being used, and in what capacity? Out of the hundreds of companies, which do we think will make it through with commercial passenger-ready aircraft this decade? We’ve chosen eight, which we call our UAM power-list. They are Archer Aviation. BETA Technologies, Eve Air Mobility, Joby Aviation, Supernal, Vertical Aerospace, Volocopter and ReadWisk.more about them, why we chose them, and about our predictions by downloading the report for free

Think airport transfers for premium passengers,charters for company CEOs, and transport for sports stars and celebrities - more Kardashians than Jetsons.

And while 200+ urban air mobility companies have received VC funding, the number who will make it through to commercial flightswill be in single figures. As (Boeing backed) Wisk CEO Gary Gysin noted at the Farnborough Air Show, bringing a new aircraft like this to market requires $2 billion.

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Introduction In 2007 I made one of the less successful decisions of my career in the PR and advertising world. I paid someone to landscape and design an island in the virtual world “Second Life” for $5000 on behalf of my agency. The idea was that we’d use it for virtual conferences, to interview job applicants and as a showcase for work. At the same time, we published a guide to driving in Second Life on behalf of a clienta car brand. It never worked out that way, and the money was wasted. The background to all this was Second Life being talked up to be as big as Facebook. In 2007, analyst group Gartnerwas predicting a 50-60 million virtual world population by 2011. And so, brands started piling in, from Mercedes to American Apparel.

Airlines and the Metaverse Special Feature

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They soon left again, discovering that the numbers didn’t stack up (Second Life is still around with c. 700k engaged monthly users), and that most importantly - the residents of these virtual worlds didn’t actually want to buy their virtual goods. I mention this as the hype and publicity about the ‘metaverse’ has echoes of those days 15 years ago. In fact, here we have Gartner, telling us how “25% of People Will Spend At Least One Hour Per Day in the Metaverse by 2026.”

Thanks as well to Mark Zuckerberg putting time, money, energy and prestige behind Metaverse projects (with his company now called Meta), brands again have this on their Thatradar.includes airlines. Qatar Airways claims to have the first metahuman flight attendant” in its “QVerse”, while Vueling wants to become the first airline to sell in the InMetaverse.thisspecial feature, we’ll try and give you a brief understanding of what it is, what the main platforms and virtual worlds are today, how airlines and airports are using it now, and our recommendations for what you should do.

The Metaverse is an online environment where you have a virtual existence and can interact, communicate and often create in real time. That existence is through a virtual representation of yourself, often an avatar. Though AR and VR are increasingly part of the Metaverse, this is more than the AR demonstration sites airlines have been building to (e.g.) showcase their latest cab in. For example, this is the virtual reality experience KLM built around their 787 in The2019.key is having a platform, some kind of immersion, and the ability to exist and in teract. The key platforms and virtual worlds There are a number of virtual worlds and platforms in existence. We’ve mentioned Second Life, which has been around since Brands2004. floced into Second Life around 2006-2009 and left again when they dis covered that the residents didn’t want to buy their virtual goods, and that it wasn’t actually attracting tens of millions of con Nevertheless,sumers. in 2015, the makers of Second Life, Linden Labs, claimed that the world’s $500 million economy of virtual currency and goods, gave it a higher GDP than some small countries (one example given was the island nation of Tonga). The virtual worlds that have been in the news the most over the past year, the Sec ond Lifes of today if you like, are Decentraland and Sandbox. Each has attracted brand interest. What’s the Metaverse?

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Heineken for example launched its virtual beer, ‘Heineken Silver’ in Decentraland, and media group Vice has built a headquarters there, called “Viceverse.”

Finally, there are the virtual worlds and environments aimed at kids. This includes Fort nite, Minecraft and Roblox.

Morten Grubak, global executive creative director of innovation at Vice Media’s creative agency Virtue Futures, told design magazine Dezeen that Viceverse is an “experimental Viceplayground”.andHeineken are not alone, other brands that are in Decentraland include Sam sung, which has a ‘Metaverse store’, Sotheby’s, which has a virtual gallery, while 60 brands apparently took part in ‘Metaverse Fashion Week’ in the Spring. Meanwhile, Sandbox is a 3D platform built on Ethereum. Users exchange crypto for vir tual plots of land, and can trade NFTs.

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Sandbox has attracted more entertainment celebrities and brands. This includes The Smurfs, Atari and Snoop Dogg. Other platforms include ‘Next Earth’, which allows you to buy land that corresponds to real land on earth, VR Chat, a virtual game and world designed for use with VR headsets, which has seen some success and Upland. Like Next Earth, Upland is a blockchain-based game in which users can buy, sell, and trade virtual properties mapped to the real world.

Meta has commissioned a short video series called “Are we there yet?”

Having spent $10 billion on Metaverse projects in 2021, Zuckerberg told share holders that it will lose money for fie years, with some projects not realisable for 10-15 years. Mark Zuckerberg is of course not the only one putting a long term bet on the DubaiMetaverse. will be hosting a “Metaverse Assem bly” at the Museum of the Future in late September, while the Emirate is banking that Metaverse related industries will add 40,000 jobs and $4 billion to the economy in fie years. What is Mark Zuckerberg doing?

The newly branded ‘Meta’ is placing a big bet on the MetaMetaverse.boss Zuckerberg told CNBC in June, that he hoped to see: “Around a billion people in the metaverse doing hun dreds of dollars of com merce, each buying digi tal goods, digital content, different things to express themselves, so wheth er that’s clothing for their avatar or different digital goods for their virtual home or things to decorate their virtual conference room, utilities to be able to be more productive in virtual and augmented reality and across the metaverse over Recently,all.”

Fronted by American singer and TV person ality Keke Palmer, Meta’s series tries to in troduce the Metaverse to wider audiences. In the first episode for example, “Meta’sVishal Shah and Keke Palmer discuss how the metaverse brings people together like never before. From virtual comedy clubs to karaoke bars, there are so many worlds to explore.” Zuckerberg clearly sees this as a long play and one that will not make any money in the medium term.

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11 | AMM - August 2022 Airlines and the Metaverse Qatar Airways

Other than choosing your cabin of travel, there isn’t much choice or interactivity, so it would be a stretch to call this a real Metaverse experience, but Qatar Airways did get a fair amount of media coverage from the announcement.

The idea is you can virtually check into a flight and look around Having gone through it, it’s not a million miles away from the AR / VR cabin crew tours KLM used to do, with the added feature of a virtual cabin attendant with pre prepared lines.

The mosthighprofileexample of an airline makinginroadsinto the Metaverseis probably Qatar Airways. In April, Qatar Airways launched its “QVerse”featuringSama,the firstso-called 'Metahuman' “flightattendant.


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The interestingthing about this announcement is that it appears to be a sustainability play. According to the press release from Next “TheEarth:strategic alliance, which also includes Vueling Airlines, will collaborate in the de velopment of tools and services enabling “Next Earthians” to plan real-Earth journeys, track carbon emissions and book “carbon positive” transportation via the Metaverse and Iomob’s companion app.” There are not any more details of how this partnership will work, but our assumption is that Next Earth users will be able to book travel tickets, with Vueling being the first partner, and to have some kind of mech anism where they are shown their carbon footprint, with a carbon offset option.

Emirates In line with its home of Dubai setting itself up as a Metaverse centre, Emirates has an nounced a move into both NFTs and the Metaverse - there are no details as yet as to what this will involve. Istanbul Airport In the July issue, we covered the new Is tanbul Airport’s work on the kid-centred platform of Roblox, around World Autism Awareness Day. Workshops were hosted for children with autism. They were asked to paint pictures, which were then used in an exhibition at the However,airport.the kids’ artwork was also upload ed to digital AR platforms. Airport visitors could then use AR technology to bring the kids’ to Anotherlife.part of the programme was to turn artworks into NFTs, with the money raised used in support of Turkish Autism founda Finally,tions. İGA worked with Turkish ad net work Tooplay and Anzu to bring the art works into the metaverse gaming plat form Roblox.

A potentially more interesting project is one involving LCC Vueling.

Next Earth, a Metaverse platform which allows users to buy and sell virtual land mapped on earth, is creating what it calls “the world’s firstmobility marketplace net work and token” in a partnership with tech nology company Limitless, and mobile app / web developer Lomob

However, the key stat is that 67% of users are under16, so therearetensof millions of kidsworldwide whoareusedto interacting in a virtual environment. Do the numbers add up?

As mentioned in the introduction, in the earlier ‘Metaverse’ in Second Life, large numbers were thrown around, which ended up being a fantasy. A regular community of over half a million spending real money in -world is significant, but it doesn’t add up to the hundreds of millions of users that were originally talked about, which made brands establisha presence. Right now, we can see much of the same hype/reality disconnect around Decentraland and Sandbox, the two platforms that are attracting a lot of commercial interest. One of the most influential journalists in this space is Wagner James Au, who wrote a book on Second Life, and is now writing one on the Metaverse. Inhis‘NewWorldNotes’bloginAugust,Au reported that “Sandbox & Decentraland Have Huge User Loss- Blockchain Metaverse Platforms Fall Below 1000 Weekly Active Users!”

According to Au, “I cannot emphasize enough how small these usage numbers are. For instance, VRChat and metaverse grandaddy Second Life each typically have peak daily concurrent users of 30,000+. (And often much more than that.).”

However, Au did say in a subsequent post that Upland was seeing good levels of engagement. Though still relatively modest, Au said that the platform had almost 300k NFT owners. If we are looking at numbers, probably the biggest success stories are the kids’ focused games and worlds - Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox. Despite the clunky graphics, Roblox in particularhaschalkedupsomeimpressive numbers,with202millionactiveusers last year, more than Minecraft (180 million).

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1 - Don’t assume you are relevant Talking to the Atlantic, Wag ner James Au said the fol lowing: “There’s the constant sto ries of, So-and-so compa ny created a store in the “Thismetaverse!happened a lot be tween 2006 and 2008— you had Intel, IBM, Amer ican Apparel, Nissan, and NBC who all created spac es in Second Life. “Brands made mistakes then and they’re making Our advice to Aviation Marketers them now. The first was that, in 2008, Second Life’s user base was not big enough to really support that type of effort.

In other words, simply using the Metaverseas a virtual representationof your airline or airport and nothing else, probably won’t work.

14 | AMM - August 2022 So bearing all this in mind, if you are an airport or airline marketer, what should you be doing:

2 - Be aware that the Metaverse has a less salubrious side Virtual worlds mirror real life, you do get a less savoury side, with usersengagingin activitiesthat brands obviouslydon’t want to be associated with. That includes virtualsex, and harassment.

“Second, these brands are assuming that they are relevant in a virtual-world context. “Remember, this is a world where you can fly and instantiate things from nothingness. Nissan or IBM opening a store there isn’t very exciting. And so you have tens of millions of dollars being spent on these headquarters and a dozen people walk around them, get bored, and leave.”

This is probably why Meta, which has stringent nudity rules on Instagram and Facebook, is taking such tight control of its projects.

Each of these virtual worlds and platforms has a community, it even has influeners. Just as you do in real world marketing, why not work with these influeners, rather than just bring your concept onto the platform ‘cold.’

Roblox for example, despite (or perhaps because) of its impressive user numbers has faced accusations of exploitation of children who create virtual goods, and sexual harass Virtualment.

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3 - Work with the community One of the most impressive Metaverse airline / airport concepts we’ve seen is the one done by Istanbul Grand Airport with Roblox around World Autism Day, as it worked with existing Roblox users.

Zuckerberg is investing heavily in this space, but he doesn’t expect to see any kind of return in the next fie years - that’s how you should view it too.

It’s absolutely possible to do fun, innovative work in the Metaverse, but for now at least, it’s not a platform for sales or commercial success.

The running joke of course with Meta’s Metaverse concepts is that the users have no legs (but yet can buy virtual sneakers!)

However one day it probably will be, and it makes sense to be prepared for that day.

Worlds and the Metaverse are a good example of cyber disinhibition. People sometimes feel bolder in acting in ways that they never would in real life - sometimes those actions take on a darker side.

4 - Treat this as a long term play It’s fine o experiment. It might even be smart to do so, given the amount of investment going into the Metaverse. But you shouldn’t treat this as a regular marketing channel, if you expect the same $ for $ returns, you will be disappointed, as the numbers (outside of kids’ worlds) just don’t add Markup.


Speaking with top aviation executives at Farnborough airshow, I experienced firsthand how everyone is racing towards green travel, from the behemoths to the newbies.


Some say we’re dreaming about getting to #netzero in aviation. But we’ve been dreaming since the Wright brother’s first flight

From SimpliFlying CEO Shashank Nigam:

Here’s why I’m full of hope about a sustainable future for aviation.

For the first time, I sw the entire industry uniting behind a single cause - that of a sustainable future.

To hear what some of the most important players are doing in rebuilding trust in travel through sustainability initiatives, listen to the Sustainability In The Air podcast.

presented manifesto was put together in a collaboration with Italian illustrator Emiliano Ponzi. The images and manifesto try to convey the idea of touching the sky and that we are all under the same sky.

The different sections include decarbonisation, emissions offsets, introducing a ‘green value chain’ and diversity, inclusion and growth.


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ITA Airways has also signed an MOU with Airbus, regarding collaboration in the fieldof Urban Air Mobility (UAM) in Italy.

ITA Airways says it will cooperate with Airbus to develop the ecosystem around the launch of the CityAirbus NextGen electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft.

The 2022 FarnboroughAir Show saw Alitalia successor ITA Airways launch its sustainability manifesto Taking place in the Airbus pavilion, the press conference was chaired by Fabio Lazzerini, CEO of ITA Airways, and Pierluigi di Palma, President of ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation

Innovative aerodynamicsandahigh-efficiency Rolls Royce aircraft engine (the Trent XWB) optimise range and payload for the benefit of efficiency. Thanks to the new aircraft, ITA Airways will benefit from a reduction of more than 25% in fuel consumption and CO2 emissionsperpassenger. Beautiful design, light on detail And that really seemed to be the core of the airline’s sustainability strategy - new planes that are more fuel efficient.

Leaving aside the question of whether the airline or the passenger should be responsible for offsetting, that statement has no detail on how ITA Airways intends to do so.

ITA Airways says that the A350 is lighter, quieter and more efficientthan the previous generation aircraft.

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The new Airbus, named after Italian footballer Enzo Bearzot includes new interiors designed by Walter De Silvia. According to ITA this combines “elegance and sustainability.”

What is missing in the six page manifesto is detail. There were lots of nice sounding phraseslike “Wewill proactively encourage customers and partners to participate in emission offsetting programmes.”

Key take-out As mentioned,the designand presentation of the six page manifesto is beautiful. However in 2022, at a time when airlines such as KLM are being taken to court by climatechangeactivistsandbeingaccused of ‘greenwashing’, this lack of detail is no longer credible. Any manifestolike this needs to be backed by more information on how the airline intends to do this, and ideally by a list of measurable targets at the end.

The conference was also used to showcase the airline’s latest A350, which was parked outsidetheAirbuspavilionatFarnborough.

ATR’s entire customer base will soon be able to flyits fleetof regional turboprops with 100% SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) at no extra cost – except of course for the fuel Thisitself.was a commitment made by ATR CEO Stefano Bortoli when speaking at the Farnborough International Air Show in a presentation full of sustainability messaging.

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ATR recently completed the firstever commercial flightever where both engines of an aircraft had 100% SAF. Bortoli emphasised that the aircraft used had been flyingwith normal jet fuel the day before and that the pilots on board deemed the flightto be ‘uneventful’ – exactly as it should be.

ATR’s turboprops are certifiedto carry 50% SAF, and the goal is for “the same aircraft, with no changes, to be able to fly 100% y 2025.”

Overall the ATR presentation was impressive in the way that it tied together sustainability targets alongside messaging emphasising the importance aviation (in this case regional aviation) has in society as a whole. As we said in the July issue of AMM Magazine (free download here), the industry needs to run ‘aviation is a force for good’ and ‘here is what we are doing to reach net zero’ messaging in tandem, given that climate change activists are increasingly using the narrative that air travel involves a global elite burning greenhouse gases at the expense of the majority. And so ATR presented figuresemphasising the positive impact regional aviation has on local societies and economies.

Right now


ATR Says That A 10% Increase In Regional Flights Into An Area Leads To A 5% Increase In Tourism, A 6% Increase In Local GDP And An 8% Increase In Foreign Direct Investment. ATR has been using similar messaging for a while. In early 2020, we highlighted ATR’s “into life” campaign and micro-site / blog. One of the stories on the site featured Siargao, a remote island in the Philippines, where the economy and living standards were improved thanks to a regular service with ATR aircraft (from Cebu Pacific) In fact, Stefano Bortoli emphasised the fact that 34% of airports worldwide rely exclusively on turboprops. Meanwhile, Fabrice Vautier (SVP Commer cial) showed a slide claiming that a switch from regional jets to turboprops would save the equivalent of a forest the size of the Balearic Islands – even without SAF. Next in the sustainability pipeline is the ATR EVO (see top image). ATR plans for this aircraft to have advanced design fea tures and a new powerplant with hybrid ATRcapability.saysit will incorporate a new eco-de sign that includes new propellers and en hanced cabin and systems, it will remain a two-engine turboprop that can be powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

A decision on whether to put this next generation aircraft into production will be made next year, after feasibility studies have been completed. The ATR press conference finishedwith an announcement that leasing company Abelo had agreed to buy 10 x ATR72-600 and 10 ATR 42-600 aircraft.

According to Stefano Bortoli, “This will be another step towards flyingmore respon sibly, it will be paving the way for a decar bonised future for regional aviation.”

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Now the Lufthansa Group airlines have gone one step further by offering so-called green fares from Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark and Norway). By doing so, the Lufthansa Group says that it is the firstinternational aviation group to offer its customers a separate ‘green fare’ for CO2-neutral flying with AF.

A press release from Brussels Airlines explains how this will workWhen booking Lufthansa Group airline flightsfrom Scandinavia, the Green Fare is now (Image from Lufthansa Group)


Many airlines now have voluntary carbon offsetting schemes, where passengers are encouraged to pay X amount (depending on class travelled and distance) to offset their Ifflightsyoulook at the example of Compensaid, one of the offsetting schemes the Lufthansagroup supports, you are presented with a sliding scale when offsetting your flight

You can offset a certain % by buying Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), and the rest by choosing offset programmes, generally renewable energy and reforestation projects. The higher the % you allocate towards SAF, the faster you offset your flightbut the more expensive the cost. fare uses the split of 80% carbon offset projects and 20% SAF. As an incentive, the Green fare also includes additional status miles and free rebooking options.Brussels Airlines says that it has already had success in encouraging passengers to voluntarily offset their flights.

A May press release says that the airline had seen a preliminary conversion rate of nearly 7%, above its initial target of 5%. The Lufthansa Group as a whole has a goal of halving net carbon emissions by 2030 compared to 2019 and flying CO2-neutral by 2050. This involves accelerated fleet modernisation, the continuous optimization of flight operations and the use of sustainable aviation fuels.

23 | AMM - August 2022 displayed alongside the familiar fares (Light, Classic, Flex) as an additional fare option in the online booking screen directly after the flight selection The new offer is available in both Economy Class and Business Class for flightswithin Europe. In addition, starting in September, B2B travel partners in Scandinavia will also be able to take advantage of this new option. The test phase will last approximately six

The SAF announcement has already drawn scepticism from climate change activists. Stay Grounded - which as the name suggests, wants a large reduction in air traveltweeted out: “With such an annual flight volume from 2024-2030, the 1.8 tons of SAF that Lufthansa will (perhaps) be supplied with by Shell would cover only 2.5% of its fuel demand.”

MOU, for now this is non-binding. However a Lufthansa press release has said, “the parties intend to agree on a contract.”

Our take-out Actually, 2.5% is a good start, though this will need to be increased rapidly. This comes as the ICCT (International Council on Clean Transportation) says Net Zero is possible - at a cost. According to the ICCT- “In the most ambitious (Breakthrough) scenario….aviation CO2 is cut by more than 90% below 2019 levels in 2050; cumulative emissions are

At the same time as unveiling the green fares from Scandinavia, Lufthansa signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Shell, for the energy giant to supply Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in a volume of up to 1.8 million metric tons for the years As2024-2030.thisisan

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Shell and Lufthansa sign SAF agreement


However, even if 7% are voluntarily offsetting their flights,that means 93% of passengers are not doing so. Or, even in the most optimistic scenario and in the most climate aware region of the world (Western / Northern Europe), less than 1 in 12 journeys are being offset.

included a figurein its Q4 2019 results, about how passengers felt more positively about the airline once they were aware of carbon offsetting, with an 11% increase in customers saying they will choose easyJet the next time they fl.

Eleven percent is a signifiant number, and that 11% will tell friends and family about their experience. This comes as the most recent Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Study (conducted among 40,000 consumers worldwide) shows that word of mouth continues to be the most powerful form of ‘advertising.’ (Read our report on how sustainability can build airline brands)

And turning to voluntary carbon offsetting, the 7% uptake claimed by Brussels Airlines in May is impressive, given that the industry average is closer to 1%.

25 | AMM - August 2022 with the 1.75ºC pathway under which aviation doesn’t increase its share of a global carbon budget. SAFs account for the largest share of CO2 reduction potential, varying between 59% and 64% across scenarios.”

(Listen to the Sustainability in the Air episode where SimpliFying CEO Shashank Nigam interviews ICCT Program Director Dan Rutherford).

We also doubt the wisdom of giving passengers a sliding scale with wildly varying prices when it comes to offsetting (depending on how much SAF is used). That’s why there is some credence to the argument that airlines should automatically offset flights on behalf f passengers. This is being done by JetBlue and easyJet among others. In its recent sustainability initiatives, SAUDIA similarly offset (to a factor of 190%) all journeys on a series of flight from SAUDIA Arabia to Europe. As reported by Simple Flying last year, easyJet’s Sophie Dekker was clear - “We think it’s our responsibility as a major airline to compensate for the carbon that we’re generating. And we think it’s the cost of doing business nowadays.”

And in fact, easyJet has seen clear business benefitsthanks to its automatic offsetting easyJetpolicy.


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“Thedestinations.pledgeurges travellers to avoid using plastic bottles, keep gates closed, support local food and drink businesses, respect heritage and archaeological sites and be sensitive to wildlife, floa and fauna.”

One airline that is also doing so is UK / Scottish regional airline Loganair, which serves many of the Scottish islands. To promote its island network, Loganair has launched a ‘Love Islands’ promotion, where you fillin a few questions and then you are matched with an island. By entering you are also entered into a draw to win an island holiday. My match for example was Islay, a centre of the Scottish Whiskey scene, and I was presented with flight options from Glasgow on 1 September for £105 one way. However, as well as encouraging tourists to visit the islands, Loganair is asking them to sign an ‘island pledge.’ This is a ten point programme, where visitors commit to doing everything from using local businesses where possible, to (of course) taking and correctly disposing of rubbish at all times. According to Loganair, “As part of the pledge, targeted communications will be sent to Loganair customers who are due to travel inbound to any of its island

“It was developed by the airline with guidance from island destination marketing organisations, including Promote Shetland, Destination Orkney and Outer Hebrides Tourism, to better understand the specificchallenges posed by visitors.”

Earlier in this issue, we talked about how ATR is running ‘aviation is a force for good’ and sustainability messaging in tandem, and doing it well.

Secondly, Loganair takes a holistic approach towards sustainability. While aviation contributes 2-3% of global emissions, tourism’s share is 8%. So, what happens when a passenger leaves your aircraft? No, it’s not your responsibility as an airline, but it is a better message if you recognise it. It shifts the focus from sustainable aviation to sustainable tourism.. It puts carbon emissions in a wider context and also shows how you work with the communities you serve.

Loganair also matches other airlines like easyJet in automatically offsetting carbon emissions. This takes the form of a £1 charge on a passenger ticket, a very low amount though many of Loganair’s routes are short and on more fuel efficient TR turboprops.

Finally, Loganair is working with hydrogen-electric aircraft engine manufacturer ZeroAvia on tests on flights o the Orkney Islands. Key takeaway There’s a lot about this campaign that we like, but to highlight two key areas.

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First of all, as mentioned sustainability and ‘aviation benefitscommunities’ messaging is being run together.

Loganair has linked the whole campaign to its wider ‘Green Skies’ initiative, where it plans to become carbon neutral by 2040, one of the more ambitious targets and a decade before IATA’s 2050 date, which most airlines are keeping to.

The 2032 games have a goal of being ‘climate positive’, and obviously BNE will have a big part to play in that.

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As a result, BNE announced that it is moving its goal of being carbon neutral up from 2050, to 2025, so in three years from now.

As a result, the airport will be moving to renewable energy and electric vehicles as part of its ground fleet


However, it is also looking at Scope 3 emissions, by promoting Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), to 10% use by 2030.

The Queensland city of Brisbane will be much more in focus over the next decade, thanks to it being the host city for the 2032 Olympics

The 2025 target of course includes scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, so emissions directly used and generated by the airport as part of operations, and not scope 3, which looks at the carbon footprint of the supply chain and partners (of course airlines).


ATAG has now launched a #FlyNetZero video, featuring a multinational and multicultural collection of aviation workers talking about why net zero is crucial, and the steps that the industry is doing to meet that goal. The video appears to be part of a YouTube channel called ‘Aviation: Benefits beyond borders’, which in turn links to the benefit beyond borders website. That site does much of what we’ve been talking about, the need to reinforce why aviation matters - that it’s not just rich people burning greenhouse gases at the expense of the masses (a common accusation by climate change activists), but that making the world a smaller place brings real benefits o communities worldwide.

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ATAG (the Air Transport Action Group) is one of the main advocacy campaigns in demonstrating how the industry is moving towards net zero. With partners that include IATA and the ACI, ATAG’s website is an impressive repository of knowledge and resources.

The site then works as a sustainability news and resource hub, showing on one hand what airlines are doing, and including ATAG reports.

The overall idea is sound, the number of subscribers (290 at time of writing) and video views is very low, and so we’d hope to see some promotional spend being used to drastically increase the overall audience.

Air New Zealand Chief Operational Integrity and Safety Offier David Morgan says this is a critical milestone on the airline’s journey to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as it provides a clear signal of where we need to be by 2030, in order to meet the 2050 goal.

NZ0 is Air New Zealand’s initiative, showing how it will be carbon neutral by 2050, packaged up in a slick and professional micro-site In early August, the airline announced that as part of NZ0, it was the second airline to announce ambitious science-based emissions reduction targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) the first was Air France / KLM This target requires a 28.9% reduction in carbon intensity by 2030, from a 2019 baseline. This equates to a 16.3% reduction in absolute emissions over the period.

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“Our key focus areas are SAF and the adoption of zero emissions aircraft technologies as they have the potential to reduce our emissions by approximately 70% by 2050. We already have several initiatives in the works including a partnership with the Government to scope the feasibility of a SAF production plant in New Zealand and our world-leading Product Requirements Document currently in market to accelerate the development of hydrogen, electric, and hybrid aircraft.” ZEALAND - FLIGHT NZ0

Science-based targets validated by the SBTi show companies how much and how quickly they need to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change.


Setting a science-based target allows businesses to set a robust and credible carbon reduction target that is independently assessed to ensure it aligns with the latest climate science.

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Etihad is getting involved in sustainable fashion, thanks to a partnership with Junk Kouture, a global sustainable fashion competition. As part of the agreement, Etihad will provide flightsto all competing teams in Junk Kouture across fie international Locally,markets.Etihad will donate obsolete aircraft items such as old seat covers, carpets, cabin crew uniforms and life vests to UAE schools participating in Junk Kouture for upcycling and use in their student’s designs. A range of social media and content offerings will be developed and produced amplifying the message of grass roots change.

ETIHAD AND JUNK KOUTURE This comes as the World Final of Junk Kouture will be held at the Etihad Arena, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi in January. Sixty designs, including 10 from the UAE, and their teams from New York, London, Milan, Paris and Dublin will be flwn to Abu Dhabi by Etihad Airways to compete for the title of World Designer of the Year.

Junk Kouture challenges young people to make striking and imaginative outfits out of 100% recyclable materials and items that are often unfairly labelled as waste.

Another airline getting involved in sustain able fashion is new Indian airline Akasa Air. Designed by Rajesh Pratap Singh, the uniforms are made from recycled marine Inwaste.fact, Akasa Air has high sustainability ambitions. Speaking to Business Today in India, CEO Vinay Dube said that he wants to make the carrier the greenest airline Muchglobally.of that seems to rest on having a young fleetof 737s, and being an LCC, car rying more passengers than full service carriers. This is of course the claim of other LCCs worldwide, from Frontier to Wizz.

Akasa Air commenced services in August, with major AV Geek YouTubers such as Josh Cahill being on board for the inaugural flight from Mumbai o Ahmedabad.

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While other airlines have used celebrities in the past in their safety videos (notably Air New Zealand), the execution normally involves ce lebrity voice overs interspersed with cabin crew demonstrating the safety features. The Brussels Airlines safety video instead takes the form of a music video, where Hooverphonic lead singer Geike Armaert sings her way through the complete safety demonstration. As she sings, other band members demon strate the safety features, with the backdrop featuring slightly surreal Magritte-style im Partagery.of the video launch included an im promptu performance for Brussels Airlines passengers by Hooverphonic at BRU

The video is certainly different to what you normally see. According to Alex Callier from Hooverphonic“When Brussels Airlines asked Hoover phonic to write a song with the lyrics of the safety instructions, I really thought it would be impossible. But at the same time, I love that kind of challenge and we accepted to go for it. And I am glad I persevered. After a few attempts, we are now ready for takeoff and introduce the song to Brussels Air lines passengers.”

Released on August 1st, Brussels Airlines’ new safety video probably qualifiesas one of the more left fieldofferings of the genre from the past few years. It features Belgian electronic band Hoover phonic, which has been around since the mid 1990s. Among other things, Hoover phonic represented Belgium in the 2021 Eurovision competition in the Netherlands, with “The Wrong Place.”

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So, the treatment of turning the safety vid eo into a song will get attention, but will it work in the primary focus of telling people about the safety instructions?

Key take-out Reactions to the Brussels Airlines / Hoover phonic video are divided. A piece in Simple Flying leads with ‘bizarre’ in its headline, while One Mile at a Time calls it ‘Catchy…. Ourbrilliant.”take is that it’s both. As a safety vid eo treatment it’s different, but imparting information by way of a song is proven to work, and Hooverphonic gives the airline a certain amount of PR value, while of course being (like the airline) Belgian.

Here there is evidence that songs and song lyrics aid memory. A Wall Street Journal ar ticle from 2013 for example cites the exam ple of a study in which hospital workers in England could recite the institution’s asth ma guidelines after a doctor set the rules to a,

“Breakfast at Glenfield”, fea tured in a BBC News story and was filme by Leicester doctor Dr Tapas Mukherjee, a respiratory specialist at Glenfield Hospital. Meanwhile an article from the University of Melbourne’s ScientificScribbles blog says “Musicthat helps us remember things better because of a process called “chunking”. Chunking is when we take individual piec es of information and group them together into larger units (i.e. “chunks”) Music allows us to chunk lyrics together by linking words and phrases in a tune. The melody and rhythm act as a great frame work that we can attach the text to, mak ing it easier to recall later. In this way, the musical structures enhance our ability to learn and retrieve the text of the song.”

Grammy and Golden Globe-nomi nated actress, singer and songwriter Mandy Moore, is launching this year’s campaign to raise funds for innovative and life-saving cancer research. Now through Sept. 30, customers will re ceive 25 bonus miles for every dollar they donate of $25 or more to Stand Up To Can Additionally,cer.

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AMERICAN AIRLINES - STAND UP TO CANCER American Airlines is carrying on its long-standing association, dating back to 2016, with cancer charity, ‘Stand up to Can cer Emmy,.’

anyone who uses their Amer ican Airlines AAdvantage credit card to contribute between $25 and $10,000, will receive 50 bonus AAdvantage miles per “Thedollar.outpouring of support from our gen erous team members and customers has been remarkable in our six-year partnership with Stand Up To Cancer,” said American Airlines Chief Communications Offier Ron DeFeo. “That’s a testament to how passionate we are about Stand Up’s mission to save lives by funding research that has led to groundbreaking scientificbreakthroughs in the fight against cancer. It’s a disease that has impacted so many of us and our loved ones.” In 2019, American debuted a campaign that offered those who donate the chance to honor a loved one by including their name on an Airbus A321 aircraft wrapped in a spe cial SU2C livery.

Ms Tansita Akrarittipirom, AirAsia Thailand Head of Commercial, remarked that: “We have received a very positive response since returning to domestic and international service with many guests telling us about how they missed sitting in the cabin and set ting off on a journey. They even miss hearing our cabin crew asking them to turn off their mobile devices and fasten their seat belts. This inspired us to create this campaign.”

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The 45-second and 15-second versions of the advertisements began broadcasting on 1 August, 2022. ASIA - MISSING MOMENTS


Air Asia Thailand has launched a ‘missing moments’ campaign, to welcome back passen gers after the Covid-19 pandemic shut down much of aviation.

According to Air Asia, the “Missing Moments” campaign invites viewers to think of “one of the most exciting parts of any flight.

In the campaign video, “audiences will see an auntie acting like she’s having a hard time fastening her seatbelt just so she can seek help from a cabin crew and tell her how much she missed travelling. The video will also show how much everyone at AirAsia has missed all of our guests.”


The 2021 winners of US baseball’s ‘World Series’ were the Atlanta Braves. Delta is of course headquartered in Atlanta, and so to honour the Braves victory, the airline unveiled a new ly designed 737-800 aircraft featuring a commemorative World Champions logo. The plane, which was painted by employees at Delta TechOps, features a dual-sided World Champions emblem and signature Braves “A” toward the nose of the aircraft.

Alongside Delta employees, CEO Ed Bastian was joined by Atlanta Braves President and CEO Derek Schiller, team manager Brian Snitker, second baseman Ozzie Albies and mas cot Blooper at Delta TechOps to unveil the customised plane and honour the Braves’ Formervictory.

Major League Baseball player and Braves broadcast legend Joe Simpson joined Delta for the dedication and entertained the crowd with several giveaways, featuring items like signed baseballs, game tickets, special-edition World Series jerseys and repli cas of the Braves World Champions plane to Delta employees hand-selected to attend the event. In 2021, in addition to the Braves, Delta charters transported other US sports teams such as the NFL champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the NBA champion Milwaukee Bucks, the NHL champion Tampa Bay Lightning and the NCAA football champion Alabama Crim son Tide.

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The airline is also providing extra support to customers in the airport, with head offie team members in place, working along side ground crew at key airports across the UK to provide additional help to customers and ensure they have as smooth an experi ence as possible over the holidays.

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The airline has also said it has recruited an additional 350 customer service team members alongside investing in a brandnew customer contact centre located in Milan, to provide support to customers. Customer service opening hours have been extended to serve passengers from early morning to late at night, with representa tives available from 6am – 11pm.


As a result European LCC easyJet has pack aged up a range of customer care initiatives under the banner of “Helping Hands.”

The new ‘Helping Hands’ have been initially introduced in London Gatwick, Luton, Man chester, Bristol and Edinburgh between Wednesdays – Sundays until 4th Septem ber.

This includes frontline staff being issued with Helping Hands branded t-shirts at se lect Initiativesairports..under

the Helping Hands banner include a new helpline being launched for families with children under 12 years old to enable them to get through directly to ded icated customer service team members, who have expertise in assisting families.

The aviation industry has been on the re ceiving end of negative headlines thanks to long queues at airports and flightcancella happening during the all important Summer season, when airlines pick up a lot of leisure traffic

Emirates’ key markets include the rugby mad countries of the UK, South Africa and Aus tralia. As a result, the airline has extended its partnership with Rugby Union’s World Cup, which started in 2007.

Emirates says it has been a partner of every men’s Rugby World Cup since 2007 and a sponsor of the Dubai and Cape Town rounds of the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series.

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During the tournaments, fans will be able to watch every match live and on-demand from their flight seats, making the sport more acessible.

Emirates is also extending its officialsponsorship of the Emirates World Rugby Match Officialsthrough to 2027, a relationship that has proven pivotal in the development and performance of elite match officials sine 2013.

Under the agreement, the airline will continue as Worldwide Partner of Rugby World Cup 2023 in France and Rugby World Cup 2027 in Australia.


Following the success of ‘Whistle Watch’, a World Rugby content series presented by former international referee Nigel Owens and sponsored by Emirates, the World Cup or ganisers and Emirates have said that they will collaborate on more content initiatives to make the game more accessible to wider audiences.

At over 100 CEBL games this year, fans will have the chance to shoot from the Flair logo on the court to win prizes..


“Shot from the Dot” is a competition that takes place at every Canadian Elite Basket ball League (CEBL) game.

The firstshot is from inside the half-court line and if they make the shot, they win a round trip to the CEBL Championship weekend in Ottawa, Ontario. The second shot is from the other side of the half-court line. If a shot is sunk from this line, they win free flights or one year anywhere Flair flies

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“The goal of our partnership with the Ca nadian Elite Basketball League is to bring fans across Canada closer to their favou rite sport and teams, and Shot from the Dot does exactly that,” said Nelson Phillips, Vice President of Marketing and Commu nications, Flair Airlines. “Shot From The Dot is one part of how we’re helping to create memorable experiences across the coun try.”

Overall this is quite a fun campaign that links in well with Flair’s route network, and we’ve already seen local press cover age from Canada celebrating the fact that someone locally won in their shot from the dot.


While Emirates supports (among other things) Rugby, Canadian LCC Flair is linking itself to basketball.

Meanwhile LCC Wizz Air, which is expand ing its Gatwick Airport with 18 new routes has put up a £500 flight voucher for a competition Entering involves simply completing a form. The easy mechanics and the £500 prize val ue means it should work well in terms of data capture and gathering emails for fu ture marketing campaigns.

LONDON GATWICK AIRPORT - EXPLORE LIKE NEVER BEFORE London Gatwick Airport’s new mascot, “Gary Gatwick” (who has his own Instagram account), is the face of the airport’s Sum mer campaign - Explore like never before. Of course, a key driver of a lot of airport Summer campaigns is to stimulate retail Assales.a result, Explore like never before, in cludes food and shopping vouchers.

For the campaign, Wetherspoons (which maintains pubs in Gatwick) has introduced a guest Summer ale, meanwhile Juniper & Co is offering gin cocktails in the North Terminal, with non-alcoholic alternatives also on offer.

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Finally, passengers departing from North Terminal will also finda Tombola, where they can win instant prizes.

The Al Bayt Stadium will host the Opening Match with a capacity of 60,000 seats, while Lusail Stadium is set to host the Final Match of the tournament, with a capacity of 80,000 Theseats.remaining stadiums, which include Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium, Al Janoub Stadium, Khalifa International Stadium, Education City Stadium, Stadium 974 and Al Thumama Stadium, will house 40,000 spectators. Like its near neighbours, Emirates and Etihad, Qatar Airways has an extensive global sports partnership portfolio that includes football-governing bodies such as FIFA, CON CACAF and CONMEBOL The airline also sponsors some of the world’s biggest football clubs including Al Sadd SC, FC Bayern München and Paris Saint-Germain.

A Qatar Airways press release says that the tournament will be held across eight worldclass stadiums designed to invoke the symbols of Arabian culture.

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We imagine we will be talking a lot more about Qatar Airways’ marketing campaigns over the next few months, as the airline looks ahead to the 2022 World Cup this Autumn / Winter. A micro-site to stimulate world cup sales includes accommodation, flightand matchday packages.

To take advantage of these packages, fans need to firstof join the Qatar Airways Privilege Club by visiting in advance, after which they will then be able to access the fan travel packages portal and select their options, which come with booking flxibility and seat reservations for their preferred games.

The London leg of the Formula E World Motor Racing Championship took place at the end of July, and as the officialairline partner SAUDIA showcased both its home country, as well as a number of sustainabil ity Theinitiatives.Discover

E-Zone at the event (held at the Excel Centre), highlighted Saudi land scapes, landmarks, culture and heritage.

Within the dedicated SAUDIA area, the kingdom was also showcased through a sensory journey, including sights and sounds as well as touch and scent.

SAUDIA says that with a flighttime of 6 hours 55 minutes between Riyadh and LHR and 6 hours 15 minutes between Jeddah and LHR, the routes are among the longest carbon-neutral flights orldwide.

This formed part of a global campaign by SAUDIA called “Take Your Seat”, aimed at connecting motorsport fans around the world with iconic race destinations as well as the sights of Saudi Arabia. The campaign includes chances to win an international race hospitality experience, and the opportunity to redeem new loyalty benefits and beter rates for travel to races.

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SAUDIA chose to work with New Zea land based enviro-tech company Carbon Click, who have also facilitated the airline’s world’s longest net-positive flightas part of the SkyTeam Sustainable Flight Challenge. The flightswere offset via a Gold Standard approved and CORSIA certifiedwind pow er carbon offsetting scheme in India. The project will replace carbon intensive coal powered electricity with clean, renewable wind power.

To coincide with the race, SAUDIA operated a full weekend schedule of flights which had 100% of unavoidable scope 1 carbon emissions offset from Riyadh and Jeddah to London Heathrow.

SINGAPORE AIRLINES - WE WILL GET THERE On Singapore’s National Day (the country I grew up and started my aviation journey in), Singapore Airlines has released a heartwarming video featuring its crew - the venerable Singapore Girl. A few things stood out to me about this video:

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2) On National Day, the video creates something that SIA staff would have shared actively amongst themselves

Overall, a nice mushy video on National Day. Nothing too funky, and something that’s on-brand.

1) It’s very rare to see the Singapore Girl *not* in a sarong kebaya. I found the video to be refreshing.

3) The video highlights the tough times SIA has come through and drives further a feeling of loyalty toward the airline.

From SimpliFlying CEO Shashank Nigam

More than 300 passengers on board were surprised by six band members, who per formed Hurry Up”, which is also now the theme song of Vietnam Airlines.

Vietnam Airlines and ‘Space Seekers’, a Vietnamese boy band group, launched a new song ‘Hurry Up’ on a flightbetween Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi, which took off on the morning of July 11.

As the officialanthem of the airline, the melody of the song “Hurry up!” will broadcast on more than 400 flightsof Vietnam Airlines every day at the time of landing, reaching more than 100,000 customers/day.


According to news site Vietcetera, the airline and band had already collaborated in No vember 2021, when the first pop group press onference was held on board a flight

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Much of the music video of the Space Seekers song is performed in front of Vietnam Airlines aircraft.

Group members posed for pictures with passengers on the flight,and everyone on board received a special gift, a pair of round-trip tickets of Vietnam Airlines.

Open to UAE residents only, competition entrants had to follow the Wizz Air Instagram page, post a photo of their most adventurous travel experience using the hashtag #GetLostwithWIZZ and then tag @wizzair for a chance to secure a seat on the mystery flight

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At the time, Wizz Air said that it received 11,000 entries for the competition.

The competition closed on 7 August, so we imagine we’ll be reporting on the actual mys tery flight from Abu Dhabi in the Sepember or October issues.

LCC Wizz Air is resurrecting a campaign that it ran in 2018 called ‘Let’s get lost.’

Now it looks as if Wizz Air is planning to do the same thing, but from Abu Dhabi.

passengers from Vienna were taken to London for the weekend, but were not told the destination until they landed.

The original campaign encouraged people to embrace the unknown and new experi ences. In different Wizz European markets, a plane full of adventurers took a flightto an undisclosed destination, where they then spent the weekend ‘getting lost’ in a new Forexperience.example,

47 | AMM - August 2022 Akasa AmericanAir Airlines Air New Zealand BrisbaneATAGATR Airport Brussels Airlines LondonLoganairFlairEtihadEmirateseasyJetDeltaGatwick Airport IstanbulLufthansaGrand Airport Qatar WizzVuelingVietnamSaudiaAirwaysAirlinesAir AVIATION BRANDS IN THIS ISSUE Want to get in touch?

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