Ikea - Curtains for Change (at Hyderabad Airport)
curtains in front of the ladies’ security
want to launch a new curtain range.
booth with Ikea curtains. The booths
How about at an airport?
themselves also had ‘Anglatarar’ and
That’s what Ikea India did in its Curtains for Change campaign. Why?
video shows.
According to its creative agency, Kinetic
Airports are indeed great places to trial
India, airports are the best touch points
new products, and countless brands
if you want to give consumers “product
have done exactly that.
We wonder about the wisdom of
As a result, Ikea ended up launching
branding a security frisking booth
its new curtain collection, ‘Anglatarar’,
though, as security (and especially
which is meant to embody a “synergy of
security searches) is something
Indo-Swedish cultures”, at Hyderabad
many passengers see as a necessary
inconvenience, but not something they
In particular, Ikea replaced the brown
Ikea branding on them as the above
feel in any way positively about.
Airline Marketing Monthly | June 2019
As a furniture retailer, where would you