Fall/Winter 2011
Consulting A Publication of the Airport Consultants Council
The Future of FAA Airports
An interview with K at e L a n g 2 0 1 1 a c c a v i a t i o n a w a r d o f e x c e ll e n c e R e c i p i e n t
Catherine (Kate) M. Lang, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Deputy Associate Administrator for Airports, is the recipient of the 2011 ACC Aviation Award of Excellence. She is being recognized for her skillful advocacy of a safe and efficient aviation system during some of the most challenging economic dynamics in history. It also acknowledges her consistent respect for and openness to the opinions of private sector technical experts, and her long-term commitment to the aviation industry. ACC had the opportunity to interview Kate on the state of the FAA and the aviation industry.
ACC: It appears that federal fund-
ing support for aviation and other programs may be on the decline in the next few years. In this new era of austerity, where do you see the future of the federal aviation program going and how will the FAA Airports Office respond and accomplish your goals? Lang: When I started in the business, AIP was at $800 million, and it quickly jumped to $1.6 billion. While the program was substantially smaller than it is now, we lived within the available resources and made it work effectively. Now, this country
is discussing what it can really afford. If you ask whether we can do with less of the grant program, I think the answer is yes, we can. But like anything else, when you’re in a period of austerity, you have to be very selective and mindful of where you make the cuts. Our success as an agency in the future will depend upon how well we can affect where those cuts will take place. Take a look at entitlement programs. Right now, with the ongoing discussion about reducing the grant program, there’s this huge effort to protect the entitlement programs at all costs. I ask, can we really afford that? See LANG on page 20
page 4
page 6
page 12
Special Feature: The Road Not Taken
Consultant perspective: Arrested — Runway Safety Areas are Needed…
ACC Events Photo Review Summer WOrkshop Series
Executive UPdate
Staying Viable in a Changing Aviation Marketplace
s we are closing in on the end of 2011, many airport development firms in the U.S. are still reeling from the House and Senate impasse on the extension of federal aviation programs, which expired for two weeks on July 22. Congress has passed 22 extensions since September 2007, when the initial legislation expired, and the FAA had to scramble to obligate $2.5 billion in backlogged federal airport construction grants before the end of the fiscal year. In an effort to accelerate strategies to weather constrained domestic funding dynamics, many companies have turned their attention to the global marketplace. With the U.S. economy expected to grow slowly over the next few years, the emerging market countries that are undergoing rapid growth and industrialization provide significant and real opportunities for business expansion. Here are just a few facts regarding the global airline industry: • In 2009, air passenger travel in the AsiaPacific surpassed that of North America, making it the world’s largest aviation market
Terry A. Ruhl, P.E. CH2M HILL
• By 2014, the global airlines industry is forecast to have a value of $532.1 billion, an increase of 39.9 percent since 2009, exceeding rates expected for domestic growth.
ACC 2011 Board of Directors Chair
• By 2014, the global airlines industry is forecast to have a volume of 2.5 billion passengers, an increase of 27.4 percent since 2009, again exceeding rates expected for domestic growth.
The organization, largely through the efforts of Mike DeVoy with RW Armstrong and the Globalization Committee, continues to make great strides in supporting member firms’ ability to compete overseas. Some examples of the organization’s efforts include: • New and significant involvement with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ACC has been asked to review the ICAO’s Airport Planning Manual, much in the same way ACC has been known to provide reviews of the FAA Advisory Circulars. In meetings between ICAO and ACC, it is clear that additional, similar opportunities will exist in the future, providing additional exposure to ACC and its member firms. • Additional resources. Information relative to working globally has been posted on the ACC website and supplementary materials will be provided in the coming months. • Participation in forums and with new associations. ACC is participating in worldwide forums, such as the Airport Cities Conference, and has associated with the British Aviation Group (BAG) in the United Kingdom to allow member firms to grow their network beyond North America. • Re-establishment of the Global Business Summit, which will be held on Nov. 30, 2011 in Washington, D.C. The summit is a one-day forum to assist consulting and associate organizations with building a global business through an understanding of the global marketplace, lessons learned from airport and consultant organizations, and through assistance that can be provided by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, the Department of Commerce, and other U.S.-based trade organizations.
Professional service organizations, like companies, must constantly adjust to the realities of the marketplace and devise new strategies to ensure continued growth and relevance. For ACC, going global is one such strategy. There This global initiative is yet another attempt to are challenges to be met in regard to ACC build- broaden the membership base. I want to highing an effective international presence, but the light that this broadening of membership, and upside for our members in regard to increased the marketplace for which our member firms exposure across markets and geographies could rely, is not simply a way to grow the organizabe considerable and lasting. tion through additional membership. Rather, it is based on the desire to make ACC the most ACC has recognized the shift that many robust and relevant organization possible, member firms have made to expand globally. representing and assisting its membership with See Executive Update on page 23
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
Table of contents Fall/Winter 2011
...delivering excellence in airport development
ACC 2011 Board of Directors
A Publication of the Airport Consultants Council
Chair Terry A. Ruhl, P.E.
Vice Chair Courtney A. Beamon, P.E.
Delta Airport Consultants, Inc.
Secretary/Treasurer Andy Platz, P.E.
Cover Story
Inside This Issue
The Future of FAA Airports An Interview with Kate Lang, 2011 ACC Aviation Award of Excellence recipient
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Immediate Past BOARD Chair Ronald L. Peckham, P.E. C&S Companies
Board of Directors Michael R. Arnold, LEED AP ESA Airports
Executive Update 2
Staying Viable in a Changing Aviation Marketplace
Don Bergin
ACC 33rd Annual Conference & Exposition
Out & About with ACC
12 – 13 ACC Events — Photo Review ACC//FAA/TSA Summer Workshop Series, Security Technology Day, ACC Agency Best Practices Award, and FAA Design Competition for Universities
Terry A. Ruhl, CH2M HILL, ACC 2011 Board of Directors Chair
Blast Deflectors, Inc.
Roddy L. Boggus, NCARB, AIA Parsons Brinckerhoff
Carol Lurie, LEED AP, AICP Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Enrique M. Melendez
Paragon Project Resources, Inc.
A. Bradley Mims
Federal Advocates, Inc.
Special Feature
Call for Nominations — ACC Aviation Award of Excellence
Airport Planning, Design & Construction Symposium Preview
Kevin Quan
The Road Not Taken By Gina Marie Lindsey, Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports
ESCO-Zodiac Aerospace
Marion Kromm White, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Gensler
Solomon Wong
ACC Staff Paula P. Hochstetler President
T.J. Schulz
Executive Vice President
Sharon D. Brown
Director, Programs and Finance
Emily VanderBush
Coordinator, Marketing and Membership
John B. Reynolds
Member Spotlights This issue highlights ACC Executive Member Critigen and ACC Associate Member Yardi
16 – 19 ACC Members • • • •
Consultant Perspective 6–7
Arrested — Runway Safety Areas are Needed to Maintain Safe Operations at Airports Kevin Quan with ESCO/Zodiac Aerospace provides a closer look at how runway safety areas are needed to maintain safe operations at airports.
New Members ACC Updates On the Move And the Winner Is…
20 – 21 Cover Story (continued from page one)
Congratulations Kate Lang
ACC Upcoming Events Executive Update (continued from page two)
Coordinator, Communications
AirportConsulting Assistant Editor John B. Reynolds
Editor T.J. Schulz
AirportConsulting is published three times a year in conjunction with ACC conferences. For advertising information, contact John Reynolds at 703-683-5900. Please send your feedback, comments or suggestions to the editor at Airport Consultant Council, 908 King Street, Suite 100, Alexandria, VA 22314 or email tjs@acconline.org. ©2011, ACC www.ACConline.org
Stay current on ACC News
Follow ACC on Twitter @ACC_HQ
Subscribe at www.ACConline.org
s pe c i a l f e a t u r e By Gina Marie Lindsey, Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports
The Road Not Taken Remarks to the Aero Club of Washington Luncheon, July 19, 2011
Ten Years From Now, What Will We Say About the Road Not Taken?
ome of you may have looked at the title of this article and thought that a Robert Frost reference regarding aviation is a bit dramatic, hyperbolic, or at least a bit out of place. If so, perhaps you prefer Yogi Berra’s more down to earth advice, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Whether you favor the poet or the dugout philosopher, they both agree that divergent paths present opportunity. Several years ago, I was at a fork in the road and had to make a decision to either stay on my path or take a wild leap to do something different. I believe our industry is now at a similar point, and while it may not be obvious that we choose the course, we are in fact making that choice by degrees every day. When I received a call from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, I was faced with that fork in the road. Many friends and colleagues thought—think—it was ultimate folly to take on an assignment at Los Angeles World Airports. They weren’t wrong. It was and still is very risky and there’s no doubt it continues to be a challenge.
However, we’re making progress: »» Four years ago we were in litigation with 95 percent of the carrier base. Those lawsuits are essentially settled or in abeyance. Some airlines are even advancing their capital to jump-start improvements (Delta has invested $162 million in Terminal 5; Alaska has invested $301 million in Terminal 6.) »» Where before there was no Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), we now have a capital needs list. »» We’ve bought back lease rights to four of five terminals encumbered with long-term legacy leases and are well on the way to eradicating the one-off deals and the arcane, inconsistent patchwork of rental rates and tariffs. »» LAX didn’t have a central airport communications center with an adjacent emergency ops center. We built one. »» We’re in full-on construction spending: $2.5 million/day of LAWA dollars on 1 million sq. ft. of new international terminal space, a new Central Utility Plant, replacing some 68 elevators and escalators decades beyond their useful life, and re-doing all concessions at LAX. The building program at LAX is generating 39,900 jobs now and over the next 3 years. That would be a big deal during normal times but, given our struggle to exit a tough recession and a California state unemployment rate of 12 percent, the value of those jobs has taken on a whole new meaning.
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
The point is, some things are seemingly impossible to accomplish, but if we make the choice to take it on, some great things can happen. Teamwork and leadership are crucial. The progress at LAX would not be possible without the support of many, including leaders on the Board of Airport Commissioners, a very talented senior team and contractors. Yet, nothing would be happening if not for the vision of Mayor Villaraigosa, who has led the charge on the revitalization of LAWA. Now to the broader picture. Whether we focus on the difficulty of funding in a deficit or achieving a long-term authorization in a politically-divided government, we can all agree on one thing: the structure is broken. We are now operating under extension Number 22 — Twenty-two — of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. In a 2009 report, GAO opined that the Aviation Trust Fund revenues are falling and something would have to change to assure the fund did not become over-committed, “Congress may need to make some difficult choices about whether to reduce FAA’s appropriations or to take actions to either increase revenues going into the Trust Fund or increase appropriations from the General Fund for FAA,” the GAO report stated. It is now 2011 and we are confronted with the old adage that crisis breeds opportunity. The federal budget is deep in the red. The deficit looms and threatens cuts to once “untouchable” programs. A considerable amount of voters and their representatives voted against increasing the debt ceiling. The likelihood of greater appropriations from the General Fund for FAA looks incredibly small. It is not an exaggeration to characterize the U.S. budget and fiscal
“This requires weaning ourselves from reliance on the federal
“We can accomplish “We must take it upon
some BIG things if we
budgeting process and it means
ourselves to re-create
support them collectively
funding it ourselves”
a system…”
as an industry”
realities as a “crisis,” but it is a crisis that affords aviation a unique opportunity in the coming years. We are, as an industry, at a fork in the road. One avenue, the path we’re currently on, has us watching the Aviation Trust Fund dwindling, with its meager remains often dedicated to infrastructure for small airports and supporting an increasing share of FAA operating costs. Even worse, aviation fees and taxes may actually be increased without the proceeds going to the Aviation Trust Fund — a circumstance that could be impossible to reverse. Infrastructure redevelopment and reinvestment at larger airports will be effectively shut out of Aviation Trust Fund support and technological advancement will be left to congressional appropriators who are subject to expectations from their districts while presiding over a mountain of federal debt. The other path has all of us seizing the opportunity created by the current chaos to become fully self-sufficient. We already have a combination of re-directed aviation tax revenues, user fees and already-established rates and charges mechanisms. It means we recognize Congress has bigger problems to solve and we can best ensure the future of the industry by setting priorities based on the greatest benefits to the system. This requires weaning ourselves from reliance on the federal budgeting process and it means funding it ourselves. Through various means, we’re already coming close to funding it all. However, the resources currently generated by the industry are no longer being channeled to the most critical needs of the future. We’re living
under a system that has gradually slid into Airports and airlines need to drop our pathe expedient option of “giving everybody rochial positions on policy and funding and a little something” rather than directing re- realize that, like it or not, our success or sources to system-wide investment needs. For failure is mutually dependent. We can keep example: It is taking us 15 years to complete negating each other’s efforts on the Hill and Next Gen transformation. This is clearly continue to watch our funding structure a much-needed, long overdue re-make of erode, or we can roll up our shirtsleeves our air traffic control. It will save time and to craft our collective futures together. We money for every sector of the industry. The both lose when we don’t. And we’re both two-decade span of implementation is not wrong when we take dogmatic, historically because we don’t know how, but because our held positions with a shortsighted view of system of budgeting is allocating resources our collective future. to yesterday’s needs instead of tomorrow’s. Over the last 50 years, we were building a Now is the perfect time for airports, airlines national aviation system that far surpassed and FAA to restructure how industry is anything in the world. However, our funded and operated. As an industry, we are present governance, service delivery and generating lots of resources, but we will con- funding mechanisms are not well suited to tinually fail to properly allocate them unless effectively meet future needs. We need to airlines, airports and the FAA can get on the take the long view and jointly craft a new same page and approach our decision mak- national aviation policy that recognizes the ers with a unified platform. Congress has legislative realities and needs of the future. too many problems and far too many con- We can maintain a global competitive edge stituencies to satisfy to reliably sort through through adopting a self-sustaining funding disputes within our industry. We must take strategy with a user fee structure that takes it upon ourselves to re-create a system of the long view and aligns investment with governance and funding that prioritizes FAA demand-driven needs. services and funds that we—collectively— are willing to pay for based on what best This endeavor will require teamwork, stalleverages the capabilities of the system as a wart leadership and some optimism. When whole. Aviation has never fared well when the Mayor called, the easy thing would have competing with basic social investments and been to decline. But the opportunity to rewill hold up even worse in the future. make every facet of a crumbled transportation icon was only going to come around What I’m proposing is an “outside the once, and what is happening at LAX right Beltway” perspective, but I also know now is literally and figuratively defying folks on the Hill have desperately wanted gravity. Airlines and airports have an opthe major sectors of the aviation industry portunity now. We should choose the right to come in together with a joint position path and attempt to defy gravity. Ten years on funding. We can accomplish some big from now, where will we be if we don’t? things if we support them collectively as an industry.
C o n s u l t a n t P e r s pe c t i v e By: Kevin Quan, ESCO/Zodiac Aerospace
Arrested Runway Safety Areas are Needed to Maintain Safe Operations at Airports
t the crack of dawn on Saturday July 30, 2011, Caribbean Airlines Flight 523 originating from JFK International attempted to land under wet conditions at Guyana’s Cheddi Jagan International Airport (GEO). After barreling through a chain-link fence that resulted in a heavily damaged fuselage, this Boeing 737-800 skidded to a halt approximately 328 feet past the runway end and came to rest just short of dropping down a 200 foot deep ravine. It was a miracle that there were no fatalities among the 163 people on board.
In January 2010 at Charleston Yeager Airport (CRW), US Airways Express Flight 2495 came within 125 feet of departing down a mountain on an aborted take-off. All 34 people on board were able to walk away from a Bombardier CRJ-200 that was virtually unscathed due to the presence of an Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) in the runway safety area. Runway excursions, including both overruns and veer-offs, happen more often than we tend to acknowledge. According to a report compiled by Flight Safety Foundation, there’s been an average of 30 annual runway excursions worldwide involving commercial aircraft over the 14-year period from 1995 to 2008. It continues to cite that runway excursions account for 97 percent of all runway accidents and 30 percent of all aircraft accidents worldwide over that period of time. What’s alarming is that over 75 percent of all onboard fatalities have resulted from runway excursions alone.
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
Regulatory agencies such as FAA and ICAO have recognized the significance of this safety issue over the years. One mitigation measure for runway excursions is through the establishment of adequate runway safety areas (RSAs) or, as ICAO would refer them, runway end safety areas (RESAs). In the US, a federal mandate was passed requiring all deficient RSAs be brought up to FAA standards at Part 139 certificated airports by December 31, 2015. For overrun protection, this requirement can be satisfied either dimensionally with a 1,000 foot long RSA beyond the runway end or through use of an arresting system providing a comparable level of safety. EMAS also provides the added benefit of reducing the RSA space requirement to 600 feet or less. FAA is progressing well with RSA improvements. It was last reported that over 65 percent of the identified deficient RSAs have been brought up to full standard at 525 commercial airports. An additional 20 percent have been improved to the extent practicable. Both FAA and those airports should be praised for this high level of accomplishment. Arrestor beds have played an important role in helping FAA reach this milestone. This is especially true at a number of airports with space-constrained runway ends that would not have been possible to improve to an acceptable level of safety without the use of an arresting system. To date, there are over 60 runways protected by an EMAS arrestor bed, 55 of which are at U.S. airports whereas only five have been deployed overseas. Since there remains some of the more challenging runway safety areas to be fixed over the next three years to comply with the 2015 deadline, it will require a concerted effort from the
FAA to work closely with airport sponsors and their engineering consultants to identify, prioritize and implement RSA projects. This opportunity also exists overseas for engineering consultants where runway excursion is a much bigger safety issue. Currently, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which sets standards and recommended practices for 190 member nations, requires only 500 feet of RSA length (150m RESA) while having the 1,000 foot (300m) as a recommended practice for longer runways. Like the FAA, ICAO recognizes the importance of adequate runway safety areas and is in the process of evaluating RESA length requirements and use of EMAS aircraft arrestor beds. The daunting task that ICAO has is the development of a harmonized set of requirements among its 190 member States. Confronted with seriously deficient RESAS, some member nations have already chosen to install EMAS arrestor beds in recognition that traditional full RESA lengths were not attainable at those locations. Whether an airport has improved its safety area dimensionally or through use of an arrestor bed, the FAA and those airports should be applauded for making flying safer. With early planning and a focused effort, this higher
Courtesy of Yeager Airport
Accident Type
Number of Accidents
Average Annual Rate
% of Total Accidents
Table 1. Runway-Related Accidents for Turbojet and Turboprop Source: Flight Safety Foundation
Reference Materials Advisory Circular AC 150/5220-22A “Engineered Materials Arresting Systems (EMAS) for Aircraft Overruns” Fatal
Runway Confusion
Advisory Circular AC 150/5300-13 “Airport Design” FAA Oder 5200.9 “Financial Feasibility and Equivalency of Runway Safety Area Improvements and Engineered Material Arresting Systems”
Runway Incursion
Flight Safety Foundation Report, May 2009, “Reducing the Risk of Runway Excursion” ICAO Annex 14 “Aerodromes”
Runway Excursion
level of safety will be possible at many more airports by 2015. To learn more about engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) and its application to airports in the US and abroad, visit ESCO-Zodiac Aerospace’s website at www.emasmax.com or contact Kevin Quan at kevin.quan@zodiacaerospace.com.
member spotlight
ACC E x e c u t i v e m e m b e r
C riti g en Corporate Headquarters 6161 S. Syracuse Way Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Tel: 888-728-1551 www.critigen.com
Critigen’s Airport Service Offerings »» Compliance with FAA Airports GIS program »» LiDAR and imagery acquisition »» Photogrammetric mapping and high-accuracy base map (Common Installation Picture) development »» 3D laser scanning, data capture and modeling »» Spatial data maintenance procedures and CADD-GIS integration »» Process integration with facilities engineering, design, construction and operations and maintenance (O&M) activities »» Enterprise GIS infrastructure design, configuration and administrative support »» Geospatial application design, development and integration services »» Multi-platform mobile solutions development for field-based access »» Hosted and managed geospatial solutions »» Staff augmentation and on-call services »» Business case development and return on location (ROL) analysis »» Master planning and Airport Layout Plan (ALP, eALP) development »» Field-based survey, GPS asset inventory and records conversion
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
ritigen offers a broad range of enterprise consulting, geospatial and application development services to airports, enabling airports to realize value and minimize risk through the use of location intelligence and enterprise geointegration. Critigen’s Spatial Enterprise Services support airport activities including master planning, facilities design and construction, landside and airside operations, lease/tenant and revenue management, asset and work order management, public safety and security, and regulatory compliance.
GeoEye, Digital Globe, Microsoft and others. These alliances help Critigen provide airports with low-risk and efficient implementation of industry-leading products and services.
Critigen staff emphasize helping airports realize their organizational vision and business objectives through low-risk and high-value solutions. We have successfully delivered Spatial Enterprise Services to over one hundred and thirty airports worldwide ranging from U.S. defense installations to major international airports serving more than 40 million passengers annually.
Prepared by Yancey Molner, Director of Transportation
Alliances with industry-leading technology and service providers allow Critigen to deliver imagery, software and support services faster and more efficiently than anyone in the industry. Key partnerships include Critigen’s ESRI Platinum Tier Partnership, Oracle Gold Partnership,
Critigen’s airport experts are able to leverage the broad technological depth of the company. Critigen’s broader technology services and solutions include spatial enterprise architecture, spatial data acquisition, spatial analytics and intelligence, spatial application development, mobile development, IT management, hosting and cloud services.
ACC a s s o c i a t e m e m b e r
member spotlight
YARDI Corporate Headquarters 430 South Fairview Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Tel: 800-866-1144 Fax: 805-699-2044 www.yardi.com
ith a focus on front-end revenue and tenant management, Yardi Voyager for Airports is a complete and cost effective property management solution for the airport industry. Yardi Voyager for Airports is a part of the Yardi Government Services Group, which serves a diverse government clientele ranging from the smallest town to the Department of Defense. After working for nearly a decade with federal, state, and local governments, Yardi Systems created the Government Services Group (GSG), based in Santa Barbara, CA, focused exclusively on the needs of public entities worldwide. From the smallest general aviation (GA) airport to the largest port authority, Voyager for Airports automates processes with role-based dashboards, workflows, critical date notifications, and analytics. These tools help clients increase efficiency and improve decision making. With Voyager, airports have complete control over their entire tenant lifecycle from its marketing portal through occupancy, tenant management, revenue collection and closeout. Voyager for Airports includes a complete suite of robust functionality right out of the box in one integrated package including Property and Parcel Management, Lease and Concession Management, Invoice and Billing, Work Order Management, Record and Document Management, and Asset Management. Additional and fully-integrated modules extend the functionality of the core Voyager for Airports by providing inventory control, budgeting and forecasting, wireless work orders, construction management, marketing portals, tenant portals and online payments.
About Yardi Systems: For nearly 30 years, Yardi Systems has been solely dedicated to the design, development, and support of property management software for the real estate industry. With 25 offices around the globe and a dedicated staff of 2500 employees, Yardi is recognized as an industry leader. Yardi continues to develop and deliver software and services with the highest commitment to responsiveness, quality, innovation and customer focus. Its full-business solutions for every real estate market operate on the single, centralized Yardi Voyager property management software platform. Yardi provides integrated real estate investment management, accounting and property management software that enables managers and owners to work more efficiently, deliver superior services, cut costs and grow. Prepared by Helena Race, Associate, Marketing
Big T HAnks
Sp onsors
e xhibi t ors
AS OF 10.28.11
Ms. Deirdre L. Clemmons Vice President, Meetings, Conventions and Education 1775 K St. NW, Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20006 Ph: (202) 293-8500, Fax: (202) 466-5555 Email: dclemmons@aci-na.org Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) is the largest of the six worldwide regions of Airports Council International (ACI), the authoritative voice of air carrier airports worldwide. ACI-NA airport members enplane 95% of all domestic and virtually all of the international airline passenger and air cargo traffic in North America.
Mr. Tom Kelty, New Business Development Manager 977 Gahanna Parkway Columbus, OH 43230 Ph: (614) 573-8232, Fax: (614) 573-8332 Email: tom.kelty@siemens.com ADB Airfield Solutions (ADB) is the world’s leading airfield technology company on the ICAO and FAA markets providing advanced, integrated and sustainable solutions for visual guidance. With a world wide presence for more than 60 years, ADB differentiates itself by offering an innovative portfolio and expertise which sets standards in safety, performance and quality that is supported by unparalleled levels of customer service. ADB is trusted as the preferred partner for airside operations. For more information about ADB, please visit our company’s website at www.adb-airfieldsolutions.com.
Ms. Alexandra Haynes Membership Development Manager 2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 902 Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 414-2622, Fax: (703) 414-2686 Email: alexandra.haynes@amac-org.com AMAC is a national, non-profit, trade association dedicated to promoting the full participation of minority-owned, woman-owned and disadvantaged business enterprises in airport contracts and employment opportunities.
to all of the exhibitors, sponsors and ACC members for helping to make the ACC 33rd Annual Conference & Exposition possible.
Mr. Mike Kenney, Vice President 9500 Koger Boulevard, Pinellas Building, Suite 211 Saint Petersburg, FL 33702 Phone: (727) 578-5152 E-mail: mkenney@kbenv.com KB Environmental Sciences, Inc. (KBE) provides reliable, state-of-the-art, and cost effective environmental consulting services. Specialized areas include air quality, climate change, noise, hazardous materials, and environmental risk. KBE is also a certified Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) in all 50 states.
Mr. Kevin Vreeland Director of Commercial Sales 296 Concord Road Billerica, MA 01821, Phone: (978) 215-2400 Fax: (978) 215-2500 E-mail: kvreeland@l1id.com L-1 provides complete identity management solutions, forming the foundation for the most secure IDs and identity verification solutions available. L-1 produces millions of secure government-issued IDs worldwide each year to ensure that travelers are who they claim to be, through photo/data capture and enrollment, and ID issuance, proofing, and usage.
Virginia Space Grant Consortium Ms. Debra K. Ross, Program Specialist 600 Butler Farm Rd, Suite 2200 Hampton, VA 23666 Phone: (757) 766-5210, Fax: (757) 766-5205 E-mail: dross@odu.edu The Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) is a coalition of five Virginia colleges and universities, NASA, state educational agencies, Virginia’s Center for Innovative Technology, and other institutions representing diverse aerospace education and research. The VSGC acts as an umbrella organization, coordinating and developing aerospace-related and high technology educational and research efforts throughout the Commonwealth and connecting Virginia’s effort to a national community of shared aerospace interests.
AS OF 10.28.11
AC C A nn ua l C onference C ommittee
Ms. Carol Lurie, LEED AP, AICP, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Vice Chair
Mr. C. Patrick Askew, AIA, Gensler
Committee Members Mr. Jay Ruegner Director of Specialty Sales; West Division 115 Todd Court Thomasville, NC 27360 Phone: (336) 475-6600 Fax: (336) 475-7900 E-mail: jruegner@flinttrading.com Manufacturer and supplier of durable preformed thermoplastic pavement markings for landside (PreMark) and airside (AirMark) application.
Ms. Helena Race, Marketing Associate 430 S. Fairview Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Tel: (805) 699-2040, Fax: (805) 699-2044 Email: helena.race@yardi.com Established in 1982, Yardi Systems has grown exponentially to become the leading provider of high-performance software solutions for the real estate industry throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. With an expansive client base, Yardi Government Services Group provides leading-edge technology and services.
Ms. Christine J. Bodouva, AIA, William Nicholas Bodouva + Associates Mr. H.D. Campbell, Jr., P.E., Campbell & Paris Engineers
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
Ms. Faith A. Varvig, Faith Group, LLC
Mr. Michael D. Floyd, Jacobs
Ms. Diana Wasiuk, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc.
Mr. James A. Kriss, P.E., AVCON, Inc.
Ms. Marion K. White, AIA, NCARB, Gensler
Mr. Daniel McSwain, AvTurf LLC
Mr. Don Bergin, Blast Deflectors, Inc.
Mr. Carl Newth, P.E., Syska Hennessy Group 10
Mr. Christopher O’Shaughnessy, Thompson Hine LLP
o u t & a b o u t w i t h ACC
ACC Meets with TSA Administrator John Pistole ACC met with TSA Administrator John Pistole in July to discuss interface and collaboration opportunities that exist between the two organizations. Pistole was receptive to continuing to identify further mechanisms for industry to provide TSA with input. Others who attended the meeting were Assistant Administrator for Security Capabilities and Chief Technology Officer Robin Kane, TSNM Assistant Administrator John Sammon, TSNM Deputy Assistant Administrator Doug Hofsass and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Paul Berumen.
ACC Global Outreach in Montreal Three Globalization Committee members and Paula Hochstetler met with the U.S. Ambassador to the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) and with technical ICAO specialists; with International Air Transport Association (IATA) representatives; and with the Director General of Airports Council International (ACI) World in June in Montreal. Valuable information was exchanged and important long-term relationships are being built.
ACRP FY 2012 ACC President Paula Hochstetler participated in TRB/ ACRP Oversight Committee (AOC) meetings in Woods Hole, MA to select the problem statements to be funded in FY 2012. Paula and T.J. Schulz are also serving on four sustainability and procurement-related ACRP project panels.
In Memoriam DAVID C. SMITH May 10, 1947 - July 3, 2011
on the horizon… November 12 – 14, 2012 Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa Fort Myers, FL
Longtime ACC member David Smith was involved in the aviation industry since 1983. With his eclectic background in the fields of architecture, engineering, construction and painting, David was instrumental in molding the growth of Ramp Systems, Inc. (FKA Ramp Engineering, Inc.) from its initial inception as a removal and installation firm, expanding its services to include a full-fledged design department. Due to his extensive research and knowledge in the field of aviation, his integrity as a businessman, and his commitment to always service his clients to the best of his ability, the firm is well respected in the aviation industry. Outside the office, David enjoyed working closely with the Marty Lyons Foundation, which provides special wishes to terminally ill children, and was on the Board of Directors of the Florida Chapter for over eight years. David is survived by his wife Edie and two children. Edie remains President of Ramp Systems, Inc., continuing to honor David’s vision.
ACC E v e n t s
Photo review
ACC/FAA/TSA Summer Workshop Series & ACC/TSA Security Technology Day In July, hundreds of industry professionals — as well as young professionals new to aviation — convened in the Washington, D.C. area for the 3rd Annual ACC/TSA Security Technology Day and the ACC/FAA/TSA Summer Workshop Series. Thanks to the work of committee leaders, track hosts, as well as the FAA and TSA, these events featured a comprehensive program that encouraged high-level discussion with nearly 60 agency representatives and garnered positive feedback from attendees. For the first time, the SWS featured a Young Professionals program and presentations by the FAA Design Competition for Universities’ winning teams, who were recognized during the event. Many thanks to Safety & Security Committee Chair Ann Barry with Ross & Baruzzini, Inc., SWS Committee Chair Mary Ellen Eagan with Harris Miller Miller & Hanson Inc. and Vice Chair Monty Wade with Applied Pavement Technologies for their work to make this such an important event for the industry. Join us next July at the Crowne Plaza National Airport for more discussion with key decision makers.
Leading the Way (l to r) FAA Associate Administrator for Airports Christa Fornarotto and ACC President Paula Hochstetler.
Keeping Us On Track SWS Committee Chair Mary Ellen Eagan with Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc, Vice Chair Monty Wade with Applied Pavement Technologies and their Track Hosts. REAR: (l to r) Quintin Watkins, P.E., Michael Baker Jr, Inc.; Bruce Anderson, Landrum and Brown, Inc.; Doug Hofsass, TSA; Chris Hugunin, FAA Airport Planning & Environmental Division; Damon Smith, Mead & Hunt, Inc.; Patrick Magnotta, FAA Airport Planning & Environmental Division; FRONT: (l to r) Michael McNerney, P.E., FAA Airport Engineering Division, Cheryl Vauk, Productive Solutions; Eagan; Rob Adams, Landrum & Brown, Inc.; Wade; ACC Executive Vice President T.J. Schulz. From the Top TSA Assistant Administrator for Security Capabilities and Chief Technology Officer Robin Kane addresses the crowd on with an overview of TSA Office of Security Technology (OST) priorities
Industry Interaction Acting Engineer and Technology Portfolio Manager Don Kim discussed the TSA future plans for the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) process.
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
Intermodal Update (l to r) Dan Muscatello with Landrum & Brown asks General Manager of the TSA Intermodal Program Robert Pryor to address the key initiatives concerning air cargo.
ACC Agency Best Practices Award The 2011 ACC Agency Best Practices Award was presented to Doug Hofsass with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Aimee McCormick with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Hofsass, currently the Transportation Sector Network Management (TSNM) Deputy Assistant Administrator at TSA, received this award in recognition of his exemplary partnership with private industry airport stakeholders; his intelligent, fair and humorous approach to issues; his accessibility; and his demonstrated appreciation for the value of industry collaboration. McCormick, the FAA Southern Region Atlanta Airports District Office Airport Planner & Program Manager, received this year’s ACC Agency Award in acknowledgement of her proactive participation in projects; her consistent search for ways to help teams achieve their goal; her exemplification of the principles of teamwork; and her wealth of technical knowledge.
ACC Board of Directors Chair Terry Ruhl, CH2M HILL, presents the 2011 Agency Best Practices Award to (photo left) Aimee McCormick with the FAA Southern Region Atlanta Airport District and Doug Hofsass with TSA (photo right).
FAA Design Competition for Universities First place teams were awarded at the Summer Workshop Series for their submissions in the following categories:
Airport Environmental Interactions Challenge
Binghamton University – State University of New York, Computer Science Department Runway Safety/Runway Incursions Challenge
Winning teams of the FAA Design Competition for Universities were recognized at the Summer Workshop Series. Teams were also given the opportunity to present their winning projects and were congratulated by FAA Associate Administrator for Airports Christa Fornarotto.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach, Human Factors and Systems Department Airport Operations and Maintenance Challenge
University of Southern California, Computer Science Department Airport Management and Planning Challenge
University of California at Berkeley, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Airport Consultants Council
Announces… The 2 0 1 2
ACC Aviation Award of Excellence
Call For Nominations The Airport Consultants Council (ACC) Aviation Award of Excellence recognizes the contributions of an individual, group, or organization to the airport and aviation industry. While consultants are not eligible for the award, candidates whose contributions qualifying them for nomination were completed within two years of their nomination and who have subsequently become consultants will be eligible for consideration.
Past Recipients Past recipients of the prestigious ACC Aviation Award of Excellence include: Benjamin R. DeCosta, Former Department of Aviation General Manager for Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Edmund S. “Kip” Hawley, Former TSA Administrator Gina Marie Lindsey, Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports James Bennett, A.A.E., President and Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Selection Criteria The selection of the recipient is based upon the extent to which their contributions meet the following criteria: ■ Are significant, visionary and/or innovative; ■ Have advanced the airport and aviation industry and
Frederick W. Smith, President & CEO, FedEx Corporation Jeffrey P. Fegan, CEO, Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport James C. DeLong, AAE, Former Director of Aviation, Louisville Airport Authority Lydia Kennard, Former Executive Director, Los Angeles World Airports
■ Are a public service.
Norman Y. Mineta, DOT Secretary Bombardier Aerospace, Manufacturer of the CRJ Series Regional Jet
Nominations Please use the following format when submitting nominations:
Bud Shuster, Chairman, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Nominee — Identify the individual with title, organization, contact information (address, phone, fax and email)
James L. Oberstar, Ranking Democratic Member, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Nominator — Identify the individual submitting the nomination with title, organization and contact information Reason/Qualifications — Describe in 150 words or less the nominee’s contributions that warrant their selection for the award. Focus on the award purpose and selection criteria when describing the nominee’s contributions. Additional supporting materials are not required.
Donald D. Engen, Director, National Air and Space Museum Gordon Bethune, Chairman and CEO, Continental Airlines Aviation Week Group, Publishers of Aviation Daily & Airports Herbert D. Kelleher, President, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Southwest Airlines Leonard L. Griggs, FAA Assistant Administrator for Airports
Award Presentation The ACC Aviation Award of Excellence will be presented at the ACC 34th Annual Conference & Exposition, November 12 – 14, 2012 Fort Myers, Florida.
Federico F. Peña, Former Mayor, City of Denver Samuel K. Skinner, DOT Secretary Positions listed are those held at the time that the award was presented
submit by January 31, 2012
your nominations
TO: Tom Darmody, ACC 2012 Awards Committee Chair, Phone: (415) 243-0555; Fax: (314) 421-6073 Email: tom.darmody@hok.com
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
F e brua ry 2 8 – Ma rc h 2 , 201 2
TRACK A // Planning H ost:
Mark Kuttrus, AICP, Parsons Brinckerhoff
»» The Smart Curb Concept: Great Planning/Great Results »» Measuring Airport Delay & Capacity: An Acrp Update »» New Commercial Aircraft & Global Integration: What Does The Future Hold? »» One Engine Inoperative (OEI) Pilot Airports: Results, Lessons Learned & The Future »» Planning Sustainably vs. Sustainability Planning
Track C // Engineering/Airside H ost:
Brian Phillps, P.E., LEED AP, Burns Engineering
»» Paving The Way: Concrete Advancements In Pavement Design »» RSAs: The Next Generation »» Fresh Air: New Ideas For Airside Sustainability »» Barriers To Entry: A Look At New Developments In Perimeter Security »» One Step At A Time: A Look At Airside Construction Phasing And Safety
MINI-TRACKS // Environmental/Energy H ost: Mary Ellen Eagan, HMMH »» Alternative Energy At Airports »» Alternative Aviation Fuels & Airports
Track B // Terminal/Landside H ost: Matt Dubbe, AIA, NCARB, LEED, Mead & Hunt, Inc.
»» Orchestrated Chaos: The Art Of Renovating A 24-Hour Facility »» The Marriage Of Cute, IT And Security »» Holistic Integration Of Landside Areas & Terminals »» Getting Green Things Done At Airports Of All Sizes »» Terminals Can Adopt Ashrae 189.1 & Become ‘Net Zero’ Buildings — Hear How
Track D // PM/CM H ost:
HOST: Carl Newth, P.E., LEED, Syska Hennessey Group
»» Project Delivery Methods: The Business Case »» Leeding The Way: High Performance Or Leed? »» Look Out! Major Expansion Projectsat Operating Airports »» Bim And As-Builts: Who Owns It? »» The Triple Bottom Line & The DBE System: It All Fits Together
Cross Cutting Workshops // Sustainability H ost:
Jane Ahrens, Gresham Smith & Partners
IT H ost:
John Powell, SITA
Finance H ost: Nora Richardson, Leighfisher »» What’s Taking So Long? Privatization In The U.S. »» Traffic’s Down — Financing Renewal & Replacement »» Following The Money: Project Accounting & Reporting
For program information
Contact T.J. Schulz, ACC, at (703) 683-5900, or e-mail tjs@ACConline.org.
Be sure to join your colleagues at the preeminent airport technical event of the year. FOR REGISTRATION AND MORE INFO:
www.ACConline.org www.aaaemeetings.org
FOr exhibit and sponsorship information
Contact Amy Trivette, AAAE, at (703) 824-0500, ext. 160 or e-mail amy.trivette@aaae.org For registration and hotel information
Contact Brian Snyder, CMP, AAAE, at (703) 824-0500, Ext. 174, or e-mail brian.snyder@aaae.org.
New Members Executive MEMBERS AERO Systems Engineering, Inc. Mr. Howard J. Paige, P.E. Director — West Coast Operations P.O Box 9415, San Jose, CA 95157 Tel: (408) 458-7710 Email: howard@aerosys.net Web: www.aerosys.net AERO Systems Engineering, Inc. (ASE) is a national multi-disciplined engineering firm specializing in full service planning, design, and construction of today’s most advanced airport terminal fixed ground support gate systems. ASE provides exceptional service across North America with regional offices in Atlanta and San Jose and five additional office branches.
CRITIGEN Mr. Michael Sheeran, Information Solutions Consultant 6161 S. Syracuse Way, Suite 100 Greenwood Villace, CO 80111 Tel: (303) 706-0990 Email: mike.sheeran@critigen.com Web: www.critigen.com
MRA Communications LLC Marilyn R. Adams President 8015 Birnam Wood Drive McLean, VA 22102 Phone: (703) 231-7401 Email: marilynradams@cox.net MRA Communications offers professional editing and writing services and related consulting for reports, presentations, website content, speeches, press releases, books, etc. President Marilyn Adams is a former USA Today aviation journalist now providing consulting to airports and other aviation sector clients. The business has applied for DBE status from the state of Virginia
The Parrish Group, LLC Mr. Ed Parrish, President & CEO P.O Box 7067, Columbia, SC 29201 Tel: (803) 606-3609 Email: eparrish@parrishgroupllc.com Web: www.lpagroup.com
Critigen offers enterprise consulting, spatial and application development services, enabling airports to realize value and minimize risk through the use of location intelligence and enterprise geo-integration. Critigen’s GIS services support airport activities including master planning, design, construction, landside and airside operations, lease/tenant, asset/ work order management, public safety/security, and regulatory compliance.
The Parrish Group offers customized solutions to challenges facing Senior Executives and Boards of Directors. Working shoulder to shoulder with executive teams, TPG helps bring critical issues into focus. During more than 30 years of managing a nationally recognized consulting engineering firm, Ed Parrish developed solutions to a wide range of issues including: Strategic Planning; Executive team organization; goal setting and accountability; improving the bottom line; and M&A, pre-and-post closure.
Foth Infrastructure and Environment, LLC Mr. Adam Wilhelm, Project Manager 3950 River Ridge Dr., Suite A Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Tel: (319) 365-9565 Email: adam.wilhelm@foth.com Web: www.foth.com
SP Consulting, LLC Susan Prediger, President 1401 S. Joyce Street, Suite 1620 Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (571) 422-3217 Email: spredigerconsulting@gmail.com
Foth has built a strong tradition of providing airports with planning, design and construction administration services. Specialties include AIP program management, airfield and landside pavements, Electronic ALPs, airfield lighting, obstruction mapping and airspace analysis and construction management. Foth has offices in Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
International Aviation Consulting Services, LLC Mr. Raymond Veatch, Manager P.O. Box 23710, Washington, D.C. 20026 Tel: (678) 478-6322 Email: manager@internationalacs.com Web: www.internationalacs.com International Aviation Consulting Services, LLC offers legal and consulting services to airports and airport related companies in matters pertaining to AIP grants and PFC applications/management, regulatory guidance/interpretation, FAA/ DOT liaison, Part 16 litigation, enforcement, real
property, lease and contract, ADR and Part 13 dispute resolution, and airline/vendor agreements.
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
SP Consulting, LLC provides strategic & business planning; baggage & security systems advisory services; and business development & messaging solutions.
Steven Baldwin Associates, LLC Mr. Steven T. Baldwin, President 22 Aviation Road, Albany, NY 12205 Tel: (518) 441-3071 Email: sbaldwin@baldwinllc.com Web: www.baldwinllc.com Airport management consulting.
Vic Thompson Company Ms. Robin E. Baughman, President 3751 New York Avenue, Suite 140 Arlington, TX 76014 Tel: (817) 557-5600 Email: rbaughman@victhompson.com Web: www.victhompson.com Vic Thompson Company is a design/build firm that
provides professional engineering and management services to the transportation industry. Bringing together traditional design/build capabilities, VTC offers a depth and range of services for the design, construction, integration and commissioning of security screening systems and transportation facilities.
Stretchberry Consulting Steve Stretchberry, AICP Owner 24 Professional Center Pkwy., Suite 190 San Rafael, CA 94903 Phone: (415) 987-7112 Email: slstretch@hotmail.com 25+ years experience in Airport Planning, Architectural and Engineering Design and Program Management. Operations Monitoring Systems (OMS) use of state-of-the-art HD digital video to perform real-time observation and analyses of queue and flow bottlenecks. Applications to Landside Access, Terminal and Airside operations resulting in solutions to optimize existing use.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Analogic Corporation Mr. John D. Deihl Director - Business Development 8 Centennial Dr., Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: (978) 326-4866 Email: ddeihl@analogic.com Web: www.analogic.com Analogic CT is the aviation industry’s most advanced technology for detecting threats at baggage and passenger security checkpoints. Analogic leads the CT EDS market through our partnership with L-3 Communications, and our COBRA checkpoint systems are proven to identify hidden threats while lowering false alarms and increasing passenger throughput.
American Science & Engineering, Inc. Mr. Jay Payne, Vice President 829 Middlesex Turnpike, Billerica, MA 01821 Tel: (978) 495-9063 Email: jpayne@as-e.com Web: www.as-e.com AS&E is the leading global supplier of innovative X-ray inspection systems for ports and borders, military bases, leading government agencies, corporations and high-threat facilities. AS&E systems help combat terrorism and trade fraud with superior X-ray threat detection for plastic explosives and weapons, liquid explosives, dirty bombs, nuclear devices, and other contraband. AS&E customers include DHS, CBP, DoD, NATO.
Centennial Contractors Enterprises Ms. Lisa Cooley, Manager Of Market Development 4113 Eubank NE Ste. 400, Albuquerque, NM 87111 Tel: (505) 239-3446, Email: lcooley@cce-inc.com Web: www.cce-inc.ocm Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc. provides responsive contracting services that support large facilities and infrastructures by managing construc-
ACC Updates tion projects focused on renovation, rehabilitation, and repair work. In addition to being a pioneer and expert in Job Order Contracting (JOC) programs, Centennial provides solutions that are integrated with the customer’s needs, budgets and operations.
Implant Sciences Corporation Marc Gregorio Director, Federal Business Development 600 Research Drive Wilmington, MA 01887 Phone: (301) 922-4271 Fax: (301) 349-4823 Email:marc.gregorio@implantsciences.com Web: www.implantsciences.com Implant Sciences develops and manufacturs explosives and narcotics trace detection systems. Using proven detection technologies, our high performance systems use no radioactive materials, and offer significant life-cycle cost savings. Implant Sciences’ products are deployed worldwide in Aviation, Mass Transit, Military Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection, Ports, Borders and Critical Infrastructure security applications.
The JW Group, Inc. Mr. James Willis, President P.O. Box 689, Landenberg, PA 19350 Tel: (484) 508-8344, Fax: (484) 508-8346 Email: jwillis@thejwg.com Web: www.thejwg.com The JW Group, Inc. (JWG) is an IT consulting firm providing expertise that encompasses various Information Technology (IT) applications, processes, and systems from a business and operational perspective. Services include program management, planning, design, and implementation support for technologies ranging from base IT infrastructures to complex integrated systems.
Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc. (PTS) Mr. Brian J. Orandello, President/CEO 43133 Huntsman Square, Ashburn, VA 20148 Tel: (703) 858-5875, Fax: (703) 858-1662 Email: borandello@pavementtechsolutions.com Web: www.pavementtechsolutions.com Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc. (PTS) is a full service pavement management, inspection, testing, and evaluation corporation dedicated to customer service through repeat clients. PTS offers the following services: Pavement Management Systems (PMS), Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Survey, Non-Destructive Deflection Testing (NDT), Pavement Evaluation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Construction Consultation, and Client Training. PTS owns and operates a Dynatest Model 8000 Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and company tow vehicle, capable of producing falling weight loads up to 32k lbs. Situated on a foldable hinged frame, this FWD easily conforms to fit standard airline container dimensions for effortless shipment anywhere in the world. Run on a state-of-the-art Windows 7 Operating System, our FWD is equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Additionally an on-board video system provides operator assistance with www.ACConline.org
Between May and October 2011, ACC released an email supplement to this publication. These supplements are also available at www.ACConline.org.
Legislative News LN 11-02 (June 3, 2011)
• 19th FAA Authorization Extension Passed • House Passes FY 2012 DHS/TSA Appropriations Bill LN 11-03 (July 15, 2011)
• House FAA Extension Bill Contains New Provisions Affecting EAS LN 11-04 (July 22, 2011)
• FAA Extension Bill at Risk; Shutdown Likely LN 11-05 (July 22, 2011)
• Shutdown Effective at Midnight • FAA Reports on Shutdown Process Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) joint testing and equipment operation monitoring. The nine (9) deflection sensing transducers, or deflectors, conform to Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) calibration protocol procedures.
Reveal Imaging Technologies, Inc. Mr. Andrew Jazwick, Sr. VP, Aviation Security 1225 S. Clark Street, #400, Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (703) 676-2607 Email: jazwicka@saic.com Web: www.saic.com Reveal, an SAIC company, is a recognized leader in the development and deployment of threat detection products and services.
Weir & Partners LLP Mr. Daniel B. Markind, Partner 1339 Chestnut Street, 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: (215) 665-8181 Email: dmarkind@weirpartners.com Web: www.weirpartners.com Represents airports in all matters pertaining to aviation including business development, litigation, rates and charges, regulatory affairs and represents entities that transact at airports such as engineers and architects, concessionaires and out-parcel developers with unique specialties in mineral extraction, alternative energy and sustainable development.
Yardi Ms. Helena Race, Marketing Associate 430 S. Fairview Ave., Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Tel: (805) 699-2040, Fax: (805) 699-2044 Email: helena.race@yardi.com Web: www.yardi.com Established in 1982, Yardi Systems has grown exponentially to become the leading provider of high-performance software solutions for the real estate industry throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. With an expansive client base, Yardi Government Services Group provides leadingedge technology and services.
LN 11-06 (July 25, 2011)
• FAA Shutdown Impacts LN 11-07 (July 28, 2011)
• FAA Shutdown Continues; ACC Urges Congress to Act LN 11-08 (August 8, 2011)
• FAA Shutdown Update • House Leaves for Summer Break; “Hail Mary” Efforts Underway in Senate LN 11-09 (August 4, 2011)
• Deal Reached to End FAA Shutdown LN 11-10 (August 11, 2011)
• A Message From ACC President Paula Hochstetler regarding FAA Reauthorization LN 11-11 (Sept. 9, 2011)
• Mica bill extends FAA through Dec. 31 and proposes a 5 percent cut in AIP and other FAA accounts • House subcommittee approves FY 2012 Department of Transportation appropriations bill with $3.335 billion proposed for AIP funding • Obama jobs bill calls for $2 billion in airport infrastructure spending; fate of proposal uncertain LN 11-12 (Sept. 10, 2011)
• House/Senate leadership introduce a 4-month FAA and 6-month surface transportation extension bill LN 11-13 (Sept. 16, 2011)
• Congress passes a 4-month FAA and 6-month surface transportation extension bill
On the Move neering operation in Kirkland, Washington. The move is part of the company’s strategy to expand its successful international aerospace engineering business providing aerospace design, analysis, and systems engineering to aircraft manufacturers and suppliers in the Northwest, a major hub of aerospace engineering. Andy Alexander, a chartered engineer with more than 10 years’ experience in the aerospace sector will lead the Kirkland office. Alexander’s previous experience includes program management of first flight clearance and checkstress work packages, developing composite methods, and managing military equipment programs and customer relationships. The first Atkins aerospace employees joined the office this summer and Atkins is currently recruiting for a number of aerospace structural analysis roles. The team in Kirkland will work alongside Atkins’ other dedicated aerospace offices in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and India
with Practice Area leadership to expand and deepen the firm’s airport planning and design team, including helping to lead the group’s international growth. Askew’s significant expertise in airport planning and programming, in addition to extensive experience in the delivery of complex projects, will strengthen Gensler’s team of awardwinning airport designers. Askew has more than 35 years of experience in the aviation industry as an architect and planner and joins Gensler from Perkins+Will, where he directed the firm’s global aviation team. In this role, Askew led the planning and design development for a new a new five-millionsquare-foot concourse in the Middle East. Askew previously served as a Senior Vice President and Managing Director of HOK’s Aviation planning and design practice. While at HOK, he led the planning for London Heathrow’s new Terminal 5 and the design for the Midfield Terminal at Indianapolis International Airport. Askew will also serve as chair of the 2012 ACC Annual Conference Committee.
Mr. David E. Alberts has joined the RS&H Aviation Program to serve as Senior Environmental Planner in the Jacksonville office. Mr. Alberts has more than 14 years of NEPA-related experience and will be responsible for project management, technical analysis, project and document coordination, and report preparation. Mr. Alberts’ experience includes preparing federal Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments and Documented Categorical Exclusions, as well as State Environmental Studies. Mr. Alberts has prepared environmental documentation for new airports, runway extensions, taxiway improvements, air traffic control towers, rental car facilities, other landside and airfield improvements, as well as air traffic system airspace redesign.
Mr. Steven Bultman has been named a Senior Project Manager in the Sacramento, California office of Parsons Brinckerhoff. In his new position, Mr. Bultman will be part of Parsons Brinckerhoff’s western region aviation group, responsible for project/ program management, civil engineering, various airport projects, utilities coordination, client management, business development and quality assurance/quality control. Bultman has over 27 years’ experience in the management and design of multidisciplinary public works infrastructure projects, primarily in air and surface transportation for city, county and federal agencies. His project experience includes serving as lead civil engineer for the design of the $1.3 billion terminal modernization program at Sacramento International Airport.
Mr. Pat Askew, AIA has joined Gensler as Senior Director of the firm’s Aviation and Transportation Practice Area, effective September 2011. Based in Gensler’s Washington, D.C. office, Askew will partner
Mr. Richard Domas has been hired by Stantec to lead the Company’s aviation practice in the New York metropolitan area. Domas has over 34 years of experience in the development and management of trans-
Atkins engineering and design consultancy has launched a new aerospace engi-
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
portation and environmental projects in aviation, high speed rail, transit, and highway. After starting his career in civil engineering, for the last two decades he has focused particularly on aviation planning and environmental analyses, including preparing master plans for the airports on Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island, studying growth and related environmental impacts at Boston Logan International Airport, and conducting dozens of environmental assessments and impact statements at airports across the country. As a senior associate based in the firm’s Manhattan office, Domas will have business development and project management responsibilities within Stantec’s growing aviation practice in New York, and lead its expansion into New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. Mr. Thomas Kinton has been named a Senior Aviation Advisor at Parsons Brinckerhoff. In his new position, Mr. Kinton will serve as Parsons Brinckerhoff’s senior advisor for pursuit and delivery of aviation projects nationwide. He will also represent Parsons Brinckerhoff in the aviation industry and contribute to the firm’s strategic planning for aviation. Mr. Kinton served as CEO and Executive Director of the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) from August 2006 until June 2011, culminating a 35-year career at Massport. He served as Director of Aviation from 1993 to 2006, during which time he was responsible for the operation of Boston Logan International Airport, Bedford’s Hanscom Field and Worcester Regional Airport. As CEO and Executive Director, he had additional responsibility for the public cruise, cargo and container terminals of the Port of Boston, and the development of Massport-owned property in Boston. As the Massport CEO, Mr. Kinton’s priorities included the safety and security of Massport’s transportation facilities. In addition, he committed the agency to a new and aggressive agenda of customer service improvements and service expansions by air and sea to connect New England with major markets in the U.S. and around the world.
And the Winner Is… Mr. Gary Luczak has been named the national leader for TranSystems’ aviation market sector. As Vice President and Market Sector Leader, Luczak will be responsible for developing and implementing overall strategy for business development. Luczak has more than 31 years of experience providing design and management for aviation projects throughout the US. These projects have been accomplished for airports, airlines, Federal Aviation Administration, and concessionaires. With a broad and diverse background, Luczak has been involved in all technical aspects of aviation consulting, including: planning, financial analysis, environmental assessment, engineering design, and construction coordination for airside (runways, taxiways, NAVAIDs), buildings (terminals, hangars); and landside (roadways, parking). Prior to TranSystems, Luczak spent 30 years with URS (formerly Greiner Engineering). He served as the Aviation Business Line Leader for the MidAtlantic region. He is registered as a professional engineer and is located in the firm’s Philadelphia office. Mr. Matt Taylor, AICP has joined the C&S Companies as the firm’s national director of land use and market strategies. He will partner with clients in the aviation and healthcare industries on land use, real estate and planning strategies. Taylor, who was previously CEO of Real Estate Research Consultants, brings two decades of planning and development experience for large-scale public and private entities, including commercial and general aviation airports, hospital campuses, hotels and convention centers, federal installations, urban mixed-use projects, and theme parks. Taylor has worked with numerous clients, including NASA, the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, Universal Studios, Lee County Port Authority, Daytona Beach International Airport, Orlando Health, SantaFe Healthcare, and numerous private developers and public agencies.
Mr. Rajeev K. Arora, P.E. with Arora Engineers, Inc.
received a 2011 40 Under 40 Award from ConsultingSpecifying Engineer magazine. This award is given to 40 building industry professionals, age 40 and younger, who stand out in their academic, professional, personal and community achievements. Gatic Slotdrain UltraSlot F900kN is currently being installed in ramp and apron reconstruction works at McCarran Airport. In some areas Gatic Slotdrain is being used to replace modular grated trench drain systems that have broken down. Gatic Slotdrain has been selected for a number of recent projects at McCarran Airport; by two prominent airport civil engineering consultancy companies providing design services to the airport. Over a period of nearly twenty years the system has been used successfully on over eighty airports in twenty countries without a single failure, which is why Gatic Slotdrain has been used on successive development and expansion phases at these airports. Airport authorities and engineering departments find benefit through low long-term maintenance costs in future years. Quick and easy to install, the system is strong, durable and impact resistant. Gresham, Smith and Partners has been selected to
provide design services for a signage upgrade project at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). The project will assess PHL’s unique wayfinding needs and implement a comprehensive new signage system. Signage upgrades will encompass all terminals, gates, curbside areas, and parking garages. GS&P conducted a comprehensive wayfinding study for PHL in 2007, and the recommendations generated from that study were used as the basis for the current PHL sign upgrade. Gresham, Smith and Partners recently completed development of Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Guidebook 07-06 Wayfinding and Signing Guidelines for Airport Terminals and Landside and is currently working to complete another ACRP guidebook related to wayfinding improvements entitled Applying Intelligent Transportation Systems to Improve Airport Traveler Access Information.
cover story
LANG continued from page 1
Do we really want to protect a t-hangar at a non-primary airport with 10 based aircraft at the expense of system-wide benefits of safety or efficiency? When the budgets get tighter you’ve got to distinguish the essential things from the luxury items, and currently, the debate in this country is not taking this into consideration. From an organizational standpoint, the program has increased substantially and we’re now at $3.5 billion, but there have been recent cuts to FAA’s staff and organization. If we are staffed properly, we can make less funding go much further by expanding activities like value engineering, which can reap millions of dollars in project savings that can be reinvested or leveraged for other
purposes. Research has also been cut by $5 million. Is this in the public interest? This research can result in pavements that last much longer, and the U.S. is the only available test bed for lighting, markings, signage and other critical applications that will improve safety at our airports. We can take budget cuts, but they need to make sense and ensure they do not compromise highvalue activities. ACC: Airports seem to be reassessing
their future role in the federal grant program. Airports are exploring ways to divest themselves from the federal program and gain more control to raise non-aeronautical revenue. Where do you see the future going as far as airports becoming more self sufficient and
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
generating their own funds for their capital programs? Lang: I think we have to right size our expectations. This past decade has a lot to teach us about what the decade ahead is going to look like. We have seen a great restructuring or recalibrating in the economy and the industry. The airlines have gone through a pretty profound course correction. Capacity has been drawn down, and they have learned their lesson that you have to right size your equipment. We’re seeing load factors that we never would have contemplated before. So, we are on a pretty serious course correction. For some airports it’s reaffirming a lot of our hopes, while for others it’s been tough medicine.
These are changed times, but they come with new opportunities. Under the old model, master plans were prepared, funds were borrowed and all of the facilities shown in the near term plan were built, because you were behind the curve and needed the additional capacity right away. Today, the need is much more elongated. If you look at our forecasts from 2004 compared to where we are today, it’s a pretty big gap. And that magic mark of a billion passengers is even further down the road. Does this mean we don’t need to grow? We do, but not at the same pace. And that means new opportunities for how we think about more efficient and affordable financing. We also need to think a little bit differently about our appetite for risk. We can change from “build it now” to spreading it
out. Perhaps we start to build incrementally and stretch it out so you don’t have to carry all of the debt and come up with affordable ways to build projects. There are opportunities to think differently. Communities have got to consider what they really need, and what they can afford in light of the fact that things are not likely to become rosier or better any time soon. There are a lot of airports on the low end of commercial service that may very well end up becoming general aviation facilities, and it’s nonsensical to fund them like they’re going to be commercial service. There has to be some reality setting against what’s really happening.
ACC: Provide your thoughts on airport
development firms. Do you have any advice or thoughts on what the future holds for them? Lang: I think the firms that are going to be successful are the ones that are looking around the corner, and advising their clients on how to best use their money today, and where to invest to save more down the road. There are a lot of firms doing this, critically looking at costs at an airport. What things create enduring costs and what can be done to reduce costs?
The firms that work with airports on energy reduction are a great example. We’re just beginning to understand what the opportunities are for airports. Not only is it good for the environment, but money can be saved.
Also, the activities under the Airports GIS and safety management systems programs, while costing more up front, will reap long term benefits and cost savings. The more we design with flexibility in mind, the better. That’s what the lesson of the last ten years has been, right? Firms that I’ve been impressed with around the country do those things with their airport clients. I think we have over-consumed and overspent. We have some reckoning to do, but that has great promise for new creativity. The folks that will succeed view it as an opportunity, rather than an adversarial situation. ACC: Talk a little bit about FAA as an
organization. Where do you hope to see it in the future? Lang: I’m coming to the point of wind-
wide. It will be much more efficient when Headquarters issues new guidance, since these new SOPs will be released to the field in tandem. It’s a much more collaborative conversation and the policy view is being integrated with the implementation in mind.
ing down my federal service so I’m asking myself, “Where do I want to leave the organization?” It’s a very different place to be in Another priority is to become more dataone’s career and the number one thing on my driven. Take a look at safety. We have, in the past, put a lot of energy on “you mind is the resources of the organization. have an accident, you find a solution.” It We have to be transparent in discussing wasn’t a data-driven decision, it was an priorities and value. Everything we’re doing accident-driven decision. As we move in this organization to prepare for the next to a safety management culture, we will decade-and-a-half — because I don’t think ask very different questions. Our goal is this austerity is going away — is to find a to eliminate all fatalities associated with common language we can all agree with, so the five highest risk areas on an airport by we have a common set of high value activi- 2025. We are spending considerable time ties. We have come to a place where the nine doing data mining to come up with the top regions and the 20-something ADOs can’t five risk areas on an airport and to prevent have 30 different opinions on what are high accidents before they happen. We want data priorities. to influence how we think and act. One of my conversations at an ACC workshop a year ago was on the issue of uniform decisions among the regions and ADOs around the country. Not only is a lack of uniformity problematic from a public interest perspective, it’s also not affordable. Washington offices develop guidance that is as flexible as possible, and we leave room for judgment. The regions and then the ADOs try to fill in some blanks, so differences in interpretation can occur. In the end, we can’t afford the resources of nine regions setting up guidance nine times over. We have initiated new protocols in which regions will come together with our Headquarters team in a process to create one standard operating procedure (SOP) which will be used nation-
Things like AGIS and what NextGen is going to mean are very exciting. It isn’t a hypothetical of ‘what is NextGen?’ It is already presenting new opportunities that need to be harnessed. If we spent the last decade or so building capacity by adding runways, the next decade and beyond is going to be about adding efficiency, predictability and reliability.
organizational habits, priorities and strategic goals. What you’re talking about appears to be the essence of good leadership. When things don’t go as they were foreseen, rejecting the doomsday perspective, and instead seeing an opportunity.
Lang: Right. We have to fully size up the situation we find ourselves in and move on. And enjoy it. It is what it is. You know, too often, the notion of leadership is you have to leave the legacy of this great big thing behind. And I’m looking at some great big things being left behind and being mothballed. A positive legacy is to leave things healthy, efficient and ready to deal with today and the future. So, I think of the legacy that airports and communities have to build today is not to mortgage the future, but to be agile enough to address the challenges and opportunities that come our way.
Overall, the things that matter to me the most are getting the agency to a very healthy place given its resources and establishing a good corporate organizational culture. These are very big on my list, as is getting a lot of fingerprints on what comprises our
K ate L ang
ACC Aviation
AWard of excellence 20 11
Congratulations f ro m t h e s e AC C MEM B ER s…
CH2M HILL extends hardy con-
Congratulations, Kate! Your com-
gratulations to Kate Lang on this well
mitment, hard work and industry
deserved award. Simply put, Kate gets
knowledge has made a real, positive
things done through strong advocacy
impact on the entire aviation industry.
and stakeholder collaboration.
Thank you for your dedication.
Thank you, Kate, for being knowledge-
Campbell & Paris recognizes Kate
MMH congratulates Kate Lang
Congratulations Kate! You really
able about the issues, candid in your
Lang for her accomplishments at
and her team on this outstanding
deserve ACC’s 2011 Aviation Award
remarks and committed to making
FAA that have benefited the aviation
achievement! We appreciate your
of Excellence! All of us in this
the aviation community stronger.
industry leading to the ACC Aviation
commitment to the aviation industry
industry appreciate your insight and
Award of Excellence.
and look forward to continued col-
Airports are fortunate to have your
Your continued focus on aviation
Your knowledge, insights, and candor
We applaud your leadership, in-depth
leadership and experience as we all
safety at airports has been a key to
are assets to Airports. Also, your great
knowledge, and fairness throughout
navigate through these difficult times.
the great progress made in airport
sense of humor! We are proud to call
the years we’ve been privileged to
Congratulations on a well deserved
safety. Congratulations on receipt of
you FRIEND. Congrats, Kate!
know you. Your smiling face is always
recognition of your achievements!
this distinguished award from ACC!
Consulting, Fall/Winter 2011
an added pleasure!
ACC Sp o t l i g h T
Upcoming Institute Events
ACC Global Business Summit november 30, 2011
November 30, 2011 > Washington, D.C.
washington, Dc Dc washington, visit ACConline.org for up-to - dAte event informAtion
agenda topics
Who should attend
• the global Markets
this event is ideal for those who are entering the global marketplace as well as for seasoned global experts who are interested in expanding their presence and network. Veterans and newcomers will exchange valuable tips and insights and teaming opportunities often materialize during such conversations.
• Doing Business globally • Project Life cycle — Lessons Learned and Differences • support for Undertaking Business internationally
steering coMMittee
J o i n t ly s p o n s o r e d b y:
Michael R. Arnold, LEED AP, ESA Airports Michael J. DeVoy, P.E., RW Armstrong Belinda G. Hargrove, TransSolutions Vinnie Khera, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc. Ronald L. Peckham, P.E., C&S Companies David B. Stader, P.E., CH2M HILL
ACC / ACI-NA / FAA NEPA and Planning Workshop
Join the experts
For more information visit www.ACConline.org
and Workshop
December 5 – 7, 2011 > Atlanta, GA AL AVIA T
Federal Aviation Administration
Join t ly s p on s or e d by:
AP_NEPA&PL_oct11_PPT_setup_v2.indd 1
Advanced Training Course
December 8 – 9, 2011
Westin Buckhead Atlanta Hotel
Atlanta, GA Improve the quality of Wildlife Hazard Assessments and develop more effective Wildlife Hazard Management Plans in accordance with FAA requirements at the 2011 ACC/FAA Airport Wildlife
Session topics: • Developing a Wildlife Hazard Assessment– Beyond the Basics • Environmental Regulations, Agencies, & Coordination Challenges, Conflicts, and Strategies • Class Exercise — Developing Recommendations & Implementation – How to develop realistic measures and work through implementation strategies with airports • New Research & Beyond
Advanced Training Course. Targeted toward airport
airport wildlife
consultants, this unique new offering
ACC / FAA Airport Wildlife Advanced Training Course December 8 – 9, 2011 > Atlanta, GA
will provide participants an opportunity
Airport pAvement Design & evaluation
to learn how to conduct WHAs and WHMPs in a manner that meets FAA’s expectations and in accordance with
Specific Learning outcomes: Upon completing this course, participants will: • Know the history, basic structure, regulations and protocols governing FAA’s wildlife hazard program; • Improve their knowledge of Wildlife Hazard Assessment development;
11/1/11 9:11 PM
recently modified Advisory Circulars. Attendees will also get updates on new trends, best practices and new research. The workshop will feature a mix of lectures, interactive panels and class exercises.
• Understand how to develop an effective WHMP; and • Understand the expectations of FAA reviewers.
Who should attend? • Airport wildlife biologists • FAA personnel involved in reviewing and approving wildlife hazard assessments and management plans • Airport personnel responsible for wildlife abatement programs and activities
Steering Committee Amy L. Anderson, Federal Aviation Administration Mariben Espiritu Andersen, Michael Baker Corporation Michael J. Begier, U.S. Department of Agriculture Sarah B. Brammell, ESA Airports Dan Hirchert, Mead & Hunt, Inc. Jennifer Lynch, C&S Companies John R. Weller, Federal Aviation Administration
Airport Pavement Design & Evaluation Workshop
Course organizers are currently seeking approval from FAA for this workshop to meet recurrent training requirements outlined in AC 150/5200-36A.
January 30 – February 1, 2012 > Atlanta, GA AIRPORTs
Reflects the changes to FAA A/C 5320-6E and provides hands-on experience with FAARFIELD, the FAA’s pavement design software
February 1 – 2, 2012 TA mPA , FL
Successful participants will have completed 18 Professional Development Hours
Learning Objectives
» Know how AIRPORTS GIS and the ACs will impact planning and capital improvement projects at airports » Learn how to navigate projects through the new FAA policies and grant approval processes » Gain an understanding of real-world applications, potential pitfalls and ROI
Tampa, FL
Specific details and hotel arrangements will be available at www.ACConline.org.
» Understand the basics of FAA’s AIRPORTS GIS Program Advisory Circulars 150/5300 16, 17 & 18 as well as electronic Airport Layout Plans (eALP)
January 30 – February 1
Airports GIS Workshop February 1 – 2, 2012 > Tampa, FL
abOut the WOrkshOp The FAA’s new Airports GIS program, combined with new Advisory Circular (AC) requirements for geospatial and aeronautical data gathering and formulation, has brought about a major paradigm shift in the way airport data is handled. The new set of standards and policies significantly changes the way in which airports must collect data related to capital projects, master plans and ALPs, as well as how the data must be submitted to the FAA’s new AIRPORTS GIS program. This new approach will provide a centralized data store that will ensure consistency and accuracy, and will provide for a common data access point for the FAA as well as the airport community. This workshop will educate airport professionals of all disciplines on the FAA’s new requirements and their implications on airport projects and the FAA grant approval process. Workshop participants will understand what they need to do and how to
Federal Aviation Administration
Join t ly s p on s or e d by:
get up and running with the FAA’s AIRPORTS GIS protocols.
Office of Airport Planning and Programming
For event details and registration, go to www.ACConline.org or call (703) 683-5900.
Executive Update continued from page 2
current industry and market trends, ensuring that the organization remains strong and viable within the changing aviation marketplace. I encourage all of our members to reach out to ACC staff, and let them know of your needs to better compete in the global marketplace. Beyond the steps taken above, we can better cater to our membership by knowing the detailed issues they face. As I
stated in a previous article, the number of firms involved in work outside of the U.S. has increased dramatically over the past 5 years, and there is no reason to think this trend won’t continue. In fact, I think it is just a matter of time before we extend our ACC Aviation Award of Excellence to a company outside of our borders, and I encourage the members to think global, not only when it comes to their own businesses, but also that of ACC.
As my tenure as ACC board chair comes to an end, I want to express my appreciation to the volunteer members and staff of ACC in helping to meet today’s challenges, and more importantly, position the Council for success in the future.
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Important dates
For more info…
Space Reservations: March 2, 2012 Artwork Deadline: March 23, 2012 Publication Date: May 2012
Please contact John Reynolds, Coordinator of Communications, at JohnR@ACConline.org or at 703-683-5900.