Your Culture
Culture Matters
It’s all about the opportunities!
39 When Opportunity knocks, you still need to get out of your chair and answer the door!
Drought proof your business
22 Premium Nutrition for Broadmares and Young Growing Horses 26
Why Australian Made?
36 Philmac initiative links merchants and local communities
MERCHANDISE 14 Recommend Zolvix® and you can’t go wrong 34 Vigilant™ II Herbicide - A new easy way to control hard-to-kill weeds 42
This wetter is absolute GOLD
WA Simon Tangney 08 9353 1186
VIC & TAS David Beauchamp 0429 169 626
QLD Karen Bond 0428 290 913
NSW Liz Watt 0400 718 148
NSW Fiona Beggs 0427 778 636
WA Cassie Ekert 0417 974 402
VIC Joanne Wass 0407 070 207
QLD Matt Webster 0429 410 050
NSW Clare McKinnon 0419 275 072
SA Ashley Place 0409 570 835
Making Independence Rewarding
YOUR CULTURE Hello to everyone again. Over the past 2 years my articles have been about how to handle business and I have endeavoured to cover off on the main focus points to ensure success in this fun but challenging environment. My past topics have been:Business Principles ■ It is all about the opportunity ■ Debtors & Business ■ Inventory management ■ Know your Customer ■ Range is the key ■ Independents ■ Keep Retailing Simple ■
Critical Elements for Success This article is to just remember all the above and to help you understand the direction I have taken to make life easier for all.
4. Fixed costs grow every year generally in line with inflation which, if we all work on 3%, that is generally what costs increase by on a year on year basis 5. Market devaluation is one of the biggest factors in all businesses and even considering the www has the same challenges, they don’t effect their business as much as ours and in the main, the devaluation is created by the short term patents available to Australian manufacturers as well as the variable quality of products that we compete against
So therefore we must focus on what we offer, ensure that we offer the best service and range, continually changes our stores around to compliment the season we operate in and look at every opportunity to range up to ensure we get the most of the spend that our customers buy.
Remember the AIRR Culture:For a start our culture is a not a list of rules but state of mind. We must supply the best products along with the best service, all day every day. No half measures, no near enough is good
“ So therefore we must focus on what we offer, ensure that we offer the best service and range, continually changes our stores around to compliment the season we operate in and look at every opportunity to range up to ensure we get the most of the spend that our customers buy.” enough, we must be the best there is, the Industry leader and be proud of it.
We all know that every topic above is critical to our success and I am sure, in some way, we cover all the above points in our planning.
6. Our competitors all offer self serve yet every sale we make, again in the main, we service our clients and give advice to their needs
What we must take into account is the challenges we all face in opening our doors every day and the above topics addressed those challenges but lets look at what happens every day:-
7. Our competitors, in the main, are cash/ eftpos for sales whereas we offer account facilities from time to time
And the “big boys” cannot attack us at our strength.
8. The cost of CHEP pallets
Peter Law CEO at AIRR
1. W e are attacked in every way by the world wide web as that shopping experience has a lot less costs that we face every day with the major advantages held by the WWW over us is that they don’t have bricks and mortar and rent is generally the second biggest expense for all business. Always remember when we rent (even if we rent of ourselves) we have outgoings which I generally cost at 20% of the rent 2. We must employ staff when we have shop fronts and this expense is always the biggest expense we all face and we have the fixed costs with staff incorporating annual leave, long service leave, personal leave, superannuation, motor vehicles, stationery
9. The “Big Boys” ability to introduce private labels and the cost advantages in doing same 10. The encroachment into ranges that used to be selective to particular businesses 11. The lack of understanding by our staff of the costs associated with what we do and the challenges faced by us as business people Does all the above mean doom and gloom for us as independents business operators? My clear points and answer is absolutely not but we have to consider all above then remember what we do, how well we do it and the fact that all the major points above are focused on the larger population in Capital Cities and we all operate in country area where our customers know, respect and understand what we do and the costs associated with same.
“ And the “big boys” cannot attack us at our strength. US.”
3. We are confined to operating hours which are generally 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday & 8.30am to around noon on Saturdays.
But more importantly our culture is about you and me …..People.
“ So if your flock is infected, or at risk of being infected with OJD,make sure you conduct a whole lamb flock vaccination program with Gudair at marking, to minimise losses now and in the future.”
A published report detailed the case of a property near Young which suffered a significant increase in wether mortality due to OJD after stopping the use of Gudair in their wether mob.
he owner of the property had been vaccinating stock with Gudair since 2002, but had only vaccinated the wether lambs up until 2004, with these mobs now sold. Replacement ewe lambs continued to be vaccinated. The owner contacted vets after losing 13% of 21 month old wethers in a mixed
mob, with a similar number showing signs of ill thrift. The mortality rate in the ewe proportion of the same mob was decidedly lower, being within the normal range for sheep in drought conditions.
contamination and exposure to subsequent generations. It also challenges the theory of intermittent flock vaccination as a costcutting measure when flock mortality declines.
By May 2007, 31% of wethers had died, with post-mortems confirming the losses were due to OJD.
Financial modelling conducted by Bush et al (2008) showed that vaccination breakeven points are achieved within only 2 to 3 years for breeding enterprises if OJD mortalities are high, rising towards 7 years for a Merino ewe enterprise with low OJD mortalities.
Losses among the ewe portion of the mob remained negligible. The early age of OJD mortality in this situation is due to heavy exposure as lambs to the bacteria on pasture. This case study highlights the importance of a complete Gudair vaccination program in flocks (ewes and wethers) to reduce pasture bacterial
For further advice, please contact Zoetis on 1800 814 883.
Extinosad® Pour-On delivers four important benefits for Australian sheep and wool producers. Its unique knockdown chemistry is ideal for rotation programs. It can be used off-shears, on unshorn lambs and long wool sheep. It has no wool withholding period and minimal ESI. And best of all, it’s a convenient water-based formulation. For more information about why Extinosad Pour-On is the dead fast, dead easy way to control sheep lice, contact your local rural store, call Elanco Animal Health on 1800 226 324 or visit *Elanco®, Extinosad® and the diagonal colour bar are trademarks of Eli Lilly and Company. EAH13438A4
You only get out what you put in, so when it comes to protecting your cattle against worms, there’s nothing more powerful than EPRINEX®. EPRINEX kills more worm species with longer protection than all other pour-ons#. So when it comes to producing your best, insist on the power of EPRINEX.
# Of the endectocide class. See product label for full claim details. Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 (ABN 53 071 187 285). ®EPRINEX is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2014 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. IVEP-13-002
THE POWER TO PRODUCE YOUR BEST Most cattle producers are well aware that milder temperatures and moisture following a hot dry summer are ideal conditions for worms. These conditions allow for hatching of worm eggs on the pasture and increased larvae survival, with early winter conditions typically providing an ideal environment for the contamination of pasture with eggs and larvae. This has implications for the rest of the year on the pasture.
ver winter, worm eggs and larvae contaminating the pasture can survive for long enough to provide on-going challenge for cattle through winter whilst also maintaining high paddock contamination levels until spring comes. The worms in your cattle will not only affect their productivity, but will also be putting more worm eggs back onto the pasture. So it is essential to make sure that your cattle are protected over winter and into spring. Most producers appreciate the productivity benefits available from the effective control of parasites, and as cattle usually have mixed worm infections, it is important to use the most effective and persistent broadspectrum drench available.
EPRINEX contains the most potent ML pour-on active, eprinomectin,1 which was specifically designed and developed for rapid and persistent efficacy. Clinical trials have shown that EPRINEX kills worms faster3,4 and for longer* than any other ML Pour-On. When it comes to
productivity, every day lost when controlling parasites counts; EPRINEX can deliver significantly lower egg counts sooner than those seen after treatment with other ML pour-ons.3,4
More productivity Killing more worms for longer keeps the total worm burden down in cattle and ensures healthier and more productive cattle as well as cleaner pastures. And because there are fewer worms, producers can expect better production outcomes. EPRINEX is proven across Australia, and the world, with studies demonstrating marked improvements in productivity with improved appetite 5, 6 increased weight gains ,7,8 increased milk production (with increased milk protein and milk fat)2, and improved reproductive performance with shorter calving to conception intervals.
“ EPRINEX is proven across Australia, and the world, with studies demonstrating marked improvements in productivity with improved appetite 5,6 increased weight gains, 7, 8 increased milk production (with increased milk protein and milk fat) 2, and improved reproductive performance with shorter calving to conception intervals. ESI, allowing it to be used at any stage of lactation and at any stage of production. EPRINEX is formulated to cope with the widest array of weather and coat situations. EPRINEX is weatherproof, not just rainfast like most of the other pour-on endectocide products, so it works whatever the weather. EPRINEX gives you the flexibility to design parasite control programs to treat any cattle, at any time, in any weather; and gives you the flexibility to take advantage of changing market conditions, without having to worry about treatment times.
More Flexibility
See product label for full claims and directions for use. 1.Shoop et al 1996. 2.Data on file - Australian EPRINEX study 2000. 3.Batty et al (1999). 4.Paul et al (2000). 5.Forbes AB et al
Eprinomectin was designed to partition away from milk, keeping residues very low. EPRINEX has a Nil milk, Nil meat and Nil
(2004). 6.Huckle et al (2000). 7.Williams et al (1999). 8.Dorny et al (2000). 9.Sanchez et al (2002). Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park NSW
ABN 53 071 187 285. ®TRIGUARD is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2014 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. IVEP.14.08.0104
Integrated Packaging is an Australian-owned company specialising in the development, manufacture and supply of world-leading wrapping solutions and associated wrapping equipment, for the national and international industrial and agricultural markets.
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ARE YOUR RAMS READY? Good ram management is critical to a successful mating season. Susan Swaney, Technical Services
anager for Virbac Australia, explains the key animal management steps to consider when preparing rams for joining. Preparing for joining should ideally begin three months prior to putting rams in with the ewes because sperm production takes six to eight weeks. Rams should be shorn, drenched if required following an FEC, given their yearly booster vaccine and provided with adequate nutrition, vitamin supplements and top up trace-minerals prior to the joining season. Also performing a ram health check three months in advance gives you time to purchase in any new rams required.
Health checks should cover the 5 Ts of ram health: Torso Check for injuries or wounds on the torso and ensure their legs, hips and backs are free of injury or degenerative disease.
Teeth When rams have all of their teeth, and when their teeth are in good condition, they’re more likely to eat well and maintain good body condition. Toes Footrot or foot abscesses could hamper ram mobility and serving capacity and sperm quality. Check the toes and feet, and also observe the rams to ensure they’re walking properly and have full mobility. Testes Feel the testicles to make sure there are no lumps or bumps and check the epididymis for abnormalities. Check for scrotal hernias. Assess the texture of testicles to ensure they’re not too firm or too soft. Ideally, the scrotal circumference should be at least 30cm. Tossle Check for any injuries or infections that could affect the ram’s ability to join. Ensure the prepuce and penis have no adhesions. Animal health management and nutrition The following critical animal health measures should also be considered three months prior to joining Rams.
Trace minerals: These are important for sperm production and hoof health and an excellent source of these trace minerals is Multimin from Virbac. Vitamin B12: In cobalt deficient areas improves appetite and fertility. Vitamin A, D & E: May be required if rams have had no access to green feed for a number of months Flystrike preventative: A jetting of poll and breech is valuable to prevent fly strike affecting fertility Drench: Rams should be monitored, and if required, drenched twice per year as they are more susceptible to worms than dry stock Feed: Supplement paddock feed with lupins at least two months prior to joining to increase testicular size and sperm production. If ewes are on supplementary feed, ensure rams are adjusted to this prior to introduction. Visit the Virbac website to download a free pre-joining checklist: sheep_pre-joining
Visit the Virbac website to download a free pre-joining checklist:
IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING POULTRY A BALANCED DIET Importance of Feeding Poultry a Balanced Diet Whilst carbohydrates usually make up the biggest proportion of poultry feeds, it is also critical that birds have adequate amounts of protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their diet.
his is why CopRice poultry feeds are formulated with of a number of different ingredients which are essential, not only to health and production, but for feather growth and day to day maintenance. The carbohydrates in cereal grains provide most of the energy birds require. The other important nutrients they need come from ingredients that are rich in protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Protein - proteins are made up of amino acids, some of which are critical to a bird’s production performance, such as lysine and methionine. These essential amino acids are not present in adequate quantities in cereal grains and need to be included in the diet by other means. Ingredients such as soyabean
meal are an excellent source of good quality protein providing high levels of essential amino acids. Fat - polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid (omega 6 fatty acid), are essential in poultry diets, they help promote body growth and egg size. Rice bran is an excellent source of linoleic acid and is one of the main ingredients in CopRice poultry pellets. Vitamins - are organic compounds which are required for growth and maintenance throughout a bird’s life. They are found in grains, protein meals and other natural ingredients, but small supplementary quantities need to be added to feed in the form of a vitamin-mineral premix to ensure optimum health and performance. Minerals - can be split into two categories; macro minerals and micro minerals or trace elements. Macro minerals are required in fairly large amounts in the diet to support adequate growth, health and reproduction. Macro minerals include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium. Again, these minerals are found in all feedstuffs but not in the quantities required for optimum growth and production. Supplementary amounts are therefore added to the feed
Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze more more more into into into your your your day. day. day.
“ High quality nutrition is paramount when it comes to your hens health, from the day old chick, preparing the pullet for lay and the laying hen. CopRice Chick Starter Crumble and CopRice Pullet Grower Crumble ensure your hens growth requirements are met throughout all her life stages, setting them up for a happy and healthy adult life.” during manufacture. Trace Elements or micro minerals are required in much smaller doses than macro minerals. A range of micro minerals are required in poultry diets including copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, iodine, zinc and selenium. Deficiency or oversupply of energy, amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, macro minerals and micro minerals can be wasteful and sometimes harmful so it is important to know what is contained in the birds overall diet to avoid problems. This is where feeding a complete feed such as a pellet takes all the guess work out of feeding your poultry.
The The easiest The easiest easiest way way to way to drench, to drench, drench, vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate and and supplement and supplement supplement your your your weaners. weaners. weaners. 3 Includes 3 Includes 3 Includes 6-in-1 6-in-1 vaccine 6-in-1 vaccine vaccine for for the the for prevention the prevention prevention of 5ofclostridial 5ofclostridial 5 clostridial diseases diseases diseases andand cheesy and cheesy cheesy gland gland gland 3 Broad 3 Broad 3 spectrum Broad spectrum spectrum roundworm roundworm roundworm control control control 3 At 3 least At 3 least At 21least days 21 days 21 persistent days persistent persistent activity activity activity against against against barber’s barber’s barber’s polepole worm pole worm worm 3 Up 3 Up to 3 21 to Updays 21 todays 21 persistent days persistent persistent activity activity activity against against against small small brown small brown stomach brown stomach stomach worm worm worm 3 At 3 least At 3 least At 7 days least 7 days persistent 7 days persistent persistent activity activity activity against against against black black scour black scour worm scour worm and worm and small and small intestinal small intestinal intestinal worm worm worm Contact Contact Contact your your local your local area local areaarea sales sales manager sales manager manager today. today. today.
® Cydectin ® Cydectin and®Weanerguard Cydectin and Weanerguard and are Weanerguard registered are registered are trademarks registered trademarks of trademarks Virbac of Virbac (Australia) of (Australia) Virbac Pty(Australia) Ltd.Pty Ltd.Pty Ltd.
11 Customer Customer Customer Support: Support: Support: 18001800 2421800 242 100 100 242 100
CULTURE MATTERS Many words are used to describe culture: The DNA of an organisation. The way things are done. ■T he way we behave, the way we are treated, our beliefs and so on. ■ ■
Likewise the journey and embodiment of culture differs across businesses, be they start up, growing or mature. One thing is for sure though – culture affects performance. Good cultures empower people and attract business because stakeholders are engaged, customers have confidence in their dealings, employee turnover falls, costs are generally better managed, and the likelihood of increasing revenues is enhanced. Bad cultures cause disengagement of staff, segregation, poor customer outcomes, waste, increases in costs, misapplied management time and likely result in falling revenues.
In essence, good culture takes business from sustainability to high performance, bad culture from sustainability towards abyss! Culture is not just about saying it, it is much more about living it – ‘words’ can be hollow.
So what are some examples of bad culture? Telling the good, hiding the bad WHS – policy and truth, vs action ■ Things go wrong – leaders send others ■S ense of over-entitlement, lack of accountability ■ The customer doesn’t matter ■ ■
You can turn your culture around, you can grow your culture: Engage with people, ask questions Walk around, observe, think ■ Performance and Exit interviews ■ Survey customers, employees, suppliers ■ Ensure strategic and cultural alignment ■E mbed culture in employment and performance management decisions ■ ■
& CHOCOLATE Like most tropical plants grown for commercial harvest, cocoa trees are very much at the mercy of the cyclone gods. Co-owner of Australian Chocolate Pty Ltd Chris Jahnke explaining to a farm tourgroup the principles and benefits of trellising.
or the co-owner of Australian Chocolate Pty Ltd, Chris Jahnke, it has meant that investing in quality trellising sits at the top of his list of must-haves in setting up the first stage of his Mission Beach cocoa plantation. “For horticulturalists, the concept of trellising has gained significant popularity in coastal areas of north Queensland affected by cyclones,” Mr Jahnke said. “This is not your everyday run of the mill project, we have investors in the company that expect ‘world’s best practise’ so I needed to do the research to find the most suitable products available.” Mr Jahnke last year installed 12 kilometres of trellis wire on a one hectare trial plot to provide protection for the chocolate-producing trees, knowing high winds will be an issue at some stage. He was first introduced to the idea of trellising by fellow horticulturalists in the region. “Firstly, the trellising needs to be highly durable
and able to withstand significant pressure from wind, but secondly it needs to lend itself to ease of management,” he said.
The next eighteen months will see a three million dollar investment which, according to Mr Jahnke, is a first of its kind for Australia.
“The trellises not only protect the trees, but make them more productive, much easier to manage and (hopefully) harvest.
“Our business plan is to develop the plantation, chocolate factory and visitor centre and so create a unique tourist attraction, The Australian Chocolate Centre,” he said.
“In fact we are already seeing the trellised trees outperforming the freestanding ‘control’ trees by a significant margin.” After making inquiries, Mr Jahnke discovered Waratah’s Longlife Blue Growire and Jumbo Gripples. “We need to adjust the tension of the strain on a regular basis, and the Gripples enable us to do that,” he said. The use of barbed staples and some clever innovation on the part of Mr Jahnke has also enabled extra strength for the trellising. “We’ve applied the staples in an inverted T, one horizontal and one vertical, which we’ve discovered provides extra strength to the Growire on the treated pine posts,” he said.
“It’s a fully integrated business model – we’ll grow the cocoa trees, then harvest the product, turn it into chocolate and sell it on site and also online.” Another 10 hectares of ground has been prepared for cocoa trees, with planting due to happen in the second half of this year. Mr Jahnke also runs 150 Brahmans in a selfreplacing herd on the 400 hectare property. With 60 more hectares of country to be prepared for the cocoa plantation, Mr Jahnke is confident that he will be calling on the support of Waratah for more trellising. “I need a versatile and durable product, and Waratah seems to have all the answers,” he said.
INCORPORATE ZOLVIX® INTO YOUR DRENCH ROTATION NOW Internal parasites cost the Australian sheep industry AU$369 million per annum – significantly more than any other disease of sheep. AU$59 million is attributable to the increased expense associated with control measures, but the vast majority (AU$310 million) is due directly to reduction in income. It is clearly worth getting worm control right.
esistance to drenches is one of the biggest challenges to effective worm control, with the potential for ineffective drenches to result in significant loss of income by impacting on production. For the first time in nearly 20 years, a national survey of drench resistance has been conducted and indicates how serious and widespread drench resistance has become – not just to the older single actives, but also to combination treatments and even to the most potent macrocyclic lactone (ML) drenches such as moxidectin. Brown stomach worm % Properties
Black scour worm % Properties
Barber’s pole worm % Properties
Any worm* % Properties
Active Ingredient
*Any worm = One or more of the following: Brown stomach worm, Black scour worm or Barber’s pole worm. BZ=Benzimidazole; LEV=Levamisole; NAP=Naphthalophos; IVM=Ivermectin; ABA=Abamectin; MOX=Moxidectin; MPL=Monepantel 14
Table 1 shows that 96% of properties had evidence of resistance to the white (BZ) and clear (LEV) drench groups. On only 4% of survey properties would BZ or LEV be effective drenches against all three of the major sheep parasites! Even more alarming was that 30% of survey properties had resistance to LEV in Barber’s pole worm, when this has traditionally been regarded as an effective drench against this life-threatening worm species. The prevalence of resistance to the MLs was also dramatic, as shown. Ivermectin resistance was widespread at 87% of survey properties, but this was not entirely surprising as ivermectin is the least potent of the MLs. However, abamectin was not far behind at 77% of survey properties and resistance to moxidectin was evident on 54% of survey properties – over half of the survey properties that tested moxidectin had resistance to what is the most potent of the MLs on the market for sheep! Combination treatments have been widely advocated to slow the development of drench resistance and have been useful in maintaining the useful life of many of the older actives on some properties through additive efficacy. However, resistance was also widely evident to all combinations as shown. 81% of survey properties had resistance to the traditional BZ/LEV combination and resistance was evident even to the abamectin-based triples, on 28% of survey properties. The best option of all is to perform a drench resistance test (WECRT) on your own property and seek appropriate advice on drench selection. The drench resistance survey highlights the widespread nature of resistance, but there is no substitute for data from your own farm. Zolvix® (monepantel) is from a completely novel drench class and is 99.9% effective against Brown stomach worm, Black scour worm and Barber’s pole worm. As there is no known resistance to Zolvix in sheep in Australia, you can be entirely confident in using Zolvix – even if the resistance status of other drench classes is unknown or if resistance to other actives is already severe. It is likely that we will need to continue to rely on the older drench classes for some time to come, so incorporating Zolvix into withinseason rotation with the older drench classes now will help protect these actives, slow the development of resistance and ensure they remain useful on your farm in the years ahead.
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For more information on ZOLVIX,® contact your Novartis Animal Health advisor via 1800 633 768.
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References 1. Kills > 99.9% of barbers pole, small brown stomach and black scour worms. A pooled analysis of the efficacy of monepantel, an amino-acetonitrile derivative against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep. Hosking et al., Parasitol Res (2010), 106: 529-532. 2. The production costs of anthelmintic resistance in sheep managed within a monthly preventive drench programme. Sutherland et al., Vet Para(2010), 171:300-304. 3. Minimising the development of anthelmintic resistance, and optimising the use of the novel anthelmintic monepantel, for the sustainable control of nematode parasites in Australian sheep grazing systems. R.J. Dobson et al., AVJ (2011), Vol. 89, No 5. ZOLVIX® contains 25 g/L monepantel, a member of the Amino-Acetonitrile Derivatives (AADs) class of anthelmintics. For full product details contact NOVARTIS CUSTOMER ADVISORY LINE on 1800 633 768 TOLL FREE between 8.30am and 5.30pm E.S.T. Monday to Friday. Novartis Animal Health Australasia Pty Limited, ACN 076 745 198, 54 Waterloo Road, North Ryde NSW 2113. ®Registered trademark of Novartis AG, Basel, Switzerland. ZOLAU761XAV0814.
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TAPEX OFFERING NEW TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS FOR THIS BALING SEASON Hercules HD Baling Twine for High Density Balers Hercules was launched in Australia last season with excellent results. Over three years Tapex trialled this high density twine to establish the correct weight to strength ratio for the new high density square balers and this product was used extensively in Australia in all brands of High Density balers during the 2013 / 2014 season. The weight of the twine allows smooth running through the bill hooks and knotters resulting in minimal miss ties, so no down time for the operators. It is also a very soft twine when compared to others in the market resulting in minimal wear to the knotters bill hooks and guides. In addition to the Hercules, Tapex has the renown tried and proven brands of Tapex and Kinnears, Trojan, Titan and Supreme for large square balers plus Premium Blue and Contractor pink for small square balers and Big Roll Round bale twine. Tama 4500 Metre Net – Also available in Pink to Support McGrath Breast Cancer Nurses Recent advances in the manufacture of bale net wrap mean Tama “Edge to Edge” “Bale + Technology” is now available in even longer 4500 metre length rolls of New Concept netwrap. This new generation of net wrap technology has a higher strength to weight ratios and the rolls are no heavier than traditional white nets. The net is
stronger, longer and gives full Edge to Edge bale coverage. Tapex is proud to announce Tama has launched a limited edition of Pink TamaNet 4500 metre rolls and these will attract a $18 per roll donation to supporting the McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurses. O2 Barrier 2 in I Silage Covers This is the first combination silage cover with a vacuum film. A new unique product which is a three layer black / white silage cover with the addition of a barrier film on the underside providing up to a 10 times more effective oxygen barrier than conventional polythene films. The barrier layer (vacuum) film separates from the top cover once in place on the stack. The separation is instigated by moisture from the silage. This revolutionary new product provides all of the characteristics of the normal three layer black / white cover, but has the real added value of an oxygen barrier providing the best possible environment for high quality silage with minimal dry matter, nutrient and feed value loss. Because it is one cover, it is far easier to install than a two cover system. Also in the Tapex range is the Silacover™ branded pit and bunker covers in 12 to 18 metre widths with gauge ranges from 150um to 200um. These covers are tried and tested in Australia, having been sold in this market over the last 14 years.
Silotite Pro – 1900 metre length 5 layer Balewrap This is the latest technology bale-wrap which has been developed after extensive testing over the last five years and commercial sales throughout Europe and New Zealand over the last two years. The bale-wrap is a five layer film manufactured with Machine Direction Orientation (MDO) technology providing all the benefits of the five layer technology, plus extra length rolls with exceptionally high puncture resistance for higher dry matter crops and grass silage. The film is designed to be stretched at 70% and provides an excellent oxygen barrier for your baled silage. The product provides greater efficiency for the operators through less rolls changes and resultant down time plus gives the farmers the best chance of achieving the highest quality silage from the ensiled crop. The excellent sealing characteristics results in less wastage, greater nutrient retention and the best feed value. Please visit the web site for further information on making good silage using the latest technology products. In addition to the Silotite Pro, Tapex have an extensive range of five layer balewraps, all of which can be stretched to 70% providing greater efficiency and better sealing characteristics.
For information on the complete range of Tapex products, please visit our web site on
NOT ALL PLASTICS ARE THE SAME. DON’T SACRIFICE QUALITY TO SAVE A FEW BUCKS Plastics can contain chemicals that are harmful. But given that the term “plastic” can mean a broad variety of substances, it’s difficult to know which ones are bad for us. Plastic manufacturers often add an array of different chemicals in order to give them the characteristic they desire, like flexibility, strength and reduced production costs. Examples of such chemicals are BPA and DEHP – all of which alter hormone expression in both humans and animals.
uckily, Tubtrugs are free of these harmful chemicals. Tubrugs are made from Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). LDPE is considered a low hazard plastic. Other tubs can be made from plastics, which as a 2011 study pointed out, release chemicals with estrogenic activity (EA). Such chemicals are suspected to cause health problems, even at low doses in fetal and juvenile mammals. So you have to ask yourself… “Is it worth saving a few bucks using a plastic tub that exposes you and you horses/pets to hazardous materials?” We guarantee that our Tubtrugs are BPA and DEHP Free – DEHP is a commonly used
plasticizer that is used to make plastics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) soft and flexible. Any plastic products containing more than 1% by weight of DEHP were banned in Australia as of 1st February 2011. Do you know if the tub you are buying complies? To give you that extra bit of security, Tubtrugs have also been certified food grade safe. Unlike other cheaper imitation tubs, Tubtrugs are made with a Cadmium-Free content which means they are safe and non-toxic. There is no risk storing, preparing or even serving food for animals and humans alike.
Tubtrugs are: DEHP free and BPA free Certified food grade safe ■M ade from safe Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) ■ UV proof, frost proof and fade resistant ■ Made from virgin plastic ■ Tested to Carry 100kgs (large sizes) ■ Made with ribbed body for strength ■ Lightweight and very flexible ■ Super strong handles ■A vailable in 8 sizes and many bright colours ■ ■
Different plastics will react differently to hot and cold temperatures, UV exposure and frost. Tubtrugs are UV proof, frost proof and fade resistant. HDPE has no resistance to these things. Tubtrugs have excellent resistance to water, moisture and most organic solvents and chemicals. This is why you won’t get broken handles and splits in the body of Tubtrugs, as you would on other tubs. All Tubtrugs are produced by the same manufacturer and under the same standard ISO9002 Quality Assurance Program ensuring product consistency. So if you’re not buying a Tubtrug then know what you are buying.
For more information on Tubtrugs, contact the friendly Evo Lifestyle staff on (02) 9666 1014 or Visit them at
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITIES! My presentation at the recent Tuckers conference was on the topic of “it’s all about the opportunities”, and I thought it worthwhile to follow suit with this edition of the magazine.
’m sure we all now well recognise that the market is changing at a great rate of knots, and we, as agribusiness people, need to change to keep pace with the market at the very least, but ideally keep in front of it. Market channels that were once clearly defined and distinct from each other are now just one channel. The channels were Veterinary, Pet, Produce and Rural, but today each segment actively transacts across all others to form one channel. The by-product of this is high level competition on a local level, but also from afar if you consider internet selling a threat as well. Retail businesses have to be focused and professional to survive in today’s (and tomorrow’s) market.
Consumer behaviour has changed significantly over the past 40 years. Bernie Brooks (Myer CEO) says there are three distinct behavioural phenomena over this period: Self-service (1980s –‘ 90s) Scanning technology (‘90s – 2000s) ■ Data disruption (current) ■ ■
The first two are fairly self-explanatory, however data disruption may need explanation. Data disruption relates to today’s technology, which practically all consumers have direct access to. A customer can stand at a shelf in a store, in the decision-making process of buying a product. They can see, touch and consider the physical characteristics of that product 18
commoditised, and where strong demand simply by looking at it, but the decision still exists for the product. The amazing process is “disrupted” when they use their growth in these brands clearly indicates that smart phone to then either scan the QR members understand the need to support code for more information to determine its these products suitability for “ In the past, a retail business would where it provides their needs, attempt to differentiate themselves opportunity or log onto in the market on price, service and for a point of the internet to price range (offer). Today this is simply a difference, as well as a creating a check the “ticket to the dance.” better opportunity product from for you to create or protect margin. a competitor’s website. The buyer really doesn’t even need to be that educated on Members need to, wherever possible, use a topic or product because of the resources these brands to “range up”, not forgetting now available to influence the buying that the business needs also to remain low outcome. cost. APPARENT and iO are brands that are In the past, a retail business would attempt to differentiate themselves in the market on price, service and range (offer). Today this is simply a “ticket to the dance”. Most businesses offer these things as a given, so there needs to be more. Today, businesses need to be low cost, have exclusivity of range and have an effective loyalty program of some sort. As a member of AIRR / Tuckers, retailers have access to two of these three things to a level which would not be achievable if the business were to attempt to create these things themselves. If the business could do these two things themselves, then they are not likely to be low cost. AIRR has created an effective, low-cost and implementable loyalty program for members to use in the business to augment the value that member stores offers its customers. Kane Law (GM Marketing) presented this at the Tuckers conference, and if you’d like to know more on what it’s about and how it works, then I’d recommend contacting him at the Melbourne office as soon as possible. I must also add, a loyalty type program is also in the midst for AIRR members. We are working through the early stages of this as you read. AIRR has gone down the “private label” path in APPARENT and iO (Independents Own) to allow both the AIRR business and members to differentiate in products that are margin challenged, highly generic or
available via the AIRR warehouse, which means members can order small quantities often to control the use of capital. Members can, in effect, increase range and decrease use of capital through smart buying from the warehouse. This is exactly what I mean by “it’s all about the opportunities!”
Dave Schelling General Manager – Supplier Relations
Looking for # Australia’s No 1 Selling Triple Active Drench?
Protect your sheep with the Triple Drench Power of TRIGUARD. Providing a potent triple active combination, with the power of Abamectin, for reliable broad-spectrum parasite control. TRIGUARD has a proven and stable formulation, and provides a full dose of 3 shortacting ingredients to every sheep, with every dose, every time – to help delay resistance.
Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 53 071 187 285. TRIGUARD is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2012 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. TRIG-12-000
hen times are tough we still look after our horses.
While money spent on livestock will fluctuate wildly depending on weather, prices and other factors, horse owners continue to worm and vaccinate their horses regularly. Horses are more than a production animal. More and more they are being treated as a companion animal whose health needs are prioritised.
This makes products such as horse wormers and vaccines a profitable addition to your store. Not only are these products ‘drought proof’ but the margins available to resellers are stronger than you’ve come to expect from most livestock products. A horse wormer like Equest Plus Tape, readily available from AIRR, will give you at least 45% markup or more than 30% margin, based on average retail prices. The margins available on equine vaccines are even greater.
Recent research* shows that 96% of horse owners agree that it is ‘essential’ or ‘very important’ to vaccinate against infectious disease, while 88% of horse owners believe that worming is an essential part of good horse care, with over 70% of horse owners worming their horse every 3-6 months. So when looking for products to boost your bottom line don’t overlook the valuable contribution horse products can make to your store.
{ Not putting on
the handbrake }
Horses are more than a production animal. More and more they are being treated as a companion animal whose health needs are prioritised. Order products such as Equest Plus Tape and Equivac 2 in 1 from AIRR now to better drought proof your business. * Zoetis National Horse Owner Survey. September 2013.
Dectomax® kills more of the worm mix for longer on 9 out of 10 properties. Simple science of worm egg counts from shows that Dectomax is the best option as it kills more of the mix of worms for longer on 90% of Australian properties. Make a good call today and choose Dectomax. ©2014 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 94 156 476 425. Level 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes, NSW 2138. 07/14 ZL0068 PAL1146/AIRR
PAL1146_AIRR_297x210_Ute_v04.indd 1
he CopRice Victorian Farm Dog Championship 2014 was a great success with 100 competitors traveling from three states to compete for the coveted prize of Victorian Farm Dog Champion. The prestige’s event is designed to cater for all handers and dogs, this included the encouragement section won by Tom Johnson & Rex, The novice section won by Joe Spicer & Barry Monkey, The Hamilton Open won by Joe Spicer & Go Getta Package and the major event CopRice Victorian Farm Dog Championship won by Joe Spicer & Go Getta Package, Second place was awarded to Ian O’Connell
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& Molly and third was awarded to Adam James & Tundabardi Buster. The high standard of handlers and dogs across all sections produced a very competitive event and very close allocation of points. The final went down to the wire with Joe Spicer & Ian O’Connell locked on the same score after round 3, forcing a “shoot out” 4th round to determine the Championships. Joe Spicer & GoGetta Package winners of the CopRice Victorian Farm Dog Championships 2014 Hamilton Sheepvention. 21
PREMIUM NUTRITION FOR BROODMARES & YOUNG GROWING HORSES Gail Sramek BApplSc Agr – Consulting Nutritionist to Mitavite The aim for all horse owners and stud managers is to produce a sound, healthy foal that is then grown out into a welldeveloped sound athlete. Correct care, management and feeding practices during pregnancy and foaling should be incorporated into a breeding program to ensure the young growing horse that is produced is in good health, is sound, is well developed and grown to reach its genetic potential. In addition to ensuring the health of the mare is maintained through all phases of pregnancy and her ability to care for her new foal and to be put back in foal in a timely manner after foaling are addressed.
Young Growing Horses To produce a well-developed horse there is a balancing act between optimal growth and minimising skeletal problems that could affect the athletic ability and appearance of the horse. Poor management, genetics, exercise, hormones, conformation, growth and nutrition can interact together to contribute to developmental orthopedic disease (DOD), osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), physitis and angular limb deformities. We cannot help the horse if it has poor conformation or genetics, but it is imperative that a balanced feeding regime is provided to young growing horses to minimise growth related disorders to produce a sound elite athlete. 22
Contributing Factors to Bone Diseases in Young Horses
The energy a young growing horse receives contributes to the growth rate of that horse. It is important that optimal growth rates are obtained, not maximum when growing out young growing horses. Maximum growth rate will only give the most rapid rate of gain. Feeding excess energy levels above 129% of maintenance have been shown to induce skeletal abnormalities in some horses. Ideally, optimal growth rate should be encouraged to contribute to athletic performance, longevity and soundness. A young horse will attain 90% of its estimated mature height by the time it’s a yearling. Providing a ‘Good Quality Protein’ and the correct levels and ratios of minerals will support optimal skeletal development. A ‘Good Quality Protein’ will have the correct amount of protein, will contain the correct amount and level of amino acids and is well digested. Good Quality Protein needs to be provided in the diet for the
skeletal muscle and bone to be correctly built and formed. Bone diseases can affect the future career of young growing horses. If nutrition is compromised during the growth of the young horse or during pregnancy the strength and integrity of bone development can be reduced. It is important that the correct level of minerals are fed, not too much and not too little. Deficiencies in bone building minerals such as Vitamin K1, Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper and Zinc can contribute to bone diseases. Deficiencies in Copper can affect normal cartilage development, yet excess levels of Zinc affect Copper absorption and high levels of phosphorus can affect Calcium absorption. Too little Vitamin K1, Zinc, Calcium, Phosphorous and Copper or incorrect ratios of some minerals can cause poor bone development.
Continues on pg 24
Laminitis Management Spring can be a challenging time for ponies prone to laminitis Establishing a feeding and management plan that reduces the risk of Laminitis makes good sense for you and your horse or pony. Spring grass, with its high fructan (sugar) levels, can upset the delicate balance of gut microbes and before you know it your pony is on its way to foundering. Key points for Laminitis management • Restrict access to pasture and if possible graze in the morning when pasture sugars are at lower levels.
• Provide adlib hay/fibre when no access to pasture • Exercise is important to control weight
To read more about how Munga and Speedi-Beet can help you manage Laminitis scan this code
• Feed low starch feeds with adequate vitamins and minerals • Use a good source of super fibres to support gut health. mitavite’s simpLe 2 step feeding pLan 1. A concentrate with no added grains that is fed in small amounts to make sure 1 Colour: Embroidered Colour your horse or pony is not deficient in vitamins, minerals and protein. as T-Shirt 2. Same A super fibre that provides much-needed, highly digestible roughage in the gentlest way possible.
mitavite munga is a very low starch muesli style feed that contains no added grains. (Remember grain starch is converted to sugars during digestion) It is packed with vitamins and minerals and has a horse perfect amino acid profile. Fed at very low rates, Munga keeps your horse or pony looking great. speedi-Beet with super fibres Palatable and highly nutritious, Speedi-Beet is low in sugar, contains absolutely no starch and is a rich source of super fibres, making it a perfect partner with Munga in your laminitis management plan.
Premium Nutrition – It’s a matter of trust To learn more about Laminitis management visit our informative new website or give Mitavite a call on 1800 025 487. 23
Find Us
Enjoy a longer break between worming treatments
We’re sure you’ve heard your customers say that worming horses isn’t their favourite pastime, so the less often it has to be done, the better. Equest® Plus Tape lasts up to twice as long as other wormers and protects horses against a broad range of worm species. Equest® Plus Tape’s low volume gel formulation also means easier administration for the horse owner. Zoetis is committed to supporting you in-store with a range of promotional materials and exciting initiatives for your customers and your staff. Talk to your Zoetis Representative today about the many ways in which we can help increase your sales of Equest® Plus Tape.
Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd. Level 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW 2138. © 2014 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. PFIEQU0626. Aug 2014.
PFIEQU0626_Equest Plus Tape_Reseller Ad_Animal Supplies_140x210_v1.indd 1
New research on the function of Vitamin K1 has found it has an integral role in the formation of strong, dense bone. A protein in the bone called oestocalcin needs Vitamin K1 to stick the major components of bone together, Collagen and Hydroxyapatite. Without adequate levels of Vitamin K1 the oestocalcin cannot bind the major components of the bone together to build bone with good structure and density. Research by Ray Biffin and his associates have shown that there has been a reduction in the incidence of bone diseases in young growing horses supplemented with Vitamin K1. The bone density of these trial horses has improved over the period of supplementation. We would strongly suggest that any diet for a young growing horse or pregnant mare should contain Vitamin K1 to ensure good bone density and geometry.
The best way to ensure your young growing horses are obtaining the nutrients they need at the correct levels is by feeding a highly digestible, well profiled, well formulated feed, such as Mitavite Breeda or Mitavite Promita. Nutrition of the breeding mare is paramount to ensure she is healthy, has a good pregnancy rate, maintains her pregnancy, produces a strong, viable foal and can get back in foal in a timely manner.
Maximise Pregnancy Rates The ability of the mare to ‘cycle’ greatly 24
affects her reproductive performance. Cycling is affected by increased day length, a rise in temperature and the condition of the mare. Ideally mares should be on an increased plane of nutrition, making spring the ideal time for conception. If the mare is thin or overweight fertility can be affected. Mares that are maintained in a moderate to fleshy condition i.e condition score 6 (on a scale of 1-9) cycle earlier in the year, need fewer cycles to conceive, have a higher rate of pregnancy and have a higher likelihood to maintain pregnancy than thin mares. A difficult foaling can affect the ability of the mare to conceive within the first two cycles after pregnancy, delaying the foaling date the following year.
grow as much as 0.4-0.5kg per day.
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Ideally the pregnant mare should be kept in a moderate condition. The ribs should be covered but easily felt. Overweight and obese mares can have more complications during foaling and produce a lesser volume of milk after foaling. The foal has certain developmental periods of growth. The major periods for bone growth start to occur during the last trimester of pregnancy and it is important that all of the bone building nutrients such as Vitamin K1, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc and Manganese are available for optimal growth.
Early Pregnancy During early pregnancy, the mare has nutritional needs that are comparable to a spelling horse. Pasture alone will not meet the mares requirements so a well formulated concentrate such as Mitavite Breeda or if pastures are good, Mitavite Promita, should be fed depending on the pasture quality and quantity available.
Late Pregnancy By the 7-8th month of pregnancy the foal has only grown to approximately 17% of its birth weight. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, over 75% of the growth of the foetus occurs and the nutritional demands in protein, macro minerals, micro minerals, energy and vitamins increase as foal can
During the last trimester the appetite of the mare increases which is stimulated by the increased needs of the growing foetus for protein, vitamins, minerals and energy. As the foal grows it is taking up more room in the mare’s abdomen, restricting the digestive capacity of the mare. This coupled with the increased incidence of abdominal Continues on pg 24
rupture and colics during the peri-foaling period increases the need to feed a well digested, steam-extruded, high nutrient dense feed to ensure the mare is obtaining optimal nutrients without overloading her digestive tract. The mare’s milk is very low in trace minerals such as copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine and iron. It is imperative that during late pregnancy the unborn foal has access to adequate levels of minerals, vitamins and protein so they can be used for bone growth and joint development. These nutrients need to be fed to the late pregnant mare so the foal can store them in his/her liver for use during the first three months of lactation, when the foal only has access to the mares milk.
One Month Before Foaling Mares should be taken to the location of foaling and given a booster injection of tetanus toxoid four weeks before foaling. The injection allows the mare to be protected against tetanus, if tearing occurs during foaling, and the foal will receive colostrum that contains a source of antitoxin. By accustoming the mare to her foaling environment, she produces antibodies to fight the bacteria in the local
environment, transferring her immunity in her colostrum to the newborn foal.
Pre-Lactation During the last month of pregnancy the mares udder will begin to swell and is given the term ‘bagging up’. Some mares can pre-lactate or ‘run their milk’, depleting precious supplies of colostrum that contain the protective antibodies foals need in their first milk. If the mare has large amounts of white, sticky milk down the sides of her hind legs there may be a need to give the foal a full dose of colostrum at birth. Your equine veterinarian will be able to suggest if this is needed and provide you with colostrum or a concentrated antibody drench.
Lactation During lactation the mare literally needs to eat enough for two. She needs to be fed a ration that will meet the protein, mineral and energy demands placed on her and produce enough milk to correctly feed her foal. The total milk yield is determined by the makeup of the mare, her condition and the consumption of energy, protein, nutrients and water during lactation. Therefore, the quality of the ration is paramount during lactation, ensuring it contains well digested energy sources, the best quality protein, amino acids and those
all important bone building nutrients in a bioavailable form. Studies on protein levels have revealed a correlation between the quality of the protein and the growth rate of foals and the quantity of milk produced during the lactation. Lactating mares fed a diet low in minerals such as Calcium intensified bone demineralization, affecting the mares wellbeing. Alternatively, over feeding of nutrients to the mare may not flow through to the milk. Research in this area found over feeding of copper, zinc, calcium and phosphorous to the mare did not affect the concentrations of these nutrients in the milk. It is therefore important to get the balance right and minimise wastage by feeding a well profiled concentrate that will provide all the nutrients at the correct levels. Pregnancy, foaling and lactation are an exciting time for stud managers and owners. Feeding pregnant and lactating mares and young growing horses a well formulated, highly digestible concentrate that contains the right amount of nutrients will ensure both the mare and the young growing horse are receiving premium nutrition to optimize the growth of the young horse and wellbeing and health of the mare.
For more information on feeding breeding mares and young growing horses contact Mitavite on 1800-025-487.
Cyclone Livestock Posts FREE PAIR OF PLIERS* WITH EVERY SLING *Offer valid for purchases of Cyclone Livestock posts. Offer valid from 1 September - 18 October 2014. Offer valid for immediate delivery only. No forward orders. Bonus Maun pliers will be despatched with posts. Other conditions may apply.
Freecall: 1800 199 450 Registered trademark of OneSteel Wire Pty Limited ABN 59 000 010 873 Ingall St, Mayfield 2304.
WHY AUSTRALIAN MADE? It’s good for you Our, farmers, fishermen and processors make some of the best products in the world, and by buying their goods, you’re not only supporting local jobs and our economy, but also getting great products and produce. Australian products and produce have been manufactured or grown locally to meet our high Australian standards, pet food included. They come with guarantees, and should you or your pet be dissatisfied the supplier is just a phone call away. That means you can have confidence in the quality, constant supply and know that whatever you are buying hasn’t travelled around the world before it reaches your home.
It’s good for your family and friends There is a direct correlation between consumer purchasing behaviour and employment, local economic development and prosperity. When you buy Australianmade and grown products, you can be sure you are keeping your family members and friends employed It comes down to all of us as consumers – the people and businesses that buy things every day – to consciously purchase Australian-made and grown products.
It’s good for Australia Research published by the Industry Capability Network shows that for every $1 million of new or retained manufacturing business in Australia, the following effects flow through the economy: 26
(Multiply these numbers by 82 to get the full value before it’s in retail) 10 Full-Time jobs created $333,900 worth of tax generated ■ $985,000 worth of value added generated ■ $95,000 worth of welfare benefits saved ■ ■
Research* shows that a significant proportion of Australian shoppers have a strong preference for buying locally made products - but many find it difficult to identify truly Australian goods. Scientifically formulated for Australian Conditions ADVANCE goes one step further. Not only is it Australian Made, but scientifically formulated for our conditions as well, which is important for overall health and well-being. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth, generally climate is warm and temperate. Australians love being outdoors as a result of the climate and easy access to wide open spaces. We share this lifestyle with our pets as well which mean some of their needs differ from pets living in other countries.
What is the one step further? Summer – ■F eeding
Guide as fewer calories (food) is required.
■W et
foods should be increased (less calorific density & increased water turnover)
■O ptimal
antioxidant levels will reduce oxidative stress from exposure to the elements
■S kin
& Coat is also crucial because of exposure to the harsh elements
Winter – ■F eeding
guide as more calories (food) is required.
■D ry
foods should be increased as they are more energy dense
Stabilised Green Lipped Mussel powder will help with joint health in older pets in colder conditions
How is this all relevant? The #1 driver for retailers is Pet Health & Client Satisfaction ADVANCE is equal if not better than imported brands and will be cheaper. It’s made right here in your own backyard so has a guaranteed supply, will be fresher and is formulated for our conditions. Hence, the product is one of the best on the market. ADVANCE is #1 Australian brand recommended by vets & breeders. 89% of Australian’s will switch brands if you give them an Australian made alternative. * Statistics and data from the Australian Made website
saving for a community water project? The Philmac project can help.
If your local community needs help with a water-related project, enter online today! Philmac has been designing, manufacturing and distributing fittings and valves for polyethylene pipes for more than 80 years - providing secure connections to manage our most precious natural resource, water. Launched in 2012, the Philmac Project is our way of giving something back to the regional Australians who support us. This exciting funding initiative offers $30,000* in cash grants per year to help community groups – such as schools, sports clubs, landcare groups and show societies – roll out water-related community projects. So if you have a great idea, like a new bore, a rehabilitation site or a better use for rainwater, we’d love to know. It’s easy to enter. Just fill in the brief form online, then rally your local community to drum up votes. Connecting Communities through Water – it’s what we’re all about!
Submissions and voting close December 12, 2014. 27
*A maximum of $5000 per region and $5000 per submission. Refer to the Terms & Conditions online.
ACT: We can’t control stock numbers. FACT: We can’t really breed more dogs and cats.
Obtaining more sales from the customers you have is critical. Livestock numbers are at the mercy of weather and external market forces well out of your influence and pet numbers are slightly increasing – yet competition in the high value sector is increasing. So, in numbers we have a key market declining and one holding its own, but with a massive amount of competition. So retailers are running businesses with ever increasing costs, but there is less money to be had and more shopping options. With all things remaining equal, the only options you have is to capture as much of a person’s wallet as you can. There are only so many deckchairs, so shuffle as many your way as you can. Rising costs, devaluing and ever competitive markets is not great news – but there is good news; capturing more money from the customers you have isn’t hard, nor expensive. More good news. On the back of great service and offering sensational value, your customers love and trust you, their local independent, which creates the perfect platform to cash in on your existing customer base. Best yet, you have the best canvas of all – your retail store. Whilst it clearly wasn’t part of our plan, one positive that has come from AIRR taking over the now Mornington and Cranbourne Feed Barn stores is that we get to test and implement many ideas & theories. Not a week goes by where we don’t try different products and promotions in hot spots; with massive success in sales and also in customer feedback. If people bother to mention it, imagine the hundreds of others per week that notice it! A stale and dead store revitalised.
some of the best in the world, are Coles and Woolworths for merchandising, ‘hot spotting’ and in maximising revenue from people when in-store. For this purpose of this piece (clearly not for competition sakes) this is great news as you can use the genius of their method and implementation to take leads and utilise in your own business.
Merchandising An undersold art, merchandising is much more than fluffing. Good merchandising
is absolutely critical to getting those extra sales from people already in-store. Merchandising has much more influence over an add on sale than the staff you pay well very do! Coles hot spot Have those high margin lines and add ons front & centre. The everyday staples that people come in to buy anyway should live in the back of your store. Make the people walk past and eyeball a few hundred more products you have invested your money in. Naturally if you are running an ad, a special or have bought very well this rule wouldn’t apply. Work with suppliers on merchandising. There wouldn’t be a supplier in the universe (clearly loyalty and being a stockist) that wouldn’t want their products front and centre in your store. ➤ Continues to pg 30
Feed Barn back wall before
“ There is good news; capturing more money from the customers you have isn’t hard, nor expensive.”
How do you maximise your return from existing foot traffic? The best retailers in the country – and
Feed Barn back wall after... And what do you know; pet food sales to the “townies” have gone through the roof, and continue to grow.
Apparent Display with new signage. Have you got yours up?
➤ Continued from pg 29 Price tickets: How many times have you walked the isle at the supermarket and the items that sit atop a special ticket look to have basically walked off the shelves? How many times have you been lured in by a perceived bargain when it wasn’t on your list/radar in the outset?
In-store shelf signage: Regardless of the size of your store, shelf signage by supplier or product subcategory is absolutely crucial. Even your most loyal or regular customer mightn’t fully understand the great range you offer. This also creates good merchandising habits for your staff. Loyalty: None of us can survive without loyalty. Our retail competitors make a killing out of their very successful (FLY BUYS STAT/S) loyalty programs. Whilst it does take one ‘helluva good system, if your POS system has functionality to implement a loyalty system then please pop this very high on your to do list. The data and sales benefits are massive, almost worth any cost. Ongoing discounts, special promotions, pricing and exclusive offers shoot you to the top of customers subconscious – a powerful place to be. The most efficient and high return investment you can make is on existing customers; it is 10 times cheaper to keep an existing customer than it is to find a new one. Even if your business is core in large animal and/or crop protection, you can still run a program on the ‘other’ everyday pet, horse or home items to lure customers in. Take a lead from my manager from my time working in a retail as young whipper snapper. She got really pi%&ed off when we averaged less than 2 items per sale! Needless to say we learnt to sell and hot spot merchandise real quick. You have well paid staff and the best canvas of all to capture as many sales as you can from existing customers. Have fun with it. Your customers and your accountant will notice.
Kane Law Group Marketing, AIRR Are their specials really specials? Sure looks that way! But......
The subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. In the subconscious is instinct, impulse, emotions and that powerful beast that is perception. We have many Tuckers members that have experienced an uplift in sales of products simply by utilising price tickets on their shelving. The power of perception pays.
Our everyday prices are sharp. Tuckers can play that game too!
Poultry & Livestock
Backyard Laying Hens
15% Protein 3.5% Calcium
Lucky Layer
16% Protein 3.5% Calcium
Premium Layer
Complete, natural pelleted layer feed, with balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids for excellent egg production and hen health
Rich in rice bran, a great source of omega 6, which helps to produce large, nutritious eggs.
100% Vegetarian, based on energy rich cereal grains and high quality vegetable protein sources
High calcium levels for egg shell strength
High calcium levels for egg shell strength RSPCA endorsed and perfect for your backyard, free range hens
Large 25kg pack, ideal for owners of large flocks.
20% Protein 3,166 kcal me
Chick Starter Crumble
16% Protein 2,950 kcal me
Pullet Grower Crumble
High quality, complete crumble feed with balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids for healthy, growing chicks
Complete crumble feed with balanced vitamins, minerals and amino acids for healthy, growing pullets up to point of lay
High protein diet (20%) based on high quality vegetable protein sources and energy rich cereal grains
Balanced calcium and phosphorus to support good bone development
Added coccidiostat to help reduce the risk of Coccidiosis in young chicks Feed from day old to 6 to 8 weeks of age
Based on high quality vegetable protein sources and energy rich cereal grains Added coccidiostat to help reduce the risk of Coccidiosis in growing pullets Feed from 6 to 8 weeks of age to point of lay (generally 18 weeks of age)
Ask for CopRice at your local AIRR warehouse, or call our free call number 1800 029 901 for details.
CopRice is a division of Ricegrowers Limited, trading as SunRice. CR0593AMPL.
YOUR HERD Calves are the next generation of the milking herd. It is crucial to ensure that they receive good nutrition from the day they are born. The first few months of life are a critical period for the development of the calf as they are developing their rumen, muscles and bones which will affect how they perform in the future.
arly intake is very important for good, early and efficient growth in calves and for rapid rumen development. To ensure adequate intake, it is important that the concentrate feed on offer is highly palatable allowing for quick uptake by the calf. Ideally calves will be offered a dry feed supplement from day one right through to weaning (around three months of age) to assist in this developmental period. Whilst calves are receiving supplementary feed, CopRice recommends that this
be offered to calves without restriction from day one. This will greatly assist with intake and weight gain going forward. In conjunction with feeding the concentrate, calves should also be offered good quality cereal hay as a source of roughage. It is also important to have a reliable, fresh and clean source of water available to the calves at all times. In response to the needs of calves at this time, CopRice offers a pellet specifically designed for the needs of the growing calf. The product is known as the CopRice Premium Calf Pellet and due to its high quality and high palatability it will help ensure early intake and can be fed until the calf is three months of age, then the calf can be progressed onto CopRice Heifer Rearer Pellets. Higher protein levels for growth and development are essential for the growing calf. CopRice Premium calf pellets are scientifically formulated and contain an
optimum protein level of 20% to meet these requirements. These pellets are also fortified with vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as a rumen buffer which will assist the calf in the prevention of digestive upsets including acidosis. The pellets also contain the rumen modifier Lasalocid Sodium which is added to the pellet to assist in the prevention of coccidiosis. Both the rumen modifier and the buffer will assist in improving the growth rate of the calves and feed conversion efficiency. CopRice Premium Calf Pellets contain a balanced starch profile, providing the specific energy required for rumen development, and also include the B Group Vitamins which are required for growth and digestion for young ruminants. For more information about feeding your calves and CopRice Premium Calf Pellets, call and speak to a CopRice nutritionist today on Free Call 1800 267 742.
For more information about feeding your calves, call and speak to a CopRice nutritionist today on Free Call 1800 267 742
GALVANISED OPTION NOW AVAILABLE! One of the longest serving and best known names in the rural industry, Cyclone Products, has extended their product offering in their newly released Livestock post range, by means off a new galvanised Livestock post. Launched in the popular black post spec with great success in September 2013, the Cyclone Livestock post range is now catering to those seeking a galvanised option, due to strong market demand around the country.
yclone, a long time market leader of rural gates nationally launched the Livestock post in September, following market feedback regarding their existing post range. Cyclone’s National Sales Manager, Andrew Thoms, said the company worked very closely with its supply partners to improve on product consistency. “We have always acknowledged that there is going to be a level of variation when you buy a Chinese post, but we have worked very hard with our supply partners to tighten our manufacturing process to deliver our customers a more consistent, reliable product that represents value in the marketplace”, said Thoms.
The current range of Cyclone Livestock posts is available in 6 sizes from 135cm up to 240cm and its galvanised counterpart was recently launched in the 165cm and 180cm sizes in February of this year. Mr Thoms said the launch of the Livestock post was the first in a number of significant improvements to the Cyclone fencing range, with a renewed focus on representing value for money for its customers. “2014 for Cyclone has been about listening to our customers and delivering products that will suit their needs and so far we are pleased with the response”, he said.
For more information on the full range of Cyclone fencing products go to
ormulated as a gel, Vigilant II is ready to use straight out of the pack. No messy chemicals and limited user exposure. Vigilant II comes in an easy to use, re-fillable and re-usable 240 mL brush applicator bottle. The powerful active ingredients aminopyralid and picloram deliver fast brownout and knockdown of target plants with a wide range of weeds controlled. The brush bottle of Vigilant II can treat approximately 120 stems (average stem diameter of 25 mm applied as a 5 mm dollop of gel).
Dow AgroSciences, the Woody Weed Specialists, are proud to add this latest innovation to their suite of woody weed solutions which includes Access™, Garlon™, Graslan™, Grazon Extra™, Hotshot™, Starane™ Advanced, Tordon™ Granules and Tordon™ RegrowthMaster™.
Vigilant II has shown good activity on:
Vigilant II can be used year round, although effectiveness may decrease slightly in colder months and cooler climates. Vigilant II can be used via a number of different application techniques including cut stump, paint and scrape and drill and fill. Vigilant II is the new convenient way of controlling noxious and environmental weeds. Weed management professionals ranging from Councils/Weeds Authorities through to Bushcare/Landcare groups will find Vigilant II a useful tool for those hard-to-kill species. ™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow.
African boxthorn
African olive
Balloon vine
Broadleaf pepper
Camphor laurel
Canna lily
Cape broom
Cape ivy
Castor oil plant
Cats claw creeper
Cherry guava
Chinese celtis
Chinese tallow
Coral tree
Groundsel bush
Honey locust
Japanese sunflower
Madeira vine
Morning glory
Moth vine
Mysore thorn
Prickly acacia
Rhus tree
Scotch/English broom
Siam weed
Sweet briar
Sweet pittosporum
Tiger lily
Tree of heaven
Umbrella tree
Wandering Jew
Wild tobacco tree
For more information, visit or call Toll free 1800 700 096
All Natural Dog Food Range
Maxâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cat Range
Highly palatable formulations containing Rice Contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives With added vitamins and minerals
Quality Economy Option CopRice Dog Food Range is available through your local 35 AIRR Warehouse, or call us on 1800 029 901 for details.
* with added vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients CopRice is a division of Ricegrowers Limited, trading as SunRice. CR0551AMCA1.
Philmac retailers across regional Australia are being given the opportunity to become involved in an initiative that will provide cash grants to community groups with water on their minds.
ow in its third year, The Philmac Project has opened a new round of cash grants for local organisations wanting to carry out waterrelated projects that benefit rural and regional communities. The funding scheme is the initiative of leading Australian manufacturer Philmac, which has been designing, manufacturing and distributing fittings and valves for polyethylene pipes in Australia for more than 80 years. “We launched The Philmac Project in 2012 as a way of giving something back to the rural communities that have stood by us over the years, despite challenging times for rural merchants, rural water users and local manufacturers,” said Philmac Managing Director, Mark Nykiel. “Judging by the extraordinary response, stretching from outback Queensland and the Northern Territory to southern Tasmania, it is meeting a significant need, particularly in smaller communities, so we have decided to offer another round,” Mr Nykiel said. “If you’re a Philmac stockist and know of a school or any other sort of community organisation in
your area with a project that involves water and would benefit the local community, then we would very much like to hear from you. “Past recipients have included school and community kitchen gardens, environmental rehabilitation projects and landcare groups, show societies and sports clubs, kindergartens and childcare centres,’ he said. Previous grants have helped do everything from installing new bores and watering systems, to rehabilitating natural watercourses and setting up plumbing to make better use of rainwater. A total of $30,000 in cash grants and $5000 worth of product is being offered, with individual submissions able to apply for up to $5000 in cash. Each applicant is required to nominate the local retailer they wish to spend their grant funds with, providing opportunities for retailers to increase sales and strengthen business relationships with community organisations. “We have produced a marketing kit to help our retailers, and we are encouraging them to pro-actively approach community groups and encourage them to enter,” Mr Nykiel said.
Philmac Managing Director, Mark Nykiel.
Applying for a grant is easy. Submissions are made online via using a simple application form that asks a few basic questions about the intended project. The submissions will then be posted on the website so that people can show support for the projects by voting. The five projects in each region that attract the most votes will be shortlisted for final judging by an expert panel. To qualify a project must be located in a regional area, and the work has to be completed within 12 months of the start date. Applicants can lodge submissions until December 12, 2014, however the sooner the application is made the more time they have to generate votes. “Ultimately, the funding will be allocated to projects that make a genuine difference to their local rural community, and have the potential to reduce water use, improve water quality or benefit the environment in some way,” Mr Nykiel said.
For more information contact your local Philmac territory manager by calling 1800 755 899, or visit
ESTROTECT TM HEAT DETECTOR ESTROTECT TM Heat Detectors are an economical, simple to use and highly effective heat detection aid. Available in 5 different colours, durable and self adhesive, placed between the hip and tail head for optimum results.
esigned for simple application, ESTROTECT TM Heat Detectors are a cost effective way of monitoring when cows are in standing heat. Failing to detect heat and/or incorrect detection of estrus can result in significant economic losses.
Phone your local contact for Details.
ESTROTECT Heat Detectors are a user friendly, fluorescent colour indicator visible once the silver scratch off surface is exposed.
VIC, TAS & STH WEST NSW Noel Forrest 0402 432 771
QLD & NTHRN NSW Tim Kirk 0427 078 048 CENTRAL NSW Chris Meiklejohn 0427 310 245
WATER STORE WaterStore Poly Tanks is a privately owned company that has been making water storage tanks and water troughs for over 28 years.
ased in Marong in Central Victoria, we manufacture several thousand plastic water tanks annually, so we were looking for an opportunity to recycle our scrap plastic, to reduce landfill and waste emissions in general. We have developed new recycling technologies to take on the challenge. As such, the EcoTrough was developed. The EcoTrough range is produced from 100% guaranteed fully recycled plastic tank material that is as strong as normal tank material and is fully U.V stabilised. After a specialised cleaning and reformatting process, the plastic is then re-moulded into the wide range of EcoTroughs and feeders, in designs that suit most animal applications and requirements. Available in a range of sizes, EcoTrough is the ideal choice for everyone, from the hobby farmer through to extensive feedlot operations. With a proven long term history in the field, perhaps now is the time to retire that old bath tub down the back paddock and replace it with a reliable and functional EcoTrough that will provide clean fresh drinking water for your animalsâ&#x20AC;Ś while helping the environment at the same time. Compare our prices and be pleasantly surprisedâ&#x20AC;Ś Contact your local AIRR supplier for more details or check out the range at au/waterstore-poly-tanks-troughs
New to the
iO Range in Spring â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 NEW
Baling Twine Big Round and Small Square iO Twine meets the highest quality specification standards in the Australian market.
Milk Replacers Gold, Silver & Lamb Milktech range manufactured to the highest spec on the market!
Fenbender Active: Fenbendazole
Fenbender 25 for sheep, goats & cattle. Fenbender 100 for horses and cattle
Hygiene Lines Chlorodet/K-Dex /Stable & Kennel
The brand independents bank on
WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS, YOU STILL NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND ANSWER THE DOOR! Recently at the Tuckers Conference I spoke about the opportunities that AIRR presents to its customers, and I used a quote that sparked a lot of debate. “AIRR does not guarantee equality of profit? It only guarantees equality of opportunity”. During the course of the presentation I highlighted the Marketing opportunity as I saw it - and the increase to the bottom line that jumping in with both feet presents. So in this article I am going to spend time exploring the market forces and our job as Salesman and store owners in making sure we seize any opportunity which is generating “PROFIT”.
efore we go forward I must take you back to help lay the platform. When I joined AIRR I was amazed at the amount of conversations I had on or around pricing. Comments like “I can get this cheaper” or “I bought it cheaper elsewhere”, even though they were a loyal Member and shareholder of AIRR. What made these comments even more interesting was in the main we were competitive, but with a small percentage of products, we were dearer on a single line, and in one particular case we were cheaper on 11 lines and dearer on 2, so we lost the sale on those two lines (1% or $30 on a $3,500 order). Instantly I wanted to put the prices up, but Peter Law saved you all from that ill fated judgement. The reason I wanted to put the price up is when I was a Supplier, if we received price pressure we held our price, and in some cases increased them and concentrated on driving demand through marketing activity such as advertising or value adds. The role of a supplier is to set the pricing, and as distributors we sell at the wholesale price and try and differentiate our offer through service (8 Warehouses), bulk buying, people and their “can do attitude”, and marketing. At AIRR we distribute products, but if you stop and think about it we actually “sell” service. So I spent time investigating the demands and pressures that you are all under and found a reasonably common issue, we are all under the “Price Taking” pressure from the digital customer (Or read Dave Schelling’s article as he refers to it as data disruption). How often have you heard “Your product costs too much, I can get the ‘same’ product from someone cheaper.” It is very simple to give into this by matching a competitor price, but as we are all on or around the same buy price (set by the supplier) usually we are not comparing apples with apples as the product in question is in a different pack size, short dated or a comparative brand but not identical. The Supermarkets are experts at this and create enough confusion within their product offerings and specials
to make you think you are getting a great deal, but their margins still average 30%! My point to all this is I think we have trained our customer to ask for the price and in turn that is what you ask AIRR and suppliers for. I think we have to refocus our strategies or we will race to the bottom of the pile. The lowest price mentality is not sustainable – especially for independents. The success of independents rides on best service and being part of the community. Price is part of the mix, but if that is your number 1 point of difference you are very easily replicated/copied. With this as background I want to talk about the world of Retail Prices, and in particular, tactics we are using to help you make more Profit.
Consumer Demand
Competing Retailers
Competing Products
In the main the above diagram identifies the market forces that contribute to setting your retail price. Your role as retailer is not as passive as you make think. It is all about the opportunity and how you decide to act on that opportunity that matters. Consumer Demand: We give you various tools to help you drive consumer demand such as catalogues to ecommerce, all of which help you communicate with your customer. But if you don’t use these that is your choice, but make sure you use one of the other tactics such as Radio, Word of Mouth, Canvassing etc or your demand will stagnate or go backwards Competing Retailers: In the main Retail Prices drop when the dreaded “Quote” word is used. We are all guilty of wanting to give our opposition a hard time by dropping a cheap price in and using the “Volume Excuse”. Personally I do not believe in quoting as I would prefer to give fair prices everyday to my loyal customers. If you are in a price war, no one wins so stop and move the fight to an area that they cannot beat you on like iO or Apparent (exclusive and/or home brands). ➤ Continues to pg 41
Supply Chain
Product Attributes
➤ Continues from pg 39 Competing Products: Like for like commodities are very hard to price differentiate. This is one of the main reasons we have embarked on our private label strategy with Apparent and Independent Own. These brands allow you to murky the water and tie the positive brand experience and loyalty to your store. Product Attributes: Align your service to a particular product. For instance most suppliers offer terms for key selling periods of drench, chemical or lousicides. I know recently with sheep lousicides, key members took the terms straight to their major farming customers, offered them August delivery - November payment (they had December), and sweetened the pot with the value add of applicators or woolpacks as a bonus. The client was happy as he had the peace of mind that his lousicide, emeries, glue, brooms etc where all in his shearing shed before they were needed, and with a financial incentive of paying for it once his wool cheque was in. In this case the Member sold “peace of Mind” and the customer lapped it up and the price objection was negated. In the main the Members pre-sold 60% of their purchases and secured their top customers
with a service that is not easily copied. It also allowed the Farmer to have an easy “out” when the opposition comes knocking “Sorry”, already got my shearing supplies”. Supply Chain: AIRR has 8 warehouses for a reason. To better service our customers. The opportunity these warehouses presents is a large volume of multiple lines that are competitively priced. This allows you to manage your volumes to the optimum level and use the extra working capital to range up. Why have 40 drums of drench when you can have 10 drums that are replenished a phone call away, and spend the money on increasing the range in your business to gain a bigger share of the clients wallet. Our warehouses give you a greater opportunity to become a true one stop shop.
bring to you every day, and if you don’t take advantage of them that is your choice. However, I am going to keep pushing the Sales Team to stand or pick-up the phone and ask you the question as that is our job. If you get sick of us presenting opportunities to make more profit, then give me a call and I will ask them to stop calling, but I can’t imagine that ever being the case. Happy Selling Peter Lourey
General Manager – Group Sales 0409 048 201
In any organisation Marketing is needed to uncover needs and programs/services that allow the business to make more money. Talk to our Marketing team about all of the advertising options that they have for your store. The Advertising says to people, “Here’s what we’ve got. Here’s what it will do for you. Here’s how to get it”. The benefit is new business and better buying opportunities. These opportunities are a few of the ones that AIRR aim to
troughs & feeders 6 LItre PoLY trOugH
1,900 LItre PoLY trOugH
Measurements: Height 150mm x Width 250mm x Length 310mm
Measurements: Height 304mm x Width 610mm x Length 2435mm
Measurements: Height 500mm x Width 2485mm
OrdEr COdE: PWt6
OrdEr COdE: PWt1900
300 LItre PoLY trOugH
40 LItre fEEdEr
Measurements: Height 455mm x Width 1000mm
Measurements: Height 280mm x Width 380mm x Length 420mm
Picture shown with optional brackets.
OrdEr COdE: PWt300
OrdEr COdE: PWtF40
100 LItre PoLY trOugH
950 LItre PoLY trOugH
Measurements: Height 240mm x Width 525mm x Length 1270mm
Measurements: Height 500mm x Width 1780mm
Measurements: Height 340mm x Width 250mm x Length 345mm
OrdEr COdE: PWt100
OrdEr COdE: PWt950
OrdEr COdE: FeeDer
40 LItre PoLY trOugH Measurements: Height 280mm x Width 380mm x Length 420mm OrdEr COdE: PWt40
Eco Troughs and animal feeders... the most ecologically advanced troughs on the market | Ideal for horses, goats, sheep, dogs, cattle Made from fully recycled water tank plastic and fully UV protected | All troughs supplied with float valves | Talk to your local AIRR distributor for details LoCAL CALL
41 GO3243
03 5435 2388
1800 654 610
Address Email Website
211 Wimmera Highway, Marong VIC 3515 Po Box 918 Maiden gully VIC 3551
AUSTRALIA’S BEST WETTER AUSTRALIA’S BEST PERFORMANCE A wetter is essential for most agricultural chemicals to work efficiently. A wetter is typically used to reduce the surface tension and this is best illustrated by pouring a small amount of water on a horizontal sheet of glass. The water will form beads which invariably run-off the edge of the glass. However, if you add a minute quantity of a household detergent to one of the beads you see it immediately flatten-out and “wet” the glass. This is exactly what happens when you spray herbicide on to a weed, especially weeds which have shiny and hairy leaves. The herbicide will simply form beads and roll-off the leaves.
herefore it is essential for the herbicide to wet the leaves of weeds and serve the purpose for which it is used. Wetting may be accomplished in one of two ways: (1) a wetter (which is a form of detergent) may be included with the herbicide as an ingredient and/or (2) a wetter may be added to the spray tank, in most cases to supplement the wetter in the formulation. In some cases, especially with herbicides which have a very high active loading, there is no room for a wetter in the drum and therefore it must be added later. However, many cheap herbicides on the market often contain insufficient wetter or even a poor performing wetter and therefore supplementation by an added wetter is necessary. We wish to emphasise at this juncture that all APPARENT products contain the highest quality wetters (and other adjuvants) as required under the APVMA-approved specifications. However, added wetters may be necessary in certain conditions such as very dry weather or when spraying difficult weeds. The original wetter was an Alcohol Alkoxylate produced by companies which specialised in this field and simply re-packed by crop protection companies who invariably used
the words “Wetter 1000” to describe the product. However, in order to achieve a lower cost of production for “Wetter 1000” several companies have since modified the formula using different raw materials (TERIC N8/9 & Butyl Di Glysolv) and finished up with a product which does not perform as well as the Alcohol Ethoxylate. Unfortunately both the APVMA and the end-user were unaware that this transformation had occurred. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the new formula may be diluted to achieve the required price-point, but with a lower performance level. APPARENT has been forced to follow the TERIC N8/9 & Butyl Di Glysolv path to compete (APPARENT Wetter 1000), but we also offer the premium APPARENT GOLD Wetter 1000 which uses the conventional Alcohol Alkoxylate. Of course, buying on price is a poor investment when it comes to crop protection because a poor wetter means poor performance (as much as -30% in Glyphosate alone) and reduced yields.
Rainfast: What does that mean? However, the tide turned recently when Monsanto commenced marketing “rainfast” Glyphosate. The term “rainfast” has many
different meanings and does not even exist if the rainfall is very heavy. One may also improve rainfastness by simply increasing the rate at which Glyphosate is used. In the case of APPARENT Glyphosate 450, the tallow amine wetter we use is also a humectant, that is, it will absorb moderate rainfall and remain on the leaf with the Glyphosate. Trials in the USA show that virtually any Glyphosate is rainfast to 82% after four hours at normal application rates, but this may be increased to 89% if a non-ionic surfactant is added. The same trials also demonstrated that there is no difference between “rainfast” and normal Glyphosate after 30 minutes. The good news is that if you are seeking a rainfast Glyphosate that matches other products claiming this feature then APPARENT GOLD Wetter 1000 plus APPARENT Glyphosate 450 will meet your requirements - and provide you with vastly improved wetting at the same time. Simply use at the rate of 2%, for example, a 20-L drum of APPARENT GOLD Wetter 1000 for a shuttle of Glyphosate 450. You will also have the flexibility using a rainfast product when rainfall is likely rather than wasting the additional cost of a non-anionic surfactant when no rainfall occurs.
For premium performance, your farmers need look no further than Gold Wetter
Apparent Gold Wetter 1000: No better wetter New to our renowned
Herbicide Arsenal for Spring '14
The king of woody weed control
SLASHER 200 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the triethylamine salt. 100 g/L PICLORAM present as the triisopropanolamine salt.
WRENCH 26 g/l PICLORAM present as the potassium salt 420 g/l MCPA present as the potassium salt
Visit our all new website ✔ All new search function; by products and comparables. ✔ Improved product information flow (MSDS, ✔ Find your nearest stockist by postcode label and instruction) 43
Easy-to-Use on Hard-To-Kill weeds