Presenting the Airush
Keith Baxter on the early days of Airush Development:
The early days of Airush were really fun and interesting. Hawaii was the trigger to the rest of the world, but in the really early stages no one really knew what was happening. While there was a lot of carnage and experimentation, we really had a great time and the sport grew faster than we ever imagined. Soon afterwards the rest of the world went kiting crazy and the sport went nuts after that. Looking to where the sport is today, it is simply fantastic with the progress of products, which work so incredibly well, in such a broad range of conditions and across so many disciplines. Airush is leading the charge in so many areas, its incredible to have been a part of that from day one. - Keith Baxter / Airush Co-Founder
. n o i s s a p d e r a h S Our shared passion for creating great product created an immediately strong connection between myself and Keith Baxter, which continues today. The first day Clinton got involved with Airush we spoke about our shared desired to innovate and this common focus has made his role in Airush pivotal in moving the brand to its position today. - Svein Rasmussen / Group CEO
Maui always has a huge sense of nostalgia, travelling between Hawaii and Cape Town, where fresh out of school I discovered my future as a product designer. It is so different to Cape Town in that it is so focused on watersports that you simply immerse yourself completely into that lifestyle. Ultimately from an R&D side, it balances perfectly with Cape Town as it is on the opposite side of the world, has the opposite seasons and with the wind from the other tack, it really helps us to develop a well balanced range that works in so many different conditions. - Clinton Filen / Brand Director & Board Designer
My connection with surf is one the most significant focuses in my lifestyle. Whether I am in Cape Town, or Indo, I make a point of getting onto the water every day to kite, surf or both . So developing the Wave Series with the rest of the crew at Airush is definitely one of the high ligh ts of what I do.
Going from Bali directly to Maui was such an interesting experience. These two island paradises share so much in terms of climate and conditions, but are worlds apart in terms of culture. Spending time with the team riders as college students, compared to practicing my Balinese on the local bike repair mechanic is an example of the diverse world that I get to work in, where I am always experiencing something new and finding inspiration. - Mark Pattison / Kite Designer
I got involved with Airush over 10 years ago and it is an incredible experience to work with such a diverse group of people. The Maui base really helps us to keep our development aligned with what the North American Customers are looking for, while the international rider and designers ensure we are always getting new and fresh perspectives on how people are riding around the world. - Kyle Flower / North American Sales Manager
Its so sick fo r us to be able to ca tc h up with Clin to n and Mar k, as th e two ke y designers be hind th e Wave se ries. Its th e time wh en we ge t to expe rien ce ho w all of th e feedback and inpu t has be in tegrated in to th e ne w range. Th e result is an in credible bu nc h of produc ts th at wo rks in just abou t ever y th ing.
- Reider Decker / Team Rider
Maui is an all round grea t spot to co me and test gear, th e co nditions are grea t and its pretty much wh ere it all started fo r us. Th ere are also mo re dive rse co nditions th an people expe ct, so we are able to test th e boards and kites in ever ything from onsh ore to Hookipa do wn th e line, wh ich gives a good vie w of ho w th e range is pe rforming. - Bear Karry / Team Rider
Se t a ne w be nc hmar k fo r yourse lf on ho w you want to ride...
Being the new guy has been really interesting, you come from being this big fish in a little pond to Hawaii where the level is incredibly high. You end up really pushing yourself and it helps to set a new benchmark for yourself on how you want to ride. - Terence Seaman
e n o e b t s u m i Mau o h s o t ld r o w in th e o y g n i h t y r e v e d an s y l e t ia d e m m i you u r o t s d n u o r g bac k s o h t l l a n o n o i t c a a t e g e v n e e r g d n a
Shooting with the Airush crew just makes it even more thrilling and rewarding because those guys really know how to push it to the limit, grabbing the best footage and photos possible. So at the end of the day we can relax and grab a cold one, assured to have just the images we need. - Diogo Cardoso / Videographer
s e c la p e t i r o v a f o f my nd u o r a k o o l u o Y oo t. l, u f i t u a e b t s u you see is j g star t p ic turin and u n your sc e nes wa te rs e u l b l a t s y r c e s a tio n.