BCoreRevD_ 8. OSCommandReference

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AIS Cube




With superior number crunching abilities and peripheral handling on our custom embedded OS, Rapid prototyping is now easy... and blazing fast.

Os command Reference OS Commands

OS The following members listed under OS contain methods that allow the BCore Operating System to natively handle peripheral, memory and communication protocols of components onboard the BCore Microcontroller Board. Members


Comm1 Comm2 Idle Interrupt LED1 LED2 Memory PB1 PB2 Reset Sleep Timer

Handles methods for serial communication on Comm1 Handles methods for serial communication on Comm2 Set the OS to Idle mode for a specified period of time Provides access to methods for the Interrupt Pins Provides methods to toggle the onboard LED1 on or off Provides methods to toggle the onboard LED2 on or off Provides access to methods for handling data arrays stored in memory Returns logical state of Push Button 1 onboard the BCore Board Returns logical state of Push Button 2 onboard the BCore Board Commands the BlazingCore OS to perform a soft reset on itself. Set the OS to Sleep mode for a specified period of time Provides access to system timer methods

UART Serial communication on the BCore is available through the use of UART. The BCore board has up to 4 UARTs supported by the BCoreOS under the name of Comm1/2/3/4. UART settings on the BCore are; Full duplex, 8bit transmission No parity, One Stop Bit Baud Rate: 115200bps (Default) 4 word deep FIFO Data Receive Buffer COMM1 has a fixed baud rate of 115200bps, 8N1. More options are available for COMM2/3/4 under the namespace of BCore.

COmm1 / COMM2 Handles methods for serial communication



HasData Rx Tx

Returns state of Data Receive buffer Returns byte data stored in Data Receive buffer Transmit specified byte data.

.hasdata Returns state of Data Receive buffer Variable = Comm1.HasData() Variable = Comm2.HasData()

Returns; Logical True if data is present in the data receive buffer, Logical False if the buffer is empty.

Os command Reference UART / Serial Communication

.RX Returns byte data stored in Data Receive buffer *Data is retrieved one byte at a time. Variable = Comm1.RX() Variable = Comm2.RX()

.TX Transmit specified byte data *Transmission is done one byte at a time. Comm1.TX(byte Data) Comm2.TX(byte Data)

Working EXAMPLE The following code is a working example of the use of the above commands to perform checking, receiving and transmission of data between the 2 COMM Ports. Data that is received on either port is echoed to the other port. Tests may be conducted with the help of a HyperTerminal or equivalent software.

Code: 'SIMPLE ECHO PROGRAM BETWEEN THE TWO COMM PORTS Public Sub Main() Dim RX as integer Do If OS.Comm1.HasData() Then rx = OS.Comm1.RX() OS.Comm2.TX(rx) End If If OS.Comm2.HasData() Then rx = OS.Comm2.RX() OS.Comm1.TX(rx) End If Loop End Sub

Os command Reference POWER SAVING | INTERRUPT

POWER SAVING MODE BCore features the following commands to set the core to sleep or idle mode to save on current, thus drawing less power and enabling battery powered applications to run for a decent amount of time on a single charge. For reference; Board/s BCore100

Mode Normal Idle Sleep

Current Consumption 48mA < 1mA < 1mA

.IDLE Set the OS to Idle mode for a specified period of time OS.Idle(ByVal Duration As Integer)

Duration: Length of Time to be in Idle Mode (in ms)

.SLEEP Set the OS to Sleep mode for a specified period of time OS.Sleep(ByVal Duration As Integer)

Duration: Length of Time to be in Idle Mode (in ms)

INTerrupt BCore has 3 Interrupt Pins; 2 Interrupt On Change Pins and 1 Timer Interrupt.



Timer Pin1 Pin2

Provides access to methods for BCore Timer Interrupt Provides access to methods for interrupt on Pin 1 Provides access to methods for interrupt on Pin 2

TIMER Provides access to methods for BCore Timer Interrupt.



Init Start Stop State Read

Initialise the Timer Interrupt with a specified interval duration Start the Timer Interrupt Stop the Timer Interrupt Get the State of the Timer Interrupt Read Time of Timer Interrupt

.INIT Initialise the Timer Interrupt to trigger at specific intervals, in msec OS.Interrupt.Timer.Init(ByVal Period As Integer)

Os command Reference INTERRUPT |TIMER / PIN1/ PIN2

.START Start the Timer Interrupt OS.Interrupt.Timer.Start()

.STOP Stop the Timer Interrupt OS.Interrupt.Timer.Stop()

.STATE Get State of Timer Interrupt Variable = OS.Interrupt.Timer.State() As Integer Returns: ‘0’ : Timer Interrupt is Off ‘1’: Timer Interrupt is On

.READ Get the time elapsed since last interrupt, in msec Variable = OS.Interrupt.Timer.Read() As Integer

PIN1 / PIN2 Provides access to methods for BCore’s Interrupt-On-Change Pins located on Pins 1 & 2 JST1 JST2




Init Start Stop State

Initialise the Interrupt Pin with a specified mode Start the Interrupt Stop the Interrupt Get the State of the Interrupt

.INIT Initialise the Interrupt Pins to trigger at a specific change in Pin State OS.Interrupt.Pin1.Init(ByVal Mode As Integer) OS.Interrupt.Pin2.Init(ByVal Mode As Integer) Mode: ‘0’ : Trigger on Rising Edge ‘1’: Trigger on Falling Edge

.START Start the Interrupt OS.Interrupt.Pin1.Start() OS.Interrupt.Pin2.Start()

Os command Reference INTERRUPT |TIMER / PIN1/ PIN2

.STOP Stop the Interrupt OS.Interrupt.Pin1.Stop() OS.Interrupt.Pin2.Stop()

.STATE Get State of Interrupt Variable = OS.Interrupt.Pin1.State() As Integer Variable = OS.Interrupt.Pin2.State() As Integer Returns: ‘0’ : Interrupt is Off ‘1’: Interrupt is On

Os command Reference LED | PushButton | MEMCARD (MMC)

.LED1 / LED2 Provides methods to toggle the onboard LED on or off



High Low

Turn the LED on Turn the LED off

.HIGH Turn the LED on OS.LED1.High() OS.LED2.High()

.LOW Turn the LED off OS.LED1.Low() OS.LED2.Low()

.PB1 / PB2 Returns logical state of onboard push buttons Variable = OS.PB1() Variable = OS.PB2()

Returns; 0; Button is not pressed 1; Button is pressed The following program polls both the onboard buttons for its logical state 5 times a second to detect if any of the buttons are pressed.

Code: Dim BUTTON1, BUTTON2 as Integer Do BUTTON1 = OS.PB1() BUTTON2 = OS.PB2() Debug.Print Cstr(BUTTON1);" Delay(200)



External memory card (mmc/sd-compatible) For the sake of backward compatibility, Sonata IDE still accepts OS.Memcard usages. However, no further developments will be made under OS.Memcard. Please use the namespace MCard Instead. (Full listing located further down in this documentation)

Os command Reference Memory

MEMORY Provides access to methods for handling data arrays stored in memory



Copy CopyExt

Copies elements from one array to another Copies a specified range of elements from one array to another Min Returns index of first occurrence of the smallest number in a specified range of elements Max Returns index of first occurrence of the largest number in a specified range of elements


.COPY Copies elements from one array to another. OS.Memory.Copy(Source, Destination, Length)

Parameter/s: Source; Variable Array to copy from Destination; Variable Array to copy to Length; Number of elements to copy over

Code: Dim Arr1(20) as Integer Dim Arr2(20) as Integer Public Sub Main() Dim I as Integer 'Initialise the Array with some values For I = 0 To 5 Arr1(I) = I Next OS.Memory.Copy(Arr1, Arr2, 3) For I = 0 To 5 DEBUG.PRINT CSTR(Arr2(I));", "; Next End Sub

Output : 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0,

.COPYExT Copies elements from one array to another. OS.Memory.CopyExt(Source, Source Start, Destination, Destination Start, Length)

Parameter/s: Source; Variable Array to copy from Source Start; Index of Source to start copying elements from Destination; Variable Array to copy to Destination Start; Index of Destination to start copying elements to Length; Number of elements to copy over

Os command Reference Memory

Code: Dim Arr1(20) as Integer Dim Arr2(20) as Integer Public Sub Main() Dim I as Integer 'Initialise the Array with some values For I = 0 To 5 Arr1(I) = I Next OS.Memory.CopyExt(Arr1, 2, Arr2, 1, 3) For I = 0 To 5 DEBUG.PRINT CSTR(Arr2(I));", "; Next End Sub

Output : 0, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0,

.findfirst Performs a search function into specified data arrays



Min Max

Returns index of first occurrence of the smallest number in a specified range of elements Returns index of first occurrence of the largest number in a specified range of elements

.MIN Returns index of first occurrence of the smallest number in a specified range of elements Variable = OS.Memory.FindFirst.Min(Memory, Start, Length)

Parameter/s: Memory; Data array to carry out the search Start; Index of Data Array to start searching from Length; Number of elements to search Returns; Index of element at which the condition was satisfied

Code: Dim Arr1(20) as Integer Dim Arr2(20) as Integer Public Sub Main() Dim I as Integer 'Initialise the Array with some values For I = 0 To 5 Arr1(I) = I Next I = OS.MEMORY.FINDFIRST.Min(ARR1,0,10) debug.print "pos = ";cstr(I) End Sub

Output : pos = 0

Os command Reference Memory

.Max Returns index of first occurrence of the largest number in a specified range of elements Variable = OS.Memory.FindFirst.Max(Memory, Start, Length)

Parameter/s: Memory; Data array to carry out the search Start; Index of Data Array to start searching from Length; Number of elements to search Returns; Index of element at which the condition was satisfied

Code: Dim Arr1(20) as Integer Dim Arr2(20) as Integer Public Sub Main() Dim I as Integer 'Initialise the Array with some values For I = 0 To 5 Arr1(I) = I Next I = OS.MEMORY.FINDFIRST.Max(ARR1,0,10) debug.print "pos = ";cstr(I) End Sub

Output : pos = 5

Os command Reference Reset | Timer

.REset Commands the BlazingCore OS to perform a soft reset on itself. OS.Reset()

.SLEEP Set the OS to Sleep mode for a specified period of time Note: Refer to Power Saving Mode in this chapter OS.Sleep(ByVal Duration As Integer)

Duration: Length of Time to be in Idle Mode (in ms)

.TIMER Provides access to control the chip’s system timer. Member


Init() Read Set Start Stop

Initialise OS Timer with a specified prescale value index. Returns time elapsed in terms of clock cycles (dependent on prescaler) Set Timer Value Start the Timer Stop the Timer

.INIT Initialise OS Timer with a specified prescale value index. OS.TIMER.INIT(prescale index)

Prescale Index 1 2 3 4 5

Prescale Factor 1 (default) 2 4 8 16

.READ Returns time elapsed in terms of clock cycles (dependent on prescaler) Variable = OS.TIMER.Read()

.SET Set Timer Value to start from OS.TIMER.Set(value)

.START Start the Timer OS.TIMER.Start()

.STOP Stop the Timer OS.TIMER.Stop()

Os command Reference Timer

TIMER WORKING EXAMPLE The following is an example code on using the system timer with a prescaler set to a factor of 2.

Code: Dim TIME as Long Public Sub Main() OS.TIMER.INIT(2) OS.TIMER.Set(0) OS.TIMER.Start() TIME = OS.TIMER.Read() OS.TIMER.Stop() Debug.Print "CYCLES ELAPSED: ";Cstr(TIME) End Sub

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