FICE EBlue Documentation v1.1

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FlamingICE™ EBlue™ Bluetooth Documentation (v1.1)

Copyright  2008 AIS Cube. All rights reserved. The FlamingICE(FI) , FIDE and EBlue™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of AIS Cube in Singapore and/or other countries. EasyConnect™, EmbeddedBlue™ and OEM Bluetooth® serial modules are either registered trademarks or trademarks of A7 Engineering, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Visual Basic and Visual C# are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Technical Specifications • • •

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Low power operation at 3.3V Low current consumption rate Current Consumption: • 115.2kbps Data transfer: 25mA • No connection: 3mA • Reset < 1mA Operating Temperature -15° to 70°C Up to 250kbps continuous data rate 2.4GHz FHSS technology EasyConnect™ enabled Simple serial UART communications Simple ASCII interface for command and control of Bluetooth technology Secure point to point communications 56-bit encryption Fully embedded Bluetooth stack including the Generic Access Profile (GAP), Service Discovery Profile (SDP), Dial-Up Networking Profile (DUN) and Serial Port Profile (SPP).

Device Pin-out

EasyConnect™ The pairing mode can be activated by holding the EasyConnect button on both units and releasing it when the blue LED turns on. Throughout this process, the devices will locate and pair with each other automatically forming a reliable and secure wireless connection. When this process is complete and the devices are ready for use, the indicator LED will begin to blink slowly. The paired devices will automatically establish and maintain a secure wireless connection whenever they are powered on. Factory default communication parameters are 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity and No Flow Control.

Testing the EBlue™ After the successful pairing of both units, the EBlue can be tested without the need for any code. Here’s how: Connect the EBlue to a FICE Comm. Key for Bluetooth which does the RS232 interfacing to the PC using USB. Do the same for the other unit. You should now have a pair of EBlue connected to 2 ports over at the PC. Obtain the port numbers used by the EBlue modules. You can get the port numbers through: Control Panel > System > Device Manager > Ports

In this case, one of them is COM3. Obtain the other COM port number the same way. 1. Now, open FIDE > Tools > Data Comm 2. From Data Comm, open Comm Settings under the edit tab.

Set the port number and baud rate as seen above and click ‘OK’. The COM port will automatically be open. Repeat procedure from step 1 for the other COM port while changing the port number. Keep in mind that the devices should work using the same baud rate set.

Type something in the transmit box and hit the ‘Enter’ key to send the data. You should see the data immediately in the receive box of the other Data Comm. window. Do the same for the other window and you should now have something in the receive box for both windows. You have successfully tested both receive and transmit functions of the EBlue.

Using the EBlue™ with FI The EBlue is an RS232 bridge. Normal communication using FI commands can be used to send and receive data through the EBlue. By default the EBlue is set to 115200 kbps. No resetting is required and immediate usage on the FI is possible. Below is an example on how to use the EBlue with FI. The program waits in a loop until it receives a data from comm.2 and echoes it back using the Debug.Print(comm 1) statement.

Example: Public Sub Main() Debug.Print "COMM 2 TEST" Do If OS.Comm2.HasData() Then Debug.Print CStr(OS.Comm2.RX()) End If Loop End Sub

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