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aisg government timeline
Initial Communication to parents about CoVID-19 loCKDoWn of WuHAn fIRSt DAY of SpRInG feStIVAl GuAnGDonG eDuCAtI on BuReu InfoRMeD SCHoolS to poStpone SCHool January 23 25 eXtenSIon of HolIDAY to feB. 2 tHen to feB. 7; SCHoolS ReQueSteD to poStpone Reopen DAY 26 online learning leadership team was created first Crisis Response team (CR t) meeting 27 first travel History and location Survey was sent to the community 28 first Health & Safety update to the community CHInA MInIStRY of eDuCAtI on pRoVIDeD e leARnInG plAn foR All SCHoolS nAtI onWIDe 29 Repository website launched for community access to all past schoolwide communications regarding the novel coronavirus, school closure, and online learning was launched 1-2 first Board CoVID-19 ad hoc meeting 4 online learning kicked off around the globe for AISG community 7 lASt DAY of SpRInG feStIVAl HolIDAY GuAnGDonG eDuCAtI on BuReAu ReQueSteD All InteRnAtI onAl SCHoolS to InfoRM StuDentS AnD teACHeRS not to RetuRn to SCHool AnD AVoID tRAVel first Ram nation Wrap-up video to the community first parent Zoom meeting February 7 8 24
GoVeRnMent tIMelIne AISG timeline
AISG & GoVeRnMent CoVID-19 CRISIS Timeline
GuAnGDonG eDuCAtI on BuReAu offICIAllY AnnounCeD SCHoolS ARe peRMItteD to ReSuMe on-CAMpuS leARnInG In StAGGeReD pHASeS Reopening task force was created emergency response rehearsal at AISG Summer enrichment program Committee was created Grades 12 and 8 return to campus11 Grades 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 return to campus 18 Grades 4 - 5 return to campus 25 Grades 1-4 return to campusVice Mayor Hu Hong and his team visits AISG SY20-21 pre-planning task force was created June 2 All Grades are on campus, including preschool and Kindergarten 28 High School Graduation (virtual and on-site)9 last day of school 10 Back to School plan for SY20-21 15 Summer enrichment program session 1 27 Summer enrichment program session 2 9 13 20 21 27 May
Government sources: Guangdong Education Bureau and Ministry of Education of the PRC *COVID-19 in Guangzhou as of August 17, 2020