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Elementary School Review
What an exciting year we have had in the AISG Elementary School!
The 2020-2021 school year began with most of our students returning to campus, but many of our teachers were not yet able to return to China. as the weeks and months continued, more and more of our teachers were able to get back to their classrooms to see happy kids and relieved parents! as the year continued, aisg was able to get back to more and more of our traditions. This school year was unlike any aisg has seen before, but it didn’t stop our wonderful students, parents, and teachers from making it truly memorable!
Grade 5 students took part in this year’s PyP exhibition
pa SS ionate, dedicated, experienced & FU ll-time e lementary Sc H ool Fac U lty
Parent Coffees
(both virtual and in-person)
QU e S tion S in t H e Battle o F t H e Boo KS competition
Chil D P RO te C ti ON awa R e N ess The month of November was child protection Awareness month at AISG, and students learned some important rules to protect themselves and their friends. parents engaged in presentations and workshops and the whole school came in one day wearing AISG’s child Safe Zone color, purple, to show our community’s unified stand in preventing child abuse and neglect. It was a powerful month!
uP sta ND e R awa R e N ess The month of March served as Upstander Awareness Month, where students developed new skills to stand up to unkind treatment and share with the world that no one in our community will stand by and allow bullying and hurtful behaviors! Through curriculum, assemblies, and parent events, we raised awareness about what bullying is and what we can do to prevent it from entering our community.
fR ie ND shi P awa R e N ess April was Friendship Awareness Month, where AISG elementary students took some time to marvel at our incredibly diverse school community. Each student, class and grade level worked hard to develop friends and bridge our many different cultures through kindness and caring.
l ite R a C y mON th Literacy Month was held in May at AISG and was a fun-filled time celebrating our great readers and writers at AISG. We had multiple author visits, including Trevor Lai. classroom doors were decorated to look like the covers of students’ favorite books and our community shared in lots of other great activities related to reading and writing. AISG truly ‘reads the world!’
Battle O f the B OOK s The infamous Battle of the Books was held with 83 students from the Elementary School. They read several novels and picture books and then, with their teams, answered tough questions about the various stories. It was a blast!
P y P e xhi B iti ON We ended the year with 5th Graders sharing their pYp Exhibition projects, an exhibition of their independent research projects and a celebration of learning of the IB primary Years programme (pYp). The theme was ‘Small Actions Matter,’ and students chose a wide range of topics and used their critical thinking to think of what small actions can be done to help global issues.
s atu RD ay at the l i BR a R y Saturday at the Library is an opportunity for families to visit the library to listen to stories and borrow books. This year, Saturday at the Library was delayed until January 2021 due to campus access restrictions from cOVID-19, but then successfully hosted four Saturdays until the end of the school year. Families signed up, with slots filling quickly, and everyone enjoyed their time in the library.