Campus culture

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NIFT, thinking it’s all about fashion? All the taam-jhaam related to fashion? No, not really! You hear the word Spectrum and the first thing that comes to your mind is “colour”. Yes, the time in the life of NIFT Kolkata where you see the colour of the campus glowing well. Not everyone has the same likings. Sporty or culturally inclined people come together and works for Spectrum, the annual fest of the college. It is thematic every year, and with the invention of the word ‘swag’ in recent time, the inspiration taken which resulted in the form of the theme that was ‘desi swag’. Starting with the main gate to the pathway to the reception, the stage built outside, the auditorium was decorated with the theme in mind. You would see marigold used in majority of decorations because that is one desi flower without which Indian festivals are incomplete. Because this fest is By the students, For the students and Of the students- everything was directed, co-ordinated and volunteered by the student team. You enter the campus, and on your right you will see a shaadi ka mandap type set-up with marigold, bel ka patta, tables and chair. Though the inside was very quirky like neon-ish round glasses, colourful head wigs, daaru ki bottles used as a prop to click pictures with. Be desi and don’t want bhaang ka nasha? A first year student with his peer group had put up an installation of Lord Shiva with a caption: Bum Bole. Interestingly done and picture taking moments. Every year our college designs a t-shirt for spectrum which makes life simpler for outsiders and the participants for FAQs regarding events and venues. And to our surprise, our inhouse faculty members were interested to attend the fest also! Stalls started setting up by 10:00 am, pav-bhaji, home made cookies, rose messenger, easy to win games etc. You could her the songs being played in the auditorium while standing far away from it; bam bam-boom boom all in the auditorium. The anchor faced difficulty speaking on the microphone because the crowd was busy in dancing, singing and clapping for the performance. People were amazed to see the Joint Director to go up on the stage and joke around and sing for the crowd. Love month in action and the first years were instructed to make a cupid box which will read love confessions for juniors or senior from their crushes or even infatuations. Any college fest is incomplete without a musical night. Through the sponsors, The Vedas were invited for the musical night and performed well. Till day two, the footfall kept increasing and the fest marked a huge success comparatively. And hey wait, the most important thing that I missed, the selfie booth! As expected lot of people gathered there and clicked and saved their memories for the day. Events lined up till the end of day two, prize distribution happened that night where Ebay, Spykar Jeans and 91.3 Friends FM had given the winners the vouchers respectively to end it merrily. To make the evening more interesting, the President of Cultural Club Rohan Roy was asked about his views on the fest to which he answered, ‘’For the first time I was really involved in Spectrum specially because it was my last fest at NIFT Kolkata. Being cool was mood, the fest pulled off on the 18 th and 19th of February with all smiles and excitement. A big thanks to all event co-ordinators and volunteers. This Spectrum, a Spectrum to remember!

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