Rickshaw Pullers of Delhi , A stakeholder engagement report .

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Rickshaw Pullers Kishanganj Ward 81n Stake holder Participation Report (DRAFT) Kripal Singh Bhadouria | T.Aishwarya


This report is a part of the community participation lab . this was conducted in the third semester of urban design studio that was design for Local Area Planning .

T he intension of this lab is to learn the ethics and methodology of conducting and reporting a Community meeting .This report is a combination of primary and secondary data .it is the work of Kripal Singh Bhadouria and T.Aishwarya.

Community participation lab bought about clarity on the methodology and ethic of conducting a community meeting. Approaching the stake holders with this understanding brought about clear outcomes and feed back for design . The team would like to extend its thanks to the Head of Department for making the subject a part of the curriculum. We would like to thank Mr. Manu Mahajan and Mr. Manas Murthy for their guidance throughout the exercise. This could not have been done without the cooperation and patient participation of the RickshawPullers of Pratap Nagar Metro station.

Content page

1. Methodology 2. Introduction 3.

Stake Holder Identification

4. Inferences 5. Agenda • Significance of the Rickshaw Pullers • Analytical Diagrams 6.

Interaction Design

7. Recommendations 8. Credits 9.

Sources and Notes

10. Appendix


Image 9: Nobody really liked it because it looks like E-rickshaw and they know its not what they can afford . Image 10 . This is how we dressed tup, a simple clothing. Image 11 . Started with one on one interaction by showing images .




Primary research :

Walk through survey of the ward with casual interviews

To identify the stake holder and do a priliminary assisment of their issue

Rickshaw pullers were identified as the stake holders . Issues Identified : 1. Lack of place to sleep or rest. 2. lack of availability of basic amenities .

Primary Issues

2 Step

Image 12. A group discussion and same time recording the conversation Image 13 . Explanation of design options and encouraging them to share their opininon.


lIST OF IMAGES Image 1: Carrying passengeers Image 2 :Carrying goods Image 3 :Doing other odd jobs . Image 4: 3 people like this rickshaw saying that they really need some resting place during the day time Image 5: 2 people like this design saying yes it’s difficult to go around for personal works with the one he owned Image 6: 2 people like this option saying its similar to our existing rickshaw with additional things Image 7 : 2 people like this option saying looks an easy idea can be incorporate in existing rickshaw they have. Image 8 :Only one person liked this option only because it looks different



LIST OF FIGURES. Figure 1 : Regional setting of the site Figure 2 : Location of rickshaw puller Figure 3 : Location of railway station and metro stations . Figure 4: Distribution of stakeholders related to rickshawpullers according their influence on the richshaw pullers. Figure 5: Distribution of stakeholders related to rickshawpullers according their power and influence .

Secondary research :

Online reseach and intrviews to understand the issues state level.

To identify the stake holder and do a priliminary assisment of their issue

Image 14 . Putting tally marks against the prefered option.

Issues of 1. Fatigue 2. Physical sorenes due to lack of resting space. Secondary Issue Issues of 1. Fatigue 2. Physical sorenes due to lack of resting space.

Image 15. Doing the above activity with a new set of participants. same time recording the conversation




1. Conclude on the probable issues. 2. Created a set of proposal that centered around the issues of comfort and long Physical working hours


LIST OF TABLES : Table 1 : Documentation of interview

To find out the prefrences of the stake holder .

Method Found out the needs of rickshaw pullers via 1. Interviews 2. Surverys 3. voting

1. Introduction TO THE LAB: The aim of the lab is to learn the procedure of stake holder participation meeting. The three stages of stake holder consultation are : 1. Identifying the stake holder along with individuals and organisation concerned with them . 2. To set an agenda of te meeting based on the issues they face or are challenging. 3. To an interaction design to conduct an effective meeting. These steps were followed by reporting that is concluded in the format of this report. TO THE SITE : WARD 81 n ;Kishanganj Ward 81N- Kishanganj falls in the North Delhi District of Delhi, India. It is a part of the Sadar Bazar Constituency. It is one of the early extensions of the old city of Shahajanabad and today is majorly a residential area. The northern and southern ridges lie on the eastern side of the ward. The other areas surrounding the ward are Kashmere Gate, Kamla Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Patel Nagar, Karol Bagh and Sadar Bazar. The ward is sandwiched between two railway lines with three railway stations on its periphery- Sabzi Mandi Railway Station, Kishanganj Railway Station (on the ring rail) and Sarai Rohilla Railway Station. The Red Metro line of Delhi also passes through the Ward with three metro stations on it namely- Shastri Nagar Metro Station, Pratap Nagar Metro Station and Pulbangash Metro Station. The total area of the Ward is 304.4 Ha and the population of the ward is 62,134 (as per new MCD ward boundary, 2016 MCD elections). Once an area of lush green gardens and farmlands, the locality today has various residential colonies, small scale household and flatted industries, logistics & transportation, markets, local shopping areas, parks, etc. Almost 40% of the land area in the ward is occupied by the railway colonies around the three railway stations. The important roads are Vir Banda Bairagi Marg, Swami Narayan Marg and Bansal Marg.

Fig 1 : Regional setting of the site

TO THE STAKE HOLDER : THE RICKSHAW PULLERS The location of the ward is such that it is surrounded by state level whole sale markets. Kishanganj is dominantly residential in nature. The houses become places of house hold and flatted industries. The area becomes a significant part of the ecology of good produce and sale. 1. The morphology of these residential area is that of narrow lanes and high density built. The colonies of Pratap nagar, Padam nagar , East -Moti Bagh areas are inaccessible by car or truck . Rickshaws become the only source of movement for people and good . They play a vital role in assisting mobility in ward 81n. 2. It’s a sustainable mode of mobility. 3. Presence of metro stations (ShastriNagar,PratapNagar) and railway stations (Sarai Rohilla, SabziMandi, Kishanganj) attracts number of Rickshaw pullers for the last mile connectivity to the surrounding neighborhood. 4. Presence of industries and warehouses rickshaw becomes the important mode for goods transport. 5. Lack of bus connectivity in Ward-81n Kishanganj which makes rickshaws more important for day to day commute. No. Distribution of rickshaw pullers according to : • Services at Metro Stations Sastri Nagar Metro station = 40-50 (approx.) Pratap Nagar Metro Station = 25-30 (approx.) Pulbangash Metro Station = 25-30 (approx.) •Services at Railway Stations Kishanganj Rly. (Goods and passenger)20 Sarai Rohilla Rly. (Passenger)30 Sabji Mandi Rly. (Passenger) 10 •Serving the industries for goods distribution: 30 nos.

Fig 2 : Location of rickshaw puller

1.3 Income and expense distribution All of the cycle rickshaw pullers reported variable income dependent on the income of the day. The average daily earnings of a puller ranged anywhere between Rs.200 and Rs.400.The expenses were split mainly between the basic necessities such as food and rent of the cycle rickshaw.

Fig 3 : Location of railway station and metro stations .

Almost all of the workers slept either by the footpath or on their own rickshaws that would be parked inside their garage. Only a very few cycle rickshaw pullers rented rooms to live. But in the case of rickshaw pullers who live either at the garage or by the footpath use public toilets and washrooms. An amount of Rs 5 is charged for using the toilet and Rs 10 for taking a bath. If the worker is in urgent need of using the toilet, the charge is doubled by the public toilet staff, exploiting the condition of the user. 1.4 Lifestyle and Health Risks

Understanding the bigger picture: Status and Challenges of the Rickshaw Pullers in Indian An estimated 8 million Cycle Rickshaw Pullers work in India. Of which, 6,00,000 Cycle Rickshaw pullers work in Delhi alone (Kishwar, 2006). A large number of the Rickshaw pullers in Delhi are constituted by a migrant population, hailing from agricultural backgrounds, who come in search of seasonal employment. Cycle Rickshaw pullers fall under the category of unorganized sector or informal economy. The informal economy being ignored to be considered for Occupational Health and Safety benefits, rickshaw pullers face many occupational health and safety related issues. The informal economy workers are not given importance in policy frameworks across the world. 1.1 Challenges of Rickshaw Pullers Most cycle rickshaw pullers lead a life of hardship as they work for long hours and live in vulnerable conditions. Work hours stretch to 12 to 15 hours in a day and majority of the workers sleep in makeshifts structures called garages or on pavements. The pullers are exposed to harsh weather conditions and extremities, i.e. sun and cold, at work as well as at the place of rest. These are susceptible to a threat to their health and livelihood due to the work and living conditions (Hindustan Times 2015). The work environment including the work hours, physical effort and the minimal wages lead up to poor living conditions in general, making the case worse, given that the health and safety conditions of Cycle Rickshaw pullers remain unseen by policy makers. 1.2 Process of acquiring rickshaw and nuances Cycle rickshaw owners called ‘garage owners’ or ‘thekedars’ own about 100 to 500 rickshaws in a locality and rent it to on a daily rental basis to cycle rickshaw pullers. It is a fairly easy process to rent a cycle rickshaw for a person wanting to work as a puller. A large majority of the rickshaw pullers had acquired their cycle rickshaw on rent from a garage owner through acquaintances who gave the guarantee,

Accommodation The number of workers who rent out an accommodation facility to live is not common. Most of the cycle rickshaw pullers stay and sleep at night by the footpath or on their rickshaws itself at their garages. Public toilet facilities are used by all cycle rickshaw pullers who do not have an accommodation facility. Work Environment and Work Conditions Cycle Rickshaw pullers in Delhi work for long hours in a day. On average for 8 to 15 hours taking breaks for a meal or two in between. Some rickshaw pullers mentioned that they take a break of an hour or so once in between, while a few others mentioned that the number or duration of the breaks also depend the money and the food that the day’s work brought in. Health Risks Developed from Occupation Legs and stomach ache were the commonly observed issues. Hip pain, whole body pain and general exhaustion were the common health issues observed. The health issues and diseases that can affect rickshaw pullers in their conditions of work can be classified in the following manner: Hot weather: Long exposure to sunlight can lead to heat strokes Monsoons: Subsequently development of fungal infections (communicable) and superimposed bacterial infections. 1.5 Acts and Policies Labor and industry regulations in India (Factories Act 1948; Minimum Wages Act 1948; Shops and Establishments Act 1948) lay down rules that no adult worker shall be required to work for more than 9 hours a day and for more than 48 hours a week. The regulations also restrain the spread over of working period including rest interval not to exceed 10.5 hours in a day. On an average, the working hours in an establishment with 6 days a week would be 8 hours a day. Thus we consider a regulatory norm of 8 hours a day as normal working hours and any work done beyond 8 hours a day on a regular basis would be considered work beyond normal working hours. (nceus, 2007)

Summery of the Rickshaw pullers at the Pratap Nagar Metro station.

List of Issues

-The rickshaw pullers are migrant population . only 10 percent of then have their permanent accomodation in the area. Rest of the th pullers sleep on the rickshaw it self. -They are often carying loads more that the capacity of self and the vehical. -Since they are always on the go , it is a need ,that they should have drinking water and washroom fascilities -The most alarming concern is that there is no place where they can relax and ease out the pain and labour of the day . -There are several reports that mention sour muscles and cramps for the rickshaw pullers .


Image 1: Carrying passengeers Image 2 : Carrying goods 3.


Image 3 : Doing other odd jobs .

Pre-Requisites before the Interaction Division of labor Team Work : 1. Creating proposals for the interaction. 2. Laying out of the flow of the interaction by doing role rehearsal. 3. Deciding the role medium of proposal presentation on site. 4. Preparing prints for the site. [one person job] 5. Typing questionnaire for the interview. [one person job] 6. Preparation of recording tools: 7. Charge and arrange DSLR 8. Carry notes notebook 9. Stationary : markers and pens 10. Charged phones for voice recording . Determinants of the interaction design: 1. To plan the interaction at their low working hours . Therefore , later afternoon time was chosen for the interaction. Rickshaw pullers have less passengers to cater to. Given the recording equipment’s , daylight was needed in order to have clear images and videos . Attire was chosen to make us seem approachable and grounded.

4. Interaction Design

To keep facts , figures and maps ready to introduce the area and the project to them. Graphical , real time photos of Rickshaw prototypes were preferred over renders and models in order to create a sense of seriousness about the outcome of the interaction.

Image 6 :

Image : 4

Image 5 :

Image 7:

3. Analytical Diagram A. 1. Analytical diagram is graphical representation of stake holders. The size of the cicle indicates power. 2. The circles are placed along the radial axes. The farther away from center indicates diminishing

Image 8 : Figure 4: Distribution of stakeholders related to rickshawpullers according their influence on the richshaw pullers.

B. The most interested groups are rendered powerlessin the case of rickshawpullers

Image 9 :

Figure 5: Distribution of stakeholders related to rickshawpullers according their power and influence .

6. Reporting

Site reporting Unforeseen Gestures : There were gestures that we hadn’t accounted for while designing the interaction. Impromptu changes that we did on the site : Instead of introducing our selves we first took their permission and whether they had the time and comfort to be a part of a casual inter view . we had assumed that in the siesta time there wont be any work and the interview would be stationary . Although on the site it was seen that the passengers were continuously coming even though the volume was less. we conducted the interview such that the rickshaw puller do not have to lose their turn or ride ,there for we started interviewing the last rickshaw in order to get more inter view time i.e. till the time it was his turn of picking up a client. 3. On the site we realised that the rickshaw puller did not know how to write . Therefore for voting purposes we asked to put a line or a circle as their vote on the image.





10 . This is how we dressed tup, a simple clothing.

13 . Explanation of design options and encouraging them to share their opininon.

11 . Started with one on one interaction by showing images . 12. A group discussion and same time recording the conversation

14 . Putting tally marks against the prefered option.


15. Doing the above activity with a new set of participants.

Table 1 : Documentation of interview

Summary of the interaction : -An approximate of 50% rickshaw pullers are floating population. -The recurring issue is that of resting space and harsh weather. -High rents and Lack of public toilet is an issue. -If their families are here ,all the members of the family are working in order to have a sustainable living in Delhi. -The rickshaw drivers sleep on the rickshaw itself and on rainy days they look for shaded spaces to rest. -They have an off on Sunday i.e. the rickshaw owners do not ask for rent . -The rickshaw pullers who carry luggage often have contact network with the clients . -They feel that having a meter can help them escape the bargaining. -the rickshaw owners do not own any land . They pay the police to let them stack on the footpaths and vacant lands. -The rickshaw owners recognise the repair issues and hence there is free service centre by the Pratap nagar metro station for repairing the rickshaw.

CONCLUSION The Lab was a lucrative a initiative taken by the department . The technique of reporting and documenting meeting was learned . It helped in conducting the focus group meetings for other subjects in an informed format. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anitha, S., 2017. Occupational Health and Safety of Workers in Informal Sector: A Study of Cycle Rickshaw Pullers in Delhi, Mumbai: s.n. Anon., n.d. Report on conditions of work and promotion of livelihoods in the unorganized sector, Delhi : National Commissioon For enterprises in the unorganized sector ENCLOSURE : 1. Transcript 2. Refered documents

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