Hungary Presentation

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Hungary Jae Hyun Jeong

Location of Hungary 

 Absolute Location 47 degrees north 20 degrees east  Relative Location Slovakia, and Ukraine on the north Austria on the west Slovenia and Croatia on the southwest Serbia on the south Romania on the east, Ukraine

Regions  Hungary capital is Budapest and many other main places such as Gyor, Pecs and Mskolc.

Physical Landforms 

Hungary is a mostly flat country, with a Great Hungarian Plain. This plain is about 56% of the country's land.


Mt. Kekes is Hungary's highest point. It is 1,015 meters tall. It is found in the mountainous area in the north along Slovakian border

Human Characteristics This is the Hungarian Parliament building

Goulash is the most popular dish in Hungary. They eat it in their homes every day. They cook it in different ways

Human Characteristic continued…  They speak Hungarian. HUNGARIAN

Hungarian Alphabet

 The money is the Forint or FT

Government  Hungary use to be run by a king in the olden days  The Prime Minister is the head of the government. His name is János Áder. He is elected by the members of the national assembly

Human Environment Interaction  The main issue in Hungary is Acidification  This is when the soil balance is out because of pollution  This is a problem for the freshwater fish and plants

Movement    

Safety Climate Job To live a good life

Sources    

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